The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 15, 1866, Image 2

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    the At atiettiatt.
54110411 Warning, Septeißbe 14,1866.
Major General 301 IN W. GBARY,
El ISTORY CORRICOTED.-A curious little
piece of the history of the war has been
brought to light by, General Dix's virtu
al salutation of the rebel flag at the
openiug of the Wigwam when be joined
Custer in cheering _ the, rebel tune of
"Dixie." General Dix's share in the
war has generally been admitted to con
sist in sending the famous despatch to
the naval commander at New . Orleans:
" If any man hauls down the American
flea, shoot him on the spot I" This bold
or ter thrilled the loyal heart of the
country, and Gen. Dix's reputation was
made in a moment. It stands for one
act for which that gentleman deserves,
as he hat. always received the gratitude
of the American people. It may startle
many persons to be informed that Gen
eral Did was nut the author of that de
The actual fact, as stated by an au
thority which cannot be reasonably
doubted, is as follows At the time
when the despatch was written, General
Dix was Secretary of War, and Judge
Holt was Attorney General. When
General Dix received the news 'of the
rebel demonstrations at New Orleans,
be went to Judge Holt in much per
plexity, seeking his advice. In answer
to his anxious question, " What shall I
do 7" the bold patriotic Attorney Gen
eral at once dictated to him the words
of the famous despatch. It seemed toe
strong for the Secretary of War, and he
remarked : " Would you really send that.
order 1" " Yes sir," firmly replied
Judge Holt, and the noble despatch
which has made General Dix so famous,
was sent. Bat the credit belongs to
Judge' Holt and not to General Dix.
sr That sterling, high-toned family
journal the Germantown Telegraph,
edited by' Major Philip R. Frei's, thus
speaks of Andy'e electioneering speech
es : "One might' as well attempt to
change the spots of the leopard as the
pot house instincts of a man, who by the
dagger of a rebel conapirator has become
President of the goited States. At
Philadelphia be declared that the Al
mighty was a tail& i at Niagara wheo
some one In the'crowd cried that he had
abandoned the Union party, he replied
that " the party Might go to the Devil."
At almost every-point he spoke, and he
left rio opportunity pass to repeat his
assaults on everybody who aided in put
ting down the rebellion, be bandied the
lowest epithets with the crowd. He got
into furious passions and uttered the
grossest phrases. At CleVeland he said
he cared nothing for the dignity of the
office he held, and no one contradicted
him with'the evidence of its truth before
all. At Alton he was called Judas 'by
some' one in the crowd. This 'angered
him greatly and in his reply to this un
seen chaliedger be opened a floodgate of
blasphemy lamentable to hear.
gir The Pennsylvania State Agricul
tural Society will hold its annual exhi
bition at Eitston, 'Commencing . on the
25th of September. Alexander K.
M'Clure, Esq., of - Franklin county, will
deliver the annual address. Ile is an
intelligent and practical farmer, as well
as a good speaker. A. L. Russell, Esq.
Adjutant General, will act as marshal.
The. State Scoiety •is busy, completing
the arrangements for a display which
promises to be the greatest ever held in
the State, and with the ample apace at
its command in the beautiful park at
Easton, hopes to do credit to the cause
to the encouragement of which it is de- .
Mr. Lem Lichtenwallner, of Long
Swamp townsbip, Berke county, was
robbed of $3050 in government 7-30 se
cririeties last July. A! man named
Scott I:lmpel' was recently arrested in
Allentown for the offence, wheelie con
fessed.that he had committed the
bery, but that the sum stolen amounted
to but $2500, end not - $3050 . , as Lichteu
wanner, alleges had been taken. Hone
d!, in -his CorfessiOn, stated the money
whieh be liad. realized by a - sale of the
bonds, had all been squandered in'gainb
ling and . debaechery.' ' •
sr Said a Democrat : "We don't
care a copper for Johnson or his prin
ciples ; we wouldn't vote for him for
pound master ; bnt, if we- can use him,
we will. When we've sucked him dry,
we will treat' him precisely as we did
Tyler'end Fillmore."
gir Bennett, of the Fhilittleifhie
Toper Bell Clothing etisrie. FtWree re
turn - for '6l 0r574,3J.3'.
J M,W..-Baldwin,.the,, great Phila . :
delphia locomotive builder, died io that
city, on the, 7th ins,tatit,Aged
sr The Memphis briCk ale:mine' have
struck for 87 per day,
respondent of the New York Herald
who accompanies tke President on his
tour, telegraphed to that paper from
Chicago Be follows s 4 ' It is reported
`that General Grant has said: lam die.
.iyusted with this trip. I am disgusted
at hearing a man make speeches on the
way to hie own funeral' It is reported
,that, thie was said in the presence of a
clerk in the employ of General Grant's
brother, in this city, and other respon
sible parties. There are . no indications,
however, that the relations between the
President and General Grant are not of
an entirely harmonious character, al
though the General passes most of his
time in other than the Presidential car
whin traveling."—
Josiah Randall, Esq., long known
as a prominent lawyer and politician,
died in Philadelphia yesterday morning.
He was born in 1788, and was conse
quently, at the time of his death, seven
ty-eight years of age, Originally a
Democrat, he subsequently joined the .
Whig party, in whose ranks he gained
the best 'part of his eminence as a poli
tician. He afterwards rejoined the
Democratic ranks in which he was ex
tremely active during the stirring times
of 1865.
Cr One of the features of the Phila
delphia Convention was the presence of
Governors there. Among them we no-
ticed Fletcher of Missouri, Brownlow of
Tennessee, Morton of Indiana, Bore
man of West Virginia, Pierpont of
Virginia, Crtipo of Michigan. Fairchild
of Wisconsin, Coney of Maine, Hawley
of Connecticut and Ward of New Jar-
tilif Ralph Hill, years old,
and a resident of Forrest county, 'Penn
sylvania, passed through Corry recently,
on his way to Boston, to find friends he
had not seen for fifty years. He never
saw a steamboat, nor a train of care un
til last week ; and has lived tan miles
from any town or village for the last fifty
y ears.
ifisr The Union League House, of
Philadelphia, was found on Friday morn
ing of last week to be on iirei fortu
nately the moat valuable articles, such,
as, paintings, carpets, curtains, library,
&c., were saved. The building was. in
sured for—the furniture, &c., at
$lO,OOO. The building will be imple
diately repaired.
air The President, did AO make a
polititalspeeeb at Chicago. The reas
on was that Gen. Logan was stopping
at the same hotel, and arrangenients
were made to call him ont in answer' to
the President. This coming to the
knowledge of the President and Mr.
Seward, they concluded to hold their
tongnee.—Pittsburg Gazette.
or The corner stone of the , -Douglas
monument was laid ou the 6th, in Chi
cago, with imposing ceremonies.
Among the distinguished participants'
were'the President, Generals Grant and
Meade, Admirals Farragut and Radford,
and Secretary. Seward.
ear president Johnson's "friends " in
Georgia talk' of running ",Vic© Presi
lent " A. H. Stephens for . Governor of
that State. If Mr. Johnson's " policy "
is successful, they will be ready . to run
him for President in a year or two.—
Pitisburg Commercial.
gir A correspondent of the Press re
marks that it is great injustice to Judas
to compare him with Andrew Johnson.
Judas did not go travelling round the
country on his thirty pieces of silver,
but went and hung himself " like a gen
tleman," and gave up his spirit. John
son will do neither.
sfir.A copperhead exchange says if
the President does not extend his tour
Soath it will be because he needs repose
and*stinence from excitement. We
perfect:ly agree with our coternporetry,
the President needs "abstinence."
WV Ex President Fillmore welcomed
President JOhnson to Buffalo ; a pair of
noble brothers ! his a pity John Ty
ler could not have been present, that the
trio mightbare said : " When shall we
three meet again,—Albany Evening
Journal. •
or At the booksellers',trade sale in
New York, on Saturday, Gen. Dix's
Life and Speeches, edited by himself, a
miserable mass of exsggeration and ego
tism, was sold at seventy-five cents per
volume. The work was published origi.
nally at seven dollars !
P fir Gen. Hartranft, at present Audi
tor General, hEi3 been tendered the rank
of Colonel in the regular army, which
be has accepted. This,will involve his
resignation as Auditor General, which
vacancy will be filled by the Governor.
sr The horses of Manchester, Eng
land, are now cleaned by a machine; .one
man at a machine can clean 30 horses in
a day, whilst,l2 was foimerly considered
a good days work.
Gir The. total, cost of the New York
Central Park up •to ,the first of last
January, was $9,763,895,98. The visi
tors last year numbered oyer seven mil
lions. •
Illio`oiiiliae; raised $46,000 for fir
bows for soldiers' orphans in that State.
e - 9
sit (a Nottctss.
MALARIA Evrevwnrag.—Rarely has
there been a season as fruitful as this of male
rions diseases. Not only on the parairies and
in the valleys of the West ; not merely in all
the old haunts of Fever and Ague and Bilious
Remittent Fever have these prostrating dis
eases been unusually virulent ; but they have
extended to towns and cities never before in
rested with them, and have ascended the
mountains and attacked thousands of people
supposed to have been placed by the laws of
Nature above their reach. Hence we are
compelled to admit that a fatal element.per
vades the universal air this season, and should
at once resort to the only approved preventive
of Re consequences, Hostetter's Ste mace Bit
ters, a tonic so potent, an anti-septic eo per
fect, an alterative so irresistible, and a stimu
lant so pure, that it enables the human system
to resist and baffle all the predisposing causes
of disease. With the confidence that one
clothed in incombustible garments might move
among blazing buildings, the man who arms
himself against malaria with this powerful
defensive medicine may walk a fever-scourged
district fearless of its insalubrious atmosphere.
The intermittents and rem ittelits at present so
general in all partdef the country may be but
the forerunners of a deadlier scourge now on
its way westward from the far East. Prepare
the system with Hostetter's Bitters for a suc
cessful battle with the mephitic causes of all
epidemics. Be wise in time. Sold every
where —New YO7* World. Nov. 6, 1665.
To CoNsustrrivzs.—The advertiser hav
ing been restored to health in a few-weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption, is an
xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure. To all who desire it, he
will send a copy of the prescription, flee of
charge, with the directions for preparing and
useing the same, which they will finff a sure
cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron
chitis, Colds, and all tbroat and lung affections.
The only object of the advertiser in sending
the prest.ription is to benefit the afflicted and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, b:
return mail, will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg,
Kings County, New-York. 1/Y
BLACK AB A CROW, 11 few years since, was
many a splendid head that is now, grey or griz
zled. Why not restore to the yet unwrinkled
brow its raven honors? Five minutes effects
the splendid transformation. In leas time than
a rifleman would take to Load and Fire three
times, the grayest head may be made darker
than the Raven's wing. No matter of what
undesirable tint the hair or whiskers or beard
may be, the change to a superb and perfectly
natural black orbrown is accomplished by one
application' Of CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, with
out staining the skin or injuring the filaments.
Manufactured by J. CHRISTA DORO, 6 As
tor House, New-York. Sold by all. Druggists.
Applied by all
Ir/ -Dr. TOBIAS' Horse Venetian Liniment.
Pint Bottles at $l, for the cure of lameness,
scratches, wind-galls, sprains, tit uises, splints,
cuts, colic, slipping stifle, over-heating, sore
throat, nail in the foot, etc. It is warranted
cheaper and better than any other article ever
offered to the public. Thousands of animals
have been cured of the'Colic and over-heating
by this liniment, and hundreds that were crip
pled and lame have been restored to their for
mer vigor. It is used by all the first horsemen
throughout the States. Orders are constantly
received from the racing stables of England
for fresh supplies of this invaluable article.—
Over 2,500 testimonials have been received.-:-
Remember $1 laid out in time may save the
life of your horse. Sold by all druggists. De
pot, 56 Courtlandt-st., N. Y.
!:3 - Permanent and wide-spread success is
the best evidence of the goodness of BRAND.
RETH'EI Prays.—They should be in every-fam
ily, ready for use op thefirst symptoms, of dis
ease occurring. This method will often save
life. Remember the Cholera must be treated
as a poison, and your safety demands it should
be got rid of without delay. Colds, rheuma
tisra,, asthma, pleurisy, diarrhoea, colics, in
fact all sickness Is the consequence of active
impurities of the blood ; these being removed,
the health is restored at once. Observe my
name in the government stamp in white let
ters. Sold by all druggists.
Earwax or Yoirri.—A gentlemanwho suf
fered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and directions for making: the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi
ence, can do so , by addressing JOHN B. OG
DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York.
ILI- Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by .T..ISAACS,
M. D., Oculist and Aurift, (former]) of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE St., Philadel
phia., Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country can be Seen at
his office. The medical faculty ere invited to
accompany - their patients, as.he has no secrets
in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with
out pain, No charge for examination.
1:1- ITCH !—ITCH ! !—ITCH !! ! SCratC4!
Scratch ! !—Scratch ! WHEATON'S OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 98 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and' all
erlitione of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, Sole agents, 170 Washing
ton-at., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage, to any part_ of the Union.
STRARGE, BUT Tar E.—F.very young lady
and gentleman in the United States can hear
somethin^ery much to their advantage by
return mail (free of charge,) by addressing
the undersigned. Those having fears Of being
humbugged will oblige by not` noticing this
card. All others - Will 'please address their
obedient servant, Tilos. F. CHAPMAN, 'Bl
Broadway, Isl. Y.
14.1Arternos AND CELIBACi.-.--All essay of
warning and instruction for.young Tien: also,
.Diseases and 4buses which prematurely pros
trate the .Vital Powers,..with, sure means of
releif. Sent , free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. - Address, - Da. J. Smilax Horrox7
TON, Howard Assbeiation, No:: 2 South Ninth
Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. [jury. 1,,66-ly.
Kt - The real" Velpau French Pills should not
be used during a . certain time. as they will sur
ly bring on a miscarriage: Sold by Dr. F.
tile r Marietta, and by all good &WOO.
Keep constantly on hand a full stock of Buil
R 0 N: Rolled and Hammered
Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar,
Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Iron,
Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc.
ding Material, Nails,
Tuba, Churns, Cedar Stands,
Wasn Boards, Buckets,
Knives and Forks,
Plated and Metalic Spoons,
Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass at t,
Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers,' Pans,
Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil
Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea
Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted
Chamber Setts, &c., &c.
Forks, Shovels, Bees, Spades, Horse Brushes
Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric Oils
Cistern Pumps, Long and Short Traces
Breast Chains, &c., &c.
TOO L S: Hand alid Wood Saws, Hatchets
Chopping and Hand Axes, Planes, Chissels,
Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunnins
Hooks and Shears, &c., &c.
Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit
and receive a continuance of the same.
SUPPLER & BRO., lit a
and General Machinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnacer,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas; Columnt,
Fronts, Cellar . Coots, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks ;
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those who may favor us with their
orders. 113°•Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, IS6O. • 14 tf
New Trimming and Variety Store,
Opposite Diffenbach's old stand, and two
doors West of the Golden Mortar
Drug Store, Market Street.
BI:GS leave to announce to the Ladies of the
borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she
has just returned froin Philadelphia, where
she laid in an entire new stock of fashionable
"ITCLES; NoTioNs, &c.,-eritibteicing all the
Novelties of the Season, among which will be
found the celebrated ilevratyle
Trail ]loop Skirts; Plain & Fancy Carters;
Queen Roods, Childrens Coats 8f Sacques
Plain and . Fancy Mantua and Velvet
J.ibbons, Gimps, Cords and Tassels,
and Btittons in endless variety.
Paper and Linen Collars and
Cuffs for Ladies and Gents,
Hosiery and Gloves, Linen & Emb'd Collars,
Zephyr Shawls, Plain & Emb'd H.'dkfe.
Opera Caps, Silk & Zephyr Scarfs
Suspenders, Germantown Wool,
Twilights, Breakfast Coseys.
Braids and Shetland Wool,
Bindings, • Zephyr Yarn,
Laces, Neck-Ties,
Corsets, Belting, Edging, Ruffling, Cord of all
colors, Fancy Fans, Kid, Kid-liata Silk
and White Lyle Thread Gloves, Silk
Mitts, Embroidery, Men's Gloves
and Neck Ties, Pearl Cuff
Buttons, Belt Buckles of
various styles, Tape
Trimming, Linen
• and 'Thread
Thimbles, Silk Tassels, Emery Bags, Fancy
Snaps, Perfumery, &c., &c.
Particular attention has been paid to the se
lecting of small wares, such as Sewing Silk,
Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks
and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c.
Pam The public are particularly requested to
call and examine for themselves.
;r:P' Mrs. R. is agent for the sale of the cel
ebrated Singer "A" Family Sewing .Machines
which took the first premium at the late New
York State Fair. •She will also instruct per
sons purchasing from her, how to work the
• * * By the flame of a common lamp,
at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very
comfortable breakfast can be cooked. • •
, —N.Y.- Tribune.
* * * Simple in construction, easily kept
in - order, ready for use in a moment -* * 4,
convenient to have on hand. • • Drug
gist's Circular.'
• • ' l ' Fish's Lamp is one of the most
popular novelties of the day, • * * the
utility of it is unquestionable, .a great saving
is made in heating and cooking small articles,
and -can be made to cook meals for a great
many persons, which is actually done on the
ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers.
* -* Scientific dinieritari.
* • For family use, hospital tent, bar
rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or, sick room,
it is an article of comfort beyond all propor
tion to its cost. *. * Hall's Journal of Health.
* * * I have tried the apparatus, and
my wife and - I proclaim the same a most valu
able and indispensable article, and we, now
wonder how we 'could have so long done with-.
out it. * • Ed. Coat Oil Circular.
* * An economical contrivance for
getting up heat at short notice for nursery and
general hOusehold purposes, * * one
important point is the saving in cost over coal
tires. * * N. Y. Evening Post
Prices from Two to Six Dollars.
Capacity from One to Four Quarts.
Three Articles Cleoked at one time with one
Arrang,ed for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or. Gas.
A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pages
nished gratis.
Price 50 Cents,
To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp
or Gas Burner, by which water may be boiled,
and faod cooked ; also arranged to support a
sha4. Envy Family needs one.
IrJr Two af these Heating Lamps can be
heerrat John Spangler's Hardware.
omor LUNG NEW 1 Patent clasp pock-
V) et books, no gum bands to renew : adapte I
to any'condition of the tinsuce;at --
Aap-CHOICE Lot of Booka for children called
indunructable Pleasure Books ; School and
er Booke, Stationary, Pens, Pen holden
Ire., at DR LANDIS!.
DEAR SIR :----1 feel it a duty I owe to you,
and to all who are suffering under the diseases
known as Consumption and Liver Complaint,
to let them know what great benefits I have
received from your Pulmonic Syrup and Sea
weed Tonic in so short a time. by the bless
ing of God it has cured me thus far.
Dr. Schenck, I will now make my state
ment to you, as follows:—About eighteen
months ego I was attacked with a severe
cough, and it settled on my lungs ; I could
not retain anything I ate, and suffered with
evening fevers and night sweats. 1 was very
much reduced. The whites of my ekes were
very yellow ; likewise my skin ; my appetite
all gone, sud unab.e to digest what I did- eat;
bowels swollen, irregular and costive I was
very low spirited, and bad such violent spells
of coughing when I lay down at . night and
tt hen I arusein the morning that they would
last one or two hours.
I then would be nearly exhausted, and was
entirely unable to lie on my left side. I can
not describe my wretched suffering as I would
wish to do. Every organ in my body was dis
eased or deranged. Such was my situation at
this time, and I was confined to my bed from
the last of February, 1862, to June 18112, not
able to situp. I had the best of medical at
tendance the whole of the time. My cough,
was so very bad that it racked me very much.
I at this time raised a large quantity of thick,
yellow, offensive matter, sometimes with blood
and it was generally accompanied by nausea,
and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the
time of coughing-so badly I would have sharp,
shooting pains in my left side and heart,
night sweats, and soreness all through my
whole chest ; had much inward fever, pain in
my back and under my shoulder blades and in
the small of my back, and at times so severe
that it would throw me into spasms. Now
my physician gave me up to die. Others I had,
and the best of them, but they could do noth
ing for me, and at that time I was nothing
but skin and bone. I then was in the western
part of Missouri. Li June last we left there
for the East, and in August last we came to
New York, and .1: was so reducet that 1 could
only walk" a little with my husband's help.
After I had been here a short time the salt wa
ter breeze made me feel much better for a
time and then I had again to call a physician
for aid. We bad four of the best physicians
of New York on the diseases of the lungs, and
doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They
skid I was past cure, and that my lungs were
too far gone for any one to cure me. But at
this time I was on my fret about the house,
not able to do much of anything. In Novem
ber last I grew worse, and the consumption
diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeks.
We had tried all and everything that I could
grasp at like a dying person fut my disease—
consumption and liver complaint—but of no
In January, 1863, I was brought down
again on my bed, and was not expected to
live the night out. My husband stayed at my
side, and!other friends, and they all gave me
up to die. At this time every one who saw
me did not think I would ever leave my bed
a living woman. The first night I was at
tacked with spasms, and was deranged most
of the time. A friend ; Mrs. Harris, came to
see me the last of the week, and brought the
Sunday Mercury. In it was an account of a
great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. She
read it to me, and it was so much like my
disease that J asked my husband to go and
see him for me. At this time I. had given up
all hopes of ever getting well again, w.d made
my peace with God, to be ready whenever he
called for me.
On the 27th of January, 1565, my husband
called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street, New
York, and stated to hiun my case, with a re—
quest for him to call and see me, which he
did, and examined me with the respirometer.
When he was,ahott to go I asked lritu if he
couldeitre mei His reply was " I cannot
tell, bout lungs are diseased, and the bronchi
al tubes are affected on both sides." And yet
he seemed to think there were lungs enough
left to effect a cure if the diarrhea could be
stopped. Ile said in order to do this ; he would
have to me Mandrake Pills in small
doses at first, to carry ott the morbid matter,
and then, with astringents, he hoped to check
it, which he did, but the constant coughing,
night sweats, and diarrhea had prostrated ate
so that he was afraid my vital power . i were
too much prostrated ever to rally, and yet he
seemed to think if 1 could live to get enough
Pulnionie Syrup through my system to cause
expectoration there were lungs enough left
for me to recover. He wished toe to try the
Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at once,
saying it would do me no harm, if it did me
nu good. The first week it seemed to give
me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up
in bed and ate hearty fora sick woman ; but
the next Week 1 lost all hope and wished my
husband nut to give me any more medicine.
ou the doctor lfsd warned him of this, and
when the ingdit.ine was clearing out the sys
tem it made them feel somewhat restless, and
to persevere ; and he insisted on my taking
it ; and now I feel the benefit of it. For alter
eight days I began to gain my strength, and,
with the exception of a cold that put me baek
some, I have been gaining strength of body,
my cough is going away, and all my pains lir..
gone ; no soreness of the body, my bowels are
regular, and my Meath is sweet, and I thank
God that 1 am now going about, and sew and
read as well as ever I could. I have taken
sixteen bottles of the medicine, eight of each.
1 now have a poll appetite and rest well at
night ; my cough does not trouble me in gett
ing up or lying down. I would here say to
the afflicted with consumption or liver com
plaint, that Dr. Schenck is no humbug You
can rely on' what he says. Delay nut; it is
dangerous to trifle with these diseases. If
you would be cured, go at once ; and any ose
wishing to know the facts as herein stated
can call at my residence, 117 West Houston
street, New York city.
We, the undersigned, residents of New York
are acquainted with Mrs. Farlow, and know
her statement to be true. We Etido know that
she-used Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup and
Seaweed Tonic, and ha% e reason to believe
that to this medicine she owes her preservation
from a premature grave.
B. PA:R LOW, 117 West Houston st.
wich street.
A; F. Harris, 117 West Houston street.
EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Houston at
J. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl.
M. A. LEIGHTON, 483 Broadwai.
Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP, J 9 Amity pl.
lam well acquainted with Mrs. Mary F.
Farlow, and with lies husband, Mr. B. Farlow
they having for a fews months past attended
at my church, and I am convinced that- any
statement which they might make may be re
lied on as true. JOHN DOWLING, D. D,
Pastor of Bedford st. Baptist Church, N. y.
Dr. Schenck will be professionally at hi s
principal office No. 15 North Sixth street, cor
ner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Satur
day, from 9 A. M., until 4 P. M., No. 34
Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, fr om
9 to 3 ; No. 38 Summer, street, Boston Mass ,
every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, and every
other Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Balti
more, Md. All advice free, but for a thorough
examination of the lungs with his Respirome
ter, the charge is three dollars.
Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed
Tonic, each $1,50 per bottle, or $7.50 per hal
dozen. Mandrake pills, 95 cents per box.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers.
December 9. '1865.-lv. • 11l
Eley's Gui. Caps, Eley's Gun Wadds,
Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder
Baltimore Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks,
sold at - JOHN SPANGLER'S.
SHADES at remarkably low pricee—
to close out Jong SPANGLER.
-anent article for ladies. Just received
and for sale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store.
A LL Kinds of Blanks; Deedit,•'&e
For See st thir-oece
South West Corner of AlN:et 4,4.
rrnii s ACADEMY being ba:n
I established, will open the hetc,:*:
Alonday, September lilt , ;8
This Academy is situated on the
the Susquehanny, in the pleasant h 'a
Marietta,Lancaster county, p a I ° /olso,
about 3000 inhabita.lts and fourE l , e „ ° ,nit
churches of different deootninstionsvi
Parents can have a choice in ° Whit
youth. The Pennsylvania Itsi,tav tha t
run lour Passenger Trains ti to "
; u "'"iwtl
daily, making
_it easy ef access ' horn - e l '
of the State, which renders it pe„ l , a ?oh
sirable to parents who may wi E ,ar•y de
SOLIS and daughters from home la to b"thit thtf
The present Principal feels
aged at the patronage extendiiii
enterprise, that be is determined that this
shall be left undone to make it ant of the 14
schools in the State for obtaining t
The branches taught embrace sil those N tt
thorough English and Classical eductition, no•
gether with French and German, hour
Painting, Vocal and instrumental Music.
Every branch nhi
thorough manner will be taught in th e ilio
Whilst the principal will constantly zi a
make thorough scholars, he still deem it no
less important to inculcate moral and reiiguit
principles. He pledges his best exeruouln
committed t o the reo
his charge.nt and future welfare all 4
Lectutes upon scientific subjects, will be d e ,
livered before toe students during the sei,i ß
TEEM :—The School Year is divided
MO sessions of twenty-two weeks each.
The fall session commencing ou the t
Monday in September and closing in Feksui.,
The spring session will open on the lid Mu;
day in March.
For boarding, washing and light per
Esessiun of five insulin,
Tuition in English branches, if
For Latin, Greek, French and German
-each extra,
Book Keeping,
Lessons m Drawing,
Instrumental Music,
A regular examination will be herd ti t
close of each term.
ti Persona wishing to place their sotto;
daughters in this Institution will please hiu¢
early application by letter or othmie;;.
Rev. J. J. La:,e, Wrightsville,
R. Wrightsville,
Dr. J. LeYergood, Lancaster,
Aaron Baker, Chatham, Chester, ca.
Rev. Robert Alexander, Little hum.
D. IVilson, Baltimore,
Samuel Lindsay, Marietta.,
Calvin A. Sella:foci,
H. D. Benjamin
Dr. J. Cushman,
Dr. F. Hinkle, ei
Thomas Zell,
A. N. Cassel,
Jacob Roth,
George W. Stahl,
Marietta, February 3, laid..Ntf,
Of Revolvers, Rifles,
For the United State,: &mice.
'Me abtes, nenalving Rifles Rule awl
Shot Gun Barrels and 1 - 5 ui )2, reri,:;t,
sold by Gun de•i!tr.g
In these days of Lrousehr,akin: ase Rokoh
every House, Store, Sink old 07,e
have one of
ileh)ipcifoo' ii,:..i,il,:r:,
Parties desiring to avail titorik.r'NeEc.i• ,
late Improvements in nemls. and nier:
workmanship and forro, t,i,l nnd
in the New
Circulars contaiorl, cuts s-cl
of our Arms will bot,
InGs, N. Y.
Nu. 40 Courtland•st., N. Y. [654n
. _
These Pills, so celebrated many yearstaeg
in Parts, for the relief of female irregulantrti,
and afterwards so notorious for du it eT IIOI
employment in the practice of aitJtion , d re
now offered for sale fur the tint
timci o e '
ica. They have been kept in ctmparatire,:,s:
scurity from the fact that the oriv.i - atort t , "
VALPAU, is a Physician in P 4113. olgteit
wealth and strict conscientitms pro,riplet,ot
has withheld them from goneral nee, det
should be employed for unlawful phtif'
In overcoming female obstrucliehzt
to be truly omnipatent, hurstiatt +Te n ` 11 ! °
gates from whatever cause may have
them ; hut they are oflered to the Vibl' c ??
for leg itimate uses and all saent6 are : , r`:
den to sell themw hen it is uudetstou ti tics
the For 'Obj
ealeect is uhlaWful. P
by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietts; •,
Pyle, Mountjoy ; H. D. Parry sad h. 1 ;
Lad , Columbia, and druggists r.eueo ll.i. " i e
Ladies can procure a box, se led imp' 1. ,
eyes of the curious, by enclosing Si fo i l
postage stamps to 0. G. STAPLES, t;ea
, er ,
Agent for us, Watertown, New- Yor, o, l'
any or the above agents. 1b0.2D-IY
"elb Fda!nut Nall 'Jag Store?
Market Street, 3larieltu.
• Having again leased, from Captain S 1
D. Miller, his old and Popular Cluthinglo%!
would take this method of informing th
lie that he has just laid in an exeeileat
of everything in-the
Iteady-made Clothing Lille,
sucn A S
Over, Dress and Business Coat!,
Pantaloons and rests,
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vegnngs
hand, which will be cut and made-llP.l°}or
the tastes of customers. Gcuti cine3l 0
nishing Goods, Shirts, Drawers, Dose, Corr
Suspenders, Neck Ties, HATS AV. OCo
C.APS of lkc., .
irkGOOdS at all
all ki teespfroni&c the goe 2t t
the cheapest. Call and see for yOUISOVCS
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Marietta, February 17, IE66 -Iy.
TA M always ready la purchase
BA CCU, at the highest market v o'l as
invite persons to call at the hiarieus'reJ
Warehouse, bringing simples with h! 'o 2; „.
Marietta, June 3D,
11,011ERT C. liilLia p S LAsiv iv,:g.
Having located in the .13croo7h of :kisiietttise.
would respectfully offes his eervice
public, and being dctelminei to do
well, and at reasonable, p icag.
aDZ Zateive s liN-4:e: of"