N+.'r.....—~,~.~- t R 'wit'-_.. ~r+r_ - r. .]..sues i' P .i m ,- rTh r..s a PATTERSOM&CO: NO. 661 MARKET STREET, ,!; MARIETTA, PA. DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE., Keep constantly on band - a lull stock of Bail ding Material, Nails, LOCKS' HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, WHITE LEAD, SIIPERIOti ARTICLE OF CEMENT, &C., ‘. OIRO N: Rolled and Hainmered Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar, - Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band. Iron, Horso-Shoc Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS. FIRST-CLASS COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, RANGES , Tubs, ,Churns, Cedar Stands, Wash Boards, Buckets, - Knives and ;Forks, , Mated and Dletalic. Spoons, Sad trolls, Kraut-Cutters, Waiters, Brass as Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers,. Pans, Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea Scales 'Coffee Mills, Painted Chamber Setts, &C. ,'&c. Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and. Lubric Oils . Cistern Pumps, Long= and Short Traces Breast Chains, &c., &c. TOOLS: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets ; Chopping and. Hand Axes, Planes, Chissels, Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunning Hooka and Shears, &c. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to mai+ and receive a continuance of the same. PATTERSON tir CO GODEY'6 LADY'S BOOK FOR .• • 18.66 The Fashion .4fagipine of the World! • Literature, Fine Arts and Fashions. The most magnificent steel engravings. Double Fashion-Plates. Wood engravings on every übject that can interest ladies. Crocheo knitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles fa the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a complete Lady's Book. The Ladies Favourite for 3G Years. No Magazine. has bee n able to compete with it , ;-&- None attempt it. • Goday's Receipts In eve* , department of a household. These alone are worth the,price of the book. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them,) with Diagrams. Drawing Lessons for the young.. Another speciality with Godey. Original Music:, worth $3 a year.-- Other Magazines publish oldaworn-out Music ; but the subscribers to Godeuget it before the mu- MC stores. - • - Gardening. for Ladies . : Another peculiarity with Godey. • Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co. of New York, the millionaire merchants, ap pear in Godey, , the only magazine that has them. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more ofthem in ay ear than any other Magniine. In fact, the Lady's Rook enables every ply to be hex own bonnet maker. MARION HARLAND Authoress of "Alone," "-Hidden Path,?! " MOW Slide, "- " Nemesis," and " Miriam,". writes for Go dey each Miinth, and for-no oth er Magazine. A new novel by her will be published in 1866. 'We ' have also retained ell our old and' favounte contributors.- (From which - there, can be - no deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1866':--- One oily, one year, ' Tw'o copies, one year, Threicopies,obe year, - Four- copies, one year, Five copiesione year, and an extra copy to the per Son getting up thp club, making six colas, 19,00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra , copy to the person getting up the club, maltifitnine Copies,' 21,00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, xaskitietwelve copies; • 27,60 KT All additions to clubs at club, rates. Godey's Lady's Book and- - Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one-year, on receipt of 914,60. . 113" We.have no club with any other meg azine or newspaper. , The money must all be• sent. at one time for sny of the clubs. . Canada subscribers must send /4 cent additional for each subscriber. Address L. A. GODEY, N. E. corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. MIPS LAIIIP HEATING APPARATUS, Boiting—Frying—Stewing—Stiviing- , - W/TH THE FLAME THAT LIGHTB THE ROOM. * * By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast can- be cooked. * - —N. Y. Tribune. • • * • • Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment • * •- • convenient to have on hand.' * * Drug gist's Circular. • * * * Fish's Lanip is one of the most popular novelties of the day, . , * • * ,the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heatingand cooking small articles, and can be made to cook mealsfor a great many persons, which -is actually-done on,the ambulance cars which carry- the - sick soldiers. * Scientific American... • - • • * For family use, hospital tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is an article of comfort beyond aIL propor tion to its cost. * • Hall's-Journalof Health. * *, * I have .tried ,the apparatus, and my wife and I proclaim the same a most valu able and indispensable article, and we now wonder how we could.have so long done with out it. • " Ed. Coal Oil Circular. * • • * An- economical contrivance -for getting up hest at short notice for , nursery and general household purposes, • * * 4 one important point is the saving in cost over coal fires. * • *. N: Y. Evening Post Prices from Two to Six Dollars. Capacity from One to Four Quarts. Three Articles Cooked at one time with one Burner Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or -Gas. A Descriptive -Pamphlet , of thirty pages fur nished gratis. THE UNION ATTACHMENT, ; Price 60 Cents, To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, by Nubia water may be boiled, and food•cooked ; also arranged to support - a shade. Every 'Family needs one. - - 10- Two of these Heating Lamps can be seen at John Spaugler's Hardware. SUPPLER. & BRO:, IRON *Ni 'BRASS F 0 U N. DER S and peprol Second street e Retoid — Litio Co/umia ' • They are prepirretileifiaW - airkinifatid Castings for RytkiwykitlfroltlitjaNtiFurnacer, PiPfc., for Steam, - W4ter .tind Ga s, ; Columns, Fronts, gellar.,boots Weights, &c., for Buil entitiri,gs of every description; . _ ,StEAM:44§IOIIVAS, AI V B9ILERS, EM THE /ROOM M9DERN AND IMPROVED, Manner; Fowl*, Arick' Presses; Stis k iting: and Pulleys, Mill Gearin,g, Taps, Dies, -Machinery for*mink: sad s: Tennbr,g.;,. Brass Bearings; Steemortfl3a9l.qtigle; Liibricrifors, 'Oil Cocks. Valves for Stoirn,felas, and Water; .Brass Fit: fingiein skAtheigtarieWkßoilerevTanksiiFine's Heatersi, Stack, /bats, Nuts,. Vauln - .Doors ' Washerita4amoda e4r 05"”1 ' BLACKSWITHINGfix.GENERAL.: From loligexperesdee:inibuildinkroachinerpwe datteroitraelveethan wo.cir five:general satitti factiouttitttholit wiiii•Oaysfa.vigesirsitith4heirl orders::: Kjerßepairingaprorelptlyto.ri Orders brmaikaddressed aikabove,tiWkerteirti with promptattentioli. tosuirthath , .f‘ •'(,*":A l l.l.lr .121.16EMBLEE, 7'. .12..5UPP14.6".• nafra,ar 40. IRA. 14 ti S URENCWR MANDRAKE-PILLS FOR LIVER- COMPLAINT. A SURSTIT'UTE FORCALOMEL If your bowels are costive ' TRY THEM. If you have wQrms, - •' • - 4 t= • = TRY THEM. If your breath is bad , — TRY THEM. If you feel drowsy, • TRY THEM. If,you are low spirited, TRY THEM. have a sick `headache, TRY THEM. If you have taken a drop too much; TAKE A FULL-DOSE. They only cost 25 cents a box, • TRY THEM. Blue Mass, and other prepariitions of Mer cury, actually :pioeuce more 'suffering and death than the diseases which they profess,to cure. And yet this corrosive mineral so de nounced by,the allopathic doctors, is preseri bed„by them almost universally in Liver Com plaint, Consumption of Lungs, &c. - • THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed 'entirely_ of roots and herbs, -ob tained, from the great , storehouse of Nature, and their:salutary effects will appear as soon as the medicine is tqought to 'the test of a'fair experiment._ SCHEN,CK'S MANDRAKE PILLS - do not-produce ar y nausea or sickness of the'striritriab ; but when given for Dyspep sia, it may be proper to risa.thein in connec tion with SCHENCK'S SEA.WEED"TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive fac ulties are.,spiredily restored to.their lull. vigor, and the worst cases of indigestion may be cured.. When we reflect that the liver is the largest internal ordan'of the body, that to it is assign ed the important : duty' of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it. is subject to many disorders, and that when...it is diseased or inactive the whole body suffers sympat het. ically, it is not surprising that a medicine w hick can restore the ,healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, ani effect cures which May appear to be almost miraculous. Head ache of long continuance, severe pains in-the side, breast and shoulders aching of the limbs, a feeling, of general weakness and Wretched ness, and Other alarming and distressing eyinp twos, indicative of imperfect or disordered ac tion of the liver, are speedily removed by the use "of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. " Costiveness, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression , mental anxiety, languor, lethargy. and de pression of spirits, which unfit a man for thet management of .business and the enjoyment of life, are all relieved by the use of SCIIENdK , S MANDRAKE ! PILLS. - - Da. SCIIENCK.—DeaKir : I take-pleasure in sending you ,a certificate in addition to many you have already received from suffer ing humanity.. I can scarcely find language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful .cures yoUr MANDRAKE PILLS and SEAWEED TON- I 0 have effected in the entire cure of one of the most stubborn cases of the affection of the liver. For three .years. I snarl(' beyond -de scriptiOn ; all my friends, as well as myself, came to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. Such was the terrible condi tion to which I was reduced that life ,to me had beconie a burthen ;- my whole, system was in a state .of inflammation • I could not eat, could not sleep; my whole body was filled with - pain; swelling would arise in my wrists and ankles 'Tendering them .totally- useless. On several occasions 1 was attacked with a rush of blood to, the head,: which would fell me to the •ground;. and I would •be. carried away for dead. I applied to several eminent Physicians of our city, who administered% all the medicines that 'they thought would reach my case, but of no avail. $3,00 5,50 7,50 10,00 One of them said he could do no more for me, and advised me, we, last resort, to drink cod liver oil. NOtrelishing the horrid . trash ; declined to take it. Accident put your adver tisement in ray hands. I called on you ; yau examined me and told me the nature of my disease. Yoti then ordered me .he Pills and TOnic with an- observance Of diet, pledging your word that in one week I would find liv ed another Irian. I followed your advice, and, as you predicted, an astonishing cure was effected. I continued your Pills and Tonic for some time, and now thank God for his goodness, and your invaluable medicine, I am once more restored to perfect health. I most earnestly reccOmmend those who are suffering from affaction of the liver to give your Pills and Tonic a lair trial,, and a cure will be effected.• I have sent many persons to you, and they hive all .been cured. Any infetratibn my fellow-citizens may requ..a willke freely given by the subscriber, at h residence, No. 812 Federal street, between S tb strett and Passyunk road. CHARLES JOHNSON, SA., Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacture' Da. SCHENCK will be professionallyst.h principal office, No. 15 North Sixth street, co nor of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Satur day, from 9 a. m., until 4p. in. ; N 0.32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 7 to 3 ; No. 38 Sumner street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3 ; and every other• Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Balti more; Md. -All advices free, but for a thor ough examination of - the lungs with his Res pirometer the charge is three. dollars. Price of the Palmonic Syrul and Seaweed Tonic, each $1.50 per bottle, or $7.50 per half dozen. Mandrake pills, 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists Sr. Dealers. [2] N EW SKIRT - FOR . 1866 ! THIS Invention consists of,Duplex (or two) Elliptic pnre refined _steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elas tic and durable spring ever used. They sel dom bend Cr break, like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more that' twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as.easily .and conveniently as a silk or muslin A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, corn= fort and great convenience of wearing`thedu plex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with, their use. For children, Misses, end young ,ladies they ar superier to all others. ( - 1 RATEFUL for past favors I would retuir The hoops are coveted with 2 ply double kjimy thanks to my numerousfriends and pa twisted thread and will wear twice as long as trons and inform them that I still continue the the single yarn covering which is used on all old business at the old stend, where I will be GRACE 7 .g -CELEBRATED SALVE Single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom pleased to see them at all times, and having_ ir CURES. CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS. rods on every skirt am also double steel, and 1 full and splendid assortment of - , .i l , ` Graces Celebrat e d . Salve twice or double, covered to prevent the .coveii• i .. • '^, . CLOTHS 0A RS Ti1if . F.11.81.3 k VESTT N . GM ' ' "-- " ' ' , ....,- ---..”..---- -, . ... - ......,,, CURES WOUNDS,I3RUISES, SPRA Ins. tog from wearing off the rods when dragging , down stairs, StO,DQ:IStePS, &c., lee., which they which will bwmade, up to-order at the , short e- Grace's Celebrated Salve are constantly subject to when in use. , noticelik the.beet of . y,orknieri„ci,n,,donreasona All are madeitit,rhis new' and "e,egatit corded i i ble tercels, I wouldbe pleased,therefere, to wai mints BOILR k titans, CANCERS.' " tapes, andianealle tiest/qualltY ira every Part illtion my - old'eustniners and all 'Wife see proper Graces _Celebrated &Ilse giving to the wearer 4e< most graceful and ,:et.patronizeine hereafter. - (0ct.29 1, 56; • . CURES' CHAPPEVOiII 1 taiiEBLAIIP 8„ '... ' i r., - , , - , '-----le Elizabeth Tl'ecs ite. - 1 perfetustratid possiblevand are ununeationably :. .- . . ‘,....i...- -_ . , . , . -,g, - _.„- 4 ,.141 , 0 , ' ... ,„,„ 1 , rio4. GAT E Is, TpiLET SOAPS. ~, _ - Estate- o, • i d e faase - .. j866 ,,TE1E LADY 'S,, , „,FRIEND- 4. , .. , Grade's c'eteuraad , Szttee - ' ,- -.-, v .) . • - ..,- -... ~.... .- - , . ---- ~ , i i lthe-lighteet, most deeirable, comfortable and • • ad)) w , e ,l ebofidnifkal- Skirtew er : the des , 1.M.10. -7f ..,. i * beat 13rilie m ' - „ The onthhes-ileve- - liEALS (),I 4 R #9RES,PLERVWnpreS,,& -r, - Honey; elicektie, TtilM Almend Batinind - f administration: n oil' d ilis sirsVßa,i-Dini & CARY'A Noprietbrhnof ' i ten - if:LITER:AT Ll'ltkiip - TASHLON'.. i . 42.- -It is prompt 0 -action iemoves pain” at 'one Shav'neil-SOAPS , '‘ E ' - l ' "' to'' , ' . .1 _ -,, . - qua tin) imped.= ' 2 . -ore , , Letters 9 _ annexed, on mutt estatel ' i h ,vio i d ote, 'I ' ' - 50 ''=- ehri. Wet "i9t sliVHV..„Ei t tit ige. lisipp,. l - ' & ' d' - ` i - -f i fi • *- - " • . e invenriortintandeSole Marsukacturent, 417- . •in Y ear . . t. .. g , .... ,„ an re aces t. e most angry:looking swellui - ust,reeeivqd andvfor salef.verycheaplat ‘,l _uis .- , T lIE GOLD.N.N IWO,4,,TAJi. . - r""io ihe undersigned, all pc . __ ie , . d to make ,1 0 "' 00 ,1 , of 31artel a ~ wi ambers and .79 &, 81 Reads -streets, , N ew S.)N , S Celehratedi ss s iikewnig , ,Maellines ore and inflammatipmi,As„,lfsliyarnegiek,-„„th h to- are •• renueste . awl' 01 iiyogyalin - cis icfe.4l Ivccxe *.i 2 ,augati h , 1.;. V ithe follewillg terms: -- '--- ' rdnin gtraetiallitiai gi , J o ftlete cure • k : ... ..,,...- 4. .n.. 4 e.ke, - a those ha y, rie en , iii " riilooment... an, i i pre r 0 '.. ' Far gale in all first-elasiltailifiathie vityl TWT,fedineermidittie'Schtillg'sliFtseffnA Only..... 2o .ettiauhrix.l.--...Sent.by.mailsfor,3s,ets. '' -M. , Aw i, ..,,,.= 1.. ~, . , ...„..5 ..t. , : ,;,.,laer males .. t rih e same Is , i odier -1.A. , 1., tomcat to 16e t . atidthroughoutittia•Daited7Stateepalnf Canada - ircabt sh9jire - s hirdirlie Smiling "Mhelms` , ~.pr.tvitiOvYsA) lgralHiliSiMlOAßts3o.,ftriesieff .44/ 1 1 , ,TTRNT‘ION. , - SOR T,SUN , 4 aai naddl 'fika...ns avassa - de Cuba, - Mefficp,ijutit -- AmericufFerlYaelnes - Aldqtre Selerdtrlerabfifht 4 " ..... 1 1 0 1011:"etew Yarkail anian'id it' ; 601 4, of gaff is "44.34'. 114.44 A 441Aiti)81:1Ut'itni'lrl..'1\14 ' d'S,, ,, in said Demob r , ro,lfli - n o t tositva#4l,7ar e irfi ild - m.s.ma 'nu 1, Send ilastStithrfili teleardlifenentiyg taillyEvOis4 W-F , -Droprietors...Bosten„ Du, ont's _portingli.,d Gril..o 'Du,. Po er 4t d, resl 1 -'"" ic ',t ' I .*, ,iliihiillinfor 4iYetiglooteglikrftotOwe e t..,,EGN.lkg. .144 7 /00(0,1 , 84141.We1nut street, I sold by all ..ifib'gglialimstakiociesincaniVenniftly *BalttincireSlibri-Sffbt , Pl;iiches. P 0 ,044444 . c itti. Vll. l - 4 * - 4 - 1 ' double) Spring., Skirt.' I 3711:- In" - kWh il adel ph ia. ; Stores. -1 , ~"..1 0 * ti - ^, s old at ~1011.1 1 6.P.I..Y..iLFiIi'S. Borough -all' , _ '' ' '', V ..''' • . —,,„tliont dslay,ilp f 'MARIUTTIANIR THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE . , a f ttAD:TNGrt- sp.k .;:o: . 100,000 YOU MEN WANT 4 GOO AND LIICIRATIVETOSITLONS. Before yoti can expect to occupy a position you Must be competent; hnd you can be made so by attending this College, which is the only BUSINESS COLLEGE In Pdmisylvania, New Jersey, Delaware. 'or Maryland,- . and larger than any other so-called-Commercial or busi- , ness Institution in.either of those Stitt& The proprietors and teachers are practical busine?s men, to whit]) is added a large' expirience in Business Collegesi thus enabling them 0 furnish a more thorough 'and practical; course than-can be obtained eliewliere. - TERMS, " For - Life Scholarship. ' $36 For " " to disabled Soldiers. 20 For Skink Books (30 in number) ? 10 - NarE.L-This;Life Scholarship is a certifi cate of 'membership and entitles the= purchaser purchaser to umitnited instruction tit single and double entry' bookkeeping and Penmanship; with the privilege of reviewing at any future time gratis. You are in fact `a Life :member. , Telegraphinkls ten dollats and Phonogra- - phy (short hind) 'twenty dollars ' extra, but the student is not compelled to study those branches. When two or more enteral the same stinik, a deduCtion of rivr DOLLARS tb each will be made. Thua the entire cost including Illank Books is only FORTY DOLLARS. We have no "Extras." Boarding is from feur to fout and a. half dollars per - weiki . - • ' THE COURSE Embraces a Preparatory, Theory and Business Department. In the Prepare' ory'Department he is instructed in Mathematics end tlie sim plest principles of Book Keeping, after which he is admitted into the Theory Department where he copies from sets certain buSiness transactions, each setrepresenting a business, (stock and partnerslirp) :and each set involv ing the application °tone or More principles. Next, he is admittediiito, the: Department of ACTUAL` . - E? f/STAI E Here the student applies practically 'what be has been taught theoretically. For a full ex planation of this Department send for a Col lege. Paper which we will mail toyour address free. Suffice it to say that the student begins business with a real (ASH CAPITAL y. With which he buys and sells .merchandise, pays taxes, deposits it in, the bank, &c., &e. 'They discount notes, draw and accept drafts, make general and special indorsements, - make outincome reports, and in-fact go thiough ev -ery kind of business transaction,. even to .at taching internal revenue stamp. • OUR ADVANTAGES. The best course of instruction, and--cheaper rates than any other eollege. Located in the best railroad centre in the State, with experi enced teachers widely known in the business community, thus affording ourgtaduates bet ter facilities for seeking and obtaining employ ment. rj— For specimens of Penmanship enclose two three centpostage stamps. College Rooms corner of North Fifth and Washington, and corner Fourth and Penn streets, Reading, Pa. Office in Washington street building. Ad dress JOHN CLARK, READING, PA. Illohirkryfon alJeelh 01iNniele. TN view of the coming elections, new and extensive arrangemezts have been made to give even greater'veliety and interest to The Washington 'Weekly Lhronicle. The necessity of maintaining the fruits of our groat victory, and of strengthening those eternal principles upon which alone republi can liberty car. safely rest, will give extraor dinary vitality to approaching political con tests. Stationed here at the National Capital, the CHRONICLE posSesses peculiar advan tages to aid the common cause. Having been conducted almost within the sound of the rebel cannon during all the war, and therefore fully understanding the intrigues and projects of the traitors, it will not fear to speak out bold() in response to and in reflection of the sentiments of the free millions of America, and will defend them and their interests against all opposition, come from what quar ter it may, Since the meeting of the present Congress of the United• States, and the enun ciation of that thorough policy which has com manded the admiration and gratitude of the people, the CHRONICLE has maintained its position "solitary and alone.". Traduced and misrepresented as these majorities have been, the Chroniele as their sincere and fearless de fender, has been assailed with equal virulence and injustice. But it has been- honored with the approval of the loyal peoplein all parts of the country. For the first time in the history of the Government, a prosperous weekly news paper, opposed to human slavery, fully com mitted to the policy and doctrines of the radi cal men of the Republic, has been firmly es tablished in the:District of Coltimbia. We are on the threshold of events not less important than those which astounded - the civilized world and shook the Republicto its founda tion. These will demand extraordinary ener gy and fidelity on the Tart ,of the public lead• era, whether in Congress hr the press. The Wer.xLv CintoNrcr..r. is beautifully printed in quarto form. During the session of the present Congress, which promises to be a protracted one, the-subjects debated will ex cite universal interest, and as they will he frankly and thoroughly examined and dis cussed in the Chronicle, as in both branches of Congress, this journal cannot fail to.be a most useful and popular visitor to all - loyal circles.' I tkerefOre cheerfully invoke the aid of the friends Ofthe cause in the ditTerent!Atates and Per:it - A.les. _ TERMS One year Six months Three months Any person forming a_club.of Ty.bl,-and re mitting twenty dolleks, Will receive ; an extra copy every weeks -No subscription 'received for less than three months: All subscriptions invariably in advance.- J.. W. FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor of the Chronicle. All Business Letters should be addressed to D. C. FORNEY, Publisher Chionlele, Washington, D. C . , R EEVES' AMBROSIA, FOR • - -THE HAIR. - • • The Original and Genuine .Antaaosia is prepared ,by J., ALLEN REEVES and is the best hair dressing and' preservative now in use. It stops - the hair falling out, causes it to grow thick and king and prevents it froin turning prematurely grey. It eradicatgs dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and renders the hair soft, glossy and curly. Buy it, try it and be convincgd. Don't be put off with a spuri ous artiele. ASk for Reeves' Ambrosia and take no other: For Sale by DrUggists and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere. PRICE, 75 Cents per buttle—s6 per dozen. Address, REEVES' AsniaostA DEPOT, 62 Fulton-et., New-Xork City'. 11. For sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store.' JOHN 'BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and. fibow Lane, Marietta Vtrubian Spy. Is, protected solution of the , PROTOICII)E OF IRON , . . . a new discovery in medicine which . • Strikes at the root of disease, by supplying the blood with its vital principle, or life element—ism This is the.SeCret of the wonderful success of - " • •• curing this remedy in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, :Dropsy, Chronic Daisrhaa, Boils, Nervous ...Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors,' Loss of Constitntional Vigor , DEseases The Kidneys and Bladder, ' ' . . Female . Complaints, - - - and all diseases originating in a bad state -of Blood or accompanied by debility of 'a ,low sta - - u te ei o n f g t f h r e ee sy fro ste m tri m . chohol in - any fOrm,.. its energizing effects are not followed by corre sponding reaction, but are permanent, ioni sing strength;vigor and new lifeinto all parts of the system,itiOd.building'up:an Iron Coti stitutior. , •• DZSPEPSIA .AND. DEBILITY. . - From,the,venerable archdeacon Scott; , D. D. Dunham,. Canada East, March 24,1865.. • *`* " am aan inveterate Dyspeptic of mote than 25 "Vests standing;" .* * * - a I have been: so wonderfulli fitted in the three short weeks during which-I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely - . persuade myself of the reality.— People who have known me • are astonished at the change. lam widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done so - much-for me." *.,* *' A Case of 27 Years' Standing Cured. From Insley Jewett No. 15 Avon place, 808. ton. have suffered and sometimes severely', for ‘ 2 l 7 years, from Dyspepsia.. I. commenced taking,the Peruvrau Syrup, and found imme diate benefit from it. In the course of three or fonrmeeks I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed uninterrupted health ever since." An Eminent Divine of Boston says : -cc I- have been using the Peruvian Syrup for some time past; it gives me new vigor, buoy ancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle. " Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering a ea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and inwards cannot reasonably hesi tate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certifi cates of cures an.. recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergy 'lien; and tither; Will be sent FREE io any ad-• Aires& r • . • .. la. See that each bottle has -PERUVIAN :SY RUP:blown in the glass. . FOR SALE DY T. P. Dinsmore, Proprietor; 36 , Dey Stree New York. , AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SCR 0 F UE A All'Medical Men agree' that lODINE is the best remedy fot Scrofula and all kindred die ns-es ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a pure solution of, it. DR. 11. ANDERS' lODINE WATER. I s'a Pure Solution of lodine, without a sol vent r Containing.A ruLL.onamto each ounce of water A most Powerful :Vitalizing Agant and Restorative:, - L. . - It HAS cured and WILL CURE SCROFUL all its manifold forms ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM &:C, Circulars Will be sentinEr. to any one-send ing their address. Price $l.OO a .bottle, or 6 for $5 00 Prepared by Dr. H. Anders, physician and Chemist. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMOAE, 36-Dey Street, New York AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . • , iisf/Vs HAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLY • HALF A CENTURY, WITEV - THE MOST ASTONISHING SUCCESS IN CURING - Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness ) Sore Throat, In lluenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver ' Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty .of Breathing Asthma, and every 'affection of `The Throat, Dings, and Chest. CONS UMPTION! which carries olf more victims than any other disease, and which baffles the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY! when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINH, RAPID IN RELIEF. SOOTHING IN EFFECT, SAFE IN ITS OPERATION, IT IS UNSURPASSED!.. while as a preparation, free from noxious in gredients, poisons, or minerals; un_itingskill, science, and medical knowledge; combining all that is, valuable in the vegetable kingdom for . this class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE! • and is entitled, merits, and receives the gen eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows: " Wistar's ••Balsam. of Wild Cherry , ' gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs. and allaying irritation, thus removing the• cause, instead of drying up the ' cough and leaving the mink behind: --. Leonsider the Balsam as good as any,- if not the best, Cough medicine with which I am acquainted." -- The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanever; Pa. Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the afflicted. $3 00 2'oo 1 00 DEAR Sras*:--Having realized in my - family important benefits from the use'of your veto.- able preparation-'--;WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY—it affords me pleasure to re commend it to the public. Some, eight' yeara ago one of my daughters ,seemed to- be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam,-and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was 'a . great ithprovement in hei health. I have, in my individual case made trequent use of your vaidable medicine, and have al ways been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE.' - - - .. • J. P. DINSMORE, - 36• De y Street, New York. SETH W. Fowin SL SON, Proprietors, Boston And by all Druggists eoluVablQ - iRS(1111100:00taP4RD. Columbia, Lancaster County, Penni°. Capital and Assets, U29,9'20;80. riIHIS Company continues to insure Build ings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, 011 the mutual plan, either for a cash premium cc premium note. FIFTH ANIiTrAL:REPORT. Whole amount insured, _ $5,027,02 Amt of premium ziotee, 5426,090:66 Bal. cash premium, Jan'y 1, 1864, 3,754:47 Cash receipts in 1864, - - less fees and com missions, 22,870:56.' • $4542,715:6 Losses` and eipenses paid in 1864 $22,794:89 Balance . of and Assets, - Jan- nary let, 1866, 429,920:80 $452,715:69 ' A. S.. GREzN, PEEBIDENT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. ' MICHAEL S. SH U MAN Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Samuel Shock, William Patton, Robert I'. Ryon, John , W. Steaoy,, John Pendrich,George Young, Jr., G.' Minich, - Nicholas AP.Doutld, Samuel P. Eoet kin, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering. [xi-33 A DJOURNED. COURTS FOR 1866. It is ordered by the CoUrt of La ncaster Co., that Adjourned Courts for 1866 -for the trial and decision of cases in the Con - anon Pleas, Orphans' Court, and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as follows: Fos. ARGUMENTS. One week, commencing Monday, Ma rch 19th 4( ft 44 46" June ITI=IIME3 it (C it " Decem. 17. To continue one week from the said days re spectively, and as much longer as the business may require: All the cases on the list for argument in the Orphans' Court shall be taken up on:the first- days of said terms, and be pro ceded with until disposed of, unless continued by consent or cause shown. The cases On the argument list in the Quar ter Sessions shall be taken up on Wednesday of said term if not prevented by tl.e Orphans Court, and if so, the cases ih the Quarter Ses sions v. ill be commended on the termination of the Orphans' COurt business. - The argument of the cases of the Common Pleas to.be commenced on Thursday of the week, if not prevented by the Orpii . ans , Cour or Quarter Sessions cases, in that ease, the ar gument list of said court is to be taken up a the termination of the cases in the other courts, and proceeded in until disposed of, unless con tinued by consent or cause shown. It is further ordered 'hat the , absence of counsel at the time appointed Inc hearing the cases mentioned in the preceeding orders shall be no cause for suspending proceedings there in, unleis by consent, or legal ground for a continuance be shown. . ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. It is ordered by the Court that adjoorned courts for July trials in the Common Pleas, will be held as follows : One week, - eominenehik on the sth of Mon day in January, 29th. One week„ cnrninencingon the 3d Monday in February, 19th, One'week, commencing on the 4th Monday in. February, 26a, One week, commencing on the 4th Monday in May, 'llBth. One week, commencing on the Ist .Monday in Tune, 4th. One week, commencing on the Ist Monday in September - , 3d. One week, commencing on tim.3d _Monday in October. One Week; - onfmbpeing on the 4th Monday in October, 22d. One wee, commencing on the Ist Monday in December, :id. And such other pe!iods as may be appoint ed at the afaiesaid courts; of at i. gularerin. PHOTOGRAPHIC . E. & H. T. ANTHONY & Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BRO AD W AY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS we.are Headquar ters.for the following, viz. STEREOSCOPES 4 STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign ch:es and Lvn I scapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photographic history of the great contest. - STEREOSCOPIC S ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern -or the - Stereoscope. Our catalogue -will be sent to any address on receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 50 cents to $5O each, Our ALBUMS have the reputa tion of Uting supei iot in beauty, and du/abili ty to any others. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS -OF GENERALS, STATESALE:N, ACTORS, c.c., etc Our Catalogue embraces over FI V E THOU SAND different subjects, including reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc.. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods.C. 0. D., witl please remit 2.5 per Cent. of the amount with their order. "Cr The price and quality of our goods can not fail to satisfy. June 16, 1866.-IY. - IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY. SPANGLER & RICH - . IV°. 66 11farket Street, Mcirietta, Pa From the great manufacturers sales, which we are selling below City wholesale prices. Cloth's . ctaid Cassinteres, 50 per-cent. lower than last year IlLusDeLaiite; 'and other Dress Goods AS LOW a's BEFORE the, REBELLION' C)aliccDeo AT 1.21 CENTS AND UPWARDS! illuslins, Checks and Tickings, Heavy Grey and White Blankets. at less THAN HALF THEIR VALUE! WWI Papers, Window Blinds, Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, &c. GroCedes of all kinds Sugars, Syrups,'Teas, Coffees, Fish, Cheese, Rice, &c. AN IMPROVED LANTERN THIS is the most desirable Lanterifin'lhe I market.. It burns Coal Oil, without a '-Chimney, emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white light ; It 'Stan quick mo .ons in any direction; The Elame:is regulatedgionisthe outside. it is neat aud„corripact 4 4 form and size. It is freefrOni selder,lsi the upper payte,aid is iithetwide very substantial in its structure. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. , i For. ; ,salcat JOHN: SPANGLER'S Heß•dgigie_Aor, hlarket streft II LADIES TAKE PARTICULAP, Mani' Yfars k THE HEAL; VALPAU F EMALE' pii k . .• , L WAR-RANTED FRENCH) '""! These Pills, so celebrated in Paris , for the relief of female irregisare and afterwards so notorious for th en cr i 4 • 4 , employment in the P r actice of abortion ilial general use, lest thee now offered for sale for the first tim e i s A' are ice. They have been kept M emspar47- scurity from the fact that the ongin ato , 1 , 4 ' vALpAu, is a Physician in Nis. of gl 7 ,i wealth and strict conscientiousprinciples,:si has withheld them from should be employed for unlawful purpose' In overcoming female obstrucbm ow ,. to be truly omnipitent, butstins op t , Cr o rs gates from whatever cause may hare eto4 them ; but they are offered to the public eel for legitimate uses, and all agents pr e / orbi t den to , sell them when it is understood tht the object is unlawful. For sale by Dr. F. Hinkle, M arietts; p, k . Pyle, Mountjoy ; H. D. Parry and ft. w i li, Dams ? Columbia, and druggists generally, Ladies can procure a box, sealed froz the eyes of the curious, by enclosing $1 le i k postage tamps to 0. G. STAPLES, Genend ge for us, Watertown, N ew-Yont, e t t, any on the above agents. rnare.iy JA COB LIBHART, JR.. • CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, M ARIETTA, pA . WOULD most respectfully tnnethisasa VV od of informing the citizem 01 Ilnrienn and the public in general, that, having laidiu a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prepaledle manufacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURF in every style and variety, at short anis, He has on hand a lot of Furnitine of his nnt manufectu,e, which for tine hio,n ann 4.44 workmanship, will rival any City son Le. lia• Especial attention paid to repairing, He is also now prepared to attend, in branches the UNDERTAKING business, te, ing supplied with an excellent llerie, and small Biers, Cooling Pox, Re. la" COFFINS finished iu any style—pie s or 2ostly. Ware Rohin and Manufachny, last 11r. Duffy's new building, near the " i'ppet.na• tioa," Marietta, Pa. [Ott cc • Sept. 47th BISTORY OF Tin.; . . GREAT RE B ELLION! map.late rebellion stands out peculik, extraordinary- in human even;; magnificent - scale upon which the war bai oeen conducted, constitute it one of the grist. ext and most brilliant chapters of th. tor 4 WV° y. Air. Headley, of all writers, is peilisfsbe4 qualified to portray the the stupentioto neat. urea of the mighty contest. the pathar works on•less momentous themes blue pucej him in the first position, as a a-T d plae Mkt erfui delenintor of war acmes chteurten, and the magnitude and grandeur el the ire, ent subject, impart to his pen the arc al ri. gor of u yet more exacted iospiration,sikl r4i nish ample scope fur the highest exhibition et his peculiar genius fur military descripao : „ Under his powerful pen the stirrint! the War pass in review with the vivinitt,sie distinctness of a present and lining reitik); while his great talent fur coadenoatieu enr Wes him to embody everything of intponana in a compass just suited to the publir rod From no other source can so clear and cog• prehensive an impression of the gland anti of events he obtained, so easily and sgteel'uly as frond Mr. Headley's work. Other histories have been issued belie Grant's Report and tulle' official doconosi were Submitted to the goVetilliiellt, and the• fore unreliable. .i.r. lleadiey has delu e' the camp:etion of this till !hose 6.riciosis scntiut to Luthenticity and curredsos be obtained. . _ . . 'Elm second volume, complvtiag this well, is now [June 30th, '61.3] reedy. &g its ted- to engage in its sale in every town an conuty in the United States. Liberal induce merits offered. For particulars apply Wend dreg AMER/CAN No. 14S Asy;um-st., Ilartfool coin. A_ GRIC U it AL 1, culpA,l.,, Cheap Fertilizers. rr HE FERTILIZERS prepored by the .Ic. L ricultural Chemical CompallY, [Z. Cia! - pany chartered by the legislature of l'ene:yi vania with a capital of $250010,1 hove been proved in practice to he the cheaPei , ',lD , A profitable and hest, fur the Farmer, tionleter arid Fruit Grower, of all emieeritiateilua• nureo now offered in Any market. The "ai - PalV's list embraces the fallowing n II3UGuI"rE. Tile Fertilizer lir:liquid J of night soil and the fertilizing i leineotiof urine combined, chemically and mecioinday with other valuable fertilizim; iigc-nts and stl• sorbents. It is seduced to a pulverized COlOliiioll, Ma• dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogeno us fertilizing properts. its universal application to all e n io rol soils, and its durability and active qualities 'are well known to be all that can disire.- CIIEMICAL COMPOST, This Wiliest composed of animal mnneG such as, meat, bone, fish, leather, heir 3 0 wool, together with chemicals 'mil iinionie fertilizers, which decompose the linos, Oil rt• tail] the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for ilefif 011 ate? generally, an I especially for pu:atocs garden purl o res. Its excellent qualities. strength 0 " d e ' s3r 'fleas, have made it very popular wit all Os have used it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZEit. ihis Tg l ; ly phosphatic fertilizer, i 6 Prik,.. ll ' lll ,; adapted for the cultivation of Tro'l! , 011 ": Lawns and Flowers. It will It , m`;', very vigorous and healthy growth Offifififiia,nd fruit, and largely increase Me ipitot i V l 4 . perfect the maturity of the fruit. 1 0 hoUse and household plants and f10et54...' will be found an indispensable article to; cure their greatest perfection. It and cure diseased conditions of the Pa''' . 1u grape, and is excellent fur grass arid kivose., It is composed of such element'" mak ri. adapted to the growth o f all k i w is d i e r.tp all kids of soils. IS The n formula or method of c luibil ,, v v g . constituent fertilizing ingredients love_ ccived the highest approval of eminent cuea ists and scientific agriculturists. 1.. 110SPHATE OF LIME. The Agrie 4 ral Chemical Company manufactuir: Phosphate of Lime in accordance with and valuable-formula, br which Jea tior article is produced, so far as to be a tfo at a less price than other manufacturers C Practical testa have proved that Its V alli% 5 . ' 1 fer t ilizer, is equal to the best Plicsphae lime in the market. Cartage will be charged on all ortleiss; bade's or lies. One' Dollar per Ton Eu . :',„ Trsants more, will, be ance for driftage will be made on all sslea e e l s. C ii o B l ll- f e r' s — e h d i 4 p a m l t t e o h n r e t d , l e f a r r s i e l r e o o f : a r d ca s t e is . !_; ! ! ° , t r . livered at the welts of the Compaali nal Wharf. , AO!IICII At HAL CFI RIO ICA L La. At Canal Wharf, On the Offi , c , ep, 4 13. F s i7 G . , o f , e k r i s t 1 The Company's Phamphlet Circa' aa b Cr f bracing full directions for using the,„ Fertilizers,sent by mail free, when le NOTICE