The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 22, 1866, Image 2
the Mariettiatt. MARIETTA. PA : saftiiiqD V . 01.010, §epteNbe,t. 2Q,1866. FOR Major ; Ge4braljOHA car.i,ozeviz OF CUMBERLAND' - eotrtre - - fir It is . said, that a Mrs. Porch, who lives in the mountains of-East-Tennessee, is aged 121 yeare. "Slie is blind bat quite hearty, mad walks without assist- ante. Her memory is" unimpaired, and she can recount many of the events of the Revelation with-'great accuracy. The Staunton (Pa..,) Spectator says there is a n'egeg 'wqtaati at Mountain Top, near 'Siannton, who is 130 years old. ' ' ' Cr The suicidal course of the .NeW, York Times in sestainingthe-President's policy is said to cost It o,n ; the other hand, the New-York Trihnne e now the only Repuklictui daily piper in New York, has gained ten thousand on its daily, and thirty thousand on its weekly, since the Ist. of August. Its daily will circulate abont'seventy thousand during this canvass. . • While the Piesideht was ipeaking from the iludoVir Of the De!Ewan House at Albany, - he loge - trod, "To Whom have I proved a traitiir wheti an Irishman replied, "To Glen Sweeney and the . Faynians." He continued, "'I have held every office in the'gift:of the people what more can I desire f' when a felloW " sung out, "Amither term. i k r George Peabody, has recently , been in Thetford, Vt., on a visit- to- an aged aunt residing, there, and has. given the citizens of-the village $5OOO for a librarp—s2ooo is to a permanent fund, the interest to be expended ,yearly in the purchase orhooks. A library build ing is to be erected , immediately.- Or A guerilla leader, named Dick Hempstead, was lately captured by the Regulators, near Little Rock, Arkansas, who after trying him and "finding him guilty of eleven murders, all of "which confessed, burned him to .leath by a slow fire, which tcitalli'oensained hii body. eir In Memphis, the' other day, a policeman requested a certain doctor to visit a poor woman sick of cholera. He refused nnless•paid In advance. , Being calle offirt second time, 'le .- consented* to gotif the policeman .IvOuld be semi. ty for payment. isir Three women were overhauled by the cuatom house olEcerslat Ogdensburg last week, andupo . they? were found sixteen eounds of'tobac,o, three gross of matches, eight pounde s of pepper,. and _ three bottles of whisky. sr Jos. Ur Butler and Lewis Worth ington, wealthy Protestafili of •Ciocin n.ati, have purehttand the.• S. 'Marine Hospital, in that tity, for V 70,500 and presented it in fee simple' to the Sisters of Charity. - . • _ eir A couple in Newport,,R. 1., have four children, who were born severally in Rhode 111.1 and„ Nehraelia,,Nevada and California, each.of whom hearkthe name, of hie or her Dative,State-: ear A man , who was run over by a train atElizabeth; N. Jr., and Mortally injured, was shot through - the 'head, 'at his own requeitt, to end hie sufferings. So says an exchange. ‘, sir A western•clergymart*told his fe male worshippers that our Lard appear ed to a woman after his resurrection, "only that the tidings might he spread the sooner." eir Mrs, Hatch of spiritualist celeb rity, seems to get a new name every year. She iii now advertiied in Roch ester as f` Mrs. Oora-L.AT.-Scott Daniels formerly Mrs. Hatch." - ter An Englishman, just , dead, has left a large sum of money ; the interest to be divided every five years' among five young maidens, who are to dance around his grave. fir A liorwegian woman, 105 years old, accompanied by 78 of bar descend ants, passed through lowa,' a few days since, on the way" td Salt Like City. air A man who will exhibiting Cali. fornia rattleanakee,at the New England Fair, got bitten by ope,ofthemirbut sav ed hie life , by large dosage whisky. • Ur One hundred and fifty women are raid to be employed as mations and hod oarrfers on the new Opera honee at. Vi- ge' The r Fr pgb, - gov,erngebt isBp hl' Ping cooxict. Jemales to , —nyenne, - wives for the well behaved convict s tfi as ere., Sir Madame Itistori's boigage com prises 105' trunks, forty of which contain her . theatilear.war a dicibe., "d .l 1 ' : igirthtfrbtdrdf %dr ftfideleifdr dier ha been found in the Petersburg crater, in good preservation. r, ME, Mr.—Mr.J,ohneon is epo ted by somebody to halirsied that 712"fy often passed twelve hourasin the Wh i te 4use without reflectinrthatie is 'fpresldent of the United States. This may or may not be true ; but no man can say that he ever heard the President speak twelve seconds without making allusion to him eel men fills seventy-nine lines in the Sunday Morning Chronicle, 'and is composed of thirty-seven sentences. It eontainirthe-pronouns,4,-ine,•and-myjnat forty-four times, which are two egotiams for each sentence, with seven ) to' earry; `and one egotism for every two with four and the nest modest effort.—,- Washington Chronicle. isgr When the President set out, on his tour througb'the thousaniis flocked•to see and tear him, to show proper respect fee thivq'tesidential 'of. fice. It Ilea`wince bacon:1010- be a fact, that thousands flock to see him because both his laninage'aturmanner are die graceTtil to him, es-a man,-and‘ utterly degrading to his high , position—a feat that proves that; as hum= nature is, no exhibition earl be so'gromr that thou's ands will not witnees it.-:—Fitts burg Commercial. ,• gar A human skull was lately Calaveras county, California, at ,the depth of one hundred and fifty feet, in what is known by geologists as the ple locene formation. This discovery is one of the most important ever made forge ology, and will create a greet sensation in the learned world. It seems to es tablish the fact that man existed on this planet countless ages before the time designated by any of our traditions re specting his first appearance here. • er Before the late war Prussia own ed an irregular shaped territory contain ing 108,771 square miles and including in its eight provinces a population of 19,204,843. By the treaty of • Ptagne, just signed, she gets additional territory of 42,584 square miles with an additiOn al popolalion Of 7,l7l,6Bo—making her entire present territory 151,355 square miles, and her entire pOpulation 27,476, 523. Or A correspondent suggests that we make a• comparison .between the "digni fled address of Frederick Douglas " and the "disgraceful harangues of Andrew Johnson." We would like to oblige our correspondent, , but - then, comparisons are odious, especially where there is such avast difference in the objects - to be.compared. Besides, we do not think RA... Douglas would feel at all compli mented.— Washington Chronicle. Or George Trussell, a a gambler by profesaion and principal owner of the trottigg horse Dezter, was shot dead by his inlstress, in a drinking saloon in Chi cago, on Tuesday night. Jealousy was the cause. Trussell was 32 years old, a native of Danville, Vt., and had amass ed $lOO,OOO by keeping agambling house The woman, after she committed the deed, was seized with remorse and be came almost frantic with grief. Cis It is aunou'need in a letter from St. Petersburg, that, an imperial ukase has just been'issued, abolishing all pun ishments heretofore inflicted upon per sons for renouncing...the Greet: church, the state •religion •.of Russia. This, ire form is regarded as almost as great . 0 0 stepin - advanced civilization as the re. cent abolitiOn orserfdoni; andlt=speaks well for the enlightened policy of the Emperor Alexander. ear B. J. Row, or Qlearfield, has been zemoved as route ,agent,for Pennsylva oia and Now jersey. ,',the ‘ Post Qi.Ece Department could satisfied with the efficiency and fidelity of the man thus discharged ; 'but, as an active and true Republican, he would not en. list in the Bread and-Butter Brigade, and hence his fate. -•- 66 - 0 .41. theory has been broached which seems to account for President John, son's radical change of policy, to wit : He feared the rebels would . dispose of him as President Lincoln' was disposed of, and to save his precious life, he, be trayed the people who protected and promotedhim. ice' The Chicago Tribune says that - a plot has been diseovered 'among the President's reconstructed 'friends in New Orleans, to assassinate General Sheri dan, Commander of the Gulf Depart ment It.was designed to accomplish his death by the explosion -of II shell made for the occasion. . An appletree in Worcester, Mass. which bloomed in May, in June and again in July, is -. now clothed in its fourth series 'of blossoms, The tree contains well developed fruit from the first blossoms. sir Senator Doolittle visited his hOnie at Racine, Wisconsin, on Monday, and was very coolly redeived by his friends. Numbers bUthem refused to recognize him. ' - Ear The peach, crop • in_the central part of-Ne`w,liork. , in large... Last wbek the shipirientmfromitochesterty express amounted to about forty tons a day.' frl)2 Lynchbur g' that snow ware to) " igiNPIUgPSII.ts Virginia on Thuis -4'.ll.l6°PiqhwPiitern At gua7 °venlig? of lase week. =EI - s THE MARIETTIAN.C`-~' Boston netlof Sut lay says The city was ffiled leistleveni4 with rig ;more tt President J h jaasonthad bee 4 ;assassinated dnring t a-kfter6ol whileH going from Chicago to St. Louis. The excitement in consequence was very great. The rumor spread to all the places of amusement and other resorts, 'and ifilnini• The rumors, as far as could be ascertain-, ed;:caute, ma! friftm; 5em&41'1;44114. telegraph oifices—"but on being traced up, no foundation wh stave ran-t ru th could be found for them. The whole affair was a stuPid,44eil,,Milfchins)ioax: That , any PeisCu could - deliberately invent so ' mean and monstrous a canard is but 40.‘02.4e,...e1e65, .44 another evidence that the satanic in man is untitinately ii`nd nn. blushing fir The York' True . Democrat Bays. thit ihe'eitra which the' 'Pied: dent and suite passed through that bo,- rough on Settlideititoreing;was divided' into twonpartinente. 'ln one; piles of cbainpagnd baskets were ifildble, and eit" the car moved along, the track in the neighbortedd - ef Hantz'e'corriei, empty bottles were flung out of the "car. and broken : on the traek. The copper heads of the borough, we are told,'Arn ished the party, with an additional sup ply of liquors of different brands, which were placed on the car for _their use. between York , and Bettina . ..ore. A more spirited crowd never visited that borough. fir F. T. Barnum and others are pre paring lo‘start a zoological gitrden NeW York, in connection With l3arhure's Museum, a part of which show' will be free'to the public, and the entire bition kept down to the Museum pricee. A. charter'for the association has been obtained from the Connecticut Leglilit: tare, - with a capital of $2,000,000, arid thirty acres of land have been purch Ised in the vicinity of Bridgeport, oe are being-erected suitable builditigs and' glass edifiCes for breeding and acclima ting rare - aniteals, birds, etc., - and for training some of them for public perforni . ances. 4W We would say to our readers that Messrs. C. G. Clark & Co., proprietors of Coe's Dyspepsia Cora, warrant it to cure thilHaost obstinate cases of Dys pepsia, no matter of how long standing. We bid you use Coe's Dyspepsia Cure; it will help you. Constipation one of the chief causes of ill health, is com pletely cured by the use of the. •Cure. All diseases of the stomach and bowels; like sick-headache, heartburn, cramps, pains are controlled instantaneously by the use of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. Cr General Jno. A. Dix—the poor office-seeking old dotard, has been de feated in the nomination for Governor of New York, by Hoffman, the present copperhead mayor of New York city; this, it appears, little Raymond, of the New York Times, could not stand, and now begs to get backto !,he, Ropublican ranks in order to be re-nominated for Congress. ®'A cat iu Greene, !de.; a few days since, was deprived of a company of kittens by an untimely blow of the owner. Determined not to be without; young of some sort, the cat disappeared and went to the Woods, soon after returning-'with two young 'rabbit's, which -she is moW nursing with most motherly care. This is . certainly a curious case of hybrid at.' fection. Cr Miss Spurgeon, the daughter of the popular preacher, accompanied Queen Emma to this country. Miss Spurgeon is on her way to th • S'andwich Islands, in tbe hope of being able to in struct the natives in the doctrines of Christianity. She is twenty four .years of age, has a fine, intellectual face, and very prepossessing.manners. sir The coffin of- a colored woman, who had •apparently died of cholera, it Cairo, illiuoie, the other day, during her. husband's absence, was opened by the latter on his return,' and signs of life were observed in the supposed corpse. The woman was removed froth the coffin, and is now as well ae ever. eir In Portland, on Wednesday last sia.ty.two days , after the great-fire .there bricks dug out of the ruins were so hot that they were uncomfortable to handle. , ' Oo the same day pieces of iron ' were takentfrcim the Fox Block lot thit blist ered the men's hands to touch them. er The dog-pound in New York was closed recently after an existence of elev'en weeks, during which . tune: 4819: animals were received and of these, all but 460 'were sent to their final adeennt in the regular way. Or The Wilmington, S. 0., Journal says Ahe new eolleetor'of that port got' so drunk on his arrival there, and beeame sonoisy and offensive that he wasairest ed and put iu the look-up. y • liar Charles Kean recently test ified betore a committee of Parliament, the audience at theatreelin -America were more qiiiet Ind.-orderly thancliniihrece else in the-world: 4..rh) exsa ac - 6 eft 'lO lexandei ditkell',litts elected dotted States S t editio ' rfrOll " ble - w 4 Jersey, Sc.oyel.votio . t i t s ' ',..... t 4.....1 . 1 :-.3......A.F.4 YAAPIINIA 11.t.+4 fit,. , 4 1 , ~ T ql Cil le ' 4 sll ,l l.4l lDlßs4 l Su P ?" ? g. »VI Peat y all ot the city ranimads, in Pl3lla. airphis. - At)ll4 whohad the .1./ i mtten more thane dozen tim es , says that the cus tom of joining hands in matrimony i 8 said to be taken fronk, the'".prautice-of pugilists shaking hands before they be gin to fight. Last week, sixteen pounds of tobacco, three,gross ,otmatches, eight,pounds of pepper, and - three; bottleis - Of whiskY, were found under the skirts of three fe males, by the Custom House Officer at Ogdensburg. . 4 = RIB - officially announced that the cost of the rectption,,,of President Johnson ilWriircrork was $20,643. `The monico dinner' was served at an expense of $ll,OOO. The bill was paid by 142 citizens: man, named Perry was recently caught by the Indians near Ruby (lity, Idaho wooden pins driven through his body into the ground, and then his arms , and legs cut off, in whicb awful condi tion he was found. A woman named Korwan committed suicide in New York a day,or two since. Before committing the. act- she made mourning dresses foi her children, bound her husband's hat with crape, and laid out her own burial clothes. An Atlanta corres pondent Says: "Eight riegroes left this. morning for Washington to'cOnfer with the antborl ties' for • transportation to Liberia for thousands of freedmen." Ketchum lives well at Sing Sing, keepe , o, refrigerator, ,receives ,calls in the prison parlor, bat has to. wear :the stripes, march lock step and go tomes's with-his poorer brethren. • .9. - fortnigta, ago, Miss Lottießedle _ , Man, of lost her speeOh irr consequence of excessive tick ling under the arms. She can now only speak in a whisper. The London Times, of Tuesday _last, the, lost., has a letter crop) Paris, which says, the Emperor. Maximilian is expected to return from Mexico to Eu rope by every steamer. During. the war the ::Albany Argus called :the 'Onion soldiers " Lincoln's pups," now it. is trying to soft soap them into.totingits Oppperjohnson. tick, Gonzales and Pellicer, convicted of the murder of Senor . Otero in Brooklyn, in November last, have, been sentenced to be banged on.. Om 12th of October nest. The Darlington, S. - C., Southerner learns that the negroes in that section are preparing to emigrate in large num he. . rs to the public lauds in Florida. An exchange tells a truth very inge niously by a. typographical error, in which it calls the President the "nem' , instead of the "hero" of New Orleans. General Dix is talked of by the Na tional Unionists for Governor of New York. We do not see why he should not be 'nominated. • - A. New York correspondent says that E. Z: C. Judio'n (Ned Buntline )'is now a homeless, wretched vagabond and diunkard. The body of a soldier exhumed at Mobile was found to have become .a sol id rock, with all the features of the. man perfectly preserved. The convicts in the Masiischusetts State prison at Charlestown; have con tributed to the Portland sufferers over s.2oo—"a good deed in a naughty place." The Peonsylvania,Railroad Company own three hundred and .seventy locomo tives, three hundred . and . ten of which are in actual use., Tea-kettlee are decidedly Yankee in' their melody`; they sing through their noses. A new paper, eptilled the Great Be-, public, appeared in Washington. It will sripport Congress.. Mr. Bancroft has= ~completed: the last volume of his history of the United States. • Theta are three`water-COlOt societies in London, besides numeions sketch The,. .A.tlautip Vable oompany have made retArns showing their receipts .to beat the ,rate 14414,500,000 per annum. '. , "Aiidie*'Aibirsciii"`is iii jair in Rich: mend; 'for picking " Horace 'Gireeley'er" pocket. Comalodors •Vanderbilt aapirei3 to the Dean's place in - the New York Central. 'The Biehop of 'Oxford 'says ins more difficult to get tracts read thou written. The City Councils of Cincinnati re furn() I.el o give_ theßreeideni a reception, C. C. Clay, formerly Governor of Ala bama:, died 'at Iluntiville nn the 9th. o • • Bothermel will be paid 600,000 for painting the-Battleof-Gettyaburg. Misa Weston Diti;Sa . 'bas expenenda Corpmptiorp,Np4 and ktjaajt3 Warren are Afkb,4.3.*.fitriei A m , ea e T 2ll JL ' PRI= s ltiba 34 RAW as well as Xdmiral a. Lady Don is very successfully play. ins in -San Francisco. ' ROI in IWO Spodger came across a man the other day who is so conservative that he re fuses to take a particle of medicine be cauae it promises to work a radical care The New Academy of Music in New York will have some private boxes where one can see everybody without being spokp, A woman, whose son lost $750 by gamblers on a Mississippi steamboat, has sued the captain and recovered the money., The little abip, Red, White and Blue, 'with-its crew, is to be exhibited ih the 'London Crystal Palace. marble'etatne-of-Alexander-llemil ton, by Stone, is to be , placed in the Capitol at YVAB-hi, o o9n. , Domestic.unhappiness caused -aman to throw himself from • the suspension bridge at.Natiliville.- - A man in ' Brooklyn, N. Y,, threw hie wife out of it second stari'vindowi tint didn't quitWirilt-her.- A man, in St. I.agnia was decoyed into an alley; shot through the head and rob bed- ofi3ooo, in,broad daylight. Mr. ConAelly, M. P.,„bas ,presented .a splendid saddle to General Robert •E. Lee. Goesip'eiya Senator Stunner is,going to marry !dm. Russell Sturgea, a rich Mrs. Q. says hw : hush,aud has joined the late kodr ,movemenl,,and she don't The Einperor cif Rassia is at:41.441s five years olsi. A New Orleans dentist bas been in dieted for killing.a-lady with chloroform John C. Brgekeeridge„end• (Emily have arrived in-London., The Asto . iliouse; in' New York, is rented for $95,000 a year. AMDRICAN AND ENGLISH INCOMES.—:II was hardly4o,be suppospd that our re publican incomes would. bear. _any com parison to the aristocratic •incomes of the titled and wealthy bf old England, yet in active busincsil circles some of our American incomes outa-trip them in Eng land. Mr...A: T. Stewart's income -has been put down at $4,000,000. This, the London Spectator sayii, " is, (if Mr. Stewart is not the representative" of a company,) in-all probability the dargest business income in the wcirld ; It is ex. tremely improbable if we except the Rotbschilds, whose wealth' Is rather of a family than of an individual, that -any uncrowned person has' an income ap proaching Mr Stewart's. If suers 'one exists, it must be arming - Vie 'So'uth American States, where there are one or two families with incomes surpassing those of• Europe. far Twenty to thirty ladies were on trial at Indianola,. Warren county, lowa for compeling a secesh - female to carry the Ameri3an lag in a procession. *ir Joseph S. Dnifie, the brother of the es confederate Presideot, has been pardortrtit by Presiddrit- JOhrison. A wit once asked_a peasant , what part he performed in the great drama of ljfe," I mind my own business," was FALL & WINTER LOODS U A LARGE AND WELL DIVERSIFIED STOCK OF FALL AND. Whiter G-obas .14ive just been ope,ie,4 by • spangzer, Idea, No. 66 Market street, Marietta; Pa Embracing full lines,of - Lathes .Fashionable Dress goods, desirable plain styles Dress goods, Sacking and Cloaking' Clothi, Stella, Thibit and Plaid. Shawls, Balmorals and Spring Skirts in, all alias, Calicos, Gingham, Muslins, IoW 'Case and Shirting Muslina; Checks, Sheet ing, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Chambrys, Diapers, Counterßanes, Coverlids, Blankets, Crash, &c. MEN'S AND Y' S.TY E A R . . Old* .0205406$ & lkstiqg, Hos,,c a p,. Shirts and, Drawers. Walt papers, Window. Blinds, Carpets, Carpet Chain, 'Floor - and Table Oil - Cloths, &C. Full setts Iron stone and. Granite Queensware, a yrirtety of Glassware. Groceries of all ' kinda;Sugais, Sj nips.. LOffees; Teak Fish, fCheese, Rice, &c., &c., &c.- The bulk of our geods have been bought in , packages from'the manufacturers, at the est Leash prices;,we are, therefore, offering great to purchasers. An early calLui solicited. , . . pring Shawls Balmorals Gloves, Hosiery OBeits and Buelles, Embroidered Handker chiefs and' Collars, -- -Mourning C9,llars and Veils,tflead Nets and Drees Triumui*,s.'"':., , , A full supply at ' SP - ANGLER & RICH'S. "EI j NAMEL OF AMERICA, for beautifying the complexion, softening the "skin, re- - Moving lan, freckles and pimples. . Sale at Dr 4 Landis' "Golden 1 - 11 L, LI. LANDIS is, the sole _agent for he 1 J Sale nf. 14115.11L0.2.$ DITT,4 it. 8, in the Borough of Marietta. For sale at the..., " GOLDEN MOE7'lll2l OAL HODS, coal Selves, Coal Sho Prkera; Suite Gratis, - Cylinderd . and U: Wings of different kinds, kept on hand at , Jptf.N . SPANPLER'S. . , PA' S T.O,C.K'S Nonpareil,Chernieal, Writing Fluid now ready and for sale by JOHN SPANGLTIV,'.* "; General - Agent. . . TTRAPT, STADT.DS, Meat Stenos, Wine Eadkete'ittid s -Cedar-warg generally, constantly on • - J. SPANGLER'S. -1 1 — V6A4R, ROLLS; the latest fashiontall is and see thepe7llllAl.l.9 tnAciti"?.„ ; 1" t O.BIOPLUNUNG of.eyery, tden fi ziptionxt -1 . .ecuWl with.. neai:ness.and.diapatchaittie z fete hl . The'llariettian. ' `"''t B OHLEN'S long celebrated GIN, H. 11. BENJAMIN Ipttial MMus --------...,,, MALARIA. ETERMIERE.--Rarely ha these been a season as fruitfu/ t e h r i b s e off: e al . - rious diseases. Not only on the parairies s a ; in the valleys of the West; not ine rtly izi 0 4 the old haunts of Fever and Ague and gth, ls Remittent Fever have these p r ostratin g oa, eases been unusually virulent; hut% h oe ,extended to towns and cities felted with them, and have ascended It mountains and attacked thotunds et p eople supposed to have been placed by the 1.. _ , or Nature above their reach. Renee ' we are „compelledto,admit that a fatal elem ent vet. 1 vades the universal air this sesson,a i th the ebi at once-resoityto the only approved preventive 1 1 'ofitikcensequences, Hostetter's &sa e Bit , I s firs; a tonic so potent, an an re per. ~.fect„an alterative so irresistible, and o slim s . I lent so wire, that it enables the humasuyaet to resist and baffle all the predisposing ,sues 'of disease. With the confidence that one clothed in incombustible garments tnightala among blazing buildings, the man who sans himself against malaria with this powerful defensive medicine may walk a fever-sconrgeo district fearless of its insalubrious atmosphere, Mit intermittenta and remittents at present is gener a l in all parts of the country may po et the forerunners of a deadlier scourge DOW 011 its way westward from the far Fast, Pique the system with Hostetter's Bitters for a sue, cessful battle with the mephitic causes of co epidemici. Be wise in time. Sold ever. where —New York World. Nov. 6,1165. TO Cortstneenvns.—The advertiser hav ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having Whitt several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption,is an. xious to make known to his fellow-aufferns the means of cure. To all who desire it,b r will send a copy of the prescription, flee of charge r: with the directions for preparing and useing — Oie same, which they will find a tore cope fortonsumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bro. chithitolds, and alt throat and lung affection]. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, arid he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and: may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, FREE,b return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSOR, Williamsburg, Kings County, Nrw-York. 1 BLACK- As A" CROW, a. few years eject, ant many a splendid head that is now grey or gar. zled. Why not restore to the yet unwrinkled brow its raven honors 1 Rye minutes effects the aplend.d transformation. In less time this a' man would take to Load and Fire tkree Once, the grayest head may be made darker than the Raven's wing. No matter of what undesirable tint the hair or whiskers or bend may be, the change to a superb and perfectly natural black or brown is accomplished bytes application of Ulna, CORO'S HAIR DYE, with. opt:staining the skin or injuringthe filament'. Manufactured by .1. CH It IST A DOW), 6 As. tor House, New- York. Sold by all Druggists. AppliMl by all Hair-dressers. 'Dr• TOBIAS' Horse Venetian Lionneat, Pint.Botthmi at $l, for the cure of lameness, scratches, wind-galls, sprains, b,tnses,,plinti, cuts, colic , . slipping stifle, over-heating, tor: throat, nail on the foot, etc. It is warranted cheaper and better than any other ar'icle ere offered to the public. Thousands of animals have been cured of the colic and over-heating by this liniment, and hundreds that %anent , - pled and lame have been restored to their for mer vigor. It is used by all the first horsemen throUghout the States. Orders are constantly received f,om the racing stables of England for fresh supplies of this invaluable article.— Over 2,500 testimonials have been received.— Reritember $1 laid out in time may save the life of yciur horse. Sold by all druggists. Ile• pot r Ati Courtlandt-st., N. Y. 33' 7 Permanent and wide-spread success if the best evidence of the goodness of Basso- RE - rte's PILLS.—They should he in every fam ily, ready for use on the first symptoms of die ease occurring. This method will often toe life. Remember the Cholera must be treated as a poison, and your safety demands it should be gotAd of without delay. Colds, rheuma tism, asthma, pleurisy, diarrhoea, collo, ia fact all sickness Is the consequence of attire impurities of the blood ; these being removed, the restored at once. Observe my name in the government stamp in white Jet tern. Sold by all druggists. ERRORS op Yor - ro.—A gentleman %Ousel. fered for years from Nervous hi' mature Decay, and all the effects of youlhid indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffer in g humanity, Send free to all who need it, the recipe arid 'directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's erpen• mice, can do so by addressing .tons o,* DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York. la - Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, new ted with- the utmost success, by J. ISAAC S, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, (formed) Of her den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadd" phis. Testimonials from the most relisbl e sources in thb city and country can be Resit his office. The medical faculty :re in:ited to accompany their patients, as he has nose; in his practice . Artificial 'Eyes inserted out pain. No charge for examination . p:27 , ITCH ! !! ! &race .Scratch !1- - ,-:.. Saititch I!! AV iiiocroles OISP mnrur. will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. AI cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains anal e e ti r i r e p h ti y on u a ll- o ci f ru t g h s e iet s e k . skin. Price 50 c 6 o da n WEEKS Br. POTTER, ' sole sx: s ci s i , n l g lo o W e t essblist° e - ton-at., Boston, it will be forwarded 6;01' free of STaanan, faris7--EVely young 1,4 Postage, to any past of the Dios. and gentleman in the United States can hest something very much to their advantage bY ther e return u undersigned.r Ci( free l o . f hu e s h e a t r l g s e v , i ) eg b .f 3 e ' humbugged will oblige by Snot noticing Obedient ,servant, Tnos. CuArasni card: ill others will please address ill a r s d od ebiesii; 13roadway, N. Y. MARRIAGE AND CELIBACI: coBY ul warning and instruction for young 'On : ' l !' Diseases and Abuses which premstureh' U f trate Abe Vital Powers, with sure means reteif. Sent - free of charge, in sealed L etter envelopes. Address, Da. J. 00 No( TONI Howard Association, No. 2 South afeet, Philadelphia, Pa. [PI) . 1 ) '66.1Y. " ------- The real :ecleprtszud:r:::. .13,P,itibIseyshwouillid:rst tie used d ly bring on a miscarriage. Said try, Dr. / 413 Marit-ttsz,si.d 1-.3 . Cui good tirqi,,is•t.