The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 23, 1866, Image 2

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s4lttiiali Nohning, lime •2;3,1886.
or The second section of the new
constitutional amendment will not only
prevent the Southern States from ob
taining representation based on freed
men who are not allowed to vote, but it
will likewise prevent representation
based on a white male population, ostra
cised by the property qualification.—
Thus such anti-republican and aristocrat
ic laws as were maintained up to the
time of the rebellion in South Carolina
will be counteracted and, while every
State will be allowed to regulate the
question of suffrage for itself, none will
be permitted to increase its int/nonce in
the national councils by a class of citi
zens whom it debars from participation
in its elections,
sir Professor Henry Darwin Rogers,
a native of Philadelphia, and well known
in all scientific circles throughout the
United States in connection with hie
great work on the "Geology of Pennsyl
vania," died at his residence, near Glas
gow, Scotland, on the 29th of May. He
was in the Nth year of his age. At the
time of his death he was Regius Profes
sor of Natural History, in the Universi
ty of Glasgow—a chair in which he had
served with distinguished merit for sev
eral years. Before he left the United
States, Professor Rogers had contribu
ted many important scientific papers to
the public.
ar A New York letter says of Mor
rie Ketchum, the old financier : "He
has departed from the abode of his
glory and shame. Yon can see the
wreck of the firm' stored in a half-fixed
and rather small room. A mighty finan
cier prostrated by the criminal folly of a
boy The old man's face is sadly chang
ed. There are faint traces of the former
fire; but the proud bearing has depart
lar A pretended soldier, who went
around Doylestown begging, was arrest
ed a few days since, it was found that
he wore a stocking stuffed with some
thing over his arm, which gave it the
appearance of a false limb, and which
he threw away before he was taken.
He was lodged in jail to answer.
dir The wholesale plundering of the
White House, after the assassination of
Mr. Lincoln, has prompted the creation
of an officer to be known as the steward
of the President's household, who is to
be responsible for the plate, and who is
to give bonds for the faithful discharge
of his duty.
ti` Senator Fessenden has made a
final report from the reconstruction
committee, in which he reviews the
whole question with masterly ability and
shows incontestibly that it would be
alike unsafe and unjust to allow the reb
el States representation as they now
Or On Monday a week, a dead man
was found in the woods near Mount
Union, Hontingdoik county, by a man
engaged in peeling bark. An inquest
was held, when it was discovered • that
the deceased was a lunatic who had es
caped from his friends in Now York.
eir The Johnson National Club have
about abandoned their Campaign Club,
and announce that there will be no far
ther attempt made to disrupt the Re
publican party. This will be bad news
for certain newspapers and Washington
gir Messrs. Cameron, Curtin, Forney,
Rickman, Kelley and Ketchum, are
spoken of for the Pennsylvania Senator
ship. Dan Rico is a candidate for
Congress on the Johnsonian platfoim,
in the Nineteenth Pennsylvania District.
Or Memphis is excited by a rumor
that John H. Snrratt, one of the con
spirators in the assassination of Presi
dent Lincoln, was recently in that city
on his way from Northern Texas to
W m. Story, the sculptor at Rome
son of Judge Story, of Boston, has just
been offered by an English nobleman
$15,000 for one of his marbles. .
4 Col. W. W. Seaton, formerly con
nected with the National Intelligencer,
died in Washington on Saturday, of
cancer, aged about eighty-one years.
or A submarine exploring apparatus
was tried at Williamsburg, N. Y., on
Wednesday. The explorer remained
under water an hour and a half.
INT Flour and wheat are being impor
ted from Europe. The steamer City of
Cork brought 498 casks of French flour
to New York.
fir Gen. Cage died at Detroit, Michi
gan, on the morning of the 17th instant
Sunday laet ) aged 84 years.
fir George M. Gayle, a reconstructed
individual, who some years ago gained a
certain notoriety by publishing in the
papers of Selma, Alabama, over his own
signature, an advertisement for contri
butions to a fund of one million dollars
to secure the murder of Mr. Lincoln.
A few days ago he was indicted by the
Grand Jury of the United States Dis
trict Court for the southern district of
Alabama, on the joint charge of murder
and conspiracy to overthrow the United
States Government. Bail for his ap
pearance was given in the sum of fifteen
thousand dollars.
ogir The house of J. S. McCray, near
Petroleum Centre, was forcibly entered
a few nights ago and a bold robbery
perpetrated. The rogue or rogues first
cut a pane of glass from a bed room
window, where a young man (a-brother
in law of Mr. McCray) and his wife
were sleeping. Chloroform was admin
istered, and from under the young man's
pillow were taken a loaded revolver and
$3,040 in greenbacks. An envelope
containing a one-thousand dollar gold
bearing bond was taken out of the book
and left on the table, with the bond stil
in it.
A. Massachusetts paper remarks
that Mr. George Peabody, now at
Georgetown, Mass., is daily reminded
that his fame has penetrated every vill
age as well as city in this country by
the nnmerona appeals for him to show
charity, in behalf of this or that person,
or object ; every mail brings him solici
tations, some of them being of the most
ridiculous nature. Of course no atten
tion is paid to any of them.
igir A large London clothing house is
manufacturing incombustible articles of
attire for firemen, smiths, iron paddlers.
glass blowers, and others carrying on
their operations in the presence of fire.
The result is partly accomplished by
the incorporation of asbetos, commonly
known as mineral wool, and partly by
impregnation with incombustible chemi.
cal salts.
sir The American Art Union—this
far famed institution of Art and Science,
has re-organized, and is prepared to
furnish the public and trade with a
choice from over two thousand varieties
of the finest Steel Engravings and Lith
ographs ever published. Catalogue of
prices sent free by addressing American
Statesman, .67 Nassau street, New York
lir Gen Geary's reception in various
parts of the State, which he is casually
visiting, are of the most enthusiastic
character. He is hailed by the soldiers
as one of their ablest leaders and greet
ed by the people as one of their bravest
defenders. He will be the next Govern
or of Pennsylvania by an immense ma.
ilkir The cholera is slowly working its
way in New York, although it does not
appear to cause extraordinary excite
ment. Cases, occurring mostly among
the poorer classes, living in crowded lo
calities teeming with filth, are reported
daily, while at intervals deaths take
place which are clearly the result of the
gir There is a story of a member of a
temperance deputation who was picked
up drunk by a policeman, after the meet
ing was over, out of the public gutter.
On being asked his business, he replied,
with much - presence of mind, that he was
the "frightful example " whose duty it
was to accompany the deputation.
1615 - Elias Howe, the. inventor and pat
entee of the sewing machine needle, has
declared his purpose not to apply for an
extension of his patent, which runs out
this year, on the ground that he has
made a million and a half dollars on it
already, which he regards as fortune
enough for one man.
Cr Rev. William Blythe, a Methodist
preacher at Greensboro, Ga-, undertook
to beat a negro in the old-fashioned
style, a few days ago ; but the negro
fractured Mr. Blythe's skull with a
heavy stone, so that he is. not expected
to survive.
or Western papers assert that what
were vast treeless prairies in Illinois
twelve years ago are now covered with a
dense growth of thrifty young forest
trees, comprising various species of oak,
hickory, cottonwood, ash, &c.
or There were 831 divorces in Ohio
last year—drunkenness being the cause
of 48 only ; but it is inferred that the
rum•jug had some share in the list set
down, (199) as having been caused by
cruelty and neglect.
ow Harry Gilmore, the Baltimore
rebel who once distinguished himself by
robbing the passengers on a Philadel
phia train, has written a book of his ad
ventures, entitled " Four Years in the
or There were only six persons in
Memphis in 1861 that voted against se
cession. Now there are not less than
600 persons each one of whom claims to
be one of the six.
ar Mrs. Relief Sumner, mother of
Charles Sumner, died in Boston, on
Friday last, aged 81 years.
tir A Botany Bay convict has just
died in Sydney, who had accumulated
fortune of 0,000,000.
"J4r'( - &r1 1 1-1E MARIETTEANR,^"
Ntion in 33z1tt
Piccolomini is dying of a cancer.
A game cock in London pecked a
child to death.
The Texans are subscribing for a
Davis defence fund.
John Minor Botts will deliver a
Fourth of July oration in Baltimore.
Rossini has petitioned the Pope to
allow women to sing in Italian church
Gen. Schenck bee been ominated for
Governor of Ohio by a convention in
Warren county.
An informal meeting of Senators on
the 12th, resolved to adjourn Congress
early in July.
Most of the recently appointed postal
officers in the South are able to take the
The embroidery on the new styles of
chemises must not be more than five
inches deep.
The New York Board of Health has
warned the newspapers not to publish
every ease of diarrhcca as cholera.
Gen. Scott's last words were in behalf
of hie horse. " Take care of him,
James," he said to the hostler.
Measures have been taken in New
York to form a new political party, to
be called the "Uaited States Democra
A negro preacher was fined $5 in Cairo
the other day, for expounding the gos
pel with hie fists, on the head of one of
his flock.
De Lave, the acrobat, proposes to
walk a wire stretched over Niagara
Falls, carrying his wife and son on his
It is understood that the Legislatures
of the loyal States will be convened to
ratify the reconstruction amendment be•
fore the adjournment of Congress.
Dr. Mary E. Walker was again arres
ted in New York, on Saturday, for ap
pearing in male costume. She was held
in 0300 bail for one year.
A canal boat driver arrested in Syra
cuse proves to be a woman in male at
tire who says she could find DO employ
ment until slie put on pantaloons.
James Hamill, the champion rower .of
Pittsburg, has fixed on the 4th and sth
of July for his match with Henry Kelley
at Newcastle on-Tyne, England.
Representative Rousseau, of Kentucky
inflicted a caning on Representative
Grinnell, of lowa, in Washington, on
the 14th, for words spoken in Congress.
Almost all the religions conventions
held recently in the South have adopted
measures for the education of the freed
men. The leader in this movement is
Bishop Quintard of Tennessee. "
The Doolittle Johnsonians have call
ed a Convention in Wisconsin. The
Clymer Democrats of Pennsylvania pro
pose to hold a mass Convention in Read
ing on the 11th of July.
The police of New York will don
their summer uniform, on the 25th. It
will consist of a blue flannel coat and
pantaloons, Panama hat, black neck tie,
and white gloves. •
A despatch states that sufficient se
curities remain in the hands of the Au
ditor general to redeem every dollar of
the circulating medium of the Petrole
um and Venango County banks.
Since the bar rooms are shut up on
Sunday, in New York, some of the bar
bers have invented a now hair tonic—for
the beard—which is applied just under
the moustache.
The welcome news that the price of
meat is falling comes to us from New
York. On Tuesday prices at the Hie
stock markets fell fully one cent a pound
and the speculators are said to be los
ing heavily.
The London Lancet thinks it is shown
clearly that the cattle plague is not ( as
has been thought by some) a disease
correspondent to the human typhoid fe
ver, but is similar, if not identical, to
our small pox.
George Peabody is still residing with
his sister at Georgetown, Massachusetts
and has for some days past been suffer
ing from a slight illness. He contem
plates at an early day, however, visiting
Washington and Baltimore.
J, M. Cornwall, on Friday night, laid
down upon a bench elevated several
inches above the window sill, in the
third-story of his residence, in Pittsburg,
and, falling asleep, rolled out and fell to
the pavement below, killing him instant
Some of the streets of London are
very narrow. Out of 440 in the city, in
but 70 of them is there room for more
than two lines of vehicles to pass, and
in 111 - streets one line of vehicles only
can pass. 101 of the streets are not
thoroughfares at all, and have no exits.
Messrs. C. B. Culver, L. H. Culver
and John R. Penn, comprising the firm
of Culver, Penn & Co., have been ar
rested at Franklin, Venango county,
upon a charge of embezzlement and
fraud, at the instance of the Petroleum
Bank of Titusville. The warrant was
issued by the Mayor of Harrisburg.
pttial Noting
la - A Single Box of BBANDRETIVS PILLS
contain more vegetable extractive matter than
twenty boxes of any pills in the world besides;
fifty-five hundred physicians use them in their
practice to the exclusion of other purgatives.
The first letter of their value is yet scarcely
appreciated. When they are better known,
sudden death and continued sickness will be
of the past. Let those who know them speak
right out in their favor. It is a duty which
will save life. Our race are subject to a re
dundancy of vitiated bile at this season, and
it is as dangerous as it is prevalent; but Bran
dreth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient
protection. By their occasidhal use we pre
vent the collection of those impurities which,
when in sufficiei.t quantities, cause so much
danger to the body's health. They soon cure
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
Pain in the Head, Hartburn, Pain in the Breast
bone, Sud den Faintness an d Costiveness.
Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines.
To Corrsumprivas.—The advertiser hav
ing been restored to health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption, is an
xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure. To all who desire it, he
will send a copy of the prescription, free of
charge, with the directions for preparing and
useing the same, which they will find a sure
cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron
chitis, Colds, and all throat and lung affections.
The only object of the advertiser ip Bending
the presiziption is to benefit the afflicted and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he, hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, b:
return mail, will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. WiLsorr, Williamsburg,
Kings County, New-York. Lly
la- Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery !—A
cure is warranted by Dr. TOBIAS' celebrated
Venetian Liniment, if used when first taken
by persons of temperate habits.. This medi
cine has been known in the United States over
twenty year. Thousands have used it, and
found it never failed to cure any complaint for
which it was recommended, and all those who
first tried it, are now never without it. In the
Cholera of 1848, Dr. Ton IAS attended 40 cases
and lost 4,being called in to late to do any good.
DinXerzons :—Take a teaspoonful in a wine
glass of water every half hour for two hours,
and rub the abdomen and extremities well with
the Liniment. To allay the thirst, take a
lump of ice in the month, almost the size of a
marble every ten minutes. It is warranted
perfectly innocent to take internally. Sold
by all Druggists, price 40 and 80 cents. De
pot, 56 Courtlandt-st., N. Y. [4O-1m
TRA.ISSFORAIATION. The superstition of an
tiquity are only "food for laughter" at the pre
sent day, and yet this is an age of MIRACLES,
accomplished with the aid of science. For ex
ample : grey, sandy or red hair is changed in a
moment ; to the richest conceivable black or
brown, by a Simple application of CHRISTADO
RO'S HAIR DYE; Manufactured by J. CHRIS
TADORO, 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold
by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
June 23,-Im.]
LOVE AND MATRIHONY:—Ladies and gen
tlemen, if you wish to marry, address the un
dersigned, who will send you, without money
and without price, valuable information that
will enable you to marry happily and speedily
irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This
information will cost you nothing, and if you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.—
All letters strictly confidential. The desired
information sent by return mail, and no re
ward asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT,
Greenpoint, Kings county, N. Y. [3B-3m
ERRORS or YOUTH.—A gentleman who suf
fered fox years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi
ence, can do so by addressing JOHN B. Oc-
DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York.
To DRUNKARDS.—A reformed inebriate
would be happy to communicate (free of
charge) to as many of bis fellow beings as
will address him, very important and useful
information, and place in their hands a sure
cure for the love of Strong Drink of any kind.
This information is freely offered by one who
has narrowly escaped a drunkard's grave.
Address. SErx B. nanny-neon, No. 9 Broad
Street, Mew York. [3m
la' Deafness, Bli,ndness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
ill. D., Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st.,
Testimonials from the moat reliable
sources in the city and country can be seen at
his office. The medical faculty re invited to
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets
in hie practice. Artificial Byes inserted with
out pain, No charge for examination.
ITCH I—ITCH ! !—ITCH ! ! ! Scratch!
Scratch ! !—Scratch !! ! WHEATON'S OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and all
eraptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 170 Washing
ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage. to any part. of the Union.
STRANGE, PUT TENN.—Every young lady
and gentleman in the United States can hear
something very much to their advantage by
return mail (free of charge,) by addressing
the undersigned. Those having fears of being
humbugged will oblige by not noticing this
card. All others will please address their
obedient servant, Tilos. F. CHAPMAN, 831
Broadway, N. Y.
warning and instruction for young men: also,
Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros
trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of
releif. Sent free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. Address, Da. J. SKILLIN Horrow-
TON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. [july
la - Ladies use Dr. Velpau's French Pills.
Sold by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta, and by all
good druggists.
ENAMEL OF AMERICA, for beautifying
the complexion, softening the skin, re
moving tan, freckles and pimples.
For Sale at Dr. Landis' "Golden Mortar."
B"TQua, of Wines and Liquors for
medicinal purposes, at D. Landis,.
The Drug' Store opposite the Post Office,
Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks
Drugs, Medicines, Stationary,
&C., &C., &C.,
Such as Perfumed Soaps, Hair Oils, Hair
Dyes, Pomades, Tooth Soaps, Tooth
Washes, Hair, Nail, Clothe and
Tooth Brushes, of all descrip
tions, Extracts for the
Handkerchief, Colo
gnes, Ambrosia
for the Hair,
and many other articles too tedious to mention
Ladies and Gents Port Monnaes,
of every description.
—A L S 0—
the most popular Patent Medicines
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, Ex
pectorant, and. Vermifuge, Jayne's Pills and
Carmiuitive Balsam, &c., Hostetter's Bitters,
Hoffiand's German Bitters, Swaim's Panacea,
Worm Confections, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and in fact all the most reliable Patent
medicines now in use.
Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine
assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chim
neys, &c. Also, articles of nourishment for
the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow
Root, Tapioca,
Spices of all kinds, Cloves, Cinnemon, All
spice, Mace, Black Pepper, African Cayanne
Pepper, French Mustanl, &c.
Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Feed
ing Cups for the Sick, Breast Pumps, Nipple
Shields, Nursing Bottles, Self-injecting Sy
ringes, Flavoring Extracts for cooking, &c.
Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts,
Aquariums. Arrangements have also been
made with one of the best Aviarys in the
State,to furnish Canary and Mocking Birds,&c.
A lot of Family Dye colors, of every shade.
Fresh and reliable Garden Seel&
A large assortment of Books and
Everything in the Stationary way, such as
Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other
kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other
Quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, and
an- endless variety of fancy and useful articles,
usually found at such establishments, but any
article not on hand will be ordered at once.
A new kind of playing cards, called "Union
Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests instead
of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, &c. The Face
cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the
Queens, Kings and Jacks. This is a beauti
ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign em
blems and should be universally preferred.
School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the
School Stationary general!), and Bibles, &c.
always on hand.
ra- Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il
lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies received.
Sheet Music of all kinds will be ordered
with promptness and dispatch.
Having secured the services of Mr. CHAS.
H. Bairrorr, an experienced and competent
Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully
compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at
all hours. The Doctor himself can be consul
ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally
Being very thankful to the public tor the
past patronage bestowed upon him, will try
and endeavor to please all who may give him
a call. F. HINKLE, AI. D.
Marietta, February 4, 1865-tf.
For Subscribers to the
"bActiepQ slqteam,
A National Weekly _Pandit' Journal
The following splendid prizes are sent to clubs:
For every club of forty subscribers n Whee
ler & Wilson best $55, Sewing Machine, with
two extra copies to the getter up of the club.
For every club of twenty, and less than 40
übscribers, we will allow $1:25 for each sub
scriber on the price of said machine.
For every club of six, a splendid steel en
graving of President A. Lincoln, full length,
Andrew Johnson, Gen. Grant, or Sherman,on
horseback, worth $3 each, with an extra copy
to the getter up of the club.
For every club of three, one of those splen
did steel engravings of the Union series of
Comprising Presidents Johnson and Lincoln,
Lieut-Gen. Grant, Gens. Sherman, Sheridan,
Thomas McClellan, Fremont, Admirals Far
ragut and Porter, and George and Martha
Washington, each 19x24 inches, worth $2.
E' These splendid portraits should adorn
every parlor.
The Statesman is the largest, cheapest and
best family paper published, suited for every
family. Try it once and you will never be
without it. Send for copies and get up your
clubs. Address,
67 Nassau-st., New-York.
January 13-6m.1
Market Street, adjoining Spangler ¢ Rich's
Store, on the second floor.
Where he is now prepared to wait r"-rr",
on all who may feel disposed to pa
Dentistry in all Its branches carried on.
TEETH inserted on the most approved prin
ciples of Dental science. All operations on
the mouth performed ir. a skillful and work
manlike manner—on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this place, would ask a continuation
of the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to' him ; for wilier. he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
Er Ether administered to properpersons.
To THE PUBLlC.—Having had occasion for
the use of a Dentist, I called on Dr. Worrell,
who has succeeded in preparing for me an ex
cellent and serviceable set—upper and lower.
They are upon what is called "rubber base,"
and fit my mouth firmly and comfortably, and
are almost as much use to me as were my nat
ural teeth. My mouth having become con
siderably deformed in consequence of having
gone a number of years without any teeth on
one side of my jaw, but the Doctor remedied
this defeet, making the fit complete, whilst the
working of the teeth are entirely satisfactory.
I would cheerfully recommend any person
in want of dental operations, to call on Dr.
Worrell, havieg great confidence iu his pro
fessiona skill. GEO; REICH.
W ILLCOX ivo t E G L I E B ss BS
The moat simple, complete and easiliman
aged Sewing Machine now in use. It does
every description of work—never stops at or
needs to be helped over seams,. but 'does all
its work rapidly and well. The needle re
quires no adjustment—you cannot get it in
wrong—it makes any width of hem you wish
—does braiding beautifully. The Braider is
in the foot of every machine and pert of it,
and is always adjusted, never gets out of place.
Call and examine them before purchasing
any other, at
H. L. & E. J. ZAIIM'S,
Corner North Queen street and Centre Square,
Sole Agents for Lancaster County.
Lancaster, February 17, 1866.-tf.
cellent article for ladies. Just - received
and for sale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store.
Ll~rNntumnMat t i j
is THE BEsT.
It is made on the hest pvibripie, its fro,
is composed of SOLID PLATL::.
interfere with the harmony f,y tr` ola ol
and no sudden shock can darel,4e Its sat wonehiorg
ry. Every piece is made and finished by me
chinery (itself famous for its novelty, as wen
as for its effectiveness) and is t herefore p ro .
perly made. The watch is what all % echs.
ism should be—ACCURATE, bllpLy_
some high grades, too costly for general li g :
foreign watches are chiefly made by woitt : l
and boys. Such watches are compolea
several hundred pieces, screwed and riv t i ed
together, and require constant repairs to keep
them in any kind of ordir. All persona 1 ,1,
have carried "ancres," " lepines," and 4 4,
glish Patent levers," are perfectly W e ll awate
of the truth of this statement.
At the beginning of our enterprise, to „,
than ten years ago, it was our first object t o
make a thoroughly good low priced watch for
the million, to take the place of these foreign
impositions—the refuse of foreign factories_
whichwere entirely unsaleable at home sod
perfectly worthless everywhere.
How well we have accomplished this may
be understood from the fact, that after so many
rears of public trial, we now make MORE
no others have ever given such universal sat
isfaction. While this department of DJ
business is continued with ineteased facilities
for perfect work, we are at present engageilia
the manufacture of watches of the very HIGH
RY, unequalled by anythipg hitherto inal.e
by ourselves, and unsurpassed by anything
made in the world. For this purposo we hare
the amplest facilities. We have erected ea
addition to our main buildings expressly fa
this branch of our business, and have filled it
with the heat workmen in our service. New
machines and appliances have been construe.
ted, which perform their work with comm.
mate delicacy and exactness. The choicest
and most approved materials only are used
and we challenge comparison between this
grade of our work and the finest imponed
chronometers. We do not pretend to sell our
watches for less money than foreign watches,
but we do assert without fear of contradiction
that for the same money our product is incom
parably superior. All our watches, of what.
ever grade, are fully warranted and his WRl
ran tee is good at all times against us or oar
agents in all parts of the worl.l,
CAUTION.—The public are cautioned to
buy only of respectable dealers. All posses
selling counterfeits will be prosecuted.
Agents for the American bVatch Company,
152 Broadway, N. 0
[June 23, lm
aatrilb qronitit.
TN view of the coming elections, new ani
extensive arrangements have been made to
give even greater variety and interest to
The Washington Weekly I hroniele,
The necessity of maintaining the fruits of
our great victory, and of strengthening tine
eternal principles upon which alone republi
can liberty car. safely rest, will give extreor
dinary vitality to approaching poliiical con
tests. Stationed here at the National capital,
the CHRONICLE possesses peculiar adran•
tapes to aid the common cause. Havingbeea
conducted almost within the sound of the
rebel cannon during all the war, and therefore
fully understanding the intrigues and projects
of the traitors, it will not fear to speak out
boldly in response to and in reflection of the
sentiments of the free millions of America,
and will defend them and their interestt
against all opposition, come from what scar
teril may, Since the meeting of the present
Congress of the United States, end the tame
ciation of that thorough policy which has com
manded the admiration and gratitude of the
people, the CHRONICLE has maintained its
position "solitary and alone." TraduCetiand
misrepresented as these majorities have been,
the Chronicle as their sincere and fearless de
fender, has been assailed with equal virulence
and injustice. But it has been honored
the approval of the loyal people in all path' of
the country. For the first time in the history
of the Government, a prosperous weekly no's
paper, opposed t human slavery, fully cc d.
mated to the policy and doctrines o f the radi
cal men of the Republic, leas been firmly
tablished in the District of Columbia. We're,
on the, threshold of events not less iikPori an `
than those which astounded the civilized
world and shook the Republic to its founda
tion. These will demand extraordinary Or
gy and fidelity on the part of the public lead'
ers, whether in Congress r the press. .
The WEEKLY CHRONICLE iS beautifully
printed in quarto form. During the session 01
thepresent Congrese, which promises to be
protracted one, the subjects debated
trill e~'
cite universal interest, and as they
frankly and thoroughly examined and
cussed in the Chronicle, as in both brancheso!
Congress, this journal cannot fail to he a
useful and popular visitor to all loyal epic!!,
I 'therefore cheerfully invoke the aid of th
friends of the cause in the different States tiN
One year
Six months
Three months re•
Any person forming.a club of TO, 811 _ 0
milting twenty dollars, will receive su
copy every week.. No subscription reeelT,
for less than three months. All subserio.-
invariably in advanca.
J. W.
Editor and Proprietor of the Chronicle;
All Business Letters should be addressed to
Publisher Chronicle, Washington , D' C .:
June 23,41 d
arMing Kalattr,
tain, at the Golden Mortar, is now 0 , 6 _7,
to dispense cool healthy and refreshing %
eragcs. This drink is drawn from Pom e i r i ora
lined fountains. - and is warranted rang
noxious propert iesirin ges.
to keep cool during the CO
ing hot season, will please remember
THE "ARCTIC" AT bisti•
Dr. Landis' drug store, Market street,
First National Bank of Narietta
is now. prepared to transact all kinds of
The Board of Directors meet vieeklY.9
Wednesday, for discount and other bonnet&
ItT•Barik ;fours : From 9A.stto3 F. X•
•tion „
JOB PAINTING of every !iesePP. the
ecuted with neatness and dingamp
o ffice of The Mariettian.