The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 15, 1866, Image 2

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    Zhe Mfariettiart.
Saturday Morning, December 16, 1866.
rfir Nine beautiful young ladies re.
pounced the world and took the veil at a
convent in Montreal, last week. P. S.
—Ladies who take the veil_ are always
said to be beautiful, but we do not be
lieve it. On the contrary, we guess
they are either horrid ugly, deformed,
scrofulous, or wanted to marry somebody
who wouldn't have them. If, by any
mistake or rather whim, any one some
what pretty shduld happen to get into a
convent, they always flee from it after a
abort trial.
ear Mrs. James, of Chicago, was
about to be married, and received from
an unknown source a glass jar containing
the dead body of an infant preserved in
alcohol. Mrs. James fainted. A note
with the disgusting present read : I
am in search of P. Clark. Will my fn
tare stepmother tell me where to find
him ?" P. Clark was her affianced, but
from whence the pickled babe was spir
ited and expressed from, is a Chicago
sir A St. Louis saloon keeper named
John Med %learn, while partially intoxi
cated on Sunday night, threw a small
single.barrelled pistol across the room,
feeling vexed at his wife for a small
matter. The pistol,strnck a chair and
was discharged, the ball striking his wife
killing her instantly. His family rela
tions had always been of a pleasant na
ture, and the Coroner's Jury returned a
verdict exonerating him from blame.
Sr Ex• Governor Dennison has writ-
ten a letter to a friend in Washington,
in which he condemns the impeachment
project, and favors the constitutional
amendment, and, if the South rejects it,
would employ a policy which will break
their stubbornness. Mr. Dennison be
lieves that not a third of the Cabinet
concur with the President, and can not
see how the . disaffected members can
avoid resigning.
The Rev. Dr. Priestly,• who was
recently excommunicated from a Pres
byterian Church in Pittsburg, for adult
ery and other misdemeanors, is soon to
come before another tribunal to answer
the charge of an injured wife who asks
for divorce, not only on the ground of
iu,proper intimacy, but. for shameful
',bust), for violent and abusive . language
too disgusting for publication.
per' The wife of a man in St. Louis,
who had left home for a two weeks' ab•
Bence, imbed iately stied him fora divorce
en the ground of desertiob, offering
another man as witness. The divorce
49 granted, the woman married this
witness, and at the arid of two weeks the
husband returned and caused- them both
to be arrested for perjury and conspira
cy. Sharp practice all around.
lir Mies Mary E. Rice, a teacher in
one of the Charlestown schools, resigned
her position a few days since, for the
purpose of being united in marriage -to
a young man from the west. =The cere
mony was to have taken place on Fri
day, but en Saturday last she took sud
denly ill, and died -on Sunday. Her
affianced arrived just in time-to bid her
a long farewell.
11kr Rev. W. D. Seigfried, a Baptist
minister in Philadelphia, who was
charged with .unministerial conduct by a
woman in Philadelphia, has been acquit
ted by the Court of Quarter Sessions in
Philadelphia. The prosecutris did not
appear, it being supposed that she , ran
sway to avoid a suit ugainst her for per
fir The Bangor Whig estimated that
during the present season, the manufac
ture of lumber in Maine will reach 600,-
000,000 feet. The total 'value is not
lust than $15,000,000—t0 which must be
added the value of the abort lumber—
shingles, clapboards, laths, pickets, &a.,
from $3,000,000 to $4,000;000 •more.
tar It is announced in a letter from
Japan, that upon the death of .the late
Tycoon "ten high dignitarilis demanded
the unspeakable, favor of being allowed
to rip themselves up in honor of the .de
ceased ruler. Five only were deemed
worthy, the others not being sufficiently
noble to receive it."
lir Mr. Leonard Jerome, the million
aire sportsman or New York, has under
taken, as his last exploit, for a heavy
wager, standing 'Cu - the hare backs of
two horses, to drive four in hand around
Jerome Park. The feat will be - attemp
ted in
.a few,days, Lad excites much in
or A wife in New .OrNana stied for a
divorce and obtalbeiiii'olt•the establish
ed tosticnonrthit -piece of belt ribbon
acd a , bairpiO'bblimiging atko th ererbot
d 7 11 ! fqlP4ii9,!:hiNNalintrifOr`d*CACl".
lir It is said that Forrest has 'hid .
good-bye to the stage.
sir "The Scientific American," which
is the leading jeurnel of its kind in
America, will enter its 22d year on the
first of the year, whenjt will be greatly
enlarged milieu/increasing the subscrip
tion price, which is $3 per annum ; $1:50
for six months ; $1 for 4 months.
Clubs of ten and upwards, $2:50, always
in advance. Specimen numbers sent
free. Now is the time to subscribe, so
as to begin with the new volume. ' So
widely a circulated journal needs no
commendation from us—enough that it
stand's at the head of its class. Ad"-
dress Mum; & Co., 37 Park Row, New
II rOn the 17th ult.. the Rev. Andrew
Steward and his wife, of the German
Reformed Church, were received into
the Catholic Church, at Hagerstown,
Md., by the pastor of SA. Mary's Church
the Rev. Edmund Didier. For a num
ber of years past Mr. Stewart was pastoi
of the German Reformed Church at
* Barkittsville, in this valley, but a short
time since he relinquished his clerical
duties there, and in his farewell sermon
I '
announced the change in his religions
A panther has been prowling
around the vicinity of Florida, Monroe,
and Readeboro, Mass., for some time
past. He has killed in all over, one
hundred sheep and five calves for the
farmers in the above towns. Traps
have been set for him, and the hunters
have been out, but he cannot be caught.
He kills the sheep by biting them
through the skull.
, .
Rumors are hegiun i n g to circa
lea) of a change iu the State Depart
ment, It is now said that the Hun
Reverdy Johnson is likely soon to take
the position of Secretary of State. A.t
all events, it is pretty certain that some
thing has gone wrong recently, for it is
generally whispered in diplomatic cir
cles that Mr. Seward will 130012 retire.
Ggr Edward C. Crossett, of Berlin,
Vt., has been - out of health for several
years, and during that time has been
under the care of several physicians,
none of whom could determine the na
ture of his malady. A few days since,
after severe physicing, a striped snake
of.the common variety came from him,
which measured 85 inches in length.
Ire A. citizen of Louisville named
Bramback has sued the city corporation
for damages in the sum of $25,000, al
leging that the death of his wife and
daughter by cholera were caused by
negligence upon the part of the authori
ties, alleging that if they had properly
graded the streets, the deaths in that
vicinity would never have occurred.
sir A mass meeting of welcome to
Congress was held on Monday in Waah
ington. Judge Carter delivered the ad
dress of welcome, and was replied to by
Speaker Colfax. In the evening there
was a banquet, General Walbridge pre
siding, at which Ron. Thaddeus Stevens
made a speech - strongly denouncing the
sir In the city of New York there are
70 separate establishments engaged in
the manufacture of pianos, and the week
ly product is from 250 to 300 inatra
merits. The whole number manufact
ured annuallyy_ in, the United States is
between 35,000 and 40.000, surpassing
considerably the product of, any other
ow The man who gave the informa
tion which led to the arrest of John H.
Surratt is a French Canadian named
St. Marie. Be was formerly a Union
soldier and served in the Papal Zonaves.
Both he and Surat were in love with
the same lady in Washington, and St.
Marie betrayed Snrratt through jealousy.
ear Iron is not imperishable. Iron
houses, iron bridges, etc., must yield to
the corroding touch of time. An En
glish paper states that forty tons of iron
rust was recently scraped from the great
iron tubular bridge over the Menai
Gir,A calico. ball was given in Peters
burg, Va., on Thursday , evening, which
wile sued:Jod by the "first families" of
the city. The ladies .all appeared in
calico drossei,tind, white aprons, which
were-subsequently given t.t) the poor.
sir Mrs. Wird;of Utica, I:7 Y.JomP•
ed fromher carriage, the horses being,
as she thought, about to run away ; her
hoops caught on the springs of the ve
hicle ; she was dragged a mile and, a
half over a - stone road and killed.
sir It is rumored that Reverdy John.;
son will take a seat in the Cabinet, and
that.the Democrats will elect Governor
Swank to the unexpired term of two
years in the United States Senate.
jar James Welch was brutally mur
dered,oll Susiday night, at New London,
Coon. Before his death- he testified
that ThomasDalay was the, man who
stabbed him, Daley was arrested.
General W... 11 Whipple, Chielcif
Geheral Thomas' stair, bas returned
from a southern inspecting tour, and re
ports•-the feeling against- thwtiorth and
aortherneis daily
Why was Hell lAA a reniaa;
organization ? Bebaase !be bad a head
sant her. , _
Ntb3s in .313rrit.
John Shultz, aged 117, is the oldest
, h
Metodist a we.
The population of the District of Co
lumbia is set down at 122,867.
There are 12 colored schools in Balti
more, attended by.,2soo..ptipile, •
There is $93,000,000. of gold in, .the
Treasury, at Washington.
.The " Negroes of the War," is enoth-,
er book to be published by Frank
Nearly nine thousand pupils in the
public schools in Cincinnati are study
ing German.
A blind Georgian, who wanted a par
don, offered five thousand dollars to see
the President.
A fellow robbed the Beaver. Dam,
Wisconsin,. post office, confessed, retain
ed the money and was let go.
A man in Toledo, Ohio, who had the
smallpox, was denied admittance to any
house, and died in a buggy, under a shed.
It is a curious fact that negro suf f rage
once existed in Tennessee, and to it, at
one time, John Bell owed his seat in
Gov. Pierpont sent his message to
the Virginia. Legislattire on Tuesday.
Be recommends the ratification of the
Constitutional amendnient.
A Norwich, Conn., clergyman says
there isn't a quart of pure spirits of any
kind in that city, and will pay $lO,OOO if
there is. He ought to know.
A Democratic paper says that "An
drew Johnson is a man of '"strong con
victions." The Norwich Bulletin thinks
he's mach stronger on pardons.
It has been definitely settled that a
large delegation from the Northwest
tribes of Indians are to be sent as a
cogribution from the United States to
the Paris Eiposition.
The crew of the whale ship Antelope
brings home a gold watch and silver
spoons belonging to Sir John Franklin
and word as to where the remaihe of the
explorer are buried.
Steps have been taken towards con
testing the seats of Messrs. Archer and
Phelps, Congressmen eledt from Balti
more, on the ground that they were re
turned by a disloyal vote.
The illness of Miss Anna E. Dickin
son, at Rockford, Illinois, will oblige her
to cancel all her Western engagements
for this season. She will Phil
adelphia as soon as sufficiently recover
ed to bear the journey.
In gavannah, a one-armed Confeder
ate soldier, who sells newspapers, re
cently sold in a few weeks 1,000 spelling
books. Eight hundred were bought by
freedmen, an interesting evidence of
their desire to obtain education.
In view of the rumor that Confederate
notes are again coming into circulation
in-the remote South, the Mobile Times
says, "We can add that Mobile wood
dealers will take them even,—cord for
cord. If this be, treason, make the mott
of it."
A etory comes from Wisconsin that
Senator Doolittle has so changed since
his conversion to ''my policy," that the
family dog did not recognize him, and
no petting or feeding could induce the
quadruped to give even a wag of wel
The Herald's Washington special
despatch °•says : "It is believed here
that after the adoption of the suffrage
bill for the District;-the city charter will
be taken away and Washington will be
governed by a board of four Commission
ers appointed by the President.
Slidell, the once fomons rebel Minis
ter to France and one of our most active
enemies in Europe, recently applied to
the Government for pardon through Mr•
Bigelow, Minister at Paris. The reply
of the Government was that no inter
coarse or correspondence of any kind
could be held with Mr. Slidell.
A case of prolonged lethargy has oc
curred near Yvetot, France. A young
man aged twenty, has now been sleep
ing for about three weeks. Gruel and a
small quantity of wine are passed down
his throat every day. His respiration
and pulseare regular. He is said to
have lain in a similar state for a fort-
night aree years back.
Nearly two thousand Germans now
leave Europe every week for the United
States, in the Bremen and . Hamburg
mail steamers. A compau 't estabi4b
ed at Copenhagen, to encourage. the
emigration of Danes, Norwegians and
Swedes to the United States. The
children of all these emigrants are taught
die English language as the mOther
The Young Men's Johnson Club, in
Washington, it is announced has been
turned into a temperance society, since
the election.. This shows a commend
able zeal for thedntereste of A. J. It
is gratifying to see them giving their
efforts the direction which their pa,
tron has.most need and will. bo_ most
likely 4otzbe. `beciefitted. We have
4Okrificino:hae .
`ever been a tri'enNer . of tile ()lib: . "Wl'
t .00 • in.
A mother who found her two daugb•
ters in a low place of amusement in
Chicago a few nights since, lead each of
them out of the place by the hair of the
head, to the astonishment of the specta
A lire. Mason, in Mogadore, 0., bay
ing circulated discreditable stories about
a Mrs. Roofs and daughter, a . son 'Cf
Mrs. Roofe shot Mrs. Mason dead, and
then left for Elena - unknown.
It appears from a Montreal despatch
that the assassin Sarratt was. ~
by a Canadiaa, who served with him in
the Papal army. The informer is on his
way to Washington.
A lady in Washington who was drag
ged a distance of thirty feet, by her
hoops catching a street car;has recov
ered three thousand dollars damages.
A person who was unable to be pres
ent at a " wooden wedding " in Detroit,
!eat week, sent his regrets written on a
• It is said in Washington that the
British and Freich Ministers are dis
satisfied with the President's Message.
The cholera slings to Cincinnati with
great tenacity. It 'killed eight persons
in that city last week.
Sir Frederick Bruce attended the
races at Washington in top boots and
a red cutaway coat."
. A hotel in San Francisco boasts of a
library of 300 volumes for the use of its
Rev. Henry. Ward Beecher has de
dined to give lectures this winter.
U. S. SENATOR.-A newspaper corres
pondent gives the following list of
names "from which the Legislature will
be permitted to choose a Senator."
Many of the gentlemen named by the
writer will probably never have other
evidence of being candidates for this
little position, but the more the mer
rier :
Andrew G. Curtin, Thaddeus Stevens,
Wm. D. Kelley, Wm. B. Th . omas, M.
Russell Thayer, Jno. W. Forney, Mor.
ton McMichael, J. M. Broome', Ed.
McPherson, J. K. Moorehead, Thos.
Williams; Wm. H. Armstrong, G. A.
Grow, Jno. Covode, H. L. Cake, Jas.
Pollock, Jno. C. Kunkle, John Cessna,
L. W. Hall, U. Mercur, S. A. Purviance,
Simon Cameron, Jno. H. Walker, An.
drew Stewart, A. K. McClure, John
Scott, Harry White, W. W. Ketchum,
H. D. Maxwell, G. W. Scofield, non.
B. Cochrane, Lemuel Todd, J. F. Hart
ranft, D. A, Finney.
cir A.dvices from Franklin, Pa., state
that C. V. Culver now held in custody
here by the civil law, was brought be
fore Judge Trunkey, recently, on a writ
of habens corpus, and asked to be dis
charged on the ground that he was a
member of the Thirty-ninth Congress
from the Twentieth Congressional dis
trict of Pennsylvania. After able argu
ments by counsel on both Bides, Judge
Trunkey decided that a member of
Congress was not entitled to his pr;-
vilege when held for an indictable of
ilk It is rumored that a company has
been organized by Charles A. Dana for
the publication of a uew morning news
paper. It is said he has purchased the
Herald establishment with its presses
and printing material, and that the first
number of the new paper will be issued in
February, when it is anticipated44he
Herald will occupy its quarters one
Broadway. Upwards of $460,P00 - : - havu:
been subscribed for The new enterprise.„,'
N. Y. paper,
isr A monstrous gun, the third ever
Made of such monstrous size, has, just
been finished at Knap's great cannon
foundry, Pittsburgh, Pa. Its weight is
115,200 pounds, its length 243 inches,
its diameter 64 inches, its bore 20 inch
es wide and 210 inches long, and it
shoots a ball that weighs a thousand
•pounds, and requires 80 pounds of pow
der to load: it. The cost of such a gun
is $30,000.
Gir A Washington despatch announ
ces that the Senate will pass, by a two
thirds vote, bills for the admission of
Colondo and Nebraska into the Union•
The rapid extension of one of the east
ern branches of the Pacific railway
through Nebraska is hastening its de
yelopement, and Colorado will •soon be
reached by the , branch that is being
constructed through Kansas.
lir There is the best authority for
saying that the President has positively
determined not to interfere in the ebse
of Jefferson Davis by ordering his re
lease on paiore, but that he will remain
where he is until arrangements can be
made for his trial, some time during the
coming spring.
'lle In the municipal election' held in
the city of Hartford, Conn., on Monday
the Republican ticket was elected by an
average majority of L 94. This is'a Re
publican gain of nearly 700 over the
Spring election, When the city voted
Democratic. by 479 majority.
Arthur Kanmagh, a candidate for
fromAreeford, Ireland, was.
born without arms or legs; .but is, a very
smart fellow. _ He 0,. sie a ane .orator,
splendid - yaelitintti4PC SC4Pikid. in a.
sort of bowl on his 'bared, rides like a
en. • ,f or the hoe.ols.
Sputa' Noting.
goizokozotrs DISEASES. Water mast be
adapted to the nature of the fish, or there will
be no increase ; the soil must be adapted to the
seed, or there will be no returns; and the hu
man body must contain impurities or there
will be no sickness. The man whose bowels
and blood have been cleansed by a few Brand
reth's Pills may walk through infected districts
witliont . fear. "The life of the flesh is the
blood." To secure health we muse use BRAND
RETH's Pills, because we cannot be sick but
from unhealthy accumulations it the bowels
or the blood, which Brandreth's Pills remove;
this method Is following 'nature, and is Safe,
and has stood the test. of tune. See B. Brand
reth in white letters in the government stamp.
Sold by all druggists. (D
Irivastors ! Do you wish to lisve,isesiiair
cauterized from the scalp 4 No. Men be
ware of the new brood of Vitriolic and Caus
tic Dyes- got •up by nostrum mongers, who
bear the same relation to the responsible chew
ist that Pirates and Privateers do to honest
merchantmen. Remember that the experi
ence of years, and the very highest scientific
endorsements, gaurrantee the superiority of
Christadoro's Hair Dye over every other in
use. It is purely vegetabie. infallible and in
stantaneous. Manufactured by J. CHRIST
ADORO, 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold by
all Druggists. Applied by all HairDressers.(D
ERRORS OF YOUTH.-A gentleman who suf
fered fox years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all:the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi
ence, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OG
DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York.
STRAROE, BUT Tans.—Every young lady
and gentleman in the United States can hear
something very much to their advantage by
return mail (free of charge,) by addressing
the undersigned. Those having fears of being
humbugged - will oblige by bbt 'noticing this
card. All others will please address their
obedient servant, Thos. F. CHArmen, 831
Broadway, N. Y.
to all &hem for family and manufacturing
purposes ; contain all the latest improvements;
are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want
ed. Liberal discount allowed. 1%0 consign
ments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO, 616
Broadway, N. Y.
warning and instruction -for young men : also,
Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros
trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of
releif. Sent free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGH
TON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, vailadelphia, pa. [july 1,166-Iy.
rhe•Vmer,s Zinat Zdeolee a-veal
For useful things and things of sport,
The gay and serious here resort.
Superior Skates—Ladies Men's and Boys',
Pocket Books- every variety,
All styles ot Coal Oil Lamps,
New styles, Ladies Morocco Satchels,
Good-wife's Companions—new,
Latest novelty in Port Folios,
Extra fine Pearl lind Ivoty handled Pocket
Repeaters, Sharp's Improved, (Knives,
Sleigh Bells—fine plated and white metal,
Hair Brushes—durable and cheap,
Axes, Hatchets and Hammers, „
Razor Strops—Emerson's,
Duston's Hand and Tennant Sawa,
Wringers. late improved,
All varieties of fine Ivory and common 7 able
Rolling Pins, Washers &c., (Cutlery,
Eley's Amunition, Wads and Caps.
"i 2 POYSTERS!.* t 'e* -
I am now in the receipt of the best of Oysters
which will be served up in the usual vane.
ties of styles. I will have fitted up for the
winter months, warm and comfortable rooms
on the first and second floors, for the
which department will receive particular
attention. G. U. GOODMAN,
Goodhpo's ice, Om* & OuFtet 541000.
Marietta, September 15, 1866.-tf.
First' National Bank of Marietta.
is now prepared to transact all, kinds of
The Board of Directors meet weekly, MI
Wednesday, for discount' and' other business.
It•Bank'Mours : . From 9 'A. sr to 3
Another arrival of those incomparable Gas
Burning Parlor Stoves. Also,
Call and see them at .T. ST'ANGLER'S.
SOMETHING NEW ! Patent clasp pock
et books, no gum bands to renew ) adapte
to any condition, of the finance, at
H E celebrated Gutta Percha Oil Blacking
I makes a beautiful water proof polish. For
boots; sticies, harness, &c. For Sale only at
Dr. Landis' Drug store. •
AHNESTOC VS Nonpareil Chemical
Writing Fluid now ready and far stile
- , . General Ag ent.
itCHOICE Lot of Books for children , called
indistructahle Pleasure Books ; School and
aper Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen boldera
&c at ' • • DR: LADTDIS,..
SHADES at remarkably- low prices—
to close out Sow( SrArtdr.ia.
rpo LANDLORDS! Just received, Seotcb
land Irish WHISKIES, warran
ted to - be pure, at H. D. Renfornain,s.
JTOB 'PAINTING of every description ex
ecuted with neatness and dispatch at the
oti ice, of. The Mariettian.
AIR ROLLS, the ^ latest fabhion--call in
at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and see
t e m—all the rage now, in the cities.
WEP OUT THE FLIES ! Cheap and or
amental dish - covers of wire, at
Q PIC EBOXES, Sakai boiei; frait jars, win-
Lidow blinds, looking glasses at
- 1 - 100 It IVIATT,
II JOHN gPA/VGLAiliVaill:BcAlavl'ißE
TilwiL4SS- iikTcelain,lined „Keiser ving kettle
e 3
at " JOHN SP . 4.NGLER'N: •
!. .' ' `
Reasons why the Ali pc„z IV6:tch
Made at WAL T.H.4 it ,
,4e on the best principle. Its frame
is composed of solid plates. So jar can inter
sudden wit
shock ca h the harmony of its workings and no
n damage its machinery.
es well as forks
my piece is made and finished by machinery
(itself famous for its nov
effectiveness) and is therefor e openly made.
The Watch is what all mechanismshould be
—accurate, simple, strong and economical.._
Except some high grades, too cnst`y for o , ter i
al use,. foreign watches are chicilymsdely.
women and boys. Such watches are comp n .
sed of several hundred pieces, screwed and tin.
ited together, and require constant repairs to
keep them in any kind or order. All persons
who have carried ancres," " lepines"
Is English Patent Levers," are perfectly and
aware of the truth of this statement.
At the beginning of out entetprise, tone
than ten ten years ago, it was our first inject
to make a thoroughly good low priced watch
far the million, to take the place of these fur
eign impositions; the refuse of foreign facto.
ries, which were entirely unsaleable at bows
and perfectly worthless everywhere.
How well well we have accomplished this,
may be understood from the fact that atter so
many years of public trial, we now make more
than halt of all the watches sold in the United
States, and that no others have ever given such
universal satisfaction. While-this depot meet
of our business is continued with increased fa.
cilities for perfect work, we are at prevent en.
gaged in the manufacture of watches of the
very highest grade known b Chronometry, un
eaqualled by anything hitherto made by our.
selves, and unsurpassed by anything made in
the world. For this purpose we have the am
plest facilities. We hays erected an addition
to our main building, and have filled it with
the best workmen in our service. New ma.
chines and appliances have been constructed
which perform their work with consummate
delicacy and exactness. The choicest and
most approved materials only, are used, and
we challenge comparison between this grade
of our work and the finest imported cronome
ter& We do not pretend to sell our watches
for less money foreign watchers, but we
do assert without fear of contradiction that
for the same money our product is incompara
bly superior. All our watches, of whatever
grade, are fully warranted, and this warrantee
is good at all times against us or our agents in
all parts of the world.
CAUTIOW.—The public are cautioned to Ot
only of respectable dealers. All persons sell
ing counterfeits will be prosecuted.
Robbins 35 Appleton,
Agents for the American Watch Co.
Dec.B-Im] 182 BROADWAY, N. r
J 01 -1N SP ANGLER has just received HA
has lor sale this celebrated Wri.g,er, with
Or without cog-wheels. This is now regarded
as the best machine in use. It is more easily
adjusted to the tub, and is wider than any ma
chine of the price. No. 1, without eac-wheel
with ten inch rollers, is selling at eS ; 0.
with cog-wheels, $9 ; No. 3, with cog-wheel,
1l inches, $ll.
Laundries, and thousands of Families
It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron
pass smoothly over the cloth, saving inuchtiine
and labor. Goads done up with it keep clean
much longer, consgeuently will not ❑•ear out
so soon. It makes Old Linen look like Sew!
Oqh lippekint Bine is lig best in (113 a
It is soluble in hard as well as soft water
It is put up in the safest, neatest and most con
venient form of any offered to the public.
It is warranted not to streak the ado.
Agents w anted everywhere, to whom we der
extraordinary inducement.. Address,
N. 218 Fulton-st., New-York.
October 20, 1866.-3m.1
WOULD most respectfully take this meth
ed of informing the citizens ut Martens
and the public in general, that, having laid in
a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prepaied to
manufacture all kinds of
in every style aad variety, at short
He has on hand a lot of Furniture of his own
manufacture, which for fine finish and good
workmanship, will rival any City make.
EEspecial attention paid to repairing.
He is also now prepared to attend, in all its
branches the UNDERTAKING business, be
-ing-suppied with an excellent tierce, WV
and small Biers, Cooling Pox, &c.
itr COFFINS finished in any style—plain
or costly.
Ware Room and Manufactory, near Mr.
Duffy's new building, near the " Upper-Sla
lom," Marietta, Pa. Oct. V.
and General Machinists, Second stree
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are
prepared to make all kinds of iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnace! ,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; CoWool ,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
thugs, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinerl
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Besringe.
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil
C o
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water ; Bras
tinge in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers,. &c.
From long experience in building machinery Ire
Batter ourselves that we can give general !fedi
faction to those who may favor us with the;r
orders. 113".B.Ipairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit thetimet•
• ColiMabi ~.Oito.her.2-6.1860- 14 tr
YQN'S Pericdical Drops, and Clark's Fee