PATTERSON & CO., NO. so MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. D EALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Keep constantly on hand a full stock of Bull din Material. Nails, LOCKS, HINGES. Q• GLASS, PAINTS, CILS, WHITE LEAD, I SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CEMENT, &0., 0 11? 0N: Rolled and Hammered Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar, Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Iro-i, Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. 1-tOUSE-KEEPIAG GOODS. FIRST-CLASS COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, RANGES, Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands, Wash Boards, Buckets, Knives and Forks, Plated and Illetalic Spoons, Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass at Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans, Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea Scales, Coffee MillS, Painted Chamber Setts, &c , &c. Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric Oils Cistern Pumps, Long and Short Traces Breast Chains, &c., &c. TOO L 5: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets Chopping and Hand Axes, Planes, Chissels, Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, PrunninF Hooks and Sheets, &c., &c. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to meril and receive a continuance of the same. PATTERSON 4.- CC Marietta, August I, 1865. SUPPLEE & BRO, IRON AND BRASS 441 M:i FOUNDERS and General Machinists, Second street , Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of iron Castings for Rolling Mill b and Bleat Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gee q Columns, Fronts, Cellar Docas, Weights, Ike., for Buil dings, and castings of every deacription; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MOST MODERN AND INPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Braes Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks. Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &e. BLACKSMITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give general satis faction to those who may favor us with the' r orders. la-Repairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. ' Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. it SUPPLEE. Columbia. October 20, 1860. 14 tf AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY'S Cheap Fertilizers. THE FERTILIZERS prepared by the Ag ricultural Chemical Company, [ a com pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl vania with a capital of $250,000.] have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, m ,st profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit Grower, of all c .ncentrated ma nures now offered in any market. The Com pany's list embraces the following : pABU LETT& This Ferdlizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal applicatton to all crops and Soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can disire. (iIiEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer j is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals arid inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re tain the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes and garden purposes. its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it via . y popular with all woo have used it. el OM POSITY. FERTILIZER. This high ly phosphatic fertilizer, is particulurly adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Fruits, Lawns and Flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quanta) and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and household plants and dowers, it will be tound an indispensable article to se cure their greatest perfection. It a ill prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape. and is excellent for grass and lawns. it is composed of such elements as muse i t adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils. The formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients have re ceived the highest approval of eminent chem ists and scientific agriculturists. I)itIOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultu -1 rat Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Lim( in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very gripe tier article is produced, so far sato be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that ltd value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. gr Trams CAsll.—All orders of a Ton, or more, will be delivered at the itulroad stations and the wharves of shipment, free of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all orders of six barrels or less. One Dollar per Ton allow ance for cartage will be made on all Sales de livered at the werlis of the Company, un Ca nal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co.'s WORKS, Al Canal Wharf, on the Delaware. Office, 413 i Arch St., Philade phis, Pa. R. B. F 1 t"rs, General Agent. The Company's Phamplilet Circular, em bracing full directions for using the abovd Fertilizers,aent by mail free, when requeste. T. " 44 ARCTIC " SODA WATER foun tain, at the Golden Mortar, is now ready to dispense cool, healthy and refreshing bev erages. This drink is drawn from Porcelain lined fountains. and is warranted raze from noxious properties. Those desiring to keep cool during the com ing hot season, will please remember THE ',ARCTIC" AT Dr. Landisrdrug store, Market street, Mari etta. C OLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS. Clycerine, Palm, Almond, Bathand Shaving SOAPS. Equal to any imported.— Just received and for sale, very cheap at THE GOLDEN MORTAR. NOTICE:—AiI peisoas knowing (hem selves indebted to the undersigned will please call and settle immediately, J. 8.. DIFFENBACH. HAIR ROOLS, the latest fashion—call in at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and see tue.ui—all the rage now, in the cities. Bottl,E.N' icing celebrated GIN, N. D. BENJAmI.N. 2 T. C2/40/X Ann NEW ANULAND RUM for culinary- purposes, warranted Ken tube H. D. Benjamin. j TON'S Periodical Drops and Clark's Fe larr P.... Tilf dada, Mortar E. REMINGTON & SONS, AND CARBINES, For the United States Service. Also, Pocket and Belt Revolvers, gifieating -4Nsi als, r?ifie Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rye and Shot Gun Barrels and Gun materials, •' sold by Gun dealers and the Trade generally. In these days of Housebreaking - ..,and Robbery, every House, Store, Bank and Office should have one of ileil)11)gtOW ilebOlbn. • Parties desiring to avail themselves of. the late improvements in ~Pistols, and superior workmanship and form, rill find allcom-ined in the New I. , temingtait irttlyallars lizr. Chenla's containing cuts and description of our Arms will be furnished on application. E. REMINGTON Ar SONS, ILzoN, N. Y. Moon): & NICHOLS, Agents, No. 40 Courtland-et., N. Y FISH'S , LAMP APPARATUS. Boiiing—Frying—SttwinK—Steeping— WITH THE FLAME THAT LIGHTS THE ROOM, • * • By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of otl, a very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. • • —N. Y. Tribune. * • * Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for uae in a moment • • 4 convenient to have on hand. • • Drug gist's Circular. • * • Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, • • • the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heating and cooking small articles, "and can be made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on • the ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers. * Scientific American. * • • For family use, hospital tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is all article of comfort beyond all propor tion to its cost. * • Hall's Journal of Health. • • • I have tried the apparatus, and my wife and I proclaim the same a most valu able and indispensable article, and we now wonder how we could have so ong done with out it. * • Ed. Coal Oil , Circular. • • • An economical contrivance for getting up heat at short notice for nursery and general household purposes, • • m one important point is the saving in cost over coal lines. * • * N. Y. Evening Post Prices from Two to Six Dollars. Capacity from One to Four Quarts. ffiThree Articles Cooked at one time with one Burner Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or Gas. A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty p".ges fur nished gratis. THE. UNION ATTACHMENT, Price 50 Cents, To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, by which water may be boiled, -and food cooked ; also arranged to support a shade. Every Family needs one. W.M. D.-RUSSELL. Agent. No. 206, Pearl St., New York. !Cr Agents Wanted. ft Two of these Heating Lamps can be seen at John 6pangler's Hardware. F o (IBEX! _n_ Phe Drug Store opposite the Post Office, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXOaANGE FOR Drugs, Aledicines, Stationary, &a.; 6v., OF EVERY lIESCRITTION. —A LSrl— A ItTIC.LES, Such as Perfumed Soaps, flair Oils, Hair Dyes, Pomades, Tooth Seeps, Tooth Washes, Hair, Nail, Clothe and Tooth Brushes. of all dezmip- Lions. Extracts for the Handkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia for the Hair, and many other Billeted too tedious to mention Ladies and Gents Port Monnaes, of every decc:iption. —A L S 0— All the most popular Patent Dledleines NOW IN USE, SUCH AS Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, P.x pectorant, and Verrnifuge, Jayne's Pills and Carniiiiitive Balsam, e: L c., Hostetter's Bitters, Holland's Guinan Bitters, Swaim's Panacea, Worm Lon fections, Mrs. Winslost 's Soothing Syrup, and in fact all the most reliable Patent medicines now in use. Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chun neys, &c. Also, articles of nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Hoot, Tapioca, &c. :Spices of all kinds, Cloves, Cinnemon, All spice, alace, Black Pepper, African Cayanne Pepper, French Mustard, Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Feed ing Cupa for the Sick, Breast Pumps, Nipple Slite,ds ' Nursing Bottles, '4lelt-injecting Sy ringsts, Flavoring Extracts for cooking, &c. Golden Carp, or Gold Fi,h with Founts, also Aquariums. Arrangements have also been made with one of the best Aviary* in the State, to furnish Canary and Mocking Birds,&c. A lot of Family Dye colors, of every shade. Fresh and reliable Garden Seeds. A large assortment of Books and Stationary, Everything in the Stationary wry, such as Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other Quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe and an endless variety of fancy and useful articles, usuei!y found at such establishments, but any article not un hand will be ordered at once. A new kind of playing cards, called "Union Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds, liearte, &c. The Face cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, Kings and Jacks. This is a beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign em blems and should be universally preferred. School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the School Stationary gcnerall), and Bibles, &c. always on hand. 11.3.- Subscriptions for alt the Magazines, Il lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies received. Sheet Music of all kinds will be ordered with promptness awn dispatch. Having secured the services of Mr. CHAS, H. BKITTON, an experienced and competent Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at all bouts. The Doctor himself can be consul ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being very thankful to the public for the past patronage Ifeatowed upon him, will try and endeavor to please all who may give him a call. F. HINKLE, M. D. Marietta. February 4, 1865-tf.` HE MASON & 11 AhILIN Cabinet Organs, • Forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $BO to $6OO each. FIFTY ONE Gold or Stltnr Medals, or other first pre miums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue s sent free. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Bos ton, or MASON BROTHERS, New-York, Septern`wr 9, 180.5-Iy.] pring Shawls Balmorals Gloves, Ho s i er y 0,3 Belts and Bue'lles, Embroidered Handker chiefs and Collars, Mourning Collars and Vei:s, Head Nets and Dress Trimmings. A full supply at SPANGLER & RICH'S. `UBSCRtP;&lONS+•roceived for all the laet 0 Periodicals of the day At The Golden Mortar. A LL Kinds of Blanks, Desds, &e. Foy fialeACihis °See. ___ I D•!4 V 4 : I __ _ TOVES I STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! COOK STOVES, COOK STOVES, STOVES, AT .POHN SPANG.L.E.R'S. PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR STOVES; PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. STOVES, STOVES,—VULCAN STOVES FOR HEATI_%G TWO OR FOUR ROOMS WITH ONE FIRE—FOURTH SUPPLY NO W READY—CALL AND SEE THEM AT Spangyr's Hardware and Stove Store Market Street, Marietta, Pa. WINKS & LIQUORS, H. BENJAMIN, DEILI SR IN WINES & Ll QUORS, Benjamin's Budding, Corner of Front-st., and Elbow Lane, MARIETTA, PA.. _ O -- BEGS leave to inform the public that ht will continue the WIN E Sr-LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. Hs will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins:lrish and Scotch Whiskey,.Cord4ils.Bittars, a-c., BENJAMIN'S. Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON NAND. A very auccrior OLD RYE WHISKEY. just received, which is warranted pure. lato All H. D. B. now asks of the pubic is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their puichases from him. 1 - 35-6ro REEVES , AMBROSIA FOR Tu E HAIR The Original and Genuine AMOII,O3IA is prepared by J. ALLEN REEVES and is the best hair dressing and preservative now in use It stops the hair falling out, causes it to grow thick and long and prevents it from turning prematurely grey. It eradicates dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and renders the hair soft, glossy and curly. Buy it, try it and be Cots vauced. Don't be put off with a spuri ous article. Ask for Reeves' Ambrosia and take no other. For Sale by Druggists and Deal. rs in Fancy Goods everywhere. PRICE., '75 Cents per bottle—S6 per dozen. Address, REEVE' AMBaOSIA DEPOT, 62, New- York City. For sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store. 1_12:8.1y WANTED! I=l $27.60 PER DAY GENTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen, I - lin every county in tle United States, to sell the Ink powders of the American Ink Lompany. The powder sells fur forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottl !„ A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, and clear $2260. The ink can be made from the powder in thsle min utes in cominon boiling water. it is a perfect black ink, tho best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a particie, never gums up, is not injured by freezing, and its color will last forever. Every family iu kmerica will buy it, as a package will last a family fin years, and ink can be made in small quantities as wanted. With each gross we send a thousand circulars, with testimon ials from clergymen, lawyers, teachers, mer chants, commercial colleges, editors, Ste., and the agent's name on the bills. Only one per son will be made agent fur a county. The first one sendin ,, 1150 for a gross of the powder will receive it b y returnexpress, together with one thousand circulars and the right to sell in the county he or she designates. if others send for the same county, the money will he returned to them free of expense. To make sure, one had better designate several counties, either of which he or she will take. Send fur trade list ,and circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, 03 send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or the express agents of this city. will show that the business is honor ably and squarely conducted. An Ink Pow der will be sent by mail to any address, free of charge, on receipt of forty cents. Address, writing your name, town, county and State distinctly, AMERICAN INK COMPANY, Manchester,N. THOMAS. W. LANE, Clerk for the Company and Special Agent. eolumbia lottranee company. Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a Capital and Assets. 11.59,920:80. V JflS Compan) continues to insure Build ings, Merchandise, and other property, agaiust lons and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium cr premium note. FIFTII ANNUAL REPORT. Whole amount insured, $5,027,02 Amt cf premium notes, $426,090:66 Bal.-cash premium, Jan'y I, 1864, 3,754:47 Cash receipts in 1864, less fees and com missions, 22,870:56 $462,715:6 Losses and expenses paid in 1364, $22.794:89 Balance of Capital and Assets, Jan uary Ist, 1865, 429,920:30 • --- $452,715:69 A. S. GREEN, PRESIDENT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., :'ecretary. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS; Samuel Shock, William Patton, Robert T. Ryan, John W. Steacy, John Fendrich, George Young, Tr., H. G. Minich, Nichblas AVDcnald, Samuel F. Eon lein, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering. f xi-33 LADIES TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE THE REAL TrALPALT FEMALE PILLS! [!WARRANTED FRENCH.] These Pills, so celebrated many years ago in Paris, for the relief of female irregularities, and afterwards so notorious for their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale for the first time in Amer ica. They have been kept in comparative ob scurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. VALP AU, is a Physician in Paris, of great wealth and strict conscientious principles, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purposes. In overcoming female obstructions they seem to be truly onthipitent, bursting open the flood gales from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offered to the public only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbid den to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. For sale by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta ; P. A. Pyle, Mountjoy ; H. D. Parry and Columbia, and druggists generally. Ladies can procure a box, sealed from the eyes of the curious, by enclosing $1 and six postage stamps to 0. G. STAPLES, General Agent for us, Watertown, New-York, or to any 01 the above agents. 1n0.25-ly ALARGE LOT OF BIJI , F WINDOW SHADES at remarkably low prices— to close out JOAN SPANGLER. XIEST Quality of Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes,. et D. Landie'. CONSUMPTIVES, READ WHAT DR. SCHENCK IS DOING. DR./. H. SCHENCK DEAR Si :—I feel it a duty I owe to you, and to all who are suffering under the diseases known as Consumption and Liver Compiamt, to let them know what great benefits I have received from your Pulmonic Sy'rup and Sea weed Tonic in so short a time. By the bless ing of God it has cured me thus far. Dr. Schenck, I will now make my state ment to you, as follows :—About eighteen months ago 1 was attacked with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs ; I could not retain anything I ate, and suffered with evening fevers and night sweats. I was very much reduced. Tne whites of my eyes were very yellow; likewise my skin; my appetite all gone, and unab-e to digest what 'did ear; bowels swollen, irregular and costive- 1 was very low spirited, and had such violent spells of coughing wneu I lay down at night and u hen I arose in the morning that they would last one or two hours. then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to 1M on my left side. I can not describe my wretched suffering as I would wish to do. Every organ in my body was dis eased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and 1 was confined to my bed from the last of February, 1862, to June 1502, not able to sit up. I had the beat of medical at tendance the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it racked me very omen. 1 at this time raised a large quantity of thick, yellow, offensive matter, sometimes with blood and it was generally accompanied. by nausea, and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly I would have sharp, shooting pains in my left side and heart, night sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; had much inward fever, pain in my back and under my shoulder blades and in the small 01 my back, cud at times so severe that it would throw me into spasms. Now my phi sic* gave me up to di e . Others I had, and the beat of them, but they could do noth ing for me, and at that time 1 was nothing but skin and bone. 1 then was in the western parr of Missouri. In June last we left there for the East, and in August last we came to New York, and I was so reducel that 1 could only walk a little with my husband's help. Alter 1 had been here a short time the salt wa ter breeze made the feel much better for a time and then 1 had again to call a physician for aid. We had four of the best physicians of New York on the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They aid I was past cure, and that my lungs were too far gone fur any one to cure me. But at this time l was on my feet about the house, not able to do much of anything. In Novem ber lest I grew worse, and the consumption diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeks. We had tried all and everything that I could grasp at like a dying person for my disease— consumption and liver complaint—but of no avail. In January, 1863, I was brought down again on my bed, and was not expected to live the night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all gave me up tu die. At this time every one who saw me did not think I would ever leave my bed a living woman. The first night I was at tacked with spasms, and was deranged most of the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to see me the last of week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it was an account of a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. She read it to me, and it was so much like my disease that I asked my husband to go and see him fur me. At this time I had given up all hopes of ever getting well again, at,d made iny,pence with God, to be ready whenever lie called tor me. On the 27th of January, 1865, my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street, New York,.and stated to him my case, with a re— quest tor him to call and see me, which he did, and examined me with the respirometer. When he was about to go 1 asked him if he could cure me 3 His reply was ; j cannot tell, both lungs are diseased, and the bronchi al tubes are affected on both sides." And yet he seemed to think there were lungs enough left to effect a cure if the diarrhea could be stopped. He said in order to do this, he would have is give me Mandrake Pills small doses at first; to carry oft the morbid,matter, cud then, with astringents, he hoped to check it, which he did, but the constant coughing, night sweats, and diarrhea had prostrated roe so that he was afraid my vital powers were too much prostrated ever to rally, and yet lie seemed to think if I could live to get enough Pulinonic Syrup through my system to cause expectoration there were lungs enough left for tne to recover. lie wished me to try the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at once, saying it would do nie Ito harm, if it did me nu good. The first, week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up in bed and ate hearty fora sick woman ; but the next week 1 lost all hope and wished my husband nct to give me any more tnedicine. no the doctor had warned him of this, and when the medicine was clearing out the sys tem it made them Seel somewhat restless, and to persevere; and he insisted on my taking it ; and now I feel the benefit of it. For after eight days I began to gain my strength, and, with the exception of a cold that put the back some, 1 have been gaining strength of body, my cough is going away, and all my pains arc gone ; no soreness of the body, my bowels are regular, and my breath is sweet, and 1 thank God that 1 am now going about, and sew and read as well as ever I could. I have taken sixteen bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a pod appetite and lest well at night ; my cough does not trouble me iu gett ing up or lying down. I would here say to the afflicted with consumption or liver com plaint, that Dr. Schenck is no humbug You can rely on what he says. Delay not ;it is dangerous to trifle with these diseases. If you would be cured, go at once ; and any else wishing to know the facts as herein stated can call at my residence, 117 West Houston street, New York city. hi RS. MARY F. FARLOW We, the undersigned, residents of New York are acquainted with Mrs. larlow, and know her atatement to be true. We also know that she used Ur. Schenck'simonie Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, and hate reason to believe that t this medicine she owes her preservation from a premature grave. B. FARLOW, 117 West flouston at. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Creenwich street. Mrs. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Green wich street. AUGUSTA UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich street. A. F. Harris: 11'7 West Houston street. EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Houston at. J. L. COLE:, 33 Cottage pl. M. A. LEIGHTON, 463 Broadway. Mrs. BENJAMIN C LA PP, 19 Amity pl. • lam well acquailited with Mrs. Mary F. Farlow, and with hex husband, Mr. B. Farlow they having for a few months past attended at my church, and I am convinced that any statement which they might make may be re lied on as true. JOHN DOW LING, 1). D., Pastor of Bedford st. Baptist Church, N. y. Dr. Schenck will be professionally at his principal office No. 15 North Sixth street, cor ner of Commerce, Pluladelphia, every Satur day, from 9 A.. M., until 4 P. M., No. 34 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ; No. 33 Summer street, Boston, Mass , every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, and every other Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Balti more, 141 d. All advice free, but for a thorough examination of the lungs with his ftespirome ter, the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each $1.60 per bottle, or $7.0 per hal dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. December 9. 1565.-Iv. [ll THE BEST OF THE MO NTH LI ES— THE LADY'S FRlEND—devoted to FA.SH. lON and LITERATURE. Beautiful Steel Engravings. SPLENDID DOI/WA-SIZED COL ORED FASHION PLATES. The Latest patterns of Dresses, Cloaks, Bonnets, Embroidery &c., Household receipts, Music, &c. Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines given as premiums. Send 15 cents for a sample copy to DEACON & PETERSON, 319, Philadelphia. CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERS an ea cellent article for4fadiee. Just received and for sale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store. DR. HENRY LANDIS. Dr. Henry Landis Dr. Henry_ - Landis At the "Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," Market Street, Marietta, Market Street, Marietta, Keep constantly on hana Keep constantly on hand Drugs, Perfumeries, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Howe & Stevens Family Dye Colors, Shoulder Braces and Trusses, Papers and Periodicals, Books & Stationary, Portmonnaies, Segara, Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember' the place, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr. Grove's old Stand. Give us a call. Give us a call. Z.. 1 .Z 1 1.3Z) La. M HISTORY OF THE GREAT REBELLION! THE late rebellion stands out peculiar and extraordinary in human even's; and the magnificent scale upon which the war has oeen conducted, constitute it one of the grand est and most brilliant chapters of the world's histo y. Mr. Headley, of all writers, is perhaps best qualified to portray the the stupendous feat ures of the mighty contest. His previous works on less momentous themes have placed him in the first position, as a graphic and pow erfui deleniator of war scenes and characters, and the magnitude and grandeur of the pres ent subject, impart to his pen the fire and vi gor of a yet more exacted inspiration, and fur nish ample scope for the highest exhibition of his peculiar genius for military deseqption. Under his powerful pen the stirring scenes of the War pass in review with the vividness and distinctness of a present and living reality; while his great talent for condeloation ena bles him to embody everything of importance in a compass just suited to the public want. From no other source can so clear and com prehensive an impression of the grand march of events be obtained, so easily and agreeably as from Mr. Headley's work. Other histories have been issued before Grant's Report and other official documents were submitted to the government, and there fore unreliable. b. r. Headley has delayed the completion of this till those documents so es sential to authenticity and correctness could be obtained. The second volume, completing this work, is now (June 30th, '66] ready. Agents wan ted to engage in its sale in every town and county in the United States. Liberal induce ments offered. For particulars apply to or ad dres. A.:IIERICAN PUB, "SUING CO., No. 148 Asy;um-at.. Hartford. Conn. Scranton 3• Burr, .Agents. JACOB LIBIIART, JR., , CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, MARIETTA, PA 11111181 . 1 1 M WOULD most respectfully take this meth od of informing the citizens of Marietta and the public in general, that, having laid in a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prepaieci to manufacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, in every style and variety, at short notice He has on hand a lot of Furniture of his own manufactu,e, which for fine finigh- and good workmanship, will rival any Citylskake. fi:r Especial attention paid to refniiring. He is also now prepared to attend, in all its branches, the IT NI/h:RTAKING business, be ing supplied with. an excellent Herse, large and small Biers, Cooling Box, &c. la- COFFINS finished in any style—plain or costly. Ware Room and Manufactory, near Mr. Duffy's new building, near the "Upper-Sta tion," Marietta, Pa. [Oct• 22. JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane,Marietta I'l RATEFIJ L for past favors I would retire kjmy thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that 1 still continue the old business at the cld stand . , where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a tull and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES VEST!' VGS, which will be made up to order at the short e notice by the best of workmen, and on reasons ble terms, I-would be pleased, therefore, to wai upon my old customers and all who see proper of patronize me hereafter. f 0ct.29-756. fhb Mtibql of 'Karim if KID GLOVES; Puffed for waists; Black and White Valls ; Neck-Ties for Laois!' and Gentlemen; Crochet; Edgings; Jackonet Edging; Swiss Ivluslins ; Cotton Hose; Infants , Waists; new style Collars ; Ribbons of all kinds; Dimity Ruffling; Em broidered Handkerchiefs; Coat Trimmings; Fancy Buttons, for Coats and Dresses; Paper Collars and Cuffs, for Ladies and Gentlemen ; Hymn Books and an endless variety of useful and fancy articles for both sexes. Come and see fur yourselves. AN IMPROVED LANTERN HIS is the most desirable Lantern in the T market. It burns Coal Oil without a Chimney, emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white light. It stands quick motions in any direction. The flame is regulated from the outside. It is neat and compact in form and size. It is free from solder in the upper parts, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. For sale at JOHN SPANGLER'S Hardware Store, on Market street 1866 ! b)liaoetpl)i4 1866 ! Wall TT O WELL & BOURKE, 11 - 1 Manufacturers of Paper Hangings amp . WINDOW SHADES, Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Streets, , PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in store, a largo stock of linen and Oil Shades. I. A TTENTION ! SPORTSMEN ! ! Eley's Gua Caps, EleyN Gun Wadds, Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder, Baltimore Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, sold at JOHN STANGLEWS. COAL HODS, Coal Seives, Coal Shovels P. kers, Stove Grates, Cylinder. and Li nings of different kinds, kept on hand at JOHN SPANGLER'S. A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called indtstructable Pleasure Books; School and Paper Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders, &c , at DR. LA NUTS,. ROGER'S Celeorated Pearl Cement and Oil Paste Blacking at " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. A. H. LANDIS is the sole agent for the ju Sale of MISR LEA'S BITTERS, in the Borough of Marietta. For gale at the GOLDEN MORTAR. TO LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch and Trish WHISKIE s, warren. ted to be pure, at H. D. Bytioniain,e. 014 t Vernbian Stdls . a protected solution of the PROTOXIDE OF IRON, a new discovery in medicine ac tit Strikes at the root of disease. by supplying the blood with as vital p ima , or life element—teoa. Ali This is the secret of the wo nderful av,, llltif curing this remedy in Dyspepsia, Laver Complains, D ropsy, tani Dairrhrect, Boils, Nervous Affatio g Chills and Fevers, Buenos, L s , 'i a d mstitutional Vigor, Dimin The Kidnrys and B( a o ( 41,v Female CompLy e i s ,,, and all diseases originating Ina lu4 state ht. Blood 3f the or accompanied by debility of ►7, I • 10s . Being free from Alchohol in soy f sst. energizing effects are not followed by so ' f ,.'„! aponding reaction, but are per/males, sing strength, vigor and new life into 4 1 7 411 ; of the system, and building up su hos e ss , atitution. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY, From the venerable archdeacon iScott • • , p, mule Canada East, Mack 29, ID. *‘‘ am an inveterate Dyn e ," _ * * t h * " ." 25 1 hyaevaer abeateannsdoinwg.o'n'derful'lTZ fitted in he three short wean during which! have used the Peruvian Syrup, chat I cut scarcely persuade myself of the reality, People alt.) have kno vn me are astonished at the change. lam widely known, s li d 41 but recommend to others that which has duce so much for me." • * * A Case of 27 Years' Standing Cured, From Insley Jewett, No. 15 Avon place, 14 ton. I have suffered and sometimes severely, for 27 years, from Dyspepsia. 1 comments! taking the Peru viau Syrup, and found fini te . diate benefit from it. In the course of thet or four weeks 1 was entirely relieved front! sufferings, and have enjoyed unintenuyttd health ever since." .4n Eminent Divine of Boston says: c. I have been using 'he Peruvian Synge some time past; it gives me new vigor, buoy. ancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle.' Thousands have been changed by the ose of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering ca. tures, to strong, healthy, and happy Then and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hm. tate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing temp. cates of cures an.. recommendations jilt some of the most eminent physicians, dein , . men, and others, will be sent FREE 10 Bayed. dress. III" See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. FOR SALt BY J. P. Dinsmore, Proprietor, 36 Dey Striel New York. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SCROFULA! All Medical Men agree that lODINE ie the best remedy fot Scrofula and all kindred die. eases ever discovered. The difficulty helm to obtain a pure solution of it. DR. 11. ANDERS' lODIiVE WATEI Is a Pure Solution of lodine, without • -' vent Containing A rim. 6RAIV to each. , no of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Ago rod Restorative. It BAB cured and WILL CURE SCROFULAIa all its manifold forms. ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, BALT RFI Circulars will be sent FRXE to any one end. ing their address. Price $l.OO a bottle, or 6 for $5.00 Prepared by Dr. H. Anders, physician ind Chemist. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New Yotk. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. nisfaFs 2.415441) of alla HAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLT HALF A CENTURY, WITH THE MUST ASTONISHING lIICCESI 133:433 Coughs. Colds Ifoirseness, Sore Throat, le fluenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Lon Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, and every affection of The Throat, Lungs, and Chat. CONS UJIIPTION; which carries off more victims than any other disease, and which baffles the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY: when all others prove ineffectual. AS A SIEDICINg, RAPID IN RELIEF. SOOT H LNG IN Errurigitt IN ITS OPERATION, IT IS UNSU RPASSED! while as a preparation, free from DOXlOUia gredients, poisons, or minenils; science, and medical knowledge: curigalei all that is valuable in the vegetable Iloplols for this class of disease, it is - INCOMPAIIABL E! and is entitled, merits, and receives :Leg's' eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER , : of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows: " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry giro universal satisfaction. It seems to cure t cough by loosening and cleansing theDt and allaying irritation, thus removaig cause, instead of drying up the couis iob, leaving the cause behind. 1 ceasaler Balsam as good as any, if siot the Got, CA' medicine with which I am acip,idated." pd The Rev. JACOB SUCH LE it, of lianoer , Well known and much respected atnoug di German population in this countiy. eit leo!, the following statement for bet the afflicted. A ; DEAR Sias: Having realize, in to: important benefits from the use of 301 ,[ g c 01 able preparation—WlST A R's r e WILD CHERRY—it affords me tdelo ule i commend it to the public. Some " i a I ago one of my iltiu4hters seemed to ar t decline, and little hopes of ter rec0e1,.,,,,: entertained. I then procured a Dolte l u' t : tk et excellent Balsam. and before she LoD itt the whole of the contents of the was a great improvement in her sea t an S e have, in my individual case made eut.. use of your valuable medicine, ways been benefitted it. PRICE ONE DOLLAR _4 B° ll ''' FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Bet Street, e ,t l .s ` l:tt SETH W. FOWLE It SON, Proprieteri, And by all Drumista• GRACI'S CELEBRATEiI SALO CURES CUTS, BURN - ' SCALIA Gra.,e's Celebrated Salve CURES WOUNDS, BRUISES, ere,?. Grace's Celebrated Satre CURES BOILS, ULCERS, COCOS', Grace's Celebrated Salve of. CURES CHAPPED XIANDS, CIIILBLS Grace's celebrated Salve STEALS OLD SORES, FLESH WOOB3 000 It is prompt in action, ternoves p?ln a sc ' e iipi and reduces the most angry-1001,0 g los BI and inflammations, as if by 104 Le, . fordng relict and a complete cure • .. 0r „,,i5, Only .25 eta a box ( Sent by naol For sale by J. P. DlNsmOitE,3u 1"`" New York. S. W. FO WLE & SON, Proprie tor& c ° ° , 3 ,l; Sold by all Druggists, Go sod atom.