The Mariettian. MARIETTA. PA : .sllooaij NONifT, October QT, 1860. fir The first public telegram ever sent over the wires was on the 14th of June, 1844, and directly thereafter a well known member of Congress from In..liana was defeated for reelection in consequence, it is said, of his vote sus taining an appropriation of $25,000 to aid the enterprise, on the ground that " a man who could be made to believe in such a humbug was too big a fool to go to Congress." sr Those who have met Mr. W. H Seward during the last year are aware . that he is only a wreck of his former self, Time, and disease, and indulgence, have produced their natural effects upon both body and mind. He has had a collosal reputation coming down from the past. At present he is only a shad. ow, that must soon pass away. Would that he was rounding out his life in har mony with the beginning of it. ar The next month is emphatically the month of elections. The sixth of November will be the "day of days," for the popular decision of great ques tions. On that day, elections will be held in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Mis souri, Kansas ankNevada, twelve States having ninety one Representatives in Congress. or If the United States was as dense ly populated as France, our population would number 528,000,000, or if popula ted as densely as England and Wales, 924,000,000 ; and if according to Belgi um's density of population ( 397 to the square mile) the United States would contain 1,195,000,000, which is 110,086,- 000 more than the entire population of the world in 1866. SW The report of Mr. Stanton'e res ignation is not confirmed, but it is said he will soon leave the cabinet and suc ceed Mr. Hale as Minister to Spain. That Gen. Sherman will become Acting Secretary of War till Mr. Stanton's sue• cessor is appointed is as yet a rumor, but not improbable. The former law pairtaer of Mr. Linen* the Hon. Wm. El. Marna:in, made a speech in Springfield, Illinois, the other evening, in which he proved to his own satisfaction that Andrew Johnson was the personal and political enemy of the late !?resident during his entire administration. Cr According to an official report of the War Department, the number of Union prisoners taken during the re bellion, was 260,910 ; rebel prisoners 20,- 000. Number of Union prisoners who died in confinement, 22,576 ; of rebels who died in Northern prisons, 26,430. igir The proposition made to send from California a section of the "Origi nal Big Tree " to the World's Fair at Paris, is said to be impractible, for want of a saw long enough to cut it. The cutting will require a saw 40 feet long. sir Joseph E. Davis, brother of Jeff. is to receive the rents that have accrued on his property since the date of his pardon papers, which were issued in March last, but not forwarded him until September. fir It is a strange coincidence that seven of the passengers of the ill-fated steamer Evening Star were rescued by the schooner Morning Star and carried into Charleston. Thesetting Star found another rising one to take its place. tur Attorney General Stanbury has decided that Secretary Harlan's contract selling 800,000 acres of Cherokee lands to a Connecticut society for per acre is invalid, and it will probably be ignor ed. At Erie, in his speech. the f're•i dent said : " I tell you all the powers of hell cannot turn me from my purpose." To which some exchange adds : "Doubt less they don't waut to ! 6 Lieut. Scott, after four years fighting in the field, was appointed post master of Olean. He has just been re moved, and an anti-war rebel sympathi zer appointed. • air Chief Justice Chase has been elected President of the Freedmen's Union Commission, in place of Bishop Simpson, resigned. A. boot blacking machine has made its appearance on the streets of Buffalo, greatly to the indignation of " profes sionals." ear Robert E. Lee has seat a lock of hie hair to St.-Louis, at the request of a lady..:lt,ie to be put up,in a raffia. S lies:Mier& are like flies that leap ever all a man's good parte to'light only on his Horse. ° ilar The household effects left at the Arlington Mansion by R. E. Lee, late rebel general, or rather the fragments remaining of them, were, on Wednesday delivered to the party authorized to re ceive them. This was done, the Nation al Intelligencer says, under the order of the President. It appears that nearly everything of any value has been stolen and many valuable heirlooms, including some of the family portraits, had been purloined. The portraits taken from the frames were packed in boxes, and stored in the upper loft of the mansion for safety in 1861. These boxes had been broken open and everything of real value taken away, and letters and priv ate papers scattered over the loft. gar In Detroit, on Saturday, a man 38 years of age, applied to a justice, in company with a girl of eighteen, to be married, and on inquiry stated that he already had a wife, but that she had gone off with a younger man, Being in formed that he could not be again mar ried before obtaining a divorce, he quick ly said that there would be no trouble on that score, as he bad sold his wife to her paramour. The magistrate endeav ored to find out the price paid, but could only elicit the fact that he "didn't get much for her as she wasn't worth a great deal, but was a poor sort of a wife." sir Protecting the toes of children's Shoes from wear by Metal Tips, has proved a most important and useful in vention. But until lately a great mis take has been made in applying them chiefly to the coarser grades of shoes. For the higher the cost of the shoe the more there is saved by protecting the toe from wear, which can only be done by a Metal-Tip. Genteel Metal-Tipped shoes are now being made and are worn by the best families in the city. Manu facturers could not have conferred a greater public favor than by supplying this great want.—Boston Journal. gar Gen. G. W. Custer has written a letter in which he says : "Copperheads who opposed the government during the rebellion are worse than those rebels who had the courage to fight for their cause." He says "he can pardon the rebels who fought against him, but no soldier can ever pardon those men in the North who opposed the nation and their own States." He soya he could not vote for such a man, and could not advise any soldier to do 80. They ought never to be forgotten. E An accident on the Pennsylvania R. R. happened sometime during Satur day night last, between Spruce Creek and Newton Hamilton. Seventeen cars and their contents were wrecked, the engineer slightly scalded and the fire man *tautly killed. The latter was not rescued•from the wreck until some time during Sunday forenoon. The ac cident was caused by running over a cow and upsetting the engine: sir Man has not yet exhausted his in genuity in making animals work for him. The Australian papers speak of a col onist who has put a kangaroo to work. A machine is put in motion by the ani mal—continually springing up. It works at about half horse power, and turns a grinding atone, chaff critter, bean mill, turnip cutter, and a washing machine, and all at the same time. The contrivance also lifts water separately for irrigating the garden. fir A. carefully revised list of the pas sengers and crew of the steamship Evening Star shows the following as the number on board. Officers and crew 59 persons ; ,cabin passengers ( including Alhaiza's opera troupe and Spalding 4'k Bidwell's circus company, about 80 per sons,) 116 ; steerage passengers, 53 ; Total 278. Of these it is probable that 250 were lost. slar A Cincinnati letter says : " Hogs large enough to be fattened this year, are in good demand, and bring good prices. The number of hog's next year will be double that of this year, because nearly every farmer has a lot of fine young pigs. They are much cheaper than last year, and six cents a pound, against twelve cents last year, is all they will bring." The French Empress presented to the Imperial Library of Paris a large Bible, in two volumes, of the thirteenth century. It is written on vellum, con tains many valuable marginal notes, is illustrated in a very curious and eaquis• ite manner, and i 9 altogether a splendid specimen of old works of this kind. It was recently brought from Arabia. eir A fearful tragedy was enacted at Medina, Lenawee county, Michigan, on the 4th inst. A woman named Simms, wife of a farm laborer, took her four children to a barn and cut all of their throats, and then her own. Three of the children and the mother are dead. The fourth child cannot recover. ear The Christian Advocate and Journal states that "from $2,000,000 to $2,500,000 worth of tobacco is annually consumed by the members of the Meth odist Church In the United States," 'Me Is between $6,000 and $7,000 a day for the gratification of a sensual habit. Ea' A New. York milliner has just paid $95,000 for a " shop " on 114.. Fifth Avenue. c - s -THE Ntkoz hr 33rit£ The remains of Francis S. Key, au thor of " the Star Spangled Banner," have lately been removed from Balti more to Frederick, Md. The Paris letter writers, who have shown so much anxiety about the con dition of !Napoleon's health, are now expressing fears for the life of the young Prince Imperial, his son. They say he is singularly delicate, and that his com• plexion alarms people who remember that his aunt died of consumption. Strauss, the celebrated musician, has paid $300,000 for the right of giving monster concerts at the Elyssian Fields, Paris, daring the Exposition. He of fered Verdi $20,000 and Rossini $40,000 to direct the concerts, but the great composers indignantly rejected his offer. The new Germanic Confederation, over which Prussia enjoys military and political supremacy, can raise an effec tive military force of 1,116,000 men. Of these 650,000 belong to the regular ar mies, and 466,000 to the " Landwehr,' or reserves, Louie Napoleon, it seems, does not trust his precious body alone and un protected. - His secret police are never far away from him, and two of them, quiet and in citizen's dress, follow him at a short distance when he goes out to walk. The. Virginian, published at Stanton, iu the Shenandoah Valley, proposes that the authorities of that place P ha4l appoint one or more colored policemen, to keep in order the negro population, Hon. Charles Sumner was married in Boston, on Wednesday, to Mrs. Alice Hooper, daughter of Jonathan Mason, Esq., of that city. The nuptial cere monies were performed by Bishop East burn. Harry Gilmor, the raider, who took a roundabout way to enter Washington during the war, went there on Friday, direct from Baltimore. He asks pardon and there is no doubt that he will get it. It is ascertained by the cholera returns in London that the cases were always heavier on Mondays and Tuesdays than on any other days, owing to great drunk enness which prevailed on Saturday night, often extending over Monday morning. 800, Thomas Williams, a member of the present Congress, and re elected by an increased majority in Allegheny county, pledged himself publicly that, in case he was reelected, he would prefer charges of impeachment against Andrew Johnson. A little girl in the employ of the Wolcottvillo ( Conn„ ) Manufacturing Company possesses wonderful arithmet ical powers. She counts 2000 percussion caps and puts them in twenty boxes (100 in each) in one minute, and never makes a mistake. At Berea, Ohio, a train ran into the car which had be en specially assigned to General Butler, his wife and daughter, and .they were thrown violently upon the floor, but received no serions injuries. General Beauregard called at General Grant's headquarters on Saturday, and paid his rebpects to the General-in-chief. The ex-rebel chieftain was courteously received. The father of Gen. Grant made a speech at a Republican meeting in Cin cinnati the night previous to the elec tion. He took a decidedly Republican stand. A tug boat recently passed through the famous Dutch Gap Canal. A . pro ject is on foot to improve this canal, and if possible, make it navigable for vessels of all sizes. Horace Greeley has been nominated for Congress in the Fourth District of New York. Mr. Benjamin .Wood will ptobably be one of his competitors. A herd of blooded cattle was recently sold in England for $lO,OOO, an average of $l3O per head. The English papers say these prices were unusually high. The population of the Sandwich Isl ands has been reduced by licentiousness and dissipation in fifteen years, from 140,000 to 70,000. Head Centre Stephens has made a speech in St. Louis, declaring that the Fenian struggle in Ireland would begin before the close of the year. The first election for territorial officers in Omaha has resulted in a Republican victory by more than 600 majority. The difference between the number of people who eat. and those who sleep in New York is 197,000. At a tournament held a few days ago at Lynchburg, Va., rebel flags were sub stituted for.the Union colors. Rats are swarming in the Northwest of Ohio, destroying corn, potatoes, to matoes, and even climbing fruit trees and destroying the fruit. Gen. Pritchard, who captured Jeff Davis, is a Republican candidate for Congress from Miebigan. Nine hundred dead bodies were pinfi ed up in the streets of Balame, India in one morning. Famine. fir The New York Tribune, speaking I of the vote of that city in connection with its welfare, makes this astounding statement :—" The ignorance, the vice, the brutality here massed are fearfully powerful. The Citizens' Association estimates that sixty thousand voters in this city who, in one way or another, have a personal interest in misgovern ment. There is no reason to expect that the great army of thieves and law defying ruffians who burrow here will vote for good government ; since such a governti3ent would soon stop their ca reer. And the multitudes who live by, pandering to others' vice and debauch: i ery are natural enemies to good govern ment. The dance houses, dens of lewd ness, and law defying groggeries of our city (and,, their name is Legion) are nurseries and recruiting stations Of Sham Democracy. And so long as near ly a full half of the voters of our city have a personal interest in misgovern ment, we cannot expect to carry major ities for any organization substantially identical in ideas and objects with the Republican Union party. The rebel Gen. Forrest, at a re_ cent meeting of confederate soldiers in Memphis. to respond to the sentiments of the Clevel.,nd Convention, thus heart ily indorsed the President : " Bethought it the duty of the South to stand by President Johnson, so long as he makes the Constitution his guide. Be would not standby any man or any party long er than this. Be was glad to see so large a number of those at the meeting whom he had been associated with in the army. They were together then as they were now, for the maintenance of the rights and the vindication of their character. It behooved every Southern soldier to stand by President Johnson." r Three thousand millions of debt, half a million of soldiers' graves, two and a half millions of the people clothed in garments of mourning, surely are sol emn monuments of the earnest purpose, of a nation to save its life. A "policy' that will waste this sacrifice—a political "policy" that will voluntarily surrender the fruits of such a costly war and give to the rebels the advantages and power they failed to.conqiier by arms—such a policy, argued tolaspayers, cannot but be accepted as treason—urged upon by the relatives of the slain, must be felt to be blasphemy—pronounced in the hear ing of the world, surely will be consid ered the phenomenon of insanity or liar A private letter from Mayport Mills, Florida, says that Gouldsby, the second mate of the Evening Star, has ar rived there, having left the steamer with a boat load of ladies. All but two were lost beTore getting near shore. In laud ing, the latter were lost----one named Annie, from Rhode Island, and the oth er Rosa Howard, of New York. Both became insane from want and starvation. The bodies were washed ashore. That of the latter was nearly devoured by sharks. The mate is barely alive. inr• In a suit recently tried in the Snyder county court, in which Solomon Books was plaintiff, and the Penosylva nia Railroad Company defendants, the jury rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $13,90P. The suit was brought to recover damages for in juries sustained by plaintiff in an acci dent that occurred on the road some time since. OW George Peabod3, the eminent London banker, visited Philip's Acade my, N. 11., o❑ Wednesday, and briefly addressed the boys, He remarked that he had never bad the advantages open to them, for he Lad not been at school since he was ten years old. Many and many a time be would have cheerfully given half his fortune for the sake of an education. Cr An innocent young girl of Ro chester, N. Y., after being accused and arrested for stealing gold rings, and hauled for two weeks from the jail to the police court, treated as a felon, and condemned to the society of the degrad ed and corrupt, has at length been saved from a lifa in the State's prison by the confession of another girl. ear Letty Charter, a colored woman, died in St. Louis the other day, at the good old age of 96. It may be mention ed as rather a remarkable incident in the woman's history, that, at the age of about eighty, she gave birth to a son, who still survives, and whom she had never seen, owing to the deprivation of sight. ilidr A "Louisiana Tig2r," boasting of his having fought in the rebel army, was knocked down by a barkeeper in Reading, on Saturday night. The bar keeper was a returned soldier, and the language of the " Tiger" pleased him not. tor A woman in Louisville lately gave birth to twins, and shortly after wards sold , them, to two neighbors—the boy for two dollareitad the girl for two pairs of children's shoes. Gir Lightning struck a• tree.. wider which.a flock of eheep_had taken refuge .near Marlboro, Prince. George county, Maryland, on the 22d ultimo.. Twenty two of the animals were killed. .%prtial Notittg. LYON'S PERIODICA L Doors. The great fe male Remedy for Irregularities.—These Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, spee dy and certain specific for the cure of all ob structions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity is indicated by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum ed by the ladies of the United States, every one of whom speak in the strongest terms of p aise of their good merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Rem edy, and are considered by all who know aught of them, as the surest, safest most infallible preparation in the world, for • the cure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health, regularity and strength. Explicit directions stating when they may be used, and explaining when they should not, nor could not be used without producing effects contra ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care fully folded around each bottle, with the writ ten signature of JOHN L. LYON, without which none are genuine. 'Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 195 Chapel street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con sulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists every where. C. G. • CLanx & Co., Gen , ' Agts for U S. and Canadas. 4-ly la"ALLcocn's Porous Plasters. Whooping Cough cured. Cayuga, Mode co., Miss. T. A Ilcock & Co. Gentlemen:—Please send me another six dozen of your Porous Plasters. They are in great demand here for Wo oping Cough. They act like a charm. I could have sold two dozen this week if I had had them. Send as soon as possible and oblige JOHN I. WILLIAMS, P. M. ASTHMA CVRED : Mr. William May, of 245 Spring-at., New- York, writes Jan. 1,1.856 : I have been afflicted with Asthina for upwards of ten years, receiving no benefit from medical men. I was advised by a friend to try one of Allcock's Porous Plasters, I said I had tried several kinds of plasters without any benefit, and I supposed they were all alike. My friend gave me one of Allcock's and urged me to use it. I did so and have row worn them steadily for nine months and find myself better than I have been for many years. Agency, "Brand reth House," New York. Sold by druggists. glDr. TOBIAS' Venetian Liniment. An instantaneous mutely for chronic rheumatism, head Ache, toothache, croup, colic, quinsy, sore throat, and pains in any part of the body. Re member, this article is a success—not an exper iment ; for ]9 }ears it has been tested. No medicine ever had such a repuiation as this; silently it has worked its way before the public. and all are loud in its praise. "Chronic Rheu matism." Thousands who laid for weeks on a bed of agony, and never walked without the aid of crutches, with this complaint, can testify to the magical ..IL,ets of this liniment. They are cured and proclaim its virtues throughout the land. Remember, relief is certain, and a positive cure is sure to f.llow. Headache of all kinds we warrant to cure. Putrid sore throat. quinsy and diptheria are robbed of their terrors by a tin•ely use of the Venitian Liniment. It has saved hundreds the past three months. Price, 40 and 80 cents a bottle- Sold by all drtiggists. Depot, 56 Courtlandt-st, N. Y. To Consusirriv Es.—The advertiser hav ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is. an xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription, flee of charge, with the directions far preparing and useing the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron chitis, Colds, a lid all throat and lung affections. The only-object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, razz, b: return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, Now-York. IIY It " The Moon's Vol , :anoes are engaging the attention of astronomers, but the World of Beauty and Fashion is less interested in human discoveries than in the great question of turn ing the heads that have been whitened by age or sickness to a glorious black or brown hue. Nobody now is such a lunatic as not to admit that the finest and most harmless hair darkener in existence is "Cmsrximao's HAIR DYE," which nourishes the fibres as well as changes their hue. Manufactured by T. CHRISTA DORO, 6 Astor House, hew-York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair-dressers. ERRORS OF Yet - Tu.—A gentleman who suf fered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OG DEN, No. 13 Chaniber St., New-York. J' Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea ted with the utmost success, by .f. ISAACS, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Ley den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyesinserted with out pain, No charge for examination. ENTIRE SHUTTLE MACHINES are superior to all others for family and manufacturing purposes ; contain all the latest improvements; are . speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want ed. Liberal discount allowed. No consign ments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO, 616 Broadway, N. Y. [xiii:6-iy MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY.—An essay of warning and instruction for young men : also, Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of releif. Sent free of charge, in sealed letter envelopes. Address, D. J. Sitimarr HOUGH 'ToN, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . [julyl, 2 66-Iy. _ _ la- Dr. Velpau French Fills are a benefit to thelemale•sex,but ladies in a delieate . condition -shouldnot use.them ikhey desire an increase of fanily. Sold by Dr. F. Hinkle. Marietta, an :I by all good druggists. CII T4RRg, WHY SUFFER NVITII THIS DANGEROUS AW 3 Lehi'llV3ll DISEASE WHEN IT CAN BE CURED AND Entirely eradicated from the system by ti USE OF DR. SEELYE'S LIQUH3 CATARRH REIIMY CATARIIIIII 'WILL SWIRLY REMT CONS UMPTION UNLESS CHECKED rf'S INCIPIEN STAGES I=l=l IT NEVER FAILS! Cure war ranted if directions are followed, SINGLE BOTTLES WILL LAST A MO IT COLD IN THE HEAD Relieved in a few minutes. BAD BREATH Caused by offensive secretion WEAK EYES Caused by Catarrhal affection SENSE OF SATELf. When lessened or destroyer DEA FN b.:88 When caused by Catarrhal difficulties. Al are cured by this temedy, THE eaT AFFECTIONS, Are more frequently than otherwis^ cause by a thiek, slimy mucous. falling from the head especially during the n.rht, and resulting ho, Catarrh, and are cured by DR. SEELYE'S LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY! SYMPTOMS The symptoms of Catarrh are at first re slight. Perstins find that they have a cold that they have frequent attacks, and are rnor sensitive to the• changes of temperature. I, this condition the nose may be dry, or a sligh discharge, thin and acrid, afterwards thick an' adhesive, may ensue. As the disease becomes chronic, the dischar ges are increased in quantity and changed t' quality ; they are now thick and heavy, an' are hawked or coughed off. Pie secretion ark offensive, causing a bad breath ; the voic thick and nasal ; the eyes are o eak ; the sen of smell is lessened or destroyed ; deafnebsfre quently takes place. Another common and important sympto of Catarrh is, that the person is obliged t, clear his throat in the morning of a slick o slimy mucous, which has fallen from the hen during the night. When this takes place, tn person may be sure that his 'disease is on it . way to the lungs, and should lose no time i , arresting it. The above are but few of the many Catarrh al symptoms. Write to our Laboratory in our phamphlet describing fully all symPiom a . it will be sent FREE to any address uln directions where to procure the medicine. .We are receiving letters from all parts 0 the Union, and also numerous testimonial from those using it, bearing the evidence o its infallible merits. This remedy contains no MINEEA or POISONOUS INGREDIENTS, bulls pre pared from vegetable extracts EXCLUS Iv E LY; therefore it is PERFECTLY HA!A LESS, even to the. most tender and telicst CALL FOR SEELYE'S CATARRH RE 31 EDY, and take no other. If not sold by drug gis's in your vicinity, they will order it in you. Price $2.00 rer bottle. All persons suffering with any stfecn°' of the Head, Throat or Lungs, should write a once for our pamphlet fully describing S symptoms pertaining to the above diseases. It will be sent free to any address. ADDRESS DR. D. H. SEELYE FREEPORT, ILLutors. Sold by all Wholesale and Until Druggists GENERAL AGENTS. John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Fuller Finch & Fuller, Chicago, Ill.; Burnhanis It VanSchaack, Chicago, 111. ; Denies Barnes & Co., New York ; Ransom & Co., Bagale, N. F.; Farrand, Shelley &Co„ Detroit, Mich igan ; Weeks & Potter, Boston,Ma ss.; French, Richards & Co., Philadelphia, Pla.; R. E. Sellers & Co., Pittsburgh, pa. Collins Bro's. St. Louis, IVIo. ; Barnes, Wa rd & Co. New Orleans,La. ; 8.. A. Robinson & Co. , Louisville, 1.; Bigley Sr. 8r0.,. IdeolPh i * Tenn.; P. E. Depuy, Richmond, Vat, ; Thorn , ' -sen & Block, :Baltimore; Md.-;-Dexter a Nel goer, Albany, N. Y. Strong & Armrostng , , Cleveland, Ohio; Wm. Johnson, Detroit Mich. T Wilsori-Peters'& Co., Louisville, KY. October 13, 1866.-Iy,