The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 02, 1866, Image 2

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    De Maricitian,
4.; -r •4;," '
SOLO 4 Vorning, /une 2, 5866•
Ifir The Saturday Press among other
suggestions which will enable a person
to avoid the cholera, recommends.:
Don't on .the brain, and, to this
end, avoid reading the daily papers.
Endeavor, if possible, to keep a clear
conscience, and two or three clean shirts
Rise with the larks, but avoid larks in
the evening. Be' above' ground in 4 611
your dwellings, and above board in all
your 'dealings. Love your neighbors as
yourself, but don't have too many of
them in the smile house with you.
la - General Miles has received in:
structions from Washington, to give Jeff
Davis, on his parole, the freedom of the
fort, he retiring to his room in Carroll
Ball, at night. Messrs Shea and O'Con
nor, his counsel, have been allowed ac
cess to the fort and private interviews
with him at any time. Mrs. Davis left
the fort and was in Washington on the
day of the date of the instructions to
Gen. Miles; so we may surmise what
influence moved A. J.
ildr A colony of Maine emigrants,
numbering about 120, will sail for Jaffa,
( the ancient Joppa ) in the Holy Land,
about the middle of July next. They
will take out lumber and building materi.
els, furniture, agricultural implements,
&c., to start with. Their new home is
situated in the midst of orange groves,
lemon groves, pomegranate groves, fig
trees, grape vines, date trees, and almost
every description of Oriental fruit and
shade trees.
Or A band of outlaws went to the
house of a man named Gunter, in Over
ton county, Tennessee, one day last
week, and on some frivolous pretext
took him into the woods, stripped and
were unmercifully whipping him. His
daughter seized a hitchet, rushed to the
spot, and succeeded with heroic bravery
in killing two of the ruffians and wound
ing others. She and her father have
since been driven from the county.
gar A Washington correspondent
says that there is, at the Capitol, a
growing distrust of Secretary McCul
loch. He is regarded as one of the bit
terest enemies of the loyal majority in
Congresiin the Cabinet. Besides, there
are may strange rumors afloat as to fi
nancial matters, while the general
is, that the work is rather
than the Secretary can stagger under.
40" Mr. Kasson's bill, which has just
passed both Houses, provides for a new
five•cent coin, which shall weigh five
grammes of the metric system. Three
of them will weigh about one half an
ounce, or the weight of one single letter.
It will also serve for weights at apothe
caries and elsewhere. The act requires
the withdrawal of all fractional notes of
less denomination than ten cents.
Cr Some burglars entered the resi
dence of Hon. George H. Pendleton, in
Cincinnati, on Tuesday night, while the
family were asleep. They made them
selves at home, lighted a fire, boiled
some eggs, and made coffee, used some
silver spoons, and, singular to, say, did
not steal them. They helped themselves
to some clothing and departed.
Grit has been decided that no boun
ty or baelt pay can be paid to men who
deserted from the army, or to their rep
resentatives, notwithstanding the deser
ter may have subsequently served out his
term of enlistment. The bill which has
just passed Congress . excludes deserters
from 'the benefits thereof.
ilap A colored woman named Syphax
said to be an illegitimate daughter of
G. W. P. Custis;and therefore a half
sister of Mrs. R. E. Lee, has been put
in possession of seventeen acres ' of the
Arlington estate, upon which she has
lived for thirty years.
Gr In the case of Col. Jacques, of
Illinois, whose trial on an indictment
for murder has been for some days in
progress, the jury returned a verdict of
not guilty, without leaving their seats.
eir The friends of Mr. William Lloyd
Garrison propose raising a fund of fifty
thousand dollars, to be presented to
bim in token of their appreciation of
his labors-in-the anti-slavery cause.
tom Andrew Johnson, Jr„ nephew of
the President, has been removed from
the agency of the Kentucky State Peni
tentiary, by the commissioners of that
eir Two more veeials have just arri
ad in the New York Bay with Asiatic
cholera—sixty-eight passengers died and
were buried at sea.
aa r Gen. Winfield Scott died at West
Point, on Tuesday morning, aged 80
fir General Robert. Anderson ie seri
eniff ill in New York.
sr The eastern end of the old Har
risburg bridge was destroyed by fire on
Saturday morning last. The flames
were discovered about twelve o'clock,
and before one o'clock the entire por
tion of the structure reaching from Har
risburg to Foster Island was burned
and fell into the channel, threatening
the Cumberland Valley Railroad bridge,
situated a few hundred yards below it,
and which was only saved after much
exertion. The old Harrisburg bridge
was erected ender the patronage of
the Commonwealth in 1811, and in 1816
the first toll was taken. The original
cost of the bridge was $192,000.
air The proprietors of he Fort Pitt
Cannon Foundry, Pittsburg, intend
sending a big twenty.inch cannon from
that city to the Paris exhibition. It
will be 22 feet long, 51 feet diameter at
the breach, and will weigh 50 tons.
When completed it will be mounted on
an excellent iron carriage, weighing
eight tons, and will be accompanied by
specimens of balls, shells and cartridges.
The cost of this monster will be about
$30.000. It requires 100 tons of melted
iron to cast one, and fourteen days to
cool it off properly.
igir Major Gilbroth, sent by General
Howard to investigate the Memphis ri
ots, has made a partial report on the
subject. He says : The civil authori
ties have not taken the slightest notice
of these terrible riots, and seem to re
gard them as simply a skirmish between
the police and the negroes. It was cer
tainly a very. one-sided skirmish, as from
the testimony no resistance was made by
the negroes after the first night.
or The little borough of Milton ,
Northumberland county, Pa.. sets a
good though rather an expensive ex
ample. It supplies lime gratuitously,
for whitewashing purposes, and where
there is a board or scantling it is sure
to receive a coat of white. Little dan
ger of the cholera in that place.
sr The Eon. John A. Logan declines
to be a candidate for next Congress in
" Egypt," but proclaims his unwavering
devotion to the principles of the Union
party. The Unionists of Pennsylvania
will be glad to learn that he designs to
stump the State in behalf of his old
comrade in arms, General Geary.
Or Two car-loads of strawberries now
arrive daily at Chicago from Cobden,
Anna and Villa Ridge, on the Illinois
Central Railroad. There is an area of
over three hundred acres of strawberries
now ripening in those three towns, and
promising the heaviest yield that any
season has afforded.
Er In the Supreme Court in the case
of John Mulclahy vs. Dr. Henry J. Bow
ditch, for damages for illegally branding
the plaintiff with the letter " D." deser
ter, while examining surgeon in the pro
vost marshal's office, the jury returned
a verdict of $l,OOO damages for the plain
A young man named Naze!, of Shelby
county, Ohio, bloomed in the muzzle of
hie gun to ascertain whether it was load
ed, holding the hammer back at the
same time with his foot. Hie foot slip
ped, the gun went off, and the contents
went through his month and the back
part of hie head.
er We notice the newspapers in all
parts of the country seem to be going
into ecatacies of late over the wonderful
medical properties of Coe's Cough Bal
sam and Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. We
are glad to know that these reliable rem
edies are for sale by every Druggist in
the land.
A late arrival from Europe brings in
telligence of a great financial panic.
Many leading banking houses bad sus
pended, among them that of Sir Morton
Peto, who lately visited the United
States, on business connected with one
of our great railroad thoroughfares.
eir Mrs. Jeff Davis-remains in Wash
ington, bringing all the resources and
powers of woman's diplomacy to secure
the release of her husband on parole.
The Washington correspondent of the
Tribune says that she will of course ac.
eomplish her objects.
(f The Grant House at Franklin,
Pa., was destroyed by fire on Saturday.
Loss $60,000. Two servant girls perish
ed in the flames, and a lady who jumped
from the fourth story window died of
injuries received.
g It is understood that Mre. Lincoln
is about to purchase a residence in Cbi
cago for the sum of $14,000, and that
Robert Lincoln is about to be admitted"
to the bar, and to enter upon the prac
tice of his profession in that city.
isar A, young lady named Klinefelter,
resi ding in Mifflin township, Cumber
land county, died lately of voluntary
starvation, having for twelve days and
nights refused to taste 'food. Canse,
disappointment in marriage:
igir An important case came up before
the Sgireine Court of Pennsylvania, at
Harrisburg, viz : Are conscripts who
refused or neglected to report entitled
to a vote ? No decision was arrived at.
- Semmes is preparing •an account
publication of hie cruise in the Ala
,. a ; it will be a new edition of " The
L , r%?.THE MARLETTIAN.g-a-,
News in Britt
It is ascertained that some of the
conductors on the city railroads in New
York are confederates of pickpockets.
Governor Sutter, the first discoverer
of gold in California, is supported by a
pension from the State.
Dr. Benjamin Newland, recently on
trial at New Albany, Indiana, for the
murder of Prof. Evans, whom he charg
ed with seducing his_danghter, has been
acquitted on the ground of insanity.
Dr. B. L. Lago, assistant editor of the
Atlanta Era, committed suicide at the
Southern hotel, St. Louis, on the 13th
inst.; by taking morphine. Loss of pro
perty and disappointed love are the rea
sons assigned for the suicide.
The White Workingmen's eight hour
league of New Orleans, which excludes
negroes from membership, struck recent
ly, and were much disgusted next day
to find their places filled by colored
A young clerk in St. Louis, undertook
to kill himself by shooting, because a
gentleman would not let him marry his
daughter. He went into a lumberyard,
and commenced a preliminary prayer,
when three of his young friends surpris
ed him, took away his pistol, and advis
ed him to elope with the girl.
A slaughter house has been erected
near Chicago, to do the entire slaughter
ing of that city. It is 275 feet long by
175 feet wide, and is three stories high,
and can work off daily 15,000 head of
cattle, hogs and sheep. New York is
moving in the same matter.
The Freedmen's Bureau agent at Mo
bile has notified the Mayor to cease
putting colored men in the chain gang,
or he will proceed against him under the
Civil Rights bill. The Mayor replies
that he is simply carrying out a city or
dinance, and will continue to enforce it
until restrained by military orders.
Messrs. McKay 8.-; Aldus, of East
Boston, have just finished the largest
locomotive ever built in New England
for the Lehigh Valley Railroad. It is
named Towanda, has ten wheels, with
cylinders of 18 by 22 inches, is 30 tons
weight, and is capable of drawing 200
cars with 5 tcns of coal in each car.
John P. Gray, a lad about twelve
years of age, residing with his parents
ip Providence, R. 1., was so much exci
ted by the passing of the menagerie and
circus a day or two since, that he went
up into the attic and hanged himself.
He was dead when discovered.
The passengers of the cholera ship
England declare that they were fed upon
beef from cattle that were diseased with
the rinderpest, and that the officers of
the ship sunk many barrels of the ad('
to prevent the authorities at the New
York quarantine from knowing its char
James L. Gibbs, Collector of Internal
Revenue, at Columbia, S. C., keeps dis
played in his sitting room a large and
elegantly wrought confederate flag made
from silk which came through the block
Widow Sherman, of West Springfield,
Mass., had a husband, a brother, twenty
cousins and seventeen nephews, in the
Union army during the war, Her hus,
band was killed.
In Evansville, Ind., all persons offend
ing against municipal regulations and
unable to pay their fines are to be work
ed on the streets at sixty cents a day
until their fines and costs are paid.
A child in New Jefferson, lowa, was
fatally poisoned, a few days ago, by
chewing pieces of an enamelled paper
collar. The enamel contains arsenic.
Samuel Kennedy, the last survivor of
the Wyoming massacre, died near York
springs, Adams county, Pa, on the 11th
inst., in the 93d year of his age.
Gen. Grant has directed the master
ont of six more colored regiments, while
17,000 will be retained in the service.
It is intended to send a number of them
out to the far west.
At least twelve hundred blexicans
were executed in one month, in Zacate
cas, under Maximilian's decree condem
ning to death those opposed to his gov
The New York board of Health is
fitting up the Battery Barracks for the
occupancy of poor families while their
domicile are being cleansed as a precau
tion against cholera.
Stephens acknowledges the receipt of
about $140,000 in all,, at various times,
from American Fenians.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
have a coops of photogr . aohers now en
gaged in taking photographic views of
the road from Philadelphia to Pitts,
General Spinner thinks of resigning
his office of United States Treasurar,
and accepting the Frankton°, of a New
York Insurance Company,
Mre. Jeff Davie went to church ,on
Sunday laet, attended by Senator Saab
General B. F. Butler has been chosen
a major general of the Massachusetts
State Militia:.
It is believed that Congress will ad-
We have been shown, says the Bos
ton Journal, a counterfeit gold eagle, so
ingeniously made that it is calculated to
defy even experts. Apparently it is
genuine, so far as weight and appear
ance are concerned, and tested by acids
it would be pronounced genuine; and
even a file, unless very vigorously ap
plied, would not show the deception.
Upon breaking it open, however, the in
terior is filled with a small plate of pla
ting, and instead of Wag worth ten dol.
lam in gold its value is only about one
third of that amount.
It is in contemplation to build a new
and costly executive mansion on the
high grounds east of the. Capitol, and
turn the White House into a fire-proof
building for the State Department. It
was for that purpose leave was asked to
bring in a joint resolution directing the
proper committees to make a reconnois
sance for a site.
A. little girl, seven years old, crept
out of the fifth story window of a house
in New York, on Friday, and falling on
the sidewalk was instantly killed. She
had been locked in by her poor mother,
who had gone out to work.
Josh Billings says, "two lovers, like
two armies, generally get along quietly
till they are engaged." He says farther,
" if you itch for fame, go into a grave
yard and scratch yourself against a tume
The Coppeijohnsons of Maryland held
a meeting at Baltimore on Tuesday, un
der the leadership of Montgomery Blair.
No reporters were admitted to take any
part in the proceedings.
The trial of Davis, it is now thought,.
will be postponed till November end, the
indictment altered. Davis' counsel will
ask a trial in June, or their client's re
lease on bail.
It is believed that the telegraph can
be constructed through Siberia with lit
tle trouble, because the Poles are al
ready on the ground.
The people of West Virginia have
decided by a large majority to disfran
chise all rebels and rebel sympathizers.
Among the advertisements in a tete
paper, 'we read that " Two sisters want
In fishing for compliments, there is
certain to be a fool at one end of the
Forgery is now called one of the fine
arts. We wish it was one of the lost
sr The graduates and pupils of Gi
rard College, Philadelphia, celebrated
their anniversary on the 21st of May,
the birthday of the benevolent million
aire, Stephen Girard. The outside at
tendance comprised two classes of grad
uates, those who had gone from the col
lege and entered apprenticeship, accord
ing to the will and testament of Girard,
and those who were past-apprentices ;
and were gathered chiefly from the State
of Pennsylvania. The College is not
yet 20 years old, and the oldest of its
alumni—among whom are shoemakers,
printers, farmers, smiths, designers, en
gravers civil engineers, architects, cash
iers, lawyers, editors and doctors—is not
yet 30 years of age. •
Or General Grant does not agree
with our Democratic friends, who be
lieve that the condition of Southern
sentiment is entirely submissive and loy
al. He writes a letter in which he urges
the immediate passage of the Army bill
on the ground that it is necessary to
garrison different points in the Southern
States, where the people are in a condi
tion of stubborn revolt against the poli
cy of the Government. The General
may look sharp for a storm of copper
head denunciation.
ear The American Statesman sends a
prize to every subscriber and club, val
ued at from $l,OO to $lOO,OO consisting
of Hoop Skirts, Engravings, Portraits,
Lithographs, Albums, Books, Sewing
Machines, Washing Machines, Gold
Pens, Plants, Seeds, and other articles
too numerous to mention. Send for
copy of Statesman and see catalogue,
office 67 Nassau street, New York.
ear The birthday of Queen Victoria
was celebrated in Canada, on Friday, in
a variety of ways. Speeches were made
troops, manoeuvred, salutes were fired,
and two men were killed, and an enter
prising operator struck oil.
or A goidier who needed it has in
vented a left-handed knife and fork com
bined, with which a person who has lost
his right, arm can feed himself very
fir The Legislature of Pennsylvania,
in 1764, passed the foll Owing "Re
solved, That no member of the Legisla
ture will be allowed to come into the
Hoare barefooted."
sr The freedmen's court in Tennessee
have been abolished, the law of the
State giving colored persons the right
to testify in any cases in any court.
Gir The name of the last new color
is "Elephant's Breath." It would •be
bard to_ imagine the shade from the
®' The admission'of Tennessee will
speedily follow the adoption of the' re-
.%petiai Notitto
GIVE NATURE A Ltrr.—People expect too
much of Nature They trifle with their health
and their constitutions, and then are surprised
that they fall sick.
The pressure of constant mental or bodily
labor upon the animal powers is tremendous.
Very few systems and constitutions can bear
up against this pressure unassisted. Add to
this the unhealthy influences which lurk un
seen in thn air we breathe, the water we drink,
the artificial heat with which we endeavor to
chase away the cold and marrow-searching
moisture of winter, and it would seem to re
quire almost superhuman vigor to keep in per
fect health at this rigorous season without re
inforcing the physical energies.
But how reinforce them? Certainly not
with adulterated stimu ants. There is no
poison in the outer air, or in the atmosphere
of furnace-heated rooms, or workshops, or
factories, so pernicious as those deadly-burn
ing fluids.
Why use them, when Hostdter's 6Yomach
Bitters, a vegetable tonic without alloy, are
everywhere obtainable 1 Nothing has ever
been offered to the feeble and debilitated so
harmless in its nature, so powerful in its in
vigorating effects, as this celebrated Stomachic
and Alterative. In the army and the navy,
in new settlemea ts, and in crowded cities, by
old and young, rich and poor, it is used as a
Protective and Restorative Medicine, with the
most gratifying results. J.
LYON'S PERIODICAL Mmes. The great fe
male Remedy for Irregularities.—These Drops
are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara
tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or
Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct
and positive, rendering them a reliable, spee
dy and certain specific for the cure of all ob
structions and suppressions of nature. Their
popularity is indicated by the fact that over
100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum
ed by the ladies of the United States, every
one of whom speak in the strongest terms of
p aise of their good merits. They are rapidly
taking the place of every other Female Rem
edy, and are considered by all who know
aught of them, as the surest, safest and most
infallible preparation in the world, for the
cure of all female complaints, the removal of
all obstructions of nature, and the promotion
of health, regularity and strength. Explicit
directions stating when they may be used, and
explaining when they should not, nor could
not be used without producing effects contra
ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care
fully folded around each bottle, with the writ
ten signature of Joust L. Leos, without
which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. Jornt L. Lvorr, 195 Chapel
street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con
sulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing
stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe
male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists every
where. C. G. CLARK & Co., Gen'l Agts for
U.S. and Canadas. Lir
31:2 A Single Box of BRANDRET/I'S PILLS
contain more vegetable extractive matter than
twenty boxes of any pills in the world besides;
fifty-five hundred physicians use them in their
practice to the exclusion of other purgatives.
The first letter of their value is yet scarcely
appreciated. When they are better known,
sudden death and continued sickness will be
of the past. Let those who know them speak
right out in their favor. It is a duty which
will save life. Our race are subject to a re
dundancy of vitiated bile at this season, and
it is as dangerous as it is prevalent ; but Bran
dreth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient
protection. By their occasional use we pre
vent the collection of those impurities which,
when in sufficient quantities, cause so much
danger to the body's health. They soon cure
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
Pain in the Head, Hartburn, Pam in the Breast
bone, Sudden Faintness an d Costiveness.
Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines.
To Con:sumprivEs.—The advertiser hav
ing been restored to health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption, is an
xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure. To all who desire it, he
will send a copy of the prescription, flee of
charge, with the directions far preparing and
useing the same, which they will find a sure
cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron
chitis, Colds, and all throat and lung affections.
The only object of the advertiser in sending
the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable!, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may wove a blessing.
Parties wishing the ppescription, 'D E, b:, -
return mail, wilt' please address
Rev. &mann A. Wzr.son, Williamsburg,
Kings County, Ngw-York. IIY
Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery I—A
cure is warranted by Dr. TOBIAS' celebrated
Venetian Liniment, if used when first taken
by persons of temperate habits. This medi
cine has been known in the United States over
twenty years. Thousands have used it, and
found it never failed to cure any complaint foi
which it was recommended, and all those who
first tried it, are now never without it. In the
Cholera of 1848, Dr. TOB IAS attended 40 cases
and lost 4,being called in to late to do any good.
DIRECTIONS :—Take a teaspoonful in a wine
glass of water every half hour for two hours,
and rub the abdomen and extremities well with
the Liniment. To allay the thirst, take a
lump of ice in the month, almost the size of a
marble every ten minutes. It is warranted
perfectly innocent to take internally. Sold
by all Druggists, price 40 and 80 cents. De
pot, 56 Courtlandt-st, N. Y. [4O-1m
DEAD HEADS, or, in other words, heads
whose once glorious: locks have WITHERED
AND WHITENED, can in a few moments be
re-clothed with all their YOUTHFUL ATTRAC
TIONS, by a single application of that wonder
Grizzled whiskers and moustaches. ladies)
curls into which the snow of age has prema
turely drifted; and red, sandy or white brown
hair, receive, as if by magic, the rarest shades
of black or brown from this harmless botani
cal hair darkener. Manufactured by T. Chris
tadoro, 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold by
Druggists. Applied by all Hair:'Dressers.
Dumas or YOUTH.—A gentleman who suf
fered fox years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi
ence, can dO so by addreaiing Joule 8..043-
Love AND MATRIMONY:—Lac" aad
Gomel', if you "lob to tour", Odeon th e 46. th
deraigned, who will eend you, without cu te '
and without price,
info rmation 4 r ,
will enable you to marry happily a n d epttdl, ;
irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. T j
information will coat you nothing, end
wish to marry, I will cheerfully mein ya ls
All letters strictly confidential. The Cu
information sent by return mail, lead e, tt.
ward asked. Address SABAH B. Len,,,„,
Kings county, N. Y. [ 351 ;
To DRUNKARDS.—A reformed
m eydse
would be happy to communicat e N
charge ) to as many of his fellow b tit It
will address him, very importa at , t 4
410 1 1
information, and place in their kw, a
au e
cure for the love of Strong Drink of itykm
This information is treely offered by
has narrowly escaped a drunkards
N 0,5 44
Street, New York.
STRARCE, BUT TELVE.—Every yo., t 144
and gentleman in the United States 44 'zeir
something very much to their advantage
return mail (free of charge,) by i dd, l4l
the undersigned. Those having fears of 444
humbugged will oblige by not ootteing tbs
card. All others will please address
obedient servant, Tiros. F. Casesin, ig !
Broadway, N. Y.
gam Deafness, Blindness and Ceterthoit,.
ted with the utmost success, by J. Is AAc s,
M. D., Oculist and Aurist, (formed) ally.
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE Bt.,
phis.. Testimonials from the most teliible
sources in the city and country cso be se tag
his of f ice. The medical faculty ere iliiiteiti
accompany their patients, as he hie noieeet,
in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted sA,
out pain, No charge for examinatioo.
113 — Ladies use Dr. Velpau's French Fdi.
Sold by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta, and by n
good druggists.
Reduction in. Price of the American.
TVatches, made at Wa/tkvii,jui,
In consequence of the recent great dole.
in gold and silver and all the materials*
in the manufacture of our goods, end in 16
cipation of a still further decline, we haven.
duced our prices to as low a point as they co
be placed WITH GOLD AT PAR, so Oslo
one need hesitate to buy a watch now Iron
the expectation that it will be cheaper atoms
future time ; the test of ten years and theme
ufacture and sale of
have given our productions the very hi*
rank among time-keepers. Commencing via
the determination to make only thoroagby
excellent watches, our business has etndill
increased as the public became Implant
with their value, until, for monthetogetherm
have been unable to supply the demand. WI
have repeatedly enlarged our factory bald.
ings until they now cover oven three urea
ground, and give accommodation tismorensi
eight hundred workmen.
We are fully justified in stating thatwener
Make more than half of all the Wa tdn
sold in the United Stoke.
The different grades are distinguished Oils
following trade marks engraved on the plate:
I.—"Ameriean Watch C o ," Waltham. Mae
2.—" A ppleton, Tracy & Co." Waltham, MO.
3.—" P. S. Bartlett," Waltham. Mass.
4.—" Wrn. Ellery,"
s.—Our Ladies' Watch of first quality is ro-
med "Appleton, Tracy .It. Co., Wettre,
S.—Our next quality of Ladies' Vieth is 111 ,
med ac P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Elan ,
These watches are furnished in a green .
riety of sizes and styles of cases.
The American Watch Co. of Waltham,Mus
authorize us to state that without dietinctioß
of trade marks or price,
All the Products of their Factory an
to be the beat timekeepers of their cars ever
made in this or any other country. MP
should remember that, unlike the suirlot"
of a foreign maker who can never be Tes N.
this warrantee is goed at all times sgsuutik
Company or their agents, and that it trier °
most thorough trial, any watch should pro"
defective in any particular, it may 111 0 0
exchanged for another. As the Americo
Watches made at Waltham,are form& Will'
era generally throughout the country, we
not solicit orders for single watches.
CAUTIO?..—The public art, cantiomd
only of respectable dealers. All persole o
ing couLterfeits will be prosecuted.
Agents for the American Watch COMP
8,2 Broadway, N. Y. Vs
At Greatly Reduced Trio
We beg leave to invite all those Who ° ell;
want of Bargains to our
Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, /e'
Lions, 4rc.,
and all other classes of goods genersfilloPti°
a first class store. Having purchased
tire stock For CASH and at the reeesta'`'""
will sell them much limo the forma tht"'
which will be sold right down with the It ;
et. Our Dress Goods department OP;
the latest dosigns of goods adapted to the
son which will' be found full and WW I
of which we have a beautiful line of Fiti°,4,
Fancy Cassimeres, English and French 74
ings, Plain Black Cloths, both ore i g n
domestic, and all other Goods for a of
St. _
Queensware, a full line of Toilet, 1 1: 1 ,
Dinner Setts, covered dishes, &0., °
t c 't f c boics
on hand, Groceries, a good supplY
Teas. Coffee, Sugar, Syrup and spice s 091
3 Dry Goods cheaper than liT io tol
Come and see us and be convinced !L e y
say. BOWERS k o t,
lideaavr i ;t e i t i to ,
f r st lll ifi S ce a ßr mg Al
MAY, 31, 1866.
Campbell, Miss A. S. Ritchey',
Gailbough, A. Smith, Ilir
Grail, Miss Lisia B. Shreiner, filt.2.
Glines, Mr. William Wiley, Mrs.L,„.:c.
Graulich, Mr. Alois Woulgniuthee
McKim, John Wilson, bir.e,,:go
Metzger. Elizabeth tare of Conn 111
Orendorf, Mr. G. W. & Wilson,
Pndeaus, Miss M. Zeller, ..„,,r
nr . To obtain any of Morel llie r. Tn., 0
plicant must call for ,iadvertss dae7;t' sit:
of sd
of this list, and PO ° De 6 ht.