yocal Marittfian. of,,trilay -1Ioriony„ Jun ~e, 18613 The Morning -Passenger train for Lan oran Philade/hia will leave the upper autico i 12 tninut p es after S o'clock. The oing westward win MN upper 110 train g ; g ig at 7 minutes after 12 o'clock, 1100 N. The Ilarrisburg accommodation train eastward 0 poi at 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the afternoon and returning arrive here at 43 notes after 6 o'clock in the evening. ir On our Bret page will be found Docoaat of an extraordinary skeleton ! pi to have been found in New Mexico, our foralero townsman, William T. it has resided for a few ior s ;a New Mexico. ....... O A. most distressing and melan tboily accident occurred in front of this bor ough, on Sunday last. It appears that a party of young men, composed of George W. Sultzbach, Paris Rudisill, George Itudisill, jr., John Strickler, David Coble and Cyrus H. Johnson pro cured skiff and went to the York co w side of the Susquehanna river to spend the day. On returning about four o'clock in the afternoon, and when being in about the middle of the river, some o f t he party commenced to " rock the a," which considerably frightened two o rtho party, who could not swim— Cyrus ff. Johnson, a young man of 18 ye, ars son of a widow lady, residing at the lower end of town, being one of t h e m, lie plead with them, it is said, to desist "rocking " as he could not swim, and that if the skiff was overturn ed, bo would be drowned. No attention ass paid to him— being the youngest of the party—none supposing or intending the skiff to be upset—but persisting in thatthey regarded as sport, until the boat was capsized—throwing the u hole party into the river, which happened near the " battery," where the river is about twelve feet deep. The loud and deep cries for help brought parties from this side, to their aid, but not until young Johnsen had sunk to rise no more. The ekitf was turned bottom upward, to which the young men held on until the succoring party arrived. Efforts were made until after dark to recover the body—as many as fifteen skiffs, filled Oh men, were at onetime, "dragging the neer—but without success. On Mon day morning the hunt was again resum ed, but with no better success ; on blonday afternoon two cannon were brought from Columbia and placed on a bland taken near the spot where the young man went down, and fired off a number of times, in the hope of bring ing the body to the surface—thus Mon day and Tuesday were fruitlessly spent, but on Wednesday morning a telegraph dispatch announced the finding of the body below the dam, at that place. His remains were brought to his mother's, in this place, and immediately buried, the body having so greatly decomposed ato be scarcely recognizable. We al so understand that Esquire Evans, deputy Coroner, who held an inquest on the body at Columbia, held three of the party, viz : John Strickler, Paris Emil eill and David Coble, under bonds of a thousand dollars each, for their appear. nee at the August term of Quarter sessions. tif" [(tadley's History of the Rebel- Imo is on our table. The card of the American Publishing Company, an touncing this work, will he found in our adrerti,ing columns. The work is got. tzut) in fine letter press style—large type, he white paper and a number of excellentsteel engravings. It can be obtained only by subscription. A fine sleet portrait of the late:lamented Lin coln adorns the first volume, whilst that el the recreant Johnson—his aceidency —leads the second volume. Here is a 4e opening for agents. Ir Our young bloods are making utraordinary preparations to have a grand picnic in " Duffy's Park," on the ,ctlrth A platform eighty feet in length 1 43 been erected and Miller's cotillion and engaged to " do the music " for ihoie who may wish to " tip it on the I;?tit fantastic toe." From the charac- I 'r or the young men having this matter charge, we know nothing will bo left sodnonn to please and entertain both old youg. ..... ............... The Great Gift Distribution for the benefit of the Union Steam Fire l ,"'ArlY, the advertisement of which he toned in our advertising columns, 2%ale off on Monday morning, July 'it Fulton Hall, Lancaster. In i tiort to the articles named in the ver tisement, a very fine trotting horse as b eeti added to the list of gifts to be 114. Harry Wolfe is age for this h" nt °lO, ;Ye a ski persons,understand bentthat on having a a rs, left Bainbridge on Sunday last, , 411 4 a jug of whiskey for a sisal nom -41/ic)n. aad w hilstdrunken male° of the party fell overboard and was %ed. We did not learn any names 14 Particulars, .......................... A temperance meeting will be ';"ttoon ° l4 " Datlys Park," on Sunday af :4next ( to-morrow )at 4 o'clock, 4 Rev, Mr. Stringer will deliver a 11441114 e sermon, C0772.111?1,7 ieatiOns —._— Cold Water Arrows. No. 1. "BY SAGITTARIUS, JR When a boy my first essay was on the subject of Intemperance. Almost my first declamation was on the same subject. In both these juvenile per formances I aimed to vindicate my claim to be called an Archer by directing my arrows, cold as water and deadly as steel, right into the heart of that giant foe of the human race—the Rum-god, Since then, I have ar intervals tried with perhaps no greater success, but with no less zeal, than in boyhood's sun. ny hours, to hurl an occasional shaft with deadly aim into the swaggering and staggering ranks of the enemy. I do not wish to cease these efforts to defeat King Alcohol, however his devotee may rail and scoff, till ever-increasing hosts of " the cold-water army " shall echo back from many a victorious bat tle.field the significant war-cry uttered a quarter of a century ago : " Destruction 0 destruction ! The awful sound proclaim Till every tribe and nation Shall shun the monster's fans." There are still hundreds and thous ands in our goodly land, ( and the num ber, we fear, increasing daily,) who " With the drunkard in his bliadnese Bow down to jugs of stone ;" aye, imbibe copious draughts of poison from these stony receptacles. Alas ! that amongst these slave of Bacchus' are to be found those who move in the higher circles of life. and aspire to grace (Us-grace ? ) our legis lative halls ! But I must not spend all my allotted space without carving out and shooting at least one arrow. This one shall therefore be pointed with the strongest flint from the inexhaustible mine of God's word. Jer. XIII. 12-17. Therefore thou shalt speak unto them this word : Thus saith the Lord God, Every bottle shall be filled with wine ; and they shall say unto thee. Do wo not know that every bottle shall be filled with wine ? 13. Then shalt thou say unto them, thus saith Jehovah, behold, will fill all the inhabitants of this land, _even the King's that sit upon David's throne, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with di-auk enness, 14. And I will dash then, one against another, even the fathers and sons to gether, saith Jehovah; 1 will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. 15. (Tear ye and give ear; be not proud fur Jehovuh hath spoken. 16. Give glory to Jehovah your God, before be cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark moun tains, and while ye look for light, he turn it int., the Shadow of Death, and make it gross darkness. 17. But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for ?Jour pr id e. * * * * * * MR, BAKER :—The distressing acci dent which happened on the Susquehan na river, on Sunday last, has taken from our midst one who was beloved by all who knew him ; when the word came to this shore that Cyrus Johnson was drowned we could scarcely realize that it was so—yet such was the fact ; death not only takes the aged—but also the young. During all of our intercourse with him we never knew him to use pro fane language—yet full of sport and jokes—yes, Cyrus is gone—snatched away in the bloom of youth, from a world of misery and trouble, to a better one, we hope. Amongst his fellows he was a great favorite for his goodness of heart, amiable temper and companionable con duct—in a word, a very promising young man, and had not death so suddenly cut short his career, would have made his mark. A COMPANION. ige Mr. H. Marlin Afflick, of Phila delphia, arrived in Lancaster by the 1.42 train on Monday morning, and while at the depot inquired of a tall, stout man, if he could inform him where Hiram K.endig could be found. The man told him that he lived next door to Mr. Keudig, and would show him the house. They started off together, and went some two squares north on Queen street, and were joined by a third party, who appeared to be acquainted with the guide. Quite unawares, Mr, Afflick re ceived a blow behind his ear from a billet, and was also struck in the side. He was then told that if he made any noise they would blow his brains out and a sponge passed over his mouth and nostrils ; after which he was unconscious until about three o'clock A. M. When he came to his senses he found that he had been stripped of all his clothing ex cept his drawers, boots, and hat ; both his shirts were even taken, and $1,200 that he had in a belt and $l4O he had in a portwonnaie. sir Jacob IL. Kreybill, living a couple of miles from this borough, has sold his young Durham bull, " Libera tor," to Wellington Yundt, of Ephrata township, for four hundred dollars. 4 . 3 7. The " Youth's Temperance So ciety of .Marietta " in charge of Rev. G. M.'Clawges, will spend the fourth of July in Greybill'e woods. lir General John W. Geary spent a couple of hours in Lancaster, on Mon day last. -- 7!" - A i r A r"*" --6-1 j rrl J \‘2;) 13 7 -1.. 4U -a- -ILI The " Excelsior Club" propoPe giving - their pie nie on Tuesday, July :Id, at the "Cottage by the s e a "—Jimmy Shank's--on the. York county shore, where everything, we are told, will be provided to make a "gay and festive" time. generally. Music, dancing and lover's promenades, will, no doubt, com prise the programme. e t z' We are glad to announce to our Tobacco raisers that our young and gentlemanly friend, A. Fuller Crane, has returned to our place, and proposes pur chasing tobacco again for that extensive tobacco firm, F. L. Brauns & Co. See advertisement in another column. W' Governor Curtin paid a flying visit to the State Normal School, at Millersville, on Friday last. Prof. Wickersham welcomed the Governor in a neat speech, to which the Governor replied in his usual happy wanner. MARRIED On the 2 tat inst., by the Rev. V 7. A. Fleming, Dn. M. 111. WITHERS, of Mitstown, Pa., to Mrss Lizzie C., daughter of Dr. Win. Di Fahnestock, of this borough. DIED On Wednesday evening last, Ma. GELainE YOST, at an advanced age; • ~}~crial :~ Atires GIVE NATURE A LIFT.—Peopl2 exoect too much or Nature- They trifle with their health and their constitutions, and then are surprised that they fall sick. • The pressure of constant mental or bodily labor upon the anima/ powers is tremendous. Very few systems and constitutions can hear up against this pressure unassisted. Add to this the unhealthy influences which lurk un seen in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the artificial heut with which we endeavor to chase away the. cold and marrow-searching moisture of winter, and it would seem to re quire utmost superhuman vigor to keep in per fect healtn at this rigerous season without re inforcing the physical energies. But how reinforce them Certainly not with adulterated stimu ants. There is no poison in the outer air, or in the annosphe:e of furnace-beaten rooms, cr workshops, or factories, so pernicisus as those deadly-burn ing fluids. Why use them, when Hostetter's t:zitoninelt Bitters, a vegetable tonic without alloy, are everywhere obtainable 1 Nothing has ever been offered to the feeble and debilitated so harmless in its nature, sa powerful in its in vigorating areas, as this celebrated Stomechic and Alterative. In the army and the navy, in new settlem:nts, and in crcwded cities, by old and young, rich and poor, it is used as a Protective and liestorative Medicine, with the most gratifying results. J. LYON ' S PE11101)ICA L DROPS. The great ./e -male Remedy for Irrefmtarities.—These Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara tion, and better than any Pills, Ponders or Nostrums. Being liquid, their aeiloh is direct and positive, tendering them a spee dy and certain specific Ter the tore ur ,1 1 ob structions and suppressions of n• - •r.. Their popularity is indicated by the met over 100,000 bottles are annually so! ed by the ladies of the iinitcd sZt.:::.s, every ore of whom speak in the strt:- , :eeEt to :Ins of p aise of their good merits. The: ale rapidly taking the place of every other l'er.l: !a Rem edy, and are considered by al: ho know aught of them, as the surest, safest and most infallible preparation in the world, C.:: the cure of all female complaints, the ienioval of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health, regularity and streuglh. directions stating when they may be and explaining when they should nc!, nor could not be used without producing off.:ces contra ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care fully folded around each bottle, with the writ ten signature of Joust L. Lvov, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. 1.1 - ox, 193 Chapel street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con sulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists every where. C. G. CLARK & Co., Cou'l Agts far U. S. and Canada& Lly Z. 72— How often do we hear men and women complain "I cannot get anything to stay on my stomach ; 1 am compelled to eat Graham bread and the pialnest food, and then must suffer front it." lte.ader, this is Dyspepsia— we bid you cat as heartily as you please, and anything you choose, even the richest food, and if you follow it with a single spoonful of Coc's Dyspepsia Cure, you need not fear any distressing effects from it. It is the greatest remedy in the world for Dyspepsia, indigestion and all diseases proceeding from the stomach or bowels. i.C4— Whiskers I—Whiskers ! ! Doctor L. 0. Montez' Carr°Ha, the greatest stimulator in the world, will force Whiskers or Moustaches to grow on the smoothes , face or chin ; never known to fail sample for trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Addrm, REV es & Co., 78 Nassau-st., N. Y. [3m TOBACCO GROW .IciatS, Tat-Le INT citicts _ T AM always ready to purchase LEAP TO BACCO, at the highest market value, and Invite persons to call at the Marietta Tobacco Warehouse, bringing samples with them. h. FULLER CRAVE, JR. Marietta, Tune 30, 1560_,-tf. LETTELETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the. RS Office at Altuietta, Pa., THURSDAY, J U NE, 28, th 66. Hess, John Dickinson Samuel Deurlion, Kate 2 Jacobs, Zacharias Witmer, Barbara Watson, Mary A. flofuelbauch Frank Moore, John 11 esq 3 McKinsey, XVin. timber measurer. Haden, Peter, Rainbow, fohn Millet, Amos Stull, M. A. Schmitz, George Green, Joseph • Devon, Catharine cr To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must call fur "advertixed letters," giv the date of this lib!, and pay one mint for ad vertising. _ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M. OTICE:--All poisons knowing them selves indebted to the undersigned will please call and Settle immediately, J. R. DIFFENBACII. A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called indistructable Pleasure Books ; School and Paper Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders, &c , at DR. LANDIS,. 117;1A 13 I t- IY' HISTORY t'l•' THE G E,l - 3 E 0 N t;E i to rebellion stands out peculiar and 1 extraordinary in human eveuts; and the icrint scale upon which the war has Deer. conducted, constitute it one of the grand e,t and nii,st brilliant chapters of the world's Air. Headley, of all writers, is perhaps best qintiilied to portray the the stupendous feat ures of the mighty contest. His previous works on less momentous themes have placed him in the first position, as a graphic and pow erful de:Cii later of war scenes and characters, and the iargnitude and graudeur of the pres ent sifejeet, impart to his pen the fire and vi per of a yet more exacted inspiration, and fur nish ample scope fur tile highest exhibition of his -peculiar genius for military description. Under his powerful pen the stirring scenes of the War pass in review with the vividness and distinctress of a present and living reality; while his great talent for condensation ena bles him to embody everything of importance in a compass just suited to the public want. Prom no other source can so clear and com prehensive an impression of the grand march of events De obtained, so easily and agreeably asfrons Mr. Headley's work. BEI Ocher histories have been issued before Grunt's Report and other official documents were submitted to the government, and there fore unreliable. Nit'. Headley has delayed the completion of this till those documents so es sintial to authenticity and correctness could be obtained. The second volume, completing this work, is new- (June 30th, '66] ready. Agents wan ted to engage in its sale in every town and comity in tiro United States. Liberal induce ments offered. For particulars apply to or ad dress ANERICAN PUB ISfiLiNG CO., No. 148 Ututford, Conn. Scranton 4- Burr, Agents. REASONS WRY alaidj C., .MADLI AT WALTHAM, MASS., IF; TII, 13ST. It is made on the best principle. Its frame is composed of SOLID PLATES. No jar can interfere - xith the harmony of its working and no sudden :Amok can damage its machine ry. Every piece is made and finished by ma chinery (itselffamous for its novelty, as well as for its effectiveness) and is therefore pro perly made. The watch is what all mechan ism shout d be—ACCURATE. SIMPLE, STRONG AND ECONOMICAL. Except some high grades, too costly for general use, foreign watches arc chiefly made bye women and boys. Such watches are composed of several hundred pieces, screwed and riveted together, and require constant repairs to keep them in our kind of order. All persons who have carried "ancres," " lepines," and "En. glith Patent levers," are prrfectty well aware of the truth of thisstatement. At the beginning of cur enterprise, more than ten years ago, it was our first elject to make a thoroughly good low priced watch for the million, to take the place of these foreign impositions—the refuse of foreign factories— which were entirely unsaleable at Ironic and perfectly worthless' everywhere. flow well we have accomplished this may be understood from the fact, that after so many tears of public trial, we now make MORE THAN HALF OF ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATE'S, and that no others have ever given such universal sat isfaction. While this department of our business is continued with incieased facilities for perfect work, we are at present engaged in th•e manufacture of watches of the very HIGH EST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMET RY, unequalled by anything hitherto made by ourselves, and unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erected an addition to our main buildings expressly for th,s branch of our business, and have filled it with the best workmen in our service, New machines and appliances have been construc ted, winch perform their work with consum mate delicacy and exactness. The choicest and most approved materials only are used and we challenge comparison between this grade of our work and the finest imported chronometers. We do nut pretend- to sell our watches for less money than foreign watches, but we do assert without fear of contradiction that for the same money our product is incom pe.ailily superior. All our watches, of what ever grade, are fully warranted amid his war rantee is good at all times against us or our agents in all parts of the world, CAUTION.—The public are cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. All persons selling counterfeits will be prosecuted. ROi3IMINS & APPLETON, Agents for the American Watch Company, 152 Broadway, N. Y. [Juno 23, 1m ] =MI 1'; Z - S7CT G c C)aD 7.3 JUST RECP.IVED ! GABLE & S PRICKL.EII, Successors to Abraham. Cassel, To the Public: We beg leave to announce to our patrons and the public generally that our arrangements for the spring Season are such as will enable us to of for sale an unusually well selected, varied and attractive stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, GLASS and • QUEENSW ARE, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CARPETING, &c., &c. Having reduced our stock to the very lowest point, enabled us to lay in an entirely new assortment, which we feel confident will be attractive to the old and to new customers of this old stand. Every Department will constantly be re plenished with the most desirable offerings and bargains from New York and Philadelphia markets. We particularly solicit your attention to our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. GABLE & STRICKLER, One door West of the Post Office, Market St. The highest Market price paid in goods in exchange for Country produce. Marietta, March 2., 1866. ;TIRE "ARCTIC" SODA WATER 1 foun tain, at the Golden Mortar, is now ready to dispense cool, healthy and refreshing bev erages. This drink is drawn from Porcelain lined fountains. and is warranted PREP. from noxious properties. Those desiring to keep cool during the com ing hot season,. willjilease remember THE "ARCTIC" AT Dr. Landis' drug store, Market street, Mari etta. AIR ROOLS, the latest fashion—call in at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and see them—all the rage now, in the cities. ÜBSCI2IPTIONS received for all the laet 0 Periodicals of the day At The Golden Mortar. 1.) OGER'S Celeorated Pearl Cement and rt, Oil Paste Blacking at " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. B"TQuality of Wines and Ligon rsy for medicinal purposes, at I). Lon lts'. 131 MENSE Gift Distribution AT LANCASTER,, PA., FOR. THE BENEFIT OF THE Union Steam Fire Engine Company, I.Vb . 1 85.000 trnrtle of Magnificent - Presents To be given away without regar I to value, for ONE DOLLAR EACH ! NO BLANKS. EACH TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE ICS LOOK AT THE LIST OF GIFTS, 1 Handsome trotting buggy, val ued RI $200.00 I'Set of carriage harness, on ex hibition at Haberbush's, val- tied ut 60.00 1 Magniticei.t Sewing Machine, on exhibition at H. L. & E. J. Zahm's, valued at • 70.00 5 Handsome dress patterns, from 5 to 20 A large lot of photographs, from 1 to 40 MUSICAL 1 gal - lame 5 octavo melodeon, valued at $l5O 00 I Splendid Guitar, valued at 30 00 1 ti it 20,00 I Imported Violin ‘, 75.00 A lot of Violins, each valued at 10.00 HOUSEHOLD STOCK 1 Elegant set Cottage furniture, valued at $lOO.OO 1 Elegant set Cottage furniture, vafued at 1 Elegant set Cottage furniture, valued at 1 Lot of Washstands, each val- ued at 10.00 1 Lot of cane scat Chairs, (seta.) valued at 25.00 1 Lot of Rocking Chairs, each val ued at 7.50 Sofas, Lounges, &c., each valued at 5 to IO Large 1 of of Britannia and Tin ware, valued at 300.00 A Lot of fine engravings, valued at 60 00 JEWELRY. Splendid Gold Watches, each val ued at from $5O to 100.00 Splendid Silver Watches, each valued at 25.00 1 Large lot of Watch and Guard chains, earls 5.00 1 Large lot of Watch chains, each. valued at from 25c. to $3.00 40 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, each val ued at from 5.00 to 25.00 1 Large lot of Silver Plated butter knives and spoons, acts, valued at frJrn 2.50 to 5.00 1 Lot Gents' breast pins, each val ued at 3.00 1 Large lot Gold pens and Silver Holders, each 3.00 FOR THE LADIES. A large quantity of Ladies arti cles, such as kid gloves, para sols, tine handkerchiefs, veils, fans, dress patterns, vary ing in value from $l.OO to 2:5.00 114ISCELLANEGLIS. Also, alarge lot of Miscellaneous Articles, varying in value from 25e. to 20.00 Every part of this enterprise will be conducted with lloricsty, Fairness, and in Good Faith. THE DRAWING WILL TAKE PLACE AT ULTON EIALL, ON MONDAY MORNING, JULY 16TH, Commencing at S o'clock, and contiruing until all the gifts shall be distributed. TICKETS $l.OO EACH. Sent to any Address on receipt of $l, or 11 tickets for $lO. Tickets for sole at the Company's office, Mishlet's New_Building, Southeast Angle of Centre square. trr Ili hen practicable, order tichets by mail, as it will be impossible to secure Agents in every locality. The Prizes were all purchased in Lancaster and can be seen every day. J. P. DOWNEY, General Agent, Box 397, Lancaster Post Office - , —TICKETS for sale at HENRY V.TOLI:E'S, (opposite the Post Office), agent for Marietta. Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a. Capital and Assets, $4;i9,920:80. rilillS Company continues to insure Build I jugs, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium cr premium note. • FIFTH ANINITAL REPORT. Whole amount insured, $5,027,02 Amt of premium notes, $426,000:60 Bal. cash premium, Jan'y . I, ISO 4, 3,754:47 Cash receipts in 1861, less fees and com missions, 22,870:56 $462,715:6 Losses and expenses paid in 1864, $22,794:99 Balance of Capital and Assets, Jan uary Ist ; 1665, 429,920:80 $452,715:69 A. S. GREEN, PRESIDENT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., a'ecretury. MICHAEL S. Sti UMA N, Treasurer. DIRECTORS : Samuel Shock, William Patton,. Robert T. Ryon, John W. Sleacy, John Fendrich, George Young, Jr., H. G. illinich, Nicholas llTDctiald, Samuel F. Eoellein, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Sparing. Ixi-33 WINES & LIQUORS. • . D. D I;i77NJANI IN, DELI ER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Benjamin's Building, Corner of Front-st., and Elbow Lane, MARIETTA, PA ]) EGS leave to inform the public that he wii; continue the WINE Sc LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 6-c., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND, A very superior OLD RYE WHISKEY. just received, which is warranted pure. lab All H. D. B. now asks of the pubic is a careful examination-of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from him. pring Shawls Sslir/orals Gloves, Hosiery Belts and Suc'tles, Embroidered Handker chiefs and Collars, Mourning Collars and Veils, Head Nets and Dress Trimmings. A full supply at SPANGLER & RICH'S. JR. IL LANDIS is the sole agent for the Sale of MISH LER'S BITTERS, in the Borough of Marietta. For sale at the GULDEN MORTAR. rrO LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch _I and Irish WHISKIES, warren tedjto be pure, at Tf. D. rtarf NEW GOODS At Greatly Reduced Prices. We beg leave to invite all those who are in want of Bargains to nor NE TV A ND CHEAP DRY GOODS, Groceries, Queens ware, Glassware, No lions, 6.c., 6w., and all other classes of goods generally kept in a first class store. Having purchased our en tire stock For CASH and at the recent decline will sell them much beto v the former rates. COME AND SEE OUR CHEAP MUSLINS, CHECKS, TICASy GINGHAMS, PRINTS, &c., &c., which will be sold right down with the mark et. Our Dress Goods department comprises the latest dosigns of goods adapted to tae sea son whica will be found full and complete. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS IN GREAT VARIETY of which we have a beautiful line of plain and Fancy Cassimeres, English and French Sack ings, Plain Black Cloths, both oreign and domestic, and all other Goods fur a nice out fit. Queensware, a full line of Toilet, Tea and Dinner Setts, covered dishes, &c., &e., always -on hand, Groceries a good supply of choice Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Syrups and spices. Dry Goods cheaper than Wet Goods. Come and see us and he convinced of what v b say. BOWERS & STEA CY PiIARILET STREET Marietta, E. REMINGTON & SONS, 60.00 75.00 AND CARBINES. For the United States Service Also, Pocket and Belt Revolvers, I:L.-heat/Jig Oiista Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels and Gun materials, sold by Gun dealers and the Trade generally. In these days of Housebreaking ;,and Robbery, every House, Store, Bank and Office should have one of iielpiogfore lieboibz(v. Parties desiring to avail themselves ofatho late improvements in,Pistols, and superior workmanship and form, will find all coml ined in the New nonington ittbabus. Irk Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arms will be furnished on application. E. REMINGTON 4. SONS, ILiox, N. Y. Moone & Nrcnois, Agents, No. 40 Courtland-at., N. Y. (35-6 m , ~.IfaCaPtal, e , _Established in 1829. NO. 20 NORTII QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. WE manufacture our own goods, thus en abling us to sell at OLD TIME PRICES. The largest, best and most complete stock, and at lower prices than any house in the country. Our immense stock of Spring and Summer Goods consists of all the novelties of the sea son, at least fifty different styles the most pop ular of which are the Cavalier, Cavalier DeOrsay, Indicator, very new, Fulton, Morton Peto, Brighton, Nobby, Tyrol. A splendid Silk Rat for $5:00 / Cheaper than can be had elsewhere. Our business connection with our patrons for a period of nearly 40 years, is a sufficient guarranteo of our ability to please all who may favor us with a aall. SHULTZ & BROTHERS, No. 20 North Queen-st., Lancastpr, L ADIES TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE THE REAL VALPAU FEMALE PILLS! [ WARRANTED FRENCH.] These Pills, so celebrated many years ago in Paris, for the relief of female irregularities, and afterwards so notorious for their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale for the first time in Amer ica. They have been kept in comparative ob scurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. VACPAU, is a Physician in Paris, of great wealth and strict conscientious principles, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for Unlawful put poses. la overcoming female obstructions they seem to be truly orimiratent, bursting open the flood gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offered to the public only for legitimate uses, and,all agents are forbid den to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. For sale by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta ' • P. A. Pyle, Mountjoy ; H. D. Parry and R. Wil liams, Columbia, and druggists generally. Ladies can procure a box, sealed from the eyes of the curious, by enclosing $1 and six postage stamps to 0. G. STAPLES, General Agent for us, Watertown, New-York, or to any of the above agents. [n0.25-ly the NitzbAch I*Mall. ,_____ GEO. W. SULTZBACII, TANNER 4• LEATHER DEALER, MARIETTA, PA. Having purchased the remaining stock on hand, and leased the Tannery and fixtures of his late father, Henry Sultzbach, deceased, is now prepared to accommodate the customers of the old stand, and the public generally, with everything in his line, at such prices as cannot fail to . give entire satisfaction. His stock will consist of Oak Spanish and Slaughter Sole, Valve and Hemlock Leather, CALFSKINS, • Kips, TVaxed and Grained Upper, SPLITS, HARNESS, BRIDLE & SHOE SKIRTING. 1 Cash paid for Hides and Skins. Marietta January 6. 1866.-tf IL L. IS- E. J. LAM!, A/./Idera, °-) Corner of North Queen•St.,,'. and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. WE are prepared to sell American and Swiss Watches at the lowest cash rates? We buy directly from the Imparters and Man ufacturers, and can, and do sell Watches as low as they can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. A fine stock of Olocks o Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver and Silver-plated ware constantly on hand. Every article fairly represented. IL L. ?- E. J. ZARA'S Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square • LANCASTER, S February 17, 1868.-1. IBMI