The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 17, 1866, Image 1

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Street, Marietta, Pa.
_ _ _
110110$ St hit' ssER, successors to Dr. F.
will continue the business at the old
"d here they are daily receiving additions
ro ,
their stock, which are received from the
grelisble importers and manufacturer".
To y would respectfully ask a liberal share
!public patronage.
'lTSare now prepared to supply the de
of the publie with everything in their
oo f trade. Their stock of
'nil Wiles ald Liquors for medicinal uses
Pie Suds of all kinds, Fancy
lic and and Toilet
ticleiof every kind, Alcoho lic
',erects, Alcaloid and Resinoida, all
the best Trusses, Abdominal Sup
porters,Shoulder Braces, Breast
Pumps, Nipple Shells and
shields, Nursing Bottles,
A large supply of
Moth powder and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery,
„ s p, tombs, Hair Dyes, Invigorators, &c.;
o tuit, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wick, &c,
Fin:wane supplied at reasona ble rates.
Iltditilies end Prescriptions carefully and ap..-
,aatelr c ompounded all hours of the day and
Charles 11. Britton, Phrmaceutist,
~o ant pet especial attention to a this branch
d die bushing. having had over ten years
pineal experience in the drug business emi
t ohm to guarantee entire satisfaction to a
,io ma; patronize the new firm.
Astge supply of School Books, Stationary,
sc.. always un hand.
l u ny to 10, a. ni.,-12 to 2, and 6 to 6 p. m.
hivlf, 11. Brilt.oll. A. Musser.
Welts, October 20, 1366. 1 I-tf
1 . OUNDE It S
rd General Machinists, Second sire
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
Ley are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
;,3tiao for Roiling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Tanta, Cellar Uums, Weights, bac., for Buil
-14, and castings of every description ;
floater; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
hr Mining and Tanning ;. Brass Bearings,
Oeo& Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks ;
rave; for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit-
Lip in ali their variety; Boilers, Tank's, Flues,
tatug, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
experience in b nailing machinery we
Mc ourselves that we can give general nth -
x'[. to those who may favor us with their
I.?liepairing procaptly atterukid re.
ilrleta by !nail addressed as above, will meet
~,ipr,leptsttention. Prices tosuitthetimes.
October 20, ISIiO. 14 tf
you pas
at Julia Fareira's
'law now in store of my own importation
al manufacture one of the /largest and most
selections of FANCY YE/ KS, far
aiies'aad CI
uldrens' wear, in the city. Also
° ioeassnment of Gent's
Inn enabled to dispose of my goods at very
tozmnab le prices, and I would therefore soli
"a call how my friends of Lancaster county
ad vicinity.
ktmenaber the name number and street.
JUAN FAREIRA, 718 Arch-st.,
ta‘eith, south side, PHILADELPHIA..
rk I have no partner, nor connection with
store in Philadelphia. 110-17 t.
rovF,s !
14 'Ner's Hardware and Stove Store
•Ilarket Street, Marietta, Pa.
- 1 c E:—Front street, next door to
W , 11]
illumust Drug Store, between Locust
Walnut streets, Columbia.
f , ,
S Taxigler & Pattersonim Store.
OM 7 8 A.
1 ro
ro 2. M.
" 6ro7P. H.
t..IIOE :—No. 24 Nolan DUKE STREET
i,;elt6the Court House, where he will nt
,to the br ea prac i ce of his profession in all its
4otto ch.
telitat arti M cle ter ladies. Just reFeiren
for mile at SS. ROTH'S Variety'St*Te
•z 3 Drape , and Clark's re
} ha Gerelen Mcriar
Office in " LINDSAY'S BUILDING," second
floor, on Elbow Lane, between the Post
o.tice Corner and li.ont-St., Marietta,
Lancaster. County, Pennsylvania.
ADVEATIBING RATES: One square• (10
lines, or less) 75 cents for the first insertion and
One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at 35 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, razx ; but for any
additional lines, ten cents aline.
A liberal deduction made to yearly a nd half
yearly advertisers.
Hiving juet added a " NEWBURY MOUN
TAIN JOBBER Paces," together with a large
assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of "Tux
MARIETTIAN," which will insure the foe and
speedy execution of all kinds of Joe & CARD
PRINTING, from the smallest Card to the
Laßosa PosrEn, at reasonable prices.
Let those ar c'eeiring time
Rejoice in early flowers ;
Let those who love the summer
Enjoy her curtained bowers,
Her roses and her wcfodbiaes,
Her songsters full of glee ;
But the golden tints of autumn
Have a matchless charm for me.
When gay old Indian summer
Toys with the western sky,
And'dresses ap the sunset
With robes of gorgeous dye;
When the wailing winds are chanting
Their dirges to the flowers,
And serenade a welcome
To the lengthened evening hours;
When joyous nutting parties
Leave the dusty city's throng,
And join the happy chorus
Of the autumn wood-bird's song,
And the grand old forests echo
With their merry laugh and glee,
With voices of the swelling streams,
The sobbing of the sea;
When our gramiries and cellars
Are drafting for recruits,
And the call is promptly answered
With stores of grain and fruits;
When the hectic flush is painted
Qn the cheek of tree and vine,
And tells that dear Dame Nature
Is in a swift " decline "
The missions of the spring time
And summer are complete,
And while the year is dying
He weaves hie winding sheet ;
And gently, very gently,
le folded-on his breast
A pall of pearly whiteness,
Which robes him for his rest.
No. 718 ARCH
rett, above
A lady elegantly dressed in the
habiliments of woo" was met in the
street, a few days ago, by an acquaint
ance who ventured to remark upon her
being in mourning. "Yes," said the
bereaved one; mournfully, taking a few
steps to trail her dress, and looking
over her shoulder at the effect thereof,
" I've just lost my mother—don't you
think this is a sweet veil ? Such a deep
hem I" Stich a resignation in affliction
is touching.
Sr Backley; in one of his lectures
made use of an illustration that will bear
repeating : Holding a dime close to
his eyes with one hand, and a half dollar
at some distance with the other, he said
"Now, I cannot see the half dollar with
this eye, for the dime is so near to it, it
obscures my vision. So it is with min
of business ; - in their eagerness to save a
dollar they often lose sight of the fif .
within their reach."
car" In Petroleum V. Naeby's dream
of the condition of the United States
after Andrew Johnson became King and
the rebel leaders " Dooks or Earls," the
tendency of free trade is thus described,:
Bier& was all done by foreigners, the
policy uv the `Government Win to make
the native born people purely agricultu
ral peroantry.
er Lord Broughham, at the Seel I
Science Heating, Manchester, read in
tolerably audible voice, but after read
ing about half his paper he eat down, ap
parently owing to a set of false teeth
getting out of order. He readjusted
them, remarking, "One's teeth are
troublesome from birth."
ar A constable. in Ohio lately testi
fied in court as follows ; " I know noth
ing of her but what I hear the'neighbori
say ; and in my- opinion, what a woman
says of another is not worthy of belief:.
- .
The word -oigsit grinder --a -hollow
tooth tbst,:phii, the deuce.
Tiktl - .)lares'ff an.
aiiikrittrentVonsgibania ''ourrtat for °me girth.
Cold Water Arrows—NO. 4
The inconeisteracy of Drunkards and
By the , above caption* it is not meant
to be implied.tbat the class mentioned
are the only persons who are inconsist
ent, for we believe that there is a cer
tain degree of inconsistency in all wrong
doers arising from the fact, perhaps,"that
whilst their actions tend in one direc
tion, their conscienees, until wholly sear
ed, point in.the opposite one.
Bat this is sometimes very strikingly
illustrated in the ease of the drunkard
and the drunkard-maker.
We once met a man who when sober
was a most excellent physician. On the
. referred to, he had evidently
wandered to the outskirts of the village
to escape being " called " to the sick
room. He could not walk erect without
holding to the arm of a friend of ours ;
as we returned to the village, and yet to
a remark made to that friend upon the
effect of abstinence in general upon .
longevity. The physician replied, with
stammering lips : " Yes, abstinence is a
good thing. I always recommend total
abstinence to my patients." We came
to know him better afterwards and be
lieve he spoke the truth, for we have
known few better and more considerate
physicians when.not intoxicated.
A city missionary in London, on one
occasion found, in a public house, writ
ten in a bold baud, framed, and placed
where all could read them, the following
lines :
"0 that men would put an enemy in
their mouths to steal away their brains.
Drunkenness expels reason, drowns the
memory, diminishes strength, effaces
beauty, inflames the blood, causes exter
nal, internal sad incurs* wounds. :It
is a witch to the senses, a devil to the
soul, a thief to the . purse, the beggar's
companion. A wife's woe, and a child's
sorrow ; makes a strong man mad, and a
wise man a fool. He is worse than a
beast, and is a' self-murderer, who drinks
to others' good health and robe himself
of his own."
How strangely it must have looked to
see such a philippic against drunkenness
as that hanging up in sight of the land
lord and hie customers. And yet I have
no doubt that the miserable rumeeller,
sure of his victims, was glad enough to
let it hang there as a salve to his con
science, and-if any poor fellow got "too
drunk" on his liquor he could point
complacently to that as a proof that "he
was making himself worse than a beast."
We once heard a man who was sel
dom sober, and who almost burnt out his
eyes drinking liquor, close a eulogy upon
a great statesman with the .words.:--
' But they say he drinks very hard, yes
( with a wise , shake of the , head) they
say he's a hard drinker."
All, of course, are not thus inconsist
ent. Many "glory in their shame," and
make a boast of their iniquity. Many
scoff at all that is good, and decent, and
sober, and make the man who attempts
to ieform them the theme of their rude
and vulgar songs. But we• cannot but
think, that underneath all their low,
swaggering, there lies, only partially
asleep, an outraged conscience that w ill
one day thanderin their ears, those aw
ful vords: "You have been a destroyer
and a self murderer."
And you, 0 Retailer of strong drink,
when you,see the intemperate , perishing
on your right band and on your left, dois
the solemn question never occur, "What,
influence have I had in forming their
character and bringing them , to ruin ?"
A lirronr.—A gentleman one even.:
Lug said to a lady, near whpm he was
seated, "Why is a woman unlike a mir.
ror ?"
• She "gave it up."
" Because," said the , rude fellow, " a :
mirror.' reflects without speaking ; a
woman, speaks without reflecting."
"Very good," said she'. "Now an
swer me. "Why is a man unlike a mir
ror ?"
"1 cannot-tell-you."
Biemise the mirror is polished; and
ha man is not."
- A. Binghampton revivalist looking
fo recruits,found a large sized African
and asked him :
" Have you found the Lord 2"
"Golly, mama, is de Lord lost?"
or 41., negro beiag aalted what time
it wae - by his watch, replied : " Sixty
tree mirmte pas' half atter twelve
Whir you . no keep a watch yonnielfo
When ie a elergyman,notaplernman ?
When bran-ancridento hOsenontee a lame
man ( man
W. A. F
The * Printer and hie TYPe.
The.following heantiful extract is from
the pea of Benjamin F. Taylor, the_ prin.
ter poet
Perhaps there_ is no depar#nu4, of
enterprise whose details are less under •
stood, by.
,intolligont, people, than.the .
"art preservative," the achievement of
Every day their life long they are ac
customed- to read the newspaper, and
find fault with its statements, its arrange
ments, its looks ; to plume themselves
upon' the discovery of soma roguish and
acrobatic type that gets into ft frolic
and stands upon.its head ; or 'of 'some
waste letter or two in• it—but of the
process by which the newspaper is made,
of the miriade of motions and the thous
ands of pieces necessary to its composi
tion, they know little and think less.
They imagine they-discourse of a won
der, indeed, when they speak of .the fair
white carpet, woven for thought to walk
on, of the rags that fluttered on the
back of the beggar yesterday.
But there is something more wonder
ful still. When we look at the hundred
and fifty-two little boxes, somewhat
shaded with the touch of inky , fingers,
that compose the printer's "case," noise
lessly, except the clicking of the types,
as one by one they take their places in
the, growing line--we think we have
foubd the marvel of the art.
We think how many fancies in frag
ments there are in the boxes ; how many
atoms of poetry and eloquence the prin
ter can make here an] there, if he bad
only a little chart to work by; how
many facts in a- small " handful ;" how
much truth in chaos.
Now he picks up' the scattered ele
ments until he holds in his hand a stanza
of "Gray's. Elegy," or a monody upon
Grimes' "All Buttoned up hefore."
Now he sets "puppy missing," and now
"Paradise, Lost ;" he arrays, . a hride in
"small caps," and.a sonnet in " nonpa
reil ;" and he announces the laughing
" live " in one sentence--transposes the
words and deplores the days that tire
few and "evil" in the next.
A poor jest ticks its way slowly into
the printer's hand, like a clock just run
ning down, and a strain of eloquence
marches into the line letter by letter.
We fancy we can tell the difference by
hearing by the ear, but perhaps not.
The types that told of a wedding yes
terday annoupce a burial, to-morrow—
perhaps the same letters.
They are the elements to make a world
of. Those types are a world with some
thing in it as beautiful as spring, as rich
as summer, and as grand as autumn flow
ers that frost cannot wilt. Fruit that
shall ripen for all time.
The newspaper has become the log.;
book of the world. It tells at what rate
the world is running. We cannot find
our "reckoning" without it.
True, the green grocer may bundle up
a pound of candles in our last expressed
thoughts, but it is only coming to base
uses, something that is (one times in
We console ourselves by thinking that
one can make of that newspaper what
he cannot mako of living oaks—a bridge
for time that he can fling over the chasth
of the.dead years, and walk :lately back
upon the shadowy sea into the far past.
The singer shall not end •bis song, nor
the soul be eloquent no more,.
ANECDOTE or - WEBSTER.—The follow
ing, new anecdote of the "Godlike," is
taken from Fraser's ( London) Maga
zine for September : At the politidal
dinners of which Webster was rather
nd, he almost invariable became - tipsy
be ore his speech time arrived, and seine
of is most admired after dinner-speech
es were the. composition -of friendly re
porters. On one , occasion) he - had to
prompted by a friend, who eat just be
hind him, and •gave him successively
phrases and topics. The speech pro
ceeded somewhat after this fashion
Prompter—" Tariff." Webster--" The
tariff, gentleman, is a subject requiring
the yrofound attention of the statesman:
American industry, gentlemen; must be"
(node a littler) Prompter—" National
debt:" Webster--" And, gentlemen,
there's the national debt—a:should be
paid (loud cheers, which rouse the
epeaker,) y4gentlemen, it should be
paid, (cheers), and - d—d if it shan't be
paid, ( Wang:out- hitt pocket book,)
pay it myself,: 'Vow much ie it in This
last questicin'Wail WO' of a &rifleman
searlini with drunketclut/ionimessi:iind
coupled with , the •tecolfectiOd of the
well liP9*.n, iP?13c0P117144 Webster's
Pookot b 0 . 01 4"900 rare of; 4 1 1.114 K,
amid which tbe waterer's-into his seat
and Will 000 D Beim.
A Copperhead Orator 7
A rather rich joke occurred, to one of '
the promineet Copperheade in the bo
rough of Phoenixville, during the late
'campaign and which we donut feel war
ranted in permitting to pass unnoticed.
On the sth of Octobee,ihe Copperheads ,
held a meeting at the above named place,
and one of the speakers, whose name we
withhold for the present, remained over
night. He was entertained by, Esquire
---, and of course, was assigned •lodg
frig in the best,toom. It appears ✓ that
thelostess, had deposited in
one of the drawers of a bureau which
stood in the room, a keepsake in the
shape of $l5• in gold.
The next morning, after the host •and
his guest had started for the cars, Mrs.
( who is a good, staunch Union
woman,), feeling an uneasiness about
her treasure, made an examination, and
lo ! the gold was not there. She imme
diately started in pursuit of her husband
and his friend, and overtaking, them be.
fore they reached -the depot, at once
boldly charged the Copperhead orator
with the theft of the property. He
stoutly denied the charge, and her hus
band being very much shocked at the
sudden and unexpected turn things were
taking, apologized to his guest, and in
sisted that such a thing was entirely
impossible. But - the good Union wom
an was not -to be thus easiltput off.
With -a. persistence and energy eharac
teristic of her sex, she insisted that it
was true, and at last brought conviction
to the mind of her husband, who seized
the-culprit by the collar, when he at
once owned up, and disgorged the coin
in full. The gentleman who had the
honor of entertaining this distinguished
Copperhead orator, plead very hard with
our informant ( a Union man who hap
pened to be present, and heard and wit
nessed what transpired-), that he• would
not divulge it until after the election 1
Notwithstanding the election is over,
our Copperhead friends have taken no
steps to punish the culprit. ()an it be
possible that this is the character of
Copperhead orators generally, and to
administer justice to all of them, would
be entirely too stupenduous an under
taking? We trust our District Attorn
ey will not be thus dismayed, but will
at once make , a, beginning with the in
dividual above referred to. The ends
of justice deniarid that he should not be
allowed thus to escape.— West Chester
Ur Lady Hamilton, the friend of
Lord - Nelson, was once rowed ashore by
one of Nelson's saitors,, whom she deem
ed deserving of some courtesy at her
hands. " Will you have a glass of rum,
a mug of beer or a tumbler of punch ?"
inquired the lady. "If you please,
ma'am," responded Jack, with hie bent
bow, " I will take the rum now, and toss
off the mug of beer We your ladyship
is mixing the punch 'tor de." The Tri
bune thinks General Dix must have in
herited something like Jack's compre
heneive appetite. •
giar One of the lady teachers. in the
industrial school at - Petersburg,Va., was
recently questioning her mills from
Scripture, and asked, " Who died for
To which a little fellow ehonted in
reply, "Abraham Lincoln."
Gir A. gentleman asked Rothschild's
advice as to speculating in the finance
and banking companies at that time in
high favor. "Oh, yes," was the advice,
"bat if you do speculate, my friend, you
must o do as in a shower bath,—soon in
and soon out." -
. law her at' the bell;
I saw, her stretch to reach it;
I saw het—but a moment, .
And then I saw her twitch it.
lair We saw a venerable looking , cow
yesterday, says the Cincinnati Herald,
eating pine saw dust, under the , impres
sion that it was, bran. She didn't find
out her mistake until night, when it-was
found that she gave turpentine instead
of milk.
He l knowslkis - nose. I knew
keowe hie nose, - Hp said he knew his
nose ; lutiniChe knee! I *new he
knew ,his nose,
„of. course he knows
know he, knows. kis ,nose..
ale - 1. '-e 'Cita `
lWu:haler' says' that
el e . .
..., _
Agisa' l it-wife' L ' *NEI milled' , E:v -4e ,,... c4105 . ,
when she appeared man's d of napp i .
nese.wea drawing tg kol
~, , , , x
. sr' A Detokmaa be .g asked bow of.
tibliefilitifted; t
rat ft: 'I Di ditiitice
wait daily UV)/ '' tiiiiiktif; deD I
Ames efferr te'
—The flint and steel which had so long
acted together in perfect friendship,
kindling many a tinder box by willing
co-operation, quarreled one day. The
steel was furious because the filet bruis
ed his sides. The flint said, "You have
chipped, my side, too, and made me look
old and liattered. I won't stand it."
"Very well," said the spunky steel,
"let us part. Good-bye."
"0 good-bye," replied the Hint, " I
guess you won't amount to much when
I'm gone."
"And you won't be worth a spark with
out me," retorted the steel.
And so the flint and steel parted.
While acting together they had been
useful, but separated they were value
less, and both found their way into sep
arate rubbish boxes.
Let children who quarrel and despise
each other learn a lesson from this fable.
God did not make them to quarrel, but
to act and play and live together, just
as he made the steel and flint to act to
gether in the production of sparks. It
is by loving and helping each other that
children help one another to grow wiser
and happier. When they quarrel and
live apart they hurt themselves, and rob
each other. Better live in friendship,
and then, as the flint and steel by har
mony :hake sparks, so they will make
their homes bright and beautiful with
the holy lights of love and kindness.
is one thing sure," said Mrs. Partingtoo,
"the females of the present regeneration
are a heap more independent than they
used to be. Why I saw a gal to-day,
and that I know belonged to the histor
ical class of society, with her dress all
tucked up to her knees, her hair all buz
sled up like as if she hadn't to come it
for a week. and one of her grandmother's
old caps in an awful crumpled condition.
on her head. Why, laws honey, when I
was a gal, if any of the fellejle came
along when I had my clothes tioltettgp.,
that way, and my head kivered with au
old white rag, why I would ran for dear
life. and hide oat of sight. Well, well,
the gals then were innocent, anconfisca
ted critters; now they are what the
French would call ' blazes.'
BOIT USING Tonecco.—A strong sen
sible writer says a good, sharp thing,
and a true one for boys who use tobacco.
It has utterly ruined thousands of boys.
It tends to softening and weakening of
the bones, and it greatly injures the
brain, the spinal marrow, and the whole
nervous fluid. A boy who smokes early
and frequently, or in any way uses large
quantities of tobacco, is never known to
make a man of much energy, and genera
ally lacks muscular and physical as well
as mental power. We would particular
ly warn boys who want to be anything
in the world, to shun tobacco as a most
baneful poison, It injures the teeth.
It produces an unhealthy state of the
throat and lungs, hurts the stomach, and
blasts the brain and nerves.
I wish I could prevail on neigh
bor Binder to keep the Sabbath," said
good Mr. Johnson. " I'll tell you how
to do it." exclaimed incisive young
Smith : "get somebody to lend it to him
and I'll be bound that he'll keep it.
He was neviir yet known to return any
thing that he borrowed."
"Speaking of shaving," said a pretty
girl to an obdurate old bachelor, " I
should think that a pair of handsome
eyes would be the beet mirror to shave
" 0, yes, I know many a poor fel
low who haa bead Shaved by them."
A paper asks very innocently, if it is
any harm to sit in the lapse of ages.
Another replies that it depends on the
kind' of ages selected. Those from
eighteen to twenty.fite, it pots down as
extra hazardous.
When you reflect that every mother
has children of surprising genius, it is a
matter of serious inquiry where all the
ordinary, men come from who cross oar
path in every day life.
An Irishman having been told that
the price of bread had fallen, exclaimed,
"This is the first time I ever rejoiced at
the fall of my best friend !"
Vichy is a beefsteak like a locomotive ?
hie not of much ,account without it's
, What. did Lot do when his wife turned
to salt? 1340 t a fresh one.
- iShea f Nonsense—Gut the, hair tiff of a
fool's bead.
The 3 igliiiiihe took otir advice hae jut
Wooed While