The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 25, 1866, Image 1

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    By FRED'K L. BAKrAt.
loce i n a ,
fl oor , an Elbow Lane, between7tieF,',ise
offi ce Corner and Front-St., illar4tAa .
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. :2
OTENTIAINU RA - r179 .7 tine square (10
w ie i, less) 7o cents for the fast fneintidn'and
00 Dollar and-a-half for 3
~inpertioria. Pro
tenons! and Business cal ds, of six lines or less
gl6 per annum. Notices in the' reading col
lo, tea ants a-line. Marriyes and Deaths,
lbe Ogle announcement, FREE ; but for any
raditiouil lines, ten cents a line.
liberal deduction made to yearly ; end, half
1,101 ..lcertisera.
1404 jai added NEM BURY Mona-
WA JOBBER PRESS," together with `a large
ailment of new Job and Card . type, bite,
Spiders, &c., &c., to the Soh Office fsf " Tat F.
Slasurrime," which will insure the f ne-and
War execution of all kinds of Jos tr Dian
Vora True., from the smallest' Carol, te'Me
Pobraa, at reasonable prices.,
Sicrrcrnct Arrangement
of the Reading & Columbia Railroad
of this road run"bsßeading Rail
L Road hate, Which LS ten 10.A1eg faster
No hat of Pennsylvania Itaitroad: -
mend star Wednesday, may-.. 234, 180,
Haas of Sloe d w ill rah as follows :
IL B. to., sail arrive at Reading 10r15 a. m.
"- 12:15-noon.
5:55 p. na.
sad arrive at Columbia 9:05 a. In.
%hoop, 2:1.5 p. m.
p. la., '' 8:25 p. in.
The 8 IS) A. M. train from tolumbta makel
doe eenneetitts with express trains at Rea:d
olt for Selo York, Blriviug . there at 3.40 p. tn.
tad Philadelphia LOU p. m. ; also for Putts
[be Lebanon V alley. ,
Isdiebgsrs leaving New York at 7 . 310- ax
cud Poiladelphia Tit 8.0(1 a. en. cOnnect with
lain' row Reading at 12.05 noon for Co
hnhiajork, and. Northern Central R. R.
Excursion tickets sold on all regular trains
to parties of 33 or more, to and -hub allliointt.
Apply tu Gen. Ticket Agt.
1:1 - Throtwh tickets to — NeWroilf;:Phill.
',Spills and Lancaster sold at prilibipltl 'itil
toll3,lllld Baggage check ed t brough4 Freight
coned with the utmost proniptness anal die:-
pack at the lowest rates. Further ink/rim - 4-
W, silo regard to Freight or passage; May:
tt ehtsired front the Agents of the Comps
Grot F GAGE, Superintendent.
L F, KEEVEH, Ceneral Freight Sz
Atmiitt o,ltaing
The most simple, complete and easily_rdan
qed Serving Mocha° now in use. It does
eery deacription of work—never stops at or
lisle to be helped over seams. but does all
work rapidly and well. needle re',
44111 no edjii,tinent —you cannot get it in
maces any width of hem you wish
-dues braiding beautifully. The Braider is t
lathe foot of every machine and , .pwrt Of
and is always adjusted, never gets out of place..
1.111 and examine there belore Eel:chasing.
10y other, at •
11. L. & E. J. ZAHNIvg„:
Comer North Queen street and Centreliquareo
tk'ple Agents for Lancaster County.
lancooter, February ..t
H. L. 6. E. J. ZAHN;
„haze Less,
Corner of North Queen-St., ,_
dud entre Square, Lancaster; Pti.
178 are prepared to sell Arper;can and
it SWIM Watches at the lowest 'cash rot es '
I,rtbuj directly from the Importers andMan
!.farltirers, and can, and do sell .Wate . hes
l c'' , tkey can be bought in - Philadelphia or
N ee -York.
a ,.A stock of jlocks Jewey, Sectacleslyerasd : , ilver-plaled ware lr ePrutptotlY ",
44 d. Every article fairly represented'.
Como IL L. sr E J• ABMS
X orih Queen &reef and Centre Square,
rctituarY 17, 1566.-tf.
First National Bank of Marietta;
i 9 NM prepared to transact all kinds of.
w: rhe H oard of Directora °wet ty,eealy . , ou
thealay, for discount and oilier I: t unnel's
''Bank flours : From 9A.mtoS, r. M.
4510 S BO
WMAN, Cashier.
Thl Beet of the Monthlies—devoted to
, t irtlirn and Pure Literatute• S 2 ' 5Q ' )enT
„° "lien scoo ; Eight (aud ono gratis)
'''/N ES given as premiums. Send
c . r lll for a temple copy to DEACON & PE
"SON, 319 Walnut at., Philadelphia.
OR. J. a ilo - FFEA
FFI CE:—Pront ritieecn ' exf door' to RI
red wal Williatri, Drug "Stott,'AuitwetirrfLocuet ,
nut streetec Colorribst.
) 4 1EL G. BAKER,
ATTORNEY A3' .F.A.TI, 14,4.: 7
qpicE...4410 24 Nowt:11 DUKE
t,PDatite the Yo.
Houee,tilicre he .71141 t
U 4t : t° the piutice of'fits Itioressloittf
-Mout branchs.
t -- Msan-er., NEARLY, OPPOSITE
s Past - ter Sc Patterson's Store.
YOUNG MAN :.are_you Waitin'glfnr'.
soma; door to; °pop, in tolkibroad !miens .7
ful futors4,.., QV tam
door and prritropereroven - -91ough y 4211
te uted . NIG of every deseriptionlx ''g our n . , s r
e , _ -.434....vt«
z, .„,„ Aness and dutpalen t r uke, • - •
kanettian. `"'vittlatfie eionsOenne.? iS.olbedbing,
tirlß. l- 3 3", It 4 tbpkik gqilifitottkwakek tdor.yrettimftiita
• • == =r - lr thoooers. : *lad flaJ
Foo 7T 0 8 4 - . M . '
' " 6 - ro 7Pi Att.. I
. ,
.....7 '
.., - 1 , ...;;;-•
~ . .
it 4
(E . ,,,...„..,.,_.p....,..7,i.......:,„:„ 5q,..,, CO,: ',' :-,
di" i '....., '.; 7 :..; ....s: ••'.. .. - - ~,, , 5_L ,",.4.- :3 ~:, li,',' 4
A I S , : 4 : 4. *,;‘ . k-.'t e -t.l >V - 1.e..1 .0 VO4ll, '' 0 , ,":'. ~ 1.1, 1 .i'',. dil i j..-. CI %-' l.4 :frit TV.ifid +. , ' "'' AC ... .. -, ;'-' -'. -- - '. - :',7: .. ..:74 ,:,..b.,1 ;,.....' , ? -,.: ~
' ~ .?-,g,..21.-. e'.-..',' - ' ji .. ',1 , .. ni ...z.: ... - *•.• "" - , 4 . , ' ', ' , :::'' ' ' , ,:.:. ; 1 '... 7,:w -I.L: - 1 %':, -,.:': Lf '-') ' , 7. --:' ',. '.+ ''..--,-., , r m
4 .„.__..._.
Bleat they who seek,— - , s
9 1 9iKTAnkth,,
With epirit•meelr •
Theywety or tenth. • asi
To - them the sacred cripturee•nowt.dis4
play, Christ as Jhe r only, tree arilfiving:
way ; His -precious _blood on Cavalr y;
wasjily t e to make them hmira pteßdlper
bliss or heaven, and- e'en on earth, the ,
child or bed can trace the glorious blew
ioge of his Saviour's grace:
gor,them he r bor,e
His father's frown;
Forthem he woie.
The Abotnyferfiwn ;
Nailed to the cress,
Thai hie life's. lotto
Might be ihpir gain,
Then baste to choose „
That batter pay,,,,
• Nor ever dare, refusw
The Lord your beart,,, ,
Legit he Sie.q/Ar9, •
t.know you got
And deep despeir,,.
For ever be,,your 44 10 t
Now kink to Jeeue who ouPaValrY-died.
And trust on Hilt who there was cruci
mint tioublesin New York ' i ' ' anti
hitvli r ece ntl y ,- • , Stite, Which
been againbro ug h t, '
, . , • to'
puoi/c attention, are thus expoundedby
of the J ournal'
niticiti" -.• the _
. . . anti-reit troubles
owing do the misplaced and unwise lent °re
If ot , the* late Gen. Stephen ''.
Van Rens-
MOT'. lit . Albany. His ,tracts'feria -
land east of. 'Albany, in therno ant i s
rent diitrices, Were divided into
every ps'
Bird leasbd to the farmersfarmersat very low l
!eras. The farmers came to hi him 7
poor e
year with long faces - abouti crops,
and askeirliiin to i r areillt nieit
Ant. M. Van Ret;ssela Year'f9'r
oral awl kind ,
and let
id. The'.' • Lir "'lt remain
u np ai d . next '3
- ear, and for . many
year!, the - story was just the satn
the patron - very itupYudent r ii con s ent e d
to lot the debt go on ancutii — ulati'
should have either - made -: -Dg. lie
thetnry as
their rent came due' '
Astor;) he( like . 'Joh ,rl
. "or -should ii ° Jacob
neither ; and at
the debt." B u t hedid a ve given them
his death, in Jan i
theserlarl 1.89 h'e leftall
unpaid re„, ~ _
si as, so mu h
property to hie children, and -Ch goo-d.
farmers were called" ' and ._., wen the
,fifteen or twenty year's
'‘ Your fath.
back rents of ten, °4?°° to
pay their
standing, they said at once,-
or did wit require ugt;2 - Vnc?' it is seen
aY rent, u
wiiiuot pay
you ;
3'sad--t oe that the misplaced ; lenity off i
Rensselaer i s th o ' c ' ale.,°
ail M r.,
r. Van
rent troubles in Albany I
tive9ty years." ,- - cr"u°ls' the lest:
per is oftener the result of unhappy Cir
cumstances than of au unhappy organi
sation.. It frequently, hoviever, .has a
physical 'cause, and a 'pelliislf aiilffnften
neolt'dieting mope than'torrecting: A
child of active temperament, sensitive
feeling, and eager p.irpose, is more , likely
to meet with constant jars and rubs than,
a dull, passive 'l3bild:: add,' if be' is un
open"nature, his inward irritation is,
sho'wn in btiritS of paision: you re.
press these ebullitions by scolding apd
punishiberit, you only increase l the evil
by changing passion into sulliinesi. ,
,cheerful, good tempered tone of your
o wb, a SitiqinAr with his troubleswhia
,has arisen from no Ill' conduct On kis
part, nre_the best intidotes. - Never fear
spoiling children bypasking them too
haPpY. 14aPlguel38, ie Oe.itttno@fhtre
in which all, good, affections grow...;
Dr. Jcihnson, in the fourtkvolume
of the "Rambler," gives some !Ogle•
some those irone 'to ridicule
the infirmities of otliers. The drictor
says, " that'in - dulges hirneeff, in ridi
quill:lg the little imperfections and Teak
posses of 11(6 . ft-feeds will in time' find
mankind-united against atm!
tilm , sees another.ri4icaled:'befcira'bim ,
though .het.may 4ot4the .; present; ,concurs
in i the.gee,ere.l lough; ,yet, in - a voollbour:
considepthat theonorty trick* might,
ba y played. a againstAimself;Autwivheal
'there. ie-tko.senseioethie)dangirnAheanitimi
.oral pride of humanmilture rises against
tlyitenerl i lla t iruld',litis 4 cialh
'ti,. -.; ' ;LI e -. .1 , Ai:j i.i 4in W; ii lo.t .: .i .
4 ,1 4,,, 4,
4, ,..
~444 4., 1 ... , . : , 41,.; .
.- z _
- • ...,-; , . - Vfall' l t ', ,
„in . `ao ... - , 1 .."- , ... ; . 1 ,.... ,- , ....i. or.
aft ' tilleteilVillt: antSillaratti-h go fer,:igt
R unit =wade - .
, ~
• • " 6 .;,1:,:00
" Y ; AUGUST - 25,,t,,;1806 -
. ra. -.1.
z a r ovian-ca _Ap•
' Opposite Beaufort; NOrth - - l'jfirdolid Eic t
Q& Ai df land abduit eight - rake long i
'wad' tiro' biallealliziedifitrierli isillid, ,:
I whia. hi alidketife? oddilae'd lii Wc - didiii I
of- c'intiaii!iilifils.'"''' tpti•Atiiiitleirlabout '''
tWolfundred - aiiiiiiiin the'istakid inbiny' r (.l
mori,liich . persenhaidne . fitieilUal - rjght::
to -thee' tioll,,bat` eacteliixiiiy haiiiig
, iTiklcj
own , shafity,'its "own boats . aUd tibing 4
„apparatiuCits own wiresraud ldwllead- '
ed, half-naked ehildieil':'' W illi ihe ' ai l :"
i ceptiotilof about twenty of tilers, these`
'pecipleWie - -tillVe;Nefvv ..thglidd'origli, l
iniNiie r g-dtiec'ended , froui ; cerldin Bbenez:
et "Baelier; wlibteniigikitierin'i "fislilag.
smack from IsUntacket tibout'thia' fear'
1752. Sailing southward he came' =i> sight of this islandriad boUghtit,of,the
natrve proprietors ;for a small canoe,
a gallon of `• pure - Jamaica," and from.
hied *tin loins founded nded this colony, which
to-day is:a liviiiilltzatiatiorCot
even Nelv England ideas may come to
when enveloped for a century , and a
quarter'in an'atMoiphere of shivery.
The original Harker_was . 'godly , man,
who "feareittke Lord and keitrhie,p(i . N4-
der dry," and his wife was werugal, pains
taking woman - of the straitest_sect of the
Puritans. Thily * built them a houtre,,
which is standing today; a substantial , ,
structiire, and reared, L O family of coil
dren. In course of titoe these children,
four sons andttwo daughters, grew. ap,
and married among the
thus bringing , upon the. island a few
slitve,—that, is, a handful of that black
seed •vbjclillas borne so plentiful, a crop,
of calainitY to the whole,oonntry. ,
Up tothis time the young Barkers,
bad workeit,,Ang their subsistence frost
the peolific soil of tpe , island 4 bat= why
should white men work when" black men
were c'reated to do it for.themt So the
young Harkers must have reasoned; for
they took to hunting,,fishing,- and horse
racing, and.left , their ftelileandc-gardi3iis
to Um neggees...wbo had-come ni
, to the
from;theirfmarriugebismong• the'
tines; . ..13'ho. semilts,:were Whittl-rnieit
have been expected. 1 They•got 4 .'but at
the elbows,'„their.•4otatoes " they-gretti•
aud,:at.last, When oriel co d
terfset,inothey had-,not-a . solitiiry" "- kit
tle of fish," orbarrel of -beans on - the
whole island.. 'Nations when in trouble
go into- cpnvention.'. The Ilarkera were
a-nation in limbryo,oci they--got together
and decided unaniatously,'thavelie
and not the system was at fault, and that
• -4 , 1.
if the "'dratted " land wotildnX, grow
beans, tile clarifies would, if transferred
to the'fields OflCSeir neighbors 9q - the
mainiand. "Okristrnati was coming,3.,
• •4 ,
and when it c a me. every `,l9,od•for-gt6-.
i4 - nigger" they had was hired out, at
about a hundred and fifty dollars a year,
a nd not a black face was left on the
On the avails of the labor of these
negroes and their children the ilarkirs
after this lived4ie idleness, until son and
gcanfilson,-And treattgrandsbn 7 ,-was
d and , m tiplied; and -the :colony had`
increased to:neatly, two hundred. They
were gentlemen - , 'all, of-, thew; and to
genfAmenv: stork is' degradhigti so they
looked upon, it.;'but - swop-year 'they
at last only six ,of them could. read theit..
own names. Then the war broke oat,
and the cnnscriptien famed every' , ab f ,S
*bodied tii i em the
army. The negioes—who by this time
had fneft;4l4Bed twenty:--tio'
brought lu any revenue, tiriA so.'starva
stared in he faoee of Omen"
and ebildr4u. 'ibere is no telling what
would have become,. not'
Barusidfit.thun..taketi/Nawbara and Root
geinerroußlY4, , supplied` them:
*od now 4 h 00tae,,t0 , .% what
catptlp f " , ,,'.4.ttthe putbrealf,oft,the•fwar a
~.,7 ._ , . _ ~.,- __ - . .
Newtagieno4vpulan. ildifw,idnni.,,,.s l
. i indi - vidual, khowing enoug Jowever, to.
, come inwhen it_rains, unless some good
Bell, 11101..41Vgatortoll a elergyban,:-hav ;
jug - PO 04P-eciat-trice..atelhorne,,, went, tike flocikint kitl'afersrlfitri‘.:therih'ertat - of her
umbrella... l- .A.ltswere to the name cri:
many another New - England woman, im
to'the'll - eaPitars:` `While ` There, `- hearingWo2 lasteilen..iiii ininpariy 'With- Julia
one dayfkii - fialSili iiiiifPti Ciiiitiired ' Barris, walkiig . ..with hii-eirMarodha'ahat't
abirelikPiti heildirni l 'Oiesionitil" IV' liar wgir's.-u-P-VP,...01,111k Walk, loOking, more
blailik-Lii/sefiiqiiii`arote7adetV;ii ' Ul f. ° a fool, if--PjzolAblf.s,, ttgin,erpr. - Aay 7 .
; w ii.wmiN i teinl s Viihi,,,, , 4 we a l , c fl i t ': Ibo,ey who witi catch the poor end ; ieflOwi'
pp i . o .. - -
... .., caret 4 „Vt.og. e ~ .i. 461, .1
Gem tratief toVlelitl,V go through to' b.,,llPgri.Taizlo4llltßk, so that j em,
pi m il n ifi i l my; i , t ot i , t r i gv h iv i da g ik o . chastise him for runniog ... kwayb.wikk,,,ha:
tbijapskEikttyraAratatike,iese.mnaated invited to f t lay , for-teai-by -hMrs Snitii ; '
4.llP&Oktfettraqfc../Mlclat'o4o4olTVP,' " " 41
: l'44‘.?*"'
lar,22oswerldirik teitaPhice tiait :4843-Lo
on the qiasion.; t. iittahn j oragr t ipfinKnero,
at... r t. 4......-. <3 , ...
1 _,
.., iv
v,.tei. _
_‘__._, _ _ nome.ambridthy Ilk- TI - pollovidaggoola
; :r i l / 4 Om 9 '.. 6, - . " *7 e iri , kr Oa ' 13 :‘ 4. -RI /41 was thirlys‘wirts Mimi etwagemaili tthl`
r joa t , —. l l3 v ia ' - j — s i . " ' '2
If' Cl ' ' ' '' bride e ggitty-filic . , .The'pafters oat ,there
6 1 s o. mat tict isol i onsag F . 3
. .f7
.. ...u• 4 UM. 0 . 4,1-
the_ blaelqvP.l24:Maltlictilifneer-ia ~tho, wiek i jitart i ktM a tiV i P Ilgini i rAre
PatiattekteilltuilirtiaMil 48rd i l i e ih°
Sold whist' -hae-eimmobortle:Bl2ch-- leoti- , ,1• 1 0
f & I f fh it' a a ir fit ROSid t t i l i I t6a 4r A e l a y t 1
i Ili A 4 t / 241 F iiik' bAik Alma luol 10 d , 4
tcrEntsvieVinsrentet , Imlierr &AIME
or Why are iokes likel'iffle *l — Boi- -
tii~it r eilti Wi r lteaMth Atli n VO . agile liesti4eistbirif eibtelestrooltamthVy
in4l4s.ffillinAJOlßAOß hatolzr OA -
0 tsstie.:, /... boa. .ssit ahui i las
. - .el c.... al ;.:C:'.i . "`4 l "• I '-
. ... ....,.. , , V.:!.t,"*..:
gr )
!I *S jwSF. S.G.
an dyfretolotuciiiikamoorthef bleok'srpliat '
the,miseryokithesetpeople - exobeded Ony'
thloggitieJkodl exen - ,i se, diwor, hearitz,ofl..4,
They lived—a dozen huddled,togolier.
in wretched;lwelve byftftepi huts, were
almbiltr . rildfdc'qi'elidistithi4lciOiO; were 1
`dwarfed,iiiillehaVeri, and 141( eater!' up,'''
with' ithidfnlii,“froiti'frkieilt:intiiiio r aiii:,
ing, and not one of them kiike'w - 'eluiligli - i
' °t:49,0 i 9;; rtiE, Ativi ol 4, o f. ll:.6)Vaidf-" i
",How do,,youmanage to•live : Mshetaskl
ed. ,Z YV.V,",,,..we5., the : apewer, ,-"`war
' Firm ' (dig clams), rightsmartvandthe 1
guv meat helps uz.,sumet wgi , rattotur.7 ,-,..,
Here was afield for an energetic wom
aff,'and 'this- - A'ittiltee - woman Wine to
Worklii it. - VuitidiiiP iiifi r ail'shiLi t
of .rough-b oards,- she -" squatted - "down`";
among'these'Pecille. First,: she bliti r glit'
sefed,and- taught them kOw - tO till the
landrandLinany Of the men haying de::
serted from the' - rebel ranks' and gut
home-sops had.,the -island. dotted Ain
oyer, with patcies.of corn and potatoi3a. -
Then,,pfter thus looking ,to _their bodies.
she set to, work op their minds. • She.
opened a school, and from nine in the
morning until four in the.svening, gave_
them daily lessons in reading M
and, cyphering, , This she has Peen doing
"dr nearly ~t hree `years, Until' she has,
taught all of them how to work, 'has
made them, self ,zupporting i - and. given
forty-sever‘of the,two hundred , the iiidi . :-
ments, of a good oomthori•schoot educa
tion., ; Thie l she .:114.8, , d0ne,5 - by, working ,
:alone, without any aid, and meanwhile
I has supported herself by selling the Rro
dUcte-of'heigarden,which she,h4s tilled
after school with her own. betide,
and by giving tin,occasional oublic read-,
• - • -
ing in klealifort and Newbern,.
lug these people as I do, and knowing
of the work this good woman has done
atnong. them, I can regard What ebe has
accomplished' a ittl*le Bs- than- Pm irk'
On the mainland near Harker's Island'
are- several_ other colonies of " mean
whites," .numbering ; -, toid,::about , a=
thousand., pnconraged by-„hez,..success
arD El tykes'', Al ;Be -no w pro,
PniaTge Okes- -field
under her tuition these -neighboring
colonies.. She proposes to at ohce,as
teblislischoole among thetn, and is now t
in --;1 13Oston fer'lio" - Purpose of raiiing
funds to enable her to employ teachers, - bay sheds and agrieultdral•imple-
Tents forztheir use. Ste hat' tV practi
ctil,-common4eenee dahlia 'ior the'eleVe- .
tion‘of, thetin-Whites;w- Which will
commend itself to every one at- all
• acquainted. with.thesa ; and .1 trust,that
it will meet the attention of all who want
to do good m an "
eqcie,p,A way. Those
people can vote, and inasmnefi as they
caif-do sa' longue we
leave them-ignorance; a — dlaigirend
eleinent-in-the catintry:
AN iLLUBTRATION.-Dr. Adaimelarke
was preaching to a large congregation
in Ireland, and after d;relling in glowing
terms upon the freesess of the Gospel„
and telling them water of life
could be had without tnorieir and with
out' price,"'"aetliO donCltision oithe see
motr, a pereorrientioithed ihat a ° Cdllee- -
,tiOn wourtrhehilicre iiukpert the gos
-pel in foreign parts. This announce
ment Atisnowestaalthe*speaker who af
tome)* reMtke&-dmitilitcluritAancci4o , the ,
lady of the house l .wherelfemaldetiafingi4
" Very true, Doc Apr," repliep the host
; the water ,of lit is gee, 'without
'lll'63osl;nd without but we must
pay for the,carry- it in."'
' "
Joir This ; is the war- Mrs. Smith, ad
vertises; ber, busband.,: tf Lost, ,Strayed,
or Stolen,.—Ai i individual, whom J, in
an nrgent moment of ,roneliness, was
thougbtess enough to adopt as,my has
baad..."llele a good looking and feeble
-4> 7• • .+•• - A
.!. , ; 11 " ' -4 ED 4" MtIND KIRKE.
t , :1" ,,, , ~ .t., . ..49 in *,..3
:# '..7 g:-. A "f ''-' Y' :1 44 bi 7 A' t ,rti t 17.: Arf 7 '
= A.,Brpicen :Heart:
e, ,„. pllocvmg .._7 inte '
'e‘'.a.?'ticl 'c se of 10-
°faty biolen ieait,wa related i'a.
late'' distinguished ;illj.i?l"a44m'4ll
Phlalflibii to it glues,2hll9)o ur
disel - ts! of
Lh 3 l..Mi:lliiq
be seen on Pe!" ingit;tcat, the expres
sign n
broke!! .1,i.3: ° Ied::
fikniativ 4 the early pari of hie ca
rrer) D e r ditCielraP993p' i
,a B4 , B ui
gee; ? a pagtetlatt sOl4 betveoi
Liver r:: lal4o r4R nS9l9l€rnptite'. ' ;
66 the voyage, sooa a f ter leaving.
Liitpcol,-'Rie tii 4 doito; and Capttin
of the vessel, a weatliet:beaten,„son' 'el*
Neptune, but possessed of -,..uscoppri
fine feelings and streng. impulso f , were,
convereing in the latter's stateroom the
captain opened a large'chesp,cand w care,,
fully took out Li number . .of igticles; of
various descriptionsovkich%he aoranged.
upon the table Dr, AL : sinprised at
the display of costly jewals,, ornaraer4s ;
dresses, add all the , prising ptrapherna..,
Zia of, which, adies are inquired .of,
the eepLnin his object in having so many,
valuable purchases..„-The„sailor r in reply
4.4.;04011 itevAtt: or eight( yearstelad
been devoutly attache d-to a.ladyto ham'
hp,„„bad,seyeral- times ; _wade proposals of
marxiuge, g but, ,was asAcften - f;rejected ;
thatlin,refusai to; wed, him,, however,
hiAi90,144P409d-hi8.1.00 to,-gfeater
extzt,ipoondjkat,:firially„upon-, ,tene w.v
iDgt.-4114-01.rel!.A91.aringLinitho ardency of
passion, that, : .without: her .s'ocietyp
life was not worth living fori...:she. con,
sented to be his bridie-upon—his7return
from his- - neilifiTiage.'• Ile Was'skoVr
joyed at-the rpreepect of
in the warmth of his feelings, be
ptobably- antitiptitrid happiness
than` usually ulteited to inertias, 'that
he spent 'all his ready money for bridal
gifts. 'After gazing at them fondly
and•reniarking on them 'in
turn, "I think this will Please, konie:'
and "I am ,sure like. this "- he
replaced , them with the- utmost care.
This ,C*31:1310 99y he.repeateibevery even-
ing during,tho „yoyage,•,and.;
ohs9l79ila,teAr glAston jicbie4,eye , as
13 14-0- 1 44 5 ,-.ll l (l4 l3 ure'ltnesv.culdi_have , int
presenting Om, to hia,stffiapoed; krids3: l 4
On reaching bis,deatination the „captain'..l
arrayed himself with more than his wined ,
precision, and disembarked as soon as
poseible tobasten to his' love. As' - lite
was about to 'itep into the. carriage'
awaiting him he was'billed a§ide , by two
gentlemen; who'desired to make a cOM
mini - dation; the'puirinit of which - was
that the .lady h ad' proved unfaithful to
the trust reposed in 'tier; and 'had' mar-
tied another, with whoui she had de
camped shortly. befOre. Instantly ~ t he
captaikwas observedto,put,his , ,halicl to
hie breast and fall_heavily to the ground.,
He was taken up and convoyed ,to Jiis
room on the vessel. Dr. was imme
diately summoned, .but before he a,rrivod
the poor captain. was dead: A post
mortem examination revealed the cause
of hfs death. His heart was found lit-
oily-t'orn in ` twain ! - The tierii4ndnous tont
sation'or the blocid, cOilSequent cipon
snouts fiblent neivous shock, foroifid the
pocierful Inusenlar Aigsne' asunder, and
life was at an end. ' heart was real
ly broken.
RAILROAD SIGNALS.--The varieties of
the " toot." of the locomotive,
.and the
gyeatiOns'ofthe'arais of ciinilaBtdrs "Fy
ditycJoi; lanterns by-night, are about as
intelligihle to moat faolife-is first Ouse
Clibdtivr. ThcinsignilletitiOn is as fol.
lowp: '
kOneWhibtle"--" Down brakes."
Two Whistles—" Off !hakes. '
Three Whistles - sack up."
Continuous Whistles—".,Danger;."
A rapid succession, of short whistles,
is the cattle alarm, at which the brakes
will always,ko , ,put doWn.
A sweeiing parting of hands on level
of eye, is a signal t0...;:g0 ahead."
A-downward.inotide of hand, Witill
.A:bettkotirtg motion one hand'; .- te
t'lxcek.'l - . - .
A lantern.htieed - Snd lowered vet ii,
call is n signal starting,' , 'swung
at iliht angleeN.9rcsB wajk the track,
" to stop,"" swank e ';
; au,
the Crain," .
A red flag waved upon the track must_
be,3nel. of_ danger.
of:othei3signalscgiventwitheetrafgy;. Ur*
Aloistestait s at:BS:Way It*
WAWA, low.bytthadreatletdep
nal of dangeY - orrteetlitek ahead
lc II irWidolitaltat) ltd. A • lie
Itair i red"unl it urieclypon au engine, a
Ifni% trittetottirc &d e e 4 t i " d
.assow anatualua o r iat ,r ` t* .
on_ite way.
J..24:aw; , : c r l i laik
nen pe a cow CO
' tttr w lhi~liftrilMt, k t
..(k a
1e1707 - 01; Ai , L....;
, . -
„ ”
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s }•;,;
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OL. 3.
'Learn — jag a Trade
itr mom' wise law of the ancient Jews
iluttAlid , sons - of = even their wealthiest , obliged to servo an ap
pS3n.ticeshipAnamme useful occupation,
So that int:sake-of reverge of fortune, they
might' have-something ,to "fall back
tipontt',l The 'Emma: stillte.xists in Turkey,
Where-avery. dian; even the 'Sultan him
-1361f mustdeard`a'traae = Ho* fortunate
Wedld itsbe`tiow; had it been - - a law in
this country:: Wotildito God'l had a
trade MiS".thit' m of thousands of re
turned snldie:rS, North Skiii - fh, who
fin4ll2734seivis'iliined in
,_pocket, with
no - immediate prospect, for gaining a
livelihood; abould teach parents
that Whatever else they may give their
sons, 'they should
.give them- a good
!Ad. One . orour cotemporaries most
trethfuily remarks that popular idea
among our people is, that all of their
sons should adopt_ .elerkships, and the
adoption of the businesS of bpok-keeping
as a Means. of obtaining , their livelihood
and niary'nffart is made to give them
an educatibil to that end. So far as the
education, el....their. children the
science : of- keeping proper accounts is
concereed..the idea els ,a - Jkood one, as
every fpung man 'should -have surd
ciunt, knowledge to manage own
boolts,shouldte ever embark in busi
ness,s .but =to make , book keepers and
clerks of-all our boys is — a' grind mis
take,- Better place.thein in a Workshop,
mill ; or foundry, where they can learn in
dependent Arackug which, at all times,
wills3ennre for..thein-employment, and
lie pecuniary compensation 'for which
will be at least as: mucb, if not more,
than the business of Reedit - Mts. We
eartiestly adiise all parents to teaeb
theit's'ons trides, *no matter
. what, so
alit' it' is an industrious pursnit; and
ISt - iglu futnre be spared the pain of
seeiug`eaamanystout nble-hodied young
men out of employm , mt, and seeking
situations Where`the ,pep can only be
used. ' -
ate= A stl:l4 is trild•of a Prussian Ben•
tigel'stationad on the steeple at Prop
pitintalefilbehind them when his coin
paiirretreated.: ThaOtizens attempted
to take him prisoner ; hut- the Prussian
easily defended with hie!bayonet the ner
vily winding-stair by whih alone access
could be gained to the- ; ;steeple. They
then,decided on reducinghim by famine,
but the Prussian having with him a
good supply .of cartridges, announced
that-unless he was regularly and well
fed, he would shoot everyone-who pass
ed in the streets around the church.
The ,good,soldier thus contrived to main
tain his -position--for-two
.days, when
Troan was raoccupied by the Prus
sians 'EtEld- he was-relieved.
gir The family newspaper in Rhode
Island is classed among the articles of
prime ,necessity, .along with pigs and
potatoes, and is-safe from the flood tide
of commercial. disaster. Creditor s, can
not,touch it—the
.sheriff must respect
it! Sappy people! Happy publish
ers !
lir A man in New Hampshire had
the misfortune to lose his wife. Over
the.grave be caused a stone to be raised
ow.whichi in the - depth of his grief, he
had ordered to be inscribed : "`rear3
catmot restore her therefore I weep."
6w Wiat,is the difference 'twist
watch and a ladder bed, Sam ?" " Dun
no—gin it up." " Because de tickin' of
de Watch am on de inside and de tickin'
of de ladder bed am On de outside."
fir What is it that has two buildings
two trees, two animals and two fish ''
Tho!humatilbody, viz: two temples, two
two calves- and two soles.
,O A. 'y e t int of seasickness describes
the sensation thus: " The first hour 1
was afraid I should die ; and the second
I iias : tieraid t shouldn't."
A gerillem'au at our elbow sap
htr,'doesbl - believe a word about falst•
calves: •He believes there are mau v
nroie fal4e*=—litit)d9:
NY by is A-conscientious baker like
a ship i witliont ballast 2. Because, being
short of .weight, be gives a roll over.
t a ir Every rallroad. that leads to
watering place
,is now a grand brunt:
lieFterAerifiettife Win - things. O r
first parOuta ate thapaoiyea out of how,:
; n . .17
Mir - 07)341. , *" lutgrikt:"—A g:r
wWiatiMilWitfit ftc:aien