The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, July 21, 1866, Image 2

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    Elte plariettian.
ry rr
'l2 *
Stiftii-Oali 'falling, ulij 2t, tBO6.
Gen. J. TV. Geary, of Cumberland Co
NW Formers Press in'speaking of the
recenccarrying over the head of the
President, the second Freedmen's
says : " 'The Tribune's' last blow at
the freedmen in his fifth veto was this
afternoon nobly warded off by the loyal
congressional majorities, and now the
bureau will stand under the shelter of
the law, with no thanks to the Moses of
Tennessee.'l:You will re - collect his first
veto killed the original bill, and that
the bureau was liable at 'any moment to
be dismantled by -his orders. He had
often threatened to discontinue it:
Hence the imperative necessity of this
bill, and the priceless importance of the
votes of Congress. The extraordinary
feat of reading the veto and passing the
bill over his head in both Houses 011 the
same afternoon, shows the granite solid
ity of the_Union,forces in Congress, and
is a good pattern for our politicians to
Ur (Jul. Forney in a very able article
in the Press, urges Congress not to ad
journ. He predicts that in the event of
an adjournment, the President will is
sue a Proclamation of general amnesty,
and which will be followed by elections
for members of C,ngress:in the seceded
States for the present unexpired term.
That the elected rebels and copperheads
in the North will secretly assemble in
Washington. That the President will
then issue his proclamation, convening
an extra session of Congress at short
notice, and before the Republican mem
bers can reach there, Congress will be
organized by' these elements, and the
Southern members admitted to seats.
This once done, there will be no power
to remove them. The very worst con
sequences will surely follow an adjourn
Cr Senator James H. Lane of Kan
sas was a lawyer by profession ; a native
of Indiana; served in the Mexican war
and in the late rebellion ; killed his
neighbor, Mr. Jenkins, in Kansas, *in
1858, on a slight misunderstanding. It
is said that he committed suicide in
consequence of finding that his constitu
ents were dissatisfied with his Andy
Johnson course ; and that his re-election
to the U. S. Senate was exceedingly
doubtful. By others that exposures,
about to be made, of subsidies paid him
fbr his influence in Congress and with
Andy Johnson.
fir An Eaglish counterfeiter of green-
backs has been arrested at Atlanta.
He states that the bills were made at
Nottingham, England, and that he, with
nine accomplices, came Lure for the
purpose ofpeddling them. Three are
in Now York, two in Boston, one in
Cincinnati, one in St. Louis, one in
Nashville, and one unknown. He re
fused to describe them, or give any in
formation against them.
tEr The War Depaitment has made
public the record in the case of -James
W. Duncan, tried at Savannah in Ap - ril
or May for the murder of prisoners at
Andersonville. He was found guilty of
manslaughter, in violation of the laws of
war, and sentenced to fifteen years' im
prisonment. The sentence has been
confirmed by the President, and Duncan
is confined at Fort Pulaski.
W . Gen. Ould, late rebel Oommissio , -
er of Exchange, is in Washington. Ile
says the people of the South will send
none but those who i took part in the
rebellion to the. Philadelpbia Conven
tion, for the reasons that there are none
others in the South who-have an ounce
of brains. The South he says will-soon
resume control of the country as before
the war.
Itiir Speaker Colfax has been, for the
eighth time, unanimously renominated
for Congress in Indiana unsolicited,
What a record this is to leave behind
him I What wilt be Andrew Janson's
compared to this ? An honest man, it
has been truly said, is the noblest work.
of God. Here is treachery and fidelity,
choose ye.
Postmaeter General Dennison has
resigned and A. W. liandpll, first assist
ant, appointed in his Once. It is said
Montggrnery Blair tried hard to get in
eir Gen. John A. Dix has the "John •
son fever." He wants a place in "my
policy," cabinet.
Attcirney General Speed has re
signed from Johnson's cabinet.
igir Freeman Clark. Comptroller of
the Treasury, bas'Also resigned.
4,tt Portland . , Once the fire, sevelij .
ty. five child ren h ave been borp ln ten•ta.
IN M EMORTAM.—The Rochester Demo
crat proposes to erect a monument in
honor of the defunct Democracy, and
offers the following as an inscription :----
Bic facet !
a kind husband of
an indulgent father of
and a firm friend
The tender plant that north winds chill-
ed, -
Has drooped and withered in its prime;
But what the snowy ballot
May flourish in a warmer clime.
or A despatch from Annapolis, July
10th, - says : A. NO accident occurred
here last night. 4,A party of seven, mini
posed of five priests and two students
left Annapolis at four o'clock on a pleas
ure trip down the bay. When off Thom
as Point, Father Clapeus was lost over
board, and while endeavoring to save
him the boat capsized, and Fathers
Bradley and Goodemann, and students
F. F. Kenny and Runge, were lost.
The two others remained clinging to the
boat, and drifted ashore on Thomas
Point and then walked . to Washington
city, arriving this morning. A party
was sent in search of the bodies, but
failed as yet to recover any of them, for
which a liberal reward has been offered.
cir The St. Louis, train stopped as
usual at Carlingville, a few days.ago, to
enable the passengers to obtain refresh
ments. Two ladies stepped from the
car to the platform, and inquired of a
gentleman the name of the place. Ile
told them., " Is this the Carlingville
where General Palmer resides ?" asked
they. They were told it was, and the
general offered to point out the general's
residence. To this offer one of the fe
males responded, "'No, sir, I have no
desire to see his house. I am a Ken
tucky lady, sir, and I spit ( suiting the
action to the word ) upon Carlingville."
Carlingville still exists.
ear The Norfolk Old Dominion classi
fies the political parties in Virginia as
National Union men, radical Union men
and ancient democrats. The radical
Unionists are said to raver the disfran
chisement of rebels and the enfranchise
ment of negroes. - John Minor Botts,
Judge Underwood, and John F. Lewis
are leading men in this parti. The
" ancient democrats," now, as formerly,
are secessionists.
ra- At Salem, Illinois, on the 4th
inst., Generals Sherman and Logan were
present, and General Logan, in conclud
ing his speech, said :
I was a Whig, but I have great af
fection for you loyal Democrats, your
fathers, who sent your sons to support
Gen. Sherman, who, I believe, is a Dew.
General Sherman rrmnptly interrup
ted General Logan, saying : "I never was
a Democrat!" I only voted oneeln . my
t The 'recopy print works, located
in Frankford, Philadelphia, wore entire
ly destroyed by fire on Thursday after•
noon, involving a total loss of nearly
thirteen hundred thousand dollars ; part
ly insured ; three hundred and fifty op
erators thrown out of einploymer(t.
'Phe fire was , unquestionably the work of
an incendiary.
Cr A returned Californian, named
Streeter; deposited $l,OOO in a barrel of
beans, and hid it in a barn iu Fllington
township, about six miles from Quincy,
Illinois, fearing it would be stolen. The
barn took fire, and 1,500 bushels of corn
were burned, and the money went with
it, the barrel of beaus being a poor bank
of deposit.
11 Col. Thos. A. Scott and other
leading railroad engineers are asking
the consent of Congress to. tunnel the
MississipPi river at St. Louis, instead
of bridging it ; the tunnel to bo con
structed of wrought iron, not to exceed
in costt3,ooo,ooo, and to be completed
in three years.
The commencement exercises of
Princeton College closed last Wednes
day. This institution is 119. years old,
and its first president was Aaron Burr.
It, is in very prosperous circumstances,
and stands as high as any similar col•
lege in the country.
(Ur Senator Lane told some of his
friends is Washington, beforo he left
for Kansas, that ho " thought ha would
go and blow out his,btains".on account
of the political wreak he had made of
Cr The investigation into the con
duct of General Kilpatrick, Minister to
Chili, shows that there is no truth in
the shameful charges madell the Dem
ocratic newspapers against him.
fir A London merchant recently ad
v'ertiged for a clerk who could "bear
confinement." He received an answer
from one who had been upward of seven
years in jail. Of course he was eligible.
ipp The Camden and Amboy Railroad
Company are laying steel rails in place
of theold : Tion ones. This rail is. ex
pensive, ,but—it is ,thought .will be far
wore:dterable than
c - #-,TIIE MA.RIETTIA.N.&-xn
Naas in Bed
The wife of Major General Jeff 0.
Davis fell overboard from the Louisville
mailhoat lately, and narrowly escaped
drowning, The general sprang in and
saved her.
Judge Sharewood has decided that a
draft payable at a future day is not en
tided to daya of grace.
The funeral of General James H.
Lane took place at Leavenworth, on the
Captured dogs in Philadelphia are
quietly rapped on the New York
drowned, and in Washington shot,
The Tennessee Legislature will ratify
the constitutional amendment.
A Maryland paper records the birth
of two children, twins, each having two
heads, four eyes, and three legs.
The Portland fire was caused by a
Chinese cracker, lighted and thrown by
a little boy. It ignited some shavings,
and these were swept by the wind into a
cooper Shop.
/ Galveston jadge fined one of the
parties in a suit fifty dollars for attemp
ting•to get food to a juror who was hold
ing out in his favor.
Mr. Forrest's receipts for his first ten
nights at Maguire's Opera House, San
Francisco, are said to be $22,000 in
The estate of the late Colonel Colt,
of Hartford, amounting to about $4,000;=
000, is now in process of distribution.
The Leavenworth Bulletin places at
the head of its editorial columns the fol
lowing ticket: "For President in 1868
—Ulysses S. Grant. For Vice-Presi
dent—A man we can trust."
A cargo of nearly one thousand slaves
was recently landed in Cuba.
House robberies in New York are
frightfully on the increase.
Portland was burned by the British
in October, 1i75.
It is proposed to erect in the public
gardens in front of the Capitol at Wash
ington a monumental fountain in honor
of Col. Ellsworth, one of the first he
roes of the war.
Frederick Douglass has received the
gift of the cane last carried by Mr.
Senor Loz-ino, the priiate secretary
of Santa Anna, died at New York on
Sunday, after a brief illness.
The late rebel General Beauregard
has proffered his services to Garibaldi
and Geo. N. Sanders intends doing the
s ame thing.
A cardsigned by "American citizens"
appears in a Montreal newspaper, pro
posing Admiral*Forragut as a candidate
for President of the United States.
An Indiana school teacher attempted
to chastise a female scholar, when a
young fellow threatened to shoot him,
whereupon the master drew his own
pistol, and shot the boy, who returned
the fire, hitting his mark. Both were
badly wounded.
It is said the idea of annexation to
the United States is entertained by the
141.extean Liberalists.
The counsel of Jefferson Davis have
ceased to apply for his parole. Davis'
condition is now quite comfortable.
Gov. Curtin will not call an extra
session of the Pennsylvania Legislature
to ratify the constitutional amendment,
until he secures the co-operation of the
other loyal states.
It is stilted that the cabinet is to be
recast. Mcis.srs. Seward and McCulloch
only retaining their places.
It is proposed to make a watering
place of the Gettysburg battle-field
springs property.
A man in Lawrenne, Mass., had his
legs sawed nearly in tWo, lengthwise, by
falling upon a circular saw.
A man in New York has raised 100,-
000.,young, trout from stocking streams
and ponds, selling them at $5O per
thousand. ,
A Pennsylvania widower with' seven
children was recently married to a widow
with five children, neither party know
ing that the other was, blessed with re
A Frenchman who has been investi
gating the growth of plants by day and
by night, considers that the greatest in
crease in length take's place at night.
The mountains of Utah were covered
with snow on the - 10th and 11th ofJune.
A little sprinkling here would be rather
enjoyable at this particular time.
The Pope's own sister recently died
at Rome in great poverty and mis
ery. She was anti-Catholic, and the
Pope wouldn't do much for her.
Mr. James Shea, a rich bachelor of
St, Louis, died recently, leaving the be
quest of $lOO,OOO to the hospital of the
Sisters of Charity in that city, in which
institution,,shen , poor and friendless, he
had - received, medical care and nursing.
Moseby, the.guerilla, and Gilmor, the
railroad.. rob,t4ri were at • Washington,
last week; is nnderstdo&had pleas
ant interviews with the Preisidtint 1
.Zpttf al Notitem
PURIFY THE Bioon.—lf the blood be pure
the body, which is formed from and by the
blood cannot be diseased. But if there be in
any part of the body any affection, such as a
boil or ulcer, even a bruise, the blood circula
ting through that part takes up impure mat
ters from the local effection and carries it into
the general system. This is the cause often
of sudden death to persons of full habit, afflic
ted with boils and ulcers, and who use no med
icine ; the matter gets into the circulating sys
tem and chokes up the fine blood vessels which
supply the brain with vitality, and life ceases
as if bereft by lightning. Now this can be re
alized. BRANDRETH'S PILLS take all impure
matters from the circulation, and save the
general health, soon curing local affections
also. BrandrAth's Pills protect from tedious
times of sickness and often save life.
Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines.
To CONBI72IPTIVES.—The advertiser hav
ing boon restored to health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption, is an
xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure. Vial who desire it, hd
will send a copy of the prescription, free 'of
charge, with the directions for preparing and
useing the same, which they will find a sure
cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron
chitis, Colds, and all throat and lung affections.
The only object of the advertiser in sending
the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hbpes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, PREZ, b:
return mail, will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. lelTnaorr, Williamsburg,
Kings County, New-York. ily
Farmers, Families and others can purchase no
remedy equal to Dr. TOBIAS , Venetian Lin
iment for dysentery, collc,croup, chronic rheu
matism, sore throat, toothache, sea sickness,
cuts, burns, sweelings, bruises, old sores, head
ache, mosquito bites, pains in the limbs, back,
chest, &c. If it does not give relief the mon_
ey will be refunded. All that is asked is a
trial, and use it according to directions.
Dr. Tobias. Dear Sir : I have used your
Venetian Liniment in my family fora number
of years, and believe it M be the best article
for what it is recommended that I have ever
used. For sudden attack of croup, it is inval
uable. I have no hesitation in recommending
it for all the uses it, professes to cure. I have
sold it for many. Years, and it gives entire sat
isfaction. CHAS. H. THINNER.
Quakertown, N. J., May 8, 1866
Price 40 and 80 cents. Sold by all Druggists
Depot, 56 courtlandt-k, N. Y. [4O-1m
TRANSFORMATION. The superstition ol an
tiquity are only "food for laughter" at the pre
sent day, and yet this is an age of MIRACLES,
accomplished with the aid of science. For ex
ample : grey, sandy or red hair is changed in a
moment, to the richest conceivable black or
brown, by a simple application of CH artrAno
no's HAIR D9E 3 Manufactured by J. CHRIS-
T ADORO, 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold
by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
LOVE AND MATRIMONY:—Ladies and gen
tlemen, if you wish to marry, address the un
dersigned, who will send you, without money
and without price, valuable information that
will enable you to marry happily and speedily
irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This
information will cost you nothing, and if you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.—
All letters strictly-confidential. The desired
information sent by return mail, and no re
ward asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT,.
Greenpoint, Kings county, N. Y. [3B-3m
ERRORS or YOUTH.—A gentleman who suf
fered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi
ence, can do so by addressing JOHN D. OG
DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York.
0- One of the greatest causes of ill health is
costiveness, or indigestion. It has for its off
spring, Dyspepsia, with all its attendant mis
eries, such as sick head-ache, sour stomacher
no appetite, no energy, in fact, complete pros
tration. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure is a sovereign
remedy; why do not you, who are suffering,
make the experiment of a trial of a single bot
tle ; it costa but a trifle to test it, and will sur
ley bring you relief.
Deafniss, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
M. D., Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel
phia. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country can be seen at
his office. The medical faculty are invited to
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets
in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted with
out pain, No charge for examination.
11r ITCH !-ITCH ! ! ! Scratch!
Scratch ! Scratch !! ! WHEATON'S OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and all
eruptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 170 Washing
ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage, to any part of the Union.
STRARGE, BUT TRUE.—Every young .lady
and gentleman in the United States can hear
something very much to their advantage by
return mail (free of charge,) by addressing
the undersigned. Those having fears of being
humbugged will oblige by not noticing this
card. All others will please address their
obedient servant, Tuos. F. CHAPMAN, 831
Broadway, N. Y.
warning and instruction for young men :
Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros
trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of
releif.' " Sent free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. Address, DR. J. SKILL - IN HOUGH-
Ton, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. [july 1,'66-ly.
ice' Whiskers !—Whisiters ! Doctor L. 0.
Monter' Corrolia', fhe greatest stimulator in
the world, will force Whiskers or Moustaches
to grow on the smoothest face or chin; never
known to fail ; sample for trial sent free to
any one desirous of testing its merits. Address,
.REEVES & Co., 78 Nassau-st., N. Y. [3m
ICP' Dr. Velpau , s Pills cure female weak
nissel and all other female complaints. Sold
by Dr. P.-Hinkle, Marietta; and by all good
827.60 PER DAY!
AGENTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen,
in every county in the United States, to
sell the Ink powders of the American Ink
Company. The powder sells for forty cents
per package, and will make ink enough to fill
fifty bottles of the' size usually retailed at ten
cents per bottl A smart agent can sell a
gross of it a day, and clear $27.60. The ink
can be made from the powder in tree min
utes in common boiling water. It is a perfect
black ink, tho best in the world. It flows
easily, does not corrode the pen a particle,
never gums up, is not injured by freezing, and
its color will last forever. Every family in
kmerice will buy it, as a package will last a
family for years, and ink can be made in
small quantities as wanted. With each gross
we send a thousand circulars, with testimon
ials from clergymen, lawyers, teachers, mer
chants, commercial colleges, editors, &c., and
the agent's name on the bills. Only one per
son will be made agent for a county. The
first one sending $3O for a gross of the powder
will receive it by return express, together with
one thousand circulars and the right to sell in
the county he or she designates. If others
send for the same county, the money will be
returned to them free of expense. To make
sure, one had better designate several counties,
either of which he or she will take. Send for
trade list and circulars if you dare run
risk of waiting, or send the money for a gross.
Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster,
cashiers of the banks, or the express agents of
this city. will show that the business is honor
ably and squhrely conducted. An Ink Pow
der will be sent by mail to any address, free
of charge, on receipt of forty cents.
Address, writing your name, town, county
and State distin ctly,
Maneheeter,N. H.
Clerk for the Company and Special Agent.
Merchant . Tailor, and. Clothier,
At F. J. Kramph's:Old Stand, on the Cos
ner of North Queen and Orange
Strata, Lancaster, Penn'a.
GATEF if L to the Citizens of Marietta
and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended., the undersigned respect
fully solicita a continuance of the same; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
ouch other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goma
and such articles as usually belong to a Mar
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment..
_ o _
The undersigned, administrator of the es
tate of John McAdams, deceased, by virtue
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaa
ter County, will sell at public sale, at the
in the Borough of Marietta, all that certain
Situated on the South-side of Second street,
(Turnpike) in that part of the Borough of
Marietta laid out by John Myers. and num
bered on the plan thereof, by number 40, con
taining in front on Second street, 40 feet and
extending in depth to a public alley 203 feet.
Safe to'cummenee at 7 o'clock in the even
ing of the above named day.
TERNS : Cash of the first day of November
1866, except one-third of the amount remain
ing after payment of debts and expenses,
which shall remain charged upon said lot.
Marietta, July 14, 1866.-ta.
. 41 111
r K.Manufacturer and Dealer in
Would most respecttully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
at this time the largest assortment of City made
work ever offered in this Borough, amongst
which may be named the new-style
?olio ) Boot, Qi)o ,8411-1101-413.
A. L. being a practical BOOT AND SHOE
MAKER enables him to select with more
judgment than those who are not. He contint
nes to manufacture in the very best manner
everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line,
which he will warrant for neatness and fit.
and examine the new stock before
going eleewhere.
The best in the market; the manufactu
rers are unable to supply the demand ; its su
periority over all others is fully acknowledged
by all who used them last year. They require
no putty or cement of any kind; can be_se
cutely closed in a moment, and wnen once
properly (dosed there is no danger of any fruit
spoiling. They are neat, being made of glass
—hare a wide mouth,,and aan very easily be
For sale at JOHN SPINGLER'S where
can be seen a jar of Fruit put up in one of
these jars last year.
Having thoroughly tested the Excelsior
Fruit Jar and after using many other kinds I
accord to it superiority over all others for pre
serving fruit, ease of securing it and in fact in
every way do I consider it better.
Market Street, adjoining Spangler k Rich's
Store, on the Second floor.
Where he is now prepared to wait
on all who may feel disposed to pa- limas
tronize him.
Dentistry in all its branches carried on.
, Tanzu inserted on the most approved prin
ciples of Dental science. All operations on
the mouth performed in a skillful and work
manlike manner—on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this place, would ask a continuation
of the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to him, for whien he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
Er Ether administered to properpersons.
Tea and Coffee Boilers, Glue Pots,
OIL CANS, 4-C. tC.
All the cooking for a family may be done with
Kerosene Oil, or Gas, with less trouble and
at less expense than any other fuel.
Each article manufactured by this Company
is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed
for it. Send for Circular.
A Liberal Discount to the Trade.
. -
The undersigned will sell at private sale that
- well-known residence, situated about half-a
square west of the " Donegal House," on Mar
ket street, and, at present occupied by the wid
ow Anderson. There is a full lot of ground
—5O by 200 feet—upon which is erected a two
story frame Dwelling House, frame Stable, &c.
For particulars, inquire of JEFFERSON
THOMPSON, adjoining the Done - gal House.
Marietta, Tuly 7, 1866.
-g YON'S Periodical Drops and .aarlr's.Fe
ljuka4 t doiden diortair
1 'llf 111. Z. Ns R
eift gistrea . utiou
Union Steam Fire Engine c o ,
V 2 71,
No. 1.
4 5.000
Worth of Magnificent Presentt
To be given away without sem Seim%
1 Handsome trotting buggy, val.
ued at
I Set of carriage harness, on ex- 6400
hibition at Haberbush's, val
ued at
1 Magnificeht Sewing Machine, 6141
on exhibition at H. L. & E. J.
Zahm's, valued at
5 Handsome dress patterns, from St o le 1"
A large lot of photographs, from I j,
1 Handsome 5 octavo melodeon,
valued at
1 Splendid Guitar, valued at
1 " " " 30.00
1 Imported Violin 10,11
A lot of Violins, each valued at 75 , 00
1. Elegant set Cottage furniture,
valued at
1 Elegant set Cottage furniture,
valued at
1 Elegant set Cottage furniture,
valued at
I Lot of Washstands, each val
ued at
1 Lot of cane seat Chairs, (sets,)
valued at 25a
1 Lot of Rocking Chairs, each val
ued at 7AO
Sofas, Lounges, &c., each valued
Large 1 of of Britannia and Tin-
5 to 10
ware, valued at
A Lot of fine engravings, valued
.at 6010
Splendid - Gold Watches, each val
ued at from 050 to 100.00
Splendid Silver Watches, each
valued at 25.00
1 Large lot of Watch and Guard
chains, each 6.00
1 Large lot of Watch chains, each
valued at from 25c. to tag
40 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, each val
ued at from 5.00 to IVO
1 Large lotof Silver Plated butter
knives and spoons, sets, valued
at from 2.50 to 5.g
1 Lot Gents' breast pins, each val
ued at 6.10
1 Large lot Gold pens and Silver
Holders, each
A large quantity of Ladies arti
cles, such as kid gloves, para
sols, fine handkerchiefs, veils,
fans, dress patterns, &c., vary
ingsl.oo to 95.00 value from
Also, alarge lot of Miscellaneous
Articles, varying in value from 25c. to 70.50
E Every part of This enterprise will is
conducted with Honesty, Fairness, end is
Good Faith.
Commencing at S o'clock. and confirms/
until all the gifts shall be distributed,
Sent to any address on/receipt of $l, or 11
tickets for $lO.
Tickets for sale at the Company's do,
Mishler's New Building, Southeast Angle of
Centre square.
DZ3'' When practicable, order tickets bc
as it will be impossible to secure Agents ii
every locality.
The Prizes were all purchased in Lancaster
and can be seen every day.
General - Agent, Box 397, Lancaster Post Otto.
IC2 - TICKETS for sale at HENRY
WOLFE'S, (opposite the Post Office), gest
for Marietta.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic
In addition to our main business of PHOTO.
GRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Readigar•
ters for the following, viz.
Of American and Foreign cities and Lend.
metrics, Groups, Statuary, etc.
From negatives made in the variant res.
paigns and forming a complete Photographic
history of the great contest.
Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or Of
Stereoscope. Our catalogue will be not la
any address on receipt of stamp.
We manufacture more largely then enp
other house , about 200 varieties from 50 reef
tO $5O each, O u r A LBUMS have the repute .
tion bf being super ion in beauty and du/shill .
ty to any others.
el 4.
Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE
SAND different subjects. including * 0 . 63 '
lions of the moot celebrated Engsvggi.
Paintings, Statues, etc. Catalogue, Pal "
receipt of stamp.C
Photographers and others or
0, D., will please remit 25 per cent. of of
amount with their order.
/a" The price and quality of our goodO ir
not fail to satisfy.
June 16, 1666.-I.y.
and General Machinists, Second Witt,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of iso
Castings for Rolling Mills and Mast futoii
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas' fst C°111!
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c.,
dings, and castings of every description;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, ShsfunOet„
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps,Dies,Wills c
for Mining and Tannin Brass /30,1::
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil lg.
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Bl ue l,
tinge in all their variety; Boilers, Tardr0,,,.014
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinell
flatter ourselves that we can give g oers! s;
faction to those who may favor us al •
orders. 13- Repairing promptly attend!, o ," e ,
Orders by mail addressed as a bove,,w ll l o ,l
wi th promp t attention.
7 P . rices to awl thil
T. B. SOA,.
Columbia, October 20 2 :186 0
INTcytiOe .
-------- LFAFTO
T AM always ready to purchas et e
I3ACCO, at the higheat mark
invite persons to call at.the Marietta.
Warehouse, bringing' samples witli
. Mariettai June 30, 1866,-th