The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 12, 1866, Image 1

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Iliprosife Diffenbach?and two doors
West 0"/ the Golden• Mortar
Drug Store,Market-st.,
pigs leave to announce to the Ladies at the
B o rough of Marietta and vicinity, that she
he just opened an entire new stock of,
embracing all the Novelties of the' Season,
among which wit/ be found
plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet
/ribbons, Gimps, Cords and Tassels,
and Buttons in endless variety,
Hosiery and Gloves, Linen & Emb'd Collars,
Zephyr Shawls, Plain & Emb'd H'dkth,
Open Caps, Silk & Zephyr Scarfs,
Suspendere, Germantown Wool,
Twilight', Breakfast Coneys,
Braids and Shetland Wool,
Bindings, Zephyr Yarn,
Corsets, Belting, Edging, Ruffling,
Embroidery, Fancy Soaps, &c.
Particular attention has been paid to the se
lacing of small wares, such ac Sewing Silk,
Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks
and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c.
Er The public are particularly requested to
coil end examine for themselves.
rp Mrs. R. is agent for the sale of the cel
ebrated Singer "A" Family Sewing Machines
whiehktook the first premium at the late New
York State Fair. She will also instruct per
sona purchasing from her, how to work the
airline. (9-tf
Dr. Henry Landis
Dr. Henry Landis
At the "Golden Mortar,"
At the "Golden Mortar,".
Market Street, Marietta,
Market Street, Marietta,
Keep constantly on hana
Keep constantly on hand
Fancy Articles,
Patent Medicines,
Coal Oil Lamps and Shades,
Howe & Stevens Family Dye Colors,
Shoulder Braces and Trusses,
Papers sod Periodicals,
Books& Stationary;
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Prescriptions carefully compounded, .
Remember the place,.
Remember the place, -
Dr. Grove's old Stand.
Dr. Grove's old Stand.
Give us a call.
Give us a call.
For Subscribers to the
1111Krieg!) stafesion,
A National Weekly Family Journal
The following ap/endid prizes are sent to clubs:
For every club of forty subscribers a Whee
ler ir. Wilson best $55, Sewing Machine, with
two extra copies to the getter up of the club.
For every club of twenty, and less than 40
subscribers, we will allow $1:25 for each sub
scriber on the price of said machine.
For every club of six, a splendid steel en
graving of President A. Lincoln, full length,
Andrew Johnson, Gen. Grant, or Sherman,on
boneblack, worth 83 each, with an extra copy
to the getter up of the club.
For every club
.of three, one of those splen
did steel engravings of the Union series of
CeePtising Presidents Johnson and Lincoln,
Liest-Gen. Grant, Gene. Sherman, Sheridan,
Noma McClellan, Fremont, Admirals Far-
Nut and Porter, and George and Martha
Washington, each 19x24 inches, worth $2.
4These splendid fortlaits -should adorn
every parlor.
The Statesman is the largest, cheapest and
hest family paper published, suited for every
fr ee 3 Y. Try it once and you will never be
without it. Bend for copies and get up your
clubs. Address,
67 Nassau-st.. NeW-Yerk.
l eeeall 13-6 m. I
rut LADY'S raxertn—devoted to FASH
ION and LITERATURE.' Beautiful Steel
ORED PAIDION PLATES. The Latest patterns
of Dresses, Cloaks, Bonnets t Embroidery &c.,
11°131 e&old receipts, Music, &c. Wheeler &
Wilionla Sewing Machines given as premiums.
Send 15 cents for a sample copy to DEACON
al P ETERSON, 319 Walnut-at., Philadelphia
CE t--No. 24 Noavw Buzz STUB,
91 1 01ita the Court House, 'where he will at
v& In the practice of his pkofession in all its
rions brands'.
SPlnglar & Patterson's &tore.
OM 7 TO 8 A. M.
I 1 so 2.
" 6TO 7 r. M.
41 520 Arch st., Philadelphia
.VN7 'T C:3 - 1-1 3EI ,
at Reduce
frol PAINTING of ever
.c d pricm pm
u, n eeutet! with neatness sod dispatch at the
c I'vfariet Tian .
TIIS Va.:Tit:Jaw
Office in " larrnsey's BraLDING," second
floor, on Elbow Lane, between the Post
Office Corner and Ikont-St., Marietta.
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (10
lines, or less) 75 cents for the first insertion and
One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro
fessional and Business cat ds, of six lines or less
at 36 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, ten cents a-line. 'Haulages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any
additional lines, ten cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly a nd half
yearly advertisers.
Having just added a " NEweunv blocs/-
FAIN JOBBER PRESS," together with a large
assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of " THE
MARIETTIAN," which Will insure the fne and
speedy execution of all kinds of JOH & CARD
PRINTING, from the smallest Card to the
LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices.
From the Chester Valley Union
" I would I were en helms, me,
"0, don't you wish it too 7"
Said little Ella Summerfield,
Whose eyes of earnest blue,
Resembled those bright violets
That from the moss bank peep,
When Spring is waking up her flowers,
From out their winter sleep.
'Twould be so fine, mamma, you know
To dwell in mansions fair,
To have no wish ungratified,
No sorrow and no care ;
To wander all day long thro' groves
With Summer verdure bright,
And then repose on velvet beds,
When darkness robes the night."
"You have your wish, my darling child,"
The mother mild, replied,
As she drew her loved one to her arms,
Then placed her by her side.
"You have a goodly heritage
Beyond the swelling flood.
A glorious mansion purchased thee,
With your Redeemer's blood.'
"Across the broad, blue ocean, ma,
In England's fairy clime
Where many a towered castle stands
Reared in the olden time ;
With battlements and turrets grand,
And proud ancestral halls
With statued niche's and marble fountB.
And pictured covered walla.
' , With groves and trees, and bowers, ma,
And gently sloping lawns,
Where roves the stately antlered deer
And sports the spotted fawns ;
A garden graced with fairest flowers,
And fruit of every clime,
-Oh 'twould be joy indeed, mamma,
If such a home were mine."
" My daughter, far above the skies,
A richer mansion -stands,
Than e'er was made by man's device,
Or fashioned by his hands ;
No morning joy high o'er the walls
Of jasper finds its way, I
Time cannot blacken gates of pearl,
Nor mark them with' decay."
The light of glory never yields
To night the shortest reign—
Perenial flowers their sweets diffuse
Throughout the verdant plain!
Then, daughter, turn thee to the truth—
Earth's joys ate fraught with strife,
An heiress of the skies thou art
Inheritrix of heaven.
A WORD FOR WIVES.-" Little wives !
if ever a half suppressed sigh finds place
with you, or , a half-unloving word es
capes you to the husband whom you love,
let your heart go back to some tender
word in those first love days; remember
how you loved him then, how tenderly
he wooed you, how timidly yon respond.
ed ; and if you can feel that you have
I not grown unworthy, trust him for the
same fond love now. If you do feel that
through many cares and trials of life
you have become less loveabla and at
tractive than you were, turn—by all that
you love on earth, or hope for in heaven
—turn back, and be tie pattern of love
liness that won him ; be the dear one'
your attractions made you then. Be the
gentle, loving, winning .maiden still ;
and doubt not, the lover you admired
will live forever in your husband. Nestle
by his side, cling to his love, and let hie
confidence in you never fail ; and my
word for it, the husband will be dearer
than gee lover ever was. Above all
things, do not forget the love he gave
you first. Do not seek to "'emancipate'
yourself—do not strive to unsex yourself,
and become a Lucy Stone, or a Rev.
Miss Brown ; but love the higher, honor
ordained .by our Savior of old—that of a
loving wife . . A happy wife, a blessed
mother, can have no higher station,
needs do greater honor."
gOtytnVeut Vonsitiania ggurnal fax le one itirrit.
The Lay-Preacher.
" Let the floods clap their hands, let the hills
be joyful together."
Again to the broad earth spring has
returned with her story old as creation,
yet ever new, ever beautiful, ever wel
come. The floods have shattered their
crystal fastnesses and clap their hands
in triumph at their release, and the hills
are joyful bearing up their emerald vest
ments into the glad sunshine and the
genial air.
The violet long since raised its modest
head among the early flowers, and the
trees bear up rejoicing their choirs of
wild-wood minstrels that wake the morn
ing and bid farewell to day's departing
The sea, with all its grand, solemn as
sociations, heaves more gently beneath
spring's softened skies, and the few flow
ers that love its salt baptism, have wak
ened from their long and deathlike
Already the sower has scattered his
seed upon the waiting earth, and the
warm sunshine and the gentle rains have
quickeneil them, and in due time the
"ear and the full corn in the ear" will
gladden the heart of the reaper. So the
promise made of old that the spring
time shall not fail has been already re
To the untried and the unhardened
heart that looks out through appreciat
ing eyes at the unfolding beauties of the
season, how many new hopes are kindled
and fading ones restored I how all things
unite in the exuberance of life! how
brilliant and varied are the hues that
deck the wide landscape ! how the birds
utter the surging melodies of the happy
spirit and send them out and upward on
the passing winds, and how these winds
seem bat the whisperings of the angels,
rejoicing with us at the advent of anoth
er spring.
If to other eyes this beauty and glory
are dimned, if to other ears the birds'
sweet strains recall sad memories and
regrets, if the wounded and troubled
heart casts its own shadow over the
springtime brightness, there remains
still the duty full of solace of grateful
submission, of cheerful acquiescence to
Him whose loving' care has chastened
but to heal. Oh, let not such close their
eyes to the crowding testimonies of a
Father's love, shown in all outward
things as well as in the recess of the
If there-were no sorrow for the loyal
and lost, if the heart never ached unto
breaking over the moral death of these
once pure and good, if disappointments
never clouded or extinguished our dear
est hopes, then earth would be too fair
for those born to die, the present too
precious for the far unknown.
While these earthly,trials should wean
us from a too ardent love of life, they
should not dim our vision to God's mes
sage of hope and tender care written all
over the universe in letters of light and
beauty. Let none close the spirit to
the constant inflowing of soothing influ
ences. Our joys and griefs are for a day,
God labors for, eternity, -and none can
sinlessly disregard his gifts.
Welcome then, all that is glad and ,
beautiful in our daily paths, welcome it
at the outpouring of a Father's love,
welcome it as a heavenly minister of
consolation where grief bas sent its des
olating stream.
The little wayside bloseom, bathed in
dew, warmed by the sunshine, rooked by
the breeze, utters its voiceless testimony
unto Him who rules on earth as in heav
en ; and'shall man, to whom praise and
prayer are permitted, be silent, shall
the noblest voice of all forget its prerog
ative, and be still amid the general
awakening of praise ?
No ! with the streams that clap their
hands, and with the hills that are joyful
together, let man rise above hie sorrows
and cares, wipe the mist from his eyes,
open his ears that be - may hear, and be
one of the vast company that praise,
day and night, God, '
who sitteth upon
his throne and raleth in love and mercy
forever and ever.
eir Mrs. Smikes says the reason chil
dren are so had this generation is owing
to the wearing of gaiter shoes, instead
of the old fashioned slippers. Mothers
find it too much trouble to untie gaiters
to whip children, so they go unpunish
ed ; but when she was a child, the way
the old slipper used to do its duty was a
Aurae marriage the heart of .a widow
is like a furnished apartment, where' one
is ;pt.' to find something left there by a
former lodger.
In the Mind
An old man was shaving himself one
day before the fire, but suddenly ex
claimed In a great rage to the maid-ser
vant : " I can't shave without a glass
why brit not here ?" "Oh !" said she,
"I have not placed it there for many
weeks, as yon seemed to get along quite
as well without it." The crusty old
bachelor ( of course he was an old bach
elor, or he would not have been so
crotchety and crusty) had, for the first
time, observed that there was no glass
there, and his inability to shave without
one was "in the mind" only, it was im
A Dutch farther, who measured a yard
through, was one day working in the
harvest-field with his little son, and was
bitten by a snake. He was horror
struck. When he recovered himself a
little, he snatched up his outer clothing,
and made tracks for home, at the same
time busying himself in putting on his
vest; bat it would not go on. He look
ed at his arm, and it seemed to be double
its natural size ; but tugging at it with
great desperation, he finally got both
arms in. But his blood fairly froze in
his veins when be discovered it wouldn't
meet by about a foot. By this time he
had reached his house, and throwing
himself on the bed, exclaimed in an
agony of terror: ''o mine frow ! Pm
snake bite
_! I'm killed 1 0 mine Cot I"
But his little bit of a wife, standing a
kimbo in the middle of the floor, burst
into a fit of laughter so uncontrollable,
that she was likely to suffocate, and
thus beat her husband in dying. The
poor man, in his alarm, had endeavored
to put on hie little boy's vest, and was
not swollen at all, except " in the mind."
Many a mother feels fretted and jad
ed and worn out with the cares of house.
keeping and ie almost sick. But at the
moment a wejeome visitor comes in, full
of life and cordiality and cheeriness, and
in less than five minutes that mother is a
different woman; the sky has cleared;
the face is lighted up with smiles ; and
she feels as well as she ever did in her
life. Her discouragement, her almost
sickness was not " in the mind," it was
a reality, but, the excitement of conver
sation drove out the wearying •blood,
which was oppressing the heart, and
wade it fairly tingle to the finger points.
Mem. Ladies when you go a visiting,
carry smiles and gladness and a joyous
nature and a kind heart with you, and
you will do more good than a dozen doc
tors. Most persons have a variety of
uncomfortable feelings at times, but
they - disappear on some exciting occur
rence, not because they are merely "in
the mind," only imaginary, but because
the excited heart wakes up to a new pro
pulsive-power, and drives forward the
stagnating blood from points where its
sluggishness was producing oppression
or actual pain. Mew. 2. For all, when
you are grumpy, bounce up, go ahead,
and do something.—. Dr. Ball.
OLD AND NEW.—"Wbat do the Arabs
of the desert live on, pa ?" asked a rogu
ish girl of her father. " Fudge, Nelly,
that's an old conundrum. They live on
the sand which is (sandwiches) there."
"Yes, but pa, bow do they get 'em ?"
" Well, really, Nelly, you hate me there.
I give it up." "Why, pa, you know that
the 'sons of Ham tire bred and mustered
in the wilderness ?" "Come, come, my
daughter, that is•too killing ; don't say
another word." "Oh, yes, do tell me
what they eat on their sandwiches ?"
" Eat on 'em ; why what do they eat on
'em ?" " Butter, to be sure." " Butter !
How do they get their butter ?" " Why
you know, pa, that when Lot's wife was
turned into a pillar dealt, ' all the fam.
ily but her ran into the wilderness.' "
ar A family remedy, "Coe's Cough
Balsam." These have become house
hold words with very many families, and
the merits of`the article justly entitle it
to our confidence and patronage. The
originator does not claim to be a physi
ciao, but has evidently hit upon a pre
scription that meets the wants of a large
class of sufferers. Some are testifying
that it has actually cured them of con
sumption. It is no doubt the consump
tive's best friend, while for coughs,
hoarseness, and kindred• troubles; we
think it has no equal. We predict for
it a world-wide repittatton and extensive
er A writer in the Western Recor
der says.: " In a Southern State, I learn
that -there is one preacher who has
charger of foto-churches, edits a newspa
per, is ,President of a -Female. Colltge,
runs several peddler wagons, keeps up a
farm, and owns several patent . rights
which he farms out."
Social Importance of the Fireside.
The fireside is a seminary of infinite
importance. It is important because it
is universal, and because the education
it bestows, being woven in with the
woof of childhoOd, gives form and - color
to the whole texture of life.' There are
few who can receive the honors of a
college, but all are graduates of the
hearth. The learning of the university
may fade from the recollection, its clas
sic lore may moulder in the halls of
memory; but the simple lessons of home
enamelled upon the heart of childhood,
defy the rust of years, and outlive the
more mature but less vivid picture of
after years. So deep, so lasting, indeed,
are the impressions of early life, that
you often see a man in the imbecility of
age holding fresh in his recollection the
events of childhood, while all the wide
space between that and the present hour
is a blasted and forgotten waste. Yon
have perchance seen an old and half-ob
litisrated portrait, and in the attempt to
have it cleaned and restored you may
have seen it fade away, while a brighter
and Moro perfect picture, painted be
neath is revealed to view. This portrait,
first drawn upon the canvass, is no inapt
illustration of youth ; and though it may
be concealed by some after design, still
the original traits will shine through the
outward picture,, giving it tone while
fresh, and surviving it in decay. Such
is the fireside—the great institution of
Providence for the education of man.
tleman of this city, says a Boston paper,
who had determined to retire from the
cares of business, and indulge himself in
the mania for amateur farming, had a
very attractive estate—on paper—pre
sented to his notice by a broker. There
was the usual "substantial dwelling
house, large barn and outbuildings, un
failing spring of water, thrifty fruit trees,
rich pasture and arable grounds," &c.,
situated, of course, "in the immediate
vicinity of school houses, churches, and
advantages of civilization." The mer
chant was charmed with the description,
and was on the point of purchasing, when
he happened to meet an old farmer ao
quaintance, who, he suddenly remember
ed, lived in the neighborhood of his
contemplated investment. After the
usual inquiries on the merchant's part
in regard to weather, prospect of crops,
&c., and on the farmer's as to the proper
method of disposing of the "coopoons"
on some government bonds, the former
asked :
" Do you know G—'s place up your
way ?"
" Know . it I Yaae, guess I do,; lives
'thin two miles o' my place. Dreffie
shiftless critter, tho' ; hadn't got much
of anything on his farm except a heavy
mortgage, Goia' to sell him out putty
500n,.1 guess."
"Indeed l" said the werehant,thought
fupy ; "mismanaged, I suppose—don't
attend to his business. Splendid piece
of laud, though, is it not?"
"Waal, might be for some , purposes;
our s'lectmen did think of buying it once
for a cemetery, but the idle was so orful
poor and sandy that nothing ever came
up that was planted in it, and they were
afraid there'd never be any resurrection
there !"
THE PEESENT..--801118 people are al
ways wishing themselves somewhere but
where they are, or thinking of something
else than what they are doing, or of
somebody else to whom they are speak
ing. This is the way to enjoy nothing
well, and to please nobody. It is better
to be interested with the best. A prin
cipal cause of this indifference is the
adoption of other people's tastes to the
cultivation. of our own, the pursuit after
that for which we are not fitted, and to
which, conieqaently, we are not in reali
ty inclined. This folly pervades more
or less all classes, and arises from the
error of building our enjoyment on the
false foundation of the world's opinion,
instead of being, with due regard to
others, each oar own world. '
air That was good advice given by
the President of a State Agricultural
Society, on presenting a silver cup to a
young man who had won the first prize
at a plowing match: " Take this cup,
my 'young friend, and remember always
to plow deep aid' drink shallow." '
ear Two young men in Troy, N. Y.,
went t 6 serenade a lady of their acquaint
ance one night last week, and had just'
commenced singing "Oft in the Stilly
Night," when the lady's fathdr raised
the - saga, and threw hot water upon tkem .
"Slumber's chains" didn't "bind
to the spot any longer.
VOL. XII.--NO. 40.
A Racy Description.
From a treatise on Races, by Griswold
( the Fat Contributor,) we quote a pare -
graph or two :
" I fatter myself that I know some
thing about the horse race. I had a
passion for horse racing when a lad, and
used to run horses with a neighbor's boy
in Tompkin's lane. How vividly do I
recall my last race. I rode the govern
or's grass fad mare, a sorrel roan, if
remember correctly, with two white lest
in the forehead. She was a little found
ered in one eye, bat, with the exception
of something like a watermelon on each
knee, her intellect was unimpaired. 81)4)
was sired by Canal Horse, and d—d by
every one who drove her. Neighbor'
boy rode a cream-colored chestnut, with
a spring halt to harness. On the home
stretch I was a neck and half a shoulder
blade behind, gently encouraging the old
mare to do her-level best by the appli
cation of a corn cutter to her aged ribs.
The limp which she had in her eye pre
vented her taking a clear view of a heap
of cobble stones in the lane, and when
she struck them there was a stumble, a
clatter of stones, horse-shoes and old
bones, and the old mare was wrecked
and no insurance.
" I was picked up bleeding and linens.
ible, and I made the remainder of th
home-stretch on a stretcher, coming in
under one blanket. The race was deci
ded in my favor. The judges allowed.
although I was a neck behind when the
old mare stumbled, yet, as I escaped
without my neck being broken, I came
out a neck ahead,"
HOARDING COIN.-A woman died in
Chester county, recently, leaving behind
her eight hundred and twenty-nine dol
lars in coin—nearly all of it in silver ha i
dollars, the rest in gold. It was found
in two parcels after death, locked up in
her bureau. She was a single woman,
quite penurious in her habits, and lived
entirely alone on a small lot inherited
from her mother. The money was tak
en to West Chester last week and sold
for the benefit of her estate and sold at
the current market rates. This money
was the accumulation of thirty or forty
years, and it is noteworthy that not a
singlecoin was counterfeit. There were
also about one hundred and fifty pennies
—some of them perhaps will be interest
ing to the curious. Living alone as she
did, unprotected, adjacant to a woods,
and frequently absent from home, her
humble cabin never tempted to violence
or outlawry. She died at the house of
a relative, where she was taken sick
while on a visit, her treasure having had
no one to guard it. She made no dis
closure of the money, and it was only on
an examination of her effects it was
i A white man in St. Louis became
enraged at a negro the other day, and
was about to strike him with a brickbat,
when the colored man fell back on re
served rights ;—" Look here, white man,
don't you strike me wid dat ar rock ;
don't you do it, ear. I'd have you know
dat when you strikes me you strikes a
art Little three year old Jennie was
playing very roughly with her kitten,
carrying it by the tail. Her, mother
told her that she would hurt pussy.
" Why, no, I won't," said she ;
carrying it by the handle!"
sar A would-be-prophet, down South,
lately said, in one of his sermons, that
"he was sent to redeem the world and
all things."—Whereupon a native pulled
out a Confederate shin-plaster and •ask.
ed him to fork over the specie for it.
or Lucy Stone says :—" The cradle
is a woman's," Then we've
knoWn some unlawful voting, where two
ballots were deposited at a time.
Er It ie a great comfort to a man
with but a dollar in his pocket to know
that if he cannot invest in five -twenties
he can in twenty-fives.
gigs It is said that a lady, on putting
on her corsets is like a man who drinks
to drown his grief, because in so-faring
herself she is getting tight.
er Why cannot a deaf man be legal•
ly convicted of crime ? Because it is
not lawful to condemn a man without a
enWanted, the receipt which is giv
en when a gentleman " pays his re,
Or The largest almshouse in the
world—the Freedman's Bureau.
reir A tar that eougretuunen wirer
inflict upon na.—Syntax.