.r u A NOTHER GREAT CURE IN THE CITY GIP NEW YORK. Of a highly respectable citizen, well known to the Mercantile community, by DR. J. H. SCHENCK, THE GREAT LUNG DOCTOR OF PHIL ADELPHIA. OPFICE N. Y. Ann GALENA LEADCO., No. 28 Nassau St.,•New York, June 1, 1866. Da. J. H. SCSIENCIE—Dear Sir :—For over fifteen years I have been troubled with a se vere cough, and usually two or three Wiles a year with more or leas hemorrhage, which to gether, ksr the last few years, has kept me thin in flesh and too weak to do business of any kind vvitnout suffering. In August last I had a very severe hemorrhage, and, according to the judgement of a good Newe YOrk physician, I was classed as beyond the reach of medicine and was advised to be ptepared, so far as pro perty matters were concerned, fo leave at short notice. The physician (and my , good friends) said that the first cold I took must prove fatal. Early in January I took a se vere cold, and fortunately was occupying rooms at No. 32 BOND STREET, dllectly over your office. I think about the 16th of January I procured a bottle of your Pulmon is Syrup and commenced taking it freely. My feet and limbs were very much swollen, and all the symptoms of a speedy death seem ed to 'accompany my cold. I sent fer my former physician, and stated to him that I was taking your medicine, and after showing ahem to him, and having tasted of them &C., he replied : "You can take them if you, like they will do you no harm." He said : "You know what I told you last summer, and I say the same now, if you have any business to close up, do not putit off." he said to other friends that he "could see no hope for me," and my friends and relations concluded my time had come. At this time 1 was ttkiug freely of your medicine, but had not seen you. The doctor called a few time's, and found me (much to his surprise, he said,) improving, and he could not understand why. My faith was increasing in your medicines, and I had a wish to have you examine my case, and see what you had to say. - When you first came to my room and made the examination, you gave me but little encouragement, but on the contrary, expressed sad doubts of my ever being helped out of my then seeming difficul ties. The second time that you called, find ing me still gaining, you gave me encourage ment, saying, "my symptoms were improv ing ; the Pulmonie Syrup, Sea-weed Tonic mid Mandrake Pills had acted like a charm." My circulation, my cough, my appetite, all began to improve, and I could walk about my room a little. You visited me nearly every Tuesday, and found -me improving, and told me not to go out of my room until the first day of May. I took no cold while under your treatment, my appetite became first-rate, and you told me to eat everything I wished of a nutritious nature, and to exercise about the room as much as possible. I -followed your advice, and to the Surprise of my old physician and friends, I seem much better than I have been for several years, and breathe better than I ever expected a person could with one lung the left being completely dried up. I feel very grateful to you, and consider your advice and medicines invaluable. Yours, truly, Dn. Se n Encx—Dear Sir :--,About two years ago I was taken with a very troublesome cough and a pain in my breast ; seven or eight months passed away without my doing anything for myself. Then I applied to a physician, who attended me for about three months without rendering me any service. I also obtained the advice and treatment of a physician in one of our hospaitals, and also, had the advice and treatment of two other phy sicians, but all to no purpose. During this long space of time I was nearly dead ; sever al times my friends came to. see me .ani fined to my bed two months at one time. My breathing was exceedingly short. I gave up several times all hope of getting. better • and as regarded getting well, that was entirely out of the question. And to think this day lam well and hearty I • I was advised by • some of my friends to try Dn. Scitztimit's Medicines. I accordingly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the ninth; then-I found a decided change in my cough for the better. I suffered • severely from palpitation of the heart, and two weeks after I commenced taking your medicine this 'difficulty ceased. When I fist went to Dr. Schencles office it was with difficulty that I could get up into his reception room, I was so weak and so swelled ; my skin was as sallow as though I had thejaun dice ; I felt dull, heavy, and sleepless. Di. Schenck, after examining me, said both my lungs were affected, and gave me but little hope ; but his medicines, in about two weeks, took right hold of me; it seemed to go right through my whole sy,item The Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic ai.d Mandrake Pills, all took right hold in the right place. The Pills brought away great 'Mut taffies of bile and slime ; the Syrup loosened. the matter in my lungs, which came off very free ; the Seaweed Tonic gave me an appetite, and everything seemed to taste good. To show what great power the medicines have in purifying my systeni, -and to show how bud I was diseased, beside all the bile tnat passed my bowels, and the great quanti ties of phlegm and matter I expectorated, I broke out all. over in large boils,- that would continue to gather and - run for about six weeks. and I had at one time ovet twenty-five boils. I have nothing of the kind now, and feel like another person altogether. I can safely say that I have not enjoyed such health for five years as Ido now, and cannot praise you arid your medicines enough. May God I abundantly bless and preserve you! is the sin cere desire of one who has been so wonderlut ly relieved through your agency; and if any one desires to know with regard to the truth- - fulness of this report, if they. will call upon any of my friends, or upon me, N 0.4 Dryden Place, near Thompson street, belOw CadWalader, Philadelphia, they will be perfectly satisfied with the validity of the case. Yours, with much respect, MARY SC HNA I DT. The above case, as described, is perfectly correct. I know it to be true. Yours, T. B. MILLER, Pastor of Hancock M. E. Church. DR. SCHENCK will be professionally at his principal office, No. lo NORTH SIXTH STREET,' corner of COMMERCE,- PHILADELPH'IA ' every Saturday, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. ; No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9to 3 ; N 0.38 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, and every other Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Mil, All advice free, but for a thorough examination of the longs with his Respirometer, the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Sei-weed Tonic, each p 1.50 per bottle, or $7.50 per half dozen Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. [3] Estate of Elizabeth Weis late of the . . Borirffilh of Marietta decaased. . - . Letters of administration, with the Wil annexed, on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or de mands agamst the same will present them without-delay for settlement to the undersign:- d, residing in said Borough of Nanette: E. D. RO • Administrator. JOHN SEL Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Mariidta RATEFUL for past favors I would retuzr ljr my thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will .be pleased to see theni at alltimes, and haring: a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS, which will be made- up to order at the short e notice by the best of wohltoten-i_and on yeaeona bla terms, l'Woulirbe plikeidftereftre;l6 wai upoh my old cbeteme'rkitfid'ilfito st 4 ovor o patronize me liereaftdif"" , fact. 2915.501 Ti F fatt 6 Z47l :E :co l la r Tf i Ailt h e e ,! P ktg d 74- JOHN SP ANGLER'S. Is a protected solution of the PROTOXIDE OF IRON, a new discovery in medicine which Strikes at the root of disease, by supplying the blood with its vital principle, or life element-111cm. This is the secret of the wonderful success of curing this remedy in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, .Dropsy, Chronic Dalt rhea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor,Diseases of The Kidneys an Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of Blood or accompanied by debility of a low state of the system. Being free from Alchohol in any form, its energizing effects are not followed by corre sponding reaction, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. From the venerable archdeacon Scott, D. D. Dunham, Canada East, March 24, 1865. * * * " I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 years standing,” * * * " I have been so wonderfully bene fitted in the three short weeks during which I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality.— People who have known me are astonished at the change. lam widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done so much for me." A Case of 27 Years' Standing Cured. From Insley Jewett, No. 15 Avon place, Bos ton. - "I have suffered and sometimes severely, for 27 years, from. Dyspepsia. I commenced taking the Peruvian Syrup, and found imme diate benefit from it. In the course of three or four weeks - I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed uninterrupted health ever since." An Eminent Divine of Boston says " I have been using rho Peruvian Syrup for some time past; it gives me new vigor, buoy ancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hesi tate to give It a trial. A pamphlet of 32. pages, containing certifi cates of cures an- recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergy men, and others, will be sent FREE to any ad dress. lt:ir See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the g]ass• J. P. Dinsmore, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street New York. 'T. S. SHELDON All Medical Men agree that lODINE is the best remedy fot Scrofula and all kindred dis eases ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a pure solution of it. DR. H. ANDERS' lODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of lodine, without a sol vent ! ! Containing A FULL GRAIN to each ounce ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM &C, Circulars will be sent FREE to any one send ing their. addreSs. Price $l.OO a bottle, or 6 for $5.00 Prepared by Dr. H. Anders, physician and Chemist. FOR SA.LE, BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. alli,staFs 21q1$411) of 111 elieltu HAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLY. HALF A CENTURY, WITH THE HOST ASTONISHING SUCCESS IN CURING Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, In fluenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, and every affection of The Throat, Lungs, and Chest. which carries off more victimsfinin any other disease, and which baffles the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY! e ' when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, RAPID IN RELIEF. SOOTHING IN EFFECT, SAFE - - - . while as a preparation; free from noxious in gredients, poisons,- or minerals ; uniting skill, science, and medical knowledge ; combining all iliat is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this c/ass of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE! and is entitled, merits, and receives the gen eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows: - - "Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs. and allaying irritation, thus removing the cause, instead of drying up the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Balsam as good as any, if not the best, Cough Medicine with which 1 am acqi.ainted." The Rev. JACOB SECHLEII, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and mach respected among the German population in this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the afflicted. DEA-R SIRS :—Having realized in my family important benefits from the use of your valn able preparation— WISTA R'S BALSAM OF WILD CIIERRV—it affords me pleasure to re:. commend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsatn, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was- a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benefitted by it. Jatma SECS LER. . PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. FOR SALE. RV • J. P. DINSIVIORE, 36 De j Street, New York. SETH W. FOWLE & Sole - Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. - - gukC.,'S CELEIR -TEI3 SALVE CURES CUTS BURNS, SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES WOUNDS. BRUISES, SPRAINS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES BOILS, ULCERE,:CANCERs. Grace's Celebi-ateiraalve CURES CHA.FPED'IIANDS, CHILBLAINS. Grace's celebrated Salve HEALS, OLD SORES,. FLESH WOUNDS, &C. It is prOmpt iri e'er' on, 'retrieves pain at once and reduces the_inost angry-looking swelling And inflammatipos, as if by magic,—thus fordng relietimi a complete cure . Only 25 cts e i bux I ( Sent by snail 35 - cts. For sale bx•11 - a...DIN,SlitORE, 36 Dey s etreet, link. „,_ S., W. W,..LE,Bc WAG, '.l4raprie tos. Boston - , sold Ay altiDruggierp, tOrbcers, and CUutirty Stpree. itly ,pennon Sgrq. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY = AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS SCROFULA! of water A most Powerful Vitalizing Agant and Restorative. all its manifold forms CONSUMPTION! IN ITS OPERATION; • IT IS UNSURPASSED! MARIETTIA.N.a-itn THE PBET?SPILUS COLLEGE, READING, PA. I'oo,ooo YOUNG DIEN WANTED TO FILL GOOD AND LUCRATIVE POSITIONS. Before you can expect to occupy a position you must be competent, and you can be made so by attending this College,-which is the only BUSINESS COLLEGE in Pennsylvania, .New Jersey, Delaware or Maryland, and larger than any other so-called Commercial or busi ness Institution in either of those States. The proprietors and teachers are practical business men, to which is added a lodge experience , in Business Colleges, thus enabling them o furnish a more thorough and practical course than can be obtained elsewhere. TERMS, For Life Scholarship. $35 For 6 ' 6 ' to disabled Soldiers. 20 For Blank Books (20 in number), 10 NOTE.—This Life Scholarship is a certifi cate of membership and entitles the purchaser to un,iraited instruction an single and double entry book keeping and penmanship, with the privilege of reviewing at any future time gratis. You are in fact a Life member. Telegraphing is ten dollars and Phonogra phy (short hand) twenty dollars extra, but the student is not compelled to study those branches. When two or more enter at the same time, a deduction of FIVF DOLLARS to each will be made. Thus the entire cost including' Blank Books is only FORTY DOLLARS. We haze no "Extras." Boarding is from four to four and a half dollars per week. THE COURSE Embraces a Preparatory, Theory and Business Department. In the Preparatory Department he is instructed in Mathematics and the sim plest principles of Book Keeping, after which he is admitted into the Theory Department where he copi'm from sets certain business transactions. each set representing a business, (stock and partnership) and each set involv ing the application of one or more principles. Nest, he is admitted into the Department of ACTUAL BUSINESS Here the student applies practically what be has been taught theoretically. For a full ex planation of this Department send for a Col lege Paper which we will mail to your address free. Suffice it to say that the student begins business with a real - CASH CAPITAL With which he buys and sells merchandise, pays taxes, deposits it in the bank, &c., &c. They discount notes, draw and accept drafts, make general and speciaLindorsements, make out income reports, and in fact go through ev ery kind of business transaction, even to at taching internal revenue stamp. OUR ADVANTAGES. The best course of instruction, arid cheaper rates than any other college. Located in the best railroad centre in the State, with experi enced teachers widely known irr , the business community, thus affording our graduates bet ter facilities fur seeking and obtaining employ ment. ,CP For specimens of Penmanship enclose two three cent postage stamps. College Rooms corner of North Fifth and Washington, and corner Fourth and Penn streets, Reading, Pa. Office in Washingbn street building. Ad dress JOHN CLARK, REAPING, PA. elpoßicle. TN view of the coming elections, new and extensive arrangemer.ts have been made to give even greater variety and interest to The Washington Weekly tthroniele! The necessity of maintaining the fruits of our great victory, and of strengthening-those •• p •; ppp ißlLaMte_pati, dinary- vitality to approaching political con tests. Stationed here at the National Capital, the CHRONICLE possesses peculiar advan tages to aid the common cause. Having been conducted almost within the sound of the rebel cannon during all the war, and therefore fully understanding the intrigues and projects of the traitors, it will not fear to speak out boldly in response to and in reflection of the sentiments of the free millions of America, and will defend them and their interests against all opposition, come from what quar ter it may, Since the meeting of the present Congress of the United States, and the enun ciation of that thorough policy which has com manded the admiration and gratitude of the people, the CHRONICLE has maintained its position "solitary and alone." Traduced and misrepresented as these majoritips•have been, the Chronicle as their sincere and fearless de fender, has been assailed tvith equal virulence and injustice. But it has been honored with the approval of the loyal people in all parts of the country. For the first time in the history of the Government, a prosperous weekly news- I paper, opposed to human slavery, fully com mitted to the policy and doctrines of the null cal men of the Republic, has been, firmly es-. tablished in the District of Columbia. We are on the threshold of events not less important than those which astounded the. civilized world and shook the Rephblic to its founda tion. These will demand extraerainary ener gy and fidelity on the part of the public lead• ers, whether in Congress or the press. The WEERLY CHRONICLE is beaudfully printed in quarto form. During the session of the present Congress, which promises to be a 'Protracted one, the subjects debated will ex cite universal interest, and as they will he frankly and thoroughly examined and dis cussed in the Chronicle, as in both branches of Congress, this journal cannot fail to be a most useful and popular visitor to all loyal circles. therefore cheerfully invoke the aid of the friends of the cause in the different States and Territories. TERMS One year Six months Three months Any person forming a club of tcw, and re mitting twenty dollars, will receive an extra copy every week. No subscription received for less than three months. All subscriptions invariably in ndvanco. J. W. FORNEY, F,ditor and Proprietor of the Chronicle: All Business Letters should•be addressed to D. C. FORNEY, Publisher Chronicle, Washington, D. C E. & S. T. ANTHONY & CO., Nanufactarers of Photographic•filateTiabs, WDOLBS.I.I.B AND H8N.111,, 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addttfon to our =in business of PIiOTOURAPHIG Aid. TERIALS, we are headquarters for the following ' vis.: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Of thaw we have an immense assortmeng Including VIEWS OF THE WAR, °bread at great arperma and forming s complicit. PROTO6IAPLIIO 3115208.1 t OF TIM GREAT 'UNION 002frliiiil Bull Run, Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Trains. Gettysburgh, - Hanover Junction. Fair Oaks, Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, - Chickahominy, Fredericksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, 4ashville, Richmond, Petersburgh, Deep Bottoms Bello Plain, Monitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, • Atlanta, Charleston, . Mobile, Florida. Strawberry Plain", &S. &o. American wart:wen Cities and Undrapes, Group., Status Also da r o o gu lv:wtreo c ztr li f y or i r d l r b . lic p on mrlyesil • Photographic Albums. We were the first to introduce these Into the United States and we manufacture Immense quantities in greet variety, r.ng log in price from 60 cents to $5O. Our ALBUM'S have tee repu tation of being euperior in beauty and durability to any other.— They will be sent by mail, FREE, on receipt of price. Far FINE ALBUMS MADE TO 08DE5....411 The Trade will did our Alblims the most Saleable they can bay. CA , • RD PROTOGRAME(S. • Our Cattaagae now embrace. over Fma T1101:13AND different subjecta (to which additions are continually Veing made) of Fad . nent Americans, den,.visabout 100 Maj-G e ms 100 Lie :. . 850 Statesmen, 100 Brig ' 250 other Officers, 130•DivInes, 215 Colonels, 75 Navy Officers, 125 Anthem,. Artl.ta. 12.5 Stage, 50 Prominent Wolll#ll - 3000 Comes of Voilie r a Xrt, - Includhsg fopmMuctionloof the molt celiateit eEngralrirsge, Paintings', Statues. dm., Catalogues sent 00 receipt of,Stuaa. Al, order for Ono Dozen Pictures 'from our 'Catalogue, will be tilltaran receipt of 51.80, .0 sent exam' - P 6O- kiffMfbars add othemorderingimeds:o,o. 134. trill please% remit tawny-Ivy percent. of th e salon* ibeir cadet • oar rhopriote sad qaaltti of car goodacsanat fan td manta EUREKA! 0- The Drug Store opposite the Post Office, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR Drugs, Medicines, Stationary, 4c., 6^c., OF EVERY DESERIPTION. • -ALSO TOILET ARTICLES, Such as Perkmed Soaps, Hair Oils, Hair .Dyes, Pomades, Tooth Soaps, Tooth Washes, Hair, Nail, Clothe and Tooth Brushes, of all descrip tions, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia for the Hair, and many other articles too tedious to mention Ladies and Gents Port Monnaes, of every deeeription. —A L S 0— All the most popular Patent Nedicimes NOW IN USE, SUCH AS Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, Ex pectorant, and Vermifuge, Jayne's Pills and Carminitive Balsam, Sze., Hostetter's Bitters, Hof aud's German Bitters, Swaim's Panacea, Worm Confections, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and in fact all the most reliable Patent medicines now in use. Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chim neys, &c. Also, articles of nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Root, Tapioca, &c. Spices of all kinds, Cloves, Cinnemon, All spice, Mace, Black Pepper, African Cayenne Pepper, French Mustard, &c. Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Feed ing Cups for the Sick, Breast Pumps, Nipple Shields Nursing Bottles, Sell-injecting Sy ringes, Extracts for cooking, &c. Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts, also Aquariums. Arrangements have also been made with one of the best Aviarys in the State,to furnish Canary and Mocking Birds,&c_ A lot of Family Dye colors, of every shade. Fresh and reliable Garden Seeds. A large assortment of Books and Stationary, Everything in the Stationary way, Inch as Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other Quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, and an endless variety of fancy and useful articles, usually found at such establishments, but any article not on hand will be ordered at once. A new kind of playing cards, called "Union Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, &c. The Face cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, Kings and Jacks. This is a beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign em blems and should be universally preferred. School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the School Stationary generallj, and Bibles, &c. always on hand. l' Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies received. Sheet Music of all kinds will be ordered with promptness alio dispatch. Having secured the services of Mr. CRAB. BRITTON, an experienced and competent Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at all hours. The Doctor himself can be consul ted at tho store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being very thankful to the public tor the past patronage bestowed upon him, will try and endeavor to please all who may give him a call. F. HINKLE, M. D. Marietta, February 4, 1865-tf. WANTED! =I AGENTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen, in every. county in tle United States, to sell the Ink powders of the American Ink Company.. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottl t. A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, and clear $27 60. The ink can 6e Made from 'the powder in three min utes in common - boiling water. It is a perfect black ink, tho best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a particle, never gums up, is not injured by freezing, and its color will last forever. Every family in 4.metlca will buy it, as a package will last a family for years, and ink can be made in small quantities as wanted. With each gross we send a thousand circulars, with testimon ial's from clergymen, lawyers, teachers, mer chants, commercial colleges, editors, &c., and the agent's name on the bills. Only One per son will be made agent for a county. The first one sending $3O for a gross of the powder will receive it by return e xpress, together with One thousand‘circulars and the right to.sell in the county he or she designates. If 'others send for the same•county, the- money will be returned to them free of expense. To make sure, one had better designate several counties, either of which he or she will take. Send for trade list and circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, of send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or the express agents of this city. will show that the business is konor- . ably and squarely conducted. An Ink Pow der will be sent by mail to any address, free of charge, on receipt of forty cents. Address, writing your name, town, county and State distinctly, AMERICAN INK COMPANY, - "Manchester,N. H. THOMAS. W. LANE, Clerk for the Company and Special Agent A DJOURNED COURTS FOR 1866. It is ordered by the Court of Lancaster Co., that Adjourned Courts for 1866 for the trial and decision of cases in the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as follows: $3 00 2 00 1 00 FOR ARGUMENTS. One week, commencing Monday, March 19th. cc cc cc " June 15th. " Sept. 17th. cc Decent. 17. To continue one week from the said days re spectively, anti as much longer as the business THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two) may require. All the cases on the list for Elliptic pure refined steel springs, ingeniously argument in the Orphans' Court shall be taken braided tightly and firmly together, edge to up on the first days of said terms, and be pro- edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elas ceded with until disposed of, unless continued tic and durable spring ever used. They sel by consent or cause shown. dom bend er break, like the single springs, The cases on the argument list in the. Quar- and consequentlY preserve their perfect and ter Sessiokis shall be taken up on Wednesday beautiful shape more than twice as long as of said term if not prevented by the Orphans' any single spring skirt that ever has or can be Court, and if so, the cases in the Quarter Ses- made. . sions will be commenced on the termination The wonderful flexibility and great comfort of the Orphans' Court business. and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex The argument of the cases of the Common Elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly Pleas to be commenced on Thursday of the in all crowded Assemblies, Operas,• carriages, week, if not prevented by the Orphans' Cour railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for or Quarter Sessions cases, in that caseohe ar- promenade and house dress, as the skirt can gement list of said court is to be taken up a be folded when in use to occupy a small place the termination of the cases in the other courts, as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin and proceeded in until disposed of, unless con- dress. tinued by consent or cause shown. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, corn- It is further, ordered that the absence of fort and great convenience of wearing the du counsel at the time appointed for hearing the plex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day cases mentioned in the preceeding orders shall will never afterwards 'willingly dispense with be no cause for suspending proceedings there- their use. For children, Misses, and young in, unless by consent, or legal ground for a ladies they ar superier to all others. continuance be shown. . The hoops are covered with 2 ply double ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. twisted thread and will wear twice as long as It is ordered by the Court that adjourned the single yarn covering which is used on all Courts-for Jury `trialsin 'the Common - pl eas , Single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom will be held as follows : , rods on every skirt are also double steel, and O . One week, commencing on the sth of Mon- twice or double covered to prevent the cover day. in January, 29th. - • ing from westing off the rods when dragging One week, commencing on the 3d Monday down stairs, stone steps, &c., &c., which they in February, 19th, are constantly subject to when in use 4 \ One week, commencing on the 4th Monday All are made of the new and eegant corded in :February, 26tt . - ' -' " tapes, and are the, best quality inl every part. - One week, commencing on the 4th Monday giving to the wearer the moat graceful and id May, 28th. perfect shape possible, arid are unquestionably . One week, ebinmencing.on the Ist Monday the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and in June, 4th. - economical Skirt ever 'made. ' One week, commencing on the Ist Monday WEST'S' BRA DERE+ Si.' CART - i Proprietors of in September, 3d. , ~ : - the invention, ,and: Sole, in Maufacturers, 97 ' M on d ay Chambers, and 79 & 81 "Reads streets, New :One week, commencing on the3d :in October 15th: ''York. : One Week,..•onithencing on. the 4th Monday Fur sale in all first-class stems in this- City,. l in ,October, 22d.- and throughout the United States, and Canada ' One weelr, - cOMmencing on 'the fst MOnday Havana tie Cuba, Mexico, South America, in December, 3d. .. and the West Indies. • . 4.ll4,l , l4o ,, ot i lierp.eijos as may be appoint :, , K r In'quire`f,gr the Duillex , Elliptic (or ed • at' the 'aforesaid courts, or ail r.ltilezerni.' dentate) - Spring Skirt. -': ' - [ 3m- :VaC ,•',`; ___... . , .. 113:1=!El 1:1=5I SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, FOR LIVER COMPLAINT A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. If your bowels are costive, TRY THEM. If you have worms, TRY THEM. If your breath is bad, TRY THEM. if you feel drowsy, TRY THEM. If you are low spirited, TRY THEM. If you have a sick headache, TRY THEM. If you have taken a drop too much, TAKE A FULL DOSE. They only cost 25 cents a box, TRY THEM. Blue Mass, and other preparations of Mer cury, actually proauce more suffering and death than the diseases which they profess to cure. And yet this corrosive mineral so de- flounced by the allopathic doctors, is prescri bed by them almost universally in Liver Com ,plaint, Consumption of Lungs, &c. THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herbs, ob tained from the great storehouse of Nature, and their salutary effects will appear as soon as the medicine is brought to the teat of a fair experiment. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS do not produce az y nausea or sickness of the stomaab ; but when given for Dyapep sia, it may be proper to usa them in connec tion with SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive fac ulties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst cases of indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver is the largest internal organ of the body, that to it is assign ed the important duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that when it is diseased or inactive the whole body suffers sympathet. ically, it is not surprising that a medicine w Lich can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, and effect cures which may appear to be almost miraculous. Head ache of long continuance, severe pains in the side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs, a feeling of general weakness and wretched ness, and other alarming and distressing sy mp to-es, indicative of imperfect or disordered ac tion of -the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression? mental anxiety, languor, lethargy. and de pression of spirits, which unfit a man for HIM managementof business and the enjoyment of life, arc all relieved by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Da. SCHENCK.—Dear -it : I take pleasure in sending you a certificate in addition to many you have already received from suffer ing humanity. I can scarcely find language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful cures your MANDRAKE PIL LS and SEAWEED TON IC have effected in the entire cure of one of the most 'stubborn cases of the affection of the liver. For three years I suffered beyond de scription; all my friends, us well as myself, came to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. Such was the terrible condi tion to Which I was reduced that life to me , .• • - • • my who]o in a state of inflammation • I could not eat, 1 could not sleep ; my while body was filled with pain ; swelling would arise in my wrists and ankles, rendering them totally useless. • On several occasions I was attacked with a rush of blood to the head, which would fell me to the, ground, and I would be carried away for ead: I applied to several eminent physicians of our city, who administered all the medicines that they thought would reach my case, butof no avail. One of them said he could do no more for me, and advised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing the horrid trash ; declined to take it. Accident put your adver tisement in my bands. 1 culled on you ; you examined the and told me the nature of my disease. You then ordered me .he Pills and Tonic with an observance of diet, pledging your word that in one week I would find my self another man. I followed your advice, and, as you predicted, an astonishing cure was effected. l.continued your Pills and Tonic for some time, and now thank God for his goodness, and your invaluable medicine, I am once mote restored to perfect health. I most earnestly reccommend those who are suffering from affection of the liver to give your Pills and Tonic, a lair trial, and a cure will be effected. I have sent many persons to you, and they have all been cured. Any ' information my fellow-citizens may requ will be freely given by the subscriber, at h residence, No. Sl2 Federal street, between S th street and Passyunk road. CHARLES JOHNSON, Sn., Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturci. DR. SCHENCK will be professionally at h principal office, No. 15 North Sixth street, co ner of Commerce, Philadelphia; every Satur day, from 9 a. m., until 4 p. m. ; N 0.32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 7 to 3 ; No. 38 Sumner street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3 ; and every other Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Bald mote, Md. All advices free, but for a thor ough examination of the lungs with his Res pirometer the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Syru) and Seaweed Tonic, each $1.50 per bottle, or $7.50 per half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 2.5 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists & Dealers. [2l N EW SKIRT FOR 1866 1 . „. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOR FOR 7_ 8 6 6 ~, --------------- --- - The Fashion Magazin e of the w o r d! Literature, Fine Arts and Fashions, T h most magnificent steel engravings, D ov e Fashion-Plates. Wood engravin gs ou ere 7 übject that can interest ladies. c roolie l sknitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles .o is the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir s d the Kitchen. Everything, in feet, r u: s k complete Lady's Book. e o 4 • Me Ladies Favourite for 26 Years No Magazine has been able to comp ete with it None attempt it, Godey's Receipt s I n every department of a household. 74, alone are worth the price of the book. them,) e t Di Cottage sagra(ms. no other Illamite gives speciali Draw ty wing ith Gode y Lessons for . the young. h oihey Original Music, worth $3 a year. b e 3 Magazine's publish old worn-out Alusic o ; h a t the subscribers to Gorky get it before the r. sic stores. Gardening for Ladies with Godey. Fashions . from Messrs. A. T. Stewart c o of New York, the millionaire merchants, a p; pear in Godey, the only magazine that them. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of tbeia • a year than any other Magazine. In the Lady's Book enables every lady to tither 4 own bonnet maker. MARION HARLAND, Authoress of "Alone," " Hidden pathb " Moss Slide," " Nemesis," and " , writes for Godey each Month, and for no oth• er Magazine. A new novel by her will he published in 1866. We have aim retained ell our old and favourite contributors. IMITI (From which there can be no deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady', Book for MG : One copy, one year, Two copies, one year, Three copies, one year, Four copies, one year, Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six copies, Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making nine copies, 21,0 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making twelve copies, 2750 . . Oa All additions to clubs at club rates. Godey's Lady's Book and Anhat's Home Magazine will be sent, each ore year, on receipt of $4,50. £C3 , - We have no clnb with any other meg azine or newspaper. DE2= The money must all be sent at one time for It n y of the clubs. L Canada subscribers must send .24 end additional lor each subscriber. Address L. A. GODES', N. E. corner Sixth and Chestnut Meets .P.ILILADELPIDA. HISTORY OF THE• GR EAT REBELLION! HE. late rebellion stands out peculiar and extraordinary in human events; and the magnificent scale upon which the war has Deer. conducted, constitute it one of the grand est and most brilliant chapters of the world's lava. y. Mr. Headley, of all writers, is perhapsted qualified to portray the the stupendous feat ures of the mighty contest. His privien works on less momentous themes hare placed him in the first position, as a graphic andpow erful detonator of war scenes and ch.ar and the magnitude and grandeur of the cut subject, impart to his pen the fire and er.o•tik 9pirauna, 01h1 nish ample scope for the highest exhibition of his peculiar genius for military desriiption. Under Isis powerful pen the stirring scenese.i the War pass in review with the vividness oil distinctuess of a present and living reality; while his great talent for condeieiatiiin ena bles him to embody everything of importance in a compass just suited to the public wart. From no other source can so clear and com prehensive an impression of the grand march of events be obtained, so easily and agreeably as (ruin Mr. Hemiley's work. Other histories have been issued before Grant's Report and other official documents were submitted to the guvernmeht, end there fore unreliable. r. Headley has delayed the completion of this till those documents ,o es: sottial to authenticity and corritthoos be obtained. The second volume, completing this work, is now [June 30th, 'Oh] reedy. At!its Wan ted to engage in its sale in every torn at county in the Coiled States. Liberal induce moms °tiered. Vor particulars apply to or ad dress .4MERICAN PURLISHING No. 148 Asy;uni-st., Hartford Can. A . GRICULTURAL CWiMJCAL Comoy's Cheap Fertilizers THE FERTILIZERS prepared by the - - tg: ricultural Chemical Company, Ch pony chartered by the legislature of Pealed' , vania with a capital of $250,000,3 have been proved in practice to be the cheapest: mos t profitable and best, for the Farmer, llshlene r arid Fruit Grower, of all concentrated ins nures now offered in any market. The COl pany's list embraces the following DABHLETTE. This Fertilizer is composed ol night soil and the fertilizing eleinentsof urine combined, chemically and Mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents ands!). sorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all eropsand Boils, and its durability and active qahhi lea ' are well known to be all that agricultungs can disire. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair mid wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, snare. - Lain the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes Oa garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and die,i r ness, have made it vcry popular with all ° have used it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This Mit ly phosphatic fertilizer, is particalual adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Ina Lawns and Flowers. It will pron' te very vigorous and healthy growth of woodand fruit, and largely increase the quaht it) perfect the maturity of the fruit. Fee house and household plants and flow els ;,;.! will be found an indispensable article to, cure their greatest perfection. It vi ill pro,: and cure diseased conditions of the Pesch and and and is excellent for grass and bola' It is composed of such elements as ma e adapted to the growth of all kinds of croPeg i kinds.of The formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients have r_e_ . ceived the highest approval of eminent che° ists and scientific agriculturists. HOSPHATE OF LIME. The AO"' 1 rat Chemical Company manufacturer Phosphate of Lime in accordance with Sups. and valuable formula, by which a ed lor d tier article is produced, so far as to be • at a less price than other manufacture:seller. Practical tests have proved that its val hate ° fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosp Lime in the market. Toni 01 more, w'rflnl:geStioll9 • and the wharves of shipment, free of ce o r! a ii e , Cartage will he charged on allay orders _.1[,0"; deliveredeAsiLAalti the orde rs lail rcofagd s ta . barrels or less - . One Dollar poThniae's'dc. once for cartage will be ade on Cs, livered at the works of the Comp:slidl nal Wharf. 's At'onstSs AGRICULTURAL EMICAL Co. a ' At Canal Wharf, on the Dei Office, -143.4 Arch St., P t illadep l ° j . r It. B. Fins, General Agent The Company's Cir [be uhord bracing - full directions for t rie' a r Fertilizers,sent by mad free, Another peculi4rity. 33,1 p 3 all 7,y+ 10,