The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 05, 1866, Image 4
Great Sale of Watches, Jewelry AND SILVER WARE! One Million Dollars worth to be DISPOSED AT ONE DOLLAR EACH WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE! Not to be paid for until you know wha you are to receive BY A. H. BO WEN & CO. ) AGENTS FOR THE MANUFACTURERS, NO. 36 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK 113" Read the following List of Articles tom be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH! 20 Gold Hunting Cases Watches 200 Gold Watches, various styles 200 Ladies , Gold Watches 200 Silver Hunting Case Lever Watches 300 Silver Hunting Case Lepine Watches 300 Gold Composite Hunt ing Watches 300 Music Boxes,Shell and Rosewood Cases 200 Elegant Silver Plated Coffee and Tea Urns 1,000 Elegant Silver Plated Castor Stands 1,000 Elegant Silver Plated Fruit and Cake Baskets 1,000 Elegant Salver Plated Butter Dishes 1,000 Elegant Silver Plated Ice Pitchers 1.500 Silver Plated Salt Stands 2,500 Silver Plated Goblets, Engraved and Plain 3,000 Silver Plated Cups, Gold lined and engraved 1,000 Silver Plated Bella 3,00 . 6 Seta Silver Plated Ta ble Forks, doz. 5,000 Pair Silver Plated Ta ble Spoons 10,000 Sets Silver Plated Tea Spoons, doz. 2,000 Pair Silver Plated But ter Knives .5,000 Silver Plated Napkin Rings, very handsome 2,000 California Diamond Cluster Sets Ladies' jew elry 1,000 Bram Dian Pebbles, Sets Ladies' Jewelry 7,000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, assorted 6,000 Pair Crystal Pendant Ear Drops 3,000 Miniature and Enam eled Revolving Pins 3,000 Enameled and Pearl Broaches,veryhandsome 2,000 Ladies' California Dia mond Cluster Pins 2,000 Gents' California Dia mond Pins 2,000 Gents' Pins, set with one stone or brilliant 5,000 Gents' Scarf Pins, as sorted styles 3,000 Oval Band Bracelets, finely chased 6,000 Pair Gents Sleeve But tons, new and rich styles 5,000 Pair Ladies' Sleeve Buttons 1,000 Pair Coin Silver Sleeve Buttons 2,000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry coin silver neat].) en. graved 2,000 Silver Chains 5,000 Cal. Diamond Cluster rings 3.000 Seal Rings 3,000 Gold , Thimbles, Pen cils, &c. 10,009 Gold Lockets, richly engraved 6;000 Plalh and Chased gold Rings 10,000 shield and signet rings 4,400 Belt Buckles, Gold jet and'Gold and Vulcanite 2,600 Gold Lockets, engrav ed backs, watch face 3,000 Large, new style rings, set with brilliants 2,000 Ladies' Chatelaine chabiliand Pins 2,500 Genie' Heavy Guard Chains 7,800 Gents' Vest Chains, large assortment 1,000 Splendid Steel Engra vings 1,000 Elegant Bronze Man tel Clocks 10,000 Gold'Pens Silver Ex. tension holder Sr_pencil 10,000 Gold Pens, & Silver mounted ationy holners ' .5,000 Gold Pens and ' Gold Extension Holders 2.000 Ebony Gold mounted Spiral Pencils 6 to 10 Each and every article in the above List is represented by a certificate. These are plac ed in similar envelopes and sealed. Any per son obtaining a certificate, to be had at our office, or sent by mail to any address will know what they may have for One Dollar. We charge for sending Certificates, paying postage and doing the business, 25 cents each Five will be sent for $l,OO ; Eleven for 02.00 ; Thirty for $5.00; Sixty-five for $10.000; and One Hundred for $15.00. Any person receiving a Certificate for an article they may not desire, can exchange for any other article in our List of the same val ue. By this method we arc enabled to furnish the public with selections from a rich and va ried stock of goods at a nominal price, while all have a chance for securing articles of the very highest value. We warrant every ar ticle as represeated or money refunded. -We solicit parties who have been unfairly dealt with by imitators to give us a fair trial before passing judgement. AGENTS.—Liberal Commission and val uable Premiums, consisting of Watches, etc., given to Agents. Address all orders to A. H. ROWEN & Co., . P. 0. Box 4270, New York.. B.ik H. T. ANTHONY fk CO., Zinfacturors of Photographii Materials, WDOLINALII ♦ND AN/All. 501 BROADWAY, N.-Y. adawfon to oar main badmen of PHOTOGRAPRIG otAe WERIALS, we are headquarters for tbm following, via.: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Of thee. we have ow Lemons wworttaent, ineladthir VIEWS OF TEINWAR, Medea at greet expense met forming a complete ramoomapine HUITOltlr Or ISEtli WILT IMION Gomm 31111 Run, Dutch Sap, Yorktown, Pontoon Trains. fiettYaburgh, Hanover Junction. Fair Oaks, Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, Chickahominy, Prededokeburgh, City Point. Fairfax, *auk - villa, -• Richmond, Peteribursh, Deep Bottom; Belle Plain, Monitors, • Chattanooga, .7.; Fort Morgan, Atlanta. '' Charleston, Mobile, Florida.. A Strawberry Plains, - de. /to. amyl= and Aerate Mee sad Landsesper, Groupe, Stelae ry, at, ha Also. Rovolving Stersofeopoo, for pub& or private onlillation• Oar Catalopewill be seat le any Marta on rseelpt Photographic hams. We win the Grit to intrOdiimitheso Into the United Mateo and wo manufacture hoinanee pointless in gnat variety, rang I. In price from SO rents to $5O. Otor'ALBUIIII have theo. seam of Wog Stifitier,in boooty,aad darobtlOT to any other. rep Taw will be eenaby inah;TRZR oa receipt of peen _Flirsrsta aninnia maim TO 0511111L.a. - The Trade will find our Albums the most Saleable they can bay. . • CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Oat Calelopo new arobrecoa ever P.m Tamura afferent aabjeeµ ( b which additions are contineally being made) of Kroh P•aAMMOIIIIKia, oliout moi.sool, 100 Ltent-Colo. 650 Statesman, 1110 Stir - Mother Oaken, iao mum. mer i c., 44 - • if Va . Otlicors, 115 Author,: Pemnineat Woman. • • A,OOO of Woria of Asa, • ippippaappwrit_ihe edebratal Sasanne. Gatalopass sent on receipt of SUMP. An gem ter Das Dam Xictorecfrom our Oshawa., whit fig ped en receipt mid Nest by wait ram Peeend oth..osdarinis goods O. 0. D., will please midi ewe .are mime of Shet with their errata farThefikes and rift! of or amm *PM*: CLICIICE Lot fief Books for children called • indottractable Plemnre Bo(klia ; School and 'spar Book., Stationiiii; Pena, Pen-- boldere, c, at ' DR.L;AN DIti M.l 3D HISTORY OF THE GREAT REBELLION! SHE lite rebellion stands out peculiar and extraordinary in human events; and the magnificent scale upon which the war has Dees. conducted, constitute it one of the grand est and most brilliant chapters of the world's histm y. Mr. Headley, of all writers, is perhaps best qualified to portray the the stupendous feat ures of the mighty contest. His previous works on less momentous themes have placed him in the first position, as a graphic and pow erfui de/eniator of war scenes and characters, and the magnitude and grandeur of the pres ent subject, impart to his pen the fire and vi gor of a yet more exacted inspiration, and fur nish ample scope for the highest exhibition of his peculiar genius for military description. Under his powerful pen the stirring scenes of the War pass in review with the vividness and distinctness of a present and living reality; while his great talent for condensation ena bles him to embody everything of importance in a compass just suited to the public want. From no other source can so clear and com prehensive an impression of the grand march of events be obtained, so easily and agreeably as from Mr. Headley's work. Other histories have been issued before Grant's Report and other official documents were submitted to the government, and there fore unreliable. bin Headley has delayed the completion of this till those documents so es sential to authenticity and correctness could be obtained. $lOO to 125 75 to 100 60 35 to 60 35 to 55 25 to 50 20 to 76 30 to 50 20 to 20 to 15 to 20 to The second volume, completing this work, will be issued it March, 1866. Agents wan ted to engage in its sale in every town and county in the United States. Liberal induce ments offered. For particulars apply to or ad dress AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., No. 148 Asylum-st., Hartford, Conn. Scranton 6- Burr, Agents. 8 to +5 to 10 to 6 to 10 to ISIVE LAIEP HEATING APPARATUSF. 5 to Boiling—Frying—Stewing—Steeping-- 8 to WITH THE FLAME THAT LIGHTEITHE BOOM. * * * By the dame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. * * —N. Y. Tribune. 5 to 5 to * • • Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment • convenient to have on hand. • * Drug gist's Circular. * • • Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, * * the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heating and cooking small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on the ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers. „ * Scientific American. * • * For family use, hospital tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is an article of comfort beyond all propor tion to its cost. 4 ' Hall's Journal of Health. * * I have tried the ; apparatus, and my wife and I proclaim the same a most valu able and indispensable article, and we now wonder how we could have so long done with out it. * • Ed. Coal Oil Circular. 10 to 10 to 5 to S to 8 to 8 to 8 to 5 to 5 to 5 to * • An economical Contrivance for getting up heat at short notice for nursery and general household purposes, * * * one important point is the saving in cost over coal fires. * * * N. Y. Evening Post Prices from Two to Six Dollars. eapacttl! from One to Four Quarts. 10 to 5 to 5 to 8 to Three Articles Cooked at one time with one Burner. Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or Gas. A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty rages fur nished gratis. THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Price 50 Cents, _ To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, bywhich water may be boiled, and food cooked ; Also arranged to support a shade. Every Family needs one. - WM. D. RUSSELL. Agent. No. 206, Pearl St., New York. EP Agents Wanted. iEr Two of these Heating Lamps can be seen at John Spangler's Hardware. A NEW. IDEA li AND A GOOD ONE. 10 to 15 6 to 10 10 to 25 5 to 10 6 to 10 6 to 10 6 to 10 6 to 10 6 to 15 8. to 30 BLACKWELL & CO., GILSEY'S IRON BUILDING, 171 BROADWAY, New York, have commenced the business of taking SUBSCRIPTIONS to all the PRINCIPAL MAGAZINES and WEEK LY PAPERS, for SHORT PERIODS, (quarterly or half-yearly,) at the lowest 'early rates, offering a great advantage to lovers of literature, who may wish to take several pnblications paying but a little mo ney at a time. Full particulars in a circu lar sent on applicalion to any address. %* A GOOD AGENT WANTED in each town.— EP PO S T-MASTERS are requested to send for our circular containing induce ments. 8 to 28 12 to 30 5 to 85 5 to 10 26 to 60 4 to 8 6 to 8 15 to 25 BLACKWELL ac No. 171 Broadway, New-York. Deeemper 27, 1865.-391.] TO HOUSE-CLEANERS. _ 0 - • • • A new article in this market, and far superior to any other in use. A few reasons why : ' First.—They are free from twine, which is affected by the lime, and liable to rut, caus ing the falling out of the bristles. Second.—The bristles are inserted in the wood, or body of the brush, when green, which when dry, causes them to be held firmly in their place ; any subsequent soaking or shrink age falls to affect them. Third.—They are made of Bristles exclusive ly; many kinds being composed, in part, of whalebone. .Fourth.—They contain more bristles for the size, and are as cheap as the ordinary kind. Sold exclusively by JOHN SP.ANOLER, AT 1118 HARDWARE STORE• JOHN BELL. Merchant - Tailor, Cot. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta QRATEFUT. for past favors I would returr my thanks to my numerousfriends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSLVERES 4 VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the ahorte notice by the best of workmen, and on reasons ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wai upon my old customers and all who see proper ot patronize me hereafter. 0ct.29-,66. CONNECTICUT TOBACCO SEED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION! Fine Connecticut Tobacco Seed has jus been received at the Tobacco Warehouse o F. L. BRA UNS & CO., in this borough, which is now ready for FREE distribution to the To bacco Growers of this neighborhood. The object in thus distributing this excellent Seed is to encourage the raising of a better grade of Tobacco than has heretofore been grown in this vicinity. AN IMPROVED LANTERN. THIS is the most desirable Lantern:in the market. It burns Coal Oil without a Chimney, emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white light. It stands quick .motons in any direction. The flame is regulated from the outside. It is neat and compact in, form and size. It is free from solder in the upper parts, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. For sale at JOHN SPANGLER'S • Hardware Store, on Make: street. IFT °WARD ASSOCIATION. • PHILADELPHIA, PA, Domino of the Urinary and Sexual Systeme, —a new and reliable treatment. Also, the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of warning and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Alpines, DA. J. SICILLIZT HotroliTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth-st., 'Philadelphia, ' [ i'6s-ly. COLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS, ' • lloney, Clycerine, - Palm, "-Almond , Datliand Shaving SOAPS. Equal to any imported, Just received iind.for sale; very cheap nit , t THE GOLDZAT NOBTAR.- , L.'r'(aTliE MA_RIETTIA_NR--s-.) 'EUREKA! -0 The Drug Store opposite the Post Office, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR Drugs, Medicines, Stationary, &C., &C., &C., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. —ALSO— TOILET ARTICLES, Such as Perfumed Soaps, Hair Oils, Hair Dyes, Pomades, Tooth Soaps, Tooth Washes,Hair, Nail, Clothe and Tooth Brushes, of all descrip tions, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia for the Hair, and many other articles too tedious to mention Ladies and Genis Port Afonnaes, of every description. ' ALSO— All the most popular Patent Medicines NOW IN USE, SUER AB Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, Ex pectorant, and Yermifuge, Jayne's Pills and Carminitive Balsam t &c., Hostetter's Bitters, Hoffland's German Bitters, Swaim's Panacea, Worm Confections, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and in fact all the moat reliable Patent medicines now in use. , " Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chim neys, &c. Also, articles of nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Root, Tapioca, &c. Spices of all kinds; Cloves, Cinnemon, All spice, Mace, Black Pepper, African Cayenne Pepper, French Muster'', &c. Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia. Feed ing Cups for the Sick, Breast Pumps, Nipple Shields,Nursing Bottles, Self-injecting Sy ringes, Extracts for cooking, &c. Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts, also Aquariums. Arrangements have also been made with one of the best Aviarys in the State,to furnish Canary and Mocking Birds,&c. A lot of Family Dye colors, of every shade. Fresh and reliable Garden Seeds. A large assortment of Books and Stationary, . Everything in the Stationary way, such as Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other Quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, and an endless variety of fancy and useful articles, usually found at such establishments, but any article not on hand will be ordered at once. A new kind of playing cards, called "Union Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, &c. The Face cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, Kings and Jacks. This,is a beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign em blems and should be universally preferred. School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the School Stationary generally, and Bibles, &c. always on band. la- Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies received. Sheet Music of all kinds will be ordered with promptness and dispatch. Baying secured the services of Mr. CHAS. H. Bairrorr, an experienced and competent Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at all hours. The Doctor himself can be consul ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being very thankful to the public for the past patronage bestowed upon him, will try and endeavor to please all who may give him a call. F. HINKLE, M. D. Marietta, February 4, 1865-tf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL. COMPANY'S Cheap Fertilizers. THE FERTILIZERS prepared by the Ag ricultural Chemical Company, [ a com pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl vania with a capital of $250,000,] have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit Grower, of all concentrated ma nures now offered in any market. The Com pany's list embraces the following: TIABULETTE. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can disire. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re tain the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who have used it. (`COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This high ly phosphatic fertilizer, is particulurly adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Fruits, Lawns and Flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to se— cure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils. The formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients haVe re ceived the highest approval of eminent chem ists and • scientific agriculturists. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultu ral Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Limc in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very supe rior article is produced, so far as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that AN - value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. la- TERMS CAS/X.-All orders of a Ton, or more, will be delivered at the railroad stations and the wharves of shipment, free of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all orders of six barrels or less. One Dollar per Ton allow ance for cartage will be made on all.sales livered at the werks of the Company, on Ca nal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO.'S irVaults, At Canal Wharf, on the Delaware. Office, 4131 Arch St., Philaclophia, Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Agent. The Company's Phamphlet Circular, em bracing full directions for using the spoil Fertilizerment by mail free, when requeste. Q•TOVES ! STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! COOK STOVES, - • COOK STOVES, STOVES, AT JOHN SPANGLER'S• ===l PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT JOHN SiANGLzitl§. STOVES, STOrA'S' r -FULO4IN STOTTS, - 'FOR H.N.AirIVO TWO OR FOUR BOOMS WITH ONE FIRE-FOURTH ATIPPLY N 0 TV READY- P A Ie AND SEE THEM 4T J.B . pangler's ffardware and Stove, Store - Market Street, Marietta, Pa, T - RAUT' SWIM, 'Meat 'SWAN' Wine 111 gags Tuba, Buckets and , Cedar-ware. generally, militantly on hand at J. ;SPAIt44R'S.- THE PEOPLE'S NUSintS5 (TAllegt, READING, PA, 100,080 YOUNG WEN WANTED TO FILL GOOD AND LUCRATIVE POSITIONS. Before yousan expect to occupy a position you must be competent, and you can be made so by attending this College, which is the only BLUENESS COLLEGE in Pennsylvania,New Jersey, Delaware or Maryland, an larger than any other so-called Commercial or busi ness Institution in either of those States. The proprietors and teachers are practical business men, to which is added a large experience in Business Colleges, thus enabling them o furnish a more thorough and practical course than can be obtained elsewhere. TERMS, For Life Scholarship. - , $ 3 5 For " to disabled Soldiers. 20 For Blank Books ( 30 in number), 10 NOTE.—This. Life Scholarship is a certifi cate of membership and entitles the purchaser fa uniimited instruction an single and double entry book keeping and penmanship, with the privilege of reviewing at assyfuture time gratis. You are in fact a Life member. - Telegraphing is ten dollars and Phonogra phy (short hand) twenty dollars extra, but the student IS not compelled to study those branches. When two or more enter at the same time, a deduction of pry* nou.aas to each will be made. Thus the entire cost including Blank Books is only FORTY DOLLARS. We have no "Extras." Boarding is from four to four and a half dollari per week. THE COURSE Embraces a Preparatory, Theorrand Business Department. In the Preparatory Department he is instructed in Mathematics and the sim plest principles of Book Keeping, after which he is admitted into the Theory Department where he copiis from sets certain business transactions, each set representing a business, (stock and partnership) and each set involv ing the application pf one or more principles. Next, he is admitted into the Department of ACTUAL BUSINESS. Here the studeot applies practically what he has been taught theoretically. For a full ex planation of this Department send for a Col lege Paper which we will mail to your address free. Suffice it to say that the student begins business with a real CASH CAPITAL With which he buys and sells merchandise, pays taxes, deposits it in the hank f &c., &c. They discount notes, draw and accept drafts, make general and special indorsements, make out income reports, and in fact go through ev ery kind of business transaction, even to at taching internal revenue stamp. OUR ADVANTAGES The best course of instruction, and cheaper rates than any other college. Located in the beet railroad centre in the State, with experi enced teachers widely known in the business community, thus affording our graduates bet ter facilities fur seeking and obtaining employ ment. Ka' For specimens of Penmanship enclose two three cent postage stamps. College Rooms corner of North Fifth and Washington, and corner Fourth and Penn streets, Reading, Pa. Office in Washington street building. Ad dress JOHJ CLARK. j6m.l .READIAG, PA G RAND PRIZES For Subscribers to the aindiean sCate,ooan, A National Weekly Family Journal. AT 451:50 PER ANNUM. The following splendid prizes are sent to clubs: For every club of forty subscribers a Whee ler & Wilson best $55, Sewing Machine, with two extra copies to the getter up of the club. For every club of twenty, and less than 40 subscribers, we will allow $1:25 for each sub scriber on the price of said machine. For every club of six, a splendid steel en graving of President A. Lincoln, full length, Andrew Johnson, Gen. Grant, or Sherman,on horseback, worth $3 each, with an extra copy to the getter up of the club. For every club of three, one of those splen did steel engravings of the Union series of NATIONAL PORTRAITS Comprising Presidents Johnson and Lincoln, Lieut-Gen. Grant, Gens. Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas McClellan, Fremont, Admirals Far ragut and Poiter, and George and Martha Washington, each 19x24 inches, worth $2. lia'These splendid portraits should adorn every parlor. The Statesman is the largest, cheapest and best family paper published, suited for every family. Try it once and you 'will never be without it. Send for copies and get up your clubs. Address, AMERICAN STATESMAN, 67 Nassau-st., New-yerk. January 13-6m.1 THE BEST OF THE MONTHLIES THE LAM'S FRIEND--deVOIedIO FASH ION and LITERATURE. Beautiful Steel Engravings. SPLENDID DOUBLE-SIZED COL ORED FASHION PLATES. The Latest patterns of Dresses, Cloaks, Bonnets, Embroidery &c., Household receipts, Music, &c. Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines given as premiums. Send 15 cents for a sample copy to DEACON & PETERSON, 319 Walnut-st., Philadelphia DANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER. PA. OFFICE :—No. 24 NoBTH DUKE STREET opposite the Court House, where he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. DR. WM. B. FAHNESTOM, OFFICE:—MAIN-ST., NEARLY OPPOSITE Spangler & Patterson's Store. FROM 7 TO 8 A. M. OFFICE HOURS. 1 To 2. • " 6T07 Y. 311. aiHENRY HARPER; 520 Arch st., Philadelphia. 77V . C 3 FINE GOLD JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE AND SUPERIOR SILVER PLATED W4I4E, at Reduced prices. a Pm 71 UNA WAY, from the ptemises of the un dersigned, residing in Donegal township, air Indentured Apprentice to the Fanning bu siness, named FREDERICK THOMAS, col ored. All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as . I Will pay no debts of his contracting. J. C. W. REDSECKER. _ 1111 4480 N 4 HAWAII , Cahinet Orgalq, Forty different styles, adapted_to sacred and secular memo, for $BO to $6OO each. Firrir own Gold or Silver - Medals, or other first pre miums awarded 'them. Illustrated Cataloes sent`free. Address, MASON & RAMLIIi; Jog ton, or MASON BROTHEftS, New-Yo k, = BpptegOer 9, 1965-Iy.l ArTTENTION! SPORTSMEN ! I ea Gun Caps; Ekes Gun Wadds - Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck 13oWder BalttntOreShOt ; Shot Pouches, Powder Wails; sold 'at JOHN SPANG4EIit'S DR. HENRY LANDIS, Dr. Henry Landis Dr. Henry Landis At the "Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," Market Street, Marietta, Market St ree t, Marietta, Keep constantly on hana Keep constantly on hand Drugs, Perfumeries, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Howe & Steven's Family Dye Colors, Shoulder Braces and Trusses, Papers and Periodicals, Books & Stationary, Portmennaies, &gars, Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember the place, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr. Grove's old Stand. Give us a call. Give us a call. N EW SKIRT FOR 1866 I the ettetinbewlior t of Ho 'age I R HOOP SKIRTS. W.W.J. BRADLEM New Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Sprinq Skirt. THIS Invention consists.of Duplex (or two) Elliptic pure refined steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elas tic and durable spring ever used. They sel dom bend or break, like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to oc copy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing the du plex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses, ,aud young ladies they ar superier to all others. The hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all Single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, &c., &c., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are madebt the new and eegant corded tapes, and are the best quality inl every part giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS' BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietors of the invention, and Sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers, and 79 & 81 Reade streets, New York. For sale in all first-class stores in this City, and throughout the United States, a nd Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. E 3 Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. 3m-A.&C WIBITER & SPRING ARRABIRENENT. HAVING supplied ourselves with a new and superior lot of goods, of the latest styles and patterns, and having secured from the importers many articles or great beauty and value, we are now prepared to make for the Spring and Winter better arrangements, and presentgreater inducements to purchasers, than we have ever before offered. We have 50,000 valuable and beautiful articles of Goods, comprising Pianos, Watches, Diamonds, plain and ornamental Jewelry, and Fancy Goods of every description, that we will sell at $2 each, regardless of value or cost. HOW WE DISPOSE OF OUR GOODS. We have 50,000 Oil Colored Photographs, comprising every subject—Religious, Senti mental, Comic and Fancy—that we will sell ac Thirty Cents each, or four for One Dollar; and with each Photograph we give two num bered notices. The notices are numbered from 1 to 50,000, and put into envelopes, seal ed up, and thoroughly mixed ; and when Photographs are purchased, two for each Pho tograph are taken out and sent with it. The articles of Goods are numbered from I to 50,- 000, and any article, no matter what the value may be, corresponding with the number on the notice, will be sent for Two DOLLARS, free of cost, except when sent by express, then at the expense of the receiver. We do assure you that should the notice correspond with a Piano or other valuable ar ticle of goods, it will be sent to the purchaser for Two Dollars. LIST OF GOODS AT $2 00 EACH. Seven Octave Pianos Rosewood Melodeons, Gold Hunting Case Lever Watches, Silver Watches, Diamond Sets, Silver Tea Sets, Silver Chafing Dishes, Sets Silver teaspoons, 20,000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches, _Mosaic, Jet:Lava and Florentine Sets, Gold Rings, Gold Pencils, Toothpicks, 4.c. Comprising a list of endless variety and the choicest quality of Goods. We warrant our Gciods superior to any establishment •in the country, an l hope you will give us one trial at least, and if the article is not as represent ed, and does not give satisfaction, return it, and we will send your money back. ROW TO ORDER GOODS. Send us Thirty Cents for one Photographor One Dollar for five ? --the extra one and two extra notices to the Agent. When an Agent has sent us $lO.OO for Goons and Photographs, we will give one notice and the article it calls for free of charge: for $15.00 three notices free; for $20.00 four notices free; for $30.00 a sp lendid Photograph Album,. or aix free notices ; or for $50.00 a good Silver Watch, warranted a good time-keeper. We keep an account of all money sent, and an Agent can order his commission at any time. Be particular and write your address full and plain, as we sometimes have orders in our of: face for months that we .cannot answer for the want of proper directions. Adtiressi-- BARTHEW & CO., .Tan6-3m Box 5246 New York, T' LADY'S The 13est of the Monthlies—devoted to Fashion and Pure Literature. $2.50 s jeer ; Two copies $4.00 ; Eight (and one gratis) $l6. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACIIINES given as premiums. Send 15 cents for a sample copy to DEACON. & PE TERSON, 319 Walnut st.,-Philadelphia. 4 _ i r, oB.pßityriN g :of every, geseriptign ex ecuted with neat:fees and' dupe - fah:at the , fice of The Mariettlat}. . - ANOTHER GREAT CURE IN THE CITY OF NEW VORit:, o f a highly respectable k to the Mercantile co mmunity by DR. J. H. Seldg,ti cE THE GREAT LUNG DOCTOR o p, ADELPH IA . 14. OFFICE N. Y. AND GALENA LE e No. 28 Nassau St., New York, Junellijr,°, DR. J. R. SCHENCK—Dear Sir t—p d ' , °l. fifteen years I have been troubled witli z : „ vel re ve cough, and usually two or three year with more or less hemorrhage, gether, for the last few year su, thin in flesh and too weak to dos ' busineu 4 iePl 44 kind without suffering. In August latt°l a very severe hemorrhage, and, aceor-", the judgement of a good New York Et. I was classed as beyond the reach of7 o l and' as advised to be prepared, so fur 1 4 , ' ,1 petty. matters were concerned, to leo short notice. The physician ( an d rat friends) that the tint cold I to4r prove fatal. Early in January j r oot , vere cold, and fortu nately was out:,• rooms et No. 32 BOND STREET, over your office. I think about thego,l i January I procured a bottle of yo ur 1, 111 .„ .„ is Syrup and commenced Wong it f My feet and limbs were very ro ug h and all the symptoms of a ~Peadideathir; ed to accompany my cold. and filmy former physician, and stated to hint ha I was taking your medicine, and after 8111)1,6 them to him, and having tasted of then k r ' he replied : ~Y ou can take them ify u ,, they will do you no harm." He and : ei; know what I told you last summer, awls;nes the same now, if you have any Nu close up, (to not put it off." He laid to lit friends that he "could see no hope fors and my friends and relation, concluded co time had come. At this time 1 RV tai b . freely of your medicine, but had not am pi: The doctor called a few times, and feud m, (much to his surprise, he said,) impm and he could not understand why. S y was increasing in your medicines, ,roe 11;i: wish to have you examine my case, sod ,e what you had to say. When you firer ran to my room and made the examination,yol gave me but little encouragement, but 04 the contrary, expressed sad doubts of 14 110 being helped out of my then seeming dok rt . ties. The second time that you called, hod. ing me still gaining, you gave me encamp. merit, saying, "my symptoms were ing; the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Toni and Mandrake Pills had acted likes clam)! My circulation, my cough, my appetiteoll began to improve, and 1 could walk nbont toy room a little. You visited me nearly every Tuesday, and found me improving, and tdd me not to go out of my room nob/ the Ent day of May. I took no cold while underyos treatment, my appetite became first-rate, ail you told me to eat everything I wished oft nutritious nature, and to exercise Oat Its room as much as possible. I followed your advice, and to the surprise of my old physida and friends, I seem much better than HID, been for several years, and breathe hennas: I ever expected a person could with one lug, the left being completely dried up. I feel verygrateful to you, and coatider yoursdrite and medicines invaluable. Yours, truly,. Da. SenEttcri—Dear Sir :—About twoyan ago I was taken with a very ,troublesome cough and a pain in my breast; seven at eight months passed away without my doing anything for myself. Then I applied to physician, who attended me for about Ma months without rendering me any 'orrice. I also obtained the advice and treatment of physician in one of our hospaitals, and ale, bad the advice and treatment of two mhophy sicians, but all to no purpose. During UM long space of time I was nearly dead; MS al times my friends came to see me and wit ness my exit in to the spirit-world. Innen. fined to my bed two months at onetime. lly breathing was exceedingly short. I gate nP several times all hope of getting better; sal as regarded Wring well, that was entirely oat of the question. And to think this day las well and hearty I I was advised by ions of my friends to try Da. Surtaxes's Medicine. I accordingly bought bottle after bottle noel I reached the ninth ; then I found a derided change in my cough for the better. I lOW severely from palpitation of the hean,aod two weeks after I commenced taking your medicine this difficulty ceased. When I first went to Dr. Schenek'a otEre it was with difficulty that I could get up into la reception room, I was so weak sod stiffened; my skin was as sallow as though I had the* dice; I felt dull, heavy, and sleepless. Dr. Schenck, after examining me, acid both my lungs were affected, and gave me but kit hope ; but his medicines, in about two web, took right hold of me; it seemed to go del through my whole system. The Palouse Syrup, Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake 11116. all took right .hold in the right place . Tie Pills brought away great quantities ofbilera slime ; the Syrup loosened the matter a of lungs, which came off very free ; the Seaweed Tonic gave me an appetite, and everythal seemed to laste good. To show what great power the medides have in purifying my system, and to eat how bad I -was diseased, beside all the lie that passed my bowels, and the great gal: ties of phlegm and matter I expectorated , ! broke out all over in large boils, that Oh continue to gather and' run for about 0 weeks, and I had at one time oven twestplis, boils. I have nothing of the kind now, td feel like another person altogether. safely say that I have not enjoyed socblitiv for five years me Ido now, and allot P: you and your medicines enough. Mar . abundantly bless and preserve you I labor cere desire of one who has been so vor.11; ly relieved through your agency; and if one desires to know with regard to the IN fulness of this report, if they will cell °P ut of my friends, or upon me, N 0.4 Dryden Pth near ThomPson street, below Cadoldt Philadelphia, they will be-perfectly al with the validity of the ease. YooV i n . much respect, MARY SCIINatp. The above case, as described, is Pe"" correct. I know it to be true. Yours, • T. B. HILO , Pastor of Hancock M. P. rIT DR. SCHENCK willbe profesoionolli a ; principal office, No. 15 NORTH Says So o ' corner of COMMERCE, PIIILADELP 1111 ).! Saturday, from 9 A.M. until 4 P. 3 1 .; Bond street, New York, every Tuesbik o 9 to 3 ;r No. 38 Seminar • street, Dem d u every Wedneiday;from 9 to 3, snd ettlY 4 4 Friday at 108, Baltimore street, Ballallig. e ':du All advice free,but for a thorough ersoLd of the Inn& with Respirometer , is three dollars.` ' Price of the POlnsonic• Syrup ad Ser t Tonic, qtetol r .so peratottle, or 0 15 ° dozen Mandrak2s cents peitalo `FOR B ALL , SALE ' BY DRUGGIST S DEALERS.. SUPPLER : 'lt; RAC IRON ANIi4RASS FOUNDERS • and General 110afnistr, Secona , ,Union, Be l ow. Co/tonbia, .11100 They are moke "'of, Castings for Rolling Mills and Blastl,ll4oo Pipes, for Stead, 'Water' and Gas; 'f, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, dings, and castings.of Oery_deicriPa"!. I° . B ' STEAM' ENGINES, AND 11 0P IF THE MODERN ARV to'l l ar' Manner; P St r4lll 4911t1Y4, Mill_ Geoingi Taps, Diego ,; T udO for Wain& Poi Toning . 14016 0 50 6 ~..Steam .131100. Optgeg, laibpdatore,. _org, FlaveS for Steam; Gap, and Water °nigh in tines go theirvarietyllSoilers , z a .lr,o , Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuls, f e l" Washers, &c. of BLAcKSIWITHING in GE _o d d, From long expepa ace building 10 . 0, 4 00 flatter oursolvie ',that we can giirel";lo, faction to tgose who may favor l o w 16 orders. 11:1"Repdiring prorsptill al_ l ed pla mail (addressed. f wi ° th rd p e r a oia li p Y t atention. Z., 5UPP04.,,,, B. 8110 4 1sti golembia, October 20, ISSN „Pisces - to _ T. S. SHELDON.