The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 08, 1866, Image 2

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    Yhe narieftiatt
s4llllrDay Wohoipg, sepfetqbet 8, 1886.
Major General JOHN W. GEARY
, Air The Convention of Southern Loy
alists assembled in Philadelphia on
Monday, and the day was a gala one.
There was a profuse display of bunting
throughout the city. The Bentham
delegates were received in Indepenhnce
square, and were escorted to the Union
League House by 'a large procession
composed of the Boys, in Blue, Union
League, National Union Club, firemen
and citizens generally. Then there . was
a speech of welcome- by Hon. Charles
Gibbons, and a reply from Governor
Hamilton, of Texae. The delegates
next proceeded to National Hall, where
the convention was temporarily organ
ized. Ex-Attorney General James
Speed, of Kentucky, was made perma
nent president and Governor Brovvnlow
one of the vice, presidents. The nation
al flag floated everywhere. The long
line of-stores and places of business Were
literally embowered in tri-colored bunt
ing, and flags floated from the mastheads
of all the shipping, waved over all the
public buildings and engine houses, and
flaunted its beautiful hues at every turn
of one's steps. The Union . League
House .was the crowning - jewel of the .
tri-colored ; display. It was literally
swathed in tha emblem of liberty, while,
to the very top of its flag-staff ran cor
dons of pretty banners, each inscribed
with the name of a different-State of this
indissoluble Union
Q A condensed synopsis of Presi
dent Johnson's speech at Delmonico's,
in New York, of 478 words, was -tele
graphed 'to Renter's . European Press
Association, on Thursday, by the At
lantic Cable at an expense of $5019 in
gold. A dispatch of 478 words, in ci
pher, from the Emperor Maximilian of
Mexico to the Empress Carlotta, now in
Europe, also passed• over the cable on
Thursday. The cost of transmission was
over $5000..
eir The President has directed a par
don to be made oat -for Charles M. Con
rad, of Louisiana, , a member of the rebel
congress. He was Secretary of War of.
the United States under 'the administra
tion of Fillmore, was originally. a Whig,
went against the party with Fillmore,
and when the rebellion broke out was a
thorough rebel and traitor.
S i r A- daughter of a Chicago editor,
few nights ago; walked in -her sleep
out of a front window in the fourth
story of her father's, boarding heuse, and
strange to say, she was only slightly in
jured. She struck an awning before
reaching the pavement, which will, par
tially account for the small injury she
f ir Gov. Ward, of New Jersey, has
called an extra session of the Legisla
ture for the 10th. instant, to act upon the
Constitutional Amendment and elect a
United States Senator. Senator Scov
el publicly announces that he will put
no impediment in the way of favorable
action but will now assist in promoting
illar Henry. J. Raimoxid, of the New
York Times, has been expelled from the
Nitional Union Republican Coinmittee,
for having deserted the principles of
the party, and (4ov. Marcus L Ward, of
New Jersey, chosen cbairman of the
committee in his.stead.
ar Among the strange "inventione"
in France I;hich have been brought to,
light by the recent discussion
. on the
needle•gun, is one which fires twenty,
balls a minute, and hits a musical box in
the butt; thus doing away with the ne,
cessity of regimental bands.
eir A gang of ruffians made a coward
ly attack upon a colored camp meeting
tear Baltimore, on Thursday night.
Several negroes were wounded, and a
white man was shot dead while praying.
o w The gallant General 'Sickles re
fuses the use of his name to the Johnson
Soldiers' gathering - a . t S.3lo , ieland. The
Generakdon't intend to, walk into the
rebel sympathizing camp on crutches..
far There was a marriage at Deerfield
Connecticut, a few days:since, of Henry
W. Harley, of Montague; silty four
year old white - mUn, to ,Amanda Jigger,
an eighteen-year-old negro girl:
air Montgomery Blair made a speech
in Boaton 4 the pther.oight, in which he.
said that •Seciethireffinfdif and 'Mil:
Joseph Halt were,
;the 'teel,kroltigatore or
the rebeittoo-1 1 . - : • '
gar General Grant and Admiral Far,
ragtril ',beaming disgusted - at 'the elec:
tioneering pilgrimage of the President,
have left him, •ti_od are on - their return°
igar H. N. Northern, of Vermont, was
a delegate to the late Johnson Conven
tion. During the last Presidential elec
tion be said :—" I had rather see Jeff
Davis President of the United States
than to see Abe Lincoln re-elected. I
had rather risk the destinies of this
country in Davie' hands than in Lincoln's.
I think him ten times more honest, and
a man of ten times more brains. I think
him ( Lincoln) the d—dest traitor to
the Constitutidn that ever was." Paul
S. Merrill, of Maine, was also a delegate.
Here is what he said in 1861 :—" When
the Republican army march to South
Carolina, may they be met en masse by
the whole South, * and have a Southein
welcome." Vallandigham was made
the scape-goat for a hundred such dele
illar A woman recently alighted from
a train of cars lust' as it was starting
from Keokuk, lowa, leaving a little baby
on the platform.' The conductor dis
covering the little passenger, went back
to the town, where the mother was found.
Upon being charged with deserting the
child, she protested against any. such
imputation, " arid really
. couldn't tell
. .
how elle came toliop it there,"
eir Mrs. Samuel Hoar, of Concord;
Mass, died on Wednesday. She was
the last surviving child of Roger Sher
man, Her age was 85. Judge Hoar,
her. husband, who died about five years
ago, was well known as having been sent
away from Charleston, S. C., some years
since for attempting to defend the rights
of Massachusetts sailors before the
courts of that State.
eir During the late camp meeting. in
Worcester township, an owl occupied a
seat upon the limb of a tree immediately
over the heads of the audience. He
came there the day the meeting com
menced, remaining there every day for a
week, and left whew the meeting closed.
Ire - frequently joined in the singing and
occasionally manifested his disapproba
tion by unearthly hoots. .
ea- Two conventions assembled on
the same day in Philadelpniat—Monday
last—nthe loyal Northern and the loyal
Southern. James Speed, Attorney Gen
eral under Johnson. of Kentucky, was
president of the Southern. The Phila
delphii papers say nothing has near
equalled It in its display since the arriv
al of- General Lafayette, forty•two years
ago. ,
lir An English lord, wishing to-do a
little more than any of his brother aris
tocrats had done before him, went to a
telegraph office in London, and had his
cigar lighted by an 'electric spark from
Heart's Content, sent through • the At
lantic cable. This feat cost - him 200
guineas, or $lO5O in gold.
sir. The leading- rebels in the. lower
counties of Maryland are making an ef
fort to secure the release of Dr. Mudd,
now in confinement at the Dry Tortugas.
As soon as, the President -returns they
are to make application to him for his
isay: The Johnsonian tour drags its
slow,length ilong. Andrew srieaks . his
pieces': wherever a crowd can be collect
ed, and is always ready to inform his
hearers that he. done his .duty, and a'revolutiodary body.
ir J. Lawrence Getz, Esq., editor of
the ReadiniGazette, has been . nomina=
ted by the Democrats of Berks county,
for Congress, beating Air. Ancona, the
present member, after a sharp contest,
by twelve majority.
srar It is now estimated that the cus
toms receipts for the current year will
reach over two hundred millions. At
this rite the public debt will continue
to :be largely' reduced, or the. revenue
rates reduced.
l ir Some time since a gentlemen re
moved .to California froth Sparta, 111.,
'taking with him a favorite dog. The
dog lately made his way back, to his, old
home, having crossed the plains
California on foot.
sr An old German named Vanden
Busch, died lately of cholera in St.
Louis, and was buried - by 'subscription.
Are examination of his clothes after bur
ial-disclosed $9OOO in - United States
bonds. •
sr J. S. Dunham, editor of the Van
Buren (Ask.) Preee ( pro-rebel) has
just - been appointed by President John
son a Collector of Internal Revenue,
vice a Republiean,. removed.
Er Hon, Hannibal Hamlin, Vice
President of the' United States from
March 4, 1861, to March 4,- 1865, has
resigned ;he post of Collector of the
Port of-Boston:
fiar George H. Pendieton, 'has been
nominated by the CopperjOhnson con
vention of the first district of Ohio, for
Sir George Trussel, owner=of the cel
ebrated .trottinglorse Dexter, was shot
.dead in Chicago, on tbe 2d - ,. inst., by a
Thotnaa W.- Key, mho died - near
.14eiviDern, left his• property to two form
. . •
er slaves.
Oak Hill? Va., formerly the residende
of Chief Jg4ipa Mare a has beep . sold
Ecoi, - .
ct,\ -
c-ss - faTILE
fir On the 18th of August President
Johnson made a' short speech to -the
Committee appointed by the National
Union Conventio s ioo present him with
a report of their doings in .Philadelphia.
After an introductory speech by Rever
dy Johnson, of Maryland, the President
responded, in the language of a cotem
porary :—" It is much to be regretted
that the President's reply was not in as
good taste- as Mr. Johnson's address.
The egotism of his speech was very re
markable. It scarcely fills a column;
and yet, in that brief space, he refers to
himself, as counted by the reporter of
the Boston Daily Advertiser, "one hun
dred and twenty-six times in twenty
minutes, as, ollows : twice as the "hum
ble individual"; thrice as ". the Execu
tive ;" thrice as " myself" ; eleven times
as " me "; twenty-nine times as ? my" ;
and seventy-eight times as simple "I."
Thus it is. The " l's " have it always.
What .a pity that his " accidency " could
not have an eye single "to the true
glory of his country, to say nothing of
his reputation as a man of truth, patriot.
ism, honor, common sense, decency, and
political sagacity.
car Mr. Doolittle, on assuming the
chief stool in the Philadelphia, Wigivam;
characterized its collected braves as •"
bodygreaterin numbers and in weigh'
of character and brain than ever . assem
bled on this continent under one root"
The Senator's rhetoric is obscure, but
his modesty charming. Each Kickapoo
rising in-war council to address his'illthy
and squalid fellows invariably declares
his tribe the largest and most powerful
nation on the globe, adding the inevit
able sequence, IA Big Injun me !"•
eir A terrible tragedy occurred last
Sunday in Queen Anne's county, Mary=
land, at a place called " Hatton's When
and Where." -It seems that Ev man nam
ed Cooper, a rebel, shOt and killed two
men, named James F. Johnson and
Josiah Ellingsworth. Both died instant
ly. The affair took place at a funeral
and jealousy is the alleged cause.' All
of the young men named were of the
aristocracy of the region, and were se
cessionists. _
lar As a little boy and girl were rid
ing together in Taunton, Massachusetts,
a day or two since, suddenly the horse
switched the reins out of thejad's hands
and set off on a run. The little girl
jumped ont ; bnt the boy, only eight
years old, climbed over the dasher,
reached the back strap of the harness,
and having worked hineelf along the
shaft, mounted the horse, and by means
of a check rein stopped him.
ifir R. King Cutler, and other mem
bers of the late . Free State Convention,
have made affidavits before Upited
States Commissioner Husted, at New
Orleans, charging Mayor Monroe and
Sheriff Hayes with being principals in
or accessories to the late riots in that
city. The latest reports are to the ef
fect thlt one hundred persons were
killed and three hundred wounded dur
ing the riot.
A little girl near Milton, Pa , was
sent to the fieldsot few days since, to
carry lunch to the field -hands. Re
maining away longer than was necessary
search was-made for her, when, she was
found strangled to death by ,a black
snake. The reptile had coiled itself
several times about her ueck, and had
to be cut in - two before he would release
his hold.
In New York the offence of water
ing milk is, by statue, made punishable
'by fine or imprisonment, and in Borne
parts of the city pains are taken to en
force the law in this particular... On:
Tuesday three milk dealers were arraign
ed before one of the police justices, and
fined fifty dollars each for watering their
milk, It is not in New York alone that
milkmen need looking after.
lir The trial by jury. is a .right which
every citizen of the United .States has
claimed as his prerogative. .13nt it is of
much•greater importance to 'those - who
have been suffering for years from Dye.
pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and gen_
oral debility, that Coe's Dyspepsia Cure
.will-certainly cure them,—the propri.
etors guarantee it in every instance.
cc Two elks recently brought 'to
Troy, .N. Y., from the plains, by a caval
ryman, were turned into the park ad
joining -the court honee, where they at
tracted much attention. The next day
the female imade a plunge through the
window and alighted on the floor of the
Justice's Court, much to the consterna=
tion of the court.
or No stronger confluent on. the
character of the late Copper. Johnson
Convention is needed, than the fact, that
the name of the saviour of his conntry,.
the mourned Abraham Lincoln, was not
one mentioned—not even a formal tri=
bate to his memory—not the
rucogniiiorr of his services
°.T he Augusta (Ga.,) Constitution='
alist speaks: of the stars hrui . stripes as a
"flag all over befobled' with k wrong, and
a blackguad despotism that. daily af
fronts God.bylbe villanies it does- his
poor And-persecuted. people.!' • 111
Ur A Norwegian Willman in dhicago
co l mmitted a.hasty marriage on the-15th
inet., and on the 17th oommittedttlicrd:'.
Nth)lf in Britt
A Canadian paper makes the follow•
ing appeal : "To those indebted to us
we make our appeal for assistance.
Job's turkey was a millionaire compared
with our present depressed treasury.
To-day, if the price of salt was two cents
a barrelful', we could not buy enough_to
pickle a jay -bird."
Hon. Simon . Ctimeron, formerly" Sec
retary of War under President Lincoln
has taken etrodg grounds against Presi
dent Johnson, whom he prOnounces,
without:reserve, " a bad man, faithless
to his promises, and an enemy to hie
Gov. Swann of Maryland • is appoint
jug a number of rebel registers, under
the election law in that State, which was
intended to keep rebels from voting.
Cloy. Swann was elected as a Union man
but has joined the Johnson deserters..
Senator Henry S. Lane, of Indiana, in
a recent speech, referring to the Phila
delphia Convention, said that its plat
form was too near right to be supported
by- the - rebels, and too near 'wrong to be
supported by loyal men.
A St. Louis Mies of fourteen eloped
with a young Italian, 'and cheated a
minister into marrying thew by plaCing
a slip of paper with eighteen written on
it in her shoe, and when questioned as
to her age, saying she was over eighteen.
Matting has been laid down to deaden
the sound of the sentries' tread, at Fort
ress Monroe, that the repose of Jell'
Davis may not be disturbed. A surer.
and more righteous plan would be to
deaden Jeff' Davis and dispense with
the sentries
The New York World hopes that
the President will not transfer Secre
tary Stanton to some diplomatic post,
so that he may get out of the country
without undergoing "personal chastise
ment." Here is a loud call for another
Bully Brooks or Rousseau;
On inquiry we find it is not true, as
generally reported, that the President
intends to resign, on the ground that he
was not elected by the whole people of
the United States, and that he is Exec
utive of only a part of the United States !
In lowa, recently, two husbands trad
ed wires, one giving the other $1,500 to
boot. The citizens didn't like that style
and drove the " boot " from the county
with his new wife. The other couple
yet remain.
Mallory of Kentucky, a delegate to
the Philadelphia Convention, in a recent
speech at Boivling Green, declared him
self in favor of the repudiation of the
national debt.
In an old family bible in Connecticut
the record of a birth is entered in this
,wise : "Elizabeth jones, born on the
20th of November, 1785, according to
the best of her recollections."
Since Colonel'Forney has determined
to canvass Pennsylvania we suggest
( subject to the approval of the Presi
dent ) that be now be designated as the
canvassback duck.
• Gen. Cass' mansion iv Detroit, Mich.
has recently been sold for $31,000 and
the people there are very much relieved
on'h'earirig that it is not to be removed,
as was reported.
Rev. VVm. Wilson, D. D., was recent
ly fined $4O before the Cincinnati police
court for maintaing a nuisance in per-
"mining about thirty families to live in
the basement of his church.
A Belfast ( Me.) paper chronicled the
death of an elephant in that city, and
says he left no estate to be adminietered
upon—his trunk had mothing in it.
A man who was freezing ice. cream at
a pie nic near Monticello, 111., the other
day. dropped. a revoli-er from hie pocket
which, exploding, killed
It is estimated that at least twenty
thousand Americans have gone to Eu
rope on business and for pleasure during
the present season:
It is reported in New Orleans that
Mayor Monroe has been depoeed and a
successor appointed by the military
The Pennsilvania Railroad Company
employs 1100,men at its workshops at
Altoona, and the pay averages $45;000
per month.
The impression that. Jeff.,Davis will
soon be released from his imprisonment
is steadily gaining ground at Fortress
A general removal of the United
States district attorneys and United
States marshals is expected within a
few days.
Why is - a young lady just frotn board
iug school like a building committee?
Because she is'reaily to receive propos
al s. .
H0p..0 M. Roberts, President of the
Sinession Cc.nvention - 0f1.861, has been
cli /sen United- S tates-Senator from Tex-
:The New geflforFL. Stemlard thinks
croquet only encourages silllness, affects
tilt.m , _ -
MidhigacilleV has eltilied With'
Ofe step ' i tliec and 5800 in greenfiria~cs.
lA'man paid $96 and no
An alligator about two feet in length, I
was discovered in a cellar at 543 Broad
way, New York, on Saturday morning.
It was supposed he was batched from an
egg accidentally dropped during the re
cent stay of Van Amburgh's menagerie
next door.
Mr. Montford, of Springfield, 111.,
knowing that a young lady was going to
a party, the other night, loitered in a
yard adjoining her residence to see who
attended her home, and was shot for a
burglar. He may recover, bat bis cari
osity is blighted.
_George Grumll shot himself through
the head in the woods near Hartford, on
Saturday week, and left a note to •his
wife, in which he said : " This is to let
you'know that I have gone from you
forever on this day."
The wife of Charles P. Anthony, of
Brewerfon, Me., who is doubtless truth
fully represented as a high strung wom
an, drowned herself last week, because
her husband would not leave their old
homestead and build anew one.
man was recently arrested at New
Britain, Conn., who had been travelling
through the State, : dressed in woman's
attire, selling duplex elliptic skirts to
farmers'. - daughters. He escaped from
his captors and is still at large.
Mlle. Cornelia Meyerbeer, the young
eat daughter of the great composer, late
ly married Herr Gustav Richter, profes
sor at the school of Fine Arts, Berlin.
Her dowry is $200,000:
At the request of the Emprees Car
lotta, NapOleon has extended the time
for withdrawing his troops from Mexico
till January lat. Ile will also furnish
Maximilian with material of war.
An Englishman in India was horrified
by the receipt of a telegram from Eng
land that his wife bad been delivered of
five daughters. The despatch should
have said a fine daughter.
young woman was making a bed, in
Charleston, S. C., on the lath, when a
loaded pistol under the pillow was dis
charged, killing. her. instantly.
A boy was murdered near Nebraska
city, while driving . his lather's cattle,
the other day. The murderers, drove
the same, cattle into town and sold then:,
Two cholera victims—one in Wash
ington and another in. Cairo—have come
to life again, after having been in the
undertaker's hands.
A. T. Stewart, of New York, is re
ported to wear a ring with a Latin
motto, which, translated,signifies, •leep
busy and mind your chances."
On Pit, the French Prince Imperial,
twelve years old, has been betrothed to
the Crown Princess 6 of Prussia, aged
four years.
Gov. Brownlow, of Tennessee, has
issued an address to the people of New
Orleans ; stigmatizing the President as a
The Providence'Spiritualist Conven
tion resolved against the Christian reli
gion, animal foot!, and Andrew Johnson.
President Johnsen has gone to.Chea
go-in the car built for Mr. Lincoln.
Geo. W. Kendall, of the New Orleans
Pinar:4l'e, has sailed tor Europe.
It is stated that Jenny Lind's husband
is a sot and squanders Imr money.
- Henry Ward Beecher rusticates on a
$40,000 farm at Peekskill, N. Y.
Dean Biehuiond leaves $1,500,000
worth of:property.
Jamea Gordon Bennett, jr., is said to
be an enthusitiatib yachtsman.
Mrs. 'Jefferson Davis has returned to
Fortress Monroe.
On the 18th ult., (August), suddenly of Chol
era, at Keokuk, lowa, Malty, wife of Sam=
uel McClelland, formerly of this Borough,
aged .52 years. '
On M9nday, last (3I), at . Dr. Jackson's Water
Cure establishment, Dantottlle, New-York,
Tumults ZELL CLARK, son of the late Col.
ran W. Clark, of this Borough, aged .21,
years. •
On the 3rd instant, in East ilempfield town
ship, Joth M., only son of Aaron H. ;Sup
my, formerly of this Borough, aged 12 years.
At the:residence of Dr.'Hinkle.. on Thursday
KERR, of Washington city, D. C., aged 26
years, 1 month and 13 days. Here is anoth
er victim of rebel cruelty. This young man
contracted disease whilst in a rebel prison
and lingered until now.
100,000 sfraillbOM filpfs 'poi--s4le.
Wilson's Albany, Norwood,
Golden Queen, .
Jucunda, Triomphe De Gaud,
Agriculturist, Russell Prolific,
: Lening's White.
For sale by HENRY WOLFE.
LETTERS R EIVIA ENING unclaimed in the
Pnat- Office at Marietta, Pa., THURSDAY,
September 6, 1866
, • •
14 C. Bowman, D. Hanauer, Christopher
Shosman, Goafried Weber, Geo. Berger. --
;13-.T9 obtain any of these let 6
mustrs, the-ap
plicant call for "advertised' letters," giv
the data of this list, and pay - otie cent for ad
vertisihg. _ AHItA HAM CASSEL,
eg r ißushels
mu ,- OF RAMBO A
celebrated Gu'ta Percha Oil. liiaesio g
j makes a beautiful water proof Peliell•;• Fot .
boots, alt*el3:* blkt!ealt: For sale °nil' at
for .biting
55 .Pttial Notitts
I To CorrsuraprrvEs.--The adveno;,llss
ing been restored to health in a few weksl:
a very simple remedy, after having mff er 4
several years, with a severe to ne eireetioil
and that dread disease, C onsumpti on, je
az :
xious to make known to his fellow-sok,
the means of cure. To all who desires 4h
will send a copv of the precription, free o r
, charge, with the directions fortphreepamanaitegdsen:
. treeing the same, which they will a nd 0
an ;
cure for Consumption, Asthma,toatinoher6
, chitis, Colds, and all throat and lung allettinak
1 The only object of the advertiser iII Bendiag
the prescription is to benefit
spread information which he c onceive l t o b e
invaluable, and he hopes every sullerehedi
try his remedy, as it will cast then not 4,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescriptionmut,b7
return mail, will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. Wlcsos,Williasubt
Kings County, New-York. sg,
11:2-Dr. TOBIAS' Horse Venetian Lonna,
Pint BOttles, at $l, for the cure of nausea,
scratches, wind -galls, sprains, blames, splisa,
cuts, colic, slipping stifle, o ver - healing so re
throat, nail in the foot, etc. It is wsreinto
cheaper and better than any other article ever
offered to the public. Thousands of tunnels
have been cured of the colic and over.heatieg
by this liniment, and hundreds that were nip.
pled and lame have been restored to then for
mer vigor. It is used by all the first horserat
throughout the States. Orders are constaady
received from the racing stables of Enghti
for fresh supplies of this invaluable article,_
Over 2,500 testimonials have been teemed,-
Remember $1 laid out in time may save 11,
life of your horse. Sold by all druggists. De.
pot, 56 Courtlandt-st, N. Y.
Permanent and wide-spread mimosa
the best evidence of the goodness of Be,.ND
ItETH'S P/LLs.—They should be in every fee.
ily, ready for use on the first symptoms of da.
ease occurring. This method will often save
life. Remember the Cholera must he treated
as a poison, and your safety demandsit 6601
be got rid.aof without delay. Colds, rheum,.
limo, asthma, pleurisy, diarrhoea, coliet,in
fact all sickness is the consequence of active
impurities of the blood ; these being removed,
the health is restored at once. Obsen•e
name in the government stamp in white let.
ters. Sold by all druggists.
ERRORS OF YOUTH.-A gentleman whonf•
fered foe years from Nervous Debility, Pte.
mature Decay, and all the etfects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of sufferiuti
humanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and diiections for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferer/
wishing to profit by the advertiser's expeti•
ence, can do so by addressing JOHN &OG
DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York.
Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, tra.
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
M. D., Oculist and Auritt, (formerly of Ley.
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel•
phis.' Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country can be seen et
his office. The medical faculty :re imitell to
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets
in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted Kith•
out pain. No charge for examination.
1t Frctt !!—Frcit !! ! Scratch!
Scratch ! Scratch ! ! EATON'S OUT.
MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Alio
cures Salt Rheuin, Ulcers, Chilbrains andali
er tptiona of the skin. Price 50 cents. Fa
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents lo
WEEKS & POTTER, sole ageots, 110 hashing-
ton-at., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage, to any pact of the Union.
STRARGE, BUT TRU E.—Every young lily
and gentleman in the United States can beat
something very much to their advantage by
return mail (free of charge,) by addreanne'
the undersigned. Thone having teals of being
humbugged will oblige by not noticing this
card. All others will please address their
obedient servant, Tues. F. Cnivemrsi bil
Broadway, N. Y. •
warning and instruction for young nee: snap
Diseases and Abuses which prematurely prof•
trate the Vital Powers, with sure meant of
releif. Sent free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. Address, Da. J. Sic z ccrs !fora-
TOR, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. [julyl,'
L Whiskers ! W hiskers ! ! Doctor G. a
Mon tee
C42rrolia, the greatest stimulator in
the world, will force Whiskers or Noonan
to grow on the smoothest lace or 641; never
known to fail ;. sample for trial sent freeto
any one desirous of testing its merits. Address,
`.{Env ea & Co., 78 Nassau-st., N. P. [3O
The real Velpau Pillsshoul. se
be used during a certain time, as they will sur•
ly bring on a miscarriage. Sold by Dr.
kle, Marietta, and by all good druggists,
E. & H. T.-ANTHONY &.CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials,
501 BROAD W AY, N. Y.
In addition to our main business of PHOTO'
tem for the following, vlz.
Of American and Foreign cities sod
ecapes, Groups, Statuary, etc.
hpais F itgo r n o rys m aoi n fid e t g bf a oe ti rKm v i e ien s ag ni t
aawdnecotemientp.itebtee i pli t o ious eltrc,
tograPh i
Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the
Stereoscope. Our catalogue will be sent al
any address on receipt of stamp.
We manufacture more largely thin
other house, about 200 varieties from 30 Coo
to $5O each, Our ALBUMS have the repa!!:
tiun of being impel ion in beauty and diasbil l
ty to an
Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE
SAND different subjects; including rePra.a°,,,
tions of the moat celebrated . En g ent
Paintings, Statues, etc. Catalogues
receipt of stainp. ds
Photographers and others ordering goo f
t h e
0. D., will please remit .25 . per cent. °
amount with their order. d s
iCr The price and quality of ourgoo
not fail to eatisfy.
June 16, 1166.-Iy.
sent Du
BASS porcelain lined preservir.g !;e1,1,/;est
cheap, at JOHN SPAlitblt,..
t and see them.
K EEP COOL WEiter coolers at
J Colii
Li; Kinds of Bludka, Deeds, Se