V etc Eatiettian. MARIETTA. PA : temktr-Vorßino, -oetobet.-A-1866: Gif llie ACCidelEley, AD4 t J 011\118013 ; ' 69 issued whatutßortttohe hie chimation recommendingtbet Thursday Nov. 5,14 ohsotVettaki slky_ of thanks giving and prayei to , Godforall mei cies and benefits dutifig the pest year, and also recommending that on the same solemn occasion the people humbly - and devoutly implore him' to •grant to oaf national councils and to-our I whole pop ulation that divfue wisdom -which alone can lead•anyliation intoAhk `ways of all good." He might .have added and re lieve us of a drunken and worthless pres ident. tr The late elections " werelike the handle or a jugt--all on one • side. Pennsylvania ,erects Oeary by about 16000—elects two additional Republican members of Congress .and fixes tlnipteg islatare at nearly two-thirds , rePublican. Lancaster county rolls-aria majority of 6,300—iu a word, everything politically appears anti-Johnion: lowa, Ohio and Indiana has done litteivise=and even better, if possible, than the Keystone. Andy is, politicalli, on: his "cooling board." • U A correspondent from Racine speaking of the recent attempt of Sena• tor Doolittle to address, hie .townsmen, characterizes the scene as ' a ludicrous and telling condemnation of his political apostacy. Be was greeted :with hisses and groans, which so exasperated_ him that be took off his coat-and declared bia determination to speak , in spite of them. A demonstration of addled eggs bad, however, a quieting effect, and, he wag compelled -to desist, • • wir O hio Showsublican gains all , Republicanp. over the State.. 'ln the Cincinnati dis trict George a. Pendleton the Demo cratic candidate on the 'Presidential ticket with , George B: McClellan is defeated , in his.aepirations for Congress. The majority, in the State, is estimated in the latest Columbus despatch at 50,- 000 Indiana returns indicate that the m jority will be, about the same as 1804, when the,Union majority was 20.- 000. lowa has elected all her Republi can Congressmen, and condemns " My Policy," by from 25,000 to 30,000 ma jority.' The threat hafy repeatedly' been , made that Andrew Jonnson intends to cap the climax of hie treachery and crimes by plunging the country into civ il war. The logical and patriotic sae. wer is such an overwhelming_ vote tor the Union candidates' as will paralyze the authors of this new treason by show ing them there is power in the land that no man, however high his station, dare defy. • ilar The penple of Massachusetts vot• ed, bya majority of 60,000, that Gen. Couch didn't deserve to be Governor, and Johnson 'appointed him Collector of the Port of Boiton I E. F. Pillsbury ran for Gove!nor Of". Alaine, and, : was beaten by 27,000, and iiasma& iiiraptet. master of Augustal . The ,Presideit he's evidently as great a .contempt for the people as the people have for him. Igir The Harrisburg Telegraph- as serts that the b c .mon'ratio leaders in the Northwestern ,part of , the State have de-, mended that Montgomery Blair should , be withdrawn frosp the,,track as a pablic speaker. It is too late gentlemen. He has done his best to finish the work so well commenced by Andrew. Johnson. cir A. wealthy , gentleman, a _New Flampshire - paper mentions, who was once a poor boy, is building a hotel to cost, seventy thousand dollars, on the spot where he was once put off the ears because he had'nt money enough to pay his fare. far The postmaster at.. Amsterdam, Montgomery county, New York, whose three eons; eon in-law,and brother4n-law fought in the Union army during the whole rebellion, Vas been removed from office and an uncOnditional Breckinridge democrat appointed. _ SPeech fat, Warren, Ohio, last .1 . 1. - a 'week allana fel a speaks by au thority, mild he had it from Johnson's own. moath,,thut, he never belonge,d.. to the ;Union parry in sentiment, enfil,there fore has never d'eseited it. OW On the seacoast of .T.zas_uearl Galvestpo.;an iren.pladlort will shooli be erected, mpupting 20 heavy ; Parrot guns. gar 4e an .experiment, Hsda .Park ( London) has been lighted up nightly with the-lime-light, affixed to a ternpor 'ary tower Venif4 of the s park'. Alf '!'he-ladiana-on the plaips call our tfeetkili4lsatleia -" lie4-shoot 'MAO' - "lc ar Toombs, of Georeia, is going to Siritsorland for bio health. iMMII =MI 01/11 NIX, Pan ' corrOpon4,3- It . nit of the Boston tfati , t Way," iz --,. , , speaking of the sevelkl cinjidatlol3o- ken of for the inlet Presidency, One de scribes the kind of a President needed : " We need for a President a man who is capable of being a leader in good' Nwerker.and"whov.yrill. not. _yirsit. _to AC "kicked into decency," or urged to give voice to the popular will; one who„ has the ability to grasp at and solve the' ,Ftuelicationa _apd _knotty questions of our politico, and upon them :the interests of freedom and equal,rights. We need a President who will einerite the laws, and not set up hie individual 'Will id' detianeW'of thelary-making pow er—Congress=;to, nielte}treason respect able and , loyalty odious ; one who will not stoopto make a party for . his own personal interests, and thereby betray the people who have eleVated him to hie high position ; one who, in .short, will, not follow in 'tile fOoisteps 'of Andrew Johnson. Therefore, when people begin, to discuss Presidential cardidates, tell them that we Mast have "those only of fixed principles Otiaded on exact justice; honest men who will not cheat the na tion ; an,d men who, possessing convic tions, will dare, to carry them into our institutions, and this establish what we never yet have had, a TRUE - REPUBLIC, the glory of the natio'ne of the earth." A PROFITABLE BOARDER. —The Boston Traveller relates that in a prominent hotel in Nashua, N. H., a few weeks since, a young lady engaged board for two or three' days; and at the end of that time,-when fib - inlet° leave; told the landlord a young- gentleman would be along in a day or two and settle for her board. The obliging landlord told her she had better leave her valise for secu rity, which she did and took her depar ture. About a week after the landlord opened the valiseota no young man ap- peared, and found thatit was.stUffed full of sheets and_pillnw cases belonging to the rooms.in hie hotel, and were hie own property. The-young lady hadimprov ed her time duriog• her stay, and had " made over" some of the, articles into garments for herself. ear General Collins introduced into the Pittsburg Convention a resolution declaring that when President. Jolanson said he,ceuld have used the, army, and navy to make himself. Dictator, he in• salted every soldier and, sailor of, the Republic. This expression of hadigna tion is at once,nainral and proper., The, soldiers of the. Republic are •not. mere animrteci machines, to ,do the bidding of ambitious rulers. Thy are citizens and sovereigns, acting with an intelli gent appreciation of, the dignity and responsibility of their station, and for the advancement of the pint principles of liberty and humanity, in which they all have an interest. The American bayonet, thinks. When hundreds of thousands of our bravest and best men hastened to the battlefield, they did so because the glory of the Union and the freedom of its citizens , were hazarded by Traitors at the South. A . `FEROCIOUS !MANIA c..--The re is' a maniac now living in .thickland, Mass., named Josiah - Spaulding, who, the Springfield Republican says, has been confined in an iron cage for over fifty years, and for more' thati 'thirty ^years has not stood erect. He-has become.so deformed that it is impossible to straight en his limbs by manual force. He refuses,to be. Clothed,' and - will not suffer ,anything to remain on him, and is only 16144 ,Warm in winter by warming, the room in which his cage is ,placed. Be is the son of Rev. Joalah Spaulding. When he first becaine insane, be .en deavored to - mu - Her his father, mother, and sister, and, it became necessary to confine him so that he, could not harm any one. 1111; ar A colored girl of 16 ; a refugee from Alabama, has been kept 'for two sod a.half years in a state of slavery in Chicago, by Mr. Taylor; half clothed, compelled to saw all the , wood, do all the washing, &a., of his family of too l witbont Pajr; to sleep in a 'cf.llar, forl bidden titgo out, frequently beaten-, and 'On one occasion, when she got sWiiy; badly whipped. - er The President has appointed Ala for General Daniel E. Sickles ColOnel of. the Forty-second regular infantry. This was undoubtedly intended ; as an lionor. But it is questionable whether he will accept it. He is essentially a politician and not a military man, and entrance into the ,regUlir army would virtually exclude bim from polities for life. Ifir The London , army and.navy, ` Ga• zette says a monster pin has . been sno. cessfully cast in England which, with a charge of about 140 lbs. of powder, will throw a shot weighing 1,100. Aar...Charles Wright has been appoint ed siollector of Internal Revenue in the Tenth Massachusetts district. When his commiseion came he was in the lun atic 'asylum. . eir In AA& tilited St - al:tiff there are more pigs !.ban,liarnen popolatiop., In England-tiiere ie o'nljr one pig tor every nine inhabitants._ r - id.: ~ , iejar Seir Deiietriel, frill ve - 6W.,1n iti( November, when tht"ls”Sn'l) iih, Court will eit at Itiehmonci. Lokr - qtrEHE MARIETTIAN: • As Ixarliorr.—age st train of cars was 1 a lakt week4approaching the suspension --- fa rmer ' d Robert. ' W alker,; bridge, nPtir Niagara, Oie conductor ; '4 l ' name retina a Young than who goad tintot pay his wife came into Detroit" on Pry ` OSEling his fare. The poor follow was evidently from Dearboruville. WheO CL in the last stage of consumption, and the railroad track on Michigan' street he saw a train coming, and — Whippertip emaciated to skeleton proportions. 13e his horses, just escaping the cars. Mr. iiiit,by bitnaelf, and his eyes were red, as Walker turned to Sperirtb•bitivife - where though he bad been wearying; but the levant' the, Company could not be trans- I he found she _had beenierked backward greased, and he must leave the . cam put of the wagon by the sudden atartand' • Not a person moved or spoke as the lay dead across the track, literally cut "coriatieforled'iiiiiarbin tifitieet;ill'shiv- to piecee.- ering , with ~the cold ; ; .. hut just .as lini , reached the' t door, a beautiful 'girl arose, from her seat, and with bright sparkling . .eyesodemanded the amount.charged.rfor , the poor invalid. - The conductor said eight dollars, and the young and noble, girl took that sumfromher pocket !loo k, and kindly led the sick youth back`' to his seat. The action lint to shame - Eiev erat men who had witnessed"it, and'they offered to pay "half," but - the whole- - smiled woman indignantly refused the assistance. .When the, train . arrived in Albanl'the young protectress gave the invalid money enough tokeeP'him over night and send him to hi s friends next morning Cr A wife in the police court•at Chi cago, thus ingtniously explained away serious charges of harsh treatment of her husband : "One day when she was running across the room with a fork in her band, he -jumped in the way and strnek his wristagainst the foll,•wre.nch ing it from her grip by the tines, which he ran into his wrist. Then he under took to strike her, but she held ups pan of hptAish water between them, and be spilt it all over his hdad. Then -begot still - more angry= at this qiccident, and started to jump at her, but his head came against"her hand and• he fell - down. She took hold or his hair to • raise him up, and the hair was moistened by the hot water so that it came Off. Then she saw it was Do use to reason' with - him any longer and she left the house. ir The rebel Gen, Wright of Georgia says he was on the Committee that drafted the resolutions in the Johnson Philadelphia Convention in favor of duly rewarding Colon soldiers, and that he took care to .have them so worded as not to commit the Government ; for, if the South ever gets into power again, all pensions to Union soldiers shall be cut off unless the Confederate soldiers are put on the same footing. We see from ibis what the Rebels will attempt should tlitiy again get into power and the Constitutional Amendment should not - be adoffa. tar At the sinking of the Linnie Brown the Mississippi, lately; a plan ter from .K.entucky;.bound for Washing. ton county, Arkansas, when 'awakened, seized his carpet bag, containing4Booo, and rushed into the cabin; where he saw a lady struggling in .the water. He threw away his carpet bag and money, and seizing the lady carried her to a place of safety and thus save& her life. A nobler-act could not be done.' eir A physician passing. by .a stone cutter's shop, bawled out, "Good • morn ing, Mr.-W—. hard at work, I see. You finish your gravestones as far as 'in memory of,' and then you wait, I sup. pose, to „see who wants a monument next 7" " Why, yes," replied: the old man, resting fora moment on his mallet, ." unless somebody is , sick and you are doctoring him, and then I keep right on," itir A "prominent gentleman "of Louis Ville, who has a very beti:utiful and brilliant wife, returning home uneipect edly one day last. week, 'found another "prominent gentleman " ip his house, under suspicious circumstances. la stead of making a fool of himself with a revolver, he quietly, took his two ,chil dren, went to relatiOn's,, and at once instituted a suit fora diVorce. E A Mrs. Fisher, of tarmouth, Mass., Who was.. disturbed lately by a man concealed under her bed, and who fled on discovery, has since received a letter containing fifteen dollara i stating that the writer area the individual ender the bed, thatthe was there for no -crimi nal purpose ; and that the money e.nclos ed wits'to pay her: for the trouble she had been put-to. ifiir Of two hundred and two appli cants fot marriage licenses in the Pro bate .Court, of., Cincinnati, during, the past six. weeks, forty were unable: to write their own:names. It is supposed that most of these were , foreigners as it would be impossible for so large :;a num ber of Americans to be so unfortunate in.view of our admirable system of-edu cation.. ' Q Capt. John Roe, who is, master of a boat on the Morris-Canal,. was taking , the boat through the canal one day lagt week, when abouLone mile aboire Haar ettstown, hie-daughter, aged abonttwen ty-two years, accidentally fell overboard. The, father immediately jumped .ipto the canal, in order to save.his daughtey; and-they were,,,both drowned: Air A ono-legged soldier bag beeni ,turned out of ` the ost effice at Colitinbifi city, Indiana, and rebel 'iyrnpatbizer I 2 4 •.• ": • • • appo s koitmaster: 06 44 04 . 4 91 9#11 tilio r nlB . - s ,ttft e .sn a tn&ill . q.d walk: on crutahea the re st of Ws natural life. Nana In Britt. By an account filed in the .Probate _ Court-a 011icago, in connection w i th the settlement of the estate of Trussell, the ownerrf-'l:ralf -- of- the famous race horse Dexter, it appears that from June 15th, 1866„to the.date of the account, earned for fogy months, the horse earned for his owners $2 . 2,'717,53, whilst his ex , penses were $6783,10, the nett profits being , $15,994,43. • " A yeang Englishman, - Who has been eking out a wretched existence in New York by begging from door to door and 'sleeping on the City Ball steps - or among the docks, was a few days since informed of the death of a titled , relative in the . Old country by which he ie -left heir to nearly $50,000. In St..Loais, on Wednesday, a man named i rrimborn, seeing, a wagon pais ing with a large piece of canvass over it, lifted the corner of the covering and to his horror saw two uncoffined - victims of the cholera. lie was instantly tsken with the disease and died in a few hours. It will be-observed with mach:gratifi cation that the nationaLdebt., has been reduced, dnring the month.of September fifteen , millious of dollars.. this: is at the rate of one hundred.and eighty mil lions a year. At this rate the „who)? , debt will be canceled in fifteen:years. A Canadian newspaper contains the following plaintiC , e ad vertieement : 'Will the gentleman who stole my melons on last Sabbath . night be generous enough to return me a few of the seedi, VA' the melon§ are of Et rare variety.' 4 little orphan boy in Little Tioclc, Ark., who has recently followed ,the trade of boot black; was on Tuesday last made owner of it 120,000, by the will Of a deceased relative in Louisiana. The delegation of Southern Loyalists arrived at Cairo, lIL, on the tb, but ware prevented from speaking by: a mob of rebel sympathizers. The national flag was torn from the portico of the theatre in which the-meetingwas held. Some one, writes 'That jefferson 'Davis is dying. Olrieial records tell us that nearly five hundr4 thousand of the youth of our land,. who volunteered' to crush the rebellion which he instigated are dead. The Hon. Venry May, formerly Rep resentative in Congress from the Third district of Maryland, died on Thursday last. He was the immedl.ite predeces sor of the late Henry Winter Davie. It is stated :that Mr: A. 'l'. Stewart 'has intimated his readiness- to give $1,000,000 to build tenementhouses for the deserving poor in New. York, pro-. vided ground .woald.be furnished.. `Long Island, in 'Prince Anne 'county, on the Eastern shore of Virginia, has beeu purchaSed by' Bon. Ben Wood, of New York, for' $75.000. Nine hundred and forty, negroes fron? Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, will be sent to. Liberia by the Colonization So eiety, omthe first of November. The `Baltimore American says that Governor Sivann:has . been promised - an eleCtion to the IT, S. Senate, by the Conservatives. The New York Herald publishes John Morriesey'staturalization papers, taken ont in New York on Monday last. the l'ew,Orleans Picayune bas come out, in favor of the Constitutional Amendments. The celebrated horse tamer, John S. Remy, died suddenly at Cleveland, Ohio on the 4th inst. Gen. Dix hae at last decided. TN goea Minister, to France as soon as he can get ready. -It is stated , thaV , the .Government lab lows4efferson Davis $2O a week for ra- tions Gen. Fremont has been elected Pres . ident'of the Atlantic and Pacific rail road. Torkisktrowsers, it is said, will be the fashion, for ladies in Paris this win ter. - . - Victor Emanuel is said.to be-getting unpopular in Italy. A negro has been—admitted to' the Philadelphia bar. Commodore IL F. Stockton riied at Princeton, N. J., on Sunday, evening. Admiral Dahlgren has