the yotal ariettiatt. Hridy _Morning, 1866. o bserve quite a number of logrealice in the borough, are in an ed. osi impassable condition ; in fact some rs really dangerous, and as the prome ading mason has arrived they should rod i ii mly be repaired. We find, owe r, that the Council has given no. to to that effect and the expiration of be tim e has nearly arrived. We hope bey wi (, without regard to persons, u se tbo ordinance observed. Samuel Laucks, one of the leaders ,(t h e - u oterrified," and the scccessful o blate for assistant constable at the stespr og election, is in trouble. It ppeao that intending to decline serving co o table, he sold out his interest to Si'. Crawford, and afterward sold the w e right title and interest" to Dan ' W, Updsgraft for ten dollars in hand ,id, Sometime afterward Updcgraft arced of the Crawford transaction and is brings a charge against Loucks for ,„ ,bisining money under false petenees, op has been bound over to court. Crawford has been appointed by the court, assistant constable. er A wan by the name of Lilley, isid to be a drover from Coatesville, CIO to the Donegal Home, a few days mice, with a " load of rather heavy weight on," nod in the morning charged fellow lodger with having robbed him e n twecty•dollar note. The person was !arched bat no money found. Lilley is slid to be a respectable man at home, but indulges in occasional sprees. . ............ Gr Elecitrothe, of the White Swan, base new and agreeable Temperance kink, called "Howell's Cream Soda Water," which we really pronoui.ce a very alreeable summer drink. George hse ths exclusive right for this borough, but is selling rights to other parties. hi. a patented beverage. It is not on harmless, but very palatable. * ***** young man from Maytowo, Dud Emanuel Roads, who was some- ii,ne since charged with disturbing the 31. E church meeting was brought be fore Elagnire Anser, a few days since, on gauge of surety of the peace, prefer red by Dr. Worrall. The " young America" was quite defiant at first, e:ahning to be a minor, but as the case IrogrHaed lie "dropped his' feathers" nud was admitted to bail, for his good behariDr for Dino months. if About twclve feet of a side-wall •',he tunnel on the Lancaster, Mount loud Harrisburg Railroad, a short 'Waco fleet of Elizabethtown, gave wey e few love since, which threw all Its triins on this road, for a few days. ti Pier. tiylveeter Eagle, brother to Stopbca F. Eagle, of this borough, pas tor of the Catholic church at York, died fJw days since, of dropsy. 4R - Franklin Hippie, of this borough, vett to Lancaster on Monday last, to ipead "spin kste r," and had his pocket ' r icked of firty dollars. His vest pocket, containing pocket book and money, was rit out, F' We are sorry to learn of the death el Lewis Burford Calder, of Lancaster, utich took place in that city on Tues• day la Bt, Mr. C. at one time stood in Dr, Landis' drug store, in this place, and nude a great many warm friends here. .er The " Youth's Temperance lio cletY " wee organized a few evenings since by the election of the following bfbeerB : President, J. Howard Cassel ; Vies President, Willie E. Fleming ; crelvy, Mary Redfield ; Treasurer, Arnie Mack; Committee of Managers : Michel Ramler, John J.Stahl, William RID& Ida Sehock, Clemmie Wiener, Lizzie Smith. Superintendents of the meetings: Reva. George M. Clawgee, William A. Fleming and Charles F. Walters. This society has been gotten seder the auspices of Rev. Mr. Claw- gee, Who never Lives of doing good. The society meets every Saturday even. ing,io Temperance Hall, at 6 o'clock ; the members receive a beautifully got. lea np cettificate of membership. A. ance alone cent a week, in the shape of dues, is required, All children are invited to attach themselves with this. latqatde undertaking. ifir Constable Emsiviller brought a "colored individual" named Charles ReorY. before Esquire Routh, on a charge oi drunken and disorderly Conduct, but al be had passed the previous night in t he lo ck•np, and was, in consequence, sober, and making fair promises " to do 80 no more," was let off. sr The Lancaster Express says the attendance at the usual " Whit-Monday . 5611 0" on Monday last, was quite a fall /11e eff from former years; although a Nitber of fights and arrests took place. . 0 ' Mr. Asher Bailey, for a number en Years a resident of this place, died a tap days since, at the residence of Prof. J. I', 'Wickersham, Millersville, at the a dvanced age of 82 years. .4.•••••,••••• ......... ••••••••• Mrs. Roth has just received a new lot of fashionable dress trimmings, kid gloves, etc. ............ ......... 141` The morning train for Philadel- Phia 11017 leaves "upper station" at INie minutes after 8 o'clock ffir The Temperance meeting on Monday evening last was addressed by Rev. J. P. Miller, of Mountjoy, and twelve names added to the list. Ar rangements are being made by this so ciety, to hold a grand woods or plc nic Temperance meeting sometime during the summer. The next meeting will take place on Monday evening the 4th day of June, which will be addressed by Rev. J. N. Crouch, G. W. C. T., of the I. 0. of G. T. iffir Quite an amusing hearing was had before Esquire Auxer on Friday morn ing. A Mrs. Grande brought a charge of keeping a disorderly house against a Mrs. Clinton, living at the western end of the town. The witnesses were all females and the cross firing rich. We did not learn the np-ehot of the case. fir A band-to-band conflict took place on Front street on Friday morning, be tween two Israelite clothiers, all on ac count of a gay buxom lass at the "upper end." The interference of by-standers prevented the spilling of blood, as one of the combatants was armed with an iron bar. Au election for trustees of Zion church will be held on the evening of the first Monday in June next. MARRIED On the 15th inst. by Rev• Wm. A. Fleming, Ma. LEONARD SHIELD!. to Miss CHRISTI ANA KAYLOR, all of Marietta. , .DIED. On Wednesday, the 9th inst. Mrs. CATtIA RINE, wife of Nathan GiVen, of this place, aged 34 years. Sprcial Notitts LYON'S PERIODICAL Dnors. The great:e metic Remedy for Irregularities.—These Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct and positive, tendering them a reliable, spee dy and certain specific for the cure of all ob structions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity is indicated by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum ed by the ladies of the United States, every one of whom speak in the strongest terms of p aise of their good merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Rem edy, and are considered by all who know aught of them, as the surest, safest and most infallible • preparation in the world, for the cure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health, regularity and strength. Explicit directions stating when they may be used, and explaining when they should not, nor could not be used without producing effects contra ry to natures chosen laws, will be found care fully folded around each bottle, with the writ ten signature of Jotter L. Litorr, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JonN,L. Lvort,, 195 Chapel street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con sulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing stump) concerning all private diseases and fe male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists every where. C. G. CLARK & Co., Gen'l Aglefor U.S. and Canada,. fly LET /IS BE MERCIFUL TO OURSELVES: The Physical structure of the strongest human be ing is vulnerable everywhere. Our bodies are endowed by nature with a certain negative power, which protects them to some extent from unwholesome influences; but this pro tection is imperfect, and cannot be safely re lied nn in unhealthy regions, or under circum stances of more than ordinary danger. There fore, it is wisdom, it is prudence, it is com mon sense, to provide against such contingen cies, by taking an antidote in advance; or, in other words, by fortifying the system with a course of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, the most complete protective against all the epidemic and endemic maladies that has ever been ad ministered in any country. As a remedy for Dyspepsia, there is no medicine that will com pare with it. Whoever suffers the pangs of Indigestion, anywhere on the face of thecarth where llostetter's Bitters can be procured, does so voluntarily ; for as surely as Truth exists, this invaluable tonic and alterative would re store his disordered stomach to a healthy con dition. To the Bilious it is also especially re commended, and in cases of confirmed Con stipation it affords speedy and permanent re lief. In Canada, the West Indies, and Aus tralia, the Bitters rank above all other medi cines of the class, and the demand for them in all foreign couetries increases every season. A Single Box of BRAICDRETIIN PILLB contain more vegetable extractive matter than twenty boxes of any pills in the world besides; fifty-five hundred physicians use them in their practice to the exclusion of other purgatives. The first letter of their value is yet scarcely appreciated. When they are better known, sudden death and continued sickness will be of the past. Let those who know them speak right out in their favor. It is a duty which will save life. Our race are subject to a re dundancy of vitiated bile at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prevalent ; but Bran dreth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient protection. By their occasional use we pre vent the collection of those impurities which, when in sufficient quantities, cause so much danger to the body's health. They soon cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lose of Appetite, Pain in the Head, Bartburn, Pam in the Breast bone, Sudden Faintness an d Costiveness. Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines. Church Notice. rr HE Trustees, members, and others inter ested in Zion Church are respectfully re quested to meet in Zion church on the first Illon‘ay, 4th day, of June next, at 6 o'clock in the evening for the purpose of electing eight Trustees to serve the ensuing year. Punctual attendance is requested. By order of. Board, BARB. SPANGLER, S. D. MILLER Secretary, President. TM/TEES SAMUEL HOPKINS, JOHN. KLINE, MICHAEL RAMBLER, S. F. EAGLE, C. A. SCHAFFNER, B. SPANGLER, C. C. P. G ROSH. Marieph,May IVIISELLEWS .11ITTZ.R.S,For. sate at TETE GO ER_: MORTAR. . V ~ ~~ .~i. ~ ~ A B OROUGH PROCLAMATION -_O Wit ERMA S, Numerous complaints eve been made to me, that certain persons have been casting upon the streets and alleys of -the bo rough, Ashes, Shavings, Straw, Stones, Dung, Brick-Bats, Heads and Entrails of Beasts and Fish and other annoyances, or obstructions, or throwing thereon or running Soap Suds, Dish Water, or any other filthy liquids in the streets and gutters, in contravention of the several Ordinances relating to placing nuisances and obstructions upon the streets and alleys of the borough. 1, the undersigned, Chief Burgess, therefore issue this Proclamation, forbidding such vio lations of said Ordinances, and to notify such persons knowing themselves to have transgres sed, to immediately remove such filth and ob structions, and also to air and white-wash all Cellars, otherwise the penalties of said Or dinances will be imposed without e.iitinction of persons. THOS. STENCE, CEIF.F BURGESS. Marietta, pil 17, I Sui. IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOOIDS JUST RECEIVED SPANGLER.. & IV°. 66 Market Street, Marietta, Pa. From the great manufacturers sales, which we are selling below City wholesale prices. Cloths and Cassimeres, 50 per-cent. lower than last year MousDeLaines and other Dress Goods AS LOW . a s ,EFORE the REBELLION! C'all©e AT 12 CENTS AND UPWARDS! Muslins, Checks and Tickings, Heavy Grey and Waite Blankets. at less THAN HALF THEIR VALUE! Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Clothe, &c. Groceries of all kinds: Sugars, Syrups, Teas, Coffees, Fish,, Cheese, Rice, &c. S. S. RATHVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At P. J. Kramph's . old. Stand, on the Cot ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. RATEF U L to the Citizens of Marietta kJ' and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASHMERES A N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable .material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. ALSO-READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goonds and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. p entiSt. thir -,,- 111411111 S. Atlee Bookies. M. D. D. D. S.. /Amens his services in either the Operative Surgical or Mechanical Departments o DENTISTRY, Teeth extracted without pain, by the ad ministration of the "Nitrus Oxide Gat" or Ether. OFFICES: In Marietta every Tues day and Friday, in the "St. John House," and Corner of Locust and Second sts., Columbia. . Marietta, April 14, 1866.-6 m.) 'Kelm r ilitib4l of liotions :I)Shs. Tr ID GLOVES ; Puffed Muslin, for waists; ja . Black and White Valls ; Neck-Ties for Ladles and Gentlemen: Crochet; Edgings; Jackonet Edging; Swiss Muslims; Cotton Hose ; Infants' Waists ; new style Collars ; Ribbons of all kinds; Dimity Ruffling; Em broidered Handkerchiefs; Coat Trimmings; Fancy Buttons, for Coats and Dresses ; Paper Collars and Cuffs, for Ladies and Gentlemen ; Hymn Books and an endless variety of useful and.fancy articles for both sexes. Come and see for yourselves. STAMP IN G. MRS. J. B. MORRIS Bee leave to announce to the Ladies of 'Ma t Letts' and vici.,ity, that she has just receive, a new and handsome lot of Braiding and Embroidery Stamps, and also a handsome lot of "Stamped Yokes.! , Please give her a call. Residence on Lo cust Street, second door from the corner of Front-et., Marietta. [3O-3m* 18661 :ffijiapelpi.tiq 18661 'VV'a,ll TT() WELL & BOURKE, Manufacturers of Paper Hangrngs and WINDOW SHADES, Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Streets PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in store, atarge stock of linen and Oil Shades. March. 3,1866.-3 m. y EiTERS REMAINING unclaimed in tne JAPoet Office at Maliens, Pa., Tnuasnay, MA V, 22, 1866. Adams, Mr. John Henderson, Mrs. M. Adams, Mary Jolanstin, Mr Henry 2 Burnside, William T, Jones, Miss Hannah Billick, Mr. J. P. D. McGee, Mr. William Cashoe, Patrick Stanley, Miss Jennie Connate, Mr. Fred. Sander, Mr. H. Green. Mrs. C. Schultz, C. L. Guthman, Mr. Marcus Townsend, D. W. B. 13. To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must call for "advertised letters," giv the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad vertising. ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M. (TOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA, Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Systems, —a new and reliable treatment. Also, the BRIDAL CHAMBER, ER Essay of warning and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Address, Da. J. Samarr Hovel -TON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth- Ht., Pniladelphia, Pa. [ jan.12,65-ly. First National Bank of Marietta, May 9, 1866. /11 H EDirectors having this day, declared a J. Dividend of 5 per centum clear of, United States Tax. payable on dem .nd. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. Bell Hanging, PERSONS IN MARIETTA desiring Door Bells or 'Gongs put up, can have it done promptly and at very reasonable rates, by ad dresiung WM. H. PFAHLER. April 28-Int*] Columbia, Pa. 2 rt DRY GOODS BOXES.— Large an U .illediuna size, for sale cheap by J. R. DIFFENBALW. tl4• AIR ROCILS, the latest fashien=call in at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and see ern ` allthe rage now, in the cities: , /FRAIL SKIRTS.—Go to Mrs. ROTH'S and see them. 'DOH LEN'S long celebrated GIN, .110, IL D. BENJAMIN ALL. liiitds of Blanks, Deeds, Ste. • - Fot Sale at this office Reduction in Price of the American Watches, made at Waltham, Mass. Inconsequence of the recent great decline in gold and silver and all the materials used in the manufacture of our goods, and in anti cipation of a still further decline, we have re duced our prices to as low a point as they can be placed WITH GOLD AT PAR, so that n one need hesitate to buy a watch now from the expectation that it will be cheaper at some future time ; the test oTten years and the man ufacture and sale of MORE THAN 200,000 WATCHES, have given our productions the very highest rank among time-keepers. Commencing with the determination to make only thoroughly excellent watches, our business has steadily increased as the public became acquainted with their value, until, for months together, we have been unable to supply the demand. We have repeatedly enlarged our factory build ings until they now cover over three acres of ground, and give accommodation to more than eight hundred workmen. We are fully justified in etating that we now Make more than half of all the Watches sold in the United States. The different grades are distinguished by the following trade marks engraved on the plate I.—" American Watch Co ," Waltham. Mass. 2.-44 Appleton, Tracy & Co." Waltham, Mass. 3.—" P. S. Bartlett," Waltham, Mass. 4.—" Wm. Ellery," s.—Our adies' Watch dt first quality is na med "Appleton, Tracy & Co., Waltham, Mass. 6.—Our next quality - of Ladies' Watch is na 'rued " P. 8. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass. These watches are furnished in a great va riety of sizes and styles of cases. The American Watch Co. of Waltham, Mass authorize us to state that without diatinction of trade marks or price, All the Products of their Factory are FULLY WARRANTED to be the best timekeepers of their class ever made in this or any other country. Buyers should remember that, unlike the guarrantee of a foreign maker who can never be reached, this warrantee is goad at all times against the Company or their agents, and that if, after the most thorough trial, any watch should prove defective in any particular, it may always be exchanged for another. As the American Watches made at Waltham,are for sale by deal ers generally throughout the country, we do not solicit orders for single watches._ CILLYIIO2...—The public arc cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. - All persons sell ing counterfeits will be prosecuted. ROBBINS & APPLETON, Agents for the American Watch Company, 182 Broadway, N. Y. [lm E. REMINGTON & SONS, ai A NUFACTURERS . Of Itixolvers: AND CARBINES. fur the United States Service Also, Pocket and Belt Revolvers, aifieating_ -/YistaLs, kyle Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels and Gun materials, sold by Gun dealers and the Trade generally. In these days of Housebreaking and Robbery, every House, Store, Bank and Office should have one of ijetitiogfod Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and superior workmanship and form,,will find all combined in the-New M.ttnin . atett 3/tbnlbtro. Circulars containing cuts and description of our Aims will be furnished on application. E. REMINGTON er SONS, N. Y. I'vlmps. & NreHots, Agents, qco: 40' Conrtland-st.,-N. SUPPLEE & BRO„. 1 21 es IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS and General Machinists, Second stree Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They ari prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mille and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Dome, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and, castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MIST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner • Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges,, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tins in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Beaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLACKSMITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery w Hatter ourselves that we can give general satis faction to those who may favor us with thei orders. 113 -Repairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suitthe times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. B. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20, , 1860. 14 tf F URS WANTED! • -0- All kinds of Shipping Furs, such as Musk Rat, Rabbit, Coon, Skunki'' Red Fox, Common Cat, Grey Fux, MartiE, Mink, Otter, Opossum, Cross Fox, &c., &c. 1 will pay the highest CASH price for any of the above skins, delivered in good order. HENRY WOLFE, Opposite the Post Office, Marietta. February 10, 1866. 3m* Houma-Pain.tiiag AND PAPER-HANGING. The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his old friends and the public generally, thathe continues the above business in all its variqus branches ..F.spedial attention paid to plain and fancy paperhanging, China glossing, Frosting and 'Enamelling Glass, Graining of all kinds, &c. Thankful for past favors, would ask a , con tinuance of the same. Residence a few doors west of the Town Hall, on Walnut street. DAVID H. MELLINGER. Marietta, N0v125, 1865.-Iy. 1 000 BUSHELS PLASTERERS H A IR! For Sale Cheap, at the Tannery of CEO. W. SULTZBACR, Marietta, Lancastir county, Pa. March. 31, 1866. BEST Quality of Wines and Liquors for medicinafpurposes, at D.: Landis'. -r YON'S Periodical Drops, and Clark's Fe- Jjnsle The Golden Mortar $25! TII E $25! Nusintss &Ng, Handel & Haydn Hall, Bth and Spring Garden Streets THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. M., PRESIDENT AND CONSULTING ACCOUNTANT iatlech)%lo. Novel and Permanent Arrangrment of BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, From April 1, to October 1,1866, LIVE Scrror.assxries,including Bookkeeping, Business Correspondence, Forms and Cus ton s, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Pen manship, Detecting Counterfeit Money and Commercial LW, TWENTY-FIVE" DOLLARS. Scholanhips, including the same subjects as above, Time limited to Three Months, Penmanship, Three Months, $7 Penmamship and Arithmetic, 3ms - 10 The saving of Coal and Gas in the Summer months is an advantage of such importance as enables the 'management of this College to make a considerable reduction in the Summer rates from October 1, 1566 to April 1, 1867, ,ind succeeding years, as before. Life Scholarships, $35 Scholarships, 3 mouths, 23 Penmanship, 3 months, 10 Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3 months, 12 Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and for the Sons of Ministers and Teachers. Day and Evening Insturetion for both sexes and all ages, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, Pen manship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arith metic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Ana lytical Geometry, the Calculus, Navigation, S.irveying, Engineering, Gauging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commercial Law, Ger man, Telegraphing, and the English Branches at modeiate prices. Endorsed by the public as the most success ful Business College of the country, as is evi denced by Die fact, that FOUR HUNDRED AND TWO STUDENTS have entered in the FIRST Six MONTHS OF ITS EXISTENCE PRINCIPALS OF DEPARTMENTS. THOMAS MAY REIRCE., A. M.. GEORGE 13.'SNYDER, R. S. BARNES, C.N. FARR, JR., J. T. REYNOLDS, HENRY KEIM, A. E. ROGERSON, (A. M., C. E„ . l Supported by en able corps of Assistants. Call or send for a catalogue, College Curren cy, and Peirce's practical Educator. OFFCE-531 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. THOMAS M. PEIRCE. April 14, 1866. 36-2miu. "ab td Raknit ffiail" Clotlal3ag , Market Street, Marietta, JOHN FOULKS Having again leased, from Captain Samuel D. Miller, his old and popular Clothing stand, would take this method of informing the pub lic that he has just laid in an excellent stock of everything in the Ready-made Clothing Line, SUCH. AS Orer,-Dress and Business Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, OF A 4. GRADES AND PRICES, Cloths, Cassinieres and Vestings always on hand, which will be cut and made-up to suit the tastes of customers. Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, Shins, Drawers, Hose, Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, HATS AND CAPS of all kinds, &c., &c. _ _ 11:4'Goods at all prices—from the finest to the cheapest. Call and see for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Marietta, February 17, 1866-Iy. G EO: W. WORK A LI., SURGEON DENTIST, Market Street, adjoining Spangler 4. .11:ch's Store. on Me second floor. Where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel disposed to pa- .. tronize him. Dentistry in all its branches carried on. Tax= inserted on the most approved prin ciples of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performid in a skillful and work manlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERNS. having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this 'place, would ask a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, for which he will render every possi ble satisfaction. Q- Ether administered to properpersons. f 35-6 En To rrre PUBLlC.—Having had occasion for the use of a Dentist, I called on Dr. Worrall, who has succeeded in preparing for me an ex cellent and serviceable set—upper and lower. They are upon what is called " rubber base," and fit my mouth firmly and comfortably, and are almost as much use to me as were my nat ural teeth. My mouth having become con siderably deformed in consequence of having gone a number of years without any teeth on one side of my jaw, but the Doctor remedied this defeet, making the fit complete, whilst the working of the teeth are entirely satisfactory. I would cheerfully recommend any person in want of dental operations, to call on Dr. Worrall, havieg great confidence in his pro fessiona skill. GEO: REICH. WEIRS & LIQUORS. YA I "' El. D. BENJAMIN, DEAL EH IA WINES & LIQUORS, Benjamin's Building, Corner of Front-at., and Elbow Lane, DEGS leave to inform the public that wili continue the WIN E & LIQUOR busi ness, an all its branches. Ile will constantly keep on hand ail kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters, b-c., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND, A very superior OLD RYE WHISKEY. just received, which is warrantee pure. All H. D. B. now asks of the pubic is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from him. Union Flag Clothing Store ! la Mill's old stand, Market-st,, Marietti PETER RO DEN IIitISER, [WITH D. lILNACER,I DEALER Ig Men's and Boy's Clothing, AHATS & CAPS, 1161.1 L BOOTS AND SHOES, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, P. R. would take this opportunity to inform the citizens of Marietta and the public gener ally that having opened this establishment for a permanent business, only asks a fair trial, being determined - not to be undersold by any. Call and see the goods and learn the prices. Marietta, June 10, 1865. 44-tf SUBSCRIPTIONS recei Ted for all the Int Periodicals of the day At The Gol.leti hurter. PHILADELPHIA AND SUCCEEDING YEARS TWENTY DOLLARS MARIETTA, PA. _o_ IN GREAT VARIETY c at *fort, lithtblished in 1820. NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA E manufacture our own goods, thus en abling us to sell at OLD TIME PRICES The largest, best and most complete stock, and at lower prices than any hcuse in the country Our immense stock of Sp4,lng and Summer Goods consists of all the novelties of the sea son; at least fifty different styles the most pop ular of Which are the Cavalier, Cavalier DeOrsay, lilieator, very new, Fuitm, _Morton Peto, Brighton, Nulty, Tyrol. A sji7eiulid Stln Hat for 5..7:00 Cheaper than can be had elsewhere. Our business connection with our patrons for a period of nearly 40 years, is a sufficient euarrantee of our ability to please all who may' favor us with a aa!l. SHULTZ & BROTHERS, No. 20 North Queen-st., Lancast,n% PATTERSON & CO., NO. 661 MARKET STREET, ISIARIETTA, PA. D EALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC }HARDWARE., Keep constantly on hand a full stock of Buil ding Material. Nails, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, CILS, LEAD, A. SUPERIOR ARTICLE 01' ICZMENT, 0 IR 0 N . : Rolled and Hammered Iron, Steel, horse-Shoes Bar, Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Iro-i, Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. BOUSE-ICEEPIAG GOODS. FIRST-CLASS COOK INO AND PARLOR STOVES, RANGES, Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands, Wasn Boards, Buckets, Knives and Forks, Plated and Metalie Spoons, Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans, Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal oil Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted Chamber Setts, &c., &c. Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes, Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric Oils, Cistern Pumps, Long and Short Traces, Breast Chains, &c., &c. T 0 L Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets, Chopping p and Hand Axes, Planes, Chissels, Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Piunniog Hooka and Shears, &c., &c. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit and receive a continuance of the same. PATTF:RSON 4. CO. Marietta, August 1, 1863. NEW C - OCD ILD JUST RECZI v Er) ! G AI3LE 6.; STEICKLEIZ. Successors to Abraham Cassel, Market St., Marietta . , Lancaster Co , To the Public: We beg leave to announce to our patrons and the public generally that our arrangements for the Spring Season are such as will enable 119 to offer for sale an unusually well selected, varied uud attractive stuck of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GLASS and QUEENSW ARE, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SII A Dh:S, CARPETING, &c., kc Having reduced our stock to the very lowest point, enabled us to lay in an entirely new assortment, which we feel confident will be attractive to the old and to new customers of this old stand. Every Department will constantly be re plenished with the most desirable offerings and bargains from New York and Philadelphia markets. We particularly solicit your attention to our goods and prices before pulhasing elsewhere. GABLE & STRICK LER, One door West of the Poet Office, Market St. The - hihest Market price paid in goods in exchange For Country produce. Marietta, March 24, 1866. N - EW GOODS At Greatly _Reduced Prices. IV( beg leave to invite all those who are in want of Bargains to our NEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, No. (ions, tc., and all other classes of goods generally kept in a first class store. Having purchased our en tire stock For CASH and at the recent decline will sell them much beto v the former rates. COME AND SEE OUR CHEAP MUSLINS, CHECKS, TIC.,LS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, &c., which will be soul light down with the mark et. Our Dress Goods comprises the latest designs of goods adapted to t.e sea• son widen will be found full and complete, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTING.S. I=l of which we have a beautiful line of plain an( Fancy Cassimeres, English and French Sack ings, Plain Black Cloths, both oreign an( domestic, and all other Goods for a nice out Queeusware, s full line of Toilet, Tea an, Dinner Setts, covered dishes, &c., &c., alway on hand, Groceries a good supply of choic Teas. Coffee, Sugar, Syrups and spices. Dry Goods theaper than Wet Good Come and see us and be convinced of what w say. BOWERS STEACY the Suilzbae4 DINA!. GEO. W. SULTZBACII, TANNER 4- LEATHER DEALER, MARIETTA, PA. Having purchased the remaining stock c hand, and leased the Tannery and fixtures his late father, Henry Sultzbach, deceased, now prepared to accommodate the custome of the old stand, ant' the public gencrall, with everything in his line, at such pricey cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. 11 stock will consist of Oak Spanish and Slaughter Sole, Valve and hemlock Leather, CALFSKINS, Kips, Waxed and Grained upper, SPLITS, HARNESS, BRIDLE & SHOE SKIRTING. .tf3 - Cash paid for Bides and Ski, INTUrietta January 6. 1866.-tf fIOLGATE'S TOILET S X - • . - .0 Honey, Clycertne, Palrir Shaving SOAPS.. Eq. Just tteeired and for 'S A ......:, ... N.. MA RKET STREET, Marietta, Pi e ,es al-