ett Natal Barititiarr. saturd,iy Morning, May 5, 1866 rye observe in a late number of t i e Elk Advocate," an article recom ooibg huts B. GRAIIAId, Esq,, of Clearfield, Fa., for Congress. Mr. Uns horn is well and favorably known in this B ojo, an one of the most successful inobermeo on the Susquehanna river ; p bigh toned, liberal minded and intelli gent gentleman of fine business gnalifi• eatiooe, who would make an excellent forking member ofCongress. We have kno b Mr. G. for over twenty years, and bear willing testimony to his worth. ce know our friends in the Clearfield district could do no better than send each a sterling Unionist as Mr. Graham to Congress. if A most unprovoked and cowardly ad waHotel s committed in front of the White scow ,on Friday afternoon last, by swan calling himself Hanes, said to bean ex•aosistant provost marshal, upon Pilot William Wilson, of McCall's Fer ry, who is well known here as very peaceable and unending. It appears that he struck Wilson in the face, knocking him down and cutting his face badly, without any cause whatever, Bass, however, left between " two min utes," for a trio of Billy's friends wet in pursuit, sod had they caught him, would have made him regret his brutal ity. gir The Susquehanna river, at this point, has been "well-up" for the past week, bat is now too low for running. Very little lumber arrived during ate week, although it is said that there was every good flood at Lock Haven—the tofu must, therefore, ha "tied-up" at points all along the river, above this place. The business has been very poor this spring, for the laboring classes, who depend much upon a "good spring," al though prices have kept up surprisingly. lir As a young man from Lancaster, named August Franke, son of Henry Franke, brewer, was driving across the hill between this place and Columbia, on Sunday evening last, about half-past seven o'clock, he was stopped by two young highwaymen—one taking hold of the horse and the other presenting him fell at the buggy, revolvers in hand, and demanded his money or his life. The young man was thus relieved of his gold Welch and pocket book. It is slid the hopefuls ere "spotted " and will soon be arrested. li' We learn that A. Hiestand Glatz, senator from the York district, accident ally shot himself in the hand, a few days since; the ball was extracted and the General, at last accounts, was getting along finely. Doctor Grove was called over to " Hellam "—the copperhead "Gibralter " of York—to dress the hand and reports it only a painful flash wound. Or A german named Frederick Byer ley, belonging to this place, whilst as sisting a "Hitting party " on the 2d Of April, stole a lot of carpet, which he af terwards sold to a familL residing in town, who bad the carpet cat to fit a room. Policeman Emswiller was put apes the track and found the carpet on the floor and arrested the thief, who is now In jail, awaiting trial. lir Mr. Wormll, the Fish-darn Com minim', in a letter to some Lanoasteri- Ink says as soon as the water falls he Pill visit the successful fishwayftt4tias wheats and Maine and copy 'from them for the arrangement of the dittns la the Susquehanna. This looks as If something is about to be done. fir The Marietta Academy bee open ed its second seesion. Mr. Maxwell 50, clamp lee the Wickersham residence nd Academy building, in Market Slime, where he .has greater facilities 111 4 conveniences for his school, which, we ere glad to learn, is very well sus tained. IT The corner stone of the St. John's Episcopal church of this borough, was la la on Wednesday afternoon at 2 O'cl ock. Quite a number of strangers INN present. Bishop . Vail, of Kansas, Rot Mr. Bombed, of Lancaster, and cliktr divines assisted in the ceremonies. •••••••"oset.nese,e,"... R' The "Open Temperance 0 rgani notion" will bold another meeting on Monday cra n i ng next. Rev. Mr. Claw '!" Will address the meeting. The public is cordially invited to attend. re commence at 7} o'clock. Sir A new time]e went into effect On t he Reading and Columbia railroad, en Tuesday last. See the corrected tsSi s i n another nehunri. It will be ob ssiled that a "Sanday Train " nom enema to-morrow. • giir County Superintendent David b r it tlo has been re-elected for three ' 4 4. With au increased salary of from 81,200 to $1,700. Mr, A. 0. Newpher, 01 1 opponent, received 15 votes. or The boysandgirls are requested to meet TIM afternoon at Two oVeek— loolead of fast Saturday, as published in oorlect—at Temperance Hall, for the purpose of forming a temperance society. Messrs. Spangler & Rich have Jett received a lot of new goods. See *air ad vertisetar'nt in anotkes column. lir A Harrisburg correspondent, in speaking of the Fish law, for the restor ation of the fisheries, says : " this is another great measure of general legis lation, which is scarcely yet comprehen ded by the people, whom it was intend ed to benefit. As I understand it, this law compels the owners of all dams in the Susquehanna river and its branches and tributaries, so to alter those dame as to allow the passage of fish np said streams. The fishermen know exactly what ie meant by a dam obstruction in any stream, and the same fishermen will fully comprehend the effect of removing such obstructions. Thirty years ago the fisheries along the Susquehanna were considered the best in the Middle States. Shad, Perch, Pike, Bass, Salm on, and an endless variety of the com moner species of fish were caught in great abundance. To-day there are very few if any Shad taken above the Colum bia dam, while it is only, on rare occa sions that Perch or Pike are caught any. where north or west of Columbia, in the Susquehmana or its branches. It is pre dicted, however, that in a few seasons after the dame have been altered, .all these varieties of fish will make their spawning places in the Susquehanna Riv er—and thus will be revived those great fisheries which once created immense revenues for the State, and afforded cheap food for the people." ifir We understand that the Reading tic Columbia R. R. Co., intend putting a Sunday Train on their road. It is. pro posed to start it to-morrow. It will connect with the train leaving Reading at 9.50 L. M., for Philadelphia. Per sons can make the round trip from Colum bia to - Philadelphia in one day, allowing about three hours in the latter place. This new train will be a great conveni ence to our citizens, as well as the peo ple along the line of the road, as persons can go to Litiz, Ephrata or Reading in the morning and return the same even ing.—Columbia Spy. air At a late meeting of Susquehan na Lodge, No. 6, 1. 0. of G. T., the fol lowing officers were regularly elected and installed : W. C. T., M. L. Bahn ; W. V. T., Elmira Carroll; W. S., J. Clayton Steacy ; W. A. 5 , Sallie Thu ma; W. T., Lewis Leader; W. C., J. Stringer; W. F. S., Jacob Windolph ; W. M., John J. Carroll ; W. D. M., Hal lie Cook ; W. I. G., Christian Shireman; W. 0. U., William Frame ; W. H. H. S., Sallie Cochran ; W. L. H, 5 , Liz zie Frailey ; W. P. C. T., Phil. M. Kline ; L. D., 11. H. Johnson. ear We learn from Mr. Jacob Grubb, says the Columbia Spy, that the body of his son, Geo. W. Grubb, who was drown ed in the Susquehanna some weeks since has been found. He was discovered lodged upon the breast of the dam in the vicinity of Safe Harbor, and was re cognized by photographs, letters, &e., found upon his person. He was tempo rarily buried in the neighborhood where he was found. 'The Offices of the Reading & Co lumbia Rail Road Company were re moved on Saturday last, to the buildings owned by them, known as Carpet Hall, foot of Locust street. The different of fices'are now fixed up, and are complete and comfortable in all their arrange ments. The Superintendent's office, General Freight and Ticket office, Treas urer's and Telegraph office are all in the same building.—Colunibia Spy. ow Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfsberger, a german lady, aged 84 years, residing with her son, at the lower end of town, went to bed.on Thursday night, in her usual health, and was found dead in bed, on Friday morning, by the family. Es quire Auger, deputy coroner, held an inquest—verdict, death from old age. er Emanuel White and Samuel Ben son—two colored boys—were arrested for cruelly treating a white boy, on Front street, a few days since. They had a hearing before 'Squire Auger, who held Benson to bail, to answer at court and discharged White., • Or Col. James Worrell, a practical engineer, has been appointed Fish Com missioner. He hes been a warm friend of the measure for altering the dams, and we hope he will succeed in again furnishing us with salmon, shad, herring, rock, perch, &Lc. dir - A resolution was passed unani mously at the County Convention of School Directors, held in Lancaster, on Tuesday, recommending the appoint ment of Professor James'Pyle Wicker. sham, as State Superintendent of Com , mon S..ohools. . _ fir It appears that the two shawl thieves, arrested here' last week, who gave their names as Huntingdon and Kelly, are old jail birds, named Fordney and Cosgrove, and several charges lac, now pending against them in Lancaster. ear Two of Columbia's " Darkies " got into a row-at the upper station, a few days since ; one had his thumb nearly bitten off, and a "_ watch fob" but below hie eye. fir Created quite an excitement amongst the young folks, on Wednesday last—Dan Rice's "Buai-Pant." ISir. S. Patterson Sterrett bas been r&appointed Notary Pithlin for thie-bo ' rough. L-% - (&TEIR MAIIIETTIAN.@,-#-) IMMENSE. STOCK OP DRY GOODS JusT RECEIVED BY SPANGLER & RICE. G'J Market Street, Marietta, Pa. From the great manufacturers sales, which we are selling below City wholesale prices. Cloths and Cassimeres, 50 per-cent. lower than last year MousDeLaines and other Dress Goods AS LOW a s BEFORE the REBELLION! Calico e 0 AT l2i CENTS AND UPWARDS! Muslins, Checks and Tickings, Heavy Grey and White Blankets. at less THAN HALF THEIR VALUE! Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, &c. Groceries of all kinds.: Sugars, Syrups, Teas, Coffees, Fish, Cheese, Rice, &c. Beading and. Columbia Railroad. rfIRAINS of this road run by Reading Rail L Road time, which is ten minutea'faster than that of Pennsylvania ,P.ailroad. On and after Tuesday, May Ist, 1866, trains of this road will run as follows : Will leave Columbia at 7:25 a. m. and arrive at Reading at 9:40 a in. andcenfiect with the New-York Express Train, which reachhithat city at 3:40 p m., and Philadelphia at 12:45 p. m., and also connecting with trains for Pottsville and the Lebanon Valley. And at THREE O'clock in the Afternoon, arriving at Reading at 5:15 p. m., connecting with trains for Pottsville and the Lebanon Valley. Trains will leave Reading at 6:20 a. m. for Columbia, connecting at Landisville with Pa. Railroad train, reaching Lancaster at 8:40 a.m. and,Philadelphiti at 12:30 p, m., and arriving at Columbia at 8:40 a. m. And also leave Reading at 6:15 in the afternoon and arrive at Columbia at 8:15 in the evening. SUN D A Y TRAIN : Commencing Sunday, May 6th, a Sunday Passenger Train will run between Columbia and Reading, leaving Co lumbia at 7:30 in the marling ,and arriving at Reading at 9:40. Returning, leave Reading at 6:05 p. m. arriving at Columbia at 8:15 p.m. Passengers by this train can make cbse con nection at Reading for New-York and Phila delphia, arriving at the latter place at 12:30 p. m. ; returning, leave Philadelphia at 3:15 p.m. and arrive at Reading in time to connect with this Sunday train. ;13^ Through tickets to New-York, Phila delphia and Lancaster sold at principal sta tions, and Baggage checked through. Freight carried with the utmost promptness and dis patch, at the lowest rates. Further informa tion Willi regard to Freight or passage, may be obtained from the Agents of the Compa ny. GEo: F. G;Ion, Superintendent. E. F. KEEvEs., General Freight & Ticket Agt. • SHUL. - TZ'S t • Established in 1829. NO. 20 NORTH QTJEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. WE manufacture our own goods, thus en abling us to sell at OLD TIME PRICES. The largest, best and most complete stock, and at lower prices than any hcuse in the country. Our immense stock of Spring and Summer Goods consists of all the novelties of the sea son, at least fifty different styles the most pop ular of which are the Cavalier, Cavalier DeOrsay, Indicator, very new, Fulton, _illorton Peto, Brighton, ..lobby, Tyrol. A splendid Silk Hat for $5:00 ! Cheaper than can be had elsewhere. Our business connection with our patrons for a period of nearly 40 years, is a sufficient guarrantec of our ability to please all who may favor us with a nail. SHULTZ & BROTHERS, No. 20 North Queen-st., Lancaster. B OROUGH PROCLAMATION. -0- WII EREA s, Numerous complaints have been made to me, that certain persons have been casting upon the streets and alleys of the bo rough, Ashes, Shavings, Straw, Stones, Dung, Brick- Bats, Heads and Entrails of Beasts and Fish'and other annoyances, or obstructions, or throwing thereon or running Soap Suds, Dish Water, or any other filthy liquids in the streets and gutters, in contravention of the several Ordinances relating to placing nuisances and obstrUctions upon the streets and alleys of the borough. I, the undersigned, Chief Burgess, therefore issue this Proclamation, forbidding such vio lations of said Ordinances, and to notify such persons knowing themselves to have transgres sed, to immediately remove such filth and ob structions, and also to air and white-wash all Cellars, otherwise the penalties of said Or dinances will be imposed without distinction of persons. THOS. STENCE, Cut EF BURGESS. Marietta, April 17, 1866. Ica Crea--1 AT the request of many of our old custom ers, we have fitted up an ICE CREAM SALOON, in the room formerly occupied by us as a store room, a few doors west of Spangler , s store. Fruit of all kinds, wizen in season; Fine Confectionary, • Oranges and Lemons, Fresh Vanilla Beans, Always on hand and for sale. Open every day and evening—Sunday's excepted. HENRY WOLFF. ef CO Marietta, April 7, 1866.-Im. STRAY BULL. A stray Bull, about 2 years old, of a RED color, came to the premises of the subscriber, residing in East Donegti town ship, near Schock's Mill,. on the 13th day of Awl), 1866. The owner is hereby notified to come forward and prove property, pay char ges and take him away, otherwise he will be sold according to law. HENRY KAYLOR, April 28, 1866.-3t*. OUR SECOND ARRIVAL :—We will open this 'week our second invoice of CHEAP GOODS, which will be sold to suit the downfall in merchandise. Come and see us, for we will not be undersold by any other house outside of Philadelphia. - BOWERS & STEACY, Market street., Marietta, Pa. • Spring Shawls Balrnorals Gloves, Hosiery, Belts and fineries, Embroidered Handker chiefs and Collars, Mourning Collars and Veils, Head Nets and Dress Trimmings. , A full supply at SPANGLER & RICH'S. , "2/1 DRY -GOODS I;o33l.E4.—.Lakge end kJ Medipro size, for ezile r R. D/FFENR.IOII. NEW GOODS At Greatly Reduced Prices. We beg leave to invite all those who are in want of Bargains to our NEW AND CIIEAP DRY GOODS, Groceries, Queens ware, Glassware, No tions, 6-c., and all other classes of goods generally kept in a first class store. Having purchased our en tire stock For CASH and at the recent decline will sell them much beto v the former rates. COME AND SEE OUR CHEAP MUSLINS, CHECKS, TICAS, GINGHAM'S, PRINTS, &c., tvluch will be sold right down with the mark et. Our Dress Goods department comprises the latest dosigns of goods adapted to the sea son which wall be found full and complete. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS =I of which we have a beautiful line of plain and Fancy Cassimeres, English and French . Sack ings, Plain Black Cloths, both - oreign and domestic, and all other. Goods for a nice out fit. Queensware, a full line of Toilet, Tea and Dinner Setts, covered .dishes, gic., always on hand, Groceries, a good supply of choice Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Syrups and, spices. lizr Dry Goods cheaper than. Wet Goods. Come and see us and be convinced of what we say. BOWEBS.Er STEA CY" MARKET. STREET, Marietta, Pa. E. REMINGI'ON & SONS, • - - . 40 MANUFACTURERS Of Revolveks, Tulles, ilfuskets AND CARBINES, For the United States Service Also, Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rifle and Shot .Gun Barrels, and Gun materials, sold by Gun dealers and the Trade generally. In these days of Housebreaking and Robbery, every House, Store, Bank and Office should have one of liebotbe.Kg. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the. New ittlain,%tOtt 3arboltar.s. Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arms will be furnished on application. E. REMINGTON k SONS, Imox, N. Y. AIOORE SL Nicirocs, Agents, No. 40 Courtland-st., N. Y L ADIES TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE THE REAL VALPAU FEMALE PILLS! [ WARRANTED FRENCH. ] These Pills, so celebrated men' years ago in Paris, for the relief of female irregularities, and afterwards so notorious for their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale for the first time in Amer ica. They, have been kept in comparative ob scurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. VALPAU, is a Physician in Paris, of great wealth and strict conscientious principles, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purposes. In overcoming female obstructions they seem to be truly omnipitent, bursting open the flood gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offered to the public only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbid den to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. For sale by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta ' • P. A. Pyle, Mountjoy ; H. D. Parry and R. Wil liams, Columbia, and druggists generally. Ladies can procure a box, sealed from the eyes of the curious, by enclosing $1 and six postage stamps to 0. G. STAPLES, General Agent for us, Watertown, New-Ydrk, or to any 01 the above agents. [n0.25- I y p i A. LINDSAY, . gi ge ilia ufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has at this time the largest assortment of City made work ever offered in this Borough, amongst which may be named the new-style i'orisi ) Boot, and Giobe-iii() FOB .THE LADIES A. L. being a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER enables him to select with more judgment than those who are not. He contin ues to manufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line, which he Oil warrant for neatness and fit. leCall and examine the new stack before going elsewhere. Marietta, April 14, 1866. iTop aitiW of Ttotions IJ' IDGLOVES ; Puffed Muslin, for waists; IN Black and White Veils; Neck-Ties for Lames and Gentlemen Crochet ; Edgings ; Jackonet Edging; Swiss Muslins; Cotton Hose ; Infants' Waists ; new style Collars ; Ribbons of all kinds; Dimity Ruffling; Em broidered Handkerchiefs;. Coat Trimmings; Fancy Buttons, for Coats and Dresses • Paper Collars and Cuffs, for Ladies and Gentlemen ; Hymn Books and an endless variety of useful and fancy articles for both sexes. Come and see for yourselves. STAMPING. MRS. T. B. MORRIS Beds leave to announce to the Ladies of Ma ] ietta and vicinity, that she has just received a new and handsome lot of Braiding and EMbroidery Stamps, and Edson handsome lot of “Stamped Yokes." Please give her a call. Residence on Lo cust street, second door from the corner of Front-st., Marietta. [3O-3m• DR. 3. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, OF THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE retsai OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG. OFFICE:—Front erect, next door to R J Williams' Drug Store, between Locust and Walnut streets, Columbia. First National Bank of Marietta firms BANKING ASSOCIATION j_ HAVING COMPLETED ITS ORGANIZATION is now prepared to transact all kinds of • BANKING BUSINESS; The Dos.rd.of Directors meet` weekly, on Wednesday, for discount and other business. lErßavdc Hours From 9'A, ra to 3p. JOHN HOLLINGER, PRES/DERT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. 1 B U 9 II EL,9_II.4BTERERS 4000 , / For Sale Cheap, at the Tannery of GEO. W. SULTZBACH, - Marietta, Lancaster county,. Pa. March 31, 1866. • NOTICE _ persons . knowing them selves indebted Ao.tttia undersigned will please call and, stettle , ,iponodiately, • J. Marietta, April 14, 1866. • - $.25 THE $251. Snicat Nusintss Otottegc, Handel & Haydn Hall, . Bth and ,Spring Garden Streets, PHILADELPHIA THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. M., PRESIDENT AND CONSULTING ACCOUNTArT ioOtteeMeilfs. Novel and Permanent Arrangement of BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, From April 1, to October 1, 1866, AND SUCCEEDING YEARS Lire SCIIOLARSHIPS, including Bookkeeping, Business Correspondence, Forms and Cus ton s, Commercial Arithmetic,Business Pen manship, Detecting Counterfeit Money and Commercial Law, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. Scholarships, including the same subjects as above, Time limited to Three Months, TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship, Three Months, $7 Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3ms 10 The saving of Coal and Gas in the Summer months is an advantage of such importance as enables the management of this College to make a considerable reduction in the Summer rates from October 1, 1866 to April 1, 1867, and succeeding years, as before. Life Scholarships, $35 Scholarships, 3 months, 25 Pentnanship, 3 months, 10 Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3 months, 12 Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and for the Sons of Ministers and Teachers. Day and Evening Insturetion for both sexes.and „al/ ages, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, 'Pen manship, Per, Drawing, Phonography, Arith metic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Ana lytical Geometry, the Calculus,. Navigation, Surveying, Engineering, Gauging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commercial Law, Ger man, Telegraphing; and the gn g lish Branches at moderate prices. Endorsed by the public as the most success ful Business College of the country, as is evi denced by the fact, that FOUR HUNDRED AND TWO STUDENTS have entered in the FIRST SIX MONTHS OF ITS EXISTENCE PRINCIPALS OF DEPARTMENTS. THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. M.. GEORGE B. SNYDER, R. S. BARNES, C. N. FARR, JR., J. T. REYNOLDS, HENRY KEIM, A. E. ROGERSON, lA. M., C. E„ ,I Supported by an able corps c.f . Assistants. Call or send fora catalogue, College Curren cy, and Peirce's practical Educator. OFFCE-531 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. THOMAS M. PEIRCE. April 14, 1866. j35-6m "VCT G- OCD 3D JUST RECEIVED! GABLE &; STRICKLER, Successors to Abraham Cassel, Market St., Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa To the Public: We beg leave to announce to our patrons and the public generally that our arrangements for the Spring Season are such as will enable us to offer for sale an unusually well selected, varied ttt d. attractive stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GLASS and Q UEENS WARE, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CARPETING, &c., &c. Having reduced our stock to the verylowest point, enabled us to lay in an entirely new assortment, which we feel confident will be attractive to the old and to new customers of this old stand. Every Department will constantly be re plenished with the most desirable offerings and bargains from New York and Philadelphia markets. We particularly solicit your attention to our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. GABLE. & STRICKLER, Orie door West of the Post Office, Market St. 0:2- The highest Market price paid in goods in exchange for Country produce. Marietta, March 21, 1866. Stlitzbaci) ~anneig• _o_ GEO. W. SULTZBACH, TANNER 4- LEATHER DEALER, . . MARIETTA, PA Having purchased the remaining stock on hand, and leased the Tannery and fixtures of his late father, Henry Sultzbach, deceased, is now prepared to accommodate the customers of the old stand, ant' the public generally, with everything in his line, at such prices a's cannot fail to give entire satisfaction• His stock will consist of Oak Spanish and Slaughter Sole, Valve and Hemlock Leather, CA LFSKINS, • Kips, Waxed and Grained Upper, SPLITS, HARNESS, BRIDLE & SHOE SKIRTING.. 11:1 Cash paid for Hides and Skins Marietta January 6. 1866.-tf 11 Union Flag Clothing Store ! In Crull's old stand, Illarket-st., Marlette PETER AODENHAUSER, [wITH D. HANAIIERA DEALER IN Ken's and Boy's Clothing, HATS & CAPS, A BOOTS AND SHOES, Li°ll6 and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, IN GREAT VARIETY . P. R. would take this opportunity to inform the citizens of Marietta and the public gener ally that having opened this establishment for a permanent business, may asks a fair trial, being determined not to be undersold by any. Call and see the goods and learn the prices. " Marietta, June ID, 1866. 44-tf T 4 ETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the I Post Office at Marietta, Pa.,TavaaDAY z MAY, 3, 1866. Boßand, Mr. John Krater, Mr. W. C. Brady, George Lendis, Mr. B. Bernhart, Samuel B. Myers, Mr. C. By one, Silas Mc Leaman, L. C. Brady, E. W. Popp, Mr. William Balser, Miss C: Brale, Mr. Joseph Coeanon, Mr. Elliet Sensiman, Mr. C. Dintermant Miss S. Thompson, Stacy W. 5 Gover, Mr. Franklin Wertz, Mr. James Johnston, Mr. Eli Will, Ephraim lap- To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must call for "advertised letters," giv the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad vertising, ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M. 1866 ! • 1866 ! TTO WELL & BOURKE, 1 - 1 Manufacturer* of Paper Haxgonge and • WINDOW SHADES, • Corner of FOI7RTR and MARKET Streets PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in store, a large stock of linen and Oil Shades. ' March 3, /856.-3rn. IDOHLEN'S lops celebrated GIN, jj r H. D. BENIAMIA "Oth -, Zievainut - 11) Clathl_xig Market Street, Marietta. JOHN FOULKS Having again leased, from Captain Samtn 0. Miller, his old and popular Clothing grant' would take this method of informing the put lie that he has just laid in an e.xcellent stocl of everything in the Ready-made Clothing Line, 31.1c11 Ag Over, Dress and Business Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, OF ALL GRADES AND PRICES, Cloths, Cassimeres ant Vestings always on hand, which will be cut and made-up to suit the tastes of customers. Gentlemeu's Fur nishing Goods, Shifts, Drawers, Hose, Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, HATS AVDSi a :„.7I CAPS of all kinds, &c., &c. _ _ 11:3—Goods at all prices—from the finest to the cheapest. Call and see for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Marietta, February 17, 1866-Iy. Stribintr alt 4 Conbroanctr WOULD most respectfully take this means of informing hisfriands and the public gencral!y that he has commenced the drawing of DEEDS, MORTGAGES, JUDGMENTS, and in fact everything in the CONVEYA FLING line. Having gratuitous intercourse with a member of the Lancaster Bar, he will be ena bled to execute legal instruments of writing with accuracy. IL,' He can he found at the office of "TnE Maur ETTIA N,"—" Lindsay's Building," (sec ond.floor) near the Post Office corner, or at his residence on Market street, half a square west of the " Donegal House," Marietta. li'Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and Leases always on hand and for sale. YILLCOY & GIBBS NOISELE:39 sarnLL w n .fladtL: u. The most simple, complete and easily man aged Sewing Machine now in use. It does every description of work—never stops at or needs to be helped over seams, but does all its work rapidly and well. The needle re quires no adjustment—you cannot get it in wrong—it makes any width of hem you wish —does braiding beautifully. The Braider is in the foot of every machine and p.irt of it, and is always adjusted, never gets out of place. Call and examine them before purchasing any other, at H. L. & E. J. ZAHM'S, Corner North Queen street and Centre Square, Sole Agents for Lancaster County. Lancaster, February 17, 1566.-tf. IL L. 6" E. J. ZAILif, kCorner of North Queen-St.,KIPC and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. W - - - E are prepared to sell American and Swiss Watches at the lowest cash rates! We buy directly from the Importers and Man ufacturers, and can, and do sell Watches as low as they can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. A fine stock of docks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver and Silver-plate ware constantly on hand. Every article fairly represented. H. L. E. J. ZAIIM, Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. February 17, 1866.-tf. pnfist S. Atlee Bookies. M. D. D. D. S., eis-FERS his services in either the Operative, Ur Surgical or Mechanical Departments of DENTISTRY. Teeth extracted without pain, by the ad ministration of the "Nitrus Oxide Gas" cr Ether. OFFICES: In Marietta every Tues day and Friday, m the "St. John House," and Corner of Locust and Second sts., Columbia, Mariettr, April 14, 186(1.-6m.] CD 1 ,- LBe•-.Pai rati3ag• AND PAPR-11Alklix`ING. The - undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his old friends and the public generally, that he continues the above business in all its various branches Especial attention paid to plain and fancy paperhanging, China glossing, Frosting and Enamelling Glass, Graining of all kinds, &c. Thankful for past favors, would ask a con tinuance of the same. Residence a few doors west of the Town Ball, on Walnut street. DAVID H. MELLINGER Marietta, Nov. 23., 1565.—1 y F URS WANTED! o All kinds of Shipping Furs, such as lithisk Rat, Rabbit, Coon, . Skunk, Red Fox, Common Cat, Grey Fox, Martir, Mink, Otter, Opossum, Cross Fox, &c., &c. I will pay the highest cam price for any of the above skins, delivered in good order. HENRY WOLFE, Opposite the Poet Office, Marietta. February 10, 1866. Sms LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND bushels of Lime for sale, for Whitewashing, Building and land. This is the best lime in the country. Prices at the kiln for the best picked lime by the bushel 25 cents, Apply to Henry Wolfe, agent for the Wrightsville Company burning lime on Mr. John lialde. man's farm.—All orders left with Harry Wolfe will be promptly filled, MESSING o f 2'J R or A si‘alGeTt AND WOLFE'S, Wholesale- and Retail. Cheapest in town. COAL HODS, Coal Selves, Coal Shoves Pokers, Stove Grates, Cylinders and Li nings of different kinds, kept on hand at JOHN ,YPANGLER'S. CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERS an ex cellent article for ladies. Just, received and for sale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store. TO LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch aud Irish If HIS K I E S, warran ted to be pure, at H. D. Beripirnain's. ROGER'S Celeorkt64 Peat! ' Cerrient and Oil Paste Blacking at " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. SUBSCRIPTIONS received for all the lat Periodicals of the•day At The Golden Mortar. ALARGE •I.OT OF BUFF WINDOW SHADES at remarkably low prices— to close out. .TORN SPANGLER. ST. CROIX AND NEW ENGLAND RU 11.1 for, culinary purposes, warranted gen tune ff..D: Benjamin. LYON'S Periodical Dig% p and Park% Fe. male r c Tire Golden mortar , /1 ISHLER'S BITTBRA For sale at M THE GOLDEN 'MORTAR AT NEW TOY.— Egg'e of Pharaoh's sear -11 pants (fresh laid) at Dr. LArtpts'. Pr RAH, SKIRTS.—Goto Mis. ROTH and yes them.