Matiettian. MARIETTA, PA : 4 . h.iliAy VolTiog, Selyteipbet 29, 1866 FOR GOVERNOR, Major General JOHN W. GEARY, OF CUMBgRLAND COUNTY. Congress. THADDEUS STEVENS, City. Senators, EgAIAB BILLINGFELT, Adamstown. GEN. Jos. W. FISHER, Columbia. Assembly. DAVID G. STEADY, Batt. ANDREW ARMSTRONG, Bast Donegal CAPT. E. D. ROA.TEI, Marietta. JOHN M. &TEHRAN, POllll. Associate" Judge PETER MARTIN, Ephrata Sher(f. JACOB F. Fans, Manor. Prothonotary. COL. W. L. BEAR, Warwick Register COL. DAVID MILES, City Recorder Issno HOLLINGER, Petersburg. Clerk of Quarter Sessibns. JACOB M. GUIDER, West Hempfield Clerk of Orphan's Court. CAPT. J. Q. MERCER, Sadsbary. Commissioner CHRISTIAN 11. NISBLRY, Mount Joy Directors of the Poor JOHN K. REED, City. STEPHEN GRISSINGER, Rapllo Prison Inspectors H. 31. ?JOBBER, Earl. J. A. SWEIGART, Ephrata. Coroner CAPT. GEORGE LEONARD, City Auditor. Gro. W. Hmisp.t.; Eden ea- A horrible affair reported in Mon tana is the murder of an Irish hotel keeper by, a professed clergyman, who seized the former's property, claiming to have bought it, and served up the body of the former host in various cooked dishes to his guests. ar A. Johnson, of Chicago, was to have been married on Sunday night ; the wedding party assembled and the bride was in Waiting—but the bride groom did not appear, and has not been heard of since. His wedding suit dis appeared triio him and suspicions are entertained that he has been murdered. gir A boy .of eighteen was recently executed at ,Manchester, England, for murder. He acknowledged his guilt to warn all,fonng people of both sexes to be obedient to their parents ; not to ne glect the Sabbath, the school and the Bible, and against all profanness and debauchery, and especially against evil company, which, he said, was his ruin, pgr Six men were on Saturday arrest ed in Choctaw county, Ala., for attemp ting to murder a colored family by pois oning their water. Fortunately they were seen in the act, and on complaint to the military authorities were arrested. eir A letter from North Carolina says that though the obloquy heaped upon the Union men of that section is even greater than in. 1860- they remain undismayed, and are looking with hope to the northern elections, as our triumph will be theirs. At Detroit the great iron ferry boat has been launched to ply at the railroad crossing. Her tonnage is 1,800 tons, and makes her the largest vessel now plying upon the, lakes or rivers of the northwest. Upon the two tracks running the length of the steamer can be placed fourteen cars. er A poor woman in St. Louis, Mo., recently arrested for stealing a shirt, which she sold to keep her children from starvation, created so much sympa thy when brolight hefore the court, that sh e was acquitted without trial, and the attorney, who was to have prosecuted her, hired her as a servant and took her home. • Gga The great Canadian cheese . , weigh. ing three and shelf tons, twenty-one and a half feet in circumference, six feet ten inches diameter, and three feet high, which required thirts-five tons of milk to make, is now exhibiting about the country, in the vicinity of saratoga, N. Y, Sir Gen. Dix is appointed Naval Ofii• cer at N.ew York, andat is said he will accept, rit,seems to'have been a oonsid erikble plague. to provide for him, but something had td?• be done to molify hie severe disappoinAment in being laid on the ahelf by ON Hybrid convention at Albany. • . • • sir Maj. Geri. Q. A. Gilthore has ar rived _at Vowelise . , conduct a aeries of experiments with 1645ciii glintL and rifled , piece of •ordpance,4lgainst the iron-clad rtone target erected near the rortresik •,• • • Snommis DEATH.—On Wednesday, Mrs. Harlow, wife of Mr. John P. Har low, wheat receiver at Hann Cren shaw's mills, Riehmond,vieited the mills in company with two lady friends. While turning to leave the upper story her dress was caught in the conveyor wheels which carry the dour to the su perfine bolting apparatus and she was drawn into the machinery. Mr. Taylor who was standing by, caught her and would have rescued her, but her steel hoop skirt bad become entangled in the cog-wheels and Mr. Taylor's attempts were in vain, and he came .hear being drawn himself into the machinery which in a moment mangled the unfortunate lady in a manner too horrible to con template. ear A singular and most distressing scene took place on the 6th, in a grave yard at Edwardsville, Illinois, where, during the funeralceremonies over the body of a child of Mr. John Gaffney, the mourners and attendants were at tacked by a swarm of bumble bee. The irate insects lit upon the uncovered heads and faces of those present, who were mostly all stung in a terrible man ner. The ladies screamed, and a retreat was absolutely necessary before the cer emony was concluded. One of the ladies stung is confined to her bed from the effects of the virus. car The wife of Mr. Henry Witley, a resident of the town of Worth, 111., was bitten by a mad dog about two weeks since. She was taken with the hydro phobia, a short time afterwards, and died from the effects of the disease. The death of the wife distracted the husband. He became possessed with the idea that he was also attacked with the dreadful disease, and on the '7th inst., strangely enough, drowned himself in a stream near town. la' The woman, Mollie Trussel, who last week killed her paramour in Chica ao, is now in close confinement in the county jail, awaiting her trial for murder. She seems quite overwhelmed with min gled grief and fear, and at times evi dences signs of mental aberration. Oa Thursday she nearly succeeded in hang ing herself, by making a rope of her shawl and tying one end to the bars over her door. She had swung herself off, but her struggles alarmed a prisoner in an adjoining cell, when she was cut down and her life saved. It is stated that a company of English capitalists, with a capital of two millions, are about to start in Charleston S. C., an enormous cotton factory es tablishment, for supplying European trade. They are backed by the wealth iest firms In England and France. Sev eral other enterprises are under consid eration which, if successful, will speedi ly render Charleston the leading city of the South. egr Union men with their families are constantly passing through Washington on their way North to settle. They are obliged to leave their homes' in the South Olraccount of the persecutions to which they are subjected at the hands of the reconstructed rebels. They state that it is fast becoming impossible for men entertaining loyal sentiments to live in most parts of the South. lir Samuel Rolland, a colored man residing in Memphis, Tenn., has brought a suit against his former master for the recovery of $1,400 in gold, the savings of a life time, which, before the war had been discovered and taken away by his owner, who applied it to his own use. In case the civil courts refuse to do him, Rolland will try a military tribunal. An old man named Tucker, a re turned Confederate soldier, -in Maritan county, Mo., one day last week shot a neighbor of his who had ran away with his ( Tucker's-) wife, an,o was keeping her from returning to him. The next day Tucker was seized by a gang of men and taken to the woods and riddled with bullets. air In the throat of a cow which died one day last-week in the eastern part of the State of Maine was found a piece of a hoop skirt, which la - to the supposi tion that she had swallowed the milk maid.' The matter has, after due hives tigation, been settled—the; maid had suddenly disappeared, but returned a blushing bride. A spurious Tennyson has appear. ed in London. B wing a close resem blance to the poet laureate, he was able to deceive many_ persons,. and is said to have parted with several locks of hair, in deference to the wishes of enthusias tic women. It turned out that the man was a cheesemonger, of Carlisle. eir The famous '• Pitcher Portrait" of Washington, the property of John A. Washington, and which met with the vicissitudes of the war and traveled as far - as Michigan was restored to its rightful owner last week. It is said to be the'best "and truest :likeness of the !':Father of his Country" now extant. fir A. full list of the Philadelphia ap pointmenta-.was made"out 'on Monday. Amonk them 'are Clhainb - --r3 McKibbin Treasurer orthe:Mitit ; Wm: -Millivard, , Pato:Mete ';`` " lankieri , 'OBicer. Mr. )11 irea - Derdirerit,r. Slanigen is the @Olior of the Daily News. MARIETTI.A_N.&-% - ; 1 The ,Montrose ( Fa.,) Independ ent Republican announces the admission to the bar of Jonathan J, yi r right, "a full blooded negro." The Republican says : " Mr. Wright began studying sev eral years ago in the office of Bently, Fitch & Bentley ! prepared himself for examination ; but owing to prejudice or some other cause, was not able even to get before a committee. He then spent a year in South Carolina, practicing in the provisional courts of that unrecon structed State. On his return to this place he 'obtained a committee, passed a creditable examination, and on motion of B. S, Bentley, Esq., was on Monday last admitted to practice. eir Florida papers say the island of Dry Tortugas was recently fired upon by a strange craft bearing the Confeder ate flag, and Dr. Mudd, whols confined there, was seriously wounded by the ex plosion of a shell. The vessel was .a schooner rigged steamer .and painted lead color, with four guns on each broad_ side, which were all discharged at the distance of two miles . from the island, when the boat put to sea. The United States, revenue cutter was lying in the harbor at the time, but not having on steam was unable to pursue. ar A gentleman, resident of Cleve land, became crazy on hearing that his brother, his sister and her husband; and their family, had all died of cholera at Cincinnati. He was found roaming through the , streets, heedless of the tears and entreaties of hie wife, who was try ing to persuade him to return home. The police took him home, where he had' to be guarded and confined to his room. oar The first balloon ascension ever made by a lady alone took place in Dur ham, England, a short time since. She started about nine o'clock in the even ing, and went about nine miles in twen ty minutes, when she descended in an open field. Not seeing any habitation near, she remained in the basket covered with the folds of the balloon over night, and returned to her friends, who were waiting anxiously to hear from her the next day. Fir The Oivil Rights bill has been practically tested in Louisville, Ky., be fore United. States Commissioner Bal lard. Three whites, arrested on the charge of robbing and attacking some negroes, were arrested by the military. One of them was bound over for appear ance ; the other two were dismissed, there not being sufficient ' evidence against them. The only testimony against them was given by five negroes. cfir During a prayermeeting at the Presbyterian church, at Salisbury, Som erset county, Maryland, Dr. Oathell Humphreys fell dead while engaged in worship. The New Era says :—lt ap pears that the deceased had just finished an extemporaneous lecture and was in the act of praying, when he was, seen to fall forward, and his face coming in con tact with a bench was severely bruised, whereupon assistance being immediate ly offered, life was found extinct. sir A San Francisco merchant was recently complained of to the Health officer of that city, for creating a nuis ance in the neighborhood by keeping the dead body of his wife for over a year in a room of his residence. Occasional ly he would take it out in the garden and play the hose on it. Cr It is understood that the friends of Dr. Mudd, one of the assassination conspirators, now undergoing sentence at the Dry Tortugas for life, are getting up an immense petition, to be signed by the residents of the three lower counties of Maryland, where the doctor resided, praying for his pardon. wr The New York Elerald's Rich mond correspondent states positively, that the body of Col. Dahlgren, of Gen. Kilpatrick's staff, who was killed in a raid on Richmond, March 1864, was nev er recovered, but that the body given his ftiends,was a fictitious one, palmed off for some purposes unknown. eir Major Gee, the former rebel com mandant of Salisbury prison, where so many of our soldiers were starved to death; is to be the recipient of a hand some testimonial in the shape of a purse of $5,000 presented by his rebel admir ers. air The Springfield (Mass.,) Repub. lican says the lady whom Senator Sum ner—now for over fifty years a bachelor —is about to marry, is Mrs. Sturgis Hooper, daughter-imlaw of Representa: tive Hooper, of Boston, a beautiful and accomplished lady. slir The Atlantic cable, from the point where it leaves Valentia Island to the spot where it was landed at Heart's Content is precisely 1866 miles in length. It is a queer coiocidence that it should have been perfected this year. Henceforth tN3, Pope of Rome will be a spiritual "rather than a tempor_ at sovereign,. ,and the protectorate of Roicle' will "ptitai into the hands of ViCior Emmanuel. Eza= Plantere in Mississipyi are grad= nab); Ainining to the 014 pled of 'ping, their , Mayes. They of the Bureau." Iltkoo in I.3rftf Sim Jennings, a rich miser, diet] re cently in Ohio, leaving a fortune of $2,- 000,000 which his heirs are quarreling about. Two deaf mutes from the Ohio Deaf and Dumb Asylum were married at Cin cinnati on the 7th inst., by a deaf and dumb minister. A horse and buggy nearly went out of eight in a mud hole in the middle of State street, Ct., during a recent rain storm. An attempt was made on Sunday to poison the - President of the Virginia Central Railroad by means of poisoned apples which—he didn't eat. The Journal du Havre says that one of the Paris Exhibition prizes next year will be a prize of 10,000 franca for the best singer in the world. Mollie Douglas ( white) and John Clifton ( mulatto,) have been commit ted to the workhouse at Louisville for, living together as man and' wife. The patties are from Xenia, Ohio, where they were married. A boy named Powers broke his neck at Holyoke, one day last week, while trying to see how long he could stand on his head. The Douglas hl °unmet' r. Fund has been increased by the profits of the late me morial ceremonies. Corn is worth now, in Tuscaloosa, Al a . five dollars a bushel, and the people north of that point are without any means of subsistence. The authorities of Mobile have con veyed, as a free gift, three acres of land within the corporate limits of that city for the interment of the dead of the Union army. An excavation in the Seaside Park at Bridgeport, Ct., has resulted in the discovery of Indian skeletons that must have been there since long before the Revolution. Capt. Moses Libby, of Scarborough, Maine, ninety-five years of age, attended a town meeting: and voted at the elec tion on-Monday. He cast his first vote for George Washington fir President. A western young !tidy while on her way to be married was run over and killed. A..-con6rmed old maid sagely and savagely remarked, " she had avoid ed a more lingering and horrible desti- ny." Two men named respectively David Cooper and Henry Darrington, who were crossing the Niagara river in a Bail boat, were swept over the Falls and of coarse killed. They were intoxica ted. President Johnson says he "intends to fight it out on the line ho has adopt ed." Somebody suggests that a line on which be can stand does not run very straight. Jeff Davis is reported to be much downcast at the political aspects. His friends will suffer a worse defeat in 1866 than they did in 1865. Dick Turner, the Libby Prison mon ster, who was pardoned by President Johnson, has turned up in a street shoot ing affray, in Richmond. A New York merchant is suing an insurance company for $21.000 to pay for hia daughter's wardrobe, destroyed by fire. There are nearly four thousand oys ter cellars and saloons where tha bi valves are sold in New York, which give employment to twenty thousand per sons. Oysters are reported plenty at present. The Lincoln Monument- Fund has 'reached $70.000. It is invested in Gov ernment securities, and the interest is being added to the principal. No de sign has yet been adopted. Edward Bettie; Esq,, has been nomi. nated by the Republican Convention of Camden county, New Jersey, for State Senator, in the room. of Mr. Scovel, whose term has expired. It is estimated that there are in Eng land thirty thousaud of the vagabond strollers known by the name of tramps ; and that the amount of contributions levied by them in the name of charity, last year, was several thousands pounds. A western paper publishes the follow ing wonderful description : 'Lost or strade from the scriber a sheep all over white—one leg was black and half his body—zall persons sball receive five dol lars to bring him. .11e was a she goat."' The French Minister of War receives as Minister, $1.6,000 a year ; as Senator $6,000.; as French Marshal $6,000; as Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, $6,000. Total $34,000. Besides he is lodged, lighted and _,warmed and his torses fed at Government expense. It is understood that a gentleman of Detroit has"-sacceeded in oblaining a• contract "( connectibn with two oth ers ) 'from Senor Romero; the Mexican Minister,-to furnieh arms and munitions of war to Wit:, belliroiatTV , oy En)Pfre The contract, au:1011)14 An $914,600. 1 Ziatial Notitts MALARIA EVERYWHERE.-Rarely has thole been a season as fruitful as this of male rious diseases. Not only on the parairies and in the valleys o f the West ; not merely in all the old haunts of Fever and Ague and Bilious Remittent Fever have these prostrating dis eases been unusually virulent; but they have extended to towns and cities never before in fested with them, and have ascended the mountains and attacked thousands of people supposed to have been placed by the laws of Nature above their reach. Hence we are compelled to admit that a fatal element per vades the universal air this season, and should at once resort to the only approved preventive of its consequences, Hostetter's Stem= Bit ters, a tonic so potent, an anti-septic so per fect, an alterative so irresistible, and a Mime lant so pure, that it enables the human system to resist and baffle all the predisposing causes of disease. With the confidence that one clothed in incombustible garments might move among blazing buildings, the man who arms himself against, malaria with this powerful defensive medicine may walk a fever-scourged district fearless of its insalubrious atmosphere. The intermittents and remittents at present so general in all parts of the country may be but the forerunners of a deadlier scourge now on its way westward from the far East. Prepare the system with Hostetter's Bitters for a suc cessful battle with the mephitic causes of all epidemics. Be wise in time. Sold every where —New York World. Nov. 6, 1865. To CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertiser hav ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is an xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription, flee of charge, with the directions for preparing and useing the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron chitis, Colds, a nd all throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and muy prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, b: return mail, will please address k Rev. EDWARD A. WlLson, Williamsburg, Kings County, New-York. Lir BLACK AS A Cnow, a few years since, was many a splendid head that is now grey or grit zled. Why not restore to the yet unwrinkled brow its raven honors? Five minutes effects the splendid transformation. In less time than a rifleman would take to Load and Fire three times, the grayest head may be made darker than the Raven's wing. No matter of n hat undesirable tint the hair or whiskers or beard may be, the change to a superb and perfectly natural black or brown is accomplished by one application of CRISTA.DORO'S HAIR DYE, with out staining the skin or injuring the filaments. Manufactured by J. CHRISTADORO, 6 As tor House, New-York. Sold by all Druggisis. Applied by all Hair-dressers. IC:r Dr. TOBIAS , Horse Venetian Liniment. Pint Bottles at .SI, for the cure of lameness, scratches, wind-galls, sprains, biuises, splints, cuts, colic, slipping stifle, over-heating, sore throat, nail in the foot, etc. It is warranted cheaper and better than any other article ever offered to the publiF. Thousands of animals have been cured of the colic and over-heating by this liniment; and hundreds that were crip pled and lame have been restored to their for mer vigor. It is used by all the first horsemen throughout the States. Orders are constantly received Lorn the racing stables of England for fresh supplies of this invaluable article.— Over 2,500 testimonials have been received.— Remember $1 laid out in time may save the life of your horse. Sold by all druggists. De pot, 55 Courtlandt- st., N. Y. Permanent and wide-spread success is the best evidence of the goodness of BRAND nEvix's PecLs.—They should Le in every fam ily, ready, for use on the first symptoms of dis ease occurring. ' This method will often save life. Remember the Cholera must be treated as a poison, and your safety demands it should be got rid of without delay. Colds, rheuma tism, asthma, pleurisy, diarrhoea, colics, in fact all sickness Is the consequence of active impurities of the blood ; these being removed, the health is restored ut once. Observe my name in the government stamp in white let ters. Sold by all druggists. ERRORS OF YOUTH.-.--A gentleman who suf fered foe years from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence, can do so by addressing JOHN B. Oc- DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York. 113- Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea ted with the utmost success, by .1. ISAACS . , 11. D., dculist 'and Aurist,_ (former!) of Ley den, Holland,) No: 519 PINE st., Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty re invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with out pain, No charge for examination. ... 11 .• ITCH I—ITCH ! !! ! Scratch! Scratch ! !—Scratch !! ! WHEATON'S OINT MENT will cure the ITCH in 98 hours. AlsO cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and all er.iptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to [VEERS & POTTER, sole ageutS, 170 [Vashing ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the Union. STRA RUE, BUT TRUE.—Every young lady' and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return : mail (free of charge,) by addressing. the undersigned. Those. having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card." All others will please address their obedient servant, Thos. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N Y. MARRIAGE AND CELIRACT.—An essay of warning and instruction for young men : also, Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of releif. Sent_free _of charge, in sealed letter envelopes. r Address; DA. J. Sarr..Lia Hot:m.ll7 TON, Howard Association, No. 2-South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Duly 1,266-Iy. The real Veluau. French Pills should not be used during a certain time, as they will sur ly bring on a miscarriage. Sold by Dr. F. Ilia lae,.llaeletta ) and 3y ail good' drngglats. T" P B F ITS P I IL COLLEGE, READING, PA, IDELOGO YOUNG MEN FILL GOOD ANDa LUCRATIVE POSITIONB. Before you can expect to occupy a • you must be competent, and y ou can yontl et , so by attending this College, ll:li tc h is aRLde ADSITCESS COLLEGE in remit. ,0010 Jersey, Delaware or M aryland, I SM than any other so-called Com mercial 0, boat. 4 fg9 . nes.% Institution in either of those proprietors and teachers are p ra chcalb o . • "' e men, to which is added a large exposie"''nott 835 For Business Colleges, thus enabling Vi ll e " ill furnish a more thorough and practical ° than can be obrain7elteßol.s:eicslhbeireed. For Life Scholarship. t 4 For " For Blank Books (30 in number), 10 OTE.—This Life &holarship IS a reraL, tale of membership and entitles the purdsier ter uruimited instruction 11l single ana t f, u6i entry book keeping and penmanship with 1 4 privilege of reviewing at anyfuture time gratt t You are in fact a Life mee.ber. Telegraphing is ten dollars and Phonons. phy (short hand) twenty dollars extra, h ut the student is not compelled to study th ose branches. • When two or more enter at the same lisle, a deduction of FIVE DOLLARS to each be made. Thus the entire cost including Blank Books is only FORTY DOLLARS. We have n o "Extras." Boarding is from four to fear aryl a half dollars per week. THE COURSE Embraces al Preparatory, Theory and Business Department. In the Preparatory Depantrient he is instructed in Mathematics and the elm, plest principles of Book Keeping, after which he is admitted into the Theory Department where he copils from sets certain buninene transactions': each set representing a businen, (stock and partnership) and each set inyair. ing the application of one or more principle& Next, he is admitted into the Department at ACTUAL BCSINE Here the student applies practically what he has been taught theoretically. For a full ex planation of this Department send for a Da. lege Paper which we will mail toyouraddins free. Sulfite it to say that the student begios business with a real CASH CAPITAL With which he buys and sells merchandise, pays taxes, deposits it in the hank, die., dc. They discount notes, draw• and accept drafts, make general and special indorsements, nide sut income reports, and in fart go thioughers ery kind of business transaction, even to at taching internal revenue stamp. OUR A D VA NTA GES. The best course of instruction, and cheaper rates than any other college. Located in the best railroad centre in the State, with experi enced teachers widely known in the businer, community, thus affording our graduates bet ter facilities fur seeking and obiainingemploy ment. Q' For specimens of Pentnanship enehde two three cent postage stamps. College ROOM corner of North Fifth and Washinton, and corner 'Fourth and Penn streets, Reading, Pa. (Mice in Washingt)n street building. Ad dress JOIIN CLARK, READING. PA. t ri6T ARR IVED BY E9'H LAST STEAMER! -„—. A lot of new fall and wnter kJ° Is Ea flaw ocing sold by GABLE $• STRICKLER, Dr/ARK ET STREI, MARIETTA, PA., LOW fol CASH Having selected our stock out of aIA of goods imported since the decline in gold, al lows us to off, r goods below New lork alla Philadelphia 'retail prices. OUR LADIES DEPARTMENT Consists rf choice styles of embroidered )10. hair, in plain colors, sdk plaid Menhir, French and Scotch wool plaids, English and French merinos, fiperel and p sin delaines, all styles of American De Lames, and a full stork of la dies wear generally. MEN AND BOY'S WEIR English, French and Domestic cloths; Car simeres and resting; in great variety; Bearer cloths for Overcoatinz; undershirtsaaildraa - • ers; hats and caps, &c , Vic. , &e., House. furnishing goods of all kindni tlan• nets from 35 cents to $1 per yard; ledge Int of bleached aad unbleached :Medias, bids and Cotton flannels. Gass and Queernwarei floor and table oil cloths Groceries of an kinds Salt and Fish, all s+-Ilingat canespand• ingly low paces. Call and exarnmeforyout sel yes. Marietta, Sept_ 29. ISSIi. --- L ADIES TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE THE RE .1 L Ir.4LPdO FEMALE PILLS! j WARRANTED FRENCH.) These Pius, so celebrated moor fool 1 0 in Paris, for the relief of female irregularities, and afterwards so notorious for their criminal employment in the practice of abortimitar t now offered for sale fie the first Muth' Aram ica. They have been kept in camparativeoh seurity from the fact that the originator , Dr. VALP A U, is a Physician in Paris, of gest wealth and strict conscientious principleso ad has withheld them from general use, leg they should be employed for unlawful proposes. In overcoming female obstructions they seem to be truly otrinipitent, bursting apes the ilooa gates from whatever cause may hare stopped them ; hut they are offered to the public only for legitimate uses, and all agents are foetid' den to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. For sale by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta; P. Pyle, Mountjoy ; H. D. Parry and 11. liams, Columbia, and druggists generallY• Ladies can procure a box; settled fromtha eyes of the curious, by enclosing SI sli d l postage stamps to 0. G. STAPLF.S, Geila to ' Agent for us,' Watertown, Now-) orb,or any of the above agents. intad-b' LETTERS REMAINING unclainiedinna. Fost Office at Malietta, Pa., Tatirisrofi September 27, 1566: Flood, Miss Georeetia Henry, Mr. J* Hoffman, Mr. C. 3 Jacobs, Miss 11 , Klumppe, Mrs. E. Landis, Mr. N . i• Lindemuth, Mr. Leander Miller, • Miller, Mrs. Christian Wearer, F. D 3— To obtain any of these letters, they: plicant must call for "advertised letters,' the date of this list, and pay one cent Or ' o' vertisil.g. ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. STRAWBERRY PLANTS! /00,000 sfh iDbeTY 1 11 1 10 ) ; °r °. Wilson's Que n'sAl e b n a , ny, Norwood, Golden Ida, Jucunda, Triomphe DeGond, Agriculturist, Russell Proli fic, Lening's White. For sale by HENRY WOLFE. _______,-- IStrMARK THE SEASON! Another arrival of those incomparable fas Burning Parlor Stoves. Also, TILE YE AR'S E IMPROVED VULCAN HEAER' Call and sae them at J. SPANGL R KRATJT STANPS, Meat Stasi, e. Kegs, Tubs, Buckets to Pate generally, constantly on band at J. SPANGLEIng• EST Quality of Wince and Liqums lor 3 medicinal purposes, at D. Landis'. ALL kinds of Blanks printed ander Isle at THISi OFFICE. . . V&L OL • ei