The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 28, 1866, Image 1

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T HE pEopiss...
usintos Virege,.
14G - PA.
100,000 YOUN AV
ore you can expeckto occupy a position
you must be competent, and you can be, made
so by attending this College,. whack , is 'the only
Bourse Coi.e.cos in Pennigi s vanier; tfew
y erE cy, Delaware or Maryland; SM.-larger
than Bny other so-called Commercial or busi,
Dees Institution in either of those , Stestek,„yhe
proprietors and teachers are practical Bus iness
Men, to which is added a large eigierieffee'
Business Colleges, thus enabling thenit o
furnish a more thorough aild-practicahcourse
than can be obtained elsew
,here,. „
For Life Schol •
For it .6arship.
tlfititabled - Mar& 20
For Blank Books (30" in aiiintbet.); ..I0
tiorz.—This Life- Scholarship is a certyi
ale of membership entitles • the purchaser
to unlimited instruter&rin single and double
miry book keeping and liertirictitshiy, 'lark Me
privilege of reviewing - at , auyfuture time gratis.
You are to fact a Life member.
Telegraphing in ten dollars sad 'Phonogra
phy (eked hand) trieliti. dotter:is E 'estia,'"but
the student is not compelled to study —those
When two or more euter at the same time,
a deduction of rivp each' *ill be
made. Thus the eat itercoteincludint Slaaflr
Books is only FORTY IYOLLARS:„*We , have
Boarding,is,frompAr„. , ll(9l , 4: and
a half dollars per week. •
Embraces a Preparatory, Theory and Business
Department. In the Preparatory Depatemerit
he is instructed in Mathematics ant...thesis's
plest principles of Hook Keeping, , after, which
he is admitted into the, Theory, Department
where he cop front sets certain bubigess
transactions, each set reptesOnllPPl ,usu l# l,
(stock and partnership) and:each aft involv
ing the application of one or more principles,
Next, he is admitted into the I.Yepartment of
litre the student applies practihally What hA
has been taught theoretically. For 411111
planation of this DePartmCnt Send for a -Col
lege Paper which we will' mail to your address
free. Suffice it to say that the stadent begiOs
business with a rear -
With' hich he buys and sells merchandise,
pap tuxes, deposits itin the bank, 'ok,c.'i. ,, lstm
They Siteount autos, thaw and .accept draft's,
make general and special indorsements, make
(winsome reports, and in fact go through ev
ery kind of business transaction, even to at
hailing internal revenue stamp. -
The best course of instruction, anti 'cheaper
ratki than any other colleg e. Located in the
feat iaiieimd centre to the State, with experi
enrol teachers widely known in the bosiness
community, thus affording our graduates bet
ter facilities for seeking and otttining employ
41 - For specimenrof Penntanshi,i enclose
two tine e cent postage stet pi., Cctilege Roon4
curlier of North Fifth' 'and' Wasitin f gtontlend
corner Fourth and Psnp sttegts,'lßeading;
(Mice in Washingtwi sheet buddingg. Ad,
dun 101111'CL'XII.K. •
f6m.j ''
u y
11 17 odUolinitinfl:r3mt respectf ully
and the public in gennitil,ltiat;tifiling4aidqii ,
t lot of seasoned (,timber, is' now prep:tied to
oanolae.ture all
every style arid' tistietk,.
Heats on hand a kit of .4euttsitureetsf Mitamike
manutectice, whictufae fitie .fitthehri!Pl'g °,l 4
workmanship, will,rival ., ani,City make.
1:1" Especial sikentiriti Oadd
lie is also nowt prep allsktit
touches the.LINQEM I i.II4 6 ;< .bubineimqbez.t,
suppiied ties,"cellent .klejpes 140,
sad small Bierea,2solin„g B•ies*e
13' COPtt N eirellikh'ett anyetystirain
„ Vare Rrint* 'Manufaetricy,,,cear
JuirY's new buil:am . , .neap tiAe. t!. A .V9per-Str
mafiettc Pa [Oct. 2.2.
WIMP IL 11QU01g... , .
I .'=
ppm up ;p1
.e...QU O P ,S •
Picot Building..tneyttaißa•
EGs l eave t o inform the public that ht,
u% continuethrWithl E140.1,4W1t bust
te J ot all its branches. Hs will constantly
t'e r Pos hand all Itiiiiiii-or4""" Scotch
ki andies, Wines,' Giiiit7Dre*.W.freA .
4.1 ' 11-
niskey, Cordai teh ge.,
BENIA: J O 1.... - - • ;
Justly Celebraled ose Whisky,
ALWAYS - o ,
friiikDo •
_ i •
& vets , supetior O.LIPARVID WHISKS 74
just re A se i t i ve li d : iv z his p le . ie nci wintlittin .11111,th;'444-4
ui k unfit/ eXa miastion oft ije Oak ,rilidir
,ti, which w ill , he ithoiefiderlits, l o lll t4s * °.,
tel keepers and others eliding it fe tboiLlr
vintAge to make their pinch ' eihoirelnyk;
THE BEST OF TT mailyilList-,,,,,,,
THE LADVB PRIEND--Q tififfit4tool . ? , :t! --
lON and LITERATURE. Bestrid ll s
, StAltel
ligraViligli• SPLENDID DODDLD-431SND •coL
ED FASHION pLA4Efi. •The'litielifiattegAle
C',f,Do/13e81 Cloalte,Tß:oniceise, Embroidery &c.,
11 \ toehold reeeeptvi liguitieNkC ' ‘'
s sewi ng Whael f r. ' It '
Wilee n'miiiiii i iiiiien so preni*nith.".
, 4 14 /5 cents for tatithile copy to DEACON .
" Ptrtasoist, miarivainut-stptl4l4l4:
bANIEL G.: BAKER '''''.
ATTORNEY AT. I: ~... ~
LANCA 541 e'r.titt,%,,,,A
?OPPICE t—No s : 24 NOW ' 31C4 '''lA-...-
Nita the Court 116 use, williderd tiM-1!1:
. 4 4 to the prae at his profeliin4l4l)ti
YlitlO as bran be '
R. Ifilli:11: tAttlitAlkt
OppiCE:__ivant.4,* , isztaill. SliketittX
aPouglert-rattersou'ultmetrr-- -
1, - - _ . ..-r-tr—a•
._ti 14 0
Oppicz -0:41 4 j
0 P.IL memo i
to sea
_ ---.
... . . , ~-, •' 4' it.. _ft, '?4.1. !:: , 1' i t I.'! -, :;:c -.Tf---- .
_... ..
• - --,..
" .i- i - - '--. -. • . ..,
. f N
~ :
I li : ' -, ....
,-,10.1. •..
.1 1 ;_,,4 4: S ' , 7 ': " 4:' -
!,;i. - r . ' '.'" 7 ' ' '..' '‘•`' :::' '' • -,......, - -,-.., ,-_ ..... . -,,, ..,
::: ::.4
-44 .1 P . : .t- *::'''
,: ; . •
.., , -.; :, .. ; ~ , . *, . -‘.;'- .1
'l. , .: Ali :II ''' ::: '''.1•11;;'? ;
s ' -: . . ""a '''*'.
~ • ,
. . . .. ........-
. , ... ' '"." , :: ' ..; -', 4, 7 ,1 1 , ':: a:4 ;.:. , Z,'l , 11'.74.1:• ..: , :in .t. *CIA f. <'. , ~,'. :P.4441 4-411.
PmaexelLED 4 tWEEIPLYi . 0
AT ONE DOLLAR ,AND A EittP , stTll4l
• • elle 11 - 1 1 ,1
ioluultpkg,,, ; tecond,
floor, on Elbow Lanii . behbeeti-tht Post.
o.fiCce Corner `and .Front-St.,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
- - - -
ADYliT l ili2N6 " l4l4lEAl ' bite .t .illit t 'are (10
lines, or Ifs's)ls cents for the first insertion and
One Dollar and-affiaff fOr - 3 insertions. Pro
fessional and Dusinoss caidp,Af Wines or less
at $5. pernanum. - Notices in the,readirix-col- •
unmet ten eantaa.-line:• lifarritAilsind
the simple` antoiiiiieiriciir,
additionallines, ten cOntsKtruk:
A liberaideduction made to yearly e nd
yearlji avertiserin
Havinejust +added a " Hesirnuav Main-
TAIN AMBER Tunas," -togethilr - ivithlv large;;
assortment of new •Job ants,
Cu' Ole Toed: 44', i,t,a4pE
itfABIETTIAN," which will insure' ,thetnatand
apeedrestecutleti4frall kinds of Semliki res:an
P a x er'r a a ' lfs* the antacid Card is Me
LABOEBT Posrancit reasonable Prices 4,
zit mirgirt" 1e.094,V
artukslioturers,of Photographic_Mania%
• . .
wuesputs Ai*? sn
• .
to iaaitioi to oar meta balaw of rsoliTemirgies/.11,
TZ/tuyil., wo an beadgaart n tor'* follewf'g it.• '
I litereOicOpis and Oterek)seopie Vieire
of the. webs» a ImailsiarKetiiken tsielaalfigy'
011lidnod at peat anima, and tannings &aka*. : In
3114 /MAL DALPh Eh*,
Yorktown,.ion - ta.PP Agns ---
ilettysburgit, 'Hanover Juisition.
Pair-Oaks, , Lookout Mountain,
Savage Stationei Chickalkoodgw -
Froderiokiburg.h, City Point.
Fairfax, 'Ashville, -
Brelationd i t -- -Poterstinighi
Hasp BotPai; 4• 11 : 0 ,P.1 1 4.nt
"Manitoti, unattanioge,
Fort Morgan, , * Atlanta. • 2
Oharivitilh Mobi le, • -
Florida,, Stra wberry
American and Benign aeon Limdmspen,
b at . ) t i " V I ZVn d" I 1 1 e 'it ma At a d on •
• -
, ,Pkotograplut -
SA* Snit to,jnintianA k thins into tin UMW Sintal
sad wiliumnfinturs AnninMs imAtithi and void*, nag%
4U in peke BenASOlinnts WOO. Oar ALBUMS Asia the non.
b et bll4lllll44tiff isiat ,ia laxasad ... ., 444 daribifi e gy pr t ., s7vilit-7
. 4 . 4 e
The will‘find loUrlabinife'thl Mast
OwCoNike! nevi =lakes Gila brinlimitatfroiont
ootiorio (to,wooot abiltfooo an sontlomallyWoo. zoado)of
114114 Amoolcerfa. /to Wield ,
4 200 MI14:1111. /00 Ifou“lolo GEO IltasimoV; _
Mk WO dim 0i11w0r,130071u5a, , ,"
3,003 Copies drab of .124,
Including "'production, et Om mow golotostod Eausviago,
Pandlogo, Stain. Imo ' CoSolisitiet *routs cif &imp
An . Ow Dona Ptatww.fwm OW Catalogue, will be
Pv e z*lg liolaantzita,..°l. will Imo
nosh toton Hire per oont. of Um =omit' footr-ordor P .
T11. 10 4 , 1n 0 4,111 / 1 4, r—r a. %PP S " " 4 4 0
' la
and Genera/ Illachinssto Second atree
Below- Union. °
They arerpreparedtto-Make-altkindiLof Iron
Castings for Millsand Blast Furnaces,.
Pipes,Or Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,.
Fronts, Cellar Dome, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings - of every desCriptihn - ;-
Manner ; Ifum s, , Brick Piesseti,'Shatting.and
for Mining and Tanning "Brun
Steam & Blast Ohutelq'T,..unneatots, Ceicks,
Valves for Steam, Ons,*ind "Witter; BrassTit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Fines,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Door.,Washers, &c.
From long experiencp in buildirigmvlanel.Y w
flatter ourselves thakwe cansiyogonerninktis
faction to 41tiviy,,Kho may favoi:,uti.3vithAei .
orders. tErßefairinelpriflity attended to. _
Orders by mail tidirpssittps elution, wilLra i e4
wi th prompt atteution:;!kcites`'ioluitOultin
- •
Columbia, October 20,1860. 14 tf
Ale P4M-itiki36iNr-
intro undersigned " `
would ,itap p etfully an,
nbunCe to liis,old frietids and the public,
generillyOlatVe continues
in all its ' varloui_ltiaaAtts
gspeciakattentiton paid to Alain aid, fancy
paperhanging, China. glossing, 'Frosting and
Bruinlolknk Glais..Groiniug.opill kinds, 866:,
thankful for past 'favors, Would - ask a 'coal
' tin aides of thesiiiiie. Resid6nce a "fiw
west of the Town Hall on Walnut ftee?..:
Marieqa, NUT. gifo,
41 A VING COldri.Vap ITO ommicizaTrolu.
•ia new prepared• to transact all Aiiida.of
"'The .Boarti of , Directors meet weeni?*
Weineiday, fot.dlieibupt and" cthir.,;:qteineei7
III : lank Hours:
AgrOtr 1101 f*O r iAlf4fer : ?'" . • ltr,"
ripma LADY'S , FILDERD—W , ' 3 r r -
na..74 ,:1.4 y•
Thellest of the Monthlhas-44wated , atel
Fashion and gurn,Uteranve. - 412.50 a•jaial
Two capieir ,
.1016.nviii3iMaliS&SWILTokfil : kW*G
MACITMESilivisa Lip!prealianna :- . 16
centa,f9r,„,4 - aatipte otop3icto j)F.AVOF ik,PE
AfPAct -11 744 .1 W,v
eT :42G-I.4ftlpst.,l , Philadelzikirt.X f
; 4:4640 464
. F
IW. r/CF.. efMl:l IWEf
0 2 ._
VP? Sill-
• ,Zat66,43 , ..' ... • Wig "RV
gin grategentititt hnitsslignutv loma, or, omewsifirtle. t
4_ _ .
t 9 i • A *
fit .mAtimi4 t94,gaiti4k.
Midi 4 a liilek4Vid;'•
tireftateri •
• *tindrfiliefd ind-froVo - - r 4. .'ePq
'Tryiigagaidtlio , ttravelf,. •
7..thaughiwitubaby 4 , 4 i. 4 1 ., 7
Hiding ite~fa numotheeelap v ar
• PrciuttaStababrciin,be.
Talkin~,ode y st h laupiee
Everpefpre A was heard
2,14 _ t WOW*l el l
Tlitteriii4Ww and falling,
"` `ries thriiit i r:g
"litotes and` defiq iff ldge=46r2e, ; "
Fether,o'f Cr!Agnide , therni,k
the pattering;littleateetho fre o , a
While they are treiglinrilte mp-hill road,
t -Braving-the - Ault-and teal !
Aid- them tOwn they brow Nyealy,
Icep„thent ittmithwaye 10W,,
ArAwhep, the jpurn.eY!fi
,Smiour„. 0 !„gitp aemost..
The way to. Kaeirllini.
'out :again . w to night, ice.
Hayes, t'retfally„...,,as her
from the tea-table,..and donnedAliAgrtkat
"Ye I "tate . -an•engagenientt-Aith
itoore. 4 1taialrberil'AitfYlisAi rigni
.earelese:49ll,,.William HAY°O64,-‘l4;'
room."" Bin 40,6
4 oiklways the way," murmured Lizzie
ages, eink~ng ` back %titian , l'tike',ltifti.
D'ut evitrit dOn'il;elitive' lie
. YttiPg tt • •
Ait..9 ,130 .3t 50r,,,1 11 04 . 0
wave Amen morriedtwoguars.. Nomap
can have-s• more' orderly :,house,
Bare, I nevergoranyuwhere,J. ammot- a
Virextrlviittaiit flin‘liyerl4on'ttelieve
4;:i 4 14,01e:' Ohi (lehr, i s tiy
is it 2 Iwasn't Ad; he Clot marry
ma ,101 : m.)CinaneY, and hikt P 3 R0.1040 3
lovend me. then ; why doea,he Areal. me
wisb , solnuch neglect ?" And with,her
Mind filleirwith suck frightful citterids,
tfizie asle'eron the sofa.'
Let me paint, her picture as slie lay
the Er e -. She was a blonde, with titian
gideo'lll qgurs and -e, pretty face:*' The
hair which sh f clifed s by its,rlch Waves its
tendency to curl, was brushed_smoothly
back, and -gathered into a rich knot. at
the , backa4t was subb.a bcother ito -curl
it;`shis 'shid-ther cheek; wasrpall,i ndthe
whole face wore a discontented' Viiiifee
sion..,, Her dresshwats, neat-ohintu wrap
per, but she Wore 'neither Solliiisf nor
lvii* A tizt.tee umia-ateigig g A)
just for
,William t"
. 4jAzig ~8 1 9Pk,E1 P W1 4 /0. 9 r
and then,awo . ke 'suddenly. , She,-sat up,
glanced atlthe , olooki:Andalighad , dreari
iy,'ittitheltr,thiptot-the long interval
still to' be ihiiihrtie:fi)ill.g4ddine, ' 4l
Theilibral7 evirasjdat oietithirszlioth4in
voice eci
4, 4
° JIM tk i g V B . PlAr
- pi
" Well, Moore, .whage, a1m4p,40,;411.
vonlsl have thntightAattizzie Jamie,
1 I - ...
so iiek.k.sit'aigftlY4iiidi. leting,,, T wonld
change to the fretful„dowdy-she is now?
Who wants to stay at home tot hette,Ri
wife whining, allthe'f . Vehipg,abput her
troubreliael sliviinte, aid-Set -fteatahe
and all aorta' of
• Vdtliiirs ? - She's got the
naolt of that driia4witniiilipat, 'pen
my. life I don't believe she .can speak
i tr '. ' ' -
p °asap y. ,
:., 4. . .
. ..
114atetig4.41.8 ,.. iif„,,,tning. 4 0:10 . this”
true T. She lotkked in tile Alass... if
, --.1- ~,, . .. •., m . t. f..,.
exactly_ dowdy,itapoetee 741 oertiin..
ly not sociable /or an, eyeettg.Stk e pAl, l
William l (o i atcleidie..:-.She rose;miksokt
ly went ttti:her , room,zWith. bitter, wry° ar
ful,thoughtileand tt firm -resolution to 1
.."-te- • .-- • -1 - , .., , -
, ,
ck her husband's heiit, andlben• ,
hieliive regtiOli;tP.YegA"--;,-,
The next mornifirWilliaut came into
the bre - Arai - 41;00in, with his'iiiial care.
lestiliktinex,,:biii a bright„.o.ll4 .came
on his lips atliVam 'VT . °. .i'.A Dietty
chintz, 4 WitioppuLpolfar.uod Sleefes of
snow-white --tutstinv, with' a" wreath of
- " e i;4 li i''' . •
8,94141hpna ,V , 4 r lly
e liafkamorphos•
'ed ,, hei ; White thb bldiih her liturtiqs
d ii . " - T h VI
admiring %Lagoa caile .... p o, er ,p ek
did not:, detralitiftbin ' :ilea ttifUtity. - 4. t
first iiiiilitiMptighf .kUip yniisCbiiiii
guest, bagifiltintaroittidAefound , illey
wertalpng. ‘,.
..--,-; ),,_
"Come, Williditi,lyani coffee'will soon
cebie' s eattiAjzziejn.a eheteint, pie*
ant yelp?! _
datieeet i e 4 cattil_statLeseeetext_tay_.
616111riit 4'IAV
10111ftraMAPOS4itCh. ' 1311.1betna " .1:11&
kig=3, ,r - tactiteips
,h - e6l4l4tweetattls ialid in noes.
9,M,E r fr - 1 ; Vietnifisf
tplaint felt bpeatfilittnamitelpeetata , • ,
the meal. The newspaper, the usual ea.
40t -t W 1 ;givisfoi) liosohlukk that
, 4-3telltN4W-74 *1 . 4
LI 3ft
T L.. 14 so*sit .- Y0 et.its/C..) .4 at , It
WV "MS , !.... ... . ~. • 7 0111 , * 1.4 /.10 !Xim1.044,40
lade 14( tll
e : .. l i P l IN I VA I l ONA 14 I S
4 'i Z 7
zio opattedigaili,„oLeyery visostitto i
~,,, ,frp a ps? it V ..46 +.
i9Bl l l3 ol C Tfilli t i l l i tteisk 6.rmilk.74t a
grl,:tfrukilitvtio Atii iiriPa RAPirotoo
"'Von wilt:l6ot hop to • tar II As
0,4= •••• ~ * 4 ,1r *th oft
said as hement out..--- --_
iftfeof Or 617111 hit* h i rdirefillrtlo
Infr - flll4 4 4 . 63'netifiiiiesaBellefili
iiiefevoittmfino 4akairlye4; Sufi
P tyl'Alit 01161
longing; eirtfifilliaril 'f I,li vi
gak 1.061040. *MO Ma
r. ; rot
"Tam in te? rout. atn, t Bf% Litz
in tern's; 141 tiler. 74 ! . .C1Tal wat foo l
have p een for ~lhe lash two yetis r
fretturdiiiityl' Shan del
er say thht,
izzie love
wifely devotion„hutdker
er as sh,e theeglit coligemit 4 to
his friend Meore • but likl a brave, litf.
tle *oran, she stifled.. ggli , tlie , bitter
feelings, and trippeAli, to—pe7fect her!
plans:- litiafgridatintr-Aldignientfor
Months, was-,ciilen'elffrand -, thealiffenunclet.
ers takerrfrchnithe , ftirnitare s ,4ThlAie t &VI.;
ing "one shan't - Inid , l•anyoridadoirs
Tea-ttme cameeseunk.-.Milliitufweeine
%withal/ kilittle fit lattein4isithstyrbrialit
4olielpblushlreed Ante irehdy-We
Welcoure,Weiliftwniastihm cdthet -in.; tend
tea-time) passedlaaAthof
hadtdonst WsAfterttetrthife wasno'-mayeL
mentiler tisifel4ttoitards Ulf haturhekt
WilliamistoodinV , beside -the,
ering andt,chattingilintit*Eizziet-itroku
Sheded4hitnetoithe lightvtiraim parlors,
inktheigprhtty glow*of*tastefut &range--
ment, , end drew. himPdawn , on the -meta
beside her. , p*, ?.
t hiltats if he were court
r over again , is he watched gem'
busy' Ivith 4 SomelaileinVedle work, and
listened to the - cheelicti ZrolOn had
'dyed do'difittly`twiifefirsberote:
", fit Vii :
" Y V ! I OAff gY % III 2I- ti P g t -4 *PY
h of slippnrs. Elou'4,yeu : re ;
member ho, much you admired the Tair
I it etrkeit t for i .„yonr.o !Bret so long
ego?" , •
" I remember--bleckvelvet with flow
pre .on them t ,l ueed,to Kit my feet on
feadors,AndAreato l ofblueeyes, and,
_lr i lgAt,cea, ; und ue , wished •titpck_ would
ineto t the4l npn L. 9To
brio my ,boney, wife.home tu . pake ma
gic in my hOuse "
;;, e ye.:_:.!'
). - ta•
Lizzie's-face saddened fora moment,
ttiihhthrfight,d the lol,,t7fOlAitNtud
htikittita`nirsfa shol - had' made ip 4 r" .4 iiii
foVnkhearA ' daall yanni f rom
its atlegt r ea k A - Tx hs l , e
sat . '
Twondsr if' ou Itva Ocirafie as rtitaft
as korrdlcttlierr f" -40 ,11 ;
a4;1 4 .1
itted 4 hirsl=qinittL:alcnotHfog'kik' than
rd'hear thalnusto."
4 1 t 4'7,44 and sitietetterVraititiri:
" But yoft are ea - if
4 , a . 110
.‘, 4 1..11,444411) PiA.49Atanetl.tkiatintltklgg•
N0.W. ,0 1/t/A ig.l l //4 !AL Rill sok-Atm . it
:William obeyed joyrully and tqaaieg
asidelvir sewIFR, Lizzie took the
Btool. ttg had , a vpryl3 wept voice,not
• -1-
powerful, bat rmoat musical, and was
very fait...performer on the piano,
" Ballads, Lizzie." -
"Oh, yea,.l—kntm e 4ou diilike opera
music in-a- parlor."*.-
-On*songittfter aneti er itlr a noc,
turneporlivolrihstruideatal piaae, °oda=
sionaljgOetevienithem, - filled up another
.herir. pleasantly. ".-1
The,littliviriantel clock:attack-eleven l'
" Eleven: - I 4hought6it was shoat
nine. I ought to 'apologise, Little-, ma.
used to do, for stayibg soy long ; and. I
can . ";tify - sai, I that Vie
b - 2, 4.14= TT
time passed so pleasantly I can scarcely
believe it is so iate."
• * 4 a" - 1,110
The piano,wis , o s wor k'
put up in the basket;,and , ...Williale . lo - is
ready to.go up Stairs ;rbrityglancingback
he sawakie Ilittlemibarear.the,
her hands clasped, her head—leintp and
large tears falling Profit eyes. Ile
wltiliesilikhei. in sin
: 4 4 ,
" darling, ars yea t 11? What
is the ma tter ?"
wren "0, Wilitnin-rhttytkeen wren a bad
wife; klqxard - 10414(iiiisdilta Mae t
etaltingrilnyttUte*:4 B PßlPaiktildiraibit
bard tepwtO meiteifyfirtboutdaple
ant. Indeed:4lwilloiriestkwilWgiisti
and love -me."
yorl l P P O li l Liiiie
dit li t attiVa3 1" . 1 1
As tliVlittkiefdellditu t tlienit:
B blyillaPnit t ifte.vllo suos!s;l.) .
ter than that, I have learned thompiiiip
keep him !"
ikzi 1, 4 ski. - trfr#t) teitU , ?-; A 4
e.D: - : , 7..
- 4 .
~.,.- ,•,,:,..;).,;".,
. - 1:4 %.; QUA::
*turn; ssi .
. - v1.41$ ' , zed' datir -• vi , : i .a,;-. * ...
8, y .., _ ,
, 'am
,....,.t„.4.,,,t -433ifit
o_ e ti fil
eillaw ITliesclacta'Teaoher..-4-
It wouldifir4tie Vetehre 6 tia Vitt
,gyelita Ojpgad jntsleip;rfolteabhAO-taek
VA4laelltignf.incotscieddigilitia 41 - a
mss o Je pikOjahildsgieaged''mei r than
tis i gpattayeittaraulaft*lthe reapers:;
he s 4 hpr4teSidliOndolaving*.
votion to heAppother4ftlawooonnfignied
in fitting Rork- artilerli,aart hat gath-
VriatilllriciAi' tratinre 'content
thileiltrio * 4 IVA when she A d %
en fag& d'rCoililie feet
marriialailault iPr'e'c iota
tett Eiiiitithe titiat "sikkr7letzt v &I
nto w. "-!*"'
Atid',3lo wheihnorning calls fait riml3w
ed activiWive mtistgo torth.tvgleen,
each onwto3his•scefie of labor wiiirbiere
or limb of-industry or iseriodi )
by different pathwin differtnnelds; and
wiWairagitii.°l‘49lll/ki,N,irtitnV?,' (Inch
fo 4 k.C# nit; his3allottid t -
^3 •-
to sta gdP AWl4 oll ,9e o ai 946 1 4 1 .4 111 / 8 9-01 1
Judge and—answer, -where bast thou
gkeindd tolligwe umat 1441
•44,et4ut °if - gilt-
litr,,,eirnedybifint nestdtin %Poi? itthitid.
ifoedisivegitrneiredqfp anortbe'Vegis
ures of the` day
any form, then, in " vain ns wealth's!
glittering pile grows larger If a ltrok,-'•
en commandment tli k lo 3 / 4 4,,vge
hwie traversed, if ra
firairdeit'by - the If the , gentle :
theritieg that heal and soothe and bless,
bofOlgetten, then shall pigstpqn ... T upon
us as the withdrawalof the Father's
smile, the seal.of ilia 'holy disapproba.
„Lion , . ;
4 Alie3.habitc of . frequtifitliettladriiititilbn
isvot,,priumit ittiprirtaikertnia 10P`
ed would
impenetrable strength
_to . , flan wonld's
temp, ations„ Chrisy,e „standard
and his precepts as tbe rae ra rente,mber
„14 8 ,4,0 4 9),4,1 0 ?ii1jn. r.flQ- 1 41 1 3 kOrt,itc
howlearlessly be trod
,v y here, Oty,peint
ed, and then daily note th . e . progress
wards his Perfection,--Ifuch 'bait of
thili3siliiielyi:3ad 'tidal to the
attainment of-Wlidtlienioitio l if;wiegaiiid,
a Christian...character.
~Ir not always (ree to glean in , the-field
we would chose, we are at leastaccolint
able„for the manner in whichthe dut i y is
3.; .4 4.
performed; anffhoweven 3, distasteful the
allotted,.we -can take our
recompiineiti , frhhiltlin 4 tinseanind tiid in
tairgibli.,AindimaVa*iffdo sTWeetllfictslf,
tbeY daitigillkeeti,ifof thir
int-skitviignffictitcel =' - ' l . B
aid Toiler; brit
o‘Viittikkr b Olt* kei t tay.
If clond*hang 4„ow!and'idarkPandlatlbrd
yet,we know , that„ithtsunshinefis there,
11 49 1 1114g4. 1 -49'mYdInk. fleldstOf azure- that
&Vetch above thjs4oed.Y.,"Astropy,; _ap,d
when ,4 4 Sb4Zifor4.o. l ifo„, .c. l Q,49*.thiqk
volki to4alid AR RITA which S we-leaned,
totters to Its fallthenfait4,,the.. gless.
ing of happier hours,
, proves its divine
Origilf ,, gy;raiiiii*the3sont'otiove thedev
et'df,tlifir akißd'ireorfeW into
gidn otAitatiirsAilkledati.
If amid the competition, anxieties
toils of.oitliige,:man centgleamihe.l.irir
tttes tbak,ennoble.kumanity, ,surely,- he
who goim,f,orth. to, hie labonjntheMem:
ing fields, isisyp4lne--erplie above him ,
where winds and birds - make ceaseless
melody, -r
eturn lvenixf
..„-fr, 33 , 3,• 41'3 44,4
without pther treasures than those that
fill his grawY..All day :Ole cl ouds
have'didved heatily c atove , his
bead and litietheiilO - Ol simdevya
feet the aatmmr flower
. hath betrayed
the touch of trOd's finger to his eye, and
the fir 'offbrodir bath 'sent AO tiii - eaf the
sdiand of , 'wigging. waters..- l'brobtoke
the glory ,of the Aity bail been diMriod,by
tbe ilown4nsbirtk ritibrele.hitingingidriirr
witness Of Gled'a - pi:wend el t t 1 ,' '.!:
And shall4WireavelfollitifrAle hiinsi
sit4;lPaY,9. l ,o l liiliqincillOolkalikrYlbf
hi&.toil; 8 !AUX iktqrs t table t t p_ Au*
1ee5 , v949P144, V U.1104° Nerik , ,70944
Shall i the s igrap,naimsle,o2 7 gogetatiop,
itself rowe l s Ack-ilitomst toltne_l,:kilj
haJics d ß sv gatatt,4 3 4ilissei44#l , 4l* - -
Pilatat d -b id tZt yespen easeasi,lo a l to ,
toils are ended, and the soul, tirtdaf its,,
mortal vestmepte, , oaste them aside to
Tga l lOEilifititiloVtit 6 iikAtiiili klarli
any auttig, : 1114deififir 141 . 6
; ;
ji g tikriettOPPl We i'
„ IA
o yVie Let eiteP Stri - PAPPA
x ,
meet the question truthrtinzMilto , •
N ........ , ,-4—..,..
MU* iinthe Appsobatitty sikeonenikyat,
ciniffleui*llitietklalltaukahntiOgli , ' - '-
who withheld not his only Siilltint *
salvetio n• '
;a pvt , -.-to! 4 -
yoj i. xff."-NO. 38.
, -
ttiatc latesenefbt Etisi6il[tp.
Sprect,e i pz:! • I'm Ilappriateatl can,
„ Ner,LY;il4) il lY 4 Illale: , ,ave - • t,rtrt l
.rer fe:a alofka ; maw f3y411,-• •• •
AtteitS 11114 ,
'14••"" -'
If care co u ld make a sunbeam wear,
• , Nthliklitetf4titineifide; 4ll `"
The eveainglfiraitiii#Vah dere fair; • •
The blue - skyrdoklitie"
WhibnillikisnildleWrigreittei diantlf
aF but sfy i sassllts 11 ,Cthilticsayga4
tfn eet ASSl I '4 II OVP.VOYhen Wen, ;
r+ ti l is# 3 ,9'4) •
*.sizz..4 ;
.if sigh . 4 s could make us sin the • '
%A 16,1.
Perchance I s weru not la y t ,
-IPihritinsing we're thiissigVis dress' ,
fait iho'idnbt#l97e s. ' a " :
Butin4sed.tha adgtdell"wirts afe t 'N'trel: . 4 ye
And...shin thilAyoufig
siP4e4ixtudwearlifilfollskollkfiki 0 . 4 4 'y
4 11 4POCES . 1 7;€0;.: 0 11 . g1 1 .1 1 i .- 01 t's sys.i
Since laughter is not under ban,
Nor gladness-elay-- -
B .‘ , #.Cl47PiPfbeiPillf-t*tunad kisfits,4 I , st
„rws3a lnhasay. ~ t s*
Vvll-4 4 01. 1*- osoolo/44 te. ma ts
velmentabiah2pOsticv i gie
" Aittarainner at and
:w ay 's. ,
kliktlitu Alta' de offailtateii el;
hatAidqVgOod thin 'cities - 41Y jt " '
our fteet4alleatoP. '
but Itieye ft rjigard a keNtele t vglu :4
Promuuta vsillam4s,throu,t4
Ann'never knew si,rnirthful man,
maid sday—
So, els ! P i harrie 'Ae"TTl 4 cin,"
And nierirvilirelrnisi:
s -: • Vt
- _,"lf Ilam not ',at home qfrain - the
.party to.night .at 10. - oldbok, - n•aala 'lt
hnaband tothabetter and'.Bigger half,
don't-went- forl:me - .1444`./That..l won'V'
replifyinsthet .4 All
,comeoforitionllnt Theverttlemai 'rotor&
; AU% Infititr4fWilisired
heart saying " please excharigl 3l is be
lieved niitro - fiiiiTiiie4aJlie,pwier
*th'libliiity 'of
,;:ot 411644V.44 1 4 6144.4 . , 4154
One otood+reed
to suit Our behiqinite the,threareveAl
of nien, 77 on:r ,pupstriqs, ,
toselo°;f a
show; Aigielf.
19-44 .9Plin!tf,v <e39, appears
the. feast. .
, '441 4.1 Of
4 Thttitong of-theliAliard balb:a O G . ca.
rom mo.backt 4;14 ; • . f 5' tasi,
" 1 ....4.tos , • _ _ _
An inoldenta/ in wry: Woul4 artifi
'cial ifath'etrablii a arson'taailg se
• .
frow 110,8,1 , 3 tha i k v r-dr i pp
inirittne cnrle P Mai 'dies'
' ;2", , .* •
,yF00 . 44 Vloalf)Aapat,tlittt,:le, maywhief, iE
IMP.°P,AWAat.94 O O. I,- Ana 4 1.
uanlisnit watailise retest , that *highest ?
yj r Jmn,ithkeositjnmliedthertm ,metmU
Noses.—We moat suppee that
men valtie - reB npallnii - diiiit - Tpat the
expense C`hey " are aeio &e( thein.
- 'The" "Bitter. CuE±itaitaiinOyie; it
innet'be to a teetokilier tn.haire. a hot,
ile-nneel •
• t • ior,llll' 4
A Misnomer.--.AvAng AeFtal9 WWI
er garment. betweeaefiste.and.ela feet in
diame.te;, eiolpetty:nojittikrea.2 se :I X.A-1
vsfild fitbsaphatelunisTplied4r
tlid n alma . BebV.44 Blatirciplifittiot
tck•convert the erth% iiitatefiliiitekiitil
.tiod'amstibithiiy4salttirlillyWalitik& It.
"Comp, Bob, irgy'iiiktf
_ b Y.lTAtirg i tSl44.,.l l l4 l t i t il kl °
,h 0,,,% 311 44 111° 14 1 * "WRY t WO d
poc s. 644
- Stiff la '
lleart.,The beatAarLin.Ahe.. chance
gatru.imisiiiatriatonfiwaiinsiatisees: freer
come* byudititudids=v , 6l l terr.
worktb3ixtviakeofraniationatti 6rditt.4
iii'afehtifflinrillaiifier,ftd~c a-V*l%OJ
getheE 840" .latrAJ .
.. -I FaektirmailMrairfirifird L y t 'itit4clatit
her hair before rail.' i - 4 - 1 1 .4011;it - d l iiiiimg
WI TIVAP twl'Af9AVAtillaiNgotafrais
n iCA t th e likg4.3A 0# 1/ 10 *: 1 ; 14 ' -
Areepcmetkomhitoillolize :istonea.al4,
ways tongto Iteghjtjekadtto their 1418.'
434~, niterealdaiatiteAla akedd
tarn deserves another. ,
4411 , x „o 44,13ukiiii4PicluiN
VT Is) WMti ts
* seed **Ai :
~,NymA i i kt al b 41 tiler a nekOeter Eve a ts , lcat
ap4aoifa.a.filleee at. the
ell Ittrthk 6 l AU ht fiesekketets..t.l k. , - ,
Miss Thomson says tketisiietriateetv
fieilylVt'syttk et areonti&er tkat i es
?rar dict a t e wt 010n:q1,5r. , , ,, ,
wrl'i r3 , T ifilirrglikl b iti i iet4 l o ,,,
age a e e eases, for if she were to state.
her.reil age,ww-essottaLLbelieve her.
; °lAAeft .. . ' t ; ;, 44 1 .
o r ~
Bred people ma , - , c.... I . 41 ' IP----'