Ile Alatiettian. • • • -- tiNf MARIETTA. PA : SOO - bap Yorping, 2, t 866.. air It Is new confidently stated that the visit of Mrs. Jefferson Davis to For. tress Monroe promises to be of long du ration. On Friday, Major General Miles, acting . nrider instructions from Washington, D. C.,lrected Lieutenant McElrath, the post quartermaster, to turn over one of the casemates for her use. It is understood that Mrs. Davis applied for a room in Carroll flail, where her husband is.confined, but was refused by General ;Miles. The conditions of the visit of Mra. Davie, which were made known shortly after she arrived there, permit her to have free intercourse with her husband during all, hours of the day, and strictly enjoin upon her to use no illegal measures in attempting either his rescue or release. air The, editor-of the La Woes° Dem. ocrat, in a letter written on the 13th, makes the following mention of the, de parting Statesman, Gen Lewis Cass: He is stiltalive, though his family, have gathered here in daily expectation of his decease. The General is now in his 87th year. He passes most of his time in shop, undisturbed. At, rare intervals he wakes up sufficiently to ask for, some of his oldfriende, who are sent for, bat on, arriving, within the hour, he is gen erally asleep again. His disease is soft. ening of the brain. t a- President Johnson, in one of his late speeches, took particular care to announce that he was a "tribune of the people," because he used the veto pow er. We think he had better not have need that name for history informs us that the "tribune of the people" became demagogues, and destroyed the liber ties of Rome. tgir It is stated as a remarkable coin cidence that four of the officers of the broken Merchants' National Bank ,csf Wagihington are also officers of the Johnson National Union Club. Wheth er or not the operations of the latter will be checked by the failure of the for mer is a matter of question. Another batch of new counterfeit fifty cent postal currency haVe made their appearance. The printing is not so fine as on the genuine, although the fronts are done in good style. They are executed better than any previous counterfeit, and liable to deceive unless closely examined. sr Sportsmen Will do well to bear in mind that it is against the law to kill blue birds, swallows, robins, or any oth er Insectivorous birds at any season. Farmers should do everything in their power to protect the birds. They are the best friends the farmer has. /fir Hon. John,P. Hale, Minister to Spain, finds it. so difficult to keep up ministerial hospitality upon his salary of $12,000 in gold, that he is anxious to obtain the vacant United States Judge ship in Vermont, the salary of which is only $2,000 in currency. WAt Mobile, on the 26th ult., a colored boy scarcely fifteen years old, was hanged for the murder of another boy of thirteen. The elder boy owed the younger for a gun, and to avoid pay. meat enticed him into 'a lonely place, and killed. him. secretary. Seward. according to the Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati "Gazette," has stated priv ately, within a . short time, that he ,is to be the nest President, and he expects the support of tile South. ear A marriage recently took place in South Carolina, wherein the , bridegroom was eighty-eight, the bride fifty-five, and the, pastor eighty-five. It was a run away match—the parents of- the blush ing damsel being averse to it. The• Louisville Journal says that the. famous hotel, the Galt house, of that, city, which was destroyed by fire, is now being rebuilt in proportions more extensive than it ever presented in its palmiekt daySi- Gr The Senate of the Tennessee Leg islature has'paseed the Franchise bill, previously passed by the House. It, disfranchises all who took part in the rebellion. 6r Frank- Gurley, the murderer of General McCook, has been released on parole at Huntsville, Ala, Gurley is sheriff of his county; and will:soon enter upon, the , duties,of his office; , akr A man hits been sentenced in Scbtland to ten day's - irnprisoninent for trying lo,,gairoctratiAgkecq, : to a Maionic lodge, not being a,niernber,of thik order. filiirXzeaide(4..TAM.49P.lbas ordered The release, parole of:4 muDeriatoi William M.;Gwiti,.aow confmodqp, 'ono of the forte below Ne , w Orleans TUE AMY:MOAN WATCH COMPANY OF WALTHAM . , M ASS.—E Very one knows that the mechanism of the best manu factories of this country is unequalled in any other part of the world. The genius of American mechanics produced -the cotton-gin, the mechanical reaper and mower, the sewing machine, and last but not least, the wonderful machin ery of the American Watch Company of Waltham. This company was estab lished in 1850, and has grown in propor. tions which entitle it to a first rank among the manufacturing enterprises of the New World. It employs between 900 and 1,000 artisans of superior skill and character, and a large and thriving town has grown up in its :vicinity. The factory covers over three acrerrof ground and all an illustration of its extent, we may mention that it is supplied with more than 60 miles of iron pipes and produces an aggregate of nearly 75,000 watches per annum. The founders of this company believed that the same delicate mechanical processes which had produced such reniarkably ,perfect results in larger machines, might .`be ap: plied with even greater advantage to the production of the watch. The foreign time-pieces are made principally by hand, and except when of high cost, an imperfect article, often out of yepair , and of little value is the result. Abroad, these mysterious and infinitesimal organs which, when aggregated, produce the watch, are the fruit of slow and toilsome manual processes. In the results, there must of course be lack of that perfect uniformity which is indispensable for correct time-keeping. The constituent parts of the American watch, on the other hand, are fashioned by the most delicate and accurate machinery. Wheels, pinions, springs, screws, abso lutely uniform in weight, circumference, dimensions, and in every passible partic ular, are turned out in myriads by uner ring fingers of steel, and their proper combination and adjustment by skillful workmen have given the Company its high reputation. Its wages riot only go with the trade and, go in the pockets of 200,000 people, but they go right and go everywhere.—. Exchange. Gir Leading Southern men now on the ground, unhesitatingly state that if the clause preventing curtain persons from voting until 1870 is omitted, there will be little objection to the general plan in:the South ; and they base this opinion upon the fact that these classes, with their overwhelming power in the South, would-be very apt to vote any how. There is a growing disposition in Congress to yield everything to the Southern people ( except allowing the rebel chiefs to hold office ), if only these latter will cordially acquiesce in the substantial features of the report, relat ing to representation, and agreeing to the formal repudiation of the rebel war debt, and the abandonment of all hopes of payment for their slaves. air A case invorving the legal and constitutional right of polygamy is in process in Salt Lake City. A Gentile married a lady who was claimed as the wife in polygamy of one of the Mormon leaders. The lady, fearing that her chin dren would be claimed by the Mormon, brought the case directly before the United States Court. It was postponed and in the interim her husband was shot dead while in the company of the Unit ed States Marshal, and in open daylight. to- President Johnson, it is said, has recently got off a pretty fair joke. Connecticut office-seeker closed a re cent application for office with an inqui ry whether the breach between the President and Congress could not be repaired. The President wrote in reply that be is *not so much in the line of breeches" as he formerly was. eir-Gen:Howard has received from Sir Morton Pato, and,Arthur Kinnard, M. P., the English capitalists who re cently visited this country, a contribu tion of ..E.50 from each, which they re quest to be applied for the relief of the destitute and suffering freedmen of the Southern States. eir The tone of many Paris letters in dicates the growing unpopularity of Louis Napoleon. The majority of the Parisians have long been against him, as shown in the election's to the Legis- lative body, bat now they lose no oppor tunity of proclaiming their dislike. W . The Princess of Wales is sitting for a full length poitrait in oil, but as she is a little thin, a professional model sits for the arms and neck. Thisi is about equal to the resort now said to be in vogue hereabouts, with spindle-shanked young ladies, in wearing false calves! eir William Hutchings, the last sur viving revolutionary soldier in Maine, and the last but two or three in the Utiion, died on Thursday in the town of Penobscot, Hancock county, - aged one hundred and two years. figr. The Legislature of Tennessee ( "louse) has refused, by 48 . to 18, to . . admit to seats seven members who re . signed in order to break up a quorum, . , and wore re - elected By this.vota they are, tlOreci elig to re. eleu tio:n ' The BadkingCebAnittee has de cidud to repcaoto bongfess adverse to the creation of any more national beaks. ' THE MAHII TTIAN.~. . IFEA dollar and-a-half can not be bet ter invested than in'seeuring the present volume ( the 25th, or quarter-Century volume ), of the American Agriculturist. The first five number=, now ready, alone contain 204 large pages, with nearly 200 engravings, which are worth the cost of the whole volume, besides the large amount of good reading matter valuable to every family in city or country. Some very good Premiums are offered to every person sending is one or more subscri bers in May or June, viz.: for each sub scriber at $1 50 for the whole year, a choice of any one of the following books which, will be forwarded free, post-paid, to any part of the country :'The Rural Annual for. 1866; Rural Register . for 1866 ; American Bird Fancier ; Ameri can Rose Culturist ; Betneut's Rabbit Fancier ; Dog and Gun ( Hooper's) ; Fuller's Strawberry culturist ;. Flax cul ture, ` complete ; flop culture, complete ; 013i011 culture, complete ; Oar feria of four acres, Richardson on the Dog; Tobacco culture, complete.--These books are all neatly bound in colored paper covers. The Rural Annual and Rural Register are wanted in every fam ily. The eleven others are wanted by a large cle'as. The books on Flax, flops, Onion and" Tobacco Calture, arethe bezt works on these - several subject's - that ev er have been produced, and are very valuable to every one growing the small est quantity of any one of these crops.— Here then is en opportunity for every body who desires one or more of these good books to get them without expense by simply soliciting the subscription of a neighbor or acquitintance to the Agri culturist, and forwarding to the Publis hers, ORANGE JUDD 'iSL Co., 41 Park Row, New York. ' • CW' The Fenian bubble appears to be collapsing as fast as it expanded. The transactions upon the border and down in. New Brunswick are upon a ridiculous scale. The "capture of a British flag," about which many flaming dispatches • were sent, is said to have been simply the hauling down of a boy's flag, where there was no one to defend it, and no importance given to it all. Even the New York Citizen, the former cham pion of the Fenians, is disgusted with the farce. gar An attempt was made to assassin ate the Emperor Alexander of Russia on the Ilth ult. The motive for the deed it is hard to devine. The Emperor is liberal and progressive, and has done a good work in the furthering of the emancipation of the serfs. It id' said that the Emperor himself seized the cul prit, asking him quietly—" What have I ever done to you, that you should seek my life ?" gir Mr. Robert Mayo's estate, known as Powatan, on James River, near Rich mond, and where, according to a dubi ous tradition, John -Smith's life was saved by the fair Pocahontas, is said to have been sold to Clol. North, of Massa chusetts for $26,000. It is stated that within a month after the opening of the New York State In ebriate Asylum, over fifteen hundred applications were made by, wealth par ents for the admission of their daughters who had contracted intemperate habits from the use of liquors at fashionable parties. eir A five year old boy fell into a well thirty feet deep at Chesterfield, N. El., a few days ago. The men were all gone and there were not neighbors within • a half a mile. His mother let down a rope and drew him almost up, when he fell back to the bottom. She then went down and brought him up, and neither of them are the worse for it. iltr It is stated that the Secretary of the Treasury has been informed that several prominent counterfeiters, with their plates and implements, have start ed for ;England, where it is supposed they will circulate , counterfeit Govern ment seen rities. d ir Skedaddlers, who so ignominious ly left their country in her hour of need and went into the British Provinces to escape duty, are now called , upon to pay a tax of three dollars to the crown and become liable to military duty if they do not leave the country. gir Last week as a circus was passing through Wellsville, CIL', the elephants frightened to death a horse belonging to a Mr. Baldwin, of Woodbridge, which was hitched by the side of the road. The horse on seeing the elephants, leap- ed into the air and fell dead. A man in Providence, R. 1., put $7OO in a bed for cafe keeping, and then went away during - house cleaning. When he returned his money had been cleaned out with -the straw. air They have a carpet ; cleaner in St. Louis, running by steam. The carpet`ie first beaten with knotted ropes fastened to, a revolving , cylinder, and then swept with brooms attached to another cylin der in the same iay. gir The- , President has • remitted the death sentence of oae,hunAred aad sev enty-three,of-the-Sioux Indians engaged in the .Ikiinneseta massacres. , cargo of•nofroes has just boon fandOd'iind distiiblitoa on Oh „id's of llaba gbt Etotlb in a Nut—Sbra Gea. Sickles declines the appoint mont of Minister to Hague. The Detroit Tribune contradicts the reports concerning the failing health of (en. Cass. A daughter of the late Owen Lovejoy, for many years a member of Congress from Illinois, .is a teacher in one of the negro schools at Vicksburg. lion. Edmund Cooper, of Tennessee, and one of the elected Congressmen from that State, has bean appointed President Johnson's private Secretary. ....... The citizens of South Danvers, Mass., propose giving a public welcome to Mr, George Peabody, on his arrival from England, that being his native town. Mr. Sylvaunus Packard, a merchant of Boston, who has distinguished himself more than once by princely liberality to the Universalist denomination, died at the, age of seventy-seven years. It is reported that Senator Doolittle has determined to resign his seat at the close of the present session, and accept a foreign mission. R,ev. J. 11. Vincent, Agent of the Methodist Sunday School Union, was a guest of General Grant while on a recent visit to Washington, on which occasion he administered baptism to the little son of the General. A portfolio containing the autograph lettere addressed to the Pope by foreign sovereigns has been stolen from the bu reau of that pontiff in the Vatician. There is great excitement in conse quence. The Paris correspondent of The Na tion reports another Swedish nightin gale, even more marvelous in vocal pow ers than Jenny Lind. Her' name is Marie Taskatt, and she is shortly to sing in Paris. Jenny Lind is shortly to sing in France for the first time. It is reported that the President has requested Chief Justice Chase to try Jeff Davis for treason at the May term of the U. S. Circuit Court in Norfolk, Va., and that MT. Chase declines unless Congress restores the power of the court by special legislation. The Harrisburg Telegraph corrects the generally received opinion that the Legislature of this State changed the le gal rate of interest from 6 to 7 per cent. The provision passed the House, but not the Senate. The American - Watch Co., at Walt ham, Mass., employs 700 persons, and makes 215 watches per day. The pay roil is $60,000 per month. The Legislature of New York has ad journed without acting upon any of the schemes which were before it for under ground or mini railways in New York city. A commission of six persons was appointed to ascertain and report to the next legislature the most advantageous routes for railway suited to the rapid transportation of passengers from the uppeito the lower portion of the city. One of the features of the metropoli tan police system of New York is the Lost Children Department, presided over by a lady. During the pleasant summer evenings, when children are apt to wander away from their homes, as many as 65 and 70 are sometimes brought in by the police from the various pre cincts throughout the great city, and re stored to their parents through the me dium of the telegraph. The sales of some of the leading mer cantile houses of the country are im mense. Those of H. B. Claffiin & Co., New York, for 1865, were over forty-two million' dollars ; those of A. T. Stewart & Co., at one store, were thirty-nine millions, while the entire business of the latter firm is not, less than forty-five million dollars. The Pottsville (Pa.,) Miners' Journ al says that coal is now selling in that region as low as it did in the first year of the war. Near Lake • Worth, Fla., whisky is manufactured from grapes and e almetto berries. -The beverage thus produced is said to possess remarkable qualities, and is much cheaper than rye or bour bon whisky. The Hartford and New Haven Rail road Company have bought, up all the peat beds lying contiguous to their road, with a view to substituting peat for coal as a fuel for the locomotives. A man in Michigan, the other day, sold his wife for seven dollars and five pounds of maple sugar, taking a note for the money. „ Newt. Morrison, one of the ugliest desperadoes that infest Kansas, was'dis covered hanging from the Court House railing at Wyandotte, recently, quite dead. Boston is going to manufacture paper shirts at twenty-five cents e:ach. No excuse for shiftless persons; then. Isaac Terrell, of Vermillion, Ohio, was killed by lightning recently, while sowing clover in a field. " Have yen read my last speech," said a vain: oratoroto a.friend. .."1" dope sol waei,he'reply. t , Strawberries are sellin:g in' PhiJathil phia at throe cent: ,si:tttfal Noticts LYON', PERIODICA L DROPS. The great fe male Remedy for Irregularities.—These Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, spee dy and certain specific for the cure of all ob structions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity is indicated by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum ed by the ladies of the United States, every one of whom speak in the strongest terms of p aise of their good merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Rem edy, and are considered by all who know aught of them, as the surest, safest and most infallible preparation in the world, for the cure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health, regularity and strength. "Explitit directions stating when they may be used, and explaining when they should not, nor could not be used without producing effects contra ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care fully folded around each bottle, with the writ ten signature of Joirri L. LYON, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 195 Chapel street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con sulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists every where. C. G. CLARK & Co., Gen'l Agts for U. S. and Canadas. [ly LET US BE . MERCIFUL TO OURSELVES: The physical structure of the strongest human be ing is vulnerable everywhere. Oar bodies are endowed by nature with a certain negative power, , vhich protects them to some extent from unwholesome influences; but this pro tection is inipeifect, and cannot be safely re lied on in unhealthy regions, or under circum stances of more than ordinary danger. There fore, it is wisdom, it is prudence, it is com mon sense, to provide against such contingen cies, by taking an antidote in advance; or, in other words, by fortifying the system with a course of .Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the most complete protective against all the epidemic and endemic maladies that has ever been ad ministered in any country. As a remedy for Dyspepsia, there is no medicine that will com pare with it. Whoever suffers the pangs of Indigestion, anywhere on the face of the earth where Hostetter's Bitters can be procured, does so voluntarily ; for as surely as Truth exists, this invaluable tonic and alterative would re store his disordered stomach to a healthy con dition. To the Bilious it is also especially re commended, and in cases of confirmed Con stipation it affords speedy and permanent re lief. In Canada, the West Indies, and Aus tralia, the Bitters rank above all other medi cines of the class, and the demand for them in all foreign countries increases every season. To CossuareTryxs.—The advertiser hav ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is an xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription, free of charge, with the directions far preparing and useing the, same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron chitis, Colds, and all throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, b: return mail, Will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WlLsoai Williamsburg, Kings County, New-York. Lly Loves AND MATRINONY:—Ladies and gen tlemen, if you wish to marry, address the un dersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and speedily irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This informatiOn will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.— All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no re ward asked. Address SARAH B., Greenpoint, Kings county, N. Y. 138-3 m Eartons OF YOUTH .—A gentleman who suf fered fox years from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making. the simple remedy by Which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OG DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York. To Dal, NICARDS.—A reformed inebriate would be happy to communicate (free of charge) to as many of his fellow beings as will address him, very important and useful information, and place in their hands' a sure cure for the love of Strong Drink of any kind. This information is freely offered* one who has narrowly escaped a drunkard's grave. Address. SETH B. HENDERSON, No. 9 Broad Street, New York. [3m &MARGE, BUT TarE.—Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the undersigned. ' Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this ,card. All others will please address their obedient servant, Tnos. F. 'CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. rErD'afriess, Blindness and Catarrh, trea ted with the utmost success; by T. ISAACS', M. D., Oculist and AM*, (formerly of Ley den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty :re invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with out pain, No charge for examination. VP" Ladies who are suffering from certain c.oraplaints, known only to females, should at once get . Dr. Velpau's Female Pills. They produce a most 'Charming effect. Sold by Dr. Hinkle, Marietta, and by all good druggists. ROBERT C. HARRIS. .PLA,STERER. Having located in the Borough of Marietta, would respectfully offer his services to the public, and ,being determined to do his work well, and at reasonable prices, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Marietta, May 12, 1865.-2t* k , , TariIf.LROOLS, the= latest fashion,--caU in IA at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and see them—all the rage tow, in the citict Reduction jr„ coniTquence ut the r:c.k..llt in gold and silver and all Cle ateric,`e in the main:facture of our goods, a n d i - 7 / cipation of a still further decline, w e h ave 4l ' duced our prices to as low a pra: l t h4 7' be placed WITH GOLD AT PAR, se , One need hesitate to Guy a wttch the expectation that it will be cleaperat,:. future time ; the test of ten pears 21 11/ Itie; ufacture arid sale of MORE THAN 200,n00 WATCHEs, have given our productions the very he rank among time-keepers. Cominrieing-vit' the determination to make only thoreml excellent watches, our business ha; 3t4 y , increased, as the public became ae mittei l with their value, until, for monthstognter have been unable to supply.the demand, w t oi l have repeatedly enlarged our factory lied. ings until they now cover over three i t " ground, and give accommodation to note th ey eight hundred workmen. We are fully justified in Etatingthateet4 Make more than half of all O w sold in the United States. The different grades are distiNui3hedhe following trade marks engraved on the Ike; I.—" American Watch Co ," WedharaSlas, 2.—" Appleton, Tracy &Co," Walthsai,k, 3.—" P. S. Bartlett,,, Waltham, Mess. 4.—" Wm. EllerY," 5.--Our Ladies' Watch of first quality i sm , med "Appleton, Tracy & Co., Walthar, Mass. 6.—Our next quality of Ladiet' Watch. med " P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mu. These watches are furnished in a pain. riety of aizes and styles of cases. The American Watch Co. of lValtham,lhE authorize us to state that without dutintut of trade marks or price, All the Products of their Factory sre FULLY WARRANTED to be the best timekeepers of their clan ern made in this or any other country. p ure , should remember that, unlike the gamuts of a foreign maker who can never be reach; this warrantee is goad at all times aganutth Company or their agents, and that if, efterth most thorough trial, any watch eltoula rah defective in any particular, it may altraye exchanged for another. As the America Watches made at Waltham,are focsale by dal. ers generally throughout the country, IQ dt not solicit orders for single watches. CA urroa.—The public art cautioned tabs. only of respectable dealers. All perioni eta. ing counterfeits will be prosecuted. ROBBINS'S - APPLETOX, Agents for the American Watch Com IS2 Broadway, N. Y. pat $25! THE 8251 Nn ion Nosiness Qr,-hilt, Handel & Haydn Silt and Spring Ganicn PHILADELPHIA. THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. :4., PRESIDENT AND CONSULTING ACM:MU, ZxthaoHlymili laticeofs, Novel and Permanent Arrangturnt of BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, Prom April 1, to Oetober AND SUCCEEDING YEARS. Lt FE SCHOLARSHIPS including Ilaokkeepin Business Correspondence, Farms :111 torts, Commercial Arithmetic, liteineePe• manship, Detecting Counterfeit Munepta: Commercial Law, - TWENTY-FIVE DOLLALS. Scholarships, including the same W1;0 1 ! above, Time limited to Three illentlit, TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship, Three Months, Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3015 The saving of Coal and Gas in the Sartor months is an advantage of such imporbeag enables the management of this Meg 1 , make a considerable reduction in the Soma rates from October 1; 1566 to April I, S; wad succeeding years, as Wort Life Scholarships, Scholarships, 3 months, POhmanshi 3 months Penmanship p, and Arith ' inetic, 3 monlll3, Special Terms for Clubs, Suldiers and Sons of Ministers and Teachers• Day and Evening Insturction for sexes and all ages, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping.ft: manship, Pen Drawing, ph o nography, I.t metic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geonaetrh lytical Geometry, the Calculus, Ner4o6' Surveying, Engineering, Gauging, Mechanical Drawing, CommerendlT, 411 man, Telegraphing, and the English IN' at moderate prices. Endorsed by the public as the inotoca r ! ful Business College of the country, 8316 e. denced by the fact, that roue HUNDRED AND TWO STUnr .).T' have entered in the . . FIRST SIX MONTHS OF ITS EsorE° PRINCIPALS OF DEPAIMII:P THOMAS MAY PEIRCE. 1 1, 1 GEORGE B. SNYDER J R. S. 11.11 0 '' C. N. FARR, Jn., .T. RES O OS HENRY KEIM, A. E. ROGERS , [ A. Supported by an able corps of AssUtdo Calior send for a catalogue, College Ou' f ' cy, and Peirce's practical Eilaotor.o OFFCE-531 NORTH EIGHTII STR THOMAS M. PEI RCE ' April 14, 1866. :3(34Ni* • IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS . JUST RECEIVED a SPANGLER 8, 7 fa elt -N 0 - 66 Market Street, .211 - arieti t Y ' From the great manufacturerssal es,aidcb* are selling below City wholesale PO' Cloths Moussovi,elcienne n t lo wer d er e othertt agn t y s iV e e S s , 44 0 AS LOW a s BEFORE the RELl'ld' Caliccie ,0 AT In CENTS AND DPW Altv• Mullins, Cheeks and Tiding s . Grey and White Blankets. eks) THAN HALF THEIRVAI"IO Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Csrpels, and Table Oil Cloths, t.c. 1 , 0 Groceries of all ;rinds: Sugar* Sy to.f g. Coffces,F ll :t ees e 1--la3ag 3-.0- ' 5. ERSONS IN MA.RIETT A doe3!L` go P l l Bells or Gongs put up, can In l promptly and, at very reasonscble rated 1, 9 rng A pill 28-Iml -°/um 20 I :,\"fßed'iu.GO,Ve s fe ß r O sV l a L Pll T. F __
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers