The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 15, 1866, Image 3

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    At %oral arida.
p oo goming, Bethipber 15,1880.
The Morning Passenger train for Lan
,;,:snd Philahia will leve the er
;con at 2 m de inutlp a Upper
es after 8 o'clock. The
troin going westwarc: will pass upper
to , t 7 minutes after 12 o'cluc k, NOON.
liairrisburg accommodation train eastward
o ni pm! s end return after 5 o'clock, in the
ofienioon ing arrive here at 43
ogee after 6 o'clock in the evening.
o r The great length of the report of
the late Farmers' and Gardner? exhibi—,
tine bee cut short our usual variety, bat
I s We regard this as the most successful
we have ever had, th at it de.
arm a very full and explicit report.
fir The friends of "Geary and the
Non" bad $ grand turn out on Than
doy evening, io the Town Ball Park.
1, beautiful stand for the officers and
! pokers had been erected, completely
abrogated in natiooal Hags, with side
v e to ; lights, making, upott the whole,
obsantiful appearance, A. N. Cassel,
oq, presided, assisted by a number of
,toe presidents from Columbia, Mount
J o y, Bainbridge and Maytown, and sec
retaries. After the audience had been
kept is suspense for oearly an hour, in
a dtiog for the Columbia delegation—
oar 'Geary Club" having gone to th
loner end of town to receive the Colum
bia "Bojo in Blue,"--Adjutant A. 0.
litinnohl was introduced to the weary
crowd, who delivered a abort but perti
neat speech ; he was followed by Gen.
j,tV, Fisher ; whilst the General was
speaking the Columbia " Boys in Blue,"
,i l b a b a nd and torches, came into the
park; their appearance was really very
ha Bud imposing. Col. Bear sang a
i nk After General Fisher, J. B.
Atnwake, J. M. Loop and Andrew Arm
strong spoke. A series of strong reao
idinus were reported and adopted by
at CIA in at Lon.
67 Quito a riot occurred on Thursday
Pigll, about ten o'clock, in front of the
Omer clabloom, in Croll's row, on
Front Street. it appears that whilst the
Colombia " Boys in Blue " were pared
log through town with their torches and
Dreg baud, they were assaulted with
stoves and brick bats in the vicinity of
the Clymer club building ; after the dis
nasal of the " Boys " iri the Town Hall
Path, ;bey repaired to the scene where
tkliesault was made, to ascertain who
ii, g Ailty part', s were ; here noisy words
!4owed and Abner McMichael, the
to per of the Eddy reEtttUrant, 'wag
docked dawn and otherwise abused%
A cread, consisting of " Boys " and
tinter's, was fired into when near the
Clymer rooms and four persona rather
badly wounded—ono, at the thou, sup
p eeu fe'elly. The severely aouuded
000 Kaa titLE: t 1 to Dr. Hinkle's and eared
fear. 1.7p0n the news of the attack reach-
It the meeting in the Park, the balance
title " Boys" sounded the tocsin and
robed up Front street to the Clymer
tu;:(lpg and commenced to break in
lie doors and windows and threatened
to bort, it Jo ; Lotter counsel prevail
hn'Arrer, and but little injury was
dott, toe '2u;ldicg.
119:11.1 , LLtorriFied placed a county
liAet i roolination on \Vedoesday last.
Scnuql IL Reynolds, for congress;
Abrollian Collins and W. Hayes Greer
for hate senate ; Thomas Poulson,
Charlf.:l J. 'Rhoads, John C. Martin and
Levis Huuseat for the Logislatnre.
ut What has become of our Supervi-
NI% vr Sit's+ t Committee, or Burgess, or
111, offie;hl whose duty it is to see that
the horoug3 sidewalks are in a passable
mitten. We know a number to be in
i iiriLgeraid condition, and should. be at
tezded to at once.
Jieob Bishel was placed by Esq-,
Anter adder bail for his appearance at
court, or, a charge of fraud preferred by
Abraham Cassell and Peter liouseline.
James liaison and George MacDonald
rate both sant below. for 30 days, for d!s-
Cl d"rlY conduct. Andrew Greenblot
was hell to bail :In complaint of J. B,
I . ,, r;in, to keep the peace.
It There wilt be a meeting of the
Open Temperance Society " held in
T mliperanoe Hall, on Monday evening
42t, at 7 U . CIOCk, when the following
Tonios will be presented and open for
Has man any more right
to te' , ulge the appetite in such a way as
t 'lrepsir the health, the usefulness, the
t '' l l ,B l' and the moral and intellectual
p e rceptions than be has to. lie, cheat or
sleal1" The public are respectfully in-
Ned to attend.
ter At the late horticultural exhibi-
Li " Mr. Peter Gottechall had a monster
staid ° rectory on exhibition, measuring
three lest in heightb.
1 14° Rev. Mr. Miller, of Mount Joy,
' 4lll "Peek on Temperance at the Tem-
Per ailce Ball on Monday evening next
't 7 o'clock. The public ere respectful
invited to attend.
1 %1 - Our readers will bear in mind
14 v Sir. Lybrand's lecture on China,
44 :ch will take place on Tuesday e'en"
In g unt. Tickets can be had at the
stores and at the door on the evening.
ti' At length we are to have a saloon
1.4 iddies to enjoy oysters. G. U.
Ct is about fitting up rooms for
ParPnEe- See bi. 9 advertisement in
Report of the Tenth Annical Bxhibi
tion of the Faa mers' and Gardeners'
Society of East Donegal, held in the
Town Ball, Marietta, on Tuesday,
September 11th, 1866. _
Although the day proved inauspicious
for the occasion, in consequence of the
storm and rain in the morning, which
P r evented as large attendance by the
public as was anticipated; the principal
growers of fruits, flowers and,vegetables
of the vicinity, were pr:sent, also sever
al growers from neighboring minutiae.
The show of Pears was unrivaled—the
Bartlett, Duchese, Clairgeau, Seckle
and other ledding varieties exhibited by
Tobias Martin, of Franklin county, de
serve special notice—they Were Up to
their best condition in size, color and
quality. The display of Grapes was
splendid in the extreme. We never
saw the Delaware finer—larger bunches
and every berry ripe, than those .exhibi.
tad by A. M, Engle, of Shippensburg,
and Christian Bucher, of this vicinity.
S. H. Purple", of Columbia, exhibited a
very fine bunch of Muscat Alex. Many
grape grwers complained of having suf
fered severely by the grape sing (ehland
ria vitis), destroying the foliage of their
plants; this was not the. case generally,
however. The collection of Apples was
also large and fine ; many of the newer
varieties were shown, grown in this lo
cality, and proved good, such as the
Grosh, Tompkins County Ring, Ned and
Wagoner. Although late in the season
for the Peach, a number of varieties were
shown in great perfection, such as Sus
qae4ona, Crawford's Late, and also
several attractive seedlings, which will
be noticed by the committee on seedlings.
The vegetable tables were well laden
with some very superior specimens ; a
large number of varieties of Melons,
Squashes, Pumpkins, Egg-plants, To
matoes, Table Corn, Cabbages, Potatoes
and Turnips.
The Floral department was not so
well represented as on former occasions,
with the exception of some fine Dahlias
the display was meagre, which we regret
as we have reason to believe a good dis
play could have been made by our fair
friends, if all had manifested the same
interest that some did. A beautiful
mound of mixed flowers, tastefully ar
ranged, was presented by Miss Gottshall .
Mrs. Barr Spangler and Mrs. F. L. Ba.
ker have the thanks of the society for the
entertainment they provided fonts guests.
Re . port of the Committee on Seedlings.,
A seedling peach, by John Musser, a
yellow cling resembling the Orange cling
considered worthy of further trial..
A seedling peach, by S. U. Purple, a
large free stone, fully equal to the "Old
Mixon," a few days later.
A seedling peach, by John Shields,
resembles the "Old Mixon," is of good
flavor, but hollow around the seed.
A seedling grape, by L. S. Garber,
should be further tried.
A seedling grape, by John Musser,
may prove worthy of cultivation.
3. A. GeitsF.P.,
S. L Dellinger, Pears: Bartlett, Ca
tiuka, Louise Bon de Jersey, Belle Lu
crative, Nouveau Poitean ; Apples:
Smoke house ; Grapes ; Catawba, Dela
ware, Isabella, Diana, Concord ; Rasp
berries : Catawissa ; German Prune ;
Peach : Old Mixon Peach. Miss Sue
Brown, Pears: Napoleon, Benrre Duval;
Apples : Black Apple ; two jars of fruit;
one of Gages, and oae of Cherries, both
of which were beautiful in appearance.
J. J. Libhart, Pears ; Bartlett, Nouveau
Poiteau, Louise Bon deJersey, Vicar of
Wick field, Fulton, Catiuka, Count de
Lamy, Benrre Diel, Clout Morceau,
Belie Lucrative, Van Moos Leon l' Clem
Urbanists, Beurre Superfine, Soldat
Labourier, Napoleon, Bearre d' Aman
lie, Jalousie Fontenay d' Vendee ;
Peaches : Crawford's Malacatane, Brier
hill Seedling ; Apples : Thompkins
County King. Harry Wolfe, Apples:
Porter Apple ( very fine) Ridge Pip
pin, also very large Cabbage. J. M.
Friday, Grapes : Clinton; Pear : Belle
Lucrative ; Orange potatoes, varieties
of Sorghum. John A. Garber, Grapes :
Rodgers Nos. 19, 4, 28, 9,1, 43, Tele
graph, one unknown. A. M. Engle,
Grapes Delaware, Concord, Diana, Ca
tawba, Isabella, Groveling. John B.
Brenneman, Red California Cabbage.
A. Emswiler, a lot of well made axe and
pick handles, Catawissa Grape. John
Shields, Grapes : Catawba, Isabella,
Delaware ; Potatoes : Mercer; Squash :
Bosion Marrow : Seedling corn ; Bar
lington sweet,- very fine, far superior to
Stowell in size and sweetness. John
Haber, Grapes : Martha, Hartford Pro
lific, Rodgers Noe. 9, 15,19, 33, Clinton,
Joseph Windolph, Grapes : °reveling,
Concord, Delaware, Catawba; Toma
toes, perfected ; Carrots ; Potatoes,
Goodrich's early. Peter Gottschell,
Tomatoes ; four varieties of Beans
Peppers ; Red beets ; Broom corn. To
bias Martin, Pears ; Vicar of Winke
fieln, Urbanists, Belle Lucrative, Beurre
Clairgeau, Ditches d' Jingoism, Benrre
d' Anjou, Louis Bon do Jersey, Suffern,
Howell, Bartlett, Nouveau Poiteao,
Seekle, Benrre Dell, Lawrence, Flemish
• Beauty, Wtjte,r2soter Bonne,
Steven's Gennessee, Jaminetti, Beurre
Bose, Swans Orange, Sheldon ; Apples
Gloria Mende, North Carolina Queen,
French Queen, Summer sweet Paradise,'
Transcendent Crab, two Seedliigs ;
Grapes : Catawba, Concord, Delaware,
Union village, Diana. Christian Bucher,
Grapes: Catawba. Delaware, Fox grape,
Concord, Clinton, Rebecca ; Melons :
Blue. Rock, Mountain swee4 ; Cashew,
large Pumpkin, white Schalabush, sweet
Pumpkin, striped Bush Squash, Canto
loupe, Stowell's Sweet corn, sweet Po
tatoes, Fejee tomatoes, Bell peppers.
Geo. E. Trove, tomatoes, watermelons,
sweet corn, broom corn 15 feet long,
sweet potatoes, ' superior cantaloup es
sweet pumpkin, Henry M. Engle,
Pears : Langalier, Vicar of Winkfield,
Belle Lucrative, Bisurre Clairgo, Duch
ess de Angolonse, Beurre de Anjou,
Louis Bon de Jersey, Baffam, Howell,
Nouveau Poiteau, Bartlett, Seckle,
Beurre Dell, Lawrence, Flemish Beauty,
Jelousie Fontenay de Vendee, White
Doyenne, Stevens' Genessee, St. Ger
main,Doyenne AlenCOD, Philadelphia,
Gloat Morceau, Kingsessing, one vari
ety unknown ; Grapes : Delaware,
Franklin, Catawba, Isabella, Clinton,
Union village, Rebecca, Mary Ann, An
na, two Rodgers Hybrid, Diana, two for
a name ; Tomatoes perfected Tilden ;
Melon : Strawberry; Cantaloupe: white
Japan, Nutmeg, Pine apple; Potatoes :
black Mercer ;.Bean : wax. Abraham
Sammy, Grapes : Rebecca, Catawba,
°reveling, Hartford, Green village, Di
ana, Delaware, Isabella; Peach: Sus
quehanna. tied. L. Windolph, large
Cabbage. M iss Kate W indolpb, beauti
ful boquet of Lilies. Daniel Engle,
Pears' : Henry 4th, Vicar of Winktield,
Urbanism, Winter Nellie, Belle Lucra
tive, Duchess d' Angouleme, Beurre d'
Anjou, Louise Bon de Jersey, Buffum,
Howell, Bartlett, Nouveau Poitreau,
Beurre superfine, Seckle, Beurre Clair
geau, Kirtland, Passe Colmar, Beurre
Dell, Jelousie Fontenay de Vendee;
Grapes : Concord, Rodgers Nos. •15, 9,
Catawba, Creveling, Northern Musca
dine, York Madeira, Anna, Avery, Her
bamont, Ohio Everbearing, Delaware,
Hartford Prolific, Lenoir ; Apple's :
aornanite, Rhode Island Greening,
Pound Apple, Yellow Bellflower, Jane,
Smoke house, Imperial Russett, Rox
bury russett, Blue Permaine, Rambo,
Hurburdson's Nonsuch, Summer pippin,
Pryor's Red, Golden Russett, Winter
swee't Paradise, Sweet Rambo, Newtown
Pippin, Logan, North Carolina Queen,
mii.b's Cider. Pittsburg Pippin, Cheese,
Orange Quincic — lrdineuse,
Jersey sweet, four varieties unknown. '
Noah Hershey, Pears, Louise Bon de
Jersey ; Peach, Crawford's late; Apple
Baldwin ; Grapes : Catawba, Isabella,
Concord. S. H. Purple, Apples :
Wine sap, Hawley, Strawberry ;-Grapes:
Catawba, Taylors, White Muscat, five
handsome Boquetts. James Duffy,
Pears : Howell, Duchess, Louise Bon
d' Jersey, Glout Morceau, Seckle, Bent'.
re d' Anjou ; Apple, a very fine speci
men—the name of which the committee
could not decide. Hiram Bugle, Grape,
Isabella ; Peach, Crawford's late ; Po
tatoe, Buckeye. Henry S. Musser,
QuinCe, Orange; Grape, Isabella; To
matoes. Daniel M. Engle, Apple, one
variety, name unknown. Jacob E.
Kreybill, Peaches: Susquehanna, Druid
11111, Crawf ,rd's late ; Apple, Maiden's
Blush; Grapes, Concord, one beautiful
Boquet. S. S. Garber, Grapes : .Rod
gars Nos. 4,1, Concord, Dr. McClean,
Mazatawny, Franklin, -Seedling; Ap
ples Maiden's Blush, two varieties un
known. John Deppellar, Quince : Or
ange, very fine ; Grapes : Isabella, two
varieties unknown ; Flint corn. John
K. Fidler, Peaches : Crawford's late,
( very large ). Jacob Musser, Apples :
Bassett, Pound Apple, Ridge Pippin,
Baldwin, Maiden's Blush, Bois' Meadow
Seedling, Pittsburg Pippin, Smoke
House, Yellow Bellflower and six un
known varieties. E. J. Rinehart, Ap
ples, Garretson's early. James H. Me
tutffey, Apples : House Apple ( very
fine) Ridge pippin ; Turnip, large
Globe ; Radishes, fine Summer. F. L.
Baker, Apple, a very fine specimen,
name 'unknown ; Grapes, Catawba.
Willie A. Mehaffey, Apples: Penn
apple; tomatoes, Fegee. John Musser,
Pears : Lawrence, Beurre Diel, Bart-
lette, Howell; Apples, sweet Crab;
Grapes : eight specimens of Rogers'
seedlings, Maxatawny, Delaware, Seed
ling; Peaches: Old Mixon Cling,
Stump the World, Susquehanna, Straw
berry, Smock's late, Jacques' rare ripe,
Crawford's late, fine boquet composed of
Tuberose and Glad soli's, also excellent
R e d Mediterranean wheat and Japanese
corn. Mrs. H. Sultzbach, Apples:
Smoke house ; four varieties unknown ; '
Grosh apple; Peach: Crawford's late.
Alexander Buchanan, Grape : variety
unknown. Barr Spangler, Pears : Bart
lett, Passecolmar, Louise 800 de Jer
sey ; Apples Maiden's blush, Seed.
ling; Grapes : Concord. Isabella, Di
ana, Delaware ; Beans : German wax ;
very fine—squash, Stowell corn, early
Goodrich potatoes, Cantaloupe and
Sickle. beans. Thomas Zell; *Pears :
Sickle, one variety unknown ; Apples
Smuke house, Paradise, foal. varieties ,
unknown.; Grapes:Delaware, Concord,
Isabella, Clinton, Catawba; Peach:
Crawford's late. John Eyer, Apples :
August Pippin, one variety unknown;
. Grapes Corerordl Naas.: Crawford'.
late; tine lot of cabbage. .A remarkable
hewer the Brahmin variety, three months
old, with a brood of eighteen young ones ;
the chickens were hatched by aid of
stove and sun heat, being thue ushered
into the world without a. mother; this
young hen who had never laid an egg,
took charge of them, covers as many of
them at night as she can and scratches
for them in the day. Geo. W. Mehatfey,
Pears : Bartlett, Soldat Labourier,
Louise Bon d' Jersey, Seckle ; Apples :
Red Streak, yellow Bell flower, Smoke
House Rambo ; Grapes : Catawba, Con
cord, Isabella; Beets: Xlarninoth red;
Onions : very fine large Silver Skin ;
Totnatoes pile of very floe perfected
Fej ee. James Anderson, Peach : Craw.
ford's late ; mammoth Pippin, weighing
19 ounces. John Miller, Grape : Clin
ton; Pear : Bartlett. John Libbart
and Geo, Young, mammoth Beets,
Tomatoes and chicken eggs, unusually
The Lady's Friend for October is
on our table. The double colored steel
fashion plate is as elegant and refined as
usual. The other illustrations refer to
the fashions, and lady's work, such as
the Work Basket with Pockets, Dress
with High Waist and Removable Bas
que, Canezon of Tulle and Lace, Riding
habits, Siamois Bonnet,Trianon bonnet,
&c., &e. For terms see advertisements
in another column.
far The circulation of Forney's Press,
in this borough, is a complete success,
The subscription list is increasing daily.
but with all this there Are a great many
who have not subscribed yet, and we
hope they will do sa immediately. No
true Union man should be without it.
The editorials alone are worth the sub
scription price. For terms, SEc., inquire
of J. C. Steacy, at this office.
sr Oar schools will open on Monday
next. The following teachers have been
appointed : F. M. Lennox, principal of
High school; Theo. Hiestand, Miss
Mary Turner, Miss Geist, Miss Sarah
Turner, Miss Lewellyn, Miss Cook, Miss
MesErs. Gable & Strickler have
also received their fall and winter stock
of goods. They have the flair, most
varied and fashionable stock Alr offered
in this place. Call and see. Advec
tisement in our next.
ear Was lost, on the evening of the
sth instant, in going from the post office
to the Episcopal church and thence to
Front street, a Cluster Breast Pin. A
the poet office
eir A gold watch [hunting case] was
lost on Saturday evening the let instant•
between Goodman's saloon and the Don
egal House. The finder will be liberally
rewarded by leaving it at this office.
41a- Mrs. Margaret Roth has, just re
turned from Philadelphia, where she se
lected a large lot of handsome and fash
ionable goods in her line of business.
Call and see the new styles,
sr Messrs. Bowers & Steacy have
just received a lot of new and fashion
able goods. Call and see their assort
ment. Their advertisement will appear
in our next.
Ex-President Buchanan spends most
of his time telling stories about the
grandeur of his administration ; the old
pub lapels evidently in his anec-dot age.
or Col. Eagle and Dr. Cushman are
erecting a double two story dwelling on
the "Arcade" lot, ortMarliet square and
Gay street, to front on Gay street.
r Mr. Maxwell's academy will open
on Monday morning next.
In Middletown, on the ith instant, by
Rev. Mr. Kimbel, HENRY 0. GRADY,
to ALMIRA, daughter of Samuel Law.
ranee, both of this borough.
On Thursday, 13th inst., by the Rev.
G. M. Olawges, Mn. JACOB PECK, of
Ma) town, to Miss SARAH DINTMAN, Of
East Donegal.
Merchant Tailor, and Cloth i er,
At P. J. Eramph's Old Stand. on the Cot
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
GR AT E F UL to the Citizens; of Marietta
and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extendee, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Gonads
and such articles as usually lelong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
The Original and-Genuine AMBROSIA ie
prepared by J. ALLEN REEVES and is the
best hair dressing and preservative now in
use. It stops the hair fallin gmut, causes it to
grow thick and long and preimnts it from
turning prematurely giey. If s , eradicates
dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and renders the
hair soft, glossy and curly. Buy it, try it and
be convinced. Don't be put off with a spuri
ous article. Ask for Reeves' Ambrosia and
take no other. For Sale by Druggists and
Deal , rs in Fancy Goods everywhere.
PRICE, 75 Cents per bottle—s 6 per dozen:
82 Fulton-sr., New-York City.
113:- For sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Hinkle's
Drug Store. 112:8-ly
RASS porcelain lined preserving kettles,
cheap, at JOHN SPANGLER'S.
ritlaAlL SKIRTB.--Go to Mn 310.717'
N. lend eee them.
.Ssp.ctiat Notista.
male Remedy for liregularitiee.—These Drops
are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara
tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or
Nostrums. Being liquid, their actien is direct
and positive, rendering them a reliable, spee
dy and certain specific for the cure of Al ob
structions and suppressions of nature. Their
popularity is indicated by the fact that over
100,000 bottles are annually sold and commut
ed by the ladies of the- United States, every
.one of whom speak in the strongest terms of
.p wise of their good merits. They are rapidly
taking the place of_ every other Female Rem
edy, and are considered by all who know
aught of them, as the surest, safest and most
infallible preparation - in the world, for the
cure of all female complaints, the removal of
all obstructions of nature, and the promotion
of health, regularity and strength. Explicit
directions stating when they may be used, and
explaining when they should not, nor could
not be used without producing effects contra
ry to nature's chosen Jaws, will be found care
fully folded around each bottle, with the writ
ten signature Of JOHN L. LYON, without
which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. JohN L. LYON, 195 Chapel
street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con
sulted either persenally or by mail, (enclosing
stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe
male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists every
where. C. G. Cr..sarr & Co., Genii Agts for U
S. and Canadas. Woe. 4-ly
j' How often we see men and women who
are fairly fading out of existence. They seem
to have no especial disease, but general lasi
tude and languor; no ambition, no energy, in
digestion, weakness, total inability to eat and
relish food, etc., all' of which is nothing but
Dyspepsia. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure will surely
cure every such case, no matter how long
standing. It is also a most excellent remedy
for cholera morbus, cramp or colic, in either
stomacil or bowels. We advise all suffering
to try it.
to all °them for family and manufacturing
purposes ; contain all the latest improvements;
are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want
ed. Liberal discount allowed. No consign
ments made. Address Estrata S. M. Co, 616
Broadway, N. Y. [xiii:6-iy
I:3 Whiskers I—Whiskers I I Doctor L. 0.
Montez' Corr°lia, the greatest stimulator in
the world, will force Whiskers or Moustaches
to grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never
known to fail ; sample for trial sent free to
any one desirous of testing its merits. Address,
REEVES & Co., 78 Nassau-st., N. Y. [3m
I am now in the receipt of the best'of Oysters
which will be served up in the usual varie
ties of styles. I will have fitted up for the
winter months. warm and comfortable rooms
on the first and second floors, for the
which department will receive particular
oodinan - T2cectedmi - V - WW - Mluon;
Marietta, September 15, 1566.-tf.
For Winter!
COAL reduced to nearly the standard of
former years—FOß CASH. A well se
lected stock of
eo., 5i)a1100) & YilletatitT
ID al)
143 - A lot of Fine Coal at $4 delivered.
- 0 -
100,000 51hilmbem lanfs yot , sqte.
Wilson's Albany, Norwood,
Golden Queen, Ida,
Jucunda, Triomphe DeGand,
Agriculturist, Russell Prolific,
Lening's White.
For sale by HENRY WOLFE.
LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the
Post Office at Maiietta, Pa., THURSDAY,
September 13, 1866:
Mrs. Sarah Bear, Miss E. Anna Campbell, Jno
Gable, John 3. Meashy, John Starnan, Sam'l
Stauffer, Theodore Witmer.
LJ To obtain any of these letters, the ap
plicant must call for "advertised letters," giv
the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad
vertising. ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M.
Wixiter Goods
Have just seen opened by
Spangler 6- Rich,
No. 66 Market street, Marietta, Pa
Embracing full lines of Ladies Fashionable
Dress goods, desirable plain styles Dress goods,
Sacking and Cloaking Cloths, Stella, Thibit
and Plaid Shawls, Balmorals and Spring Skirts
in all sizes, Calicos, Ginghams, Muslins, Pil
low Case and Shirting Muslins, Checks,-Sheet
ing, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Chambrys, Diapers,
Counterpanes, Coverlids, Blankets, Crash, &c.
Cloths egssihiehes
Hats, Caps, Shirts and Drawers.
Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Carpets, Carpet
Chain, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, &c.
Full setts Iron stone and Granite Queeiasware,
a variety of Glassware. Groceries of all
kinds, Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas,
Fish, Cheese, Rice, &c., Sze., &c.
The bulk of our goods have been bought in
packages from the manufacturers, at the low
est cash prices; we are, therefore, offering
great bargains to purchasers. An early call i s
The Champion Clothea "Wringer
JOHN SPANGLER has just received and
has for sale this celebrated Wringer, with
or without cog-wheels. This is now regarded
as the best machine in use. It is more easily
adjusted to the tub, and is wider than any ma
chine at the price. No. 1 3 without cog-wheels
with ten inch rollers, is selling at 08 o. 2,
with cog-wheels, $9; No. 3, with cog-wheels,
11 inches, $ll.
' Min, at the Golden Mortar, is now ready
to dispense cool, healthy and refreshing bev
erages.. This drink is drawn from Porcelain
lined fetintains. and is warranted FREE from
noxious properties.
Those desiring to keep cool during the com
ing hot season, will please remember
Dr. Landis' drug store, Market street, Mari
KRAUT STANDS, Meat- Stance, Wine
Kegs, Tubs, Buckets and Cedar-ware
generally, constantly on band
BOHLTOPS ton celebisied GIN,
A A AirittrAMl.N.
We beg leave to invite all those who are in
want of Bargains to our
Groceries, Quienswfaie, Glcissware, No
- tions,
and all other classes of goods generally kept in
a first class store. Having pulehased our en
tire stock For CASH and at the recent decline
will sell them much beio V the former rates.
GINGHAMS, PRINTS, 14e., &c.,
which will be sold right down with the mark
et. Our Dress Goods department comprises
the latest dogmas of goods adapted to the sea
son which will be found full and complete.
of which we have a beautiful line of plain and
Fancy Cassimeres, Englint' and French Sack
ings, Plain Black Clotho, both oreign and
domestic, and all other Goods for a nice out
Queensware, a full line of Toilet, Tea and
Dinner Setts, covered dishes, &c., &c., always
on hand, Groceries a good supply of choice
Teas. Coffee, sugar, Syrups and spices.
rs- Dry Goods cheaper than Wet Goods.
Come and see us and be convinced of what v. a
CAPITAL AND ASSETS . , $532 ; 210:49
Fr HIS Company continues to insure Bond
i ings, Merchandise, and other property,
against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual
plan, either for a cash premium cr premium
Whole amount insured,
Less ain't expired in 1865,
Amt of premium notes. Jan. 1,
1865, $42.0,090:66
Less, premium notes expired in
1865, 16,073:45
• -- 410,07:21
Am't of premium notes recd in '65, 115,584:13
Balance of premiums, Jan. I, '65, 3,830:14
Cash receipts,less commissions, in '65, 40,766:89
Losses and expenses paid in 1865, 37,987:88
Balance capital and assets,
January 1, 1866,
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary.
'MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer.
Samuel Shock, William Patton,
Robert T. Ryon, John W. Steacy,
John Fendrich, George Young, Jr.,
H. G. Minich, Nicholas M'Dcrsald,
Samuel F. Rom lein, Michael S. Shuman,
Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker,
Edmund Spering.
• Columbia, March 30, 1866.-ly.
The best in the market ; the manufactu
rers are•unable to supply the demand ; its su
periority over all others is fully acknowledged
by all who used them last year. They require
no putty or cement of any kind; can be se
cutely closed in a moment, and wnen once
properly closed the re is no danger of any fruit
spoiling. They are neat, being made of glass
—have a wide mouth and aan very easily be
For safe at JOHN SP ANGLER'S where
the'eeja`reT - year. -- ` ""-
Baying thoroughly tested the Excelsior
Fruit Jar and after using many other kinds I
accord to it superiority over all others for pre
serving fruit,.ease of securing . it and in fact in
every way do I consider it better.
Market Street, adjoining Spangler $t Rich's
&ore, on Me second floor.
Where he is now prepared to wait
on all who may feel disposed to pa- ei st =-;
trenize him.
Dentistry in all its branches carried on.
TEETH inserted on the moat approved prin
ciples of Dental science. All operations on
the mouth performed in a skillful and work
manlike manner—on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this place, would ask a continuation
of the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to him, for a hich he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
- Ether administered to properpersons.
1866. PHILADELPHIA 1866•
N. B. Always in store, a large stock of
Estate of John M. Whitehill, late of the
Borough of Marietta, deceased.
Letters Testamentary on said estate hay
ing been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted thereto arc requested to make
immediate settlement, and those having claims
or demands against the same will present them
without delay for settlement to the underaign
ed, residing in the Borough of Marietta.
Marietta. August 11, 1866-Gt.
;%I. OT I CE: All persons having claims against
JESSE C. ODELL, late of the flotough
o Marietta, deceased, will present them at
once, to JACOB C. BURKART,
- Administrator d. b. n.
Marietta, August 13, 1666. 2-6 t
pring Shawls Balmorals Gloves, Hosiery
Belts and Bun%les, Embroidered }landau
duels and Collars, Mourning Collars and
Veils, Head Neta and Dress Trimmings.
A full supply at
AHNESTOC It'S Nonpareil Chemical
Writing Fluid now leady and for sale
General Agent.
DR. IL LANDIS is the sole agent for the
Sale of MISHLER'S BITTERS, in the
Borough of Marietta. For sale at the
ENAMEL OF AMERICA, for beautifying
the complexion, softening the akin, re
moving tan, freckles and pimples.
Sale at Dr. Landis' "Golden Afortsr.,,
MO LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch
1 and Irish WHISKIES, warran
ted to be pure, at H.D.%Benjamain's.
OGER , S Celebrated Pearl Cement and
JR, Oil Paste Blacking at
H E celebrated Gutta Penile Oil Blacking
I make's& beautiful water proof polish. For
boots, &saes. aateeus, ilre. For sale only at
Dr. Landis , Drugstore.
ZEST is' of Wine*. and Liquo rtt a loy
teted t k irpipows, at ,11. .Levehet'.
Marietta, 1 a