.. NMI - = A DJOURNED COVRWR It is orderedllsllle - CniirS of Lancaster Os, that Adjn . urned COllll9- for 1866 for the and decision of cases 1A tb*• Qtanion Orphans' Court; and• Quarter Sessionsi.aite to• be held as follows; Fat. A.RangErs. One week, commencing Monday, March 19th. 4 .5 dte June lliths " " " de Sept. Ilth. es ce 55 " Decem. 11 To continue one week from the said dayfl re spectively, aria as much longer as the business , may require. All the cases on the list for argument in the Orphans' Court shall be taken up on the Ant days of said terms, and be pro ceded with until disposed of, unless continued by consent or cause shown. The cases on the argument list in the Quar ter Sessions shall be taken up on Wednesday of said term if not prevented by the Orphans' Court, and if so, the cases in the Quarter Ses sions will be commenced on the termination of the Orphans' Court business. The argument of the cases of the Common Pleas to be commenced on Thursday of the week, if not prevented by the Orphans' Cour or Quarter Sessions eases. in that case, thee ar gument list of said court is to be taken up a the termination of the cases in the other courts, and proceeded in until disposed of, unless con tinued by consent or cause shown. It is further ordered that the absence of counsel at the time appointed for hearing the cases mentioned in the proceeding orders shall be no cause for suspending proceedings Mere in, unless by eonsent, or legal ground for a continuance be shown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. It is ordered by the Court that adjourned courts for Jury trials in 'the 'Common Pleas, will be held as follows : . . One week, commencing on the sth of Mon day in January, 29th. One week, commencing on the 3d Monday in February, 19th. One week, commencing on the 4th Monday in February, 26a, One week, commencing on the 4th Monday in May, 28th. One week, commencing on the let Monday in June, 4th. One week, commenting on the let Monday in September, 3d. One week, commencing , on the 3d Monday in October, 15th. One week, .ommencing on the 4th Monday in October, 22d. One week, commencing on tha let Monday in December, 3d. And such other periods as may be appoint ed at the aforesaid courts, or at regularerra. N EW SKIRT FOR 1866 1 THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic pure refined steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elas tic and durable spring ever used. They sel dom bend or break, like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, carriage., railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed. the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing the du plex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses,' and young, ladies they ar superier to all others.. The The hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread •and. will wear twice-as long as the angle yarn covering which is used on all Single steel hoop skirts. The. three bottom rode on every skirt are also double steel, and twice or double coveted to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps,. &c., ace 4 which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and eegant corded tapes, and are the best quality it& every part giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, moot desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS' BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietors of the invention, and Sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers, and 79 & Si Nestle streets, New York. Fur sale in all first-class dome in this City, and throughout the United States, a nd Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. p - Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. [3ln-ABI,C 1866 THE LADY'S FRIEND— . The best of the Monthlies—devo ted to LITERAIIIRE and FASHION. $5.- 50 a year. We give WHEELER. & WIL SON'S Celebrated 145 Sewing Machines on the following terms : Twenty copies and the Sewing Machine, $7O. Thirty copies and the Sowing Machine, $S$, Forty copies and the Sewing Machine, $lOO. Send 15 cents for a sample copy to DEA. CON & PETERSON, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Estate of Elizabeth Weis late of the Borough of Marietta decaasid. Letters of administration, with the Wil annexed, on said estate having been granted to the undereigsed, all personsindebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or de mands aga:nst the same will present them without delay for' settlement to the undersign d, real ding in said 130 rough of Marietta. E. D. RO /LTA Admtnistrator. JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta GRATEGRATEFUL for past favors I would returr FUL thanks to my numerousfriends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all trines ' and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES Qr VESTIV GS, which will be made up to order at the short e notice by the best of workmen, and on reasons ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wai upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize me hereafter: 0ct.29-,56. REEVES' AMBROSIA FOR THE HAIR. The Original and Genuine AMI3ROSZA if prepared by J. ALLEN REEVES and is the best hair dressing and preservative n6w in use. It stops the hair falling out, causes it to grow thick and long and prevents it from turning prematurely grey: It eradicates dandruff; cleanses, beautifies and renders the hair soft, gloasy and curly. Buy it, try it and be conyinced. IDon't be put of with a spuri ous (Miele.. Ask for Reeves' Ambrosia and take no other., For Sale by Druggists and Deal.•ra in Fancy%Goods everywhere. PRICE, 75 Cents per bottle--$6 per ddzen. Address, REEVES' AMBROSIA DE"POT . ," 62 Fulton-st. - -New-York City. Fur sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store. L12:8-ly THE MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organ:, Forty, ogre : ma t styles, adapted- to sacred and elecAin IT/Pingdor $BO to .41601) each. Fts-rY opm Gold or 'Sliver Modals, or other first pre miumslogarded them. Illustrated Catalogues sent free. Address,. MA SO Er & Hemtaze, BOO too, or,IIIASON BROTHERS, New-York. TH4— "ARCTIO , SODA WATER foun ta m, at:the Golden Mortar, is now -ready to dispense.chol, healthy.fted; refreshing , pee erageli. This drink is draivn from Porcelain lined,fountainu..and is warranted :razz- from noxicius i MoßiFttell• - • Melte„tigmAtt)g.tckkolt A astpAduritura,com in; hsit , igwilliklelLembnt ” AP Olin " Dr. tiliii44li 111114katanisintj FOR 1866, orikc ,Sgritg. le icutratecte` eolfution of the 1110T9.XEDE OF IRON, • a new discovery in medicine which Strikes dike root of disease, . by Supplying the blood with its vital principle, . or life element--..taon. Thisis the /regret of the wonderful success of curing this remedy in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dairrhaa; ' Baal, Neivous Affections, Chills:and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor,Diseases of The Kidneys an Bladder, Female- Comp/mints, 1 and all diseases originating in a bad state of Blood nr accompanied by debility of a low state If the system. Being free froM Alchohol in . any form, its energizing effects, are not followed by corre sponding reaction, but are permanent, intu sing strength, vigor and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron con stitution. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. , From the venerable archdeacon Scott,' D. D, Dunham, Canada Raet, March 24,1865. • *. * " I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of , . more than 25 years standing," * * * " rhaVe been so wonderfully bene fitted in 'he three short weeks during which I knife used the Peruviari Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality.— . People who have known me are astonished jat the change. lam widely known, and can ' but recommend to others , that which has done so much forme." a a • A Case of 27 Year's' Standing Cured. From Insley Jewett, No. 16 Avon place, Boa. ton. " I Live suffered, and sometimes severely, for 27 years, from Dyspepsia. I commenced taking the Peruvian Syrup, and found imme diate benefit from it. 'ln the course of three or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed uninterrupted health ever since." An Eminent Divine of Boston says : " I have been using the :Peruvian Syrup for some time past; it gives me new vigor, buoy ancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle.' Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy; from weak, sickly:suffering a ea ' tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hesi tate to give it a trial. A pamphlet OP pages, , containing certifi cates of cures an.. recommendations from some of the moat eminent physicians, clergy men, and others, will be sent FREE to any ad dress. Mr' See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. FOR RALE BY .7. P. Dinsmore, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street New York. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. All Medical Men agree that lODINE is the best remedy fot Scrofula and all kindred dis eases ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a pure solution of it. DR. Li. ANDERS , lODINE WATER. Is a Pure. Solution of lodine, without a sol vent ! ! Containing A FULL GRAIN to each ounce A most Powerful Vitalizing Agant and Restorative. It EtAll cured and WILL clins SCROFULA in all its manifold forms. lILCERS, CANCERS ' SYPHILIS" SALT BREEN &C. Circulars will be sent TREE to any one send ing their address. - Price $l.OO a bottle, or 6 for - $5lO Prepared by Dr. H. Anders, physician and Chemist. • FOR SALE BY J: P.' DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York 2.415411) of ND ebeitil EU BEEN USED FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, Wl= THE MOST AsTONISIISNO SUCCESS it CURING Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, In fluenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, and every affection of The Throat, Lungs, and Chest. which carries off more victims than any other disease, and which baffles the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY 1 when all others prove ineffectual. AII"A MEDICINE, IlAr/D IN RELILF • SOOTHING-IN EFFECT S SAFE while as a preparation, free from noxious in gredients, poisons, or minerals ; uniting skill, science, and medical knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INOOMPARABLE and is entitled, merits, and receives the gen era confidence of the public. • • SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman,, N. Y., writes as follows:—. "Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs. and allaying irritation, thus removing the cause, instead .f - drying up the cough and leaving the qv as any, consider; the Balsam as good as any, if not the best, biligh medicine with which I am acq.minted." The Rev. JACOB SECHLEII, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and