The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 24, 1866, Image 2

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    ?At J; arititiatt.
412111 h
SatualilyZotning, 110..bzin!)0)•-g4„18,6,0.
/or• 4 hoiribte murde4 weft c ommitted;
in Augusta, Illinois, lait week. •:Tesse
Rose wasokilled-by,lis fi son
nineteen, who afterwards confessed his
guilt and declared that his' mother bad
instigated the deed. It appears tbai
the father, , Jesse Rose, had been in the
habit of drawing the, money his , sons had
earned by their,lahor in . the neighbor
hood, and said he was going to draw
some forty-five dollars, due the eldest
son—who is nineteen years old-ob
Friday last, ion told him if he
. did
be would kill him. Thi father went to
a spelling school on that day, but did
not get,the money. The 'son, liowever,
supposing be had got it, by his mother's
instigation, and
~ ,acciampani94 •, by "his
younger. brother,
,hid behind a iitninp
near some bushes, by which his father
would return, and struck. him With an
axe, knocking his brains out ,and then
cut his throat with a 'batches knife. •
G a r With the opening of the fashion
able season, says the Now York Post,
an epidemic of marriage has set in..
The extraordinary ti * ctivitry observable
in the great jewelry stores on Broadway,
the fancy goods.establishments in Maid
en Lane, at the ,Milliners' and mantua
makers' shops, and' in the dry goods
trade, is accounted for by the happy
conductors of these places, on the' ground
that matrimonial - contracts, 'and cestly
wedding gifts are the preyailing fashions
of the fall. The clergy have their hands
fall ; the church sextons are in a:pitiable
state of tigitation , and anxiety , ; the faith
ionable'organiSts-are bringing out ,the
most famous wedding' marches . ; ; society
is furnished with Abundant gossip, and
money circulatea freely.,
. .
ar An editor hi Illinois recently saw
a patent clothes:washer!. It was_,the
shape ..of .a.,,rrow. The revela
tions of the ,wheel •
: put iu . motionn crank
that Moved:a.plunger that r poended the
nobody of the boa was moun
ted where the load f is itka _wheelharTow.
On the - torrof the - box was a wringer. A
lady- can put her clothes in her machine,
pick it up '
and` gO bit calling ;• the longer
her list of 'friends, the further 'she will
have to Wheel hei; burden, and . tlie bet
ter her clothes will be Washed. Calling
will then be of some use, and an eternal
gad.a.bout will become a, first ratexash
er woman. -
tar TbC'Richmond . Times of Saturday
says, "A fei - days since, a heavY draft
tug boat, ,While eigaged inn rice with
another tug to City' Point, in quest of
towage; succeeded fn Making . a safe' pas
sage through'" Dritler's Folly," more
fualiliarly known . , Dutch ,(dap: “By
this feat she,gained,six miles over her
sompetitor , i'and reached Alio Poipt
time to.socure the whole jutr : of towage
np tdu the city.- We ;learn ,that a project
is on font to improve this canal, and; if
possible, make it navigable for vessels
of all sizes."—
eir A 4.3hicago .despatch, states that
on Thursday a man, whose ; .is not
given, residing, in „Manchester, Towa,
murdered his family and then himself.
Returning home from his business, he
seized his gun, went into the yard 'and
shot'lne Wife, than'shot' hie Child 'and
maimed his wife's'mother, after Which he
cut his own' throat, causing — instant
death,—Jealousy is said to have 4een
the cause.
Ca' A mari named Dudley was recent
ly. the victim, ofa_singular accidet at
Dix Geld, nine .. He was palling stumps
in a field with- the aid of a machine,
when, a hook gave,. way, and ,flying,
struck him in the breast and.passed clear
through him, killing him instantly. _
Iliar It is now, stated. ; that ~ G eneral
Hartranft declines the position-tendered
him by the President, as Colonel in the
Regular army, and will serve out the
term for which he was elected as Aida
or General of this State. •
W A large fish was caught in the
Ohio river; a short•time ago, and the
stomach:oil opan ed, 'was 'found to
contain'a arnall'incioceo Wallet; holding
a two duffer and a valuable diamond
ring. • •
ftir The eight. 'hour labor system
doesn't, work well in Indianapolis: The
bfairt o labor, being
.wages ; are
wane... 1.010 at present, hig!3_,..prices me
chanics cannot support,their families.
iistiAJ.C.o.-irp.itait;arrosted• in Phila.
• Alithitt, ilfaToutwo own, for,stnaling4n
wedding ring From the finger
,of : ‘,4, Aend
tody wh . ordahrhad_ - been waiting on.
firqtev. 'Spargaboiiirifia‘reient
,spyntqa,ohiiiiiiiqVg - Mi9Mrchism
as "BasVid Ropery "-and/Brqad cliurch
ism as "dishonest:ipildelity."
Gr Maas aohßeallt§ l tstlit talon) aspre
sentative recruits to the army than any
other seven States in the Union.
wee 1
REPRESENTATIVE '' R O E 1 -1 8.- w' ill;be
remembered that Air e con ription
t 1 ' ar;
law, persons who o iyho tereinot
liable to Wilt*h, ciuldfpla4 in
the field "representative recruits." By
the provost marshal generals report it
appears that the whole number of these
recruits placed in the field was 1,202, of
~ .".,...-0- 4....,"i"..40%,"0.,",,,,.
which Massachusetts furnished the great
est number, 586. Pennsylvania furnish
ed 135 ; New York 119; Ohio 122 ;41-1
linois 90 ; Maine 65 ; New Hampshire
'39 CWisEtilitiiti2Brledisibti-Itird -Kew- ,
Vicky, each 21; lowa 19; TeEm i o.pV 16 ;
Michigan 15 ; Maryland 7 i ; ipirestis 8 ;.. 1
New Jersey and Connecticut each 6`;
souri 1. 4fukilgAlle t parsons who furn
ished representative-recruits were Ed
ward EferettFjPidt -Longfellow; Prof.
A gasiii,' DP for. - .Tana es "-Riissell 'Lowell
titid•RlFlDarial -i= '`. `-'•" 1 ." -
,NEottoSorPnan.-,A , specipl despatch
tp.The Fryess states -that the Chicago
siliMes;,the.leading. Democratic-paper, of
Illinois,and the whole,Northivest,itas..a
leading editorial, i rt.its issu
berntlivrepudiating President Johnson
and eadvdcatingne,gro.starrage4. It ag,
that if theemegronsoOritroyersyt.pen be
settled, there will be some hope for:the
.Demooraoy,tandi fortthislreps,on,qtdvises
that all, cl M e_d for the, enegro sbouldabe
:crincededtby,theaemocrats at ; the North
and,the rettels.rtt the 2 South.. It says
that negro ;i suffrage,,,ls ,inevitable, and
that whether: t, kunitersal or qualified
depe,nds altogether upon the promptness
•Orotherwise o with which the Democratic
party shall move-with reference to it.,
Or There are seven hundred and fifty
paper mills In active , operation in. the
United , gtates. They produce two hun
dred and seventy Million poundti of 'pa
peE, which, at an average of ten nents
per pound, would be worth $27,000,000,
As it requires about a pound and one
half of rage to make one pound of paper
there are consumed by these mills four
hundrea million pounds in a single_ year.
If we estimate, the rags.,,to cost four
cents per pound there would be a profit
0f,511,000.000 in this brancli of business.
It was reported before the late
electioni—how truly vie - cannot ranch—
Mi. Seward had confessed .
that if the
Republicans 'carried 'New York he
Should ansider the result a direct inti
mation that he had forfeited the Confi
dence of the people who had honored
and sustained him throughout his long
career, that it was his duty to . seek 4 his
retirement' of private life. Well, the
intimation 'has been given. See if Mr.
Seward heeds it.
air In a speech at Newburyport
( Mass.,) the night preceding the elec
tion; General Butler ridiculed the idea
that the impeachment of the President
would produce anarchy and civil war.
He said no - More . disturbiince would be
°reeled by it "than would arise from the
trial of a drunken tailor by a police
judge." Alluding to the 'Constitutional
Amendment, he said the South must
accept it speedily, to avoid the imposi-
Aden of mach harder terms.
oar At Gold Mater, Mich., on Satur
day evening last, fEbeneier Leach shot
his wife, and , a young man named George
O. Brown; Leach was a
worthlesslellow e and. had separate&from
his wife some years ago. She was sup-
Pnrting-herselfly. keeping.: a- millinery
store. Being' afraid of her-husband, she
askad . Brown to' escort her to her .fath
er's. On the way they were killed.
She was thirty-fouryears old, and Brown
eighteen. . Both - were highly respected.
',The Liuduer gun which, has just
been tried in the presence - of the Emper
or of Austria and • a special. commission,
has . given the fulluwing results the
space of five minutes a single gun fired
(orty shots, which , all perforated an oak
plank, an inch and a half thick, at a dis
tance of ! two hundred paces. The Prus
sian needle musket at• two or three
hundred yards, poly
_inflicted wounds
which were cured in three weeks.
tom' It is now 'said that Maximilian
has "not abdicated the throne of Mexico,
hut only ia)(en a sea voyage`for the ben
efit of his health. The Empress Char
recbv'eriag. She is represented
as being able to eat and drink regularly
`and pissed her time in reading, embrold
erinf and in receiving visits. Her read
ing is ,confined to the new testament and
worki of travel—no newspaper&
:Mrs. ,McClure, ' ' a farmer's wife,
liviog.near Quincy:lMikis,
died on Sunday a week ago, and .nest
day was buried in the - family vault, near ,
the house. - On Wednesday, groans were.
heardin .the , vault by some .childred;
the coffin =was• opened- and. the woman
found alive.' She had injured herself in
attempting-to force operothe coffin, brit
is recovering,. • it :^ . t !
itar An,Anstrian ,drnm major is now
in ifietrOji Inokingeor'emPiOyinent, who,
ac,cerdink. to his own story, has been in
the army seventeen year's, has takelipart
In fifty seven battles and, been wain:l(3od
twelve ileitis' to Eaten 1:1' lan g uage s
° andiOafs on tbirti Meth:lfni:Mts.
of Ole Bull who was killed neatly
by'the obitilail e rite!.a a whirokiti, ial
cespieg - sielinvlth hie 'fiddie
* A, .
if- 1 1, 11: Tt '
A F• izwat oSaamoN.— • e Rev, sr.
amen Tiestlprecently sus ended fro m
is relit t fons Nyth the ,nite ,Presbyle
yian'GVichloy-char sof cruelty to his
wife and family, indecent and blasphem
ous language, and maintaining improper
relations with females, delivered a short
farewell address to his congregation, in
‘iiiircliri;hlle'digaraliiiiisi'eniiiisl - dibis
against the i gictil i of the Presbytery,
xwho aatUttpun the: piiiitive teigiiiiriti,
of three witnesses; while the testimony
, inohisibehalf.obilisoaged.fatherNandohro--
ther, and affectionate children was only ,
r ; sl'lttl`trtY - 'le - t i t h '
,negative als,din l ecessaiili , Do tiv,ai, he t
defied ilia world in proie `that' lie was
t,guilt l y.of.indecentAnd.y.algar,language„,,,
which heaphorred above all things and
t; it. m:.• -, Nix- rill . - ,", , - , k ~ r.
thanked God he bad not been found
guilty of adultery, The s entence of
suspensien did"nof affect his relations as
pastor of the chUrch, as any . dissolution
must be at therequitst of hie congrega
tion: Ere asked them not to act hastily
but thongbifuliy and prayerfullY, and
prayedto God that i iie . m)ght be aliawed
to, remain here to liveclowp theealumny
and, reproach heaped upon, him. This
was, the last, time he would appear in the
Pulpit until
.the suspension was removed.
The congre gation were visibly effected,
the Doctor friends and ad
herents among _them. Mrs. Priestly
has petitioned fora divorce.
egy• Frederick Theodore Frelinghuys.
en has been appointed U. S. Senator in
place of Mr. Wright, deceased. This is
the third Frolinghoysen who ha's repro
seiated the Statoef New . , Jeisey in the
United States "Senitte. The first was
Frederic, of rexolutionary fame; wbo is
believed. to - have. killed the Hessian
commander, Col. 1461, at the battle of
Trenton.; who was made.a .Major Gen
eral by Washington in 1790, and who
was elected United States Senate!. in
1793 holding the office for three years
only, when he resigned ou account of ill
health. ' The 'Second Of the 'name was
Theodore Frelinghaysen, who was : Sea•
ator from Nev Jersey, froiu 1826 was
subsequently Chancellor of the Univers
ity of New
_York and wus a candidate for
the Vice Presidency in 1844, with Hen:
ry ClaY. ' '
ga• A correspondent of, the Scranton
Republican, writing from Rik ,county,
says; "The banks of the stramsia this
section are covered , with perhaps the
best pine in the State, which is cut and
peeled antl . put in the stream during the
winter, and in the summer run to Wil
liamsport and there made into lumber.
Perhaps Clearfield and Elk alone furn
ish fifty, 'millions of pine every year,
There is a great demand for choppers
here, and wages range from thirty to
forty-five dollars per month and. board.
er Cyrus W. Field has twice failed—
once in 1857, and again in 1860—both
times from the effects of commercial
panics, superadded to his investments
in the Atlantic cable scheme. Iliicred-
Hors of 1857 he subsequently paid in full
and he is new - engaged in the same ser
vice towards those of 1860, the success
ful laying of the cable saving puthim
funds. ..,The. amount he is , now thus die
.bursing,is abOut ,g2b0,000.
• tfir -Among the new inventions-is ra
button whtctris fastened to cloth with
out thread. It is said to
_consist solely
Of a button 'With a wire, to be inserted
into 'the Cloth cork screw, and
then pressed , down flat, so as to form a
ring to hold'the button tci its place. As
this invention will enable men to keep
thebuttptisOn:their shirts, if
Bo to dn'aciay with wives altOkether.
air Queens Emma; of the _Sandwich
Islands, arrived at Flonoliilii:on , the 22d
'of October, after-s; voyage of nine - days
from San - Francis's(); California: She
• oivas, talfen but the U. S. steamer
-Vanderbilt ; thOnsari,ds:of her Objects
met the vessel at the port, and received
the Queea will loud cheerlrig.
cr The Parkshurg - shops situated on
A 1344 Pennsylvania ltailroad, have lately
been sold to Bird Patterson, of Potts
ville, Pa., for $12,600. gatterson
has also purchased some forty acres of
ground surrounding, the shOps, and de
signs establishing extensive steel works.
earrhey,tell,of a boy of sixteen in
Florida who this season cultivated six
teen acres , in corn and five in cotton,
housed two hundred ant seventy-two
bushels of corn, and picked for the _gin
twe.and a half bales of cbtton.
Gir We ibink there is no longer dan
ger_ that the Fenian prisonirs - will be
executed. The Toronto papers, proba
bly speaking by authority, say that:the
death "sentence will be, remitted, but that
the punishment severe:
Es-GoVernor Magrat,l3,,Di-Scinth
Cart)line, favors and,advocates.the ti eon
stitutional amendment. Ex-Governor
Holden, of .lortlCCArolina, -- also urges
Sr In Illinois Gerclib'gan, :who .ran,
for Opngress. asthe 'Republican condi- ,
data at, large, has an estimated majority,
Of.82;000; beuig a gain ; of 29,000 'on the,
result two years ago, 0":*
Efon..h orae,e GreelYiti4tri 41 w talk-
• Lt-ri .1
ed of for United.Stiteibieraator s for th e
State'ofNese-York.: t 7'
< 4
Gen. Frank Blair hea been ae.
i i f 1 53.8 . in.,,..latitf. f'• 4, ~...-
tit . • •,
- -- r — '
iirjrgiaia Chty, Nevada,' is a.i lively
plike. Among the'otourenels there on
i s 15" — ' l'' 1 '•
a'rece u ay, were two\ funera a, two
weddings, two balls and_a prize fight.
The saga , ..,ious Josh Billings remarks
that "when a man makes up his mind to
bOeonie' I.ciSeal, he• should "examine
himself closely, and, see whether he is
Six hundred thousand cattle perish
"*E3';';i:yfdar' lAS `Sapply 'n.'"NilitiiriPort;
Mass4 k factory with the material E from
. ) -A- ,- e r i , . t “ t,
34 i c h Shp y prodpco four imjllicleprph.
....-salhexedd fish are at:. Newpor,t,,
and the fishermen are doing an immense
brisinqsk t Two men will frequently
bring in frobi" five' td' eigit hundred
poundi - fionf their dey'slishing':' • -
It is understood that Thaddeus Stetr.
ens;'at the . opening of Congress, will
more the appointment of a joint coin
tnittee, charged with the duty of inves
tigatfng the official conduct of President
Jphnson,,and reporting what_ action, if
any, is required by, Congress.
Two hiindred orgargrindere are en
rontelroin ttaly for Ameriza. Won't
they pat on , aire !
The apple crop on the , Western Re
serve, .New York, Is . probably larger
than' that of 111:14 Preyious i seasori for
manylears. The•inlaad towns are ship
ping thousands of barrels. •
At a convention of dlergymen in
Brooklyn, it was stated by some of the
speakers that out of the - three hundred
tkousand , inhabitants Of the " city of
churches," no more than one hundred
thouefand are church goers. There are
one hundred and seventy nine places Of
worship in the city. .
,:.,Major General Brownlow, son of Par
son Brownlow, who served. with distinc
tion during the war, has, it -is
been appointed a captain of cavalry in
the regular army,
Arbong the curiositibe to be shown at
the Paris exhibition is the model of an
'oil well,- derrick ifidEl ks,
the enlire•mechanical process of devel
oping petroleum:
In the lower.part of _lndiana flocks of
turkeys are dying of some disease un
known, and theircareful owners are
plucking them and sending them to the
Cincinnati and . Louisville markets.
A young, woman.. named. Sarah Buss,
belonging to-AVoodstock, Me., and visit.
ingot Boothbay, drowned herself in a
pond at the latter place, one day last
week. She had been employed at Lew
iston, whore.she was robbed of all her
savings recently •by the application of
chloroform, and it is supposed that her
mind was thereby disordered.
A lad of fourteen died in Taunto'n.
last week froth had drink. '
rive American Episcopal Bishops are
now in Europe seeking health.
A• colored -preacher of-Virginia; only
I.l.s.years ,old, has just married a gushing
-beauty-of eighty. = -
— ln one of the Boston courts ,- a few
days'since, a colored juror was chosen
temporary foreman: - '
- Frmica.auppurts, by voluntary contri
batiuns, 2.4 000 evaning schouls, employ
ing 30,000 teacksTs. and, attended by
600,000 pupils,. mostly adults..• .
- Baron James de Rothschild is in a
_ • -
very critical state , of health. ,
He is the
only-Surviving, son of - the founder of the
house, is . chief of the Paris branch of
'the Rothsebilds, and the most eminea
financier Of the:whole family.
A limas meeting of the German Citi
zens was held in Nashville on Thursday
evening, to petition the Legislature to
so amend the Sunday law is to_allow the
sale of beer and other - malt beverages
at the gardens and,other German places
of resort on Sunday, .
Boston gives.soQo=Republican major
ity ; Philadelphia,. '5OOO ; ^ Cincinnati,
3000 ;"Chicagq, 5000 ; St. Louis, 2500.
Tkree Men have - been arrested in Ida
hir for robbing - a Chinaman, and under
the Civil RightS
,bill the testimony of
Chinamen agiiinst'a wbite man wilt be
for the first time submitted to a court in
Idaho 'territory.'
The Chicago Times, .the lia . ding Dem.
°crag° paper of the• West, has come ont
in fnvor of universal negro suffrage at
: The .President is reported to have
ajtpressedquy indisposition to make any
farther removals - from OEMs - for political
• • ' -
One theusand stand of arms, ircre stol
en Min the armory in Washington, teat
week, althoughLthe building wee guard
ed. The . authorities are'huntinixo the
The Baltimore Zifficulty "is abifirit end.
ed, the old police force actitig i l lider the
brdeis rof4he - riew'lCOniriiiiiitou'rere; and
-therosseeming . 'a ,:kenefritiidifuiee
tace- irbthe 'decision offt}ie.leourt:
reported that Senator. Doolittle
1. . • 04.1 -
proppl!es 10 - tr 4
ellhisprciperty m. Wirdbh.
atlf f lfavil tligekaiS l ! ° `' w ' '` 4ll "`• ll. '
"+- - •
....4.21 33 -felaltakkalnAKS9Pl.4 fiato&likaY,
for. wairing hie i ttwo.honee...wit . hi quinsy
coPeeted for the benefit of Sh churn..
9 ,
Sprtial Netinif.
PITTSBURG#4II3.AIirIutn, 1866.
Messrs. Hostetter t Smith
'" •
.GENTLEMEN a . vtut to the West,
last fall, rcOntiacted chills and fever, which
brought me to my bed, and finally terminated
in typhoid...fever, and confined me to my room
for several months, during which time I was
physically- to prostrated that I almost despair
-6i:el:lee-Wei-big ; hiving al-'
most entirely lost my appetite for days, not
being able to eat a morsel, added to which I
Wardistressed with a reeling sensation in my
head, and passed many sleepless nights—all
deb r ilifccidiedliY far , ' ProltilifeSoliditibfi;
brought about by fever. At this stage of
„ lly
oxiditiOn a friend recommended me 14 'Use,
your celebrated Stomach Bitters, but being
morally opposed to the use of stimulants in
m any form; I a`f n `firet 'declined, But` u ter"" iv'~'arda
yielded my prejudices, and, after taking the
medicinefor.sevcral weeks,- my -appetite ; re
turned, and with it I am,rapidly regaining my
former strength and - vigor. - My sleep (from
the loss of which I have suffered much) has
never - been better thittileislid - W,Und the re -
ing seniation (before alluded to has entirely
left me. .:Mylow.els which were muck, con
stipated and-irregular, are _now, quite_ natural,
and, in fact,larn.gbA,to say.that I feel My
self a new man, and tender you thistertimo
nial appreciation of your -valuable pre
paration in _order that others, suffering as
have, .may avail themselves of its virtues,
which' prejudice kept me-from enjoying for so
long a period. I may also add that my, physi
- -
Man, after seeing the beneficial effect of your
Bitters on me, recommended that I use them
regularly. Yours. respectfully,
E ilounnE, 45 Market-st.
- A Hunsuo.—How often we hear this, ex
pression from persons reading advertisements
of Patent .I.Vledicines,.and in nine.cases..out.of
ten they maybe right... It is over .39 years
since I introduced my medicine, the :Venetian
Linimentte-the public.. I had no: money- to
advertise it, so "lett if for sale= with: a :few
druggists and-storekeepers through a .small
reluctance; but I told them to let any one
have it, and - if it did not do all I stated on my
pamphlet, no one need pay for it. In some
stores two or three bottles were taken on trial
by persons present. 1 was, by manfi thought
crazy, and that would be . •the last they would
see. Of-me... Rut hknew my medicine was-no
hum bug. Zvi riabout two months. I began to
receive orders_for more Liniment, some calling
it my valuable Liniment, who had refused to
sign a receipt when I left it at their store.
Now eales are millions of bottles yearly,
and all for cash. r warrant it superior to any
other medicine for the cure of Croup, Diarrhea,
DYseirterY, Colic,'V.Pm iting,'SPrfini; and 'Sea
sickennes's," as an internal ietted,y: 'lris Per
fectly innocent to bike:intern illy, see oath at
companying,each bottle, , —and externally, for
Chronic Rheumatism,, , Headache, Mumps,
Hosted Feet„ Bruises, ' grain, Old Sores, Su el
-1 legs, Sore Throats, SM., &c. Sold by 'all' the
DrUggists. Depot36'Cortland; N.‘
To CONSIIIIPT14" advertiser hay
ing,heeri restorctto health in ; weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dria'd 'disease; is' an
xicius to make - known to hierellOw-sufferers
the means of cure. To all who-desire it, he
will send a copy - of the 'prescription, free of
charge, with the directions far preparing and
useing the sante, which they will find a sure
cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron
chitis, Colds, and al l'throat and lungairection's.
The only object of the sending
the prescription in to benefit the afflicted and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and lie liopes - every suffirer:will
try"- his remedy, as' it will cast them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
-Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, b;
return mail, will please address.
Rev. EDWA.RD A. WrLsort, Wiil4Msliurg,
.COnnty," New-Yorle.. Ll?
MAnent an Ort !—.Coneantly Advancing in
public favor,throughout,the, United States, the
British Colonies, !and Spanish America, and
needing nu flourish of Trumpets to proclaim its
success, that. - standard article. ClistadorO's
. - .
hair dye is now far ahead of any preparation
of its class. 'PeOple of fasliian 'at 'length tho
roughly Understand the terrible consequences
entailed by_ the use, of, metallic and caustic
prep tration, and,admirthe. superiority of, this
famous „vegetable Dye, manufactured .by J.
CHRISTADOIRO 6 Ator (louse, row-York.
Sold by all Druggists. :applied by all Hair-
Dressers. (N)
Enaoas or Yourn.—A gentleman who 'suf
fered for'years from NervOus Debility, Pre
mature De&iy, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake .of suffering
hiimanity, send free to all who need it s ; the
recipe:and direclions,for i making the simple
remedy by which he teas - cured. Sufferers
wlshing to profit the advertiser's e-iperi
ehee, can to so by - ii.ddressing B. °G.'
DE 7 , .T, No. - :l3 Chatntrer St., Nevi-York.
17. Deafness,`Blindne6s - and Catarrh, trea
ted, •
with the ufmost 'sliccess; J. ISAACS,
M D.,a Oculist and •Atirist,- (formerb of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519-PINE st. , „
vhja. .Tastimontay front the , most reliable
sources in the city and country can be seen at office. The medical 'faculty are invited tc
. /1.•
accompany their patients ; a, as 11C WOo secrete
In his practice. ArtifiCial r.yes'inserted with•
out pain, No charge for examination.
ITCH I=ficss ! !tr Seriitch'•
Scratch (. 4 —:Scratchl ! Wit EATONN OINT
MENT will cure th'e ITCH in 48 10ura,... Also
cures , Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrairtk and all
er.ipticin.s of, the. skin. gripe 50 cents., For
sale by all druggists. By sending alicents to
. .
WEEKS Pofrixt, sole ake.its, f7O Washing . -
ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded brmail,
free of liostageito stir:part of the .I.7aion.
STRARGT, BUT TRUE.-7-g.yeyy Tollu t g lady
and gentiensiii UriitedStatei 'hefts
somettiirig very' much to theit advantage by
ietirrn4nal-(free-of 'cifilige , ,) br , addiesbing
the undersigned. Those having fears of being
hugbigged' wilt °bilge :h.y , abty ne,tieilig this
card. All others, will please address ,tleir
obedient sell:anti !Thos.. F . „CH Arks ,
Broadway, N. Y.
Darras Sittrx.F.,La, are.superior
to Otheis f or ' family' trilkisufaeturing
"piittisesTeois thin All the latest ituproTaments;
are speedy, ooisless,durableand easy. to work.
Illustrated CirpjL.,_traaptfis.:9; : l,, — AeditteVWaiiik
Mot .‘itier,o 2„ l4KciiuiCifiliolved, 1 „1 , 4 two,RiVn
month made : Adhrea S. M. CO, 616
tarliattaa.r" Aga' fsi,
- I r b ith faiirlitutt
tkehgtMeuthibsholak wre t ar tc ytipu,ginch
Female Pine. `fey pitive a sure and speldy
relief. Sold by De IF: Itifille,ltrarieti4Vad
by all good Arc
7 :4 itati7onie out of their hOilleasatofTel.ll7l
I .GOSTARZAtat, Roach, &c,, Extermiliat on
• •
Is. paste—used for Rats, Mice,Roac hes,
tlick and Red . Ante , &c.
Costar's Bed• Bug Exterminator
Is a liquid'ofwasb—used to destroy and
alio as a' preyeatire for Bed Bugs, &c.
Costar's Electric Powder for Insects
IS for Moths, Mosquitoes, nese Bed Rugs,
In.teCts' on Plants, Fo'wls, Scc:
la-BEWARE!!! of all worthless jell
tations.—See that "rOSTAR'S" name in a
erielillole; Bottle; and-Flask, before you bur.
Address -
984 Broadway, New-Fork
`9l Bold in 'Marietta, Pa., by
: nd all Druggists and Retailers everywhere
C(*fah's Nitle
FOryCaltirßurns, Biuises. Wounds, Boils, CRP
ceri Broken Breasts. Sore Nipples,
Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrit
and 111-conditioned Sores Ulcers, Cilandula •
Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous Affectioe3
Ringworm, Itch, Corn, Bunions, Chilblains,St,
Chapped Hands, Lips, &c.; Bites of Spider
Insects, Animals, &c., &c.
Y:f BOXES, 25 k 50 CENTS t $1 SIZES'
Sold by all Druggists everywhere, as I by
lIEISTRY R. COSTAR, Depot 454 Broadirar
Neiv:York, and by
e(9,l"talt'' tjoibci-$4l e@iii( '_.oiN
For Coins, Bunions, Warts, &c.
80xe5,25 cents, 50 cents, and One Dollar 3IZES
.Sold by all druggists everywhere.
and by HENRY. R. Cos., a, depot 1,3.1 Broad
way, N. Y , and by
Costar's Preparation of
ki.,fel•—tuzet,3l - 0 (91-Angz Bicrwil)s
For Beautifying the Complexion.
Used to soften and beautify the Skin, re
move Freckles, Pimples Eruptions. ite
Ladies use it nom in preference to all others
Sold by 'all druggiits everywhere. and
By HENRY R. COSTAR, depot 484 Broad
way, New York, and by
Marietta, Pa...•
- zollo wEIETA ,
. .
For Coughs, Colds, nOSIVIICSS. Sot-
Throat, Croup,. Whoeping Cough, Influenzs.
'Asthma, Con 3113 n ption , . Bronchial affections,
and all diseases of the throat and. lungs.
Bottles, 25 ct.t., 50 cts., and 31 s ll Sold . by'all izes.
diugffists everywhere.
I* - • 'And' by - RENRY R. COSTAR, DePo'
484 Broadway, , N Y.,
vi-and. by—
Mariettal4a, • . -
v.' 1' .;
COSIIIPS - telebrpted - ,Big.hpp:M 4
,Far_ Neivoui iirS'gi-dk;HOOrfacrie, 'Costive
eatio7n.. -:Dysicepoia, ' Biliouorreo t
zCprost..i.viiiiin,iDlarrheat .DEO, .Cfr `1 1,-.govers
and Kopeier deFabgeinera tkt 4gestive or
- zr.
-5307-130.xegiArgptq fir.„ 5
rifrzSoldlt a.}ol.4•giitalsvi!rprttere. 0
fiE 14. Rl' 4LI COSTAR,
AVVV IvI tYr •". ' •
iCr And
INtatictts. Pa