P. .1.; BY FRED'K L. 13AKER. I L . . ,Nat. getai.%, so. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA manufacture our owntoods, H . ata en abling us to sell at OLD TI ME PRICES. the largest, best and moat complete stock, end st lower prices than auy hens° in the country. Ourinunense stock of Spring and Summer Goo de coniists of all the novelties of the nt last fifty different styles the.most pop & of which are cheeper than can be had elsewhere. Out buinese connection with our patrons is a rid of nearly 90 years, is a sufficient tunrrentee of our ability to please all, who fig low no with a mill. SHULTZ Sr BROTHER, so. 20 North Queen-st., Lancast.r. Nola! STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! cooK STOVE..", COOK STOVES, STOVES,..._ A ?JOHN SPANGLERSS. — o _ WPM STOI - L3, PARLOR STO7ES, PARLOR STOVES, "" OAS-BURNING STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLXRS4 irOVEV, OVES,—VULCAN STOVES 105 fIEATI. , G TWO OR FOUR ROOMS WITH ONE FIRE—FOURTH FI:PPLY X 0 W READY—CALL AND SEE MEM AT ISranyier's Hardware and Stove Store Market Street, .3larietta, Pa. M A. LINDSAY, ~41.111 TIXMANUFACTURER & DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES, I.tß6E't STREET, MA.RIETTA, PENN Would most respecttully inform the citizens of ihis Borough and neigllnoithood that he has uchistrue Ma largest use rtment of City made work ever otiaed in this Borough, amongst sdicls may be named the new-style i3OOl, '4O Globe—iiia FOIL THR LADIES. A. L. being a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKEIi enables him to select with more i; , lginvii( then those who are not. De cantin a. to manufacture in the very best manner maiming in the BOOT AND SHOE line, hid , be will vurrunt for neatness and fit. if tta' and examine the new stack before er elsewhere. "pcntist. S. Atlee Booking, M. D. D. D. S.. fltrras his cervices 1p either the Operative, u Sursical or Mechanical Departments of ENTIS'L'it Y. Teeth rxtructed without pain, by the ad iMisnthon of the " leilnis Oxide. Gas" or Mier. ()me Es In Marietta every Tues. 44 i god rtiduy i In the "st. John House," and tuna of Locust and Second eta., Columbia. knetts, April 14, 1866..etn.] K ER O SENE Sr GAS STOVES. &eoFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS U! t, Ns, 4-C. 4- C. All OW cooking for it family may be done with liiiotunpl).l. or Gas, with less trouble and tilesi expense than any other fuel. 4 ER!) imicle irmoufitetared by this Company l iguziranteed to perform all that is claimed I ` , 11$ - % Send for Circular. A LibeTal Discount to the Trade. IiEROSENE LAMP HEATER, CO„ 21.4 PE. 41 , 4 L-ST., N W- YO TnR BEST OF TILEMONTHLIES— LA DY's FRIER D—devoted to PASH /UN aid LIT ER AT UR E. Beautiful Steel 1:IDSIIII4S. SPLENDID DO UR LE,SIZED COL WO FASHION PI.ATES. The Latest patterns sf Dimes, Cloaks, Bonnets, Embroidery Eke, 116tHehold. receipts, MIND. &c. Wheeler •& Wilow's Sewing Machines given as premiums. Send 15 cents fur a sample copy Id D.E.A...'9N PR TERSON, 319 Walnut-st., Philadelphia D R. J. Z. H OFFER, DENTIST, . 04 . 0.7 OP THE BALTUKORE-C 141146 OF DENTAL SURGERY. OLLEGE L r 'Vr P. OF HARRISBURG.OI PI CE:—Front street, rieiit door to R. t ` W alnut Drug Store, between Locust t streets, Columbia. ph. WM. B. FAHNESTOCK, -1710 E:—Mire-er., NEARLY OPPOSITE Spangler & Patterson's Stoic. M7TO 8 A. • orptvE HOURS.) PRO )) I To 2. llf " 6TO7P. n• illE VIRI.G. BAKER, ATTORNAY AT LAW, • LANCASTER, EA. OPCT _ .(31: --No 24 NORTH Holtz STREET i aria g, °Bll o the Court House, where he 'will at. ; 11.1 to the pracfice of his profession in ratite 46041 brooches. A I I TTENTION I SPORTSMEN ., • , 1;b:a Guo Caps, Eley's Gun Wadds, ulllictiVe Sporting and Glazed . Duck Powder "4111inlnre Shot • Shot' Pouches,.Powder Flasks, '. ----... '4 41 1 JOHN SPANGLER 'S . g----.._ olli.:TitiNG NEW I, Patent clasp peek t'4ll " Y condition of . t h e no pm.theb ands to renew, adapts I finance at ‘..-------- _ . 30 1 1 ,N SiANGLER'S. C HOIFF.: Lot of nooks for childnin Called. School and tf)tindistructable Pleasure -Books d k'P" ilook3, Stationary, Pens, Pen . hol era ---- c"t DR. LADIS'. A--......___ . LARGE LoT OP EDI. P WINDOW' Sll ADES at remarkably low prices 6 tiflaft 111/1 JOHN SPANOLNR. -4, -.,_......_ T V (1N1T..---.—'.----"'"---•-•-•—•--------.., PPrrOdteaf Drops, and Clark , iye; am; T 4 CoFien Mortar - . . 7.. T ,7 11.* . ...., ......, ....,..: , ' c E T. .(_. 7 'N. • ? r. . .. -..-- i PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT ONE DOLLAR AND A RALF YEAR PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Office in " LINIDEIVeS -BuniaNG," second floor, on Elbow Lane, between the. Post Office Corner' _and Front-qt., Marietta. Lancaster. County, Pennsylvaisia. ADVERTISING BATES One square (10 lines, or less) 75 cents for the first insertion and One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro fessional and Business cat ds,of six lints or less at 65 per annum. Notices in the reading col-, umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, razz; but for any additional lines, ten cents aline. A liberal deduction made to yearly e nd half yearly advertisers. Raving just added a " NEWBURY MOUN- T-O.AR JOBBER Par.ss," together with a large assortment of new Job and Catd type, Cuts, Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of " Txi F. ?/LARIEiTIA N," which will insure the f Ile and sp s eedst Mcecution of all kinds of JOB & CARD P tr r N.O , from the smallest Card to the LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices. Nottrof gour 33usiness 0.1b22 Would you like to know, thesesrett 1- alf-your neighbor's house and life 7 how he lives, or how lie doesn't, And bow he treats his wife ? How be spends his time of leisure, Whether sorrowful or gay, And where he goes for pleasure, 'To the concert or the play 1 If you wish it, I will tall you— Let me whisper to you sly— If your neighbor is but civil, It is not your business why. In short, instead of prying Into other men's affairs, If yoti'do your own but justice, You will have no time for theirs Be attentive to such matters As coLcerns yourselfailone, And whatever fortune Hitters, Let your business be your ow n. One woad by way of finis— , Let me whisper to yOu sly— Ityou wish to be respected, You must cease to be a pry. • A YANKEM—The following is a West ern definition of a "Yankee." A real, live Yankee, just caught ( if you can) wilt be found not deficient in the following qualities: H•e is self deny ing, self relying, always trying and into everything prying. He is 'a lover of propriety, piety, notoriety and the tem perance society. He is a dragging, gag ging, bragging, striving, swopping, jostling, wrePtling, musical, astronomi cal, poetical, philosophical, and commi cal sort of character, whose manifest destiny is to spread civilization to tie rqmotest corner of creation. EMPLOYERS.- You who have young men under you, and to whom you give the liberty of your drawer, are you aware how that young man spends his, evenings. If not, visit the numerous hells, places he does not expect you will ever visit, and you may find him, with a lot of loaf ers whom he has to support out of your money so they be silent, among the lowest and most abandoned of God's earth. Are you aware that you are lure isbing the money that .is dragging him down to mordl degradation, you owe .it to the boy to save Try it. gir A poor farmer of St. Anne de la Pocatierre, Canada, who bad heard that a relative of his father in Europe had died, leaving a large fortune, add who had sent - papers to claim his share of the inheritance, received the. other day from - Frankfort a draft ou the British North American Bank for 1109,500 as a firstinstahnent. Elated with joy, he had promised to pay off the debt of .the par ish church and to build a convent at his own expense. He came to Quebec with the`notary of the parish, and in company with many friends, to draw the rri from the bank : , when the draft was dis covered to have no value. Sr At the recent trial of rifles at Wimbledon, England, the prize offered for the beet breech-loader, was won by an Enfield rifle converted on the plan of Colonel Berdan, of this country. This musket was fired one,handred times in five and, a. half minutes, and this great rapidity was attained after it had become foul. Three hundred rounds were pre viously fired for the purpose' of fouling it, and it was also rusted in salt and wa ter, and rolled in fine sand, and after this bad treatment it still won ll the prize as the best breech loader of the many offered. The rapidity attained by this arm is more than double that of the Prussian needle gun. A lecturer, maintaining before a mechaiiiio institute" that art could not improve'nature,watlii,yerwhelmed'hy the' laughter of bie audience, when one of inquired'" Row wonid yon without' your : 36qtraltuf ipeposetrania gonna! for Itt , rit ante stirrie. MARIETTA, r PA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1866. VOL. XIII.-NO. 8. _ For the Mariet4ati. Intemperance. - See thatl poor creature- standing at they rameellare bar. He ie . -silting . for his glass of whisky, see 'how -his hand ,shakes as be holds his glassf' lits-cloth;• es are nearly worn out.'Hlii last six- , pence he gives to the rumseller. That Man was once rich, once moved. in a re epictable sphere in life. He had many friendsl because he had many estimable traits of character. Why this downfall why this ruin of health and character ? Bectiase he was perinaded by some miss called friends at a convivial party to take's glass of wine. He did 'so, the taste was formed, he soon drank again, and again. His wife saw a marked, change in his character, he became worse, staid out late at night, she plead with him to atbp and think, friends beg ged him t6'alter his - coarse of conduct; pointed' hi¢i to his once happy and pros perous condition in - life. But all their intercessions were in vain, his steps in the drunkard's path was quick and on ward. His poor wife refused to be com forted, she, like a beautiful flower nipped by an untimely frost, soon withered and died, And in her last moments, while her husband was standing at her bedside, I prayed God to save her husband from a drunkard's grave. He left the corpse of , that once devoted and affectionate wife for her friends to bury I He hastened to the ruinseliers with his last sixpence to drink again the contents of the laths: jutting bowl. Do you say this is only a picture of the imagination Y Oh no, no, thousands and tens of thousands of worse , cases than the one just described are being enacted every year. The widow's groans, and the children's cries are going up to the God of mercy - calling for help in their time of need. Enameller, stop your wretched work; it is worse than counterfeiting; worse than highviay rob bery, it is murder, stop and think, save that husband from a drunkard's hell. He may yet become a kind and afTection ate father, save that young man just entering the path of the destroyer. He must retrace his steps and become kdu titul son. If the "drunkard you have made and the distress and ruin you have brought upon many families will not cause you to give up your iniquitous business. Here the last words of a dy ing Rtiniseller I have sold all my whisky, made drank- arch by score's, Brought famine, and misery, and death to their doors, Caught thousands of souls in my. well. contrived snare, And now I am goingtheir ruin to, share I have sold all my whisky, broke many a, heart, Oausectweeping.and woe and .unspeak ,able smart;: Lined Lined homes with mourning, robbed children of bread, And the way to perdition their fathers have led. I have sold all my whisky; perdition draws nigh; My days are all wasted and now I mast the ; The pit of destruction stands .open for me, Let others take warning and hasten and flee. G-. M. 0 Sr The celebrated Ferman physician Hufeland, on being presented to a reign ing,prince of one of the small states of the German Confederation, that exalted personage, in the fervor of his admiration of LlufelAnd's great professional skill, said to, him, "You are so famed a phy siciaii,`yoa know the human body so ir timately, that jou must,be able to cure every disease I" "Your Highness," re plied' ilufeland, " it is with us physicians as - with night watchmen ; we knoW the leading streets and' by-ways tolerably but as' to what is going on inside the house_ we can only guess at that." gir An old Scotch lady had an even: log Party Where a pang man was pres ent who was itiOnt; to leaie for an ap pointment in 'China: As he was exceed ingly extravagant in his conversation about himself , . Cha eld,lady, said when he was, leaving, pride care o' your self when ye are awa'; for mind ye, they eat puppies in Chops V', . 4,. • isr Love( is 'as i'eceSsary to a womah's heart as a fashio'oglile bonnet is to het. head.,. Indeed, we think, rather more 81e;i0f5firfon:e. will contentthing,less than , a large mess her,,whereaa the regentfashion has ,shown _that, she, can bey satisfied ; with a very;littlo bohnet.. •iror iwthe pOrfeetiqn of bappicesa nti'r to (kilf.. A Sztitablq Apo l ogy. It is not often that we find hasty people willing to make the'ameride; hoz °reale, as was the individual mentioned in the following anaodOte. A: phant om regard for the 'truth is highly to be commended, and below we find' a eke sense of hdnor on one sido, with :et still nicer nicety oil the other. ' A mari 'said 'of a virago with a loud, masculine voice : ' ° Confound that 'wow. an's throttle I her voice will reach the fifth story of my hones." The woman, bearing of the remark, in- sisted that her husbitfid should call on the man and demand either a refraction or an apology, and if the, man would neither, the husband was to ,chastise Husband.—" Sir, I am informed that you say my voice is ao loud and masculine it will reach the fifth .story of . any Imilding . Did you or did. you not . make that sound lous assertion 7" (hold. lug a whip significantly,An Man.-- Well, my dear sir, I caret say positivsly, I.might, upon the impulse of the moment, and rather think I did say five stories. Perhaps it is an exaggera tion. It is-pushing the thing pretty strong,-I admit. am willing, sir, now that I am cooler, to take off - one Story, but not another. brick. " Well," said the. other " that alters the ease, but I should not have stood the fire stories. It, is agip natur." DELICACY.—About every other feature which adorns the female character, deli-, cacy stands foremost within the prov ince of good taste. Not that delicacy which is perpetually in quest of some- thing to be ashamed of, which makes a merit, of a blush, and simpers at the false construction its own ingenuity has put upon an innocent remark:; this spa flans kind of delicacy.is as far removed from good taste as from good-feeling and good sense; put • that high minded deli cacy which maintains its pure and un deviatitig walk alike amongst women, as in the society of men; which shrinks from no necessary duty, and can speak when required, with seriousness and kindness, of things at which it would be ashamed indeed to smile or blush. This is the delicacy which - forms ad important a part of•good taste that where -it does not eiist - as a natural iustinot, it is taught-as the first principle of good man ners, and considered as - the' universal passport of good society. • THINGS PLNASANT TO SW—The follow ing are things pleasant to see: A. work ing' man reading the'newspapers r a real lady who can carry a parcel ; a father at a place of amusement with his children ; a young man with a' clear eye, and a fresh, virtuous, nohackneyed face ; a shop girl neatly dressed, and without sham ornamentation:c a man of business going home at night with a coquet for his wife ; a shop man civil to; and - pa tient with, a poor woman, who, with a baby 'moss her arm, ventures to buy a shilling article ; a dressmaker who .is scientific enough to pirfect a "fit," and yet leave your breathing apparatus in christian working condition; a - milliner who didn't come from Paris; a jolly dq mastic who " likes the family ;" a bride with. her pet small house ; a young , fath er with hie first boy. AN "ARM IN Arm " ITEM.—Gov. Fair child of Wisconsin was one of the bray estlieroeS of the Var'against the Rithel lion. A gentleman who 'was introduced to him the other day observed, as he took his left hanii, that he had lost his right'arm. " Yes," said the. Governor in reply, I attended a convention at Gettysburg in 1863; and met a Southern delegate who was very anxious to walk arm-in-arm with me; and When 'we sep arated I found that the embrace had b'een - ratlieg costlY:"'. The remark 'was quietly made, but:euggested a. world of valuable .reflecti ons;. eir The last log story is of two dogs who fell to fightiug in a saw mill. In the coarse of the tassel one of the dogs went plump against _a saw in rapid mo tion, which; cat him two jnatanter.— The hind legs ;ran`; away, but the fore legs continued to: fight and whipped the other dog. , • • _ sr An - Callan°, presided over, we presume, by's:crusty"old bachelor, says, I" Never louk at the girlsibeY can't bear 4i t they' regard as an insult. They Vuar their feathers, failietows and, 'frills merely, to gratify . , their mammas that's all.' -* "bier. 116 - 30 every f9 P 4 whilret 8•11#1!#e , t4il!! ) PlO 1114111r'' `'Overcraft:" Himself One of the peculiar features of the Southwestern •dialect is the use of *the word crap for =crop. .Thus they will say. "I made Tight airlift- of crapikthis year.' The Celdnel once heard this word used with no little significance. Whiletrav elint on a StediuM, Wait 'Southwest, a singularly-asiorted - cOitplerwaracted the attention orall the other - passengers. One was a sinallimatyabout five. feet in height, and - weighing not.over a hundred pounds; Ilia bride wasimmense- - -not a feather lighter than two hundred and'fif ty pounds; The rest of -the story ;Wre shall let the Colonel tell himself. •• He says : "One day I was standing •on the upper-deck - of the steamer, while the happy pair were promenading back and forward; arm in 'arm, when a passenger, Who was evidently a backWoodsinan, ap proacheil.l3lo, and pointing towards them said, "Now, don't. you. sorter reckon that that little man has a leetle bit over crape hisself e I concurred with him in what I believed to be the import *of, his agricultural figure, and observed that, in my opinion, the young gentleman would have hie hands full, in the event of any future discord, which should lead to a personal encounter between them. Re turned and - walked away remarking, "As sure as yer born, he's a mighty small chance of a man to have such a powerful heap o' wife." • • THE INAUGURATION BALL.—Hon. W. B. Stokes of Tennessee, made a speech at Nashville, a few eveningip ' since, in which,he Idescribed the appearance of Vice President. Johnson at the Inaugur al Ball. Mr. Stokes sell-- : Youdiave heard what took place at the great ball given on the night of the second inuaguration of Mr. Lincoln. There is a' Man - here, probably, who knows all about it. An immense 'con: • course of people filled the Executive Mansion. - The intelligence, beauty, statesmen and soldiers of the nation were present. It 'was a glorious, impov fug, august assembly. The Vice Presil dent wits too•weary, or timid, or sick,'or something else, to escort Mrs. Lined'', as was customary for one in his position on such an occasion ; so Mr. Sumner had to wait upon the lady. Johnson eat on a sofa in the back of the room with a colored man by his side, soliloquizing as follows : " I'm Vice President of these United States I I've taken the, oath, and have been sworn in. by God ! Sum ner says I am from the, territory of Ten nessee. There he goes now , with the Queen ! I've taken the, oath and I'm Vice President ; , and he says that I'm from the territory of Tennessee ! There he goes with the Queen, and I'm here sitting with my colored friend on a-sofa . I'm a better - friend of the black man than he is. His is theoretical and mine is practical friendship. Just look at me sitting.by.my colored friend, by God I Such was the scene at the inauguration Ball. A WATERFALL.—Waterfalls are very pretty and 'are calculated to attract the attention of young gentlemen. We do not mean the waterfalls which are'to be found at Niagara and Pasaic, but those enchanting ornaments which the ladies are wont to affix to Weir heads.' Pasi ing up Main street yetiterday we saw one which caPtivited ozzi nnsusc'eptible heart. The wearer, a handsome miss of about 'sweet sixteen,'-;hadbien furn ished by nature with ratheg, a scanty supply, of, the article which has been called " the glory of woman," of a raven color, which she had done up , in the highest style.of tonsorial art. But in spite of all , her care the material of the waterfall would make itself manifest. Through her dark tresses'could be seen sundry articles which we recognized as pert ‘of a newspaper, a stocking, a:pieCe of calico, etc. The calico wade its , way through the hair and Was flying in the breeze, reminding one cif Fourth of July displaYs that'children are wont to' in dulge in. It was a rich and 'rare sight and one which' was eiljnyed;Oerrhighly by those who witnessed- it. Somehow the maiden became aware of the figure "she ,was cuttin a nd tried to haul down . .g , . the !'flaunting lie," and in Eso doing, made • matters • worse,; _der:s'llo3g the whole of her. bead-gear. The last seen of her she was,making ," bee Hrne " for her residence at•f!owleryille, _ where we hope she enceeeded r in.flzipglier watar fall to snit the fecialripments of iashion. ''.--.Fiusking fir the w i n e ng,ipt4 to, race, of Itio,ia a, aleti,of,, white,kot my ,rktotie stagONS nut.kam ihatiturtwtTP ttter#,l 4,01m04-414414/),, , ..N, 3-t M=ilZUM==l TOLL THE BELL. Toll the bell ! the brave are sleeping, And their swords are sheathed forever; With our sorrows and our weeping, We can wake them never. Beat the muffled dram I ye mourners ; For, their pro,ad career is o'er, From tlie battle-field returners • To their homes no more. Toll the bell I the field of honor Saw our best and bravest perish ; Let us, though a cloud is on her, Our beloved country cherish-; Let the native land they wrought for Rear the stainless marble high ; To the glorious•realm they fought for They have breathed "Good•bye." Toll the bell I our dead are slumb`ring On a thousand gelds of glory; Gallant victims ! far outnumbering Hosts-;of, ancient history. Let a solemn oath be taken, That there names shall perish never ; Our brave 'Union stand unshaken, And abide forever. A P=ly Dog Story. ==dEMP When the war in -Italy jommenced, the Zouaves embarked for Genoa; but as they were going on board the ship, they saw a formal order forbidding the entrance of all dogs upon the vessel. As they were very much attached to their doge, they were stricken with grief. It was not easy to deceive the sharp look out kept by the intendant, for every soldier advanced along the narrow,gangway one by one, as their names were called. Necessity is the mother of invention. The drummers unscrewed their drums, and the best dogs of the regiment were eJnceitled ic r the drnms which were screwed up again. When regiments embark no music is played, but on this occasion the Colonel determined there should be music. Re - ordered the trumpets and drums to take the head of the column and to play a lively tune. The face of the drummers —every one-of-whom had a dog in his drum,—may be conceived. The trumpets sounded,;,the drums were silent. The Colonel got angry and bawled to know why the drums did not beat. The mo ment the drums began to beat innumer able' dogs began to howl and bay, to the aitoriishinent of everybody but th - e Zott ayes, Everybody looked right, left, backward and rrontward--no signs of 'a dog anywhere ; and yet, the more the drummers beat the more the dogs howl ed; At last a spaniel fell out of a drum, rolled over and over on the ground, got up and took to his heels, howling louder than ever. Roars of laughter greeted this explanation of mysterious howls. The intendant ordered the drummers to advance on board one by one, and to roll the drum as he came. If a barking was heard the drum was unscrewed, and the dog put ashore. Only one dog got aboard this was Toaton, who kept quiet through all the rolling. It need not be said that tile Third &waves adore Ton ton. He made his.entry into Paris, at their head, a few days sinCe.—Paris Let ter. A''' Road-agent" Outwitted A. few days ago an Irishman left Cop erpolis-for San Andreas, with his carpet 'sack upoti'his back, and when about five miles on his way was met by a " road agent,"'who demanded his money. Pat immediately dropped his pack on the ground, sat down on it,.and thus address. ed the man : ," Why yer must be very :thick along this road ; I've only come five miles, and this is the fourth time I have beenxtopped and axed for money." Is that so ?' asked the highwayman. "Be me sowl, it's the gospel truth," replied Pat. " Well, then, you had better proceed on your way ; it wouldn't pay to go through you now." Pat shouldered his carpet bag, and they were about to separate when he turned around and ettid.lz-" Have ye iver sick a thing as a match to light my pipe wid ?" He . 95 supplied with one and the two sep arated. The. Irishman had five hundred 'dollars in gold coin in his bundle, and by. this , piece of shrewdness saved his money. ar London - • is a world in itself. The lastEn'glish census develops the fact that Mote Stotchn3en in Lon doh.than in Edieburgh, more Irish than in Dublin, Mote' Roman Catholics than in Roes; and more Jews than in Pales tina'. ..I%taitt-'to London, perhaps, New York is the most cosmopolitan of cities. It has not sb Lanny giotel#nell as Edin hurgbet according to the census it has nearly ae man,Y;lrish as Dublin, While as probably the 'third nn tkitiiisoithryinking neat to %Witt sod 0111.150r0 , 9 f.,t, : MEI EMU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers