A GRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COISIPANY'S Cheap Fertilizers. THE FERTILIZERS prepared by the Ag ricultural Chemical Company, [ a com pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl vania with a caPital of $50,000,] hive been proved in pjactice to `be ithe-eheapest, most profitable and best; forthe Farmer, Gardener and Fruit Growkr, of all concentrated ma nures now offered in any market: The Com pany's list en:lakes the following P ABU LUTE. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil aid-the n fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition; tea= dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can disire. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed oLanimal matter, such as meat, bone, fish. leather, hair add wool, togethevwith chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, whichilegumpose the mass, and re tain the,nitrogerm„elernexts. , It is a very valurible fertilizer for field crops generally/ :twit:especially for potatoes, and garden purposes Its excellent mialities. strength and cheap;: ness, have made it very popular with all who have used it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. Tbis a high, lephospitatic Yertilizer,' is'particularly adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Fruits, Lawns rind -•Flowers.. • will promote a very vrgoroub-and healthy growth . ofwoodand4 fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and household pleats and fionere, it will be fhtrod'an indispensable article to se cure their gliateit'pefecbon.- : It trilliiieVent and Care diseased . ; conditionevoithe peach And-, grape, and is excellent for grass and yawns. It is composed or 'Bich eleinent,aSs 'flukey t adapter) to the growth of all kins o f crops all kinds of soils. The , formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing' ingreallents haVe re, cowed the highest applviral of eminent chew- lets and scientific agriculturists. • lIOSPHATE OrLIME; The Agrictilt4 P 7. rat Chemical 'Company- manufacture.. a Phosphate ob Lime in,,accordance with a new anivaitiable formula, by which, a very supe rior articiedreproduced,solar sato be afforded. at a less plice'than rrAher, manufacturers charge. Proefifial tests have proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is eve& to the' best Phosphate of Limetib the Market.., „ la"' Teaks Came:4;4ll orders of alTon, or: more, will be deliVered at the railroad s tations: and the wharves o€ shipment, free of cartage: Cartage, will be charged on all orders of six berrils or less. One , Dollar per Ton alio*= ante for earta,ge will be made on all sales de livered fit thleAVellib the Company, on Ca nal Wharf.. _ AGRICULTURAL . CH ERICA L Co.'s WORK 11, • At•Canal,Whnrf, on the • Delaware. Olkce, 4131 -Arab- St., PhiladeThia, Pa. - B. FlTTS,General Agent, The Cliniow . 4l Plianiphlet Circular, Agent. - , m• full direction); Tor Ming the nbovd Per :tiligerjheetttlhs mad free, when requeste. UR'S I.4ll4MTiltid IiPPARATEISF. Boilinlir -- Frrifie L bkettring — Steeping — WITH TILE;- rialfr: THAT 'LIGHTS THE ROOM. * * L 4-the flame of:a common lamp, at tba:ssit of a cent's worth of oil, a-very comfoitablo , breakfast can be cooked. * * —N. Y. Tribune. * • * • Simplein construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment convenienterto 'hatte on hand. • * Drug gisra Orgy*. r , • * • Lamp is oni of the moat Popular neteltleii Otthe 414, * * 'the utility df it ie trnquestionlible;`a< great Saving is made in heating and-cooking small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many periionk, which is actually•done on the ambulance cars•whicir carry the sick soldiers. e • .Bcfintifia , American. • • •• l'Cr-family . nse,hospitiil tent, bar rack, picnimyfishiag, nursery, or sick room, it is au article of comfort beyond all propor tion faits Cost. • *- 11411's Journal of Health. • * • •.1 have tried the L apparatus, and my wife and i proclaim the same a most Vain; able and. indispensable article, end we now wonder haji we could have so long done with out it, • Oii Circa/al.. • ' • • An ecotomicaf contrivance for getting up -heat at elimtvitice for nursery and Feneral household purliecep,. • 41 * on e important point is the SaviWbeiter coal Arsii.. * * N. Y. Be Xost, • .Prices from. Two to Six ttllaro. -„Cmicsty, front One to Four Quarts: Articles : cooked at one rime witkine Burner ArralsgidloriKerosene or Coal Oil, or Cialr. A Descriptive:Pamphlet, of thirty pages fur nished gratis l• f - AITTACHIVIENT,„„I, . . Price BO 'Ceuta, • • . Tollielttsclidirrieflotrimen Kerosene Limp or Gipil3imistr; ; bywaLhich water may be boiled, and folid cooked.; also arranged to suppoit a shade. Eterif .F4l - *Wi•needs one. - ..PVTIZATISSE,,LL. Agent, St:, New York: AgentS Planted: ' D Two of these beating Liipips can be seen at John Sparrlerlilliardware. • ("3 ED W. WPRRALL, SURGEON DENTIST, ' . Market Street, adjoining Spangler 6., Rick's titOr9, on the second /fear. Where he is now "prepared to wait, on all who may feel disposed to li- tr. ase. - e tronize hint. Dentistry, in all its branches carried on. Ursa inserted on theMO - it approved prin: ciples of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed tr. n skillful and work manlike manner—on fair principles and ' . OM TESL ILEARRNA BEE TERMS. Having .datirmined.upon a permanent 'emo tion at this.plans, mr_ould .ask a con tinuation of the liberal patronage heritbforb' extehded to him, for which he .will render exery posit ble satisfaction.. • 14 - Ether administered to properpersons. To THE PUBLlC.—Having had occasion for the use ofu Dentist, I called on Dr. WOrre, who has succeeded: in preparing foi me an ex cellent and aervieeable.pet—upper and .. lower. , They are upon what is called rubber base," and fit my mouth•firmly and comfortably, and are almost as much , use to me as hvere my nat ural teeth. My-mouth. haying become con siderably deformed in consequence of having gone a number of years without any teeth on one aide of myiaw, but the Doctor remedied this defect, making the-fit complete, whilst the workinrof the teethltreentirely satisfactory. I would cheerfully 'recommend any person in want of dental *Potations, to Call' on Ds. Worrell, hawhig great confidence in his pro fessions ekillt r - • GEO: REICH. . , . CHOICE . Lot of Books for children called indiiiiiictableTlensure Bookei School and sper Biteke, StatirineATl, Fein/ Pen holder's, . &c st ' .. '' DR. LANDIS'. ', • QT. CROIX waD NEW NNG.I.AND RUM 0 - for country piirposep i wariailodizeOzine H. E - to tDifi.) r • (10AL 'HODS, Coal' Seifris Vold Sho*els %J.,14 kitrt Stove Grates ,,„ Cylinders and"Li nings of different kinds; kept on hand at JOIIN SPANGLER'S; itOSdittPTION 9 ieeetred foiallthe lat ,PellodicalkOr the 459 • .4t The Golden; Mortar. pcIII.I3ET ISEIRT — SITRPORTERS • arrex.- tolleittioxtteisqaMidies. dididyed lIEREAROTIPS: Variety; E-143T-OF , 4IU•kI& -WINDOW 1/AMA& itleiastkatiViliti#4lficei 4? s out,' • Toga liiii.uktir.st A LLAKio4seitiSisOkifraleeligt:Aci,-..- - ri ; Fat Mt at this MKT MARIETTA A -b ADMIX: 4f' ' • Southwest Coyngr of gar k e Marietta, Lancaster C0.,-Pennsylvania This Academy having received very flatter ing encouragement during the first session will enter upon the second term on Monday, APril _ sixteenth. '[he locAtieta of;this 01601 is one of the most healthy and pleasant in the State. Four pas senger trains of the Pennsylvania railroad co. pass tlifoligh the Borough daily, "making it easy of access from all parts ofthe, State. The b LA:lichee taught embrace all thoie Of a thorough English" education, tbgether with Latin,'Greelt, French and , German languages; Vocal and Instrumental Music. • Every branch will be taught in the most thorough manner' - Whilst-the 'principal `•wilY willconstantly aim to make thorough scholars, he 43011 deems it, no less important to inculcate moral and religions principles. Ile pledges his best exertions secure the present and future welfare of.tho. • conunittimittb fink - charge: , A Lecturex i on P,hilosophy,#re., will be Oily!: .eryd before' the 'stiidehts during the Seistionii: A regular examination will be held at the close of each term. . , TERMI3:—FoI boarding, ° washing arid "' -'- light per session' oso 'Of five'nths,; .. $95:00 Tuition in English bianehey: 10:00 % For Latin; Gxuek, French artd,Gern;ip , ..- —eacli' eictrit; •• " - ' "" ; 44 15:00 Book Keeping, - .• , ' ' b:004 , Iristntmental Music ) ... _-. '2.0.16/ •, .., ..°_ DZV. Per,sons wishing to place their eons tar daughters iii thistinititutibri pliait mike' early application by letteror otherwise. R. S. MAXWELL PrificW4. REFERS TO Rev. J. J. Lane,. Wrighteville, W.,Smith, Wrightsville, Dr. J. Levergood, Lancaster, Aaron Baker, - Chathein, Chester, co: Rey. Robert Alexander, Little Britain; D. Wilson, Baltimore, Samuel Lindsay; ; • Marietta, Calvin A. Schaffner 11. D. Benjathin Dr. J. Cushman, Dr. • cc y _ Thomas Zell, is A. N. Cassel, ; cs ' • Jacob' " r " c "gc . ' "`' George W. Stahl, [• Marietta, February 3, 1866.4.6t1. ;11.1170RY OF THE G EAT REAShist: lON HE lite rebellion 'alias out peculiir extraordinary in human events; and the magnificent scale upon tiluch Ithe war has oeei &inducted, constitute it oneof the grand est and-most , brilliant chapters of the world's WM; • • - t• - • Mr. Headley; °Pen Writcrs,gs perhaps best qualified to portray the the -stupendous feat ures of the mighty contest His previous works on less momentous themes have placed him in the first pest-ion, as a graphic and pow erfui deleniator of war sicenee and characters, and the magnitude and grandeur of the pres ent subjedt; impart - to' hiepan the fire and got, of a yet more axacteitinspiration L and fur nish ampleacope for tbe highest exhibition of KS peculiar genius for military description. Under his powerful pen the stirring scenes of the. War pass in review. with the vividness and distinctness of a present and living reality; while his great talent for condetimtion ens.' blee him to embody, everything of importanee in a compass just suited to Me public want. From no other source can so clear and com prehensive an , impression of the grand march of events be obtained, so easily and agreeably as from Mr. fleadleY's work. ' Other histories have been issued before Grant's Report and other official documents were submitted to. he goverement, and there fore unreliab/e6 Mr. Headley his.delayed the completion of - this till 'those docuitents so es -authenticity and correctness could obtained.- The_second volume, completing this work, will be - issued it March, 1866. Agents wan ted to.'etigage in it sale in every town and county in the United States. Liberal induce- Merits offered. For particulars apply to or ad dress AMERICAN` PUBLIS.FIING C 0. ,• No. I4B' Asylum-st, Hartford, Conn. Scranton t Burr, Agents. ANEW IDEA it AND A GOOD ONE BLACKWELL & CO., Gx.r.swes IRON BUILDING, 171 BROADWAY, New York, have commenced the business of Wring SUBSCRIPTIONS to all the 141.INCIPAL MAGAZINES and WEEK=- LY PAPERS, -for SHORT PERIODS, (quarterly or :half yearly,) at the lowest 'early rates, ofFering a great advantage to .lovers of literature Who may wish to take several publications paying but alittle mo - ney at a time. Full partkulars in a circu lar_sent on applicalion to any address. A GOOD AGENT WANTED in each town.— ;13•• P O'SV—MASTERS are requested to send for our .circulax containing induce ments. BLACK.WpLL le CO.; No. 171 Broadway, New-York. Decemper 27, 1865:-3m.]„ D ANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER. PA . CITEICE 24 NORTH Dully. STREET opposite the Court House, Where he will tit tend to the practice - of his profession in all its various branches. , DR. WM. B. FAHNESTOCK, OFFICE:—MATif-BT., NEARLY OPPOSITE Speuttlei & Panama's Store. FELOitt 7 TO 8 A. 731. OFFICE HOURS. " 1 TO 2. ' , 5, 6TO7P. M. 1866, THE 'LADY'S FRIEND-: The best of the Monthlies—devo ted to' LITERATURE and-FASHION. . 50 a year., ,give WHEELER & WIL SOWS Celebrated 455 Sewing Machines on the following terms e• Twenty copies and the Sewing Machine, $7O. Thirty copies and the Sewing, Machine, $B5, Forty copies and the Sewing Machine, $lOO. Send 15 cents for sample copy to DEA r CON Pic PETERSON,' 319 Walnut stied, Philadelphia. - . AN 1114•Abil7ED LANTERN. rPHIS.is tile most desirable Lantern in the market. it, burns -Coal. Oil without a Chimney, emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white-light. It stands quick mot.ons in any direction. The flame is regulated from the outside. It.is nest and.compact in form;and size. It is free from solderin the upper park, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. Poi bale at JOHN -.SPANGLER'S iSfardnylreiStore on Mar *itrket; • irr °WARD kSSQCIATION, - F/1 . PILIAADELPHIA, PA, Diseases of the, Urituiry and Sexual Systeme, new and relitililetredtmetit. Also, the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an BARRY IM . 41011111 g. and Inetruntion,,sent in sealed envelopes,' free of charge. Address, D. J. Stitt:Lin Hotroitron, Howard 41..asOciatione No. 2•Soutit Philadelphia, Pa. [ jan. eILGATE'S7:4I:4I].F.T. BOATS. 41:1a, 13 . 4 t ~/1 103. d paw)* a • importea• w tilycku2 102kn' at *ll°- 'B4IAPS. "nar VeTeheap R shating a 'for al • ETA Jul! reeeM THE GOLDE MO RTAR. nr; : TrYO,MST Ziodical Drops; and Clark's ge- Lover Errs ;>" :shsaTio73en,dforta 1111111NIVIOng.belebrsted GIN, '7 . slikvri Sit E'ER% ISM TARM4 POrktioists ITItTEUGOZDENTWORTAftof Of ~`-T3E 'IIARETTIAN.% FURERA! - Al Drug Store opposite the Post Office, ! Where Gold, Sittier,,and Greenbacks ARC TEMPS' tEXOBANGE FOB Drugs, Medicines, Stationary, &c., &C., &C., OF VERY OF.SCAIPTION. ALSO-- I , ' TOILET RETICLES, Such as Perfumed ,Soaps,, Hair Oils, Hair Dyes, Pomades, Tooth" Soaps, Tooth Washes, flair, Mail; Clothe! and Tooth. Brushes;of all descrip= tkons..Extracts. for ; the HaridicerchieT; Colo pies Ambrosia foithe and many other artielea too tedious to mention Ladies and Genis es, of eieiy deeezilittork. All the most popular Patent Medicines NOW IN USE, SUCH-AS • Ayer's Sarsaparilla, „JltYne?s Alterative s , pectorant, and Verznifuge, Jayne's Pills and 'Carminitive Bithiern,&c., Hostetter's Bitters, lißoilland's German Bitters,. Swain's Panacea, 'Worm Confections, Mrs. WirielOwlzi Soothing Syrup, and inleit• all•the most reliable Patent Medicines nowjnkuse;,, 0 Fresh Coal Oil constantly on , „hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil 'Lampe; Shades einm -I"neys, &c. Also, articles - af nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Root, Tapioca, &c. Spices of al kinds, Cloves, CinneinOn, All spideAlkitioßleck 4!epper,:.Afriatin Cayenne `PeiihnOlFieriiirMiistertir&i. • Chemical F 6 9 -4• Citrate Of-Mignettia, Feed ing Cups for the Sick, Breast I'ddips '•Nipple Shields, Nursing Bottles, Self-injeding Sy ringes, FlaVoiing Extracts for cooking, &C;--- Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Fountsfirlso Aquariums. Arrangements have also been made with one of the best Aviarys in the State,to futhish Cannry and Mocking Birds,&c. A lot of Family . Dye colors, of every shade. Fresh and reliable Garden See'ls: A large assortment of Books and • Stationary, Everything in 'the Stationery Way; such as Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue; Blotting and other kinds of Paper;Envelopes, Clarified and other gunk', Scented Gloves for the •wardrobe, and an-endless variety_of fancy and pseful articles, usually found at such establishments, Pauly article not on hand will be ordered at once; Anew kibd of playing cards, called .!_f Union Cards,".haVing Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, &c. The Face cards are Goddesses, plonels, instead of the Queens, Kingi and Jacks.' This is a. beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign nm blems and should be universally. preferred. School Books, Copy pooks,•Slates an.d the School Stationary generally, and Hibles, &c. always on hand. • Subsciiptions folall the Magazines, Il lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies receive& Sheet Music 'of all kinds will be ordered with promptness and dispatch. Having secured the services of Mr. Cmis. H. .Baizzorr, an experienced aria competent' Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at all hours. The Doctor himself can; be consul ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being .very thankful to the public for the past patronage ,bestowed upori him, will try and endeavor to please all who may give him a call., HINKLE, M. D. Marietta., February 4, 186b-tf. COURT PROCLAMATION:Whereas, ‘,..) The Honorable Henry G. Long, President, Hon. A. L.,Hayesand Ferree Sri/aeon esquire, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for Lancaster County, and 'Assistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Ceneral Jail Delivery and Quarter Sess ions of the Peace, in and for said County-of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, requiring_ me, amongst other things, to make public proclamation throukhout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the —Peace and Jail. Delivery; will commence in .the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, on, the THIRD MONDAY IN. APRIL, (the 16th), 1866, . . in pursuance of which Precept, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N, To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in said. County, and all the Justi ces of the Peace, the Coroner and Conetables of the said City and County of Lancaster, that they be then and their, in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examin ations and inquisitions, and their other remem brances, to and in those things which to their offices appertain, in their.behalf to be done; and also all those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jail of said County of Lancaster, are to be then and there, to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the 14th ,day of Marsh, A. 41., 1866. . • • F; SIYHTIi, SHERIFF. .... , , •_ ..,,.. SUPPLER & BRO„ ; - vail - IRON .ii-IsTD BRASS le 0 U N. 13 E R S and Generizi Maclkiniits, Second scree • - Below Union, CoNmbia i lla. ''. They, are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills arid'Blest Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam_, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts; Cellar Dods, Weights, &c., for:Buil dings, and castings of every, description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MDST HOAR!, AND IMPROVED Manner; _Pumps, Brick Presses; Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, , Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning.; Brass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Ceara, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water . ; Brass Fit tings in till their variety; Boilers,Tapka, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BEACKSMITHING in GENERAL. _ . Fram long experience in building maehineg w flatter ourselves that we can give general Sidle faction to those who may,favor us with• thei orders. rkßepairing prdmptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet With promptatteution. .Prices• toouirthe times. Z. SUPPLER, f t T. SUPPLER. Columbia, October 20, 1860;" • •14 tf pus tquoits. Fl. D. • EVEINJAMIN, DE4I ER 11, WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta ; Pa. BEGS leave to inform the , public that be will continue the WINE & 'LIQUOR bud ness,'M pall its branches. Re willeonstantly keep on hal:id all kinds of: Brandies, Wines, Gins , Irish and Seoteh Whiskey, Cordials, Bitfers,,ke., BENJAMIN'S .-*•• Justly Celebrated R?se Whisky, ALWAYS ON A, very' surerior OLD RYE WHISERY. just received; which ia Warranted pure. ' ';', tr All H. D. 8..n0w asks of Abe pubic is a careful eiarnination of, his stock tulti.Pri ces, which will, he is confident, result hijib• tel keepers and„-others finding it to th4iE vantage to rolke.their purchases,from "ft mONTHLIE ; RE „ . ZADY BEsvop _ to t _ 1 , -; THE TS Faxerw---devoted 40N and LITERATURE. ' Beautiful= Steel Eknsytngs. Ser-x1.951D-DeußtE-sirt-cor,! ouzo FABBION PLATES. The I,eteet petterne of Dieeetiet Clotikeißonnete; Embroidery &c, Hdeethold receipts, Muinc,'&c. Wheeler & Wiledn'e.Sev lll ThEM4chiließaivo EuiPAJAilimo• Seedls-cen&vfor:s sample copy to --I;VCOle & P e r i1_44 9 ,eti 1 4.57 1 6' 1 -1114a.deiPtiza 777: scored itid-dikiitela &lithe t,tekitilliteAbrarittitian. *THE GREAT • • C7 AIT Ei Human. Just Published, in a sealed envelope. Price SIA CENTS. A Lecture on the nature, treatment; c nd radi cal cure of Seminal Weakness, or SPERMA TORRIVEA, by Sstf-abug, Invol untary Emissions,: Impoteneyelervous bility and impediments to Marriage ge6eifilLy, Coosumption, Epilepsy, end Fite, - Mental Mad Physical Incapacity; 4c, by Dr. Robertt J. Culverwell, author of the "Green The world-renouned author, in this admiia"- ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own ex perience thetthe awful consequences of self abusemay be effectually removed without me dicine, and without dangerbus surgical opera timis, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure - at—once certain and effectual; bywhich every sufferer, no mat ter what his coelitlon, may be, may cure radicailk. This Ledure will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. , ' • Sent,- under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postage paid, on reempi of Six,Ceptii, or two;postage stamps. -Add.fesa , the ergo., -CHAS. J. Ci 11111572 127,Bonevy, New-York.,:Post-ollee C01006'4 iimitltioe Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a. Capital and Assets, $419,910:80. THIS Company continues to.,insnre,Build loge, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note. FIFTH ANNITAL REi43II.T. • `Whole amount insured . $5'027,02 ; Amt of premium - notes, 0426,006166 Bal. dash premium, . " Jan'y 1, 1864, 3,754:47 Cash receitits in 1864, less fees And com -22 870:56 . • ' Losses andexpenses • paid in 1864, $22,794:89 - Balance of Capital and Ass*, Jan- , nary Ist„ 1565, 429,920:80 $452,715:09 GREEN, PRESIDENT, GEORGE YOUNG ,Ji. .Necretary MICHA*IpS. 411.1• MAN, Tresinersn - . - DIREOTORS : , Samuel- Shock Wi ll iam Patton, Robert X. Ryon, John W. Steacy, John Pendrich, George' Young, Jr.,. H. G. Mulch, Nicholas ilirLocnatd, Samuel F. • - Michael S. Shuman, Amos 8. Green: S. C. Siaymaker, Edmund. Spering. fxl-33 JA-COB LIBRART, JR, CABINET MAKER ANWXNDERTAKER; MARIETTA, .PA 'UTOULD most respectfully take this meth od of informing the citizens of Marietta and the public in general, that, having laid in a lot of seasoned Lumber is now 'prepared to manufacture 'all kinds of CABINE2' FURNITURE , in every style and variety, at short notice Ile has onthand a lot of Furniture of his own manufacttue, whim for , fine finish and good workmanship, will rival any City make. 2:3" Especial attention paid to repairing. He is.also now prepared' to attend, in all its branches the UNDERT4ICING business', bz ing supplied with an excellent 'Henri; large and small Biers, Cooling Pox, ;Cr &c. COFFINS finished any style—plain . or costly. Ware Ronm and Manufactory, near Mr. Duffy's new buildint, near the " Upper-Sta io n," Marietta, Pa. [Oct. 22. • JOHN BELL, Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta RATEFUL for pail favors I would retail. Ur my thanks to my nunaeroushiends and pa trons and inform theta that I still continue the old 'business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, OASSIMERES VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shorte notice by the best of workmen, and on reasons ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wai upon my , old customers and all who see proper of patronize me hereafter-. Met...29-756. TOVES ! STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES! ! ! COOK STOVES, COOK STOVE'S, ti STOVES, AT JOHN SPANOLER4: PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT- JOHN SPANGLER' S. STOVES, S,TOVES,-yur,CAN STOVES FOR BRAM% TWO OR` FOUR - - ROOMS 'WITH' . „ _ - ONE FIRE-FOURTH SUPPLY NO W READY-CALL AND REE THEM- AT J. Spangle'r's HO-citoare and 51:06, - Store Market Street, Marlette-OPa. el HEAP READ Y-MADE 17LOTIIING - Having just ieturned froth, the city with a nicely selected , lot , of Ready-made Clothing, which.the•underaign . ed is prepared to furnii% reduced prices; havmglaid in a general assort ment of men and boys' elothing,Which he is ditterMined to sell now, EON CASH. His stock consists. of OvErt-CoArs,' DBMS, F.:topic AND SACK' COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDiOUTS, ( knit ), OVE R HAULS, CA.A.vvrs, Da. wine, SHIRTS, .110.1JilY s UNDEIRNINTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c. F.verygticts,in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examin e be ore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. ' _ TOIIN BELL. • t.biner of Elbow Lane and Market 6,57 next door to Cassel's Store T° ROUSE-CLEANERS. A new article in' this Market, and far eupezlor to any othhi in nee: A few reasons why : First.--They are free from twine, which is affected by the lime, and liable to tot; caus- ing the falling out of the bristles., - &cond.—The bristles are insetted in the wood, or body of the bxmili,ir,hen green, which when dry, causes - thein to linield - firmliin their,pliteql;ntiy subsequent soaking.or sl_o*- ake fails to affect them. Thit2d.,-Tney ore made ,of Beetles es'eluaitie ly ; man, hinds -being ' composed v in part, of whalebone. Fourth.—Thez eontsm more bristles for the and' dial; 'as the -ordinirykina; °Wit erdusitilly by JOHN. SP.ANOLERA AT En HARDWARE STORE. ONNFearicUT:TOBACCO SEED (`CONNECT DISTRIBUTION" - t. FREE Finer Connecticut Tobacco• fieed,•bas•jus been .received at the Tobacco Warehouse o • I THE LADVS FRIEND— '', A. F.. L, BlitillNS& co., in this borough, which,.. .;• - ~, ' - - , ; • •,'' :.- , ._,,.,.. • is now ready' for FREE digliibillig4 Phthe A.O - ~ ~,,;„ The Beet' r. , Le, i tr 1,...::.' 11 L bocce. Growers of this neighborhooil. .01..,f . „ '.j . , " , 1-119. ' llev , --Pie. 4 'l' 4° "--, Tilie‘oVett in thus distrihutiiig thidexcellgot Fashio n aincPure x li rprithy e ,-4 4.2km.asleai ; gofdlkioenCourage the -,rifitplif lif-ft ! , *ler ' Vir, ,o oiii#A7o4,...2apipitAnd one gratis) a'adai.cgaltrei-.)gtkak.:-.lla4ercttf'?kazWn ,1 1 16...,L.,WVAU51L & ~.ict rg - cps s paizs e I YIL---"E' 7i .-- 1 "? 1 - 11 :: -- - - --4 - ' 4 1 AP4Avistigiv,eltop wt. " 16 lku, , orts,Ts...:---o. t6.sli_ria:Rquirs h h w titfitt „,, 4 , 4 ,„..,,, ii . npo taj ii i ~G RAttly and seethe 44111"' '-'. - WI.- 7.7 TEittblirthgViliiitt ilf:;.iliilavielritiho;•.a G RAND PRIM —, For Szaiscriliers W the 'l),iwrie4ll stfitiAaß, .... • . -- A - National,- Weekly Family Jutipsial AT $1:50 PER ANNUM. The ,following bpre . ti.iiid prizes are` sent to dubs For,every slob of fortymbscribers n Whee ler fk , Wileori.best $55, Sewing Machine, with two,es,tra copies to theletter up of,the club. For,every club of twenty, and less than 40 subscribers, we will allow $145, fur each sub scriber:on :the price offfahl machine. „, For every club of six,,a splendid steel en graving of Fret4.4entA. Lincoln, full length, Andrew Johnson, Gen. Grant, or Sherman,on horseback,. worth $3 each, with an extra copy to the getter up of the club.,, • For every,club...of three,ope.of those splen did steel engrayingn o of the Union series of.. '.••• .4V .44 PORTRAITS ComprisingAenidenti; Johnson and LineObi,' ILient:peri...Grrant, I ,Gens. Sherman, Sheridan, '=Thomas *Malian, .Vemont, Adiraln Far g;ragut -anti ; .goTtes,nnd George and 'Martha ' f Washington, each 19,x24 inches worth $2. IlarTkene splendid, Portraits should adorn every.parlo a r. The Statesman is the largest, cheapest and best family paper published;• suited for'every family. Tip it once arid yob will never be `without it. Seidler copies and up your ! ' • AMERICAN STATESMAN, 67 Nassau-st.,.thew-York. 3inuary 13-6inj L"°B ,TAKE I'A4TicUl;A'4 .NOTICEI' • •11041° izsip4e, WARRANTED, FRED,ICIL ] These THIS, ao - celebrated many. years . ago in 'Paris, for the relief femaleirregularifies, -64 afterwards so notorious for their alai's' eninloyinent - in the 'briletice df atfortioit, are noW - offered forsalelor the first time in Amer , ice.Thepthave teen -kept in comparative pkt c scurity. from the fact, n that ..n' orlgiatOr, Dr. VALRAP, is a "PanS. 'of great wealth and striceConscientious - principles tariff hair*ithlield Allem froth - general...use; : lest they should be employed„for unlawful pßposes. Ino_vercotningfeniale obstructions they seem to be truly onsnipitenT, biniting clpln IE6 ifood gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offered to the, public only for legitimate uses, and all agents ore forbid den to sell theni *hen it is undelStoiid that the object is unlawful. Forstile by- , :Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta.; A. Pyle, Mourktjoy ; H. D. Parry. and.ft. Hams, columbia, - and druggists generally. Ladies eanlirocure a botr;Sealed from the eyes of-the' curious' by enclosing $1 and, six. postage stamps to: b„ G. STAPLES, General Agent for .us,„ Watertown, New-York, or to any of the above 'agents: rzio.2s-ly N - ENV SKIRT. FOR 1866 1 . . inber)fioß of Bgo in HOOP SItIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Elliptic (Or double Spring Skirt THlS . lriventionieonsists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic pure refined steel springs,.ingeniouslY braided tightly and, firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest , most fletible, elas tic and•durable spring ever used. They sel dom bend or break; like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any - single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any. lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt will be experienced - particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, carriage -, railro4ears, church pews, arm chairs, foi; promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in uke'to occupy a small place as easily an& conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. 'A - lady having enjoyed the pleasure ' com fort and - great convenience of wearing the du plex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses, - and young ladies they ar- superier total others. - - The hoops are covered . with -2, ply double twisted thread and will wenr twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all Single steel' hoop - Skirts: '.Thex three bottom rods on every skirtarecalso• double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover mg frma wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone:attips, Stc.,-?&.e., which they ate constantly subject to when in use.. All are made of the new and eegant • Corded tapes, and are the - best quality inl - every -part giving to the wearer 'the most =graceful .:and perfect shape : possible, and are, unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt - ever made. - ' ' WESTS' BRADLEY * SL CARY, Proprietors of the invention, and Sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers, and 79 & Si _Made streets, New York: For-sale in all first-class stores in this city, and.throughbut the' UnitectStates, and Canada, Havana 'de' Ctiba,: Mexico, Smith America, and'the West Indies. Er Inquire for the .Thiplgir ,Eliiptip (or double) Spring Skirt. 37n-A&C .711. 111,84 T. ANTHONY ft CO., Itanuftioturers of PhOtogralthio Materials WHOLISALII AND 1111.41 L., , . 601. BROADWAY, W. Y. ' ___ln addition to oar main badmen of PIIOTOGRAPHIG At&. 1201111.7.4 woman liendriaartert for the followtom yin: --. r; Stereoscopes and. Stereoscopic Views. Of thato we kayo an imams entortinit, ineliding _ VIEWS OF THE WAR, °maim st - iii& ...p.....,..., ilbriab%. ample% PTlComounno plumy or ass BELT mum comfit Bull Rua - Duch (tap, Yorktown, • Pontoon Trains. gemptimrelt,.. Rollover Junction. Fair Oaks, Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, Chickahominy, `Freddricksburp, City Point. Flirts:, .. Wallkill*, Richmond, Petersharsh, Deep Bottom, Belle Pima . . Manors, Chattanooga, Tort lliorgsry , Atla n t a , . , Charleston; Mobile; • ' Florida, ' .. -:- ettaitrry Mini • . Amman ictrardsc int« ma Lappaireg, al ro**o 7ll ' Mat% , A. 14 TOvolvkelltsrecielopos, far public °rpm** • Onr OWdopeMit ha mott to nay saran on rerelyt of Soap ..., . 12 9 Ora t to g eto4 P Pesii 4.444 Aw;12 4111L Z•iiiitimital mkt wesonneineture Mana rmatitles V o lt wario t t ram '''. hiii rbrir l im4c•re i r cel l i ttlett Wa Oo d - MIT t l o is Zy . oth i elt Thig!will be awatltytmil;l7loll4ron renstpt of prim. . . ' I =ms Miami items wo oiara.. ".411 - 1 ' l' The will, find. our Albums „the nloit Saleable:they can buy.. 4 1a1RD- PHOTOGRAPH& _ _ ... Our lestrdz s Atro =Am: ever ram Tronsurro Mitemat added' (ho additionoam sontinzallk beinemadi) °lra& ICO , .ibo fdent.ooo . l so mammy made.;. tlO ether Oldeere, - 180 Divines, An cameo; en Wiry Otteern 11l Anthem' ' . 4012VAA.- , -141ot ,177agartWqmal. .. AMA" of Wrogs An, IbutotfAi 'repreddreimeref iho most ealebrelid 11 Zniiniinige, NOW:BPI ilintenn-dm CsMloront lent on receipt el Sts AM order ice One Down 'flame from oar estalogne, wilne Med en temipt et SIN, and soit'hy mei; rnim .* , ' ' z end Minn emitting goods C. o will plow looft r Attp roma of the mommt with their . igwirb.rdwi God twat" at cairn& maul . to eli it!. iittubian -0 t Ts a protected solution of the PROTOXIDE OF IRON, a new discovery in medicine 11111,4 Strikes at the root of disease, by supplying the blood with its Vital m ac or lifeelement—xi:cm This is the secret of the Wdnderful curing this remedy i n pf D.VSPCPSia, Liver- Complaint, Dropsy, Diarrhea, - Boils, Nervous Alrechoii, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss Constitutional Vigor, Diseases o f - The - Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad .”ale Blood or accompanied by debility of a I State of the'sYStem.' Being free from Alchohol in any foilz,, i, eneigiziag-effects are not followed Di spending reaction, but are permanent, sing strength, vigor and new life into all pa n , -Of tution the system, and building up an Iron c,..„ Asti. DYSPEPSIA MO DEBILITY, From the venerable archdeacon Scott. D. p, ' Dunham, Canada Eaet, March 24,1%5, ea I am an inveterate Dysp epi i t mole than 25 years standing," of * * •" I haim been so wonderfully be", fitted-M .4 11e three short weeks during winch have used the .Peravian Syrup, that 1 can scarcely persuade myself of the reality, People who have known me are a*tota4l at the change. lam widely known, Cal) but recombiend"to others that which has don& .so , much 3'or4ne. 2 r -* ...A Case 0f27 Years' Standing Cured, From Insley Je wett, No. 15 Avon place, Be, ' ”1.,4ve auffemd,and sometimes severely for 27 years,from Dyspepsia. I commerce, 'taking the , Peruviau Sylap, and found irnme 'diate benefit from it.. In the course of tier or. four' eeks I 'was entirely relieved from m; sufferings, 4ind have enjoyed uniuttirupt health ever since?' Eminent Divine of Boston sass : "I have been using the Peruvian S)rup to .some time past; it gives me new rigor, buoy ancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." ThoitSandS'have been changed by the tore o this:Tr:4oy; tram weak, sickly, cuff aing CI El tures, to ,grong„healthy, and happy I/101 'wom;en and , invalids cannot reasonably hesi tale to, giie it a _trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing ccttiii cates' of cures an.. recommendation, from Some-of the .mosti eminent physicians, clfsgp mep, and others, win be sent FREE 10 any ad dress. sia . %Sce:that each bottle has PER VI flown in thiklass. FOR SALE DY J. P. Dinsmore, Proprietor, 3o Dey SMI New York. • ANV'BY ALL DRUGGISTS 5... C -11 OFULA! All Medical Alen.agree that lODINE is the best remedy fot SCrotnia and all kindred eases ever-discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a pure solution of it. DR. if. AIsIDERS' lODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of lodine, without a tw vent ! ! • R FULL GRAIN to rack nnee, , of water. A most. Powerful Vitalizing Agant and Restorative. It tr. 4 s cured and WILL CURE SCROFULA i 2 all its manifold forms. ULCERS, CANCEJIS, SYPHILIS, SALT ItIII:t:)1,kt. Circulars will be sent FREE to any one send ing their address. Price $l.OO a bottle, or 6 for $5.00 Pzepared by Dr. li. Anders . , physician Chemist. FOR. SALE BY J. P,DINSIVITME, 36 Dey Street, New AND BY ALL DRUtti;IsTS. 8415410 of ill; i 1) C;Niiq , HAS DEEM USED FOR NEARLY HAW? A CENTURY, TUE MOST ASTOIVISIIING SVC BIBMI Coughs. Colds, 'Hoarseness, Sore Thpat, fluenza . , -Whooping Cough, Croup, l.r.t Cothrffaint, Bronchitis, Diffiro,i:,• Breathing, Asthma, and every • affection of 17te Throat, Lungs, and CONS .41 I'l 0 which carries off mow victims .IZr any acid which bailks'lfii , PitySlCiaiis to a greistoreltent than an otn: malady, often L I )•5 TO V! When all iithiirS prove ineffectual. AS A IIET)1(1N Raul! INBEII£N. soopliNG }:Vi rs OPF.RATON, g S Litt P A SS' Eh! while can preparat ion : free nom gredients, poiar , na, ne t 111119 1 .1.6 ; • sCiefrce,-timi riiNtiicil 1:1)1.f iedgt! sniuhiuwC all that is ynluable-An the vegetable tangtila for this class of disease it is INCOJIIPARADLE! and is entitled, - -Merits, and receives the gen" eral confidence of, the publrc. SEYMOUR: THATCHER, M. As of Herman,. N. Y.ywrltea as follows:- 66 Wistutr's Beitsim Wild Cherry i s t 4 universal satisfaction . . 'TIC seems t o cure 6 cough byjotsiereing and, cleansing the 100 . and allaying irritation, thus removiog iht - Cause, instead or +flying" the COUI,t , sod leaving. :the ; ; cause „behind. I consider IV Balsam as good as any, if not the best, CQQ' Medicine . wittt'which" I ant eic4l.ainted." 'The Rev. JACOB SECIILER, of Hanover, Ps' Well known and meicti respected amoil t k German p,opeletion in this country . , anl k ': the following statement for the benefit the afflicted: • • Di - an Sins t--Having realized in my f 6 s. ds : -important bet/efts from the use of your recr able Preparation—NTlgaiN BALSA% WILD CEIEBAT- 1 -it•afrcirde me pleasure lo commend, it to, the public. :Some eig ht ago one of my daughters seemed to be 0 . decline; ` and =little hopes of ter recorol, w . e s ' entertained. I then procured a bottle or ). 0 .1 excellent Balsam, and-before she had de n , the whole of the contents of the bottleri aral a . pat improvement in her ho 6lo o in have, my itlflividu`al' case made log I. use OblenniValuable; medicine, and OR!, waysheett,beriefutd by it. JACOB SOW ii S BICE L OTE LOLLAR A BOTTLE, it SETH k , io`p," RY - " Street , L.P. tO PP,, , st r - o — , r i e tors ) And &II 13°51` r & SQ!!/ F W'''YqWl"4" OM, all 2, EMiMil gerikel i Sqglig)3ll.ATE 3 gal l ! cußtt; dirrkipußss, SCALD • - Giaees'Celebrated Salve CURES WOUNDS, BRUISES, ~.„40.41ce's Celebrated Salve CUBES BOILS, 'ULCERS, CANCES '''Or - ace's -Celebrated Salve tiritErcirArern BANDS, crursolo' Vraderi Celebrated Salve &c • Sri WOUNDS , no 1.14PTC,,er4 itactkon, removes pairl s : t ;irc . , a d rectuielf-thelthitet'angry-loolg th us at" ' i t oda*augmatiOseite. if by n?sgic ,— fording reliet and complete Care 35 r o c ts. Only 25 eta a box ( Sent by mail klor sale bf&pr. rin4smogE, 36 Der efgrrPn-la t e - o tor , tol Wi d bY4I7-truFWggisSt@sflG.roci.c°l-POl:eat°l' CI:n1 stores.,