The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 19, 1866, Image 2

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    De N atiettian.
Saitraki Nening, 'aii 19,1866.
eir Gen. Great in a recent conversa
tion with Rev. Geo. Hepworth, of Bos-
ton, said of Gen. • Sherman :—"Sherman
is a man to be proud of. He is impetri
oua, he is faulty, but he knows his fault
as soon as any man." And of Sheridan
be said :—" He is the hestman in Amer
ica. He has no peer. Be can wield
any force. He is a pure-hearted, simple
mannered and truly noble man." And
of himself, be said :—" There were a
thousand others who could - have done
the thing as well as 1. I am, thankful to
God that he helped me to do the .Work,
but had I not been living, or had the
Government passed over me, there are
other men who would have won the vic
tory for yon."
Gir A terrible tragedy was committed
at Beilvernon, Pa., in the murder of a
man named Housman. The wife of the
murdered man, and a supposed pars
moor, were arrested. Thairwell con
fessed while on his way to prison. He
says that at several times be and she
( Housman's wife) tried to poison him,
but failed. On the night of the murder
le took Houseman's gun, placed the
muzzle of it to his head and shot him
when asleep. She put the rope around
his Deck herself, attached an anchor to
it and assisted to drag the body to the
fir Charles F. Browne (Artemus
Ward) has commenced legal proceed
ings for the purpose of putting an in
junction upon the sale of a work recent
ly issued in New York, under the title
of " Betsy Jane Ward, wife of Ade
mns." The book in question endeavors
to convey the impression that Artemus
Ward is the author, but, to the credit
of the groat showman, he indignantly
denies having had anything to do with
it, and charhterizes it as a dishonorable
attempt to impose upon the public, as
well as to injure his fair fame.
Samuel Witter, alias Jack Cooper,
was hanged at Ravenna, Ohio, on the
27th inst., for the murder of John Rod
enbaugh in October last. Since his
sentence Cooper had made three desper
ate attempts to escape. At one time
he became so ferocious that it was found
necessary to use a large syringe filled
with chloroform, for the purpose of se
curing him in irons. Ono of the inci
dents of the execution was the singing
of a religious song with a violin accom
paniment, to which the prisoner listened
with rapt attention.
fir A coal Company has now piled,
near Honesdale, 350,000 tons of coal—
said to be the largest'body of coal ever
collected in one heap on the face of the
earth. It would require a train of over
two hundred and sixty miles in length
to remove the stock ; 700,000 carte
would be needed, reaching in one con
tinuous lino more than 2,000 miles.
The large deposit will give Some idea of
the magnitude of the coil interests of
our State.
ohr Clod Annie, the thief, who robbed
an old New York broker, named Lord,
of over one million dollars worth of
bonds, is living at Montreal like a na
bob, on the fruits of his rascality, and
rumor says, his money buys Jam an entree
into "good society." An Eastern paper
says that Hod has bought a ten thous
and dollar farm for his aged father,. in
the village of Hooksett, N. H. He
seems to be a better son than citizen.
Sr A Mrs. Keziah Palmer has enter
ed a snit -against her husband, Solon
Palmer, before Judge Fox, of the Ohio
Supreme Court, now sitting at Cinein
nati, to recover the sum of 010,000 dam
ages sustained by the-plaintiff, in conse
quence of her being incarcerated in the
Lunatic Asylum of Ohio, by her hus
band and others, she being a sane wom- ,
ice' The Ashtabula (Ohio) Sentinel
says:—" ldr. Atkins, the Recorder, in.
forms us that - a Curious discovery has
been made in changing the cemetery at
Hartsgrove Center. On opal:tinge num
ber of graves, the remains were found
to be complete in form, bat changed in
substance to a material in appearance
between chalk' and tallow., and closely
resembling spermaceti."
lir The Maine Farmer has an account
of a curious stone picked up on the shore
of a pond in Belgrade of that State.
The stone has been worn by attrition to
the perfect form , of a lady's overshoe or
Moccasin, the sole of the shoe being
composid apparently of a different ma
terial frbm the uppers, and shaped to
correspond to them.
wr Bon. George .E.Aitfiger, formerly
United States Senator &Om North Car.
olioa, is dead. -
oar Doke. Get!' ...hee 4 . me.0. released
from coofinemeat at,aer.t.l.4clrpoo, on
cooditiou that be leav _Le cunt,
gir A month since, a Frenchman and
wife gave a dinner party to celebrate the
twentieth year of their marriage. Just
before dinner one of them broke a tum
bler. This led to a discussion, which
degenerated into a violent quarrel, which
ended in each party expressing wonder
at having the patience to live twenty
years with so horrid and stupid an ani
mal as the other. The wife put on her
Nutlet and quit the house. The hus
band lighted a chafing dish full of char
coal in hie chamber and lay on the floor.
When the guests came and failed to ob
tain admittance, they broke open the
doors, and found the husband a corpse.
ihr The old fashioned custom of re
jecting a man as a juror on the trial of
capital offenders, because he has been
intelligent enough to read the newspa
per repprts of the case and sane enough
to form an opinion on the basis of these
reports is, we rejoice to see, falling at
last into disuse. In the choice of the
jury in the trial of Probst, in Philadel
phia, the court admitted as jurors those
of the panel, who, notwithstanding the
formation of an opinion, answered that
they would be governed in their verdict
by the evidence before the court. This
ie a decision of common sense.
General Fisk, now at Memphis
for the purpose of investigating the facts
attending the late riot, has signified his
intention to have all the negro churches
rebuilt in better style, and will see that
the city foots the bill of damages com
mitted by the mob. He advertises for
negro carpenters, masons and laborers
to do the work. The Post says a num
ber of gentlemen have received anony
mous lettere warning them to leave
An agent of Senator Sprague, of
Rhode Island, has beet in Chicago buy
ing beef cattle for shipping to Provi
dence, where beef is furnished to the
operatives of his mills, numbering some
15,000, at first cost, transportation ad
ded. Within the last few months be
tween $75,000 and $BO,OOO worth of cat
tle and hogs have been purchased there
for this purpose.
tar The Empress Eugene has achiev
ed another triumph. When she was
first made Empress, other Queens refus
ed to call upon her, regarding her as a
plebian interloper. Victoria yielded
first, the Queen of Spain next, and then
the Queen of Portugal, now the Empress
of Austria, the proudest of them all, is
about to visit herb
fir According to M. Babinet, a French
savant, the coming Bummer will be very
hot. All the springs, he states, will be
dried up, for where there is no snow
there are no fountains. It is the snow
alone which moistens the earth internal.
ly. Rain water does not penetrate suf
ficiently, being carried off rapidly by
evaporation, except in wooden districts.
tar The largest steer in 'lndiana—the
largest in America—and probably the
largest in the world, is now in Shelby
county, and is owned by George W.
Spurrier. He is six years old, weighs
4,000 pounds, and was purchased on the
26th ult., by Mr. Spurrier, for $1,600.
He ie undoubtedly the finest animal in
air By direction of Judge Underwood
no person has been allowed to see the
indictment against Jeff. Davis. A Fort
ress Monroe dispatch states that the
health of Davis is failing rapidly, and
that he expressed great pleasure at the
news of his indictment, as he is confi
dent a speedy action in his case.
A law has passed our Legislature
imposing a fine of not less than $l.OO,
and imprisonment of not less than 60
days on officers of elections for receiving
the vote of a deserter. Any person per
suading a deserter to offer to vote is li
able to similar punishment. That settles
the question.
Or A company of sporting men 'have
leased a large piece of land below Sha
ron, Mercer county, for a driving park.
A course has been laid out upon it, and
the work of grading and otherwise fitting
it up for the use spoken of is to be push
ed rapidly forward. It is expected to
be in readiness by the-first of July,
sir Peet, the wife murderer, who had
been given up by the Canadian authori
ties, cut his throat in the cars, near Ge
neva. He was being taken to Auburn
for trial. The gallows is cheated of a
victim, and Cayuga county is saved hun
dreds of dollars.
Mr. Benjamin Wood and John
Mortisey have been arrested in New
York npon the charge of swindling, the
charge being founded upon their lottery
ear Five hundred dollars in gold was
paid recently, in San Francisco, for the
choice of a seat on the first appearance
of Edwin Forrest in that city.
Or The Fenian humbug has complete
ly exploded. O'Mahoney has been dis
graced, and deposed, and there is a talk
of doing the same by Stephens.
President Johnson has, ordered a
special : report to be made and forwarded,
to him in reference to the ph3ieical con
dition of Jeff Davie.
Or There ie,no cholera in New- York
c - 9
er In a late number of the Boston
" Right Way," we find the following :
If the Senate of the United States had
done its whole duty when Vice-Presi
dent Johnson made his spirituous Inau
gural on the 4th of March, 1865, the
country would have been saved the dis
grace and reproach of the delirious ha
rangue of the 22d of February, 1866,
from the steps of the White House, un
der the auspices of the lawyers who
defended the murderers of Mr. Lincoln
one of whom asserted that the President
was drunk when he signed the death
warrant of the criminals. And if the
Senate had done its manifeit duty when
Senator McDougall first appeared in his
seat as a drunkard,- its deliberations
would have teen spared the humiliation
and shame of the scene—enacted in its
chamber on the 16th of April, 1866, by
this same Senator. It is the first step
that costs. When drunkenness is toler
ated in the United States Senate, it will
be exalted into a virtue elsewhere.
McDougall's apology does not wipe out
the stain, nor does the resolution forbid
ding the sale of liquors in the Capitol.
That is right as far as it goes; bet
drunkenness should be an expulsive of
fence. The United States Senate can
not too soon resolve itself into a Total
Abstinence Society.
tgr Hon. Reverdy Johnson read, on
Tuesday, in.the U. S. Senate, an impu
dent letter from Mr. Wade Hampton,
rebel, giving a lecture on reconstruction
to the Senate, and giving the lie to
General Sherman on the burning of Co
lumbia, S. C. It was a violation of
decency in Mr. Johnson to read it, and *
the Senate being on the point of refus
ing to receive the letter, Mr. Johnson
withdrew it, having accompliAsd his ob
ject by getting it heard on the floor and
telegraphed to the press.
We should not fail to speak of
the splendid and valuable parlor orna
ments, the steel engravings, lithographs
and paintings sold by the American Art
Union, New York, and offered by the
publishers of the American Statesman
to the subscribers for that sheet. We
advise all to send for a catalogue and
secure a collection from these splendid
gems. Address American Statesman
Office, 67 Nassau Street, New York.
fur General Santa Anna, the ex-Pres
ident of the Mexican Republic, arrived
on Saturday from St. Thomas, at Eliza
bethport, New Jersey. He is accompa
nied by several of his countrymen, and
it is understood that he comes to make
common cause with Juarez against Max
imilian, and that he will scon appear
upon Mexican soil, fighting against the
invaders of his country.
Ur Sterling King, a notorious horse
thief and rebel spy, and who made a con
fession some time since, declaring that
he was an accomplice in the assassina
tion of President Lincoln, died on Fri
day, on board the steamer plying be
tween Louisville and Cincinnati. His
death was brought about by starvation,
he having refused all but the merest
morsel of food for the past forty days._
65- The Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Baltimore Railroad Company are
rapidly pushing their bridge to comple
tion across the Susquehanna river at
Havre de Grace From -the Garrard
shore two spans of the wood structure
are nearly completed, while on the Cecil
county side the work on three spans is in
a forward condition.
fir The Nova Scotia Legislature has
voted $2,000 to the widow of Dr. Slay
ter, who died by cholera while employed
in attending on the England's passen
gers. It is also proposed to
monument to his memory on some con
spicuous point of McNab's island, in
Halifax harbor.
[James M. Scovel, has. returned
from Washington again, having had, it
is said, much success with the Presi
dent in getting him - to remove various
postmasters in small towns in New Jer
sey, which of course do not require any
action on the part of the Senate.
or Hervey Champion, of Hartford,
CL, fifty years old and worth $25.000,
has been arrested for stealing large
numbers of valuable trees and vines
from the grounds of various . citizens and
transferring them to his own garden.
This species of theft seems to have been
a mania with him.
fir The body of Hon. Preston King
was found floating in the Atlantic basin,
Brooklyn, N, Y., on Monday. Mr.
King, it will be remembered, committed
suicide last year by jumping from a fer
ry boat.
Goode of all kinds are coming
down in prices at the New York whole.
sale houses, and a great' financial crash
is imminent. Prudent men should
"stand from under."
eir The contract for the Gettysburg
monument bas been awarded to J. G.
Batterson, of Hartford, Ct. The mon
ument is to cost $50.000
oip-The . amendosent to the Constitu
tion reported by the. Committee on Re
'-icinsitruction, passed the House by a
vote (11128 to 37.• •
This spring has beea the driest
since that of '56, for thirty years.
Pen, Paste and Scissors
The New Orleans Picayune says that
the Hon. Wm. M. Gwin, formerly of
California, now confined in prison at
Fort Jackson, below that city, was offer
ed his liberty the other day if he would
give his parole to leave the country and
never return, and that he immediately
declined, preferring to remain a prisoner
in hie native land rather than to go into
banishment elsewhere.
A gentleman named Barnes, living in
Jefferson county, Ind., was to have been
married on last Thursday, to a lady nam
ed Jones. On Sunday he called at the
house of his intended, and the same day
both of them beCame sick ; she died the
same night, and he on Tuesday. The af
fair is as sad as singular.
Cyrus W. Field has again returned
from England, after a prolonged absence
in the interests of the new submarine
telegraph enterprise. This is his thirty
sixth voyage across the ocean on this
enterprise, to which he has devoted the
last twelve years of his life.
Auditor General Bartratift has issued
a call for a soldiers' convention to be
held in Pittsburg on the sth of June.
The discharged soldiers of the State are
requested to elect delegates, not exceed
ing five in number, for each Legislative
The tomb of the immortal Jefferson,
his wife and children, is said to be in a
most 'wretched, state of repair. Curiosi
ty hunters have chipped the monument
until it is irreparably defaced. Even the
tomb stone . of Mrs. Jefferson is similarly
It is 'rumored in fashionable circles
that lion. Edward Cooper, member of
Congress elect from Pennesse, and now
acting as private Secretary to the Pres
ident, will befgre long wed Mrs. Stover,
the widowed daughter of the President.
A Miss Stebbins, of Chickasaw county
lowa, has received an appointment as
notary public for that county. She is
the first female ever having received
such a commission, and is represented
as eminently competent.
As an illustration of the hard times
in Richmond, the Examiner says, one
can easily put a fire cent loaf of the
bakers in each cheek, a ten cent loaf in
the middle, and whistle Yankee Doodle
with surprising clearness.
On the 14th of April the work of
stowing the new Atlantic cable on board
the Great Eastern begun at Sheerness.
About the middle of July next the work
of laying the cable is expected to begin.
The brute Probst has made a full con
fession, he admits having murdered all
—the boy Carey included, and that he
had no accomplice. He is to be hung
on Friday the Bth day of June.
Secretary McCulloch was at Fortress
Monroe on Sunday, and while there call
ed upon Jeff Davis, and had an hour's
private interview. The nature of the
meeting is unknown.
The Belgian Chamber is about to in
troduce a new clause into the penal code
of that country punishiog with fine or
imprisonment all persons convicted of
Semmes, the admiral, has been elect.
ed judge of probate for Mobile county,
Ala. The papers there describe this as
an emphatic endorsement of
. the Presi
dent's policy.
Maj-Gen. John F. Hartranft, Auditor
General, and Major Jacob Campbell,
Surveyor Genera: of the Commonwealth
took possession of their respective offi
ces on the let inst.
On the 27th ult. a torpedo exploded
at Sullivan's Island in Charleston harbor
throwing up an immense quantity of
water. It had been sunk over three
"General" Hays, a reconstructed and
specially pardoned rebel, has been elec
ted sheriff of New Orleans on the Na
tional Democratic ticket:
Frank Gurley who murdered Gen.
McCook, in cold blood, has been par
doned by his accidency, " the second
Jackson "—A. J.
Three of the ruffians who robbed the
National bank at Cadiz, Ohio, have been
arrested, and about $150,000 of the
money recovered.
The Princess of Prussia, eldest daugh
ter of Queen Victoria,. gave birth to
another child on the 12th ult. She
"takes after " her mother.
John Meyer, an insane, pauper, com
mitted suicide at the Beaver county
poor house, last week, by cutting' 'his
throat with a razor.
P. G. T. Beauregard, Esq., has gone
North to raise money to help equip and
repair the railroad of which he is presi
There are in the United States one
daily ( the New Orleans Tribune) and
nine weeklies conducted by colored
G. T. Beanregard, late general in the
rebel army, was at Louisville on the 10th
inst., on his way to New York.
The Washington Republican says
Secretary Harlan is preparing to retire
from the Cabinet.
The right man in the right plaee. A
husband at, home in the evel'n!
The latest fashionable collar for gents
has turndown corners, on which appear
dogs' and horses' heads. These figures
are repeated on the wristbands. The
shirt itself is spotted over with small
horse-shoes, or with the heads of dogs
and horses.
To CorisumerivEs.—The advertiser hav
ing been restored to health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption, is an
xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure. To all who desire it, he
will send a copy of the prescription, free of
charge, with the directions for preparing and
useing the same, which they will find a sure
cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron
chitis, Colds, and all throat add lung affections.
The only object of the advertiser in sending
the - prescription is to benefit the afflicted and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, b:
return mail, will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg,
Kings County, New-York. Lly
30- Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery
cure is warranted by Dr. TOBIAS , celebrated
Venetian Liniment, if used when first taken
by persons of temperate habits. This medi
cine has been known in the United States over
twenty yearn. Thousands have used it, and
found it never failed to cure any complaint for
which it was recommended, and all those who
first tried et, are now never without it. In the
Cholera of ISA Dr. Ton lAS attended 40 cases
and lost 4,being called in to late to do anygood.
DIRECTIONS :—Take a teaspoonful in a wine
glass - of water every half hour for two hours,
and rub the abdomen and extremities well with
the Liniment. To allay the thirst, take a
lump of ice in the month, almost the size of a
marble every ten minutes. It is warranted
perfectly innocent to take internally. Sold
by all Druggists, price 40 and SO cents. De
pot, 56 Courtlandt-st., N. Y. [4O-1m
11:3 = 'DEAD HEADS, or, IR other words, heads
whose once glorious locks have WITHERED
AND WHITENED, can in a few moments be
re-clothed with all their YOUTHFUL ATTRAC
TIONS, by a single application of that wonder
Grizzled whiskers and moustaches,
curls into which the snow of age has prema
turely drifted, and red, sandy or white brown
hair, receive, as if by magic, the rarest shades
of black or brown from this harmless botani
cal hairdarkener. Manufactured by J. Chris
tadoro, 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold by
Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
LOVE AND 11LITRIMONY:—Ladies and gen
tlemen, if you wish to marry, address the un
dersigned, who will send you, without money
and without price, valuable information that
will enable you to marry happily and speedily
irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This
information will cost you nothing, and if you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.—
All letters strictly confidential. The desired
information sent by return mail, and no re
ward asked. Address SARAH B. LAMDF.RT,
Greenpoint, Kings county, N. Y. [3S-3m
ERRORS OF YOUTH .—A gentleman who suf
fered fox years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi
ence, can do so by addressing JonN B. OG
EES, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York.
To DRUNIFARDS.-A. reformed inebriate
would be happy to communicate (free of
charge) to as many of his fellow beings as
will address him, very important and useful
information, and place in their hands a sure
cure for the love of Strong Drink of any kind.
This information is freely offered by one who
has narrowly escaped a drunkard's grave.
Address. SErrr B. Hr.NDERSON, No. 9 Broad
Street, New York. Prri-
STRARGE, nur TRlTE.—Every young lady
and gentleman in the United States can hear
something very much to their advantage by
return mail (free of charge,) by addressing
the undersigned. . Those having fears of being
humbugged will oblige by not noticing this
card. All others will please address their
obedient servant, Tiros. F. CHAPMAN, 831
Broadway, N. Y.
!Er Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
bl. D., Oculist and Aurist,. (former') of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel
phia. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country can be seen at
his office. The medical faculty ere invited to
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets
in his practice. Artificial Tyes inserted with
out pain, No charge for examination.
lE3 Ladies who are suffering from certain
complaints, known only to females, should at
once get Dr. Velpau's Female Pills. They
produce a most charming effect. Sold by Dr.
Hinkle,lllarietta, and by all good druggists.
On the 24th ult, at the residence of the bride's
father, by Rev. John Chester, TonPn F.
daughter of Col. James Myers, both of Co
lumbia, Pa. .
First National Bank of Marietta, ?
May 9, 1866. S
rytH E Directors having this day, declared a
I • Dividend of 5 per centtun clear of United
States Tax, payable on demand.
LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the
Post Office at Marietta, Pa., THURSDAY,
MAY, 17, 1866.
Rocker, Leormzer Rine Ann
Cong . le, Rachel Rock, H.
Mimes, William Shenk, Henry
Gover, Franklin G. 2 Schaeffer, Enos
Gorner, Miss M. St. John, Charles
Harter & Kinport,' Schrool, Mrs. Eliza
Little, Eliza Williams, J. D.
George Zelup, D. D.
la. To obtain any of these letters, the ap
plicant must call for "advertised lefters,) , giv
the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad
vertisiug. ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M.
BEBT Quality . of Wines and Liquors for
medicinal purposes, at D. Landis'.
LL Kinds of Blanks., Deedic&c.
Reduction in Price of the Amfrk.,74
Watches, made at Waltham,
In consequence of the recent great decliro
in gold and silver and all the materials 1141-
in the manufacture of our goods, a n d in
ea :•
cipation of a still further decline, We ha ve
duced our prices to as low a point as they te ,.
be placed WITH GOLD AT PAR, so th e :
one need hesitate to buy a Watch po w f : 0
the expectation will be cheapernte:
future time ; thetest of ten years and th ee ;
ufacture and sale of
MORE THAN 200,000 WATCiivs,
have given our productions the very 4 t ioitit
rank among time-keepers. Cornmeatiog
the determination to make only thorough',
eicellight watches, our business has madly
as the public became acqt,,nei
with their value, until, for months togethero
have been unable to supply the demand. o
w e
have repeatedly enlarged our factor blad.
u n til they now cover over three el trelq
ground, and give accommodation to more tb,„
eight hundred workmen.
We are fully justified in Stating thatived,,,
Make more than half of all the iv o i cht
sold in the United States.
The different_ grades are distinguished 4, 4
following trade marks engraved on the plate;
American Watch C 0.," Waltham, lih,
2,"Appleton, Tracy & Co." Waltham, 4 n
3.—" P. S. Bartlett," Waltham, Mass.
4.—" Wm. Ellery,"
s.—Our Ladies' Watch of first quality is re.
med "Appleton, Tracy & Co., Waltham,
6.—Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is as.
med " P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.
These watches are furnished in a greatri•
riety of sizes and styles of cases.
The American Watch Co. of Waltham,ke
authorize us to state that without diitinctioa
of, trade marks or price,
All the Products of their Factory gre
to be the best timekeepers of their class ere
made in this or any other country. g il y m
should remember that, unlike the guarantee
of a foreign maker who can never be reaches,
this warrantee is goad at all tames agamst
Company or their agents, and that it, after to
most thorough trial, any watch should prose
defective in any particular, it may alwayste
exchanged for another. As the American
Watches made at Waltham,are for sale by deal
ers generally throughout the country, we (1)
not solicit orders for single watches.
CATITIOIN.—The public art cautioned toky
only of respectable dealers. All persons sell.
ing cour.terfeits will be prosecuted.
Agents for the American Watch Company,
151 Broadway, N. Y. pm
$25! TII E 825!
Union Nusintss gtitity,
• Handel & Haydn Hall,
Bth and Spring Garden Street,
ZxitaoHinailj inOneeiNts.
Novel and Permanent A mond of
From April 1, to October 1,10,
LIFE SCHOI.A RSIII PS, including Bookkeeping,
Business Correspondence, Forms and Cs
ton s, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Pen
manship, Detectmg Counterfeit Money iral
Commercial Law,
Scholarships, including the same subjecno
above, Time limited to Three Months,
Penmanship, Three Months,
Penmamship and Arithmetic, Bins 10
The saving of Coal and Gas in the Sums
months is an advantage of such importance e 3
enables the management of this College to
make a considerable reduction in the Summer
rates from October 1, 1866 to April 1,1167,
and succeeding years, as before.
Life Scholarships, $35
Scholarships, 3 months,
Penmanship, 3 months, ID
Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3 months, 12
Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and for At
Sons of Ministers and Radars.
Day and Evening Insturction for 10
sexes and all ages,
In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeepiug, Po,
manship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arilh.
metic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry,
lytical Geometry, the Calculus! Nangstiss,
Surveying, Engineering, Gauging,
Mechanical Drawing, Commercial Law, u 4.
man, Telegraphing, and the English BfV l
at moderate prices.
Endorsed by the public as the most
ful Business College of the country, 53 is
dented by the fact, that
have entered in the
Supported by an able ems of ilssied s '
Call or send for a catalogue, College C 4116 '
cy, and Peirce , e practical Educator.
April 14, 1866.
.No. 66 Market Street, Marietta,A
From the great manufacturers sales,
are selling below City wholesale PO °
Cloths and Cassimeres,
50 per-cent. lower than last gest
MousDeLaines, and other Dress G 04 1 , 1 , 5,
CiailCoe s
o °4
Muslins, Checks and Tickings ,
'Grey and White Blankets •
o less
Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Carpets,
Grocerie+eand Table Oil Cloths, RC.
of all
Coffees, Fish, Cheese, Rice. , /i c '
331311 1--ia3agirP„,,fir
r Belle br Gongs put up, can haVe 1 ,,
promptly W
and at very reasonable rates, Ly
dressulE 5f.H. A PFfibi l-Olis.
April 26-1m49 Columa,
n DRY , GOODS soxEs.—Leir
1.1 'Medium size, for sale elle" qcji.
J. B. DEFfei