The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 02, 1866, Image 1

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glee in" LINDSAIN BUILDING," second
per, on Elbow Lane, between the Post
Office Corner and Front-St., Marietta.
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
/DPERVIIING RATER: One . equere (10
bees, or WO 75 cents for the first insertion and
One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro
tendons! mid Business cat ds, of six lines or less
it 86 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
tie simple announcement, rar.E ; but tor any
additional lines, ten canto a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly a ad half
yearly advertisers.
Baying just added a " NEWBURY Moon
rats lomat Pawn," together with a large
th attnient of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
kc., &c., t 0 the Job Office of " THE
MasivertAn," which will insure the hie and
'Teeth' execution of all kinds of Ton & CARD
P11111'11 4 09 from the smallest Card to the
Warr Ponca, at reasonable prices.
Dr. Henry Landis
Dr. Henry Landis
At the "Golden Mortar,"
At the "Golden Mortar,"
Market Street, Marietta,
Market St re et, Marietta,
keep constantly on hana
Keep constantly on hand
Fancy Articles,
Patent Medicines,
Coal Oil Lamps and Shades,
Howe Sr. Stevens Family Dye Colors,
Shoulder Braces and Trusses,
Papers and Periodicals,
Books & Stationary,
Prescriptions carefully compounded
Prescriptions carefully compounded
Remember the place,
Remember the place,
Dr. Grove's old Stand.
Dr. Grove's old Stand.
Give us a call.
Give us a call.
IL L. k E. J. ZAIhIf,
e feutelei , s,
4. Corner of North Queen-St.,
and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa.
WE are prepared to sell American and
Swiss Watches at the lowest cash rates!
We buy directly from the Imparters and Man
ufacturers, and can, and do sell Watches as
tow es they can ,be bought in Philadelphia or
New• York.
A fine stock of 3locks '
Jewelry, Spectacles,
silver and Silver-plated wore constantly on
had. Every article fairly represented.
H. L. k E. 1. ZAHM,
Corea North Queen Street and Centre Square,
February 17, 1866.4 f.
Havingjust ieturned from the city with
inkely selected Lot of Readylnade Clothing,
which the undersigned is preparento furnish a
reduced prices; having laid in a general assort
ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is
decent iced to sell Low, ron CASH. His stock
tteeita of OVER-COATS_, DRESS, Faocir AND
s PANTS, VESTS, • Pxs.r.scxxxs,
RU s osours, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS,
LLov es,t3HSTENDERS, &c. Everything in the
htiiihing Goads line. Call and examine be
°llDuchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at
Wrests suit the times. JOHN BELL.
Corner of Moto Lane and Market St
next door to Cassel's Store.
, The best of the Monthlies—devo
ted 10 LITERAT URE and FASHION. $2.-
41 Ode. We give WHEELER & WIL-
L N'S celeb rated $55 Sewing Machines on
the Wowing terms:--
Twenty espies andthe Sewing Machine, $7O.
F, 4 4ele tY copes and the Sewing Machine, $B5,
r oe/copies and the Sewing Machine, $lOO.
Se ed /3 seats for a ample copy to DEA
CON & PETERSON 319 Walnut street,
DR. J. Z. HOFFER, ,-
..- •
0 !„ street, next door to It
e114.v1111100 Drug Store, between Locust,
%lout Onsets. Columbia.
1,„ 111 „,,rolt located in the Borough of Marietta ,
h.;l_" 4 r espectfu ll y offax hie services to the
V, r eri and
being to do his work
stid it reasonable prices, hi to meri
s te ws
a liberal share of publicp atronage .
"erisits, 1865.-3t*
ti 4 NIEL G. BARER, "
t g i e t ire the Court House, where he will at
° branched. Practic e of his profession in all its
OfFICt:--112.ttx-sT., NEAltir okrearsz
ST lee & Panam : Vs Store.
' o Faom 7 To 8 a. M.
OMC ifotist..l
E I sot.
" BTo7 P. sr.
SRADEB et remarkably low pricer—.
It Is So
I've seen many a girl
Who would marry a churl,
Providing he'd plenty of gold,
And would live to repent
When the money was spent,
When she found that her heart bad been sold.
It is so ! It is so!
You may smile if you like,
But it's so !
I've known many a lus
Who would thoughtlessly pass
Whole hours promenading the streets,
While her'mother would scrub,
All the while at the tab,
Never minding the cold or the heat.
There is many a man
Who will "dress" if be can,
No matter how empty his purse,
And his tailor may look,
When he settles his book,
But his patron has vanished, or worse.
I know people so nice,
They will faint in a trice,
If you mention hard labor to them ;
Yet their parents were poor,
And were fond to endure
Many hardships life's current to stem
There are many about
With faces "long drawn out."
Who will prate at the harm of a laugh,
Yet they will cheat all the week,
Though Sundays quite meek,
To my mind they're too pious by half.
It is so ! It is so !
You may smile if you !ike,
But it's so !
ing, says the Sunny South, is an inscrip
tion in the cemetery at Scooba :
Tho rottin
But it hardly comes up to another in
a village churchyard in Georgia :
- Opin yer ies
1 for here lies
all that ken rot.
rite where she sot
when she was happy,-
Our Liza Jane
kalled home again
To jive her pappy
Live so that you—
and I may tu
Jine them and forever pray
agin chills and kollera.
An Adventure in the Great Pyramid
The state of Colebridge's mind when
he wrote his fragments of Rubla Kahn
must have nearly resembled that of any
reasonably excitable person during a
first visit to Cairo. Just a degree to
vivid to be a natural dream ; many de
grees too beautiful and wonderful to be
an ordinary daylight vision, the rich dim
courts, the glorious mosques, the marble
fountains, the showers of southern sun
light poured on stately palm tree and
slow-moving camel, and shifting many
hued crowd, ail form together such a
scene as no stage in the world may par
allel for strangeness and splendor. One
day spent in roaming aimlessly through
the bazaars, and the gardens, and the
mosques of Hassan and the Gama Tay
loon, does more to reveal to us what
Eastern life means—what is the back
ground of each great Eastern story, the
indescribable atmosphere which per
vades all Eastern literature—than could
be gained by years of study.
At least, I can speak from experience
that it was such a revelation to me, and
one so immeasurably delightful that,
having performed,the long journey to
Egypt mainly with the thought of the
attraction of the ruins of Thebes and
Memphis, Karnak and Philte, I waited
patiently a fortnight within sight of the
pyramids without attempting to visit
them, satisfied with the endless interest
of the living town. At last the day
came when the curiosity of some quarter
of a century (since that epoch in a child's
life, the reading of Belzoni) could no
longer be deferred. I had a concern, as
good folks say, to visit Cheops that par
ticular morning, and to Cheops I went
mounted on the inevitable donkey, and
accompanied by a choice specimen of
that genius of scamp, the Cairene donk
ey-boy. Unluckily I had over night or
dered my dragoman to wait in Cairo for
certain expected mails, and bring them
to me in Old Cairo whenever they might
arrive ; and of course the order involved
my loss of his services for the entire day,
spent by him, no doubt, with my lettere
in his pocket, at a coffee shop. Thus
it happened that my little expedition
wanted all guidance or assistance, such
acquaintances as I possessed in Cairo
being otherwise oacnpied on that partic
ular morning, and - upt , even knowing of
my intention.
Arrived at the ferry or the Nile, just
above the Isle of Rhoda, it was with
considerable satisfaction that I found a
party of pleasstat English ladies Rad
gentlemen also proceeding to the Pyre-
afiltigtrattut ennsentnia Nonni fax te Nomegirth.
by the departure of the Overland Mail
that day, and of course they could make
no delay—as they seemed kindly dis
posed to do—to keep up with me and
my wretched donkey, or rather donkey
If there be an aggravating incident in
this trying world, it is assuredly that of
being mounted on a non-progressive
donkey, unarmed with any available whip
stick, spur, or other instrument of cru
elty, and wholly at the mercy of a treach
erous conductor, who pretends to bela
bor your beast, and only makes him kick,
and keeps you behind your party, when
you have every reason in the world to
wish to retain your place in it. Only
one tbiog is worse, a mule which carries
you through a whole day of weary Al
pine climbing, just too far from all your
friends to exchange more than a scream
at intervals. If there chance on sach
an excursion to be ten pleasant people
of your party, and one unpleasant one,
whom you particularly wish neither to
follow nor seem to follow, itis inevitably
that particularly objectionable person
whose mule your mule will go after, and
press past every one else to get at, and
drag your arm out of its socket if you try
to turn it back, and finally make you
wish that an avalanche would fall and
bury you and the demon brute you have
got under you in the abyss forever. On
horseback you are a lord (or lady) of
creation, with the lower animal subject
unto you. On mule-back, or ass-back,
you are a bale of goods, borne with con
tumely at the will of the vilest of beasts,
not where you please, but where, when,
and how, it pleases.
To return to my expedition to the
Pyramids. Very soon the English par
ty were out of sight, and slowly and
wearily I was led a zigzag course through
fields of young growing corn, and palm
groves, and past the poor mud villages
of the Fellub-Arabs. Mud, indeed, oc
cupies in Egypt an amazing prominence
in every view. Mud hovels, mud fields,
where the rank vegetation is only begin
ning to spring through the deposit of
the inundation, mud-dams across a thou
sand channels and ditches, and finally
the vast yellow mud banks of the mighty
Nile. If man were first created in Egypt
it is small marvel that his bodily force 111
should be a " muddy vesture of decay."
In the course of my pilgrimage on this
particular day my donkey-boy cleverly
guided me into a sort of peninsula of
mud, out of which there was no exit
(short of returning our steps) save by
crossing a stream of some three or four
feet deep. As usual in Egypt, two or
three brown Arabs arose immediately
when wanted, from the break of • rushes,
and volunteered to carry me across on
their shoulders, their brack-shish, of
course, being divided with the ingenious
youth who had brought me.into the trap.
What it costs to the olfactory organs to
be carried by Fellah• Arabs, language
altogether fails to describe.
At last the troubles of the way were
over the sands of the Desert were
reached, and the stupendous cluster of
edifices, the three Pyramids of Ghizeh,
the Sphinx, the Cyclopean Temple, and
the splendid tombs, were before me and
around. For miles off, in the clear air
of Egypt, where there is literally no wri
al perspective, I had been able to dis
tinguish the ranges of stones which con
stitute the exterior of all the Pyramids,
save the small portions of the second and
third still covered with their `original
coating. It was hardly, as Longfellow
"The mighty pyramids of stone,
That wedge like cleave the desert airs,
When nearer seen and better known
Are but gigantic flights of stairs."
Almost as soon as they come within the
range of vision they are seen with their
serrated edges and the horizontal lines
of the deep steps, marked sharply with
the intense shadows of the south.
Of all these ruins of Gbizeh—these
earliest and mightest of the records 'of
our race—the one by far the most affect
ing and impressive, is assuredly' the
Sphinx. A human face, nay, an intense
ly human face, a portrait full of individ
uality even in its solemnity and colossal
grandeur, gazes , ns with the stony
eyes before which have passed Hebrew
prophet and Greek philosopher, and the
Roman conqueror, and Arab Khalif.
Had Napoleon the Great told his troops
that sixty centuries looked on them
through the Sphinx's eyes, he would
have used no unmeaning metaphor.
Even the very ruin and disgrace of the
mighty countenance seems to render it
moreaffectiq F . fmmeasurably sub
lime, half pitiful, nay, grotesque• in its
desolation, it stands, with it4i.j ? row calm
ly upturne4 to heaven, and a somewhat
deem a ruddy Sash
upon its cheek, but with every feature
worn and marred since it has stood there
a stony St. Sebastian, bearing through
the ages the shafts and insults of sun and
I must not pause to muse over thi
Sphinx, nor yet to describe the gradual
revelation which comes to the traveller
of the enormous magnitude of the Pyra
mid, as he slowly wades at its foot
through the heavy sand, and perceives
when he has walked thrice as far as it
seemed he need have done, he has but
reached the half of the base.
The English party, who had ontridden
me, were concluding their luncheon as I
reached the Pyramid and after declin
ing their cordial offers to share it, I ask
ed one of the ladies, " Had she visited
the interior and Cheops' chamber ?"
"No. Some of the ladies and gentle
men had done so. The Arabs were a
wild set of men, and she did not like to
put herself in their power." Deeming
the lady's caution must be over-devel
oped, and too intensely interested to
make very serious reflections on what I
was doing, I engaged the Sheik at the
door of the Pyramid to provide me with
proper guides so soon as the English
party had ridden away.
Five strong Fellah-Arabs volunteered
for the service, in spite of my remark
that three were enough, and we were
soon plunged into the darkness of the
first entrance-passage. All the world
knows how the Pyramid is constructed ;
a solid mass of huge stones, all so per
fectly fitted that scarcely a penknife
might be introduced in any place be
tween them. The passage at the - widest
scarcely permit of two persons going
abreast, and are for long distances so
low as to compel the visitor to stoop
almost double. The angle at which
these passages slope upwards is also one
which, on the slippery, well-worn floor,
renders progress difficult as on the ice
of the Alpine mountain. But oh ! how
how different from the keen pure air,
the wide horizon, the glittering sunlight
of the Alps, this dark, suffocating cavern
where the dust, and lights, and breath
of heated men, make an atmosphere
scarcely to be breathed, and where the
sentiments of awe and horror almost
paralyze the pulse. Perhaps my special
fancy made me then, as ever since, find
•a cave, subterranean passage, or tunnel,
unreasonably trying to the nerves; but
, so it was, the awe of the place well nigh
overpowered me.
The Arab guides helped me easily in
their well known way. One or two car
ried the candles, and all joined in a sort
of song at which I could not help laugh
ing in spite of both awe and lack of
breath. It seemed to be a chant of
mingled Arabic and English (alanguage
they all spoke after a fashion), the En
glish words tieing apparently a continual
repetition :
"Very goot lady, backshish, baekablab ;
Very goot lady, give backshish” ;
and . so on, de capo. Twice we had to
rest on our way from sheer exhaustion,
and on one occasion, where there is a
break in the continuity of the passage,
there was an ascent into a hole high up
in the wall by no means easy to accom
At last, after what seemed an hour,
and I suppose was about fifteen minutes,
since we left the sunshine, we stood in
.Clieop's burial vault, the centre chamber
of the Great Pyramid. As my readers
know, it is a small oblong chamber, of
course wholly without light or ventila
tion, with plain stone floor, walls, and
roof, and with the huge stone sarcopha
gus (which once held the mummy of
Cheops, but is now perfectly empty)
standing at one end. The interest of
the spot would alone have repaid a jour
nay from England ; but I was left small
time to enjoy it. Suddenly I was start..
led to observe that my guides bad stop
ped their song and changed their obse
quious voices, and were all five standing
bolt upright against the walls of the
" It is the custom," said one of them,
"for whoever comes here to give us
I reflected a moment that they had
seen me foolishly transfer my purse from
the pocket of my riding-skirt to the
walking-dress I wore under it, and which
I had alone retained on entering the
" Well," I said, as coolly as 1 was
able, "I intend, of course, to give you
backshish for yoUr trouble, and ff you
choose to be paid here instead of at the
door; it is all the same to nee; 71 shall
give three shillings. English (a favorite
coin in Cairo), as I said I - Only wanted
three men."
4c.Ti, roe chilfinffitariLnigannawh Va.
want back high I"
"There they are. They are quite
" Not enough. We want backshish !"
I must here confess that things looked
rather black. The Fellahs stood like so
many statues of Osiris ( even at the mo
ment I could not help thinking of it),
with their backs against the wall and
their arms crossed on their breasts, as
if they held the flagellum and crux an
saga. Their leader spoke in a calm,
dogged sort of a way, to which they all
responded like echoes.
" Well," I said, "as there are five of
you, and I am rather heavy, I will give
you one shilling more. There it is.
Now ycri will get no more." Saying this
I gave the man the fourth shilling, and
then returned my purse to my pocket.
"This won't do. We want back
shish 1"
"It must do. You will get no more
"It won't do. We want baekshish
Each moment the men's voices grew
more resolute, and I must avow that
horror seized me at the thought that
they bad nothing to do but merely to go
out and leave me in the solitude and
darkne - ss, and I should go mad from ter
ror. Not a creature in Cairo even knew
where I was gone. I should not be
missed or sought for for days, and there
I was unarmed, and alone, with these
five savages, whose caprice or resent
ment might make them rush off in a mo
ment, leaving me to despair. Luckily I
knew it would be fatal to betray any
alarm, so I spoke lightly as I could, and
laughed a little, but uncomfortably.
"Come, come. You will have no
more backshish, you know very well ;
and if you bully me, yon will have stick
from the English Consul. Come, I've
seen enough. Let us go out."
" We want backshish 1" said all five
of the villains in one loud voice.
It was a crisis, and I believe if I had
wavered a moment I might never have
got away ; but the extremity, of course,
aided one's resolution, and I spoke out
angrily and peremptorily :
" have no more of this. You fel
low there, take the light, and go out.
You give me your hand. Come along,
all of you."
It was a miracle ; to my own compre
hension, at all events. They one and all
suddenly slunk down like so many scold
ed dogs, and without another syllable
did as I ordered them. The slave habit
of mind doubtless resumed its usual
sway with them the moment that one of
free race asserted a claim of command.
Anyway, it was a simple fact that five
Arabs yielded to a single Anglo-Saxon
woman, who was herself as much surpris
ed as they could be at the phenomenon.
0, how I rejoiced when the square of
azure sky appeared at the end of the last
of the passages, and when I at last
emerged safe and sane out of the Great
Pyramid I Dante, ascending out of the
Inferno, 'a riveder le atelle,' could not
have been half so thankful. Away I
rode, home to old Cairo on my donkey,
and could spare a real laugh under the
sunshine, when I found that the wretch
ed old' Arab Sheik, with whom I had
left my riding skirt, had quietly devour.
ed my intended luncheon of dates, and
then carefully replaced the
.stones in
- my
MARRlAuE.—Whatever faults Voltaire
may have had, he certainly showed him-
I self a man of sense when he said : "The
more married men you have, the fewer
crimes there will be. Marriage renders
a man more virtuous and more wiser,"
An unmarried man is but half of a per
fect being, and it requires the other half
to make things right ; and it cannot be
expected that in this imperfect state he
can keep, , the straight path of rectitude
any more than a boat with one oar, or a
bird with one wing, can keep a straight
course. In nine cases out often, where
men becotne drunkards, or where they
commit crimes against the peace of the
community, the foundation of these acts
was laid while in a single state, or where
the wife is, as is sometimes the case, an
unsuitable match. Marriage changes
the whole current of a man's feelings,
and gives him a centre for his thoughts,
his affections, and his acts. Here is a
home for the entire man, and the coun
sel, the - affections, the example, and the
interests of his "better half," keep him
from erratic courses, and from falling
into a thousand temPtations to which
he would otherwise be exposed. There,
ford the friend to marriage le a friend to.
society and to his country.
iss- Why is arress like a a
1 1 Sickft,? 4ecq estaht rant s.‘,._
VOL. XII.--NO. 43.
Stuff far Smites
A. Washington letter writer to a radi
cal paper tells a droll story of the Pres
ident, by which it would appear that the
President was tieing shaved, the other
day, when the barber accidentally
tweaked his nose a little too hard.
" Pardon me," said he, very naturally.
" Put your hand in my coat pocket and
pull out one," replied the kind hearted
Chief Magistrate, " and I'll fill it out
for you when you're done."
A lady in the market, laying her hand
upon a joint of veal, said, " I think this
veal is not quite so white as usual."
" Put on your gloves, madam," was the
reply, "and you will think differently."
Not bad for a butcher. It is needless
to say that the veal was ordered home
The question, does getting drank ad
vance one's happiness, would seem to
be put to rest by the Irishman who went
courting when drunk, and was asked
what pleasure he found in whiskey :
"Oh, Nally, it's a trate entirely, to see
two of your own swats party faces in
stead of one 1"
An editor says in a recent letter to a
friend : "At present I am in the country
recovering from fourteen years of edito.
rial life, bad eyes, crooked back, and
broken nerves, with little to show for it."
Any one would think the three articles
enumerated were quite enough to show
for it.
Judge Jeffries, When on the bench,
told an old fellow with a long beard,
that he supposed he had a conscience as
long as his beard. "Does yourlordahlp,"
replied the old man, " measure consciett.
ces by beards ? If so, your lordship has
none at all."
Billings says : " I never could End
the meaning of the word 'collide' in
Webster. But riding one day on the
New York railway I saw it all. It was
the attempt of two trains to pass each
other on a single track. If I remember
correctly, it was a shocking failure."
There is a boy away down east who is
accustomed to go eat on a railroad track
and imitate the steam whistle so perfect.
1y as to deceive the officer at the station.
Hie last attempt proved eminently sac.
cement ; the depot master came oat aad
'switched" him off.
Jenkins thus describes the hangings
of a New York belle : "She wore an
exquisite hyphalutin on her head, while
her train was composed of transparent
folderol, and her petticoat of Crambam.
bnii flounced with Brusels three ply of
A No. 1."
A fashionable but ignorant young }ady
desirous of purchasing a watch was
shown a very beautiful one, the shop
keeper remarking that it went thirty-six
" What, in one day ?"
A o editor heads his list of births,
marriages and'deaths thus, " Hatched,"
" Matched," and " Dispatched." We
remember another who headed them
severally, " Visitors," " Boarders," and
"Well, Bridget, if I engage you, I
shall wish you to stay at home whenever
I shall want to go out." "Well, maam,
I have no objection providin' you do the
same when I wish to go oat."
A wag says of a woman : "To her
virtues, we give love; to her beauty,
admiration ; and toter hoops, the whole
A fashionable young lady may be said
to resemble a prudent honaekeeper, be.
cause her "waist." is as little as she can
matt® it
" I have the best wife in the world,"
said a long-suffering husband, "she al.
ways strikes me with the soft old of the
Other goods may have declined, but
the the in hoop-skirts on the streets st
present is quite Startling.
Why is the President a very poor cab
inet maker? • Anc. Because, he botch
ed the Freedmen's Bureau.
A man who can be flattered is not
necessarily a fool, but you can always
make one of him.
Tears are nature's lotions for the eyes.
The byes ade better for being washed
with them.
-A gilt horse shoe is the-latest new
frame for "carte de vieite "“poitraite.
A dentist it stork at his venetian -
imp looks dews is tea =nib.
Manhood, a hat ; woonahood, a boa.
flat T