lite patiettitait. Prik-41 MARIETTA. PA 5`41411a1LY21:9i90, ba~jtieh,t7 w _ t 866. *- • • ; .. r. ; or A shortftir old mend ?f, Secretary Sewaid'wrotb i to /. `him that Hon. 4121andi.nan ,had pablicly,.de noancea President Johnson and Secre tary Seward se drunkards and complete ly under'' the control 'of a vile and vicious female." The writer after stating the case in detailtitilimated an expectation that the aharge would be anthoritatiVely contradicted. Mr: Se7ard, ` however, stood on ;‘high'pints,":replied"that' "I am not appointed 'or authorized ,to vie dioate the PieSident against personal calumnies," and contented himself with saying that uncharitable views had al ways been taken of him by those oppos ed to hiin,'and'he alway 4 expected it. Tho,Lady's.Friendt and - Saturday Evening Post, the tormerlpublished by Desconi& - , P.eterson and the latter 'by Peter.sen ikCch,Al7'.4Wainut .street, Philadelphia, offer.great inducements to subscribe to these ffaluable publications. Capital new stories • are announced, written,, by llirm-A,Henry Wood, Emer son Bennett, and other well known wri ters. Either can ,be had,logether with a large premium engraving,. f0r52:50,.0r one copy, eaclr, of, the Post and :.Lady's. Friend for $4:00. Gr It wee said in the hearing of a New Jersey 'Quaker lady that Mr. Johnson threatened to kick out all holders who do not also hold "Eny 'poli cy." " John," she liquired With delightful naivette;" but John, can he do it? Does thee think he can stand on one leg long enough to kick tiny body ?"..' or On Sunday, morning, two brothers named Baker were out shooting in• Col chester, Conn. One ,of them raised his gun to fire at a bird, when his brother stepped in frent of him and received the whole charge,' causing almost instant death, but not before he had time to exonerate his . brother frorh any tom' The Supreme Court of 'lndia na by a unanireoui -vote; et the 31st tilt; decided that i. 4 theol3th'articie' of - the . State Constitution, called the ." black article," which forbids - , negroes from coming into the State, to be in conflict with the Constitution of the Uriited Skates ; and as such to be null and' void. There.le at present being -exhibi ted in Ireland a boy of enormous size; who was born Novernber 7, 1849. He weighs 512 pounds, measures across 4 the shoulders 1 yard and 2 inches; 73'inches around the waist, 30 round ethe calf of the leg, 22 around the muicle of the inn . and above - a Yerd iiriitind the, sr Henry J. Raymond was educated at the. Genesee We'sleyian. Seminary, New York. and the ettidenti of the in stitution lately Investigated the records to find which JO the rivasecret BOCietlBl3 he belonged tp. They' were rather amused than , astonished to find .his intine on the rolls of .both. ger Who wi ll t say, that. the world doesn't move, sinc . eMaisachusetts has elected , tWo kilabk then to the Legisla ture, arid 'the 'Nei York city democracy a black leg' snd .prize fighter—John Morrissey—to Congress.: There is, hew ever, not enough •of either stripe. to 'do any . .`. - • . •• fir Mi. ATeiy has refused to, surren der the ofte'of ps. Aseoseor for 'Bac rameniii-DistricttO John _Bigler, who has a commission from the President, on . the ground that, the _President's nomina tion required,omatlimation by the U. S. Senate. The matter has .been: -referred to Washington. , . ! • sr The EMpresso I Me4cO, so* called the princess Calotta,;ls said Co be ailliCted with aieligions monomania, always bewailing the injuries done' to the church inliexico, and "that her case is hopeless of cure. It is said the un'- fortonatelady has attempted "suicide! by jumping from . a window. It is reported.tbat . Mr. John Hop kins, the richestdanta Baltithore, proposes, to present tc.that city, for a public ,park, his - seat of six hundred acres on the Harford road. igar One hoop skirt establishment. in Nevi Verk employes seventeen hundred persone;':and: Ifses"tliree" tons of - steel daily in the-pkYdnetion of hoop•skirts.- Gir Dr. Robinson of -Utah, Superin tendent'OrthiConly Christian Sahbath Soho&lii&Salt.Lake city, was murdered by Mormons on the 24th ult. Or that ihii Oa di an Goys runientfine f itihieti.• cninihnid 0 6 , 6 1/PiEleicq f,10;1-0911044 . 1".. •Ke.Plans Lynch and McMahon. 4.117N491.413134E4 WPififia+Phy-itura there will be six Ittlikred mew - hineee erected in that city the eneuiog year. PLTERSON'S M - AGAZ4 • fEI a ' elfin 1 , ~, t, e receipt of this popul iL illy'sl4glizttle ir 1 for December. It is Is did liter. The title page ijon as worth tri Pribe` ofthe number. For many years "Peter son's Magazine," in consequence of its merit and cheapness, has had a larger circulation than any other monthly in the~United States. In 1867 it will be greatly improved : the reading moti f ,: , will be increased, and each number will• contain a double size steel fashion plate ‘dlekiintly-tol cited; ii Rh - frtiarfaarto - asix• fivres—maldog " Peterson " the chfrp jest% in the world. The terqiii, !Tail! re main two dollars a year to single sub , scribers...4KoAub.Nit-iswo.ll43.4lter..atill; viz : five cppOsfor,sB.oo, ,eight,, copies for $12.00, Cr foirteencopieslor $20.00. To every il,eriOn'gettifig-riprii club' tat theie rates) thO Publisher' will` send -an ` extra copy - girlies. Spaciineiai ciebfrif written for 1 'to.tld4 weiliitiet6 , get up clubs. I Address, past iaidi l Charles J. Petersim, 306 dfieit:Mit Sena, Phil ".',":,.•. , , • , ... , 1 •e , - , . I'""!' . 'DECEDENT'S ESTATES.III the Supreme Oclurt of Connecticut there hasiedently been decided- a, curious A- man anillhis haiing•-'bean ,killed by ' railroad accident, thb . belie of each brought and`recovered $4OOO in each ciao: iTheliboner,obtained for the death of his wife wentrto her heies,' and thalcpiestion;before the Supreme ..Couit was hether .thels4ooo - reco Ve re d- br the death of the man should go to. his or his Wife's heirs. - Sheihavintsurvived him a few hours; the court- decided that , the wife's heirs should "have =the nioner.- gar A:counterfeit one dollar' bill of tlke'ordinartgreenbaelt issue is in Circu lation 'which . is wondertnlly , calcul`ated , to deceive. It; would be; taken by al most any onecnot an expert, parficUlarly if a little soiled or by .evening The chief points of difference from .tha. genuine l's are in the ;wrinkled And bat tered:condition of Chief Justice ,Cliaseta• handsome physiognomy, and the inferi ority vf,.the lathemork , around the large figure -Beware of this dangerous counterfeit. . • G9y...d,plin,tlas aPPolOted, Colo nel JohnA. Wsigh,t anti Colonel. James Worrell two of the most eminent, civil engineers of the ,qtats, as commissioners, to examine, lie the,,Sesquehan no river, at, Williamsport, and report as to the intpedieocy, of, granting to the, company tik,whop,it belongs the addi tional privileges.cooferred by a bill pass-, ed by the last .I,egiplatore, and which is. stilljn,the,hon,ds.otthe Executive: action in the premises will be governed, by the report of the commissioners.. , _ sr John Olstop, , a _..confederate sol dier supposed to. haye, been ,killed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., turned up at Nash ville lest week, and found , his wife wed= ded, to a,federal soldier and rejoicing in a eew Tanke,e heby. He did not "dig his fingers into the wet , earth," like Enoch. Arden, he offered to settle .the matter for two cows, and this not being agreed to he made threats and was ar rested and put under-bonds. If this is not a :" Mud case,".we-don't understend the meaning of the term:9 sir TWO largelalpodhounds that served, as watchers at Libby Prison and Ander : soniiille are now eabibited at New Ha yen, Cpnn. One.of the dogs, , a Russian hlondhound, is probaoly the largest dog in the world, Hi measures 7 fent and inches from . tail to nose and weighs 208 pounds. He has no siperfluous fat to . give him weight, but is muscular and active in due . proportion to his size. The other is a Cubian bloodhound - which did duty at Andersonville, in the inhu man service of the The: students-,of:a New York col, lege receritlY perpetrated a funny joke upon one of the college magnates,. who, is as• absent minded as -he is • learned. Being in the,habit of ieidins , achapter of the Bible in course to them every day, thp students, by.changing the mark kept him reading the 18th chnpter of, Acts, for a whole week. Thirty-three years ago a girl left: her Mother in'New 'Bedfoid, MEWL, and Went away to seeleher living. Ntwis of her mother's death v enbsequedtlt reach ed her, and she repain.awaY• Recently she heard that her mother was still alive, and returned to greet' her af ter an absence en common life time. far Twenty years ago British gold was sent over here to defeat protective . tariff. ie more iinPOttint to the cap: Range of England that the rebel debt should be paid - . them ^ than a prote'ctive tariff should be defeated. Hente their anxiety to prevent the adoption of the constitutional amendment. . •-ige- The embalmed face of , the' great Cardinal Ttibhelied ir , hisjuit been disco eredtiii ;Bidtrtariy, 'and •deposited' 'in tile' Ministry of PubliaTneltructionin ,- PariS; subject to the Einiieror's diders:= 7 The flesh,bl,o4 ae,ebony, but the, , ed hair, moustache r imperial and eiebiowa s:. are naimpairsd— . .r The Mae&States steamer Mein kkk.Xvil*A'PKUACl A t 'M PAYyt. & a l" orfolk, for t the repair of +marls cane?. -frsui4 +er 1440 'at/ ad kt,the Jecerit. gale op tm tWtlitAtic coast has been put into good' condition and is now Again cruisfng. 4 c - P•4311711E "MARI= .I.ANA\---Ir 1 ,t 4 , - '''' ' ' " l 4 o' . ; - 1 N'lS vit ':r. Vet - t ./1. ~ i lo ' Of ro • les un ertoof ' to br, .k s s 4 .is 1 jilt 're .giobspneetin ;'in oyuth Po, - _, Ritchie county, West Virginia, a few days ago. Some of the brethren pitched in and cleaned them out, on the princi ple as one of them expressed it, "That it'w - a Ilia' - it oldirlilihi'lf - fl ght - 'ldr'' - the Id4ithodist church as it was to pray for 0 4471 4I l .-4A. .4 4 lit ;I: lING 1 1:, A young man named Wilson was bru -tally-murdered-,by.another,named ,Harp er, at Otterville, Mo., a few days - 4 4 since,_ while riding home ;Attlhis k lVie, wilt' gad i * 40..4i tlt 4i , f• i i '• married 'him in preference to Harper. %per was terribly extgl4l And after_ shooting Wilson, beat him over the head till life k eliinCt. '''' - -"A. , singlb' tow - or-ccial recently sent from Lonievillo to 'New Orleiins' by' Pittsburg firm, contained 325,000--btisb els', ciethrice and a fibres its' qt My' id fits i n 'bell. 'Tiffs 'whir , tit) kirgestrsbipmeiit of Ceialteveilniida sin - gre'to — wboat. , , A special order from the War D'e; partment , anpounces : that Gen, Sweppay, of Fenian notoriety,. by direction of the President, has beep restored to his for mer rank and position in the United States army. The safe of- the Treasury of. Brown county, Ohio, was.blown open, by bur glars on I Tu,esday night, and' a large amount of money taken: A citizen was shot while- attempting to arrest , the thieyes. „ • , A'-young man named-Uhtirles U. Burt died af Yorki , on-. Friday, from a peculiar , foriwof erysipelas, first developedzon hisilip, induced .by Borne poisonous matterqrnm abase ball; With which he had,been playing. ' An extensive tire in Paris last month was instantly extinguished by tlie burst.. ing 6f•three'bottles of sulphuric ether, the-contents Of- which -mixing With the' atinoipheric air, put' an end te"the coin bustion.. - • Richard Brightwell, a mulatto, hes obtained a verdict, for $3OO daniages against the trustees of green township, Ohio, for ... refusing his vote at the general' election in 1865. The name. of. Fremont street, Al leghanipity, has been changed : to ,Grant avenue, and that of . Centre street to Lineolwaveime,,by a resolution of. the City. Councils... AO old lady named •hirs.:Lewis;'resid ing'n-ear Derivate, Miintour iiointti, coin= witted suicide, a , few da'ys , by hanging herself 'to a hand-loom. - She waesixey , years of age. • - The immense " ROckink Rock," Dirhim, Ni*. Hampshire, was leverell out of its position by some' rascals: and one- of the wonders of the world was One destroyed. A monument to , perpetuate. the 'mem ory—of Rev. Robert Strawbridge, the founder of; has just been completed in Mount -.Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore. A light fingered thief 'cif'Si: 'Louis took a bank book containing V5OO - fro - in under the arm of a Mr. Chase While Mr. C. 'Was talking to a bank • In. Michigan all colored persons jiav ing, less than one quarter African ,blood in their veins have been ,declared by the Supreme Court to .13e:white, and hence are entitled,to vote. • The largest crop of buckwheat raver raised in Pennsylvania was harvested this fall:- This is We' opinion •of agridal turista. Gen. N. B." Forrest, who killed a negro man some months ago, while 'the latter was in the act of killing his wife, has been tried and acquitted Judge Delaney ? 'of the IFFOed. qtatee Riatriat Court at Topeka, says that he, kaa latelT . natura!ized one hundred pot taiyatt4lnie lapjans., a.A companyiof about , firty negroes left Lynchburgi- a few days. since, by thi* Ten nessee cars, having been employed to work on a cotton ple:ntation. The Washingion Deineerate an on servitivee have just Come to grief., The been seized furniture of their club room has been upon for rent. " . On October 3Otb , .a grand match hunt came off,in Butler _county. Six tkpuu, and, seven linpdred animals Were killed in all, fifty-fiywactn,tl.Bing„erigaged. The light of 'the- eiplasion' Of the Moosio powder mill, near CarbOndale, a few nights since, was seen'' "a' distanCe of thirty-three unites. Hon. Isaac Newton, Commissioner of Agriculture, who kas been seriously ill (of several weeks, is now anvitfescest. • _Dr.- Blackburn, of yellow , . fever infec tion notorinty, Washington, - prets, ing his claims-for• pardon.. "'Peat has been ince - 013E41211y neecton the (rand Trnnk Railway orCEinfidalVfiiiit Icicomotives: Trinity :gets, 440b,Q00 toi 4EI 1 • , X Portion of %tie sale of 2 9t. john.s_Pali t , I gs, *Alt. ,Yourteen , wiveal.and -.sevenw Unbends petition torn.divorce in' Maine. l'hoii•Oqy oY ElNittActili;tlN.• J:; bits just Ciiiiiiiieed l hne2;ootii%iithdaY:- 4: 1 . A 4.1 - ez John Slitchell is on hie way back from Paris. 3 n''' .X • -, ::: ti -'C liickßalti re Gartte 'sates com p! qinify tb pov:. Swann' made a re q sitiokupo Gen„aanby folLtroops to r\o„ , ' ‘'tiy:•' 13 - - ' -°" p oven - I -the crest _-•t, e‘naw Police Commissioners and was refssed. Ilitlso .. condemns Gen arable:4,p 111-c,fos„,,ptibliely denouncing Governor Swann's course as unwise. Thee may ,be taken as ludic a tions that army Officer's will not readily be made tools of by-the, President, ~ . mitt . li Aciied turtle' recently lived seven months in a Charleston saloon, without food or water, but at the sod of that time disppsV of a, large quantitylot b iend Riwybad tat good sep,el4o3. A, of the Atlantic cable so, far begin wiping OA his Old - liabilities with inter est. That is "'it new_ way to pity °ld debts." The'deifs of 'ldiditailidn's fib - MOM:ion is confliniiid bta letteilalthe'Sedietarr of StOto, frd the 'U.;S: - Colthill'at Verif The,t in ., Paris who used todnakfithri gFeat:lsi t tpr4equ:s qv; great cottts. His name was Legot. Boston brithuildingia , - , niountuent„to. Ned 'Kenda,l4. - ." the isugler that , bugled with • - . • Mrs. General . Grant'a grandfathei was the Hist licensed preacher west of the Ohio. -General_ Roseorans is .4n ~Clifornia engaged in ‘:, 'A' Sumo. `l3altimore, fest , ' days since, a well dressed feintile en tired 'a'sh'oeltoris; and - after — trying on pait•s' of -Awes; seleCted'three ihfch stedelired`ttilie'sent Via her lwrise by the shop - boy, when'ehe' would `'make Ei - fmal•Selection and retnin the- tWo - re- Mainine pairs, - withAhre pay for the third: The request was doinplied• with, and the female left the 'store; folloWed by F :the bey. After proceeding a few squares, sli c e 'discovered` she -hiedleft her Woke t in the store,ned askingllieAtortwilfirback for it, kindly volunteered to - hold -the , The boy 'd'art ed back,hnt, on cm - tailingthe store, found it'o'besket, and on iepairinr, to the spot where he had left the female, fourid''no ar Meredith P. Gentry died in Nash ville, tenn ,on the 2d inbt. Mr. Gentry was a Whig member of Congress in 1853 from that State, and was regarded as an able man. When the hydra, beadcd monster, Secession, reared itp horrid point, be went with it. He possessed great wealth, which mostly consisted in slaves, but ton all when emancipatiou was proctuimed. He was the Whig, can didate for Governor, of Tennessee • against Andrew Johnson, some years since, and was beaten. 1853, when to Congress, - he was for - a while under the ban of• suspicion, bUt the, whip, of the. slave drivers brought , him in and he made,a.firat rate pre-slavery speech. tie went into the rebellion afterwards. igir Rev:George P. WilHand, rector of-tin 'Episcopal church-tit Suffolk, Va., Was arrested' on= Friday in Broadway, NeW Ybit, oh: a - charge of picking . 'a lady's pocket in' a' Otago'. He had s6o' hie-pOssetisioni and d'Aette'r froni Et Riehmond lint'as pintier.ptirson in behalf. of his -church. This document:wait also endoried by leadingnitizens in New Yoil city. The pridOner was remanded 'for examination, the court having closed. Be was found in - possession of thit Stolen . pocket book. sir It is said that. A. T. Stewart has purchased, St. J 0403 P, 404,,NRW ,York, as . the site rot:his rungs of model houses fos,the„,peor ; eußtheF !sport - that Commodore, VaridarOilt_has, bAigi4 in v 9F a_tp, show apsist Mr. Stewart in his laudable enterpxiso by fucp,,iehipgoe grouno,EtoAtlapsmoot 7 ,, jog, the condition!, of Mr . StelNoxt's . gen erous of er, , giir A letter from Chiesige, in noticing the prevalence 'of cholera . inthat city, says: " Rarrelk, if it all, is ft in'duntriOns 'poison attacked: 'The dase'of one of our -distinguished physi eferie forinetruo'exCAPtiOniti the gener al roles Perional-iiiinlgeobes for years past had reduced his constitution to a mere wreck." The Brady hotel propiiity," Harrisburg, with ell its; fuiniture fixtures, was sold on the Ist inst., to David H. Hutchinson, .formerly,: propri etor of the United States hotel=iur that The'price paid wae , 840',000.1. The hotel 'will;be remodeled .otherwise• improved,And-iill'be conducted by the pioprietoi-timself. - , _ so - The " Stonepall, Outuetery at Wieelleetel% Va...w.otrq ' ellieeted-ell: the 25th ult. Ex-Gov. Henry,44..-,lMise,.iti delivering the oration, glorified, as is tiow:the fashiori-irt• the -Sotith,-not 'Only thhlCUifefilirate!dtitidi bbt slsb the Otiti , federate Cause. Iliff.J4rAey,PAluriago,oupo bsing,usk ed which of—Wordeworthfs. proauctions reibongicfrited , theitziost'.beilistiful; piomptly ,‘lfierdatigtitaiDorb.)! ; 11.. tact: er t :gnsiAstill:i9FiAolltrn ,nlreffily been, enbeeribed foe-the Centennirjr of Atfitiblid 4 Pdighcidienn:te- - 4 .: t. • • .•; ,4 . 4-- ilar Horace Greeley ha s . .tpade, it, ie said, $lOO,OOO out of his history. i. s 3S.prrial Otrt 6.t 1 5 tyrsnuitni4Mat31Oth, 1866. Messrs. *stetter 4. Smith: - knr GErivr.fiintr ; i—Liuringa,Visit to the West, last fall, Iliiiracted chills and fever, which brought it to,iny bed, and finally terminated in typhoid Teter, and confined me to my room for several months, during which time I was physically. to _pro stratektkatA 8111104 despair ed of ever recovering my health ; having al most,entirely lost my appetite for days, not beirig_able to eat a morsel, added to which I was distressed with a reeling sensation in my head, andpj,imdinany , slesplsss, nights—all from debility caused by my prostrate condition, brought f about by fever. At this stage,fmy. condition a friend recommended me toy ; being' your celebrated Stomach Bitters, batn „naorailow„Roso49.lllo4l.Aol44joUltntii r if any form, I at first declined, but afterwards l yielded my prefudices, ahff, • after taking the fliedieine for seifral iippetifet re turned, and with it ,I_ am rapidly regaining my former strength and vigor. My sleep (from the loss of which ,I s have suffered has never been hetter thin it is now - ,"and the reel ing Seniation (before allu'ded to) has entirely My`bowels were mucli-bon stipated and irregular, are now' quite :natural, and, in fact,-Fam , glad,to-say , thatl: feel my self anew-mangy and: tender'. you thisiteitimo nial of my= appreciation.of your 'valuable pre parationdn. order that others, uffering. as, I have, may avail themselves of its virtues, which. prejudice kept. me from. enjoying for-so. latig a period. I may'.also add that my physi cian, -after seeing the - beneficial- effect of your Bitters on me, recommended that I use them I'6ol:arty.. Yours, very respectfully, E Boum; E, 45 Market-st. A HU M BUG.—How alien we hear this es pression from Perkins' reading advertisements of Patent Medieines, rind ih nine cases out of ten they may be right. It is over 19 years since [ introduced my medicine, the 'Venetian Liniment to the public.' I had no money to advertise it, so left it for sale with a few druggists and storekeepers througlr a small' seaiirinif . e.mililif; Marta k Vith'great , - reluctance ; but I told them to let any one have it, and if it did not do all I--stated on my paniPhletOio cine`need pay' for'• it: In some stores two or 7 thre - e‘bottlee were taken on trial by persdns present::" brmany, thought crazy, and that would be the last they-would see of me..... ButJ,knew rtly-medicine waz no humbug. In about two months I began to receive orders for more Lininieiit, some calling it my valfiable Lininient, who had refused to sign a- receipt' - When I 'left :it' tit their ' , store Now my sales are millions of bottles yearly, and all for cii:J`l.- • I : Warr : ant it superior to any other medicinelor.theture of Cimip, , Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, - Vomiting, Spasms,. and Sea sickenness, us an internal remedy. It it per fectly innocent to bike internally, see oath ac companying each bottle,--and externally, for Chronic Rhe'umatism, headache; Mumps. Frosted Feet, Bruises, pram, Old Sorea,,StVel -1 ingir,'Sore' Throats, kc., ti . c. Sold by , all the Druggists. Depot 56 Cortlandstreet, N. Y. To CONSIMPTI VES- -, The adveitiser hav ing been estored to health in a few weeks by a very simple 'remedy, after h'aving suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that--dread diseas'ej'Coilktimption; is 'an xious AR malre.known to his.fellow-sbfferers the k ine.ap.s of cure. To, all who, he will send a copy of.,the prescription, flee of charge, with 'the directions for preparing and useing the. same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron chitis, Colds,',andall throat and lung affections. The only object of the'adverthier in sending the prestription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he condones to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his. remedy, as it will cost.thenonothing, and may prove a ~blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, rimy., b: return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD_ A. W/Lso,N, Williamsburg, Kings County, i . sTesv-Yor.k. Lly MAIICHITIG 01.7"!—Coneantly advancing in public favor, throughout the Hafted. States,the British Colonies,' and Spanish America, and needing no flourish of Tr'u'mpets' to proclaim its success, that standard article. Cristadoro's hair dye'is now far ahead of any preparation of its class. People of fashion at length tho roughly understand the terrible consequences entailed by the: use of metallic and caustic preparation, and adinitthe superiority of this famous . vegetable. live, !manufactured by J. CHRISTADORO -6 Astor House New- York. Sold by all .Droggists. Applied by all Hair Dresselu.' (N) &was OF YOUTH.:- . -7A gentleman who suf fered-fox years from Nervous Debility, Pre- Mature Decay, add all the effects of youthful . indiscretion, will,.for the 'sake of suffering humanity; send'free to all who‘_need it, the recipe and directions for making ! the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit . by - the advertiser's" experi ence, can" do 'So. by , liddressing. JOHN :8..00-• DEN, N 0.113 Chamber St.; New-Yortr.. .1 ' Kit- Deafness, Blindneis and Catarrh, trea-' ted with the utmost: success; by -J.;ISAACS; itft : D.; Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of : Ley-. den,, polland,) No. 519 PINE st, Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most, reliable sources in the city and Country, can be seen at fiis''cllfice. - The medical faculty are in7ited tc accompany their' patients,' as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Zyesinserted:with- . out pain. No charge for examination, lEr ITCH !--ITcH ! ScriitcA Scratch ! !—Scratch 1! ! Wicr.ATotc's Olicr ixrir will cure "the" ITCH inr4B hours. Also' cured g UWere., 'Chi'brains and all er4ptione. Of the r skin. Trice 50.cent5..4'..r.0r sale bylall druggists: By 'sending .60 cents to WEEKS ! Poi - TAIL, solc agente,,l'7o.Waabing-. t0p 7 4...,,805t0c,it Will be, forwarded flee 'a l idstage. to an 'pare STRARGE, BIIT-TurrE.—Everk—young lady andlentleinan in the4-I.lriited States can hear something very mach td their advantage by return main (free of charge,) by addressing thepridarsigned t Those having fears hiimbogged will oblige by not.noticing this Card. All others 'Will 'please address their obedient Girl/bat, THos. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. ' • • • • EMPIRE AIIIITTEE MACHINES are - superior to piirpbeei; colitiinchli the latest iihproveznerits; ago ppeeSlYsn94terig, and easy _to work, Illuatrated Circolervent free. Age nts. .yrant eit; LibereEdie&hint slloaedi 3to COnsign- - Aelde , laao!:4.44clePos , FlPtv, P• Itt,-Go, 6 1 6 , Broadway, N. Y. • L., L. s tLf • ft:p. Ladies who are troubled with sick head ache inpottily,altonft use Dr. Yelpau grepch Fez/sills Pills. They prove a sure and speedy relief. sold by Dr F. Hinkle, Marietta, and by all good druggists. C OLUM c B A I r A IT I Z S A U v R D A A N ss C E E T ZO s . S32,2IO:49' mires Company continue., to insure End(' 1 Logs, Merchandise, and other prop erty against loss and darnago fire, on the mutt, plan, either for a cash premium ( r prenaiu note. SIXTH Afi NII.II. REPORT. Whole amount insured, $5,3a1,29 5 ., Less am't expired in 1865, 212,330 0 8 ,091,559 CAPITAL AT. m com „ . Amt of premium notes, J ar ,. 1865, $420,090:66 Less, premium notes expired in 1865, 16,07145 ,; Am't of premium notes rec'd in '65 41 11 0 ,bm a Balance of premiums, Jan. 1,'65,' 3,Bxi. !Cilsbraceiptsless commissions, 41'65,4%766:8, f, 1 CONTRA- I'Vjelienses paid in 1865, 37987 : 81 Balanc o g , etpital, and. assets, S uanuary' 1r1866, ' A. S. GREEN, P S57° ' l9 T S:3l RBl GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., secretar y. El)" MICHAEL S. sit UMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS Shock,Samuel " William Patton, Rolifit T. Ryon, John W. Steaey, John ' Pendrich, George Young, Jr., H: "G. Maid - , ' Nicholas. ilF.Denald Samuel F. Eoei loin, Michael S. Shuman Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Sparing. Columbia, March 30, 1.866.- ly. . - ' DR: H. LANDIS -211 "v 1 ' DR HENRY LANDIS, 0 7 ~1 11_ DR. BERRY LANDIS • Al the "Golden Mortar," At'the "Golden Mortar," Market , S t r:e et, Marietta, Market. Street, 3 / a rietta, -Keep constantly on harm co en ,t: gl -: . .tti i:3' .10 § P E.' '. a ' r-... . so on P a a," Im -c E. .... 0 e s. .7; ^z .. . . 17 'e, r:: go Go - , .. :2, ~ m . * to m . ~, r ,- m o r ca o • , G. P ~ = go a 7, Qg?'9 RP 1 ur S .-k .. 4 c.§ , g C/3 ro , n ",-.. ' 5 SC .9 `,... AA =,-- ,j; . 1:1 - . L. ", , S , p .. ::', 12 :: '...- E. g. ..3. g 2. : ,-: :::. Fi. - ,z -e-.. a - ,:<-- ~- 7, ' - 2 .2 . ' „..1 i; ': 3 tv r.P ;,-, ~ ,' - Q .' 't2i Z.' o . g 2 3 v - - 5 A.' . . ,V . 0 41.:-.c,... -, .1.: Prescriptions carefully compounded, Remember the place, ' Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr. Grove's . old Stand. Give us a call -Give us a call - 'WINES & LIQUOitS. H.. D. 13E1\IJAMIN ERAS ER IPI WINES & LIQUORS, Corner.of Front-st, and Elbow Lane, MARIETTA, PA. . -0-- EIEGS leave to inform the public that he will continue the WIN E & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on. hand all kinds of Brandies, Nines, Gins. Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 6.c., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND. A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY. just received, which is warranted pure. .137 All H. D. B. now asks of toe pubic is a careful examination of his stock and pri ced. which will, he is confident, result in Be te.— keepers and others finding it,to their rid to make their purchases from him. ItA. LINDSAY, .4011 i MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN • BOOTS' & SHOES, 11IARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN• Would moat respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that be has at this time the largest assortment of City made work ever offered in this Borough, amongs which may be named the new-style olisfl Boot, ao Globe,lß 51100111$ FOR THE LADIES - - A. L. being a practical BOOT AND SIIOE MAKER enables him to select with more iudgment than those who are not. Be contin ues to manufacture in the very best menne everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line, which be will warrant for neatness ant fit. 13= - Lall and examine the new alai: before ng elsewhere._ /1 - I . EO : W. r.VORRALL, BURGEON DENTIST , 1 -A . pfarket Street, adjoining Spangler 4. Rak's Store, on the second floor. Where he is now prepared to wait • on all who may feel disposed to pa- fa= tronize -him. Dentistry in all its branches carried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved prin •ciples of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and work manlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONA BLE TERN• Having determined upon a permanentloca tion at this place, would ask a continuatio n of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, for which he will render every poop ble satisfaction. Id - Ether administered to properpersons. H. L. 6- E. J. ZAHN, ,eute_Las, Corner of North Queen -St., and. Centre - Square, Lancaster, Pa. E are prepared to sell Amer icon awl. Y Swiss Watches at the lowest cash rates! We buy directly from the Inwrters and 1110" ufacturcrs, and can, and do sell Watches as or low as they.enn be bought in Philadelphi a New-York. A fine stock of 31ocks, Jewy, Spectacles, Silver and Silver-plate waree rconstantly 00 hand. Every article fairly represented. 11. L. 4r E. J. ZAHMS Corner,North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. February 17, 1866.-tf. ESTATE OF HENRY S. LIBHART , Late of the Borough of Marietta, Dec Letters of administration on said estate hav- er' ing been granted to the undersigned, all p mak e sons indebted thereto are requested to immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands aga.nst the same will present then) without delay for settlement to the undersign d, residing in said Borough of Marietta. C. A. SCHAFFNER , Admanistrato r. Marietta, October 20 1866.-6t] MARK T-HE SEASON' Another•strival of those incomparable Gas Burning Parlor Stoves. Also, THE IMPROVED VULCAN HEATER. Call and ace them at J. S.P.ANGLER__...H.S EZEI $570,194 532 ,210:4'