The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 28, 1866, Image 2

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    c L atiettian.
$104040 'or ling, flpil RB, 1888.
sr In Andrew johnsone speech at
Washington on the 3d of April, 1865, be
made tb is declaration : " Iron, my friends
hove traitor! in -your very midst; ,and
treason needs rebuke nod punishment
here as well as,., elsewhere:" ;It min
scarcely be 4 doubted that he, intended to
apply these ..tutilifto the men who ap
pleaded his , librestoetend who approve
only such pprtions elf his policy as tend
to eke tration" respectable instead of
"odious," and to endow it , with , power
and Wealth instead of meeting out puns
isbment and impoverishment,
-. ActOn Prol).ll.t..ohotpd with -the
murder of the Nein,' ' , family, was
brought into , court on the lath,' Re
said be did not desire any Gonaeb not
to make say defence. After counsel
bad been wealgwed him, he said he would
scoot them. The bills of indictment,
eight in clamber, were road to him, and
he stood mute. • His counsel were grant
ed until Vlriodaesday to plead, when the
trial was prooesded with, end ationld no
legal barrier be interposed, will soon be
A bill was before the Legislature
at its lest session, 'making 7 per cent.
the legal rate of interest in Pennsylva
nia. This bill was at ant defeated in
the Sousa by a small majority, hut af
terwards thi Irde!vss reconsidered, and
the bill passed. The measure however,
failed in the Senate, as did also *prop°.
lotion allowing Banks to charge 7 per
ant. interest on dist:Musts. The legal
rate of interest, therefore, remains at 6
per cent. as it *isms has been.
ar The Het of awards to the captors
of the assassins of Mr. Lincoln and the
rOwerd paidlor the emit of Jefferson
Davis have beef laid before the Hausa
of Representative". Col. L. 0. Baker
reoeivee s37so;.Lieut. Baker. $4OOO ;
Boston Oorbett, $4000; Lieut. Dougher
ty, $7500. 001. Plitoliard roielves $lO.-
000 for the capture of Jeff. Davis. Of
course there is mtwolk dissatiefectioawith
the kirkfa, end , would be under say air
cumstan es.
Th• TO1111014114) House of Repro
mutative' has passed franchise bill,
by the decided majoritY of 41 to 15
whiCh prevents any person who partici.
Wed in the rebellioa Iron* bereefter
having a share in the management `of
the State Government. Its passage by
the Senate Is copsidered pertain, and
Union men are greatly rejoiced. The
question Of dividing4he State continues
to be agitated in East Tennessee,.
sir A joint reaolution introduced into
the U. S. Senate by Hon. Henry Wil
so, to prohibit the sale of spirituous
liiiteWss in the Capitol building way itdop
ted, McDougal and Garrulous" Davis of
Kentucky. only voting against it. Mc.
Dolmal announced those!! in favor of
thee trinity of wine, ,whisky and war.
He frequently tedisdown.befora the deity
of Arhisky. „„ .
Tb• " Naticknat: 4 468011 rut "
at which Afinisemery Blair is the
~ lead
er. has twined a "National Address," of
whioh the chief point is that they are
shocked because negro woman some
times wear silk dresses.
or The Kansas Chief says •that we
an► 404 A 0417 ;Anson would have
toads rather a poor sort of Moses. He
'Wiliam vetoed the ten command
** hirrnanat Ids Meade. the Gergash•
it and Ilittitna, were not alkored a
value io pilings ibem up.
ar A eielireitibyeleisn from lagland
1 ° 411844 ill Cab/WNW Misr, lest week,
end on soteweepastios;-befk
whites end blacks.
Air Limon Demoreat, of illueeelo4l,
emnommethie evwdeatii last Ala.
He said his deed fathekameio bilk bed
eideramd.kiesed him sad drew lie cold
bead over his broad. "that mall=
dank" , acid Immume. "end alkali die
to- t," aaf, die
_be did.
gresoo. Gnat's rsosptios took title.
es last Friday. It Ira attended bribe
Presldast,Thadlissia Bfavatia, Alasallaik
,Stsrasks, MoofkomOry Blair. the
Fowl' Violator, Illftratary IdoColloOO
sad ofhlks,.
Darin the =days " Ipgbt
beer " bilis bays been defeated Abe
Now Yerk and New Jersey kiegislaturoke.
lost in Obi% by dienreentent between
tbettow houses, *a minor enerideirele.
and passed is mellow of tiii.lreaseyl-
Teals lagbiletare. .
frir pixteen entriiKen ve; : of them
noder 4teikt $ ptSODI
congaed 'id' l tif , TOpi!lb..ll
,P 4 11011: br4W
deloklig i tstout*NTiotApt,
44040 ?eV*.
tgbe Marla in a Nut—Malt
A law is pendine befotPthe Ohio
Legislators, withdOkWiag from Its
street railway comp hies rthi 4ht to
collect fare of timere'of their passengers
whom they do not provide with meats.
The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne &
cago Railway Compact, have appointed
a corps of surgeons along the line of
their road, who are to be called in all
cams of injury to passenger or employee
of the road.
A pair of horses died of few days ago
in Greenville, Pa, from eating the bark
of a locast tree to which they were tied.
Barnum, the showman; is putting up
his monument in the Bridgeport (Conn.,)
cemetery: - -trill be 'twenty-NV feet
high, cootairrSixty-ers tone of granite,
sod eget $6,000,, , Barnum believes in
taking time by the forelock.
A lady in NOW London, Conn., got up
out of bed the other night, in• her eleep;
and walked to the cemetery, quite a dis
tance, in her night clothes. On return
ing home she fell into a pond, getting
completely soaked through,
Tbe death of a Mormon bishop is thus
announced in" a Salt Lake paper :—" Be
was thirty-seven years old, and Naves
an interesting family of eleven wives and
forty-seven small children to mourn his
Congress having voted, to
Pennsylvania for money expended for
her militia, the State of Missouri has
put in a claim for seven, million dollars
for similar expenditures.
A dog et Springtield.lll.. was chang
ed from jet ,buck to pure white by the
use oleos! oil to drive away fleas.
fir Colonel James Wor . r . cll. of Bar
fishing, has been appointed Commis
sioner to superintend the opening of the
dams in the Susquehannotricer and its
tributaries for the free passage of ash,
in pursuance of the out pealed at the
last session otthe Legislature.
A couple celebrated, their silver wed.
ding in Vet/13011i the other day. of whom
it was said that they bad never exchang
ed a harsh word during their wedded life
of twenty-five years. The most incred
ulous will believe it when it la stated
that tbey are deaf mutes.
A negro named White. who was for
many years the body servant of Robert
Toomtl!lii io.delivering a lecture in Ohio
on " The Competency 'of the Colored
Mau for Equality before the Law."
Mr. Frederick Hudson, lately retired
froin the 146 York Herald, ( of which
he has been wicking editor, for years
risk) was riresented with an $BOO watch
by the .Herald club.
Ceptain Winder, keeper of the Rio&
mond prbion, has been unconditionally
released by the President.
Ex-Gov. Johnson, it ie said, hat been
appointed Collector of Internal Revenue
st Pittsburgh.
A eon of Patrick Henry died in desti
tution io Floyd' county, Virginia.
Two of the richest men, in Michigan
are,.Efon. Z. Chandler, United States
Senator, whom everybody familiarly
calls Zack," .on account of his convi
vial oature, and OrkpL Ward, a
sort of inland Vanderbilt, who owns no
end of steamers, and, who is-,largely in
terested in copper:and iron trade.
A London- correspondent says ibitt
gamin Victoria is'no Aeiltotaller, 'likes
ale or stoat at lunch, and port or sherry
at dinner. George Cruikshank, the vet
eran artist, Dow 76 years of age, took
occasison to give her majesty t temper
ance lectari while eibibiting his piotnre
the worship of Bacchus.
In Boston, on• Monday evening, wand
set Ilre to hie store, ,but -was.detected
and pursued, when he shot himself. He
will recover. •
The mane arrested at London, O. W.,
orr suspicion of being an accomplice in
the murder of the Deering'family, has
been remanded-for examination.
As the winter's ice breaks np on the
lake shore and in the river, at Chicago,
a groat many dead bodies are fished out
of the water by the citizens. Nobody
/ knows anything about how they cr.
Viers, and no impertinent questions are
asked, according to the local journals.
Two members of the Tennessee Leg
islature got luta.' quarrel the'other day,
daring the session of the Rouse, and af
ter exchanging hot words drew pistols,
and were on this , point, of exChanging
shots, when,they •were disarmed.,
Thome Downing, known to all New
Yorkers as one of the leading. caterers
and oystertnen of that,. city, 'died, last
'reeky fie wee born a slave in Viiginia
io 1791; but was treed when a boy. He
hadimilt Up a large - business in New
Yeti. and acquired a large foittifie, 'and
was universally respected.. He bad'sent
seiiiral Of his `children triWirOpe to tie
educate. 4.
A one-armed Gaither in lowa cute end
onrds two and &half cords of wood per
407: He offers a Wlr ofcity dollars
thitte oswepiit one hundred. sad ,a(iy
1 40 ,P9011Y:
Tho:TOroato potimi clisegia*th
kris-thiivobbst , of • * E.. itiOrs i
litlik,so eels.
"liit Tarsi. or Dsvm.—We have a
porttrom irashinitou to this effect :
"It be. be ipositiv* elated that the
Attorney -ti eral hibusily surged 'in
arranging for -the Apeetly trial of Jeffer
son baits. He will be arraigned before
one of the Circuit Courts of the United
States upon the charge or high treason.
The Attorney General holds that there
is no such thing es constructive presence
in the crime of treason, sod on this ac
count the trial will probably be either in
Tennessee or Virginia. William M.
Everts is the only gentleman whose
name has yet transpieed who is to assist
the Attorney General in the prosecn
tioo,.thoogh several other eminent law
yin lave been retained by the Govern
ment. Charles o!Connor and James T.
Brady,Of New tork, 'William B. Reed,
of Penneylvania, - Ind a lawyer froin Mis
sissippi, are to conduct the defence.
The intention of the authorities is'to Se
cure fiipeedy trial, not only for Davis,
bht for ewieral other noted rebels."
Tun Czotante.--This fell disesee is
'getting nearer and nearer to .us. Last
week the stesinpacket England, arrived
with lt•au board , at Halifax subsequent
ly, acsaeacenrred at Parthted, the suf
ferer, it is averred, liaviag escaped from
the England. On Thursday last
British steamer Virginia from Liverpool
arrived at New York .with►lo43 passes
gate On the pasaige there were 38
died from cholera, the disease breaking
out, as in the Case of the Englund, when
font or five days at sea, and among, the
Germans. The s veasel now lies in the
lower bay, and has no _communication
with the shore. Thus it is at oar doors,
and this chances would seem to be against
confining it to the vessels, unless the
disease has chaoged.its character.
Anthony Pyobethiu; been arraign
ed tor the mirder or the Deering family,
and hie trial wet set down-to commence
on. Wedneetley morning last. He said
whin questioned that he desired no coun
sel, but afterwardiLaccepted of an as
signment made by the cond. We rare
sorry that any one would undertsktothe
defence of mob a Bend incarnate; His
case should he made' a special one. He
shoold bersent to the, gallows, in forty
eight hours. There should be so mercy
&Aim WOW world or the world to
come. The devils in helirwill he rejoic
ed with, such an addition to their num
ber ; and if that region is not intended
for mush monsters, its gates had better
be elosed.--Gerinantowa Telegraph.
lir' The corner•skone of the monument
to he erected over the gravOof Stephen
A. Douglas will be laid some time dur
ing the month of May or June ; and the
trustees haviog the matter in charge
have invited Wiiliam H. Seward, Sec
retary. of State, to be the orator of the
occasion. In reply, Secretary Seward
writes : "'I may inform yenihtet I should
consider It an agreeable duty to accept
this iniritation, vrhich doettnor singer
ate the regard in , which Lhold the mem
ory of Stephen A. Douglas. The knot
of his days in Washington were eintoloy
ed in consultation with' President 'Lin
coln and myself in organising the resist
ance to disunion."
Among the students at thepol
likeNit which . Robert B. Lee is president
are 'Benjamin Wood, jr., eon of Mr.
Wood,. of the N. Y. Daily News; A. W.
Pope, eephew of the Federal. 13teners1
Pope; Hugh Huth and R. Davie Farish,
nephews of Mr. Jefferson Davis ; W.
W:' Foote, ion of e:-Senator
late of 'tenuous, ; J. W.. Wilmer, ,ion
of Bishop Wilmer. of Alabama,- and
Charles Rivas,• eon. of Hon. Alexander
Rives, of Cherlittarville, Vs.
ar The Cincinnati Gazette says that
pum " Essen.• or Coffeep is now made
in thabsity oat °Me "cheisieit dirtiest
sue, nastiest molasses," which is •boiled
until it ropes',-cooled in pane, and when
hard broken nicand pulvprizud. Ground
rye is then mined with it, site which it
is boxed up, each box being sold at
eighty cents, and labelled " Plire 'Es
sence at Coffee."
or Col. Jacques, of theVilimore4ac
quoit Peace-libidos to Richmond, hie
noted Illinois Metbodhlt,who wee arres
ted, 50018 time since oe'firts chafe Al
oinsiag the death by an abortion of a
woman he , had seduced, amilwes released
on bail, has given conclusive proof of his
guilt Wailing to appear for trial.
Oi Friday mornitig last a party of
seven men entered the jail - of Spencer
county., Ky., and forcibly released two
murderers in confinement there.
Or There are - , seventeen swami°.
rise of paper collars, An rNew England,
and each girl inakeinhonteighWienthen
deed of them: dary.
fir The richeat ma i n in Virginia - in a
Verthonter nanied Franklin Sterne. He
made hie Money by loaning confederate
scrip on good farm mortgagee.
or Jima LittDilworth, of Plimpton,
Pa., ia Oho fatbor , of 31..ohihjersethetepl:
eat( of whom latso plan. Now:jolt , thitlit
oalliag that taaa Littloworth. '
lir The Voioq .Po c ooeuger Shvikt
Company of thil*lpitia, are . to plate
lottor,boxo. is iskoli of thoirSKl!-
Clement q..01. 7 , 4 p0tt
froniT444o4ll6l#o4l4 4 4etturtkili
air* .
ser The principal dancer M one of
the London theatres recently brought
an action for assault against a man who
had thrown a eabbage.head at her when
upon the stage, and which she bed only
escaped by a genufluzion not down in
the ballet manual. This defence was
that it was the only style of bouquet
available to his pocket and band. He
was fined ten shillings and costs.
W The President's coarse—Lee-ward
His pilot—Se-ward. His reckoning
not arrived at.
Special Natites
LYON'S PERIODICA L Drops. The great A
shok Remedy for Irregularities.—These Drops
are a scientifically compounded , fluid prepara
tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or
Nostrums. Being liquid, thedf sedan is direct
and positive, rendering them a reliable, spee
dy and certain specific for the , cure of all ob
structions and suppressions of nature. .Their
popularity is Indicated by the fact that over
100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum
ed by the ladies of the United Statei, every
one of whom speak in the strongest terms of
p wise of their good nitrite. They are rapidly
taking the place of every other Female Rem
edy, and are considered by all who know
aught ofthem, es tht surest;, safest and moat
infallible preparation in the world, for the
cure of all• female complaints, the' removal of
all obstruction, of nature, and the promotion
of health, regularity and strength. , ROHM.
directions stating when they maybe used j and
explaining, when they should not„nor,uould
not-be used without producing effects contra
ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care
fully folded around each-bottle, with the writ
ten signature of. JOHN L. Lyon, without
which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. JOHN L.. Draw, 195 Chapel
street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con
sulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing
stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe
male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists every
where. Cr.nar. Gen , l Agts for
U. S. and Canadair. -
Aciaxi.—Out of ten ihousand re.jiular physi
cians 'pais aannot find 'on who will not say
that stimulants and ineigerants are absolutely
necessary in medical practice. And yet in
bygone yeirs hirinane practitioners have hesi
tated to .administer them, because the fiendish
ingenuity of wretches who make mercharidiae
of human infirmities had so polluted and 'de
teriorated them that the remedy was deemed
as dangerous as the disease. This perplexity
is happily done away with. Physicians kriow,
becauae the firstanalytical chemists of tbeige
have demonstrated the fact, that HOSTET 7
TERS are absolutely - and entinely free from
all "pernicious elements. Hence they have
been introduced into the United States Army,
and are accepted, whereon the testimony of
the wise, the intelligent and the philanthropic
is rated at its just value, as the best protective
against and care for all diseasee arising from
impurity in the - air or other unhealthy climate
iilluencia, that has ever been tested by expe
rience. In cases of Dyspepsia- and Liffer
Complaint, we state-without qualification or
reservation, that tee Bitters are as nearly in
fallible as anything prepared by human skill
can be. [A-ha
sra.tatin, our To - oz.—Every young lady
and gentleman in the United States can hear
something very much to their ,advantage by
return mail (free of •tharge,) by addressing
the undersigned. Those - having fears of being
humbugged will oblige by .not noticing this
card. AU others will ,please -:address their
obedient servant, 1:110B. F. CHAPMAN, 831
Broadway, N. Y.
ill - Deafness,. Blindness aid Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
Al. D. Oculist and Autist (formerly of Ley
den,liolland,) No. 519 .PINE st.,
. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country can be seen at
his Office. The MediCal faculty Ere invited to
accompany theirpatielits, so he has no secrets
in his practice. Artificial E3 - es inserted ,with
out pain. No charge for examination.-
Er The Ladies of. America, from their pe
culiar hot" arksaid tp, be the most unhealthy
in the world, also to euffeimost when about
to become a mother. Dr. Velpau's Pills are a
great blessing to all ladhis, as they regulato•lnd
assist nature. Sold by Dr. Hinkle. Marietta,
odd by all good druirgists..
- --
Keep, constantly on hand s lull utoulg of 131111
'diCieMatirial. Nino,
..... u , ..- - ""' t `....
13utitratilk.Airriai.a oi'Clitastr, Ac,
.." IRON . : Rolled` and Hammered
Iron, o Steel, Horse - Shoe. Bar,
~ . . ,
N.llWay 'Nail Rode, Hoo p and Band Iron,
- 115ree-Shoe Neile; - Bolts,'Fileiißislielate.
Tube, Churn'',
,Cedar Stands,
Wash Bolide,Ruckete, -
Knives and Forks,
Pinged.. and Mange Spoons,
SAW Irons, Cutters, Waiters, Braes and
Copper Kettles.. pother Wringer., Pans"
Iron Ladles, . Most Stands, Coal Oil
. Lamps, Shade' and Lanterns, Tea
' Beiges, Coffee 411110, tainted • :-. : •
Chamber 6e4s..arikmil L ~
~ ~ I
Forks, Shoiele; Heels, Spades, mune kirtilheem
Wheel , Greaso i Fah, Sperm and Oils,'
Cistern . Pumps, Long and Shoit Trieee,'
!repot Chains, lie., &e. ,
TOG LS: Handmaid Wood Siwe,,Hatektite,
Chopping, and Han - CA.les, Planee,,Chierels,
Augers" aid;Airier Bite, 'Braces, Pruning
Ifooki and Shears, &a., &C. - '
Thankful past patronage, we hope to merit
lind ieceive a continuance of the same. •
Marietta,. August 1 1865.
ÜBSCRIPTION eik - etired for allihe
0 - Periodicals of the day ,
At The (Wes Mortar.
OGEWSZo grd ipsaqiCePearl Cemeat and 1
Oil Paste
dirk" Ye - 4
P The Mortar
m - .
""XTTEift'i tt
LDrOr4dOWIRIaI, st •
C:t .A. TT S 311
i - I U. 111 a, 31. Misery-
Just Published, in a sealed envelope. Price
A Lecture on the nature, treatment, out radi
cal cure of Seminal Weakness, or SPk.RAM
TORRIVEA, Induced by Self-abuse, invol
untary Emissions, •latency, Nervous De
bility and impedimenta to marriage generally,
Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, Mental and
Vomits' Incapacity, te. by Dr. Robert, J.
Cuiverwell, author of the "Green Book," Az.
The world-renoaned author, in , this admira
ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own ex
perience t hat the awful consequences of self
abusemay be effectually removed without me
dicine, and without dangerous surgical opera
tions, bangles, instruments, rings, or cordials,
pointing out a mode of cure at once Certain
sad effectual, by which every sufferer, no mat
ter witiat his condition, may „be,
timselaheipiy, privatel4 and rat:hilly:
This Leeture will prove a boon to thousands
and thousands.
Sent, Under seal, in a plain envelope, to say
address, postage paid, on receipt of Six Cents,
or two postage stamps. Address the publish
ers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE Ir CQ.,
127 Bowery, New-Yorki.Vost-office Box 4,586.
Auks .17.c1866.Ti7-
Opposite Dijfinbanh's and two doors
West of the Golden Mortar
Drug Store, Market-st.,
Heg. leave to announce to the Ladies of the
Borough of , Marietta and vicinity, that she
bas IS" Wined an entire new stock of
embracing all the Novelties of the Seises,
among which will. be found
Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet
Ribbons, Gimps, Cords' and 2assels,
and. Buttons in endless variety,
Hosiery and. Gloves; Ulm & P.mb'd Collars.
Zephyr Shiite's, Plain 84,Emb'd 11 9 dli
Open. Cape; ikZephyr- Scarfs,
Susiienden Germantown Wool,
. _
Twilight', Breakfast Coseys,
Braids and Shetland Wool,
Bindings, Zephyr Yarn,
Laces, Neok-Ties,
Com% Belting, F.dging,-Itufiling,
• • iembtoideiy. Fancy Soipi;
Partiefiliir attention has been paid to the se
letting of small wares, such asSewing Silk,
Cotton and. Linen T 'hread, Whalebone, Idooks
and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c.
tr The public areyorticularly requested to
call and examine for themselves.
Pr Mrs. It. is agent far.the.stile of the cel
ebrated Singer “A" Family Sewing Machines
' , kWh took the first premium'at the late - New
York State Fair. She will also instruct•per
eons pirebasing from her, how to work the
machine. (9=tf
Southwest dm:sr of Market Square,
Marietta, 'Lancaster Co., Pinnseviiniti.
TMs Academy having recoved'verrflatter
ing encouragement during the first session will
enter upon - the second term on Monday - , April
sixteenth. • •
The location of this School is one of the most
healthy and pleasant in the BMW. Fohr pas
senger trains of the Pennsylvania railrond co.
pass through the Borough daily, making it ,
easy of semis fromall parts of the
blanche.taught embrace all those of a
thorough ling/ish education - together with
Latin e Greek, French slid German-languages . ,
Vocal and Isstrumental
Every branch will be taught in the most
thorough returner
Whilst the principal will constantly aim to
make thorough achoiaro, he still deems it no
leas important to inculcate, moral and religious
principles. He pledges big best exertions to
secure Hie 'present and future welfare ot those
committed to his charge.
, Lectureli ,Philosop h y,
eied before the students during the session.
A regular examination will be held nt the
closO of each term. -
TERM.:—For boarding, washing and
light, per sension of five months, 235:00
Toifion •in English branches, 10:00
1 - Ifitbstin Greek,'French and German
—mich extra, 15:00
Book Keeping, b:00
Instrumental Music, 20:00
CP Persons wishing to place their.sons or
daughters in this Institution will please make
early application by letter or, otherwise.
R. S. /11421 WELL,
‘Rev. J. .1. Lane, Wrightsville, • •
R. W.. Smith, Wrightsville,
Dr..l. Leyergood, Lancaster,
Alava Baker, Chatham, - Cheeter, co.
' Rev. Robert Alexander, Little Britain.
ID. Wilson, Baltimore,
Samuel Lindsay,
hf arietta,
Calvin A. Schaffner, ""
11. D. Benjamin si
Dr. J. Cushman, "
Dr. F. Hinkle, "
Thomas Zell,
A. N. Cassel git
Jacob Roth, 4 '
George W. Stahl, "
Merietta, February 3, 1866.-26tf.
Market Street, adjoining Spangler ¢ Rich's
Store, on the second &or.
Where he is now prepared to wait d.
onallarkeinay fee/ disposed to pa
tronize •him.,
DuAtistry lu all its branches carried on.
Tuin inserted on the moat approved prin
ciples of Dental science. All operations on
the mouth perforated in a skillfuland Work-
Manlike Manlier—on fair principles and
Havm deteneMed upon a permanent
tion at this elite wou l d - iisk a continuation
of the liberaLpatiornige heretofore extended
tghini,„for winch he will render every possi
ble sausfeetion.,
istered to properiersons.
TO TUC Putitic.—Eliviit had 'mica:MM . for
the, pee of a Dentist ? I calle on Dr. Worrell,
who - has succeeded in preparing for me an ex
cellent and servieesble set—upper and lower.
They are upon what is called "rubber base.r
ant fit MY Mouth firmlfind - comfirtauly, - add
are almott'as much use to me - as were mynat
urel teeth. My mouth having-become:-"
,deformed in consequence of. hitting
gene a number of years - without any teeth on
one side of my janr;ilifirDOctOr remedied thiirdefeet, mating the fit, complete, whilsethe
working of the teeth, are .entirely satisfactory.
I-would cheerfully recommend any person
in want of dental operations, to *till On 'l4.'
Worrell, havieg great confidence is his pro
le:irk:lm skill. . GEO: REICH.
]IIe chent'Tailor, . aid Clothier,-
de F. Kreunph's,Old Stand. on ihe'Cin ,
ner .Nart4 Queen and Orange
•,.#treete, Lancaster,
R d T & p LT - L tothe Cifizeis of Mariefte
Ur - and vicinity, for the liberal patronage ,
heretofore attended,. the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the setae; al
sariatthem, that under all circumstances, no
61514 " 1 1 -L9 0 14 iire&4l4atief•Ftor,
equivalent or eieriiiet con fidenceof. rimposed.
Vjiertliar, and'
inch otherareasiiitabli isist*riaLasAithion and
funiimbes, constanily kept on head
and- neenufaetuissilii-orderi prodipily; and:tea -
oftualk , may OW*. kw .
r . i," • , ,airt-mmaika'zuskriis , cioirorries
iiieralhiling mi 4444 .0/ 04 "e# 444 1/ 42 .4 49.6 r
such wee* iiii usually - Isailitt
o air:
If your bowels are costive,
If you have minus, THRSI.
If your breath is badT, THEM.
If you feel drowsy ,TRY THEM
If you ate low spiritTedß,Y THEM.
If you have a sick headaeh e ,
If you have taken a drop too moth,
They only coat 25 cents a box,
Btus Mao, and other preparations of 11,,,
cum, actually pounce more cufferul
death than the diseases which they r o r e 4 T:
cure. And yet this corrosive minim 00 4e
nounced•by the idiopathic doctors, it P
bed by them almost universally in Liv ir
plaint, Consumption of Lungs, fic.
are composed entitely of roots and hem.. ob
tamed from the great storehouse of Nita,
and their salutary effects will appea st
as the medicine is brought to the ten Di hir
experiment. 'SC RENCK'S Id iN DRALE
PILLS do not produce u y nausea or Miley
of the stomaah ; but when given for byspep,
i t may be proper to use them in omit.
By this judicious treatment the digektire la,
aides are speedily restored to their full oily,
and the worst cases of indigestion lay a
When we reflect that the liver is the low
internal Organ of the body, that to it ieal*.
ed the important duty of filtering the till*
and preparing the-bile, that it is subject
many disorders, and that when it is dingo
or inactive the whole body sutlers eym il u nt
ically, it,is not surprising that a medicine
which can restore the healthy operation' of
the Liver should produce wonderful cheep
in the general health, sal effect curet atici
may appear to be almost miraculous. He ' d,
ache of long continuance, severe pia. is the
side, breast and shouiden, aching of the bah,
a feeling of - general weakness and wretched,
ness, and-other alarming and diatre..l", - ;;
toms, indiectivc of imperfect or disordered at.
tion of the liver, are speedily removed by the
Costiveness,jales, bitter or sour eructation,
iind that indescribable feeling of oppren ic e
mental anxiety, languor, lethargr de•
preesion of spirits, which unfit s moo lot fol
management of business and the eojoyannuf
life, areal! relieved by the use of SCIVOC I'S
Da. Su:lzmir ir: I like pleases
in sending you a certificate in additicn ti
many you have already received from suffer
ing humanity. I can amerce ly find leagaigi
sufficiently strong to expiate my heart
grantication of the wonderful eons yin
IC have effected in the entire cure of one of
the most stubborn cases of the affection lids
liver. For three Years I suffered beyond dr
scription ; all my friends, as well as myelf,
came to the conclusion that my time in is
life was short. Such was the terrible cordi•
lion to which I was reduced that life to me
had bec.true a tourtfeen ; my whole vinous"
in a state of inflammation ; I could not est,
could not sleep ; my whole body was said
with pain ; swelling would arise in my mutt
and: ankles, rendering them totally wha
the several occasions 1 was attacked with s
rush of blood to the head, which wocid lel
me to the grouml, and I ceded
away for dead. I applied to several mined
physicians ot our , city, who administered ill
the medicihes that they thought would old
my case, but of no avail.
One of them Mild he could do no more It
me, and advised me, as a last reent, tochink
codliver oil. Not relishing the horrid troll
declined to take it. Accident put per alter
tisemeut in my tirade. I called on IOU; Yet
examiued me and told me the nature of M
disease. You then ordered me .he Pills std
Tonic with an observance of diet, itioltial
your word that in one week I would finder
;elf another man. I followed your mind,
and, as you predict ed, an astonishing cure wit
effected. I continued your Pills and Tom
for some time. and now thank God for di
goodness, and yotir invaluable medicine, I
sun once more restored to perfect health. I
most earnestly recommend those who in
sulferinh from affection of the liver to gilt
your Pills and Tonic a rain trial, and a ow
will be effected. I have sent many Toni
to you,andliatillave all been cured. AO
informationtaY ; felloweitizens may
will belreelygiven by the subscriber, at h
a rfili tite ll t en s F:j. Pau lt k iee r d o e sd ra . l meet, hewers 11
Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer
Da. SCRENCIC will be professionslilit
principal office, No. /5 North Sixth strut, us•
ner. of-Commerce, Philadelphia, every /11 0 '
day, from 9 a. m., until 4p. m. ; N 0.31 301
street, New Yoik, every Tuesday, fin 1 0
3 ; No. 38 8u mner street, Boston, go
every -15redne9day, from 9 to 3 ; sod treil
other Friday at 108 Baltimore start,
more, Md. All advice, free, but foe dis'
ough examination of the lungs with WI Rir
pirometer the cholla' is thiei dollars.
PriOisof the Pulmonic Syrus. and SW ,
Tonic v each 81.+50 per
_bottle,. or 17.5 0 / 46
dozen. Mandraite Pills, 25 cents pet b*,
For sale by all Druggists& Dealers. PI
gOilthgli4 COWP4 4 1 1 '
Cam/Sits; Lwicaiter County, Poll
Capital andissets, 1199,990:g
ril ag l ai ß n i s pi t : l l i e : 2.2 sai rre d= h ibi lii m ease ig lati ;L : y ne ire t: , t o hlti. r ier7 r Fll.l : ll o lr
plan, either for a Cub premium c r P. --
note. •
Whole:amount bunted, Wm
;,Amt of premium
notes,. $426,090:66
Bal. calm premium;
Jan'y 1 , 1862, 3,704:47
Cub receipts in 1854,-
less fees and com
missions, ' • 22,870:56 s46oi
Looses and -exitanie .
paid in 1864, $22.794:89
Balance -'of Capital
and Aaaage,,jan
. nary latoto. 429,9 20 ; 36
A. 8. GREBN, Paretatro
MICHAEL .8. ,811UMAN, Treasurer.
annuel_Shock Williams p
Robert T. lision, Jahn o'.
, &Vi r .,
JM,i Arlearielt; agOrgt I r ml c olg,
H. G. Mieich, - Niehetas 741.00,
Samuel F. Eeeekiis, MicAsel
Arno* S. Green.. S. C. aspor.
Edmund *grit*.
'—:---------- -'to.
OCE :—.4.1/ pezious knovrillt
_ A
fi A ll
vetoes ledebtel. to the undersign^
' Wile cell add - Peale iniiiedistelf. ~ cO.
141_21! 1 !sof
z _ r 4 6144, lf
______,2_:....--- ------6
~ BE 1 TING o f posy duo too
I muted OR '' , 4l;iistoss GO distill° •
two of " s cud