The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 28, 1866, Image 3
At Yocal j aritilian: ---- saturday Morning, April, 1'8,1866 ti Quite I Fenian demonstration took place at the Town Hall, on W e d. so w ereatog, at which Captain Don p o p Walling , presided, and L. Gold. burg acted as secretary, and Patrick o dy, des., treasurer. Dr. Donnelly, sui t s centre for Pennsylvania, and a addressed the meet job which was quite large. We are unfortuaately we were not there—that quite a number signed the agetar roll, subject to leave with 24 boars notice. Some of the bonds were disposed of. The speakers gave notice t hat the time for work had arrived, and that by the 15th of May an onset would be , Ba do; that the organization had ero•e enough, but wanted ammunition, red that cartridges, calibre. No: 58, for Eadeld ribs, would• be se licceptahle as Wm. Everything weed off harmo niously. or Two strolling, thieving, begging ! Owls, whilst begging along Mark el street, a few days sine?, Went into the e on of Mrs. Lease, adjoining the resi dence of Mr. S. S. Nagle, and stole a ;hod. They were afterwards awe, hooded and the shawl found Upon the person of one of them. They were tak en before Esquire After, who commit ted them. They gaTe %he names of Charles ilantivgdon\ and John Kelly. One of thorn remarked to the 'squire, as he ass snaking out the commitment, that the atone-jog was no new place for Mn, end that he would just as soon be there is anywhere else. er During the severe hail storm and thader shower of Monday last, She line brick dwelling on James L. Reynolds' firm, formerly Preacher Jacob Graybill's me struck by lightning, and consider ebly injured. The lightning _ entered mu the chimney and played some sin- Or prelim is the upper story and came den the pipe bole, staining and bun k a Mile Harriet Ralston, a seamstress in the family of Samuel Hippie, len., the tenni Dr. Grove was called in to the aid of Mies Ralston, who says she is tor os %fair way of recovery. W We observe by the Lancaster pa pers, that the eity authorities are giving peblie noftce to the citizens to keep their premises clean, for fear the Chol era may come this summer. We also lad that our Boiongh authorities are dansined to enforce the ordinances re -9441 a general "clean-np." Read the proalettation of the chief burgess in another column. This is right—very right, rod it is to be hoped that every right•minded eitisen will encourage a strict observance of the proclamation.- fit Bead the advertisement of Shahs Brother, hatters, Lancaster, in anotk. w part of Me week's paper. Ibis es. tablithroont is the most extensive in " haad.gser " Apia) , of any west of Philadelphia. We would advise enr traders to call and- examine their im. Orate stock before purchasing else. them If they fail to please • customer —oat of their large and varjed stock— that costumer is hard to please. In ad. Min, the Shultz brothers Sr. an agree able trio to deal with. W The boys and girls of Marietta bilwatio the ages of nine and fifteen, are mooned to meet at Temperance Hell. on (this) Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for ILA purpose of forming a "Juvenile Temperance Society." Addressee will ho delivered. Parents are also request vi to mead. G. M. CLAWGEL Q Dr. Henry Carpenter, of Lebow 41 6 GM Dr. F. Hinkle, of this bofough, tors been elected delegates from the Shtt Medical Boofety, to the American Association, which meets is Baltimore ork the first of .May. *Gibson Peters, who stabbed his wire on the 34th of dugout last, in the nilsge of Restmgewla. this wordy; was towirted et the last Quarter session t own, or murder in the second degree, sad sentenced to twelve yeas in the E wthrti Peniteatiery. *qv. would call the attention of s orreeders to an uticle in the aext col toe, heeded " The New Lamp." This Ittl P hi been the admiration of every PIMA. Ilirrkto " Excelsior Olnb"—icolored - r o , la to ewe a "Grand citizen.' •Dries .." 4 " st As ' 1 Done al gouie " wends! Ironing. * Rossi d. Child proponis os NUJ eveliag - aere: it W hi t e ' 8 " 4 Hotel, four dwellinghooles. Sitio . 01l Probe sad Mora streets. I litabould any of the . readere of The i lideltiim be in wan* or o bell-hswilwr, 04 110 p U r . prawn, who'll cord will be t ° l 4 la this weeds paper. lk westing of the Marietta Circle )1 lie Pastan Brotherhood will be /old arming at Wallinfs Pan U% HO Bel tdrortissineat. .1111' s l e ite ."- a — vToleZt — heil - storm . and !weer incurred on Moods, afternoon. Vt4ll trees, it is said, suffered consider. able, M T h B u e quite& a is arils up artd 100 sof the the is ikenerat and Viat il may tioni*-4441 f•P. Kindness Acknowledged Mr. Baker:—The Pastor of the Pres byterian Church of Marietta, and his wife, desire to return their most heart felt thanks to the good people who so liberally patronized the late "Fait and Festival," for the benefit of the church; inasmuch as through the unexampled lib erality* of both friends and strangers they have been made the happy recipi ents of many very valuable presents, whilst at the lame time the church has been and will be substantially benefitted. It would be impossible to specif, the many marks of unremitting and colEsider ate kindness shown towards the Pastor and hie family, since they came so re cently as strangers here. A beautiful parlor chair for Mrs. Fleming ; a pretty and costly wrapper, and slippers to cor respond, for myself, as well as appropri ate gifts for the children, are among the 11/doles so generously bestowed. But last, though not least, a present of $lOO is cash, from the ladies literally struck me dumb. I can only say : " The Lord reward them a hundred cold temporally and spiritually." Wu. A. PLINIMG. * The net proceeds of the Fair amoun ted to the sum of $732. MARRIED On the 18th.uaimo, at the Presbyterian Par sonage, Marietta, by Rev. W. A. Flemings Mr. WART SNYDER, of Lower Marietta, and Mies iiiLLLUL SCHALFTCII, of Baia bridge, Lancaster county. On Thursday, April 19th. by the same, at the reiliderice of Mr. Jacob Libhart, Sen., Ma rietta, Mr. JAMaI P. CURRY, of Ai/demon villa, Clearfield county, Pa., and Miss KATE A. Lzassawr,.of Marietta Borough. •35petial Drains. IT The following was found written on the blank leaf of Miss Kate A. Libliart's Sab bath Seheol Tune Book, and is now published by request of a Lumber of her scholars, who regret her withdrawal from the school. Miss L. taught a class in what is commonly called the " Irishtewn Sunday School" and has just bun married and gone to the western part of the State to reside: Once. more has bud Providence permitted us to meet together on this beautiful Sabbath afternoon, but oh I it may be months—perhaps years ere I again meet you, my dear scholars, but my sincere wish is that you may be as faithful to your sabbath school in the future as you have been in the past. It is sad thus to part from you dear ones—after having met Sabbath after Sabbath in this good work. Some of you I may never meet again ; but if not in this world, may it be in the next, where parting is m.known. K. A. L. Tux New I...arr.—Yews of study and thousands of dollars have been expended in experiments by many endeavoring to discover a process by which oil could be burned with out the use of chimneys. This discovery has, atlength, been made by Henry Danford, of Cincinnati, end a patent for the same was granted on the tenth day of Nov. 1863, since which time thousand. of these lamps have come into general use in the Western States and the common coal oil tempest. fast getting out of date. The plan upon which this lamp works is by an impelled current of sir driven into the Same by machinery which it would be iropowdble to obtain with the amount of draft occasioned by the application of a dozen chintheys. The rapid supply of oxygen to the carbon of the oil gives a brilliant light—the light obtained frotka one inch wick being fat superior to any single gas light. With respect to cost, the saving is very considerable in light alone, not to say anything of chimneys. A superior light to gas being obtained for If cents per hour, while gas at present rates is 24-10 cents. Compared with the common cos/ oil lamp the saving is more than one-third for the some amount of light. These lamps are to be obtained at the store of Dr. Hinkle who hes the agency and exclusive right of isle for Marietta Borough •nd East Donegal Township. As a matter of economy we recommend housekeepers sod others to look into this mat ter and Wilily themselves. To Cortsustrrsves.—This advertiser hav ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered eeriest years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is an xious to make known to .his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, be Will send a copy of the prescription, (zee of charge, with the directions for preparing tnd liming the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron chitis, .Colds, a nd all throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he Conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will rest them nothing, sod may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, nu m, b; return mail, will please address Rev, etiwitsw A. Witsor, Willianieburg c Ring. County, New-I'ok. TV Levu Airs littratisonv:—Ladiee and gen tlemen, if you wish to marry, liddeess thi un dereigned, who will send you, withotit money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and speedily irrespective of ago, wealth or beauty. This information will coat you nothing, egad if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.— All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no re ward asked. Address UMIAK B. LAwalzT, CtUrenpoint, Rings county, N. Y. f.38-3m gammoir Youvit.—A gentlemen who suf fered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence, an do so by addressing Jour B. Co nan, No. 13 Chamber St.. New-York. To Datrargoans.—A reformed inebriate would be happy to communicate (tree of charge) to as many of his fellow beings as will address bum, very important and useful information, and place in their hands a sure curs for the lore of Strong Drink of any kind. Thh Warrington is trimly offered by olio who hM mirrowly. Amapa a drunkard's grave. 4d.jessilF, ',Bug B. lianniikeszti No. klitead Wig.IOW rtrk , ' '1 35 , , c THE SHUL_ - rzPs MI t Btc re, Establisheil in 1829. NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA WE 'manufacture our own goods, thus en abling is to selksit OLl' TI 211 E PRICES. The largest, best and most complete stock, and at lower prices than any hours in the country. Our immense stock of Spring and Summer Goods consists of all the novelties of the sea son, at least fifty different styles the most Dor' ular of which are the Cavalier, Cavalier DeOrsay, Indicator, very new, FultOn, Morton Peto, Brighton, Robby, Tyrol. A splendid Silk Rat for $5:00 ! Cheaper than can be had elsewhere. Our business connection with our patrols, for a period of newly 40 years, is a sufficient guerrantee of our ability to please all who may favor us with a call.. SHULTZ & BROTHERS, No. 20 North Queen-st., Lai/mister. B OROUGH PROCLAMATION. Wass IEA s, Numerous complaint. have been made to me, that certain persons have been casting upon the streets and alloys of the ha rough, Ashes, Shavings, Straw, Stones, Dung, Brick-IBMs, Heads and Entrails of Beasts and Fish and other annoyances, or obstructions; or throwing thereon or running Soap Suds, Dish Water, or any other filthy liquids in the streets end gutters, in contravention of the several Ordinances relating to placing nuisances and obstructions upon the streets and alleys of the borough. I, the undersigned, Chief Burgess, therefore issue this Proclamation, forbidding such vio lations of said Ordinances, and to notify such persons knowing themselves to have transgres sed, to immediately remove such filth and ob structions. and also to air and white-wash all Cellars, otherwise the penalties . of ssid Or dinanCes will be imposed without distinction of persons. THOS. ST ENCE, Curer Bttaesps Marietta, April 17, 1866. Reading and Columbia Railroad TRAINS of this road run by Reading Rail Road time, wind: is ten minutes faster than that of Pennsylvania Railroad. On and after December 11th, 1865, trains of this goad will'run as follows Will leave Columbia at 7:30 , a. n..& 2.45 p. m. Will leave Reading at 6:10 a. m. & 6:15 p. in. Er Through ticket. to New-York, Phila delphia and Lancaster sold at principal sta tion., and Baggage checked through. Freight earned with the utmost promptness and dis patch, at the lowest rates. Further informa tion with regard to Freight or passage, may be obtaired from the Agents of the Compa ny. Msxncs Cousx, Superintendent. E. F. KuItVZII, General Freight & Ticket Agt. Il legal - AS prittbt. 8. Atlee Bockius. N. D. D. D. 8.. OFFZEII hie services in either the Opetative, Surgical or Mechanical Departments of DENTISTRY. Teeth extracted without pain, by the ad ministration of the "Nitres Oxide Gar" er Ether. OITICEIS : ill Marietta every Tues day and Friday, in the "St. John House," and Corner of Locest and Second it.., Columbine Marietta, April 14, 1866.-61n.] Ice Cireama... AT the request of moor of our old etuitora ore, ore have flitted up en ICE CREAM SALOON, in the room formerly occupied by us as a store room, a few doors west of Spangler's store. Fruit of all kinds, whiten in season, Fine Confectionary, Oranges and Lemons, Fresh Vanilla Beans, Aiwa On hand and for sale. Open every day and evening—Sunday's excepted. HENRY WOLFE ♦ CO. Marietta, April 7, 1866.-Im. 2111 STRAY BULL. A 'dray Bull, about 2 years old, of • Run eblor, rams to the premises of the subscriber, residing .In East Donegal town ship, near Schoch's Mill, on the lath day of i April, 1866. The owner s hereby notified to come forward-and prove property, pay char ges and take him away, otherwise ,he will be sold according to law. HENRY RAYLOR. April 28,1866.-3 t• CQIUR SECOND ARRIVAL :—We will open this week our second invoice of EAP GOODS, which will be sold to suit the downfall in merchandise. Come and see us, for we will not be undersold by any other house outside of Philadelphia. BOWERS & STEA CY, Market street., Marietta, Pa. 3E3 all TIERSONB IN MARIETTA desiring Door r Bells or Gong. put up, can have it done promptly and at very reasonable rates, by ad dressing WM. H. PFAHLER, April 28-Iml Columbia, Pos. Fenian Brotherhood A meeting of the Fenian Circle of Marietta will be held at the Perry House, Front street, Marietta, this Saturday evening. All loyal Irishmen are invited to be present, as business of importance will be enacted. DUN JUAN WALLING., Centre of M. C. F. B. ICTTERS • KM AI N ENG unclaimed in the Port Ofilim at Marietta, rr, Taairuir, /Port 26, 1866. • Brolrern, Isaac A. Kipple, M. Z. A. 2 Bastian, John Hem, J. D. Puts, John . C. Herr; Mrs. Baden:du Boyle, DeWitt-C. Hoffb . ese Mr. Adam Calor,.Mrs. Margaret Kline, akin Sallie Enerninger, 8. A. Kinports, Mr. P. 2 Ford, Albert Kind, Mr. Home. Mrs. Mary Leed, Mier Adda Hoffman, Samuel Morgan,Mr. L. I. Hartshorn, Mr. Km Stiles, r. Amos Hoover, Mr. John Towson, Mr. J. Hasher, Mr. Zhiman tr To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must cellos Nutvertised lettere," git the date of this list, and pay one eent for ad. vertisiug. AltilkEtAM CASSIif,,, X til at AIR ROOLS, the latest faehion--call in • it Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store end see '•=all the tap now, in the cities. ' , 110 4 / 4 3144 leaf eilebrited3l.lll, - , Jr. Dit ILIFNIAMIk $25! TRR $25! 7 4 1 ition Nusiness LoUtge, Handal Qc Haydn Hall, Bth and Spring Garden Streets, PHILADELPHIA. THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. IL, PIEDIDENT AND CONINULTIND ACCOVIITANT. g.xiNotilimpg ifogeeterlfs. Novel and Permanent Arrangement of BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS. From April 1, to October 1,1866, AND SUCCEEDING. TEAM, , Luz SCHOLARSHIPS' including Bookkeeping, Business Correspondence, Forma and Cur tows, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Pen manship, Detecting Counterfeit Money and Commercial Law, 'TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. Schelanbips, including the mime subject, al above, Tune limited to Three Menthe, TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship, Three Months,o7 Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3ms 10 The saving of Coal end Gas in the Summer mouths is en advantage of such importance as enables the management of thii College to make a considerable reduhtion in the Rummer rates from October 1,' 1866 to April I, 1867, and succeeding years as, before. Life Scholarships, 035 Seliolarships, 3 months, • 33 Penmanship, 3 month". • IO Pennianship and Arithmetic, 3‘ montbe, 12 Special Terms for Clubs, Soldieri,.and for Me Sons of Ministers and Teachers. Day sad Evening insturction for both sexes and all ages, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, Pen - manahip, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arith metic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, AIM. lytisal Geometry, the Calculus, Navigation, Surveying, Engineering, Gauging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commercial Law, Gor man, Telegraphing, and th• English Branches at moderate prices. Endorsed by the public as the moat success ful. Business College of the country, as is evi denced by the fact, that FOUR HUNDRED AND TWO ITUDZItTI bare entered in the FIRST SIR MONTHS or ITS EIISTRRCR. PRINCIPALS' OP DEPARTMENTS. THOMAS MAY.PEIRCE. 4. K. GEORGE U. SNYDER, R. S. BARNES, C. N. FARR, Ja., J. T. REYNOLDS, HENRY KEIM, A. E. ROGERSON, rA. M., C. R o l , Supported by an able corps of Assistants. Call or send for a catalogue, College Curren cy, and Peirce's practical Educator. OFFCE--53l NORTH EIGHTH STREET. THOMAS M. PEIRCE. April 14, 1866. 36-2.93iu. NEW GOODS At Greatly Reduced . Prices. We beg leity . e to invite all Owen who we as want of Barman' to out NEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS, Groceries, Queerbstoare, Glassware, No tions, 4-c., and all other classes of goods generally kept in • ant class store. Having purchased our en tire stock For CASH and at the recent decline will sell them much hem • the former rates. COME AND SEE OUR CHEAP MUSLIM, CHECKS, TICAS, GINGHAM'S, PAINTS, &c., &c., wluch will be sold right down with the mark et. Our Dress Goods department comprises the latest dosigni of goods adapted to the sea son which will be found full and complete. CLOTIES, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS 111 fiKMAT VARIZTY • 'of mhieh wis have .a beautiful line of plain and Fancy Cashmeres, English and French Sack lap, Plain Black Cloths, both oreign and domestic, and all other Goods for a nice out fit. Queensware, a full line of Toilet, Tea and Dinner Setts, covered dishes, &c., always on hand, Groceries, a good supply of choice Teas. Coffee, Sugar 4 Syrups and spices. lCr Dry Goods cheaper than Wet Goods. Come and see us and be convinced of what we say. BOWERS 4 STEACY MARKET STREET, Marietta, Pa. s a l A. LINDSAY, .4111 r gi..Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES, MARKET STREET. MARIETTA ) PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has at this time the largest assortment of City ssde work ever offered in this Borough, amongst which may be named the new-style polish got, and dlobe-P 241filohis. FOR TIZZLADLE . A. 1.. being a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAYER enables him to select with more judgment than those who are not. He contin ues to manufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE lints which he will warrant for neatness and fit. magi end examine the new stock before going elsewhere. Alarietta. April 14,1866. tabu of ilotions at Ylv. iloitis. 17" ID GLOVES ; Puffed Muslin, for waists; Black and White Vail"; Neck-Ties for Ladies and Gentlemen; Crochet; Edgings; Jeckonet Edging; Swiss !dualism; Cotton Hose; Infants , VVaiste ; new style Collars; Ribbons of all kinds; Dimity Ruffling; Em broidered Handkerchiefs; Coat Trimmings; Fancy Buttons, for Coats and Dresses ; Paper Collar" and Cuffs, for padies and Gentlemen ; Hymn Books and an endless variety of useful and fancy article" for both rums. Come and sea for To urae_ves. STAMPING. AIRS. J. B. MORRIS Begs leave to announce to the Ladies of Ma rietta and vicinity, that she has just received a new and handsome lot of Braiding and Embroidery Stamps, and also a handsome lot of "Stamped Yokes." Please give her b call. Residence on Lo cust street, second door from the corner of Front-it., Marietta. r3O-3m* DR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST. ----- Or TIM BAL7'/XO3Z COLLJEGIC ':ore... OF DF4TAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG.' FF 1 CE:—Front street, next doer to It ky _Williams' Drug Store, between Locust end Walnut streets, Columbia. ACHOICE Lot of Books for children called triqUilitructable Pleasure Books I &hod and er Books, Stationary, Pen., Pen holders, ati ost DR; LANDIS% T. ORM Ann NEW - lINGLAND RUM 0 Ate ebliusty purposeerwananted gem uute H., D. Benjamin. COAL RODS, Coal-Seison, Conl Skov*la - kern. Stove Grates, Cylinders and Li nings of diftetent kinds, kept on hand et JOHN SPANGLER'S. "ErRAUT STANDS; Meat Stamm, Witte NV -4Cogiv-Tubivlktekets and-.Cedar- : wane gentifiillyi.voropiptiy 4 cin '7 3PZYIiLER~s. • • E. REMINGTON* SONS, e•-•=. -,- 1E) MANUFACTURERS Of Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets AND CARBINES. For the United States Service. Also, Pocket and Belt Revolvers, ,atfierzeut.g. ?lifie Canes, lievolving Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels and Gun materials, sold by Gun dealers and the . Trade generally. In these days of Housebreaking and Robbery, every House, store, Bank and Office should have one of ileirtikqlooe iteboibeiv. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements. in Pistols, and superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the New amington larbabers. fl Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arms will be furnished on application. E. REMINGTON If SONS, luorr, N. Y. Mooar. & Nzcaour, Agents. No: 40 Court/and-at., N. Y. f35-6m DR. HENRY LANDIS. Dr. Henry Landis Dr. Henry Landis At the '!Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," Market Street, Marietta, 3farkd St r e et, Marietta. Keep constantly on hana Keep constantly on hand Drugs, Perfumeries, Taney Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Howe le. Steven's Family Dye Colon, Shoulder Braces and Trusses, Paws and Periodicals, &poke& Stationary, Portmennaiss, Seisms, Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember the place, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr. Grove's old Stand. Give us a call. Give as a call. Sttltzhoh Anne G2O. W. SULTZBACH, ' TANNER 4 LEATHER DEALER, MARIETTA, PA. Having purchased, the remaining stock on hand, and leased the Tannery and fixtures of his late father, flinty Sultzbach, deceased, is now prepared to accommodate the customers of the old stand, and the public generally, with everything in his line, at such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. His stock will consist of Oak Spanish and Slaughter Sole, Valve and Hemlock Leather, CALFSKINS, Sips, Waxed and Grained Upper, SPLITS, HARNESS, BRIDLE & SHOE SKIRTING. 11:r Cash paid for Hides and Skins. Marietta January 6. 1861.-tf 1 Union Flag Clothing Store ! In Crull's old stand, Market-et., Merlotti' r TER RODENRAUSER. [WISE D. 114.NAUBS,1 DEALER IN Brinell and Boy's Clothing, ABoors9:lsvrillioEs, kb" and Gentlemen's /bras/ging Goods, IN GREAT VABIBT7. would take this opportunity to inform the citizens of Marietta and the public . gener• ally that having opened this establishment - for a permanent business; only asks -a fair-trial, being determined not to be undersold by any. Call and see the goods and learn the prices. Marietta, June 1.0, 1866. 44-tf "T• 412/ces, ZtxMiner nit Canbivoutt WOULD most respectfully take this means of informing his friends and the public generally that he has commenced the drawing of DEEDS, MORTGAGES, JUDGMENTS, and in fact everything in the Convvrancirre line. Having gratuitous intercourse with a member of the Lancaster Bar, he will be ena bled to exeeute legs/ instruments of writing with accuracy. ki He can be found at the °lnce of •' Tux MetirmerrAsr,"—"Lindsay'slditur," (sec ond door) near the Post Ofaie corner, or at his residence on Market street, half a square west of the *I Donegal House," Marietta. Erillank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and Leeson always on harid and for sale. 1866 ! 1866, 1 Wall 17DeviDer... HO WELT. & BOURKE. illantifacturirs of Paw Hoeing' and WINDOW SHADES, Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Streets PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in store,* tarp stock of linen • and Oil Shades. March 3,1866.-3 m. 1 000 BUS HAIR! HELS PLASTERERS Po: Sale Cheap, at the Tannery of GEO. W. SULTZRACE, Marietta, Lancaster connty, Pa. March 34, 1866. c h BOXES MESSINA ORAIVGES AND Zi % ) Lemon, in store end for mile st WOLFE'S, Wholesale and Retail. Cheapest in town wours, MARKET-{T. Marietta. February 17,-Im. CORM SKIRT SUPPOR TEAS an ex celieat article for ladies. Juan received and for bale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store. TO LANDLORDS! Just received,' Scotch and Irish WHISKIE S, warren. to be pure, at H. D. Banjasnessn's. • AlliGX LOT OF BUFF. WINDOW BIIADES at teinetkilily vticaa.— tOe 01. Oout , JOHN IMAJANgrAit. NEW TOY.— 'e of Pharaoh% 1410. pints ( fi e& laid) at Dr. LA Nine. reftAlL ILEIWTIL ,' 7799 1 1 3T4 , 5 sitd awe thews 1:!M= Z•TMW C - a•CPC:ti:).. JUST RECEIVED FOR CAM, AT PHILADELPHIA ?WEL GABLE & STRICKLER. Sucessers to /bridles Cowl, Market St., Marsetta, Laneaster Co.. Pa. To the Public: Vila begleave to announce to Our patrons and the public generally• that our arrangements for the Spring Season ate ouch as will enable us to over tor sale an unusually well minuted, varied and attractive stock of DRY 000D$. GROCERIES. GLASS and QUERNMVARE, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CARPETING, &e., &c. Having reduced our stack to the verylowest point, enabled us to lay in an entirely new assortment, which we feel confident wiil be attractive to the old and to new customess at this old stand. Every Department will constantly be re p/enished with the most deslreb/e offerings and bargains from New. York and Philadelphia markets. We particularly solicit your attention to our goods and prices before_purchasing elsewhere. GABLE & STRICKLER, One door West of the Post Mee, Market St. Er The highest Market price paid in-goods in exchange'for Country produce. Marietta, March 1%, 1866. "01 I'd int Nail" 1 Stars, Market Street, Marietta. JOHN FOur,Es Haying again leased, from Captain Samuel D. Miller, hie old and popuLsx Clothing stand, would take this method of informing the pub. lie that he has jolt laid in an excellent stock of everything in the Ready-made Clothing Like. smelt Ae Over, Dreis and Business Coats, Pantaloons - and -Vests, OP ALL 11/11ADZI Attu ratets, Cloths, Cassimeres and vestings always on hand, which will be tit and Made-up to suit the tastes -of customers- Goutiomen f Fur nishing Goods, Shirts, Drawers, Hose. Collate, fluependers, Neck Ties, HATS ANDO& CAPS of all kinds, &e., &c. KrGoods at all prices—from the finest to tke cheapest. Call and pee for yoursilwei be fore purchasing elsewhere. Marietta, February /7, 1866-Iy. AUCTION DRY GOODS. —o— HAVE JUST OPENED $lO.OOO WORTH OF 'VALUABLE DRY GOODS Slightly wet at the great ire in Philadelphia which we are selling at less than hay' their Valli, quite • variety of muslin', Ca.icoes. Cassimeres, Flannels and Linens ate embrac ed in the lot. Alto a full assortment of Seasonable SPRING GOODS in perfeit order and of the newest styles at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Call soon and you will get dome great bargain& SPANGLER & RICH. Marietta, March, 16, . 1866. SMI WILLCOX mo ttII si BBS Oanl ll 'g f etaing •Ja-ariting• The most simple, complete and easily man aged Sewing Machine now in use. It does every desenption of work—never mope at or needs to be helped over sewn*, but does sill its work rapidly and well. The needle re quires no adjustment you cannot get It in wrong—it makes any width of hem you wish —does braiding beautifully. The Braider is in the foot of every machine and put of it, and is always adjusted, never gets out of place. Call and examine them before purchasing any other, at H. L. &E. J. ARM'S, Corner North Queen street and Centre Square, Sole Agents for Lancaster County. Lancaster, February 17, 1866.-tf. IL L. t E. J. ZAHM, s- - Avizeloss, . :4. 144* 7 Corner of North Queen-St., klir and Centre Square, Lancaster. Pa. UTE are prepared to sell American and lit Swiss Witches at the lowest cash rain! We buy directly from the importers and Man• ufacturers, and can; and do s 11 Watches as low as they can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. • A fine stock of Zlocks, Jewelry, Spectacles. Silver and Silver-plated ware constantly on hand. Every article fairly represented. H. L. 4. E. J. ZAHN. Corner North Quoin Strut and Carr. Square, LANCASTER, Pd. February 17, 1866.4 f. 1866 THE LADY'S FRIEND— . The best of the Monthlies—devo ted to LITERATURE and FASHION. $5.- 50 a year. We give WHEELER & WIL KIN'S Celebrated #55 Sewing Machine on the following terms:— Twenty copies and the Sewing Machine, 1170. Thirty copies and the Sewing_ Maclaine, $B5, Forty copies acd the Sewing Machine, 3100. Send 15 eeats for a sample copy to DEA CON &. PETERSON, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. - LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND buihela of Lime for sale for Whitewashing, Building and land. This ti the best lime is the country. Prices at the kiln for the best picked lime by the busitel..._2s.• cents, Apply to Henry Wolfe, agent for the Wrightsville Company burning lime on.Bir. John Heide.- man a farm.—All orders left with Harry Wolfe will be promptly filled. DR. J. H. GROVE, After serving as STAFF SURCIF.OIt, in the United States Service for ever four years. and during the whole of the Rebellion, has again located in this borough, and taken his former residence, on Market street. He has associated with - DR. HENRY LANDIS in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Dr. Gaovz will pay especial attention to Surgery in ill its venous branches. 101 UNAWAY, from the premises of tke dereigned, residing in Donegs4 towuship z an Indentured Apprentice to the Fanning bu siness; named FREDERICK THOMAS, col ored.. All persons Ira hereby Cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as X will pay no debts of his contracting. J. C. W. REDSECKER. April 7, 1866-31.* pring Shawls Salmon& Gloves, Hosiery, °Belie and Rustles, Embroidered Handker chief' arid .Coßam Mourning Collars and, Veils, Head Nets and Dress Trimmings. 4 full supply at SPANGLER & RICH'S. ' - .DRY GOODS BOXES.—Latge sad 1j Medium 'rice, for oak cheap at DIFFENI3ICIPS. BEST quality of Wines and Live° to foe toadied:al pomace', it D. Lando•. A 14. **As of ttloiki t Deok - win -fttii