The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 08, 1866, Image 3
gariettian. ; 1 1, " .frning Deeetece• 8, 1866. 5--;;;rngPassenger train for Lan d pho d e lphia r will leave the upper :fr m i n utes fie 8 o'clock. The 1/ minutes pass upper westwark. will after 12 o'clock, NOON. ; I:1 7 2 :"` I dation train eastward :- '4:,risl•b.2',F,' so:v= l c - ;inutes after 6 o'clock, in the --dturning arrive here at 43 t2l 61:clock in the evening. ram'Sanders and Walter Pry. rcaugut a .Lit tot _oat_og down the vehoo , ri , few days since. The „ er ca a o btain , 1 by calling on either above. 0 . 'Tosco:, of the Railroad Hotel, ba de the recipient of a fine saddle foolson, sae day last week, from ene ismrous friends in Clearfield. ritsd tbe e plea3ure of enjoying a deli a few days since, for which „fil Owe consider our beaver rf 11. Bookman, Convicted Ifiit January term of the Court of ,'lnlereossiona r tis county, for uitiogbter, in the sbhoWing of j o b, i:gotobler, at NI ountvillo, this county, r,dotenced to pay ft fine of 6100 and :.,lego an impriionment, of two years ,:htlee months in the Eastern Peni rl igy, bus been pardoned by the 13r.CotritclA Branca. —The Commit. Agocceiltnen and citizens appoict.- 01 t h e borough council to take ?met in reference to the Columbia ;! ,:;e,ciet cu Thursday evening last. gar roini‘ed that tho Secretary be uutify the authorities and ~,I,>tesof York, Wrightsville, Marietta, : orat e, Mount Joy. Litiz, and Read- for lber to appoint eompnittres to I .a.l4gii•tt'iug, to 'on held on Thor@ 13th, at 1 o'clock, at the m Columbia, to devise some No tc briug about the early reeon• vas of the Coitattibk bridge•—Co• Dry,a-ilar is about to re•o th,,i tho head of Uay 1.1. c ., corner lot above ;;ray,-yard', from lieu erecting there liben.a contribution tit heretofore dry vi :thy Ithout recourse 1: 4 ..1:',13111r'4' pump. CAI; its U. Rauch, an old citizen justice of the SIA der in 1315, and E.ucli for forty years, died •L n o oc Turz,day tnoruing =I &Line-AlattLa Ear Cape was] tun k irtit Natioual Bunk Church, ou Saturday evettiog ~ 1:r will b Ch+•rally reward it .at tivs otter', W:: ileruld of Dr. P. Hinkle has pur -4.,,, residence of B. K . 4, "liSecuilif street. fur the sum of dollars.' ut . the Fir,t National ;Al Marirttu, for the enning fiscal be ei‘tetrti on the eighth ulti vlv, isern t In n lt,cv days the ()eater property from sale and persons % , :r , 'facoutf.rtable and neat reside [lee 1 apply soon. See advor• r:t iu ::anther column. is Noah il. and Abraham U. Zook, wero brutally murdered 4 q l eaatieu twenty milee from few weeks since. tic bretherh had leased a plantation 4 hOgrown upon it a crop of cotton t;e11 they v,,ire gathering when• A lady, who keeps her eyes open, ~laihe has examined all the latest 44 reports and visited all the prin. 1 ? al millinery stores, to pick out a iirter boanst. She reports, as the re -31 °fast examinations, that there are ,Ntly•six different styles of bonnets but that there is not one then that a sensible lady, who wishes g 14 1.! against cold and neuralgia, tcish to wear ; but then they all tor them, for 'one might as well be °l tte world as out of the fashion," 4 kzow, d 'a fieheol in Connecticut a boarder 441nt landlord $2O, and a receipt for , 1° iVer requires a two cent stamp, ' lll 4s gave the boy a receipt for $19,- / ) "d have him back one penny, thus t,li q 00 5 cent. if anybody can beat tlthtir, meanness, let's hear of it. lro a e woman who wss lately buried It Quincy, 111., d rescued in t° We her life, says she knew ell " ,aok place daring her trance atate, 4tvaa unable to speak or move a limb. 4er 'ttay Seward'H dim:latch to Min '°tbir Bigelow through the Atlantic , Jl e, coat the Government, nineteen .tou,tid dollars in gold. MARRIED.' 4 ________ r:413 b orough, 7 ____ Tuesday evening, •` e . 4 th. 1866, by the Rey. Joh° ••' 4 Pr Mft qpvi t v B. Stavo, of -• -at O. 53 putal DlAtltirs HAM UAL CONSTIPATION. How to effect a certain and permanent cure. Some occu pations of life predispose to Costiveness, es pecially those which allow but little exercise. Persons who contract this unfortunate habit of body, under such circumstances, might pos sibly be relieved by changing their sedentary employments for others of a more active kind; but this is by no means certain. Habitual con etipation is a very obstinate disorder. All the ordinary so-called remedies invariably aggra vate it. Nothing can be more injurious than the continued use of strong aperients. They at first irritate, and finally almost paralyze the bowels—rendering them so torpid that enor mous doses of cathartic medicines have no of feet upon them. A mild aperient, combined with a gentle stimulent, is the true remedy ; and a combination in the happiest proportion, of these ingredients, is found in "Hostetter's Stomach Bitters." This famous Stomachic in vigorates the whole intestinal canal, while quietly removing from its convulsions all im pediments to a free passage through them. No mere purgative has this double operation, No ordinary stimulant effects the desired ob ject. .Cases of Constipation abandoned as hopeless by distinguished medical men have been cured in a few weeks by the Bitters. To those who have tried all the medicines of the dispensary in vain, we say try this irresistible stimulant and aperient. There is no sufficent reason why Constipation should be the conse quence of sedentary habits. Ilostetter 3 s Bit ters, by supplying the vigar which would oth erwise be derived from exercise, will in all cases enable the system to perform its excre tory functions regularly and healthfully. (D. A II um aum—How often we hear this ex pression from persons reading advertisements of Patent Medicines, and in nine cases out of ten they may be right. It is over 19 years since 1 introduced my medicine, the Venetian Liniment to the public. I had no money to advertise it, so I left it for sale with a few druggists and storekeepers through a small section of country - , many taking it with great reluctance; but I told them to let any one have it, and if it did not do all I stated on my pamphlet, no one need pay fur it. In some stores two or three bottles were taken on trial by persons Ines( nt. 1 was, crazy, and that would be the last they would see of me, 13ut I knew my medicine was no humbug,. In about two months I began to receive orders for come Liniment, some calling it my valuable Liniment, who had refused to sign a receipt when I left it at their store. Now my sates are millions of bottles yearly, and all for cash. J warrant it superior to any other medicine for the cure of Croup, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Vomiting, Spasms, and Sea sickenness, us an internal remedy. It is per fectly innocent to take intern illy, sec oath ac companying each battle,--and externally, for Chronic Rheumatism, Headache, Mumps. Frosted Feet, Bruises, 'pram, Old Sores, Su el -1 ings, Sole Throats, &c., &c. Sold by all the Druggists Depot 56 Cortland str. , et, N. Y. Ita'CliniesompTtote curable by Dr. Sehenck's Medicines. To cure Consumption, the system must be prepared so that the lungs will heal. To accomplish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleansed and an appetite created for good wholesome food, which, by these medicines, will be digested properly, and good healthy blood made; thus building up the constitution. tkhencles Mandrake Pills cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucous accumulations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is restored. chenck's Pulmonic Syrup is nutricious as well as medicinal, and, by rising the three remedies, all impurities are expelled from the system, and good, wholesome blood made, which will repel all disease. If patients will take these medicines according to directions, Consumption very frequently in its last stages yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver and stomach. It does not follow that because the bowels are not costive they are not required ; for some times in diarrhea they are necessary. The stomach must be kept health), and an appe tite created to allow the Pulmomc Syrup to act on the respUrat sry organs properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is required to perfotm a permanent cure is, to prevent taking cola; exercise about the rooms as much as pos sible, eat all the richest food—fat meat, game, and, in fact, anything the appetite craves; but be particular and masticate well. [2 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Water must be adapted to the nature of the fish, or there will be no increase; the soil must be adapted to the seed, or there will be no returns; and the hu man body must contain impurities or there will be no sickness. The man whose bowels and blood have been cleansed by a few Brand reth's Pills may walk through infected districts without fear. "The life of the flesh is the blood." To secure health we muse use BRAND RETIl'a Pills because wq, cannot be sick but from u,lhealthy accumulations is the bowels or the blood, which Brandreth's Pills remove; this method is following nature, and is safe, and has stood the test of ttnte. See B. Brand reth in white letters in the government stamp. Sold by all druggists. (0 INVAL=IOI4 ! Do you wish to have your hair cauterized from the scalp? Pm. t hen be ware of the new brood of Vitriolic and Caus tic Dyes got up by nostrum mongers, who bear the same relation to the responsible them ist that Pirates and Privateers do in honest meichantmen. Remember that the experi ence of years, and the very highest scientific endorsements, gaurrantee the superiority of Christadoro's Hair Dye over every other m use. It is purely vegetaLie, infallible and in stantaneous. Manufactured by J. CHRIST ADOIIO, 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.( D Easons or Youra.—A gentlemen who suf fered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who seed it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence, can do so by addressing JOHN B. CM- Dry, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York. MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY.—An essay of warning and instruction for young men : also, Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of releif. Sent free of chqrge r in sealed letter envelopes. Address, DR. J. Sitizals flouns TO • Howytl Association, No. 2 . Bouth Ninth • A To CONEWMPTIVES.—The advertiser hav ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is an xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription, flee of charge, with the directions for preparing and useing the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron chitis, Colds, a nd all throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, FRRI, b: return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. lArrisox, Williamsburg, Kings County, New-York. Lir 113 — Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea ted with the _utmost success, by J. ISAACS, D., Oculist and Aurist, (former') of Ley den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE .st., Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be:seen at his office. The medical faculty cre in 7ited tc accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with out pain, No charge for examination. ITcH!--ircH!!--Ercii !! ! Scratch Scratch!!—Scratch!!!WHEATON'S OINT MENT will cure the rrcH in 4S hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and all er mtiom, of the skin. Price 50 cents. Far sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS Sr. PoTTza, sole agents, 170 Washing ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the Union. STAARGE, BUT TRUE.—Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something - very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, Trios. F., 831 'Broad w ay, N. Y. EXPIRE SHUTTLE. MACHINES are superior to all others for family and manufacturing purposes ; contain all the latest improvements; are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want ed. Liberal discount allowed. No consign ments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO, 616 Broadway, N. Reasons why the American. Watch Made at WAL TER 11 - , Mass, IS THE BEST. It is made on the best principle. Its frame is composed of solid plates. No jar can inter fere with the harmony of its workings and no sudden shock can damage its machinery. Ev ery piece is made and finished by machinery (itself famous for its novelty, as well as for its effectiveness) and is therefore openly made.— The Watch is what all mechanism should be —accurate, simple, strong and economical.— Except some high grades, too costly for gener al use, foreign watches are chiefly made by women and boys. Such watches are compo sed of several hundred pieces, screwed and riv ited together, and require constant repairs to keep them in any kind or order. All persons who have carried " ancres," " lepines " and " English Patent Levers," are perfectly well aware of the truth of this statement. At the beginning of our enterprise, more than ten ten years ago, it was our first object to make a thoroughly good low priced watch for the million, to take the place of these for eign impositions; the refuse of foreign facto ries, which were entirely unsaleable at home and perfectly worthless everywhere. How well well we have accomplished this, may be understood from the fact that alter so many years of public trial, we now make more than half of all the watches sold in the United States, and that no others have ever given such universal satisfaction. While this department of our business is continued with increased fa cilities for pelted work, we are at present en gaged in the manufacture of watches of the very highest grade known t;) Chronometry, un eaqualled by anything hitherto made by our selves, and unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For this purpose we have the am- plestfacilities. We haya erected an addition to our main building, and have filled it with the best workmen in our service. New ma- chines and appliances have been constructed which perform their work with consummate delicacy and exactness. The choicest and most approved materials only, are used, and we challenge comparison between this grade of our work and the finest imported cronome tere. We do not pretend to sell our watches Jar less money than foreign watchers, lint we do assert without fear of contradiction that for the same money our product is incompara bly superior. All our watches, of whatever grade, are fully warranted, awl this warrantee is good at all times against us or uur agents in all parts of the world. Ca UTIOIL—The public are cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. All persons sell ing counterfeits will he prosecuted. Robbins & Appleton, Agents for the American Watch Co.. Dec.B-Im] 182 BROADWAY, N. Y TREE TO EVERYBODY! o A Large 6pp Catalogue, teaching HOW TO REMOVE TAN, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions and all impurities of the skin; how to force Whiskers, Restore, Curl and Beautify the Hair; Renew the age; Cure Drunkenness, Nervous DEBILITY, and other useful and valuable information. Ki" Everybody send for it. Address, BURGER, SHUTT'S 4 CO., Chemist, 285 River-st., December 84 Troy, New-York E LECTION NOTICE. Vint NATIONAL BANK of MARIETTA, DECEMBER 5, 1866. An Election for NINE directors of this Bank to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking' House, on TUESDAY, the Bth . day of JANUARY next, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock, P. M. Annual meeting of Stockholders at the same time and place. AMOS BOWMAN, Dec.B,-3t.] CASHIER. CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERS an ex cellent article for ladies. Just received and for stile at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store. LYON'S Periodical Drops, and Clark's LYON'S pine. The golden Mortar EST Quality of Wines and Liquo ra fcir N EW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA I BOWERS 4- STEACY, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. invite the attention of persons in want of Fall Goods to their large and cheap stock, recently pur chased in New York and Philadelphia. Full line French Merinocs, plain and figured wool DeLaines, Poplins, Reps, Cashmeres, Scotch Plaids, Plain Medoras. LADIES CLOAKING CLOTHS, Balmorals, hoop skirts, handkerchiefs, collars, &c., &e. Mullins at 121 cents and upwards; Prints at 124 cents and upwards; Cotton flan nels, 25 cents and up ; Ginghams. 22 cents and up ; Woolen Flannels, 40 cents and up ; Ticks and Checks at tuitions prices. MEN AND BOYS WEAR Full line black French cloths, Doeskin and Fanc) Cassimeres, English and French tmitings of the latest designs, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Neck ties, gloves, &c. GROCERIES. In this establishment will always be found a choice lot of Teas, Coffees, Sugars and Syr ups. Having purchased our stock ron CASH enables us to offer bargains to purchasers. !Er An early call is solicited. Marietta, Sept. 29, 1866. F ALL & w INTER GOODS ! A LARGE AND WELL DIVERSIFIED STOCK OF FALL AND • "VNTin_ter Goods Have just been opeaed by SPANGLER & RICH, T(0. 66 . I(t - ,1i.ket frezf, - -I)lAtielfa, PA. Embracing full lines of Ladies Fashionable Dress goods, desirable plain styles Dress goods, Sacking and Cloaking Cloths, Stella, Thibit and Plaid Shawls, Balmorals and Spring Skirts in all sizes, Calicos, tiingharns, Muslins, Pil low Case and Shirting Muslins, Checks, Sheet ing, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Chambrys, Diapers, Counterpanes, Coverlids, Blankets, Crash, &n. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR. Ciatin & lists, Caps, Shirts and Drawers. Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Carpets, Carpet Chair. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, &c. Full setts Iron stone and Granite Queensware, a variety of Glassware. Groceries of all kinds, Sugars, 5, rups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Cheese, Rice, &c., &c., &c. 'The bulk of our goods have been bought in packages from the manufacturers, at the low est cash prices; we are, therefore, offering great bargains to purchasers. An early call is [mit:b-iy A GENTS WA NTEL) for the tnost popular end best selltug subscr:ption BOOKS PUBLISHED! We are the most extensive publishers in the r .l !to- United States six houses] Ind therefore can a fiord to sell Books cheaper and pay agents a more liberal commission than any other Co. Our books do r.ot pass through the hands of General Agents (as nearly all other subscrip tion works do,) therefore we are enabled to give our canvassers the extra per cent which is usually allowed to General Agents. Expe rienced canvassers will see the advantages of dealing, directly with the publishers. Our series embraces tho most popular works on all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly both North and South. Old Agents and all others who want the beat paying agencies, will please send for circulars and see our terms and compare them and the character of our works wi,h those of other publishers. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass., Cincinnati, Ohio, Chicago, ill., St. Louis, Mo., or lticlimond, Va. dt A Pleasant Home For Sale, o she rO'arcte7l The Carter property, situated on the west end of Market street, in the Borough of Mari etta, two doors east of the residence of James Dully, esq., is offered at private sale. It consists of THREE LOTS of GROUND, upon which are erected a Two Story Frame Dwelling louse, at present occupied by two families; also, a Stable and convenient out-buildings. It con tains a large variety of choice fruit trees, all in bearing. The property commands a splendid view, and is, altogether, one of the most de sirable residences. in the Borough. For terms of sale apply to F. L. BAKER. November 17, 1566.-tf. 4 , 4 Opposite Me Buttonwood Tree 1 if HERTZLEII & GUION, [ SUCCESSORS TO JOHN HERTZLEA, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES AND LIC2T_TC).Ft.s.s, No. 82.1 _Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. rErn=il=l Mishler's _Lterb Bitters for sale D OWN THEY COME; WE WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A Choice lot of Cheap Dry Goods ! Purchased since the decline and will be sold, 20 per-cent. less than their usual price ! IC? Come and see us and you will go away satisfied that this is the place to get your mo ney's worth. BORERS & STEACY, No. 61 Market street, Marietta, Pa. No. 520 Arch Street, Philadelphia. HAS A LARGE STOCK OF FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE AND SILVER-PLATED Ware, suitable for Holiday 4. Bridal Presents. December 8,1866.-2 m. DR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, OF THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG. OFFICE:—Front street, next door to R. Williams' Drug Store, between Locust end Walnut streets, Columbia. -7DIAMEL OF AMERICA, for beautifying p the complexion, softening the skin, re moving tan, freckles and pimples. Sale at Dr. Landis' "Golden Mortar." COAL HODS, Coal Seives, Coal Shovels P‘ kera, Stove Grates, Cylinders and:• Li nings of different kinds, kept on hand at JOHN SPANGLER'S. KRAUT STANDS, Meat Stanas, Wine Kegs, Tubs, Buckets and cedar-wale generally, constantly on band at J. SPANGLER'S. DR. IL LANDIS is the sole agent for the Sale of MISBLER'S BITTERN, in the Borough of Marietta G OL e DEN MORTAR. ROGER'S Celenrated Pearl Cement and Oil Paste Blacking at • " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. _ I==l LGEO. A. 61110 N HENRY HARPER, AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION! AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION!! AMERICAN ARTISTS UNION!!! The American Artists' Union [established 1854] announce that in order to extend the sale of the following well• known and highly Popular Steel Plate ENGRAVINGS : Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers • ; for America, - - - 27x36 in. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 27x36 The Last Supper, 26x42 Fallstaff Mustering his Recruits, 25x30 Skakspeare and his Friends. - 27x31 Cotter's Saturday Night, 23x28 Village Blacksmith, 27x32 Manifest Destiny, [Fortune Telling] 21x28 The Massacre of Wyoming in 1776, 28x36 Mount'Vernon in the olden time, or, Washington at 30 years old, 26x34 The escape of Alaster McDonald from the Massacre of Glencoe, 26x34 The Madonna, 26x34 They have deemed expedient to offer them to their friends and the public, at Or E DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS each, the price heretofore having been $2 each, and for the purpose of stimulating the getting up of clubs, they have determined to award premiums to the getters -up of the clubs, and in addition thereto to dis tribute amongst the subscribers the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS - in money and paintings, as soon as the sale shall have reached 100,000 engravings. As it it is our intentioa to advertise very extensively, and as the engravings are very well known throughout the whole country, we have no doubt that with the low price we charge for them and with the exertion which will be set forth by our numerous friends, the number will be reached in a very short time. s-soo4 as it is reached, the subscribers, throrgh their club Agents, will he notified by a circular letter from us, naming the tune and method of dis tribution.' • • - CLUB BATES. Single Engraving $1.50 each—by mail, free. l'or $l5 we will send 13 Eng. and 2 to the Club Agent. For $2O we will send 15 Eng. and 1 to the Club Agents. For $25 we will send 20 Eng. and 5 to the Club Agents. For $3O we 1%111 send 25 Eng. and 6 to the Club Agent. For $35 we will send 30 Eng. and 7_to the Club Agent. For $5O we will send 50 Eng and a Silver Watch. For $75 we will send SO Eng. and a Silver Lever. For 100 we will send 110 Eng. and a Hunting MD2 - - The Club packages will be very securely packed and forwarded by Express. Any person may get up clubs and forward the amount either by Express, Sight draft, Post Office order or in a registered letter, and in all cases the engravings will be immediately sent, and for each engraving a numbered Cer tificate and receipt will be enclosed in the package. C. 0. D. ORDERS.—Persons wishing to send for Engravings and pay the Express Co. when they are received, will be required to send with their order $2 to $5, according to its amount, and this will be credited on their bill. LIST OF PREMIUMS TO BE DISTRIBUTED. One of $lO,OOO in money $lO,OOO 5,000 " 5,000 " Five of 1,0005,000 Ten of 500 5,000 I Fifty of 100 5,000 One hundred elegant 011 Paintings. richly framed, Landscapes, at $lOO each, 10,000 Two hundred elegant Oil paintings, rich ly framed, Interior Views, at $5O each 10,000 The American Artists' Union would add that these premiums are to be considered only in the light of a free gift to their patrons, as the engravings are furnished them below their market value, and as the cost of engravings, after the plates are procured, is very trifling, they can easily afford to make the distribution arge as it is. We trust that our numerous friends through out the country and Canadas will use their utmost exertions, so that if possible, the dis tribution may be made soon, and it can be done if they are at all active• Ladies have often made excellent Club Agents for us, and we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unrewarded. Let one or more energetic per sons in every town and village in the country commence as soon as they see this, and get up as large a club as possiole. By so doing they wlll be the means of introducing elegant en gravings into families, and thus aid in cultiva ting a taste for the beautiful and refined. A ddress orders SEC' Y AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION, 14-3 mind 2.5 Pine St., New York. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. - 0 - BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM ENGRAVING! REDUCED PRICES TO CLUBS -o The Saturday Evening Post gives a beauti ful steel engraving (named " One of Life's Happy Hours ")-26 inches long by 20 inches wide—to every single ($2.50) subscriber, and to every one sending us a Club. It will commence in the first number of January a new story, called ("The Outlaw's Daughter ; a Tale of the Southwest," by Em erson Bennett, author of " The Phantom of the Forest," " Prairie Flower," &c. This will be followed by other serial stories from the best authors. Shorter stories, essays, sketches, letter* agricultural articles, &c., are also regularly given. The Post is neutral in politics—being exclus ively devoted to Literature and does not dis- Icuss Political or Sectarian queshons—leaving these to the political and religious press. it offers among its premiums, Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Machines, Silver-plated Tea Sets, Spoons and Pitchers, Gold and Silver Watches, D.:mble-barrel Guns, Allen's Rifles, Melodeons, Clothes Wringers, Appleton's Cy= clopeduts, &c. New übsclibers who subscribe now for 1567 will have their names entered on the list of THE POST at once, and receive the whole year 1867 besides. TERMS: 1 4 copy, and large premium engraving, $2:50 - - • - - - 6:00 " • 1 gratis, - - 8:00 8 " - 1 gratis, - 12:00 20 " - 1 gratis, - 28:00 One copy each of The Post and The Lady's Friend, for Four Dollars. The getter up of a club will always receive a copy of the Premium Engraving. Members of a club wishing the engraving must remit $1 extra. Those desirous of getting up clubs or premium lists, should enclose 5 cents fora sample paper, containing the particulars. Address IL PETERSON & Co., 319 Walnut-et., Philadelphia. JOHN BELL. Merchant Milor, Car. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta rtRATEFLIL for past favors I would returr 1....Xmy thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a ul I and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTIVGS which will be made up to order at the shorte notice by the best of workmen, and on reasons ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wai upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize me hereafter. f 0ct.29-,56. Vt,STATE OF HENRY S. LIBH ART, r 4 Late of the Borough of Marietta, Deed. Letters of administration on said estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having define or demands against the same will present thern without delay for settlement to the undersign d, residing in said Borough of Marietta. C. - A. SCHAFFNER, Admtnistrator. Marietta; October 20, 1866.-6t] Q PIC EBOXES, sugar boxes, fruit jars, win - dow blinds, looking glasses, at JOHN SPANGLER'S. WOR MATTS, Ex TbHN SPAl432.ll4".Hilliteph;bp'RE New Trimming and Variety Store, Opposite Diffenbach's old stand, and two doors West of the Golden Mortar Drug Store, Market Street. MRS. MARGARET ROTH BEGS leave to announce to the Ladies of the borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she has just returned from Philadelphia, where she laid in an entire new stock of fashionable and useful TRIMMINtI S AND FANCY AR TICLES, ki OTIONS, Ixc., embracme; all the Novelties of the Season, among which will be found the celebrated new sty-le Trail Hoop Skirts; Plain lc, Fancy Garters; Queen floods, Childrens Coats 64 Sacques Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet ibbons, Gimps, Cords and, and Buttons in endless variety. Paper and Linen Collars and Cuffs for Ladies and Gents, Hosiery and Gloves, Linen & Emb'd Cenral!, 'Zephyr Shawls, Plain & Emb'd H'dkfs. Opera Caps, Silk Se Zephyr Scarfs Suspenders, Germantown Wool, Twilights, Breakfast Coseys. Braids and Shetland Wool, Bindings, Zephyr Yarn, Laces, Neck-Ties, BALMOR ALS gi SKELETON SKIRTS, Corsets, Belting, Edging, Ruffling, Cord of all colors, Fancy Fans, Kid, Kid-finiiii Silk and White Lyle Thread Gloves, Silk Mitts,Embroidery, Men's Gloves an Neck Ties, Pearl Cuf Buttons, Belt Buckles of various styles, Tape Trimming, Linen and Thread Lace, Thimbles, Silk Tassels, Emery Bags, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, &c., &c. Particular attention has been paid to the se lecting of small wares, such as Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &e. ft:The public are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. 11:3". Mrs. R. is agent for the sale of the cel ebrated Singer "A" Family Sewing Machines which took the first premium at the late New York State Fair. She will also instruct per sons purchasing from her, how to work the machine. WINES & LIQUORS. lz.l= • H. D. BENJAMIN, DEALER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Corner of Front-st., and Elbow Lane, MARIETTA, PA -o-- EGS leave to inform the public that he Dwili continue the WINE St LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. lie will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins. Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, BENJAM EN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON RAND. A very suyerior OLD RYE WHISKEY. just received, which is warranted pure. 13' All H. D. B. now asks of the pubic is a careful examination of his stock and pri ceY which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from him. $.50,000 Estate of George W. Stahl, late of the Borough of Marietta, deceased. Letters of Administration on said estate have been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same wlll piesent them without delayfor settlement to the undersigned. JACOB STA HL, residing in the Borough of Marietta. CONRAD ZEIGLER, residing in East Donegal township. Marietta, Nov. 10, 1566-6 t. it,4 p OYSTERS ! ,(! t I am now in the receipt of the best of Oysters which will be served up in the usual varie. ties of styles. I will have fitted up for the winter months, warm and comfortable rooms on the first and second floors, for the ACCOMMODATION OF THE LADIES, which department will receive particular attention. G. U. GOODMAN, Gooch as lee, elreaSA & Ousta. ''4looft. Marietta, September 15, 1566.-tf. First National Bank of Marietta MIS BANKING ASSOCIATION T HA VINO COHPL ETED ITS 011GANIZATION Is GOW prepared to transact all kinds of BANKING BUSINESS: The Board of Directors meet weekly, ou Wednesday, for discount and other business. ir-r.Bank Hours : From 9a.tuto 3 P. It. JOHN HOLLINGER, PRESIDENT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. - HINKLE, ~/I.4aLLan and ,V'ar-a eon, ITAS located permanently in Columbia, and offers his professional services to the citizens of that place. He may be 'ound at his office, at the resi dence of Benjamin Haldeman, on Locust-st., every day from 8 to 10 a. in., and 7 to S p. m. Persons wishing his services in special cases, between these hours, will leave word by note at his office, or through the post office. 77C.T_ Worra.,ll, Surgeon Dentist, Ora MA RR ET STREET, ADJOINING Spangler & Rich's Store, second floor, MARIETTA, PA. MARK THE SEASON! - - Anolarrival of those incomparable Gas Burning Parlor Stoves. Also, THE IIiIPRHVED VULCAN HEATER. Call and see them at J. SPANGLER'S. OMETHING NEW ! Patent clasp pock- CI et books, no gum bands to renew, adapte I to any condition of the finaoce, at JOHN SPANGLER'S. H E celebrated Gala Percha Oil Blacking j_ makes a beautiful water proof polish. For boots, shoes, harness, &c. For sale only at Dr. Landis' Drug store. A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called A indistructable Pleasure Books ; School and Paper Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders &c „at DR. LANDIS,. ALARGE LOT OF KU F WINDOW SHADES at remarkably low prices— to close oOr JOHN SPA NGLER. rp O LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch I and Irish WHISKIES, warran ted to be pure, at H. D. Benjantain's. TOD PRINTING of every description ex ecuted with neatness acd dispatch at the 0 thee of The Mariettian. HAIR ROLLS, the latest fashion—call in at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and see : them—all the rage now, in the cities. EEP OUT THE FLIES ! Cheap and or namental dish covers of wire, at JOHN SPANGLER'S. BR'porcelain lined preserving kettles, cheap, at JOHN SPANGLER'S. `'RAIL SKIRTS . — Go to Mrs. ROTH' hod see them. 130BASTR;lecti celebrated E. D. ET.7,7/.len