focal Mandan. 101 186(3, earning n Passenger train for Lan n • d Philadelhia wi lea pp ve the uer a g i 12, minu p tes afte ll r 8 o'clock. The zo ing westward will pass upper yin :0 minutes bfo? e ONE o'clock, NOON. ..",-11511r;isburg accommodation train eastward at 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the end returning arrive here at 43 ti e r 6 o'clock in the evening. h T e Lancaster Express speaking e Cops voting a negro at the :ate „remora election, gays : " We men ed a day or two after the late . dee_ that the dersocrata of East Hemp -3 township actually voted a negro l:lstuer, at the Roiireratown poll. e are now further able to state, on ipu table authority, that ono of the plidates on the Democratic county seat circulars tovery linat respectable colored men ' , ,, more township, enclosing tickets, earliest; y solicited the honor of •, Ir row at the then approaching Whether these two men voted ~igaested, we have not, heard; but, jtb (act that the candidate referred lrcvisiderably ahead of his ticket, orart probably that his elect ioneer ng• the colored population was ".,;.;Father labor lost. ............. g lie Centenuary services in the E clJrch, on Sunday last, were quite The church was crowded in t to bear a very able sermon Rev. Mr. Stringer. In the after „the scholars attached to the Sab ,hschool had services and were ad .,,se.! hr Kers. Stringer and Clawges, tF,e e vaing the church was again iJ bear Revs. Clawges and _.',.Junes Worrall, commissioc. sea that the dams in the ..ii.slsunit river were so altered as to rassiTo of fish, has announced ;,the dam at Columbia has been thus reml, and that the corporations jaws lately purchased from the have a- )et failed to comrly with It is contemplated that some -crtnt litigation will be bad before ~ minviice fisheries heretofore existing ;',lv cab be restored 6 , The Greensburg Herald, referring !hat the Copperheads voted aqlo East ilempfield township, county, and one in Harrisburg io the borough of Greens .; tn :Le day of the lag, election, a,crm murebed ' a man of African up to the [ - wile, and had him %thole Democratic ticket, he W. not a resident of the dia. Y. ! John 'heti, u Democrat ho. UAL!, and ► Dvmocrutic elec- i tt uk thd vote." :Su:quehanua ld again up and board rafts are hourly arriv- repurtB are iu circulation T.oo.ber coming—some as high :.,vet Ladled. The eastern merch .'sacr h“rly all Lae aud trianufactu -,EI II est Eirauch speculators arriv A dal or two will tell the tale," he riva cannot possibly keep up :gat tht season or the year. kt Tire Dully Eureka 'AI ill was up for days since, but did not, we , m,ge a bid. It is now owned by a 4 1enati iu Philadelphia. It has not knowing since last season. It is to ,Ntetted that it is cot. in the hands ' 1 40 eiltvrprising business man, for, ,t, lruaLing, it gave employment to ''ea Lumber of our townsmen. It Ihe New york Tribune, in speak zciPraessor Wickersham's appoint ,ttle Superintendency of Common :001,, or this State, Bays " that the lllituisot of Prof. W. is a sure evi lte that the cause of Common School , 4 tfuloo itt as pr6sperous as heretofore lie great State of Pennsylvania." lißead Steam. itertzler Sr Guion's .., "ID another column. Mr. John loitler was, for a number or years, a "'Om, of this borough, and many of "'old residents will remember the old 4 rtintfi e fi r , of C. & J. Hertzlcr. r 4r The several turnpikes running .°1 Marietta : the Marietta and Lan ''tr %ill meet at Kendig's ; the Mari 1311'd Mountjoy will meet at Funk's Itilatoitta and Raytown at the Toll °' Monday next, the sth instant 41 d then annual elections. It Read W. C. Johnston's card in *4llEt column. Mr. J. is a brother-in ol Rev. G. M. Clawges, of this place, ?tt ingantioil f n the oil business may nod on as highly honorable. 4 r Jobb M• ''''' '''''' '''''' Publisher of lit 'heiEti Sentinel, has been ap :Liat'd Notary Public for Manbeim, is " or samqo Enetninger, deceased. ...... ....... !?1' Jnbo— in " ngling, supposed to be et person in Lancaster, died on 4 ,"'day, aged 96 years. Be came City in 1804. 4:"'" '''''''' '''''' • Jur Jeremiah Shaffner sold .hie .!.) acres—with tine improvements til lage of Idaytown, a few days th Abraham Martin for $6OOO. , ~'• n (xcellent Meteor fias Burner 4 medium eizo l d as new 56;ttiai blotita. Da. Scnxiscx's Putmottic StrtuP. This great medicine cured Dr. J. It. Schenck, the proprietor of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His physicians pronounced his case incurable, when he commenced the use of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was re stored in a very short time, and no return of the disease has been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present weight is more than two hundred'pounds. Since his recovery, he has devoted his at tention exclusively to the cure of Consumption and the diseases which are usually complicat ed with it, and the cures effected by his medi cines have been very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits to several of the larger cities weekly, where he has a large concourse of patients, and it is truly astonishing to see pour consump tives that have to be lifted out of their car riages, and in a few months, healthy, robust persons. Dr. Schenck'.s Pulmonic Syrup. Sea weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are generally all required in curing Consumption. Full di rections accompany each, so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best to see him. He gives advice free,-but for a thorough ex amination with his Respirometer his fee is three dollars. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor—one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the otheras he now is, in pet feet health—are on' the Govern ment stamp. Fold by all draggists and dealers. Price $1.50 pe; bottle, or $7.50 the half dozen. Let ters for advice shou:.: 4 . always be directed to Dr. Schenck's Principal Cfce, No. 15 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Ps. General Wholesale Agents: b e izas Warns Co., N. Y.; B. S. Hance, Baltimore, ; John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker do Taylor, Chicago, ILL ; Collins, Bros., St. Louis (3) ICS ITCH !- -ITCH ! !—ITCH !! ! Scratch Scratch !! Scratch !! ! WH EATON'S OINT MENT will cure the LTC!! in 48 hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and all er iptioub of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, sole ageots, 170 Washing- Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of Jostage, to any part of the Union. STAR RGE, BUT TrivE.—Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, Tilos. F. CriArstArt, 831 Broadway, N. V. 51 A RIETTA TOWN LOT AT PUBLIC SALE The undersigned administrator of John Mc Adams, deceased, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, will sell at public sale, at the public house of David Closet, at the lower end of Marietta. all that certain LOT OF GROUND, situated on the south-side of Sec nd street, (Turnpike) in that part of the borouch of Marietta laid out by John Myers, and numbered on the plan there of by No 40, containing in front on Second street, 40 feet, and extei.ding in depth to a public alley 203 feet. Sale t commence at 7 o'clock in the evening of the above named day. . • • . TEastl : Cosh on the first day of April 1367 except one-third of the amount remaining af ter payment of debts and expenses, which shall remain charged upon said'iot. JOHN A.UXER, it arietta, Nov. 3d.-ts. Oppos , te the Buttonwood Tree _____---- HERTZLER & GUION, [ SUCCESSORS TO JOHN HtiRTZLER, ] IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES AND I_,IQT_TC) No. B,e .1 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. HARRY 1-IEIITILER.3 IGEO. A. GUION Atishler's Berl; Bitters for sale. 77V - .. _ Johnston, DEALER IR Spirits Turpentine, -tYaptha, Benzine, Burning Oil, Mineral Paint Oil, Machinery Oils of all kinds, RESIbUUM. 11:3 MI orders promptly attended to No. 122 NORTH FOURTH -Sr., PHILADELPHIA , October 13-st.] F_HIITET_ I_l , ii'hasteian_ and cset_ avlean, HAS located permanently in Columbia, and offers his professional services to the citizens of that place. He may be found at his office, at the resi dence of Benjamin Haldeman, on Locust-st., every day from 8 to 10 a. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. Persons wishing his services in special cases, between these hours, will leave word by note at his office, or through the post office. *OYSTERS ! 1 em now in the receipt of the best of Oysters which will be served up in the usual vatic- nee of styles. I will have fitted up for the winter months, warm and comfortable rooms on the first and second floors, for the ACCOMMODATION OF THE LADIES, which department will receive particular attention. G. U. GOODMAN, Gooattpo ' s lee ereiaiT) & Ousi $41001). Marietta, September I+s, 186ti.-tf. S. S. RA.THVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. Kremph's Old Stand. on the Cor ner of North. Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. Gft A T E li U L to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; se curing them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be pared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTI4I3, CASHMERES AND V EIITINGS, and stick other seasonable materiaLas fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonahly, on .taste or atylf may suggest. A LllO,-/AGA D T-ll AD C CLOT!! ZING, .. lientlesasn's Furnishing Gooods and such articled as usually belong toe Mir chant Tailoring aud Clothing establishment. OB PRINTING of ,every deseripteio J ecuted 10;1r ~ttsittteetuk.atb diepotcb s i t te U Ike Mine blertetttan: ro, for ,A. Fwvi.Novwlmllm• • n N EW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA 1 BOWERS t STEAO Y, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA invite the attention of persons in want of Fall G-cpcpcl to their large and cheap stock, recently pur chased in rfew York and Philadelphia. Full line French Merihoes, plain and figured wool DeLaines, Poplila, Reps, Csshrneres, Scotch Plaids, Plain Medores. LADIES CLOAKING CLOTHS, Balmorals, hoop skirts, handkerchiefs, collars, &c., &c. Muslin. at In cents and upwards; Prints at 14 Mints and upwards; Cotton Ban nele, 25 cents and up , ; Gingham!. 22 cents and np ; Woolen, Flannels, 40 cents and up ; Ticks and Checks at various prices. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Full line black French cloths, Dceskin and nine, Cassimeres, English and French suitings of the latest designs, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Neck ties, gloves, &c. GROCERIES. In this establishment will always be found a choice lot of Teas, gofrees, Sugars and Syr ups. Having purchas e our stock post cam enables us to oiler bargains to purchasers. Kir An early call is solicited. Marietta, Sept. 29, 1866. N EW WINTER GOODS AT GABLE 4 , STRICKLER'S, MARK ET STREI, MAILI ETTA, PA., LOW for CASH ! Having selected our stock out of a lot of goods imported since the decline in gold, al lows us to offer goods below New York and Philadelphia retail prices. OUR LADIES DEPARTMENT Consistivr f choice styles of embroidered Mo hair, in plain colors, silk plaid Mohair, French and Scotch wool plaids, knglish and French merinos, - figured and plain delaines, all styles of American De Laines, and a full stock of la dies wear generally. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. English, French and Domestic cloths; Car simeres and vestal:to in great variety; Beaver cloths for Overcoating ; undershirts and draw hats and caps, &c., &c., &c., liousZ furnishing goods of all kinds; flan nels fro,;: 3.6 zents to $1 per yard ; large lot of bleached anti unb:"ached Muslins, Dills and Cotton flannels. (lass and Queensware ; floor and table oil cl,2ths ; Groceries of all kinds; Salt and Fish, all serang at correspond ingly low prices. Call and exatiline for your selves. Marietta, Sept. 29. 1866. F ALL & WINTER GOODS'. A LARGE AND WELL DIVERSIFIED STOCK OF FALL AND Winter Goods Have just been opened by SPANGLER & RICH, 60 WOW sfreef, ygliettai Embracing full lines of Ladies Fashionable Dress goods, desirable plain styles Dress goods, Sacking and Cloaking Cloths, Stella, Thibit and Plaid Shawls, Balmorals and Spring Skirts in all sizes, Calicos, Gingbarns, Milstins, Pil low Case and Shirting Muslins, Checks, Sheet ing, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Chambrys, Diapers, Counterpanes, Cowerlids, Blankets, Crash, &e. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR. MAN 0114$111AIS & Des*, Hats, Caps, Shirts and Drawers. Wall Papers, Window Blind's, Carpets, Carpet Chain, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, &c. Full setts Iron stone and Granite Queensware, a variety of Glassware. Groceries of all kinds, Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Cheese, Rice, &c., &c., &c. The bulk of our goods have been bought in packages from the manufacturers, at the low est cash prices; we are, therefore, offering great bargains to purchasers. An early call is solicited. JGURNEY & SON, • PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, No. 707 Broadway, New-York. In addition to our Photographic Art Gallery, Established in 1840, We have, for the last five years, had advanta ges superior to any other establishment in obtaining sittings from life, of all the prominent celebrities of the day in Card Portraits and are now publishing a cata logue of over 2ioo Subjects, Ameri , an and Foreign, also, a large list of copies of Works of Art and ENGRAVINGS- Such as the Right Rev. Bishops of the Episco pal Church; the Catholic Clergy, and the Clergy of all denominations ; all prom inent officers of the Army & Navy; Actors and Actresses ; Foreign celebsities ; copies of Stat uary, male and female. la-Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An order for one dozen of Pictures horn our Catalogue, will be. filled at $1:80, and sent by mail FREE. Single Pictures, 25 cents each; Copies of Engravings 15 cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for re-producing, or copying old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &c., of deceased relatives and friends, enlarging them to any size and finish ing in Oil, Water Colors or India . Ink, with THE AID OF TEN TALENTED ARTISTS. • Parties desirieg copies should, therefore, cor respond with us direct. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. The trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallup Dian for Frit ittsputintt, Strangers visiting the city, will find our galle ry one of the most. agreeable places in the city, wherein to while away an hour. I. GOTeg & SON Tiptogilpiphs, Oct, 20.-6m.] '707 Broadway, N. Y OHR STARCH GLOSS Is THE ONLY ARTICLE USED ST FIRST CLASS HOTELS, Laundries, and thousands of Families. It gives beautiful polish, making the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving matins and labor. Goods done up with it keep dein much longer, construently will not wear out so soon. It makes Old Linen look like New! --o -00 %paint Bine is i Ile, best in The bvtia. It is Soluble in hard asdiell as soft , water. It is put up in the safest, neatest and most con venient form of any offered to the public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents n anted everywhere, to whom we offer .extraordinarr inducements. Address, NEW- Y ORK STARCH GLOSS CO., No. 218 Fulton-at., New-York. October 20, 1866.-3m.1 MARK THE SEASON! Anotherarrival of those;. incomparable Gas Burning Parlor Stoves. Also, THE IMPROVED VULCAN HEATER. Call and see them at J. SPANGLER'S. AHNESTOC IC'S Nonpareil Chemical Writing Fluid now ready and for sale .• ' JOHN SPAVGLER, General Agent, ITRAUT STANDS, Wiest Stands, Wino JIIL Kegs, Tuba, Thickets and Cedar-waus generally; colutantlyAin hand' at • 'J. SPANGLER'S.. • - OMSTRING KEW: , Pe s ts:4 l o4p* bands I to renew, ati to any cortdition ofit JOHN SPANGLER'S. REDUCTION IN PRICE or Tits .Interica,n WatekeB, Made at WALTHAM, Mass, In consequence of the recent great Improve menta in our facilities for manufacturing we have reduced our prices to as low a point as they can be placed WITH GOLD AT TAR, BO that no one need hesitate to buy a watch . now from the expectation that Alvin be cheaper at some future time. The teat of ten years and the manufacture and sale of more than 200,000 WATCHES, has given our productions the very highest rank among time keepers. ' Comineficing with the determination to Make only thoroughly ex cellent watches, our business has steadily in creamed as the public became acquainted with their value, until for months together, we have been unable to supply the demand. We have repeatedly enlarged our factory buildings un til they now cover three acres of grouud, and give accommodation to more than 800 men. We are fully justified in saying that we now make more than one-half of all the Watches sold in the United States. The different grades are distinguished by the following trade marks on the plate : .—"American Watch Co." Waltham, Masa. 2.--"Appleton,Tracy & Co." Waltham,Mass. 3.—" P. S. Bartlett," Waltham, Mass. Ellery." • 5.-Hua LADIES' WATCH Of firat quality is , named "Appleton, Tracy & Co." Walt ham, Massachusetts. 6.—Our next quality of Ladies' Wateh is na med " P. S. Bartlett," Waltham r Mass. These watches are furnished ina great va riety of sizes and styles of oases. The American Watch Co., of Waltham. Mass., authorize us to state that without dis tinction of trade-marks or price, All the products of their factory are fully war ranted, . to' be the best time keepers of their class ever made in this or any other country. Buyers should remember that unlike the guarrantee of a foreign maker who can never be reached. this guarantee is good at all times against the company or their agents, and if, after the most thorough trial, any watch should prove defec tive in any particular, it may be always be exchanged for another. As the American Watc;:gs made at Waltham, are for sale by dealers generally throughout the country, we do not solicit orders for single watches. CAUTIOX.—The public are cautioned , to buy only of respectable dealers. All persons sell ing counterfeits will be prosecuted. Robbins & Appleton, Agents for the American IVatch Co. 0ct.20-Im] 182 BROADWAY, N. Y Latest Fashions Demand j. gfaxl.l.eq2a cele[tialed Patent Duplex 471;ptic joa niatrin.r. SPRING] =DIRT.. THE Wonderful flexibility and great com fort and pleasure In any I'4ly wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced par ticularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews,. arm chairs for promenade and housedress, as the skirt can be folded when , in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an invaluable quality in crinoline not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyedthe pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses, and young ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered ; pre venting them from wearing out when dragging down steps, stairs, Br.c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibil ity, durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W. BRADLEY 'S Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. Caurion :—To guard against imposition be particular to notice that skirts offered as "Do- FLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz : J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs,"upon tne waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together there in, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. tr For sale in all stores where first class skirts are sold, throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of the patent, Wears, Bradley & Cary, No. 97 Chambers and 79 & 81 Reade-sts, N. Y October :20, 1866.-3 m) L ADIES TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE THE REAL VALPAU FEMALE PILLS! [ WARRANTED FRENCH.] These Pills, so celebrated many years ago . in Paris, for the relief of female irregularities, and afterwards Bo notorious for their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale for the first time in Amer ica. They have been kept in comparative ob scurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. YALPAU, is a Physician in Paris : of great wealth and strict conscientious principles, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purposes. In overcoming female.obstructions they seem to be truly omnipitent, bursting open the flood gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offeretito the public only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbid den to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. For sale by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta ; P. A. Pyle, Mouotjoy ; H. D. Parry and 8.. Wrl liams, Columbia, and druggists generally. Ladies can procure a box, sealed from the eyes of the curious; by enclosing 81 and six postage stamps to 0. G. STAPLES, General Agent for - us, Watertown, New-York, or to any or the above agents. (n0.25-ly AIARIETTA & MAY-TOWN ROAD Co. An election for officers of the Marietta an Maytown Turnpike Itoad Company, for the ensuing year, will be held at the Gate House, on the road, on Monday, Novebavb, 1866, between the hours n of 10 and 12 A. M . - • C. C.P: GROSEI i ••• ceeritati: . frIUKNPIKE'ELECTION. An election for office rs and directors of the Marietta and Mount Joy Turnpike Road' Coluininy; for gtne, ensuing year,.Will be held At Funk's ".Grose Keys blotch Marietta, on Monday, - November sth, 1866, between the houptof X4nd 4.o'clpek, ao•the afternoon.- • 1 • STEICRETTI'• '• Feeretary and 'Venturer. AL I 21 ;" Kinds , of Blankit; Owls; 'fig:: ( For Salt it this Mu. CAT.4.RBH! WHY SUPT Tlt WITH THIS DANGEROUS ANO LOATHSOIDE DISEASE WHEN IT CAN RE CURED AND Entirely eradicated front - the syttem . by the USE OF DR. SEELYE'S LIQUID CATARRH HAMBY. ERTARRItiI WILL SURELY HURT IN CONS UMPTION UNLESS CHECKED IN ITS, INCIPIEN STAGES. -0- IT NEVER FAILS! Cure warranted if dirrdtant are followed. SINGLE BOTTLES WILL LAST.A MONTH COLD IN THE HEAD Relieved in a few minutes. BAD BREATH Caused by offensive secretions. WEAK EYES Caused by Catarrhal affections. SENSE-OF SMELL When lessened or destroyed. DEAFNESS When caused by Catarrhal difficulties. All are cured by this remedy,' TIIROAT AFFECTIONS, Are more frequently than otherarisis -caused bye thick, slimy mucous, fallingfrom the beady especially during the n.ght, and resulting from Catarrh, and are cured by ' DR. ISSELY.IPS LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY! SYMPTOMS The symptoms of Catarrh are at first very slight. Persons find that they have a cold, that they have frequent attacks, and are more sensitive to the changes of temperature. In this condition the nose may be dry, or a slight discharge, thin and acrid, afterwards thick and adhesive, may ensile. As the disease becomes chronic, the dischar• gee are increased in quantity and changed in quality ; they are now thick and heavy, and are hawked or coughed off. The secretions are offensive, causing a bad breath; the voice thick and nasal; the eyes are teak; the sense of smell is lessened or destroyed ; deafness fre quently takes place. Another common pnd important symptom of Catarrh is, that fhe person is obliged to clear his throatin the morning of a slick or slimy mucous, which has fallen from the head during the night. When this takes place, the person may be sure that his Nowise is on its way to the lungs, and should lose no time in arresting it. The above are but few of the many Catarrh al symptoms. Write to our Laboratory for our phamphlet describing fully all symptoms: it will be sent FREE "to any address. Air; directions where to procure the medicine. We are receiving letters from all parts of the Union, and also numerous testimonials from those using it, hearing the evidence of its infallible inents. Irr This remedy contains no MINERAL or POISONOUS INGREDIENTS, but is pre pared from vegetable extracts EXC vE LY; therefore it is PERFECTLY HARM LESS, even to the most tender and ?elicate child. -0 CALL FOR SEELYE'S CATARRH REM-. EDY, and take no other. If not aoldby dtog gists in your vicinity, they will order it for you. Price $2.00 Ter bottle. la . All p eisons suffering with any affection of the Head, Throat or Lungs, shuuld write at once for our pamphlet fully iieseribin& all symptoms pertaining to the &Jove diseases. It will be sent free to any address. ADDRESS DR. D. H. SEELYE & FREEPORT, ILLINOIS. _ Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists; GENERAL AGENTS. - - - - John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Finch & Fuller , Chicago, Ill.; }3unihawit VanSchaack, Chicago, I 11.; Demos Barnes & go, New York ; D: Rtnisoni & Co., Saffalo, Y. ; Farrand, Shelley 81 Co„ Detroit, Mich ii_en ; Weeks .&, , Pin nl ter,. Boston, ,aas.; Fiench, : Hichards'& lia. It. E. SellerAkCO:,'Pittisbuiik, , - Conine Bro's. St: Louie Mo.; Barak!, Virtitir &tn.; New Orleans, A. :Robinson Co.r, Sy. , lilgley Did; 40110 to, Tenn.; P. E: Depuyi lia;;Thomp," mit .Blottr i Ilaltimom,•Aihr; ; Dexter jtiel -"goeir,,Alfinx, Y. ; Strong _hr. :,Annetroti, Cleveland, Ohio Win; JOhnson,,Detion, : Miche• i iWilsonfPetcni&CO.,Lliottistins, t a7„ ; t)tober 11, 1866.-1 n pas PERUVIAN SYRUP: Is a protected sohnion of the PROTOXIIJE OF IRON, anew discovery in medicine which Strikes at the root of disease, by supplying the blood with ita vital pnnciple, or life element—anon. This is the secret of the wonderful success of curing this remedy in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dail rhea, Boils, Nervous Aff'edions, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Disease* of The Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of Blood or accompanied by debility of a low `state If the system. Being free from Alchohol in any form, its energizing effects are not followed by corre sponding reaction, but are permanent, iniu sing strength, vigor and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From the venerable archdeacon Scott, D. D. Dunham, Canada East, March 24, 1865 • • • gi I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of mole than 25 years atanding," • • • "I have been so wonderfully bene fitted in the three short weeks during which I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality.— People who have known me are astonished at the change. lam widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done GO much for me." • * • A Case of 27 Years' 'Standing Cured. Prom Inatey Jewett, No. 15 Avon place, Boa ton. " I hive suffered and sometimes severely, for zz years, from Dyspepsia. I commenced taking the Peruvian Syrup, and found imme diate benefit from it. In the course of three or four weeka I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and , have enjoyed uninteirupted health ever since." An Bminent Di vine of Boston says " I have been using the Peruvian Syrup for some time past it gives me new Vigor, buoy ancy of spirits, elasticity of Muscle. , Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering c: ea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hesi. sate to give if a trial. A.pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certifi cates of cures an.. recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergy. men, and others, will be sent razz to any ad dress. Cl` See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. FOR SALE BY J. P. Dinsmore, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street Nem York. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SCROFULAI AU Medical Men agree that lODINE is the beet remedy fot Scrofula and all kindred dis eases ever discoVered. The difficulty has been to obtain a pure solution of it. DR% li. ANDERS' lODINE WATER. Is • Pure Soluttott of lodine, Without a sol vent ! I CO/1t61111114 A ruLL GRAIN to oath °hate of Water A moat PoWerful Vitaliting Agant and Restorative: It Hap cured and WILL CURE SCROFULA in all filo manifold forms ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM &C. 'Circulars will be sent razz to any one send ing their address,. Price $l.OO a 'bottle, or 6 for $5.00 Prepared by Dr: II Chemist. Anders, physician a rid FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York AND'BY ALL DRUGGISTS. cvistAßA BALSAIR OF WILD CHERRY RAS BEEN USER FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, Wt It fttr. atorr &stoat/Bmo TOCCEIII cUarso Coughs. Colds,Hoarseness, Sore Thtost, In fluenza, Wh ooping Cough, Croilp, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, and every affection of The Throat, Lungs, and Chest, CONSUMPTION! whith carries I3tf More Victims than any other disease, stick which baffles the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY! when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE) RAPID IN AFLITF, SOOTHING IN ESIECT, SAFE IN ITS oPERATtos, IT IS UNSURPASSED! while as a preparation, free from noxious in gredients, poisons, or minerals ; uniting skill, science, and medical knowledge ; combining Flu that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE; I and ie entitled, merits, and receives the gen eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows : " Wistaes Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs. and allaying irritation, thus removing the cause, instead of drying up the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Balsam as good as any, if not the best, Cough medicine with which I am acq..ainted." - - . The Rev. JACOB SECHLRR, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the afflicted. - - DEAR Sias :—Having realized in my family important benefits from the use of your Yalu.- able preparation — Wisms lI'S BA LIAM or WILD CHERRY—it affords me pleasure to re commend it to the public . Some eight years ago one of my daughters, seemed to be in t. decline, ans little hopes of ter recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balealn, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a . great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual. ease made frequent use f your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benefitted by it. JAvos SECH LE a. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOT'T'LE. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 De y Street ) New York. Sem NV. Powt.r. & Sort Proprietors, Boston. And by aii Sox, GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE cures Ms, Bhrne, Scalds / Graze's Celebrated Salve CUaEs WOUNDS, BRUISES, SPRAINS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES BOILS, ULCIAS, CANCERS. Grace's Celebr-ated. Salve CURES CHA.P.P.ND LARDS, CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salve HEALS OLD 'onus, rLssu -mount's, &C, It is prompt in uttion,.temovep imin it onc e and reduces the most angry-looking, swelling AUltinhimmations, as if by inagic,—thus of. fordng relies and ,conuitJele Cute.. Only 25 brell ttOX ,-:(Sently inlit'for 35 c' Sold by . J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey et., N S. W FONLE,es, Sroprietara t Bo 501d..17 dOggfattioirceltra and tountr•