The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, July 21, 1866, Image 1

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ofce in " LINDsAY'S Buthrom," second
floor, on Elbow Lane, between the. Post
gbicr. Corner and Front St., :Marietta.
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Ap yravisioro It.a.rxs : line squ ire (10
li ee e, or los) 75 cents for the first irtsei tion and
Ooe Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro
-140051 and Busincea etude, of six line a or less
as 6 per annum. Notices in the reading col•
t ons, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
l i e onple a nnouncement, FREE; but ,ur any
Winona! lines, ten cents a line.
liberal deduction made to yearly r ad half
yearly advertisers.
Having just added a " NewaultY Mous-
TAIN JOBBER PRESS," together with a large
itsortnient of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Burden, kn., tic.. to the Job Office of 6 ' Tie e
NotErnars," which will insure the f tile and
i peedv execution of all kinds of Joe & CA RD
PRINTING, from the mailed Card to the
woo Porta, at reasonable prices
Summer Arrangement
of the Reading & Columbia Railroad.
TRAINS of this road run ti) Reading Rail
Road time, which is ten minutes faster
thin that of Vennsylvania hailruad.
°nand after Wednesday, May 23d, 1866,
Woof tale road will run as followa :
1:15 and arrive at Reading 10:15 a. m.
No a. ni., 71 2 ' 12:113 noon.
5:55 p.
11 2' m. 145 p.
645 a, m., and arrive at Columbia 9:05 a. in.
11:Oh noon, ,) 3 ) 2:15 p. in.
hid p. m., 8:25 p. m.
The 815 a. m. train from Columbia makes
doe ronnecti .n with expiess t ruins at Read
ine ter New York, ai riving there at 3 40 p. m.
ad Philadelphia 1.00 p. m. ; also for Potts
ville and the Lebanon
Passengers leaving New York at 7.00 a. m
ind Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. connect wiih
tniin 'easing Reading at 12.05 noon for Co
lumbia, York, and Northerncentral R. R.
Excursion tickets sold on all regular trains
to earth s of 25 or more, to and imm all points.
Apply to Gen. Ticket Agt.
It Through tickets to New-York, Phila
pslphia and Lancaster told at principal sta
tions, and Baggage checked through. Freight
tamed with the utmost promptness and die
pith, at the lowest rates. Further informa
tion win. regard to Freight or passage, may
ti Mimed from the Agents of the Con/pa
r , GEo: F GAGE, SUpefillieDdlalt.
i. F. KEEVER, General Freight ea Ticket Agt.
S. Atlee Bockius. N. D. D. D. S..
(Avilan his cervices io either the (4mative,
V .vur4ical or Mecnanical Departments of
Teeth extracted ai hoot pain, by the ad
xil,akation of the " IVitrus Oxide Gus" cr
Orrfcas: Iu ,Marietta every Tues.
rhck ithd Friday, in the "St. John House," and
C 4 7E , r of Locust and Second stn., (Mutably,.
: 1 1.hetts, April 14, 186ti.-6tn.]
r tliag .
rre uhuersigned would respectfully an
1 [mance to his old friends and the public
fcantily, that lie continues the above business
vansu, branches
Esp.coil attention paid to plain and fancy
t!,;erhatiging, China glossing, Frosting and
tirsining of all kinds, Su.
fur past favors, would ask a con
to ounce of the sante. Residence a few doors
I, eot LA the rown Hall, on Walnut. street.
Marietta, Nuv. 25, 1865.-1 Y•
First N elional Bank of Marietta.
sAviso e imPLETED ITS ORGA 1412AT/01f
prepared to transact all Infidel of
I'.e Board of Directors meet weekly, 001
4:lle3day for discount and other busineas
**bank /lours: From 9A. Si 10 3 P. M •
WMA V, Cashi er.
T:ie Pest of the Monthlies—devoted to
and Pure Literature. $2 50 a 4ar
r 4 O topies $1.00; Eight (and one gratis)
lACHINES given as premiums. Send 15
cent' fora sample copy to DEACON & PE-
I ' a ' f) N, 319 Walnut at., Philadelphia.
Z. HO FFEit,
: 14 " OF DENTAL b t URGEB. Y.
L ATE OF El A 11,111.58 1.1 Itl +.
CE :—Front street, neat doer to
0 Willi ft
ams' Drug Store, between Locust
t.._011 Walnut streets" Co lumbia.
Op I rD
Zilicallite the Court Rouse, where he will at
rut tu the Practice of his profession in all its
Gus branches.
or r ;It• M. B. AIINESTOK,
• ',; E:--- Msztr-sr., !YEA RLY- OPPOSITE
6 Palagliir & Patterson's Store.
TO 8 A. Titolit 78.
°TICE nouns. ''' "
I TO 2.
5 91 6To 7 I'. If'
° " 4I T C. HARRIC
la e located in the Borough of Marietta,
pubs r espectfully re spectfully offer his services to the
:"„ite, and being determined to do his wary
snd at reasonab shar e ices' hr hopes to merit
asd receive a liberal of public patronage.
Marietta, May 12, 1865..30
description ex
:ierutpd With n' esthese se G of r i
diepateh at the
't al The itteriettfan •
ate SK
Aber IR to lato. ROTH'S &OTS
to 4
fT4,e• '' ) ,Cil arit-'7:,sznt..,
tnt ®III Gauplt
Long years have aped my
Since you and I were wed ;
And their frost has paled thy ruddy cheek
And whitened o'er thy head.
But 'spite that frost, within thy heart
Stilt flows allectioa's tide,
As warm as on that happy morn,
1 proudly hailed the bride.
And though upon thy gentle face.
The dimples that of yore
Solt nestled there have given place
To wrinkles of threescore—
Tne Name kind smile that lit thy brow,
When in thy yonthful prime,
Still plays upon its surface now.
Uniimmed by care or time.
And if perchance, Mirth's brilliant rays
No more beam from thine eye,
As in thy lightsome, girlish days,
When merriment rang hign ;
Yet, when the mournful notes of woe
Fall pleading on thy ear,
That eye's as beauteous through the how
Of .Pity's soothing tear.
Thou bast been, whet' loomed back es night,
'rue guide star of my way;
Thou bast been a gem, whose sparkling light
Ilas brightened life's best day.
And on thy tender, faitlittil !pietist,
When spent with toil or pain,
I've lulled my fevered soul to rest,
And woke to ease again.
And oftentimes when I have flown
From thine and duty's side,
No unkind wood or look has shown,
That grief thou fain wouldst hide;
Thou bast striver. again to win me back,
By cheerful, loving care;
And wooing, keep me in the track,
Through thine example there.
And now my wife, at last we're nigh
The end our mortal tether;
I hope that God may grant, we die,
As we have lived—together,
For lone would be my lot below,
If thou wert from me riven;
And old, and WWl], we'll gladly go,
For youth and rest, to heaven.
She gently laid her hoary hbad
Upon his withered breast ;
No word repiied to what he said,
But mutely she expressed—
In the happy smile that sunned her brow,
The tear within her eye,
"My wish was life with thee, and now,
, Tea with thee, John, to die."
steak ought always to be broiled and
never tried ; 'but the following method
of cooking is recommended by Mrs.
llcton, which even those who are ac
mistimed to frying may be willing to
"The frying pan being wiped very dry
place it. ;you the Stove and let it be
come hot—very but. In the meantime,
mangle the steak—if it chance to be sir
loin, so much the better—pepper and
salt it, then lay it in the tint, dry pan,
which instant.) , cover as tightly as pos
sible. When the raw flesh touches the
heated pan, of course it seethes and ad
heres to it, but in a few seconds it be
comes loosened and juicy. Every bait
minute turn the steak; but be careful to
keep it as much as possible undercover.
Wheu nearly dune lay a small piece of
butter upon it, and if you want much
gravy, add a table spoonful of strong
coffee. In three minutes from the time
the steak first goes into the pan it is
ready fur the table. This method of
cooking makes the most delicious, deli
cately broiled steak; lull of juice, yet
retaining the healthful beefy flavor that
any Johu 111 could require The
same method May be,rantton,
chops, only they require a little longer
cooking to prevent them Irvin being
rare. Au excellent gravy may he made
fur them by ad fling a little cream, thick
ened with a pinch of flour, into which
when off the tire and partly cool, stir in
the yolk of an egg, well beaten."
BIMACII OF Paomisi—A widow of
forty three summers and the mother of
four blooming children, two of whom
are married, lately sued a gay deceiver
for breach of promise. The "deceiver"
is an old man of seve ty sir, the father
of nine children, and the possessor of
two farms. The parties live in Warren
county, Ohio. This aged lover gave the
fat and forty if not fair widow, several
rides in his buggy, to church and other
places, and told the lady that` he might
conclude to marry , some day, and if he
did, bethought she weuld ba the woman.
Upon this hint she acted ; purchasing a
wedding dress, and consulted a few par
ticular friends in regard to the wedding
cake. At this stage, however, the old
man craw-fished—declined to fulfill the
engagement—flatly denied thaehe ever
intended to marry the lady. To heal
her lacerated feelings she brought suit
against the "perfidious old wretch," and
received $2265, which made her happy.
A western paper speaks of " a man
who died withouttlite aid of a physician.'
4nkgenlitat Vronstibania *anal for fie mine Arch.-
The Ruling Passion Strong in Death.
Old Boge was a WI erly old fellow,
who had accumulated great wealth by
life long penuriousness. But even misers
.have to die some time, and old Boge was
at length called upon to pay that debt
which all must pay, and which is paid as
easily by the man who hasn't got a cent
as by the possessor of millions.
Old Boge was sick unto death, finding
a partial recompense in his sufferings
from the reflection that, as he could not
eat anything, sometliing was being saved.
His physician told him that his end was
rapidly approaching, and as he felt with.
in himself that he was rapidly approach
ing his end, it was evident to old Boge
that he must meet his end very . soon.
" How long have 1 to live ?" asked
old Boge in a faint voice.
"(July half nu hour," said the physi
cian, taking out his watch in a business
like wanner, and then added, "Is there
any one you would like to send fur—a
clergyman, fur lustance ?"
Old Huge: mused in a lethargic way
for a moment, then started up as with
a sudden thought, raised his feeble hand
uud felt his emaciated chin, upon which
two weeks growth of gray and stubbed
beard had grown, rhea whispered hur
riedly,-"Quick—bring me— a barber."
The barber came filth his kit, and old
Boge intid, in a voice that was rapidly
growing weaker—
" Y uu—charge—ten cents—to—shave
—live :nen ?'' •
.' Yes, that is our usual price," re
plied the barber.
" What—do you charge—to shave—
dead men ?"
"Una dollar," said the barber, wonder
log what he meant.
"Teen—shave—me—quick," said old
Bogs, nervously eyeing the watch which
the doctor held in his hand, lie was
too weak to speak further, but toe doc
tor interpreted aright the question that
was in his eyes.
'• Fifteen minutes replied the doctor
Old Bop made a feeble motion, as
with a lather brush, and the barber was
at his work in a jiffy. He performed
his tusk with neatness and despatch,
and although the sick man bad several
sinking spells of an alarming nature,
yet be bore up to the end. When the
lust stroke of the razor had been given,
old tinge whispered in tones of satisfac-
- That'll do—ninety cents—saved,'
and inme4iiately expired.
Mouno'City correspoudent, speaking
of the latest style in crinoline, Bays :
These institutions are much in vogue
in the Mound City. Despite the sneers
of the press and the impudent stare of
men, the women folks persist in wearing
- them. Some days ago an inveterate
wag in this city had discovered that his
wife had received a very extensive ward
r ,be of this kind. lie used every en
deavor to dissuade her from exposing
herself in extravagant riggery ; but as
she was rather good looking and dis
posed to be rapid, she insisted on dis
playing herself muchly iu the agonizing
fashion. lie met her on the street,
sailing along with all sail spread, a high
heeded craft, and producing consider
able sensation. Taking the dear little
ihing in custody, he whispered to her
that her hoops sere disarranged, and
she stopped inla popular resort for,
moment while he adjusted them. `Pak-'
ing advantage of this opportunity he cut
a considerable opening in one of the
artificial calves, and the sawdust stuffing
began to leak. All unconscious of the
fact that her leg was dwindling away,
and that she was having a stretch of
sawdust in her track, she proddly swung
along, until a friend informed her of her
i The amount of whiskey annually
cmsuined in the United States, gives a
gallon and a half for each man, woman
and child in the country. British
America consumes a gallon and a quar
ter for each.• Great. Britain malt li
coors prevail, for the people, while they
consume only seven eighths of a gallon
of whiskey for each one, drink an aver
age of nearly a.barrd of ale and beer
apiece. Russia is the greatest - whiskey
drinking'coantry, the consumption av
eragittg more than two gallons annually,
for each of the infiabitaals.
A Biter* OF A El USBAND..-Aife
ansiousl,y.)—"What did that young
lady observe who passed us just now ?5;
Husband ( •With a smile of . • calm de
light.)--"Wby, my love, she observed.
rather a good looking man walking with
quite an elderly female—that's all.—
Ahern I" •
A Contented Farmer.
Once upon a time, Frederick, King of
Prussia, s"" roamed Fiitz," took a
ride, and espied au old man plowing his
acre by the wayside, cheerfully singing
his melody.
" You must be well off, old man,"
said the King. " Does this acre belong
to you on which you so industriously la
bor ?"
" No, sir," said the farmer, who knew
not that it was the King. " I am not
so rich as that ; I plow for wages."
" How much do you get a day 7" asked
the King.
"Eight groschtin," . (about twenty
cents,) said the farmer;
"This is not much," said the King.
"Can you get along with this ?"
"Get along and bave"sometbing left."
"Howie that?"
The fanner smiled and said :--" Well,
if I. must tell you—two groschen are for
myself and wile ; with two I pay my old
•debts; two I lend away, and two I give
away for the Lord's sake."
"This is a mystery which I cannot
solve," Said the King.
"Then I will solve it, for you," said
the farmer. '• 1 have two old parents
at home who kept me when I was weak
and needed help, and now that they are
weak and need help I help them. That
is my debt toward which I pay two
groschen a day. The third pair of gro
schen I lend away I spend for my chil
dren, that they may receive Christian
instruction; This will come handy to
me and toy wife when we get old. With
the last two groschen I maintain two
sisters whom I could not be compelled
to keep. This is what I give for the
Lord's sake." The King, apparently
well pleased with the answer, said :
" Bravely spoken, old man. Now I will
give you something to guess. Have you
ever seen me before I"
" Never," said the farmer.
"In less than five minutes you shall
'see me fifty times, and carry in your
pocket fifty of my likenesses."
"This is a mystery which I cannot
unravel," said the farmer.
" Then I will solve it for you," said
the King. Thrustit . ig his hand into his
pocket, and countitikhiin fifty bran new
gold pieces into his hand, stamped with
his royal likeness, he said to the aston
ished farmer, who knew not what was
coming.: " The ,coin is genuine, for it
also comes from our Lord, and I am his
paymaster. I bid you adieu."
ifir Juge Drake, of the U S. Dis
trict Court of Utah, h.s decided that
the Probate Court of the Territory have
no rieht to issue naturalization certifi
cates or, to confer any rights of c!tizen
ship whatever. A pplication being then
made to the District Court itself, be
firmly rpfused to grant a certificate to
any man living in polygamy, on the
around that it was contrary to the act
of Congress, and that any man who per
sistently refused to obey the laws of the
United States was not entitled to citi
zenship or any of the benefits accruing
OW An Adrian ( Mich.) correspond
ent of the Chicago Tribune details the
murder of his wife and step-daughter by
Isaac Vanacter, a farmer of Madinat in
that state. Some domestic dispute
arose, when Vanaeter knocked his wife
&rills with an axe, and then knocked his
littTghter in the head. Returning to his
wife he split her skull open, and then
attempted to shoot his son. He was se
cured and lodged in jail,
• ear Eighteen subscriptions of $5,000
each toward the first $lOO.OOO for the
'profosed Harvard College memorial
"ha 4 already been obtained, and a gen
tleman stands ready to give the twentieth
$5,000 whenever the nineteenth name is
added to the list. Harvard is happy in
having rich and liberal eons and friends
I .
ifir Mr, Jacob Fedder, Sr., of Pitts
burir, has just died. Mr. Fedder bee
bean a resident of Pitt-burg since 1832.
Et l served during the war of 1812. and
was one of the old defenders of Balti
more during that contest. He was born
in t.ancaster county, Pa., and had reach
ed - the advanced age of seventy-eight
it - Ambrose A. Butts, of Auburn,
Ohio, recently lifted a dead weight of
.pounds, which is the greatest lift
mg feat on record. He has been prac
tising at intervals during the last six
years. Dr. Winship, for several years
put, considered the strongest man in
the world, lifted only 2600 pounds.
What is the worst fare fora man to
live kn. 7,, Witt-fam
Important Truths for Wives.
In domestic happine . ss, the wife's in
fluence is much greater than the hus
band's ; for the one, the first cause—
mutual love , and confidence—being
granted, the whole comfort of the house
bold depends upon trifles more imme
diately under her jurisdiction. By her
management ofsmall sums, her husband's
respectability and credit are created or
destroyed. No fortune can stand the
constant leakages of extravagance and
tnismanagement ; and more is spent in
trifles than women would easily believe.
The one great expense, whatever it may
be, is turned over and carefully reflected
on ere incurred ; the income is prepared
for it; but it is pennies imperceptibly
sliding away that do the mischief ; and
this the wife.alone can stop, for it does
not come within a man's province.
There is often an unsuspected trifle to
be saved in every household. It is not
in economy alone that the wife's atten
tioo is so necessary, but iu those little
niceties which mark a well regulated
household. An unfurnished cruit-stand,
a missing key, a buttonless shirt, a soiled
table-cloth, a mustard-pot with its old
contents sticking hard and brown about
it, and severally nothings ; but each can
raise au angry word and cause discom
fort. Depend on it, there's a great deal
of domestic happiness in a well dressed
mutton chop or a tidy breakfast table.
Men grow sated of beauty, tired of music
are often too wearied for conversation,
( however intellectual ;) but they can
always appreciate a well swept hearth
and smiling comfort. A woman may
love her husband devotedly—may sacri
fice fortune, friends, family, country for
him—she may have the genius of a Sap
pho, the enchanting beauties of an
Armida ; but—melancholy fact—if with
these she fail - to make his home comfort
able, his heart will inevitably escape her.
And women live so entirely in their af
fections that without love their exist
ence is a void. Better submit, then, to
household tasks, however repugnant
they may be to your tastes, than doom
yourself to a loveless home. Women of
a higher order of mind will not run this
risk ; they know that their feminine,
their domestic, - are their first duties.
gir The false calves now so much in
vogue are rendered necessary by -the
new style of tilting hoops, which go very
far towards exposing what was before
only dreamed of. or existed only in im
agination. In the language of an ex
change :
'•'Their calves are not a fleeting show,
For man's illusion given ;
They're tilled with bran or stuffed with
And swell about a foot or so.
And look first rate, by Heaven !"
The false bosoms are made of fine
wire, in the shape of a bird's nest, with
a small spring in them, and really look
and feel quite natural.
The plumpers are fastened on the
teeth in such a manner as to make the
face look round and pkmp, and are cal
culated to deceive the unsuspecting.
ifir A family fete of great rarity has
been celebrated at Olmutz, Moravia, in
honor of M. Wisgrill, a landed proprie
tor, and his wife, whose united agei3
amount to just 200 years, the husband
being 103 and the wife 97. They were
married on May 25,1791, and celebrated
the seventy-fifth anniversary of their
trArtiticial "palpitating bosoms" are
now fashionable for ladies whose attenu
ated bosoms formerly compelled thorn
to hug cotton to their hearts. The nov
elty heaves like a thing of life, when an
"emotion spring," concealed under the
left arm, is touched.
isar " I say aim," says one friend to
another on meeting, " I hear our friend
A. has been in the oil speculation heav
ily ; has be made anything ?" " Yes,"
says Jim. " be has made an assignment."
eir Lord Chesterfield once remarked
that even Adam, the first man, knew
the value of politeness, and allowed Eve
to have the first bite of the apple.
When Eve told Adam to chastise his
eon, what tire scriptural names did she
use ? "Adam. Seth Eve, Cain Abel."
Why ought a greedy man to wear a
plaid waistcoat ? To keep a check upon
his stomach.
How may a man be known frOm a fa
tigued dog? One wears a shirt, the
other pants. „
A cow-belle—a beautiful milkmaid.
Say little, think dna, and do more.
VOL. XII.--NO. 50.
All About Women
Women, as a general rule, are not
I usefully educated in this country. They
are chiefly taught those accomplish
meats which the experience of their
mothers has proven to be best calculated
to attract young men, and, consequently
to insure husbands. Music, dancing,
French and Italian, are considered
indispensable to the "finish" of any
young lady, in these degenerate days,
but the more solid qualities which, in
the olden lime, were esteemed so neces
ear) io the female catalogue of charms
in the 'good old times,' are out of date.
In Booth, they are pronounced in elegant
society, de trop, and stigmatized as
vulgar. The woman who, not many
years ago, was a non-proficient in the
culinary art, and inexpert with her
needle, was deemed an until candidate
for matrimony. If she could not make
a rare pie, dish up a meal in a peculiarly
attractive style, turn out a superior loaf
of bread, knit a pair of stockings with
taste, and sew up garments with exem
plary celerity, ehe was shunned by the
male sex, and pitied by her own, as sad
ly defective. But now, tout vela eat
change I The woman dexterous iu such
performances demonstrates her own on
httess for position in the world of fash
ion. Husbands area.. supposed to live
upon the sound of a piano, and to be
ready, in the most diatre sing moments,
to go off into harmonious ecetacies at
the first intimation of a brilliant duet.
They are presumed to be totally indiffer
tent in respect to what they eat or wear
—to have a noble contempt fur such
vulgar things 1/13 ehirt buttons—to can•
template a Woman too imaginatively to
suspect her culpable of a knowledge of
anything but the toilette and belles
let tree.
With this ideal conception of the
character of a husband in their minds,
young ladies necessarily aim only at the
acquisition of corresponding qualifica
tions. They aim at sentimentality and
romance, instead of substantial common
sense, and permanent information !
The result is an exuberance of satisfac
tion during the halcyon days of court
ship, and the saccharine hours of the
honeymoon ; but, when the angel of a
wife' subsides, in time, into the Weep
able domestic partner, and the ' love of
a husband ' degenerates into the satia
ted master of the house, then comes a
season of remorse, of melancholy, of
mutual recrimination and mutual animos
ity. Should fate make such a helpless
wife a widow, and necessity throw her
upon herown resources for the support
of herself and family , unhappy indeed
must she be in her destitution: Her
expensive accomplishments will neither
provide bread fur her children nor con
solution for herself. Music will riot ell
ence the cry of hunger; dancing will
not exercise the guaut fiend we call
Want. Sorrow refuses to submit to the
syren song of an affected mirth. Sel
dom can one of these wasted talents be
turned, in such a dilemma, to available
account; and all the precious years in
vested in the accumulation of those
showy nothings, present themselves like
so many ghosts of mis spent moments,
but to chide the past for its extrava
gance, and fill the future with apprehen
Who has not seen instances of just
such calamity ? Whose experience is
not fraught. with some such scenes of
anguish ? And yet, bow slight an ele
ment of hope would alter the picture—
how small a knowledge of the business
relations of life—how little an acquain.
tance of those homely arts which enable
the feeblest by their industry, spirit,
taste, or remunerative enterprise, to
cotnpletely change the view, cheer up
the desponeent, add a silver lining to
the cloud of grief, and produce a vision
of comfort, if not of independence !
Why not, then, 0 mothers of A ineriCa
educate your daughters to a familiarity
with thsngs useful as well as ornamental ?
Why not—oh ! why not—make them
practical, as well as interesting members
of society ?
A beautiful thought i 8 suggested in
the Korea :—"Angels, in the grave, will
not question thee as to the amount of
wealth thou bast left behind thee, but
what deeds thou hest done while in the
world, to entitle thee to a seat among
the blest."
The children or Israel were once se
verely punished for adoring a false calf.
Let the ladies take warning.
From what did the old fashioned
horse pistol derive its name f From its
habit of kicking.