e4atiettian. MARIETTA. PA : Vorning,ittost 25,1868. FOR GOVERNOR, Major General JOHN W. GEARY, OF CUMBERLAND . COUNTY. lar Lists of deserters and non report ing drafted men are being printed at the State printing office in Harrisburg, un der instructions from the State officials. These lists, it is said, will average about one hundred and fifty names to each regiment, or an aggregate of from thirty to thirty-five thousand names. They will be sent with a copy of the act of the Legislature disfranchising deserters and non reporting drafted men, to all the election officers of the State, with Instenctions to refuse the votes of all whose names appear upon the lists. gig• M. Andiger, a French chemist, has invented or discovered a new mode of embalming, which dispenses with all the repulsive details of the Ordinary sys tem. It consists in pouring down.the throat of the corpse two glasses of a li quid, whose composition is still a secret. The operation lasts but twenty minutes, and in two or three months the corpse becomes as atone. Experiments have been made with this new method 'at Marseilles and Algiers, in the public hospitals, with complete success. The cost is only fifty dollars. air A well known clothing merchant In Louisville, By., recently . marribd a lady in Cincinnati, and took her to his home in Louisville. -A few days after she asked him for the keys to his trunk, saying she wished to take his clothes out and hang them in the wardrobe. Be had $2,300 in notes in hie trunk, but having full confidence in his wife, gave her the keys and west to hie place of business. When he returned the wife and the money were missing, and neither bee been found. or An order from the War Depart ment announces the regulations which are adopted for carrying into effect the requirements of the sot of Congress which provides for the furnishing of en listed men of the army with tobacco. Ping tobacco Only, and in grade not lower than the best " navy plug," will be furnished when obtainable, The troops will be supplied once in each calendar month, and not more than six teen ounces of tobacco per man, per I.6uath, will be returned for or supplied. lir Miss Mary L. Schell, of Sao Fret. clean, California, has stied Major Getter) al Henry M. Nagle°, for refusing to marry her after having; as she alleges, promised many a time to do so. She says she is damaged to the amount of $lOO.OOO by, his conduct. The case will be tried at' San Francisco. 'The fair plaintiff has over one hundred tatted . on hand, all written by the , defenda . lit, by. which she expects to make oat het-case. gir Alexander T. Stewart's (of New York) income is larger than the annual salaries combined of the President of the United States, the Oovernore of all the States, Senators •and Congressmen, State officers and members of the Leg islatures of the different States. Out of such an income Mr. Stewart could pay the entire expenses of several State governments as . eaeily as many men now support their own families. or The Bedford Inquirer gives the following as a "remarkable ease :" Our "local reporter" informs ue of the death of Mr. Eisiburt, of Ringtown. , He died in July,lB6 6, aged 111 years, five months and twenty days. .Be saw all his own kindred buried, He ran a foot race at the age of ninety years with his youngest eon and beatlim. gw- Milwanke is eicited over a gift concert swindle that enplaned in that city. It was the "Great Northwestern Gift Concert," Ludlam, Bale & Co., proprietors. On the day of drawing it was discovered that all the money ofthe concern received in payment for tickets ; over ri5,000 in all, bad been drawn out of the bank, and that Aaron Ludlum, senior partner, had disappeared. gar During the confinement of Colonel, Streigbt and hie companions in Libby Prison, some of them, though in.differ• ently provided with drawing materials, so well imitated United States notes as to find ready purchasers among the rebels in exchange for provisions, One of these counterkits . reached - the United States Treasurtiir, the owner of it inno cently supposing it irtitild'be redeemed. ar The monument which the Penn. eylvania Legislature directed to be built ID memory of Cornplanter, the Indian chief, is finistnid be soon dtdi. °sled: ihir The Rev. Dr. Brainerd,.Paetor of the oil Pine St. Pteebyterien f4hul,), philede r _4!gi.44l:** !04rOntOP, Pe., an To:may OVilkilit last, • A Boas Srozr.-7441funguy, during a bear hunt, a very safte alutbeal; had been mortally wounded, whpn all at once a young girl; abotit twelve years of age, rutted out of,the , thicket and threw herself upon the expiring beast, giving utterance to most lamentable cries. With some difficulty this young savage was captured by means of cords and nets. It has been disciiered that a peasant woman some twelve years ago, lost her child, a little girl, on the out knee of the forest and has never since been able to obtain say tidings of her. A certain Countess Erdceli has taken the little girl under her care, and is obliged to feed her on roots, honey and raw meat—the usual food for bears. 1 MARRIAGE WITH A CONDn'ION:At One of the churches in Paris a young woman of the humbler classes, was married to a young man in the same sphere of life. The priest was making a few appropri ate remarks, exhorting the young couple to mutual affection and fidelity. After he had finished, the bride, whose turn it was, briefly said : " Monsieur le Cure, if my husband conducts himself as he ought to do, I promise that my conduct towards him shall be irreproachable ; but if he does not, why I do not bind myself to , observe anything you hive said." BUMMING Vallandigham, in a private conversation with a Chicago gentleman recently, summed up the po litical situation as follows : " The only question now is or the whale shall swallow Jonah or Jonah the whale—that is, whether the great Democratic party shall !wallow the ,heedful of Johnson men, or the Joimson men shall swallow the great Demoiratic party." ' or While three burglars were rifling the shop of Collier & 'Co., of Peters burg, V., last , Wednesday night, one of them, a negro named Bob Johnson, was shot by a spring gun, thirteen buckshot being lodged in his hip and groin, inflict ing probably a fatal wound. He 'drag ged himself from the premises, and was arrested next morning lying in an unoc cupied house. sr Several female prisoners attemp. ted to escape from the jail io Memphis, Tennessee, on the night of August 6, by digging under the wall, and on being discovered made an attack on the of. cars with briekbate, &e. They were not subdued until the hose of an engine was. brought into reqosition, and they were, drenched with water: fir An affecting scene took place in a colored:church in Richmond, Va., re cently. A letter was read out in clutch asking for information of a mother by a daughter, who had been sold south thir ty years ago, under the old slave regime. Stother and daughter were both in the church at the saute time and fled to each" other's embrace with tears of joy. . or Indian corn in the Western States has never proved more., 'abundant than at the present season. Indeed it sur passes—so the newspapers there say— all former crops. This has given a great impetus to the bog trade, and stock hogs are being everywhere bought for fatten. log for the fall and winter trade. sir Goa. Geary fought in sixty five battles, and had•hin o&y eon killed in battle, on the eide of his country. Hies ter Clymer during the war made at least one hundred speeches, against his country, and none of his kin fought in the army. They all fought in theranks of tha copperheads. sr An Italian boy, 16 years of age, bad a tooth extracted in Boston, in 'June, and ai blood continued to flow from the cavity, he was taken to the hospital for treatment. All efforts to stop the flow, however, failed, and it continued for forty-five days, when he died from the seffects. ear Old Romeo, one of Dan Rice's elephants, broke loose in Buffalo lately, and getting into.a well stocked garden, proceeded leisurely to pack his trunk and chest with all manner of vegetable goodies. He had a roaring feast and didn't leave much garden. ar A boy, 14 years old, ate forty-one green pears, and then feasted on green apples and raw turnips, in Fair Haven, Conn., the other day. The cholera final ly came to hie relief and closed his mor tal career. • eir An Atlanta thief, who attempted to steal a bundle of greenbacks_ from one of the backs in open day,-was sentenced to thirty nine lashes on the bare back and one year's imprisonment. fm A striped snake, four feet long, was killed at St. Johnsbury, Vt., a few days ago which contained fifty-seven young stiakes, some of them seven inch ,. es long. gar Over 2000 pounds of refined whit. ing wee recently fonnd.in • large milk establishment in Boston. his believed it was .to be. used.in adulterating milk. The chameleon, who is said to Sied upon' but iir:ltes OE all animals the nimblest tongue: it While - ebatne not WhoPt 62#11g0111444032 the ; As' tew - f&THE MARIETTIA.NR.:NL.3 (n Eztd. A platform; was erected atjudiansio lis on Wednesday for Senator Hendricks, ' to make a J o hn s onbud speech: on, in l suicide of eccentric tastes hung "himself on it before the meeting assembled. Major Herm Von Borcke, who was chief of staff to General J. B, B. Stuart and contributed en account of his ex ploits to Blackwood's Magazine, is now on the stiff of Pritce Frederick Charles of Prussia. Two rebels were shot near LEWIIIgtOP, Mo., while atiimpting to remove a Union rosette from the coat or a young man who bad been in , the Federal army. Southern papers complain of high rent. In Montgomery stores rent for $4,000 and small private residences for $lOOO per annum. An A intrepid swimmer has crossed the lake of Geneva between Belotte and; . Bellevue. The fent occupied about two, hours and a half. There are now eighty distinct manu factories of paper collars in the Milted States. From two to three millions of paper collars are consumed every day in the United States alone: Over seven thoueandAuropean Mor mons have passed up the_Missouri river this season bound ,for Balt Lake city. They are of the lowest and most degra ded class of foreign emigrants who have been collected by the missionary emis saries of Brigham Young. It is announced that watches are now made in this country which wind then= selvesup, but the mode of winding, is, , however, kept a profound secret. . As one of the results of the war it may be stated that there are at the pree ent time in the United . States noi Jim) , than twenty-five manufactories of artifi cial legs. A young farmer of Upper Cooe,`N. 11. had three calves, two colts, eleven pigs, nine lambs—and a baby, added to his inventory of personal property, the oth er day. The late law relieves our Iron Mas ters from paying the tax of $2.50 on every ton manufactured by them. This with the new tariff, will greatly increate the manufacture of iron in our own State. - At Atlanta, Georgia,. the Aimee of thirty Union soldiers have been dug up, and their bones scattered over the ground. A convention of Southern Unionist will meet at Philadelphia on the 3d of September next. In their own States they are not allowed to meet, by the very men who attended the convention on the 14th inst. er Mr. John Walker, of Columbus, Georgia, died from the effect of a rat's bite. General Logan se.ys that A. Johann ie the man made President by a - single constituent—Booth, the assassin, and that he well represents that lone consti tuent. The town of Monte Christi, in &mt. dor, was alinost entirely destroyed, by , fire recently. Loss $500,000.:: , Mr. A... H. Stephens was at Philadel phia, but was not allowed by the man agers of the Convention to make himself heard. Free speech was suppressed in order to deceive the people by a sem blance of harmony. It is smartly said by somebody that the only constituent the President had wag J. Wilkes Booth, and be's dead. Gen. Lewis Wallace, late of the Union army, a brave and able officer, has , been appointed a Major General in the Mexican service, and is now engaged in organizing a force. Gen. Grant's new insignia of rank in the army will be a goldan eagle in the place of the-middle star. The road from Strasburg to Munich a distance 0f'250 miles, is an avenue of fruit trees. Luther Freeman, of Bridgewater, Mass., hung himself, on account of sor row at the recent death-of daughtet. John B. Alley, member of Congress from the fifth Massachusetts • district, declines being a candidate for re=elect tion. The - field is thus left open to Gen. Butler. In Central Georgia thousands of freed• men are agitating the question of imme diate emigration to Liberia. This spirit was said to be rife among them. A process had been discovered by whicli India robber can be bleacLed to a pare white, and after having been bard: ened will be used for the =Laureano) of. collars and cuffs. • • -' _ . Mrs. Ma . rtha Stewart and -Mrs. Rob, ergs, of 'San Autonisi Tazaktawoeatly had an impromptu fight with vevolvera. Mrs. Stewart-waa badly winged: - In Barre, Mono., jatelv a child fire yeere old fell into it well twetvsieet deep, in Which there was water ; to - the depth of four feet, d opfl *it aut alone without injury. • General Junes. Nsg a—kystir •Eif : . the idezion and do 1164-101r.diadjaididds vino, on Woduordiy tOttraing. or Miss Nettie Whyte, at Chicago, /11.;the other:day, &elected st pair of shoots at store, and, tiiitoig them in her hand, - werit to the docin.sitying ilia want -to eho w them to a friend, and 'mild be back in a few , minutes; meantime •would the obliging clerk be kind enough to keep her little satchel for her I The obliging clerk did so, but several more , thin a few minutes elapsed, and • the young lady did not return. The little satchel was: opened and found to be empty. The clerk was indignant, for the shoes were not paid for. A few days af tor he rust her on the street and deman ded payment: She had no money, but asked if he-would take her waterfall as security. He. would ; so she quietly de tached it and gave it to him. The next day she nailed at the store and redeem ed her back hair. A German paper relatett the fol.. lowing story of one of the late_ battles, which is not altogether incredible :—A young soldier in the midst or the tumult of battle, thought he saw on the grass a four-leafed shamrock growing. As such , a. plant is rare, and is considered to bring good luck, ho stooped to take it. Bt that very instant a cannon ball passed over his hoed so near that he must have been killed if he bad not been bending down. The man so miraculous ly saved has sent the plant to which he owes,his life_to his betrothed at Konigs berg: ar There is a young Baptist clergy man at Saratoga, N. Y., the Rev. Mr. Frost, who is creating quite a sensa tion, and promises in time to become a Second Spurgeon or Beecher. He is six feet font inches in height, stout in pro- , portion, and weighs some 300 pounds. He has alroioe like Forrest, the actor; only mach deeper and more resonant. This clerical giant is a man of prodi gious strength, and the Saratoga epoit ing men who have seen him say that, had he taken to pugilism, Morrisey would have been an infant in his hands. er The Hon. Thomas Faviog, of Ohio, writes a long letter to the Hon. 0. H. Browning, of Illinois, wherein he dem onstrate. that." an old man is twice a child." Mr. Ewing was an old-line Whig, and when President Tyler sold out that party, Mr. Ewing, who was Sec retary of the Treasury, was among the first membars of the Cabinet to resign. He is twenty-five years older now, and does not hesitate to folloi Andrew Johnson, who may , be considered a sec ond john Tyler. A Saratoga correspondent says : In consequence of the quarrel existing between Morrisey and the.hotel keepers the former intends to erect in Saratoga the largest hotel_ in America.' It will cost one million of dollars. Among the stockholders are Commodore Vander bilt and John . Davidson. The former subscribee for $200,000 worth of stock and the latter for $lOO,OOO, To punish the Lelands and other hotel keepers for the rates of board they have been charg ing, and their stand against racing. or The presiding justice of Shenan doah county, West Virginia, having pub lished a problamation warning persons of both Sexes, who were in the habil of annoying Union.citizens of Wood stock by 'singing treasonable songs, and making use of treasonable language, that he would deal with them as disturbers of the peace, was attacked and cowhid e(' bythree of the "chivalry." Of course they are reconstructed. iad' "Why does a razor cat•better for being dipped. in hot water?" , The edges of all tools, instead of being perfectly smooth, are.really toothed like a saw ; and, when the razor is dipped in hot wa ter. it causes then little teeth to expand thus rendering the distance between them smaller, and consequently giving the razor a smoother edge. - or 110842 Professor Morse announ• cod to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States "that a telegraph Communication on his plan might with , certainty be established across the At lactic." The Prefessor has lived to see the prediction of a quarter of'a century ago realized. The New York Episcopalian mils that Madams Demoreet, the fashionable authority, is likewise a- philanthropist. She began life in an humble way. With a pair of scissors and a piece- of = paper she actually. began to cut-her iay iota renown.- She has not he largest es tablisluanwof the kind on the continent. lir The same men wbo predicted the defeat, of the Union armies , now &clouds disaster to the Union - party. But as soldiers who won victory in the Federal many now almost entirely compose the `Union party, we are jest as sure era po -114 as we were of a • Mill*, triumph. • • 1,:)620 The,Cologne Gazette states that 8000 Bitiariane were recently posteti in wGerman town called Schleuringen, and remained there for two days and-a half. During this brief period shay consumed 90,000 gnarls of beer, an average ofsnore than eleven quarts for each man. or W. P. Brannan, the painter sod *Kt tokod tike author-of-the knqwn, comic semeo, !! pakjurarp - of a .thotamad itifingo," ,disd a in 41rnci tt , ls* week, of infternalstion of the brain. STATE ELECTIONS :—Elections in the I several states comprising the Union. are • as follows': _ New Hampihire--first Tuesday in March. Oonnecticut—first Monday in March. Rhode Island—first Wednes day in April. Virginia—fourth Thurs day in May. Oregon—first Monday in August. :Alabama—first Monday In August. Arkansas—first Monday in August. Kentucky—first Monday in August. Texas—first Monday in Au gust. North Carolina—second Thurs day in August. Vermont—first Tuesday in September. Maine—second Monday in September. Florida—first Monday in August. Mississippi—fins Monday in August. Georgia—first - We dneeday in October. Indiana—first Tuesday in October. lowa—first Tuesday in Octo ber. Ohio—firtit Tuesday in October. Pennsylvania—second Tuesday in Octo ber. West Virginia—feurth Thursday in October. Louisiana—first Monday in November. Delaware—fitst Tuesday in November. Illinois—first Tuesday in November, Kansas—first Tuesday in November. Maryland—first Tuesday in . November. Massachusetts—first Tues - day in Nov - ember. Michigan—trst Tuesday in November. Minnesota— first Tuesday in November. fdissonri— first Tuesday in November. Nevada— first Tuesday in November. New Jer sey—first Tuesday in November. New York—first Tueiday in November. Wisconsin—firet Tuesday in November. Colorado—second Tuesday in Novem ber. South Carolina—fourth Monday of November. There are no State elections held in the months ofJannary, February, July and December. , A doctor has been arrested in New Orleans and held in $5,000 bail, on the charge of causing the death of a little girl and a little boy, who, suffer ing from chills and fever, both died in two hours after taking some medicine he administered to them. After the little girl bad died, when the medicine given to her was prescribed for her brother, he said, "Uncle, I don't want to take that medicine ; it killed army, and It will kill me." "Oh, n o ," , was re sponded, " It was not the medicine that killed, your Sister." The little fellow replied, " May be not, but I wish you would let me see my pony before I take it, because I don't. believe I will ever see him again." Ile was shown the pony, took the medicine, and in , an hour afterward Wee corps'', sir Mr. and Mrs. William Lavery. residing at Albany, N. Y., retired on Thursday night, leaving on infant boy in his cradle neat the bed. During the night the mother wee awakened by feeble cry from the little one in the cradle, and on taking him up felt that his night clothes were soaking set. She struck a light, when to her horror, she discovered that the clothes were covered with blood, and ou further ex amination found dint one of the acme of the child had been gnawed to the bone by a rat, and that a bole was eaten through'one of ire hands. or The African Methodist Church was organized in 1816, in Philadelphia, under the auspices of Rev. Richard Al len. It has now four bishops, all men of moral worth, and some of them of fine ability. They. number ,about 80,000 communicants, have , one college, and a theological institution for the training - of ministers. Their membership extends to nearly every State in the Union, and oleo into Canada, Africa, and to ; but the largest, number of ministers is in the Southern States. All their bishops except one were formerly slaves. ar Dog days are fairly upon us and this is truly the sickly season. Do not be without a supply of Coe's Dyspepsia One in the house. It cures cholera mortitie, cramps, pains and colic in eith er stomach or bowels, is the only remedy ever discovered that is a sure cure for dyspepsia, and ie a splendid antidote for disorders occasioned by . a changeof wa ter or diet ; being promit,harbless and certain in its action, we Cheerfully re commend it - tikall classes. or Mr. =Lemuel 'Lane, of Newberry district, •8. 0., was brutally murdered on the 10th lost , and $BOOO in specie taken from - his premises. One of the murder: ere, a negro man 'was pursued and killed with 'slBoo on his person, and another capt'u'red with eve or six dollars and the pistol of-the murdered man in his pos session. eir The great Copper Johnson con vention in Philadelphia turned out complete fizzle. The shrewd dodge =to allow no speeches, was too palpable to be not seen - through. After ' reading their declaration of principles and a long address on Thursday, t ey adjourned. sir A man was arrested in him with 41:60,000 in counterfeit treasury notes upon his _person. Ile bought off the sheriff for $5,000, but was subsequently rearrested by the sheriff . of Bourbon county, Ky , on a charge of murder. is ;kWh MTh* ettys that "Orriog to , the high price Anil.gral..l alisaiity..4 veal la New York tap, ..meaey et.—the rust fatisilys &soloing sitifisharealfee" T•hays easy it helps to CM out a leg nv token,' Net rate." New Trimming and Variety ki lt Opposite Diffenbach's old stand, a nd ' doors West of the Golden Itlort.4 Drug Store, Markel Stree t , a ItILS. KARGARZT Ro B EGS leave to announce to the Ladie 4 borough of Marietta and vicinity, th„ 4- , has just returned from Philadelphi eh she laid in an entire new stock of and useful TRIMMINGS &SDP/init.44 TICLES, I%OTIONS, &e., embratio, Novelties of the Season, among wide; w r ap, found the celebrated new style "hits Trail Hoop Skirts; Plain & Raa tf n viiitel Queen Roods, Children, Coo s i i Plain and Fancy Mantua a n d v e l vet /ribbons, 'Gimps, Cords and Tostett and Btatons in endless vanetl, Paper and Linen Collars and Cuffs for Ladiee and Genf * , Hosiery and Gloves, Linen & Etub'd Col e , Zephyr Shawl., Plain & Etob'il 1144,: Opera Caps, Silk & Zephyr k i d, Suspenders, Gertnautown woo, Twilight., Breakfast Cony', Braids and Shetland !Vaal, Bindings, Zephyr yarn, Laces, Neok- Tie., BALMORaLS & SKELETON SKIRTS' Corsets, elting, Edging, flutfleng, C ar d of colors, B Fancy Fans, Kid, Kul-fiat:a Bilk ap and White Lyle Thread Glove'', Silk Mitts, Embroidery, Men'a Glove; and Neck Ties, Pearl Cog Buttons, Belt Buckles of various styles, Tape Trimming, Linen and Thread Lace, Thimbles, Silk Tassels, Emery NI, E nt Soaps, Perfumery, &c., ' , Particular attention has been paid to the le, letting of small wares, such as Sewing Silt Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, m g }, and Eyes, Needles, Pine, &c. Li" The public are particularly requited a call and examine for themselves. g- Mrs. FL is agent for the sale of the cel. ebrated Singer "A" Family Sewing Mecham which took the first premium at the lave Nee Y - ork State Fair. She will also tutu= per. eons purchasing Iron) her, how to wore ine machine. E. REMINGTON &SON; , - MANUFACTURERS Of Revolvers, .Rifles, Musktt AND CARBINES. For the United States &Tice. Also, Pocket and Belt Bevolvere, seating_ pf.Ralaid, ilifie Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels and Gun ntsterialt, sold by Gun dealers and the Dade generally. In these days of Housebreaking ~and Robbery, every House, Store, Bank and Office should have one of ijeOingtou' ilaboibtiv Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and superior Workmanship and form, nil! find Aura ind in the new lanningtan 3arboliaza. PP.- Circulars cols tain in& cuts and descnpdon of our Asins will be furnished on uppircutios. E. REMINGTON if SONS, Ulu:, N. Y. Moorm & Nrcnot.s, Agents. ro. 40 'Courtland-st., N. Y. pl.d,p WI & LIQUORS. - H. D. BENJAMIN, DEAI LB IN • WINES & LI QUORS, Benjamin's Building, Corner of Front-st, and Elbow Lane, MARIETTA, PA. BEGS leave to inform the public that 1 . 4 will continue the WIN E & Ll