FRED'K L BAKER. p 14. LANDIS, PR HENRY LANDIS, DR. ITESRY LANDIS, At the "Golden Mortar," iit the "Golden Mortar," ,41c.rket Street, Marietta, yariet Stre et, Marietta, Keep constantly on hang ii r, . F v 3 , R. . i N ft. ~.. 4 .'.' 5... , o a •4 41 , g ~, :,, ?, '4 , F. v , NI et il ,;* : .t? : r.; : . 3 , g. 2 r ® g ;-••• .. 4 . G .' tl St '• 0 .- r-f. ....c1 4 , 5 '?, 6:i 3jtl,7' g°' w o ' . P g P. a 7 , B . .1. ; F.. : ::: at s' - q • •;; „ .:?,,,, A. 47. 0. ... ri 2' fa : 4 4 ~-1 0 g , . 7, 27 :" r. g 4 ,1 t. . - *, I:. = t 0 •7i• - = I" 5, Zs sa, ;: , 7'.9 carefully compounded Remmber the place, Remember the place, Groue'e old Stand. ti. , ove'g old Stand. t4ive us a call. Give HS a call. iRITTON St MUSSER'S M l Ol DRUG STORE. Strett, Marietta, Pa: ML e , q. a, successors to Dr. F. c... , 1,11.t.f. the business at the old daily receiving additions I are received from the and manufacturers. q...l; , .:rettelly ask a liberal share pr,sare3 to supply the de i.:slte with everything in their 1 heir stuck of AND MEDICINES • :1* e, t:.\Vt5C JUST AltltYVElf: n .I.i.nes anal IL , qttai's LTSES ONLY, HE PCPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. tined., Fancy and Toilet As , knt, Alcoholic and Fluid and fteainoids. all 'lie. Slip ;.;Trx,,l:UldC•T 13:1:CP2,1 , 1rEntst NI!.!Fle 54P i 1 e..,d liotth s, A ;ago eupply of !AIL PA CLOTHES BRUSHES. ; and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Hair i yea, Invigorators, &c.; ,',„,:es. Chimneys, %Vick :applied at reasona le rates. Pie,ctlcti ma carefully and no : ,t,ird all hours of the day and ^1.,.: H. V.ritTon, Pharmaceutist, :Litt Minn to this branch a. ts Having hod over ten years coca in the drop, business ens , 71:tive rutirt; SattSflietiOil to all .;,>ln:eleze the new firm. School Books, Stationary, always on hand. rhJND. 11011 IIS: A T' - 4 to 2, aud sto 6 p• m. fl tirtf,)n. A. ilfusser. 071,•'cr 20, ISO. 11-tf Ladies rttNrY FURS! t . . at John Fareirtesi (. 1 - ;;AA. _ OLD ESTABLISHED 1; 4 1'4 ys.lf'w,- -- ::if_.;Fur Manufactory, No. 718 ARCH above 7th, Philadelphia. . P store of my own importation ' .csarture nue of the largest and most sriectirul o of FANCY IN/ KS, for Childrens , wear, in the city. Also of Gent's , ft G' OYES AND CrILL ARS. t" b ~a led to dispose of my goods at very ble prices,And I would therefore soli tfrons my friend of Lancaster county RB r- , obey the name number and street. JOHN PAREIA, ) , 7 , 1 30,-.10, side, A I DEPHILALPHIA. 1, ! j'aye no partner, nor connection with ,Oer store in Philadelphia. 00-17 t. JsTOVEs! STOVES!! STOVES!! ' NTOvEe, COOK STOVES, ST 0 V ES . JO AN SPANGLER'S. ?4?':•OR PTOVES. ° PARLOR STOVES PARLOR STOVES, 44;;.414:711N1NG STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLER S. 11.W4 53 ST OVES,— u VULCAN STORES FDA HEATING TWO OR FOUR ROOMS WITH ORE FIRE—FOURTH N 0 READY-- CALL AND SEE THEM AT I S P'' Vler's Hardware and Stove Store .11ar41 Street, Marietta, Pa. ti't?qtG. 13A.ICER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' *CASTER, PA, 11. TH DUES. STREET 3, where he will sh profession in ail lie FNGLAND RUM , warranted gen nine N. D. Benjamin. a ctiolco lot receivei J. SPANGLER'S. It '. '' i T ''''' ''''. ' + . . IMIM ' MO : 1 1 . _ _ . . . . . . . , - N. . ~ , A .,V : , • e , , . ... ' . . . PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Office in " LINDSAY'S BUILDING," 'SeCtiVP floor, on Elbow Lane, between the Post Office Corner and Front-St., Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ADVERTISING RATES: One SQll.lre (10 lines, or less) 76 cents for the first insertion and One Dollar and-a-half for 3. insertions. Pro fessional and Business cal ds, of six lines or less at $6 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE; but for any sdditional lines, ten cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly e ad half yearly advertisers. Having just added a " NEWBURY Mouse rAiN JOBBER PRESS," together with a large assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of " THE illastErriair," which will insure the f ne and speedy execution of all kinds of Jos & CARD Pia I it a . IN a, from the smallest Card to the LARGEST POSTER. at reasonable prices. THE GOOD WIFE. It is just as y,on say, Neigbbor Green, A treasure indeed is my wife ; Such another for bustle and work I never have found in my life. But then she keeps every one else As busy as birds on the wing ; There is never a moment for rest, She is such a fidgety thing. She makes the best bread in the town, Her pies are a perfect delight, Her coffee a rich golden brown, Her crullers and pudding just right. But then, while I eat them, she tells Of the care and worry they bring, Of the martyr-like toil she endures, 0, she's such a fidgety thing ! -My house-isit,l2£4:o-fili a pin, You should see how the door-handles shine, And all of the soft-cushioned chairs And nicely-swept carpets , xesmine. But then she so frets 'lithe dust, At a fly, at a straw or a string, That I stay out of doors all I can, She is such a fidgety thing 1 She doctors the neighbors, 0, yes, It a child has the measles or croup, She is there with her saffron and quills, ti=er dainty made greets and soup, But then she insists on her right To physic my blood in the spring,: And she takes the whole charge of my bile, 0, she's such a fidgety thing I She knits all my stockings herself, My shirts are bleached white as the snow ; My old clothes look better than new, Yet daily more th?ead bare they grow, But then if a morsel of lint • Or dust to my trousers should cling, I'm sore of one serman at least, She is such a fidgety thing. You have heard of a spirit so meek, So meek that it never opposes, Its own it dares never to speak— A 1a5,,1 am meeker than Moses ! But then I am not reconciled The subordinate music to sing; I submit to get rid of a row, She is such a fidgety thing ! It's just as you say, neighbor Green, A ti ensure to me has been given ; But sometimes 1 fain would be glad To lay up my treasure in heaven. But then every life has its cross, Most pleasures on earth have their sting, She's a treasure, I know, neighbor Green, But she's such a fidgety thing. Car "Th omas, my sop," said a rather to a lad my hearing, the other day, " won't yori show the genthiman your last composition "I don't want to," said he. "I wish you would," responded the father. "I won't!" was the " I'll be goy-blamed if I do!" A sickly, half approving smile passed over the face of the fathor, as he said in explanation of his son's brusqurie: "Tom don't lack manners generally ; bat the fact is, he's got such a cold, he's utmost a fool !" Kind parent ! happy boy! There is a chap in 'Philadelphia who sap he never minds the hot weather, so long ae he is with his wife. She is such an Intense scold, --Speaking of tilting hoop skirts, the Louisville Journal valiantly says,: "Tilt so monk as you .please, ladies, we -oan Rani it ityo . t(seti " titkut trarsidania moat . itt amt eittlt A n 1 1 ffi • MAMMA, PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1866.. In our lag we endeavored to enforce upon temperance men the necessity of abßtaining entirely from all drinks that contain alcohol. From personal ob'ser vation we are induced to call your at tention to a subject closely allied to the above. While it is very important that we should know what we drink; it is no less important to see that we breathe the proper material ; as physical beings we are compelled to owe the continuance of our Hype to the elements and objects by which we are surrounded. One of these is air, the first and the last demand of our lives, we are incessantly inhaling it from birth to death. Air in its natur al state, consists of four substances, two elements oxygen and nitrogen, and two compounds carbonic acid gas, and vapor ; not chemically combined as some sup pose, but merely mixed, so as to be easily separated. The nitrogen of which there is in pure air about seventy-seven per cent. is the neutral or diluting principle ; and oxy. gen of which there is about twenty three per cent. is the active or life sup porting principle, the percentage of moisture is small and variable, the same with carbonic acid gas. This is the kind of air which the human respiratory sys- tem demands. In the process of breath ing the air is conveyed through the bronchial tubes and received into the air chambers where it is brought into con tact with the venous blood to which it yields a portion of its oxygen and in re turn receives Carbonic acid gas. It is by this process, and by this alone that our blood can be purified and revitalized. It comes into the lungs a 'dark liquid, meets the air freighted with the life giving elements, and exchanges its pois onous load for this element, and thus rqturns to the different parts of the sys tem robed in a beautiful crimson. It is this vitalized blood that imparts the hues of health to the skin, that gives the rosy cheek and ruby lips, to the fair ones. Let those who desire to be in possession of these remember that pure air is the only chemical necessary to procure them. Eyerytime we breathe, a certain por tion of air is deprived of a large portion of pxygen, if taken the second time into the lungs, another portion of oxygen is abstracted and so on, until it . will no longer sustain life. But this is not the only way breathing effects pure air for while it looses oxygen it receives in re turn from the blood, poisonous gases, which are exhaled and mixed with the The best authorities tell ne that we breathe every minute from seven to ten cubic feet of air, and hence unfit that quantity for respiration every minute. Think for a moment of our crowded workrooms, a room sixteen feet square and nine feet high will contain 2304 cubic feet of air, which will supply four persons for about an hour, and yet not unfrequently twice that number of per sons, and three times as long, are seen working in such a room. Is it any wonder then that such persons should become sickly and be continually com plaining of dyspepsia? Look at our evening parties crowded into parlors for three or tour hours the only, means of ventilation being the oc casional opening of the door. 'rkllnk of two or more persons sleeping in an almost air tight bed room, from seven to eight hours ; and then be not surprised at the many pale faces. If we could but see the mass of vitiated and poisoned air in which we pass so large a portion of our lives, should it fora mo ment become visible; we should flee from our stove heated, unventilated rooms as from a city swept with cholera or yellow fever. But these remarks aro, not only applicable to home ; but in al most all of our public meetings. Not unfrequently you sit listening to an ex cellent sermon until you are asleep, be cause you are inhaling poison all the time. It is time people should see to this, rather freeze to 'death than be pois oned to death. But we have not the space, er shouicl give some ,examples resulting from a want,of,proper ventila tion I. A. G. Marietta, December 4, 1866. " Ilave you any original poetry in your album, Miss Jeo,kins?" "No, but some of roffriends,bave.fs,vore,d me .with very original spelling." " That's the lastattempt to introduce' cotton into-Turkey," said-a wag, on-see log an old gobbler trying to swallow s cottiin, _.~ <~: •„_.ate For th e riet tian Temperance nspireti,Eloquence "•:,, • itwisf the most populous of th!':t , weitirn ; towns of the Commonwealth es i d tid+Abito o l d *o n e 'awe, Deacon BiAtfte; ..resident of the principal village, the other Deacon Crawfoot, a plain farmer, and living in the outskirte...upon the mountain side. Daring a protracted meeting, held in the village, Deacon Crawford eame in to at tend it, and received and accepted an invitation to dine with his brotherdeae on. The latter ( it was a good many years ago) had champagne upon his table, and asked Deacon Crawfoot to take a glass of wine. " No," said Dea con Crawfoot, " I never take wine." " But," urged his entertainer, " this is as harmless as cider, and no more intox icating. " Well," replied the farmer, "if that be the case, I will drink . alt. ° And he did drink, and drank • freely. The dinner ended, the brethren retarned to the meeting, which was a conference. Very soon after entering Deacon Crow foot, who evidently felt the inspiration of his generous dinner, Started to his feet and addressed his brethren as fol lows : " It seems to me, brethren, that I never had such spiritual views and emo tions as I experience now. And I thought it best to inquire whether these are confined to myself; or whether this may not be indeed a pentecostal season. Why, brethren, I never had such spirit ual views and emotions. It seems as if I was sitting astride the roof of this our consecrated temple, the organ swelling beneath me, the bells pealing above me, and every shingle on the meeting house playing on a jewsharp I '—New Bedford `'Who pese dese •Local Editors 2" The Cincinnati Times has the follow ing : Detective Harry, Hazen was met yes terday by a keeper of a beer saloon on Vine street, over the canal, who was laboring under considerable apparent excitement. Recognizing Hazen he stepped up to him with the exclamation,: " Who peso deco wnt you calls local editors ?" "They pick up items," said the offi cer, "dead bead into shows, &c." " Dey pick up items >? tink so. Is gold watch items? Is sixty toiler items ? Hey ?" He was asked to explain what he meant, which he did as follows : " Dis mornin' I was drinkia' lager mit mine friends all de while in mine saloon and in comes a young man---py tam he was such another nice young man wot dere never was already—and he pulls out a little sheepskin book 'and a lead pencil, and be says he pese local editors, and he wants me to tell him all cot there vos pout the row mit mine peer saloon last night. " I asks him wot kind o' business he was that row, py tam, wot kind of right ? " Und he says he reports_ am in de papers. " So I tells him all vot I don't know pont the rows vot some_ tam rowdies tries to kick out of mine saloon last night. Und . mine poarders gets around and they dells more tinge vet I redol leas, and de nice young man he sticks em down ip his sheep-skin pook, mit his lead pencil. Den he drinks glass lager, , which he don''t let himself pay for, py tam. • (I felt sure as sever was he was one ,little newspaper, fellow when he didn't, make pay mit mine lager. But dat makes nothing tifference. Delis no brinciple in dat )--and den he goes out, and I don't sees him agin all de wile. "Den one of mine poarders he finds himself stolen away from his gold watch py tam. Und My neighbor Schmidt he found sixty tollar What he hadn't got 1" "The nice young man who pretended a local editor, was a pickpocket," said 13rmert, “who.took that means to carry on his trade, and he succeeded , pretty well if he got a gold watch and sixty dollars." " I tinhs he succeeded pretty well, mine gal De next time -a man comes in my saloon mit his tam sheepskin pen cil and lead pook, and says he is local editors, py tam he don't gomes in !" b Dan," said a little boy of four years, "_give me ten cents, to buy ,a_monfcell. l .' " We'Xo got one t 000 k99 in the house now" said ttlmelder brother. • "I V /IP 4 1 it:ttliP l3 V l, 4 3 aid kittla fel- low "Yon," was tha-ral4. " Thewgive me ten cents' to'-buY this ntenhey-sodkv eaigdy. o • Hie brother 'shelled Out' Inisneditite;, ly, ane's alind. uncomfortable. You know you're ex pected to be ever eparklin' and " ear. To Avernus. Ward, London: castical," and the old wit won't come, MISGUIDED MAN I The Baldwinsville and you're kinder strainin of yourself. A Piece " , Spread Eagle " has printettigkiece of 'You're pain too much of Punch, may. you'rn out of Punch," which amongst be, and if I'm not much mistaken, Punch other stuff and nonsense about your die- is gettin too much of you. Don't go to reputable old show, hasgot in it.a toady- I think yourself underrayted by home in little paragraf which you onghter folks ;—when you do get off a good blush for, if blushin was in your 'line. i thing we mahe the most of it ; we are Here it is, bad spellin and all: I thankful for small favors from th it quar- "It will be remembered that on the occasion of the first battle of Bull Run, it suddenly occurred to the Fed.ral sol diers that they, had business in Washing ton, which ought not to be neglected,; and they all started for that beautiful and romantic city, maintainin a rate of speed during the entire distance that would have done credit to the celebrated French steed, Gladiateur." If the truth isn't to be spoke at all times, which it isn't—no more is it to be spoken in all places—and on no account whatever when it tells agin one's country and tickles her dedly foze. Now I know that when you break out in a new spot and tell the truth, it's jest that sort that's meaner than the common run of lies; and you know that you concockted that nasty little Bull Run "goak" just to ring in with the snobs and Tories ove there, and git the British Lion into your show. But I can tell you that you are makin a gratooitus old fool of yourself. They won't admire you in a eprawlin at titood. Thuy'd respect you a heap more if you'd stand right up to 'em and give 'em a touch of true blue Yankee inde pendence and spunk. You may say that you can't be expected to exhibit what you haven't got; but / say ,that if you have arey faculty, it's for doing jest that identical thing. 'Twas more'n half your capital in the ehow. bizness. I can tell you, too,`that the English have had Bull Runz of their, own, and they know that jest sich fellers as you be are the' ones that flgger in 'em. Other folks may flatter and applawd, and " lafe at little jests," but I shall .confiner to do my duty by you, without flinchin. Your morall sietim es relaxt. You need tonic of the homebrewed sort. You need a piece of my mind—you're kinder wiltin for it. S,ome of the Baldwinsville folks are a little took aback by your tarnin tail on your country, and fawnin on her enermies in sich a sickain stile. When the Min ister read the piece, he muttered some thin about its bein "tu Brutty"--and the Doctor, he says to me, "I should think it a clear case of softenen of the brain, if Mr. Ward "—" had any brains to soften," sayel. "Jest so," says he. But you didn't spring.. a mine on me. Nobody knows a man's weak pints, nor what mean tricks he may be up to, like the wife of his bozum. An incident of domestic life will exhibit you jest as Nachur and the show bizness made you. 'Twas the mornin after the, twins were born, and as you stood. gazin on.!em in pensive mood with your hands — under your coat mita; and I was weak enough to hope—(for I'm but a woman, like the rest of my seCt,) that the double blessin, had somehow made a new man, and a hull one oat of yoo, till you gushed forth—"Oh, Betsy Jane, would they had been hitched together, Siamese fashion What a mint of money, they'd a been for us." Now, a man mean enuff to tarn the misfortins—spozeta they'd been thus jined—of his innercent children to -ac count, in the show line, along with.two headed calves and five-legged pigs, might be expected to make capital oat of the miefortins of his coun'ry, spozen she had been thui misfortinit. But you wouldn't have gone and done it, if I had been like a ga;rdin angel at your side, or if I had had you anywhere within broom stick range. You wouldn't have fawned and frisked about the heels of a bloated aristockracy much. I know how Ms— you're ,goin it on your old demoralizin' principle. , " When you're with the Mor mons, do as the Mormons do ;"—but you disremember peger sayin',---"lt's a base bird that fowls it's own nest." There, old man, put that in your.pipe and smoke it 1 - • it may -be . the climit=it 'thay be the lickers•—but your Punoh "eseeys" ain't the gay and festive effewsions the world looked for; standin Sideer of the Atlanticl' -It doik.l-o - olc. as you was a-goin to " set the Thames afire and burn the 13r;itiSk ile. 4.4414041 say s the "genuine American homer" they talked about has struck in—thisrS's Belch a faint show of it about yoar stile at present. It's a jerky, exhausted eicir,t of a stile, as suggests spaznms and night sweats.. You'rn,ont of .your 'ellertnitnt . cleogick gellg,mo, sod flop Wu ME VOL. XIII.-NO. 18. ter. " How are the mitey fallen !" If you don't want to hear from me publickly, through the Atlantic Cabal, come home ! Hurry up your collecktion of furrin beasts and wax Eggers—( it's a nice place to colleck the former )--don't wait for all the Queen's children and grandchildren, for you'll be gray, as well es bald, before you get through ;—quit expozin of yourself to strangers, and come home to your lovin frens and .na bore, who are prepared for the worst you can do, and never expected much of you ;—come home to your faithful ,wife, who , is tired of bein condoled with for your melancolly "goaks" and dunned for your bad debts. BETSY JANE WARD. Baron de Kaib. r Among the enthusiastic foreigners who generously espoused our cause at an early period of the Revolution, and joined the American army, few are en titled to , more grateful recollections, by the present and future generations, than the Baron de Kalb. He was by birth a German, and had attained a high repo• tation in the military service ; he was a Knight of the Order of Merit, and a brigadier general in the armies of France. He accompanied the Marquis de Lafay ette to this country, and prottered his services to Congress, which were accep ted ; and in September, 1777, he was appointed .to the Office of major general. His alma and deeds were of a high order ; he labored for the liberty of all who were oppressed. He did not esteem rank but for the sake of performing greater uses to mankind. He was second in • com mand in our southern army, under Major General Gates, when arrangements were making for the battle of Camden (which Rroved so disastrous to our army, -in August, 1780 ), and cautioned Gates against a general action. But Gates said,. " Lord Cornwallis will not dare to look us in the face." And when an of ficer, who was present, said, " I wonder where we shall dine to-morrow r "Dine, sir," replied Gates, "why - at Camden, to be sure ; I would not give a penny to, be insured's beefsteak in Cam den to-morrow with Lord Cornwallis at my table." Baron de Kalb was decidedly opposed to the proceedings of Gates. and foretold the ruin that would ensue, and expressed a presentiment that it would be his fate to fall in the battle. In a council , of war, while the enemy was approaching, the baron advised that the, army should fall back and tike a good position, but this was rejected by Gates, who insinuated that it originated from fear. .De Kalb instantly placed himself at the head of his command on foot, and replied, "Well, sir, a few hours, per haps, will prove who are brave." The conflict had scarcely commenced when the militia under Gates broke and fled, leaving the guns behind. He im mediately pursued, as he said, to bring them back, but he continued his flight till he reached Charlotte, eighty miles from the field of battle, De Kalb, at the head of a few hundred Continental troops, contended with the whole British army for more than an honr ; hundreds of brave men had fallen around this hero when he was .overpow ered, baying received eleven bayonet wounds At the entreaty of his aid, Chevalier de Boysson, the British officers inter. posed, and prevented bis immediate destruction ; but he survived the action only a few hours. To a British officer, who kindly condoled with bim on his misfortune, be replied, " I thank you for your generous sympathy, but I die the death I have always prayed for—the death of a soldier,.fighting for the rights of man ; and, thoug,h I light no more in this world, I t i ruet t •,l„.- May be. still ,of some service in - the cause of freedom." General-Washington, - many - years af ter; visited the grave of De Kalb, and after looking on• it awhile, he exclaimed: `` - I:3'O' there lies the brave De Kalb, the ginertus,stranger who came from a dis tapt land to fight our battles, and to wa ter with his-blood the tree of liberty." Congress ordered him a monument, but it, ajuseeeyer erected, though the cit i isens of 6amdi;n, after .waiting a long time, enclosed his grave, and placed oe it: . a h,andsmiemarble, with an epitaph descriptive, 9( hie vittliai and sonless. • •