The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 21, 1866, Image 2

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    e gite arittti
Ugh* Voting, aptil 21, 1866.
The following is the bill snit puled the
Legislators, exempting certain. Persons
from the payment of bounty endiercap.
ita tax, and militia Anse. It bee been
approved by thi Governor and is there.
fore s law
Be it enactid4c., That all permit's
who have been nditered into the Mili
tary @orrice of the United States, and
have served therein for a period of not
less than nine mouths in the war to soli.
press rebellion, and their property and
those persons who have been discharged
from said service on account of wounds,
or physical •disability, contracted is
inch service, and their property_ shall be
exempt from the vs - truant of all bounty
and per capita tax levied, or to be levied,
for paying bounties to voltinteerlin the
several counties of this commonwealth,
sod inch persons shall also be exempt
from the payment of militia fines.
or A Washington' friend writes us
the following bona fida incident :—"An
appointee, priding - himself on being , an-
F. P. V., in - the interior department et
Washington, being ordered before the
board for the examination of clerks, the
other day, was asked this question. "Mr:
are you &grammarian?" He an
swered, "No, sir; I am a 'Virginian."
ggr A. few weeks ego, in Elslens city,
Montana, a man named Daniell vu
found attached by the neck to s tree.
He had been tried and convicted of man
slaughter, but pardoned by the acting
Governor ?dauber. The citizens con
tinued to hold their own opinion of his
guilt, and expressed it in the violent
manner above related.
air Congress has noted the sum of
8800.000 to reimburse the State of Penn
sylvania for money spent in arming vol.
untaers and sending them into Mary
land and along tbe, border to watob the
enemy- The bill bee been approved by
the President..- tier. Curtin has.leen
indefatigable in his efforts to obtain a
prompt settlement.
er Stephens, the Fenian chief,. has
made his escape to France, and at test
dates was the guest of the late rebel
John Mitchel. His wig" is en hei way
to join him, and both will soon be in
New York. Ete says he leaves~ the
cause of tbe - brotherhood in Ireland in
able bands during hie temporary absence.
a" We ond in the Olartiniont (:N
R.,) Eagle the following iotipe of the
death of a patriarch: "In Alstead, 2d
day of March; Mr. Edward Granger,
wanting 15 , days Of 100 years of 'age.
He voted for every 'President of the
United States from George Washing
ton to Abraham Lincoln."
ar James B. Hood, a Member of the'
Tennessee Legislature, has been expell
ed for refusing to answer to his name,
when brought befOre the bar of the
House on a charge of contempt. He
had absented himself to prevent the allw
'ambling of a quorum. •
Sr The Legislative Committee on
the reception orthe Penntyliinia regi
mental nage has decided to recommend
Philadelphia as the place and' the' ointh
of July as the . time for the reception of
the flags.
pt' Party or fifty Indian. in Minne
sota, comp - rising 'an entire bend, 'We're
frozen to dltatliin s terrible snow:Storm,
111 few wanks - ago, while' out in Beata of
buffalo. Only one ouriived to ten , the
lir Old Boman:Lunn Ball. the great
and one.of the molt notable
successors of Pagenini,ie dead. Ho *le
born at. Bergen, In Nitrway,Pebruaryl.o,
1810, and was consequently . fifty‘sin
years of age. .
ar Prince Alfred. Victora's * Loud
son, ie soon to be inehdelDnite,andidere
a seat in the Rouse of Lords; York his
been the usual title of the second OW,
Nit it 111 beltoTed that Atifred will be the
Duke of Wdinbtirgh.
or The tOluttry, will hioo, with re
grit of thadooth of 800. Dinh S. Dick.
IMOD, of Now York, - ithich snot tool,
place at Biotin oo thei 11th hot. He
was in aistpooventb Telt of his ago.
arldrs. Carlyle is so )fired other
knebendie interminable bistery, skit sho
told'an inquiring friend ene day eke on
ly wished thil great Frederick •bed diPd
when lie was a baby.
G rirs o n Mason's judgement oltJef
hoop Dm** worspreased Witte fallow
inn thedle&kikoobtltical oharattoriu.
Con : " Heim sivembitiom at :Lucifer,
sad cold 1,?il a liaatt!,
dbarliti `Diekerki io r
thirty thodiitpritr lisikaa
liag Una sicNitt-AVI
-The United. Stan Treikatinse . hOoly
resolved ism an nneopidetiogited !Oat
yids") a eentiterfeit fifty certificate note'
with a ropiest to send a genuine one in
A Washiagton 'period says the Ways
and MeeseComities bays decided to
report is favor of the repeal of the rev-
MOO tax on ptintiag material, including ,
paper and typo, together with the mate
rials which enter their composition.
The Atlasts (Ga.,) lotelligeocer says
that in the forty-sis counties composing
Oat collection district, the* are over
Wee hundred distilleriie. They num.
facture Soothers sentiment at au alarm
A Bennie paper seggeste the towing
of canal boats by steam engines running
along tracks on the banklastead °flicks.
es. By dbabling the aped, double the
amount of freight can be carried.
Ai a dancing match in. Chicago ,re
oenily, a buxom Dutch girl danced nine
hours consecutively, when her part,ner
acknowledged himself fairly oaten and
very tired. 'The damsel' then took six
glieses of lager and quietly went to
In tillriOD city then is a dancing
school. conducted on strictly moral
principlaso-"cash in advance laid no
In Chicago project is on foot to es
tablish a public bathing house, as one of
the means of keeping off the cholera.
A shameful April fool hoax was per
petrated by a lady in Philadelphia, who
sent to the- pulpit in a-Methodist church
a notice of a meeting to be,4ld , in, aid
of another church. Names of -promi
nent clergymen were mentioned ac to.
take part in the exercises. The preach
er read the manuscript,to hid large con
gregation without hesitation,
,nnti,l he
came to a, passage . announcin g that a
certain layman would sing a comic song,
when he became confused, suddenly re
memberieg-the day, end abruptly eat
down. •
The following is the conclusion of an
epitsph on a tomb stone in East Tennes
see She lived* life of iirtue aid
died-of the chotere fmorhee, calmed by
eating green fruit in the full hope of a
blesses immortality, at the early age "of
21 year., 7 months and 16 daYs. Read
er Igo thou and do likewise."
The Baltimore American sari that a
letter writer at Charleston. B. 0., whose
position *each we to .give-weight to his
statement, says that no mari can be put
on the pigica force of teat city who has
not eerved in the-rebel army.
' A Richmond paper state! that Castle
Thunder I l e being thbrougbly repaired,
preparatory to being turned - into a
'ligrand'inercantile ampithiiatre,"---what
e'er that may be. •
The boys of Norfolk are admittedinto
thn circne stopplog in that city et the
price of one cats piece. The animals
are said to be the highly relished food
of the lions.
General-McClellan is still-in Europe.
James Gordon Bennett has been - nt
Barnum has been eletted : to-tbe
Connecticut Legislature.
Peter Peonfasekell, one of the lineal
dOicindinte of W 'Penn* died 4 0
on the , g 11! foot. He ex
pired.ox hie sixtpnintthirthday.
- The l'rioskiryfrales is getting fat.
Ile weigliS„ll.B poupds.,
Queen Marie mule, widow of Louie
Phillipe, King of the ; Trench, died in
England recently at the age of 84. ,
Rev. David Portia, of Stoughton,
MM., is eighty-four years old, and has
been in the mioistry sixty years, during
which time bitioalary averaged $166 per
year. Re bas.lived withlis wife
five y 611.0004 ban had thirteen 'children.
There are twelve tietabliehmen4 io
Paris where false eiettararosisofactured
about four hundrid kik* turned out per .
It ie proposed to tiara a Outstare
New &gland cotton mill in operation
at the Parie exhibition, -worked by gee
nine Lowell factory. gi rte.
Themls naythiiiit. itarritliVrorkhotyie
in Reading; 'England, an old tie - tads,
asarl7-90-yeese age, wbo it able to re
pest the wlfolit of the second bOok of
Milton's Paradiso Lost. •
Joimphine >was posSionstaly fond of
though,Napnieon strongly otijec.
tide, and her dressing room at &ultimo
-4m is still redolent with Its odor, spite
of yeire, scrubbing, paint midagnsfoitin•
Fred. Douglass, <cafter= ;in interview
With Pre,ilent 1.400010, remarked that
Mr.phsooln wee As brat white man
tiodififer passed an hoar-with, who failed
to remind bite, some way, before the
inverviiw ne
e) Y n
H en , t isk ° . 0: Almond. boo lieoci
sworn in in the tekeefeeere.theleMeee:
-ad-Beater Pookr tbirtrOotoo
years old, o lot 4 of 1310inorclms
booirled*Ostaltioo =ambit of do <Btate
LoVololivo, ailfbilongo4o trui *SW
Mint J. ilapoitoto of itoneils i ll;
Jacks° Bri leis hem nominati
e 4 for &writ; Nel'Orleend.
Piotisio' ore thugsiton
declined a nomination for the Govern
orship of Texas, on the ground of pov
Col. B. Biddle Bober* Aid•de Camp
to Uovernor Curtin, hat resigned. He
is succeeded by Col. nooses.
rens, and Theodore Tilton have had
long interviews . with - Alexander H. Ste
phens of Georgia. , ,
. . .
The entered pexpite.ithe Ate' raiawg
cotton along the Mississippi here re
lines which trearthent its-equalwitlithe
whites. . .
It is staited that, l'residets% will
execute44 . oivil butlawnr
meads an itppeal,stoiAlis §uptiine Court.
The President hes issued
.a circular
directing that, inappointinent kir office
under the Fedeial odierinent, theproC.
ereuce be given to Union soldiers.
Citact,r4l3loklee, in §ontit : quoline,
iis;fiirbiddim. the punishment by fog:
ging, of a bite criwao l :The
dent has been asked to iet,iside hip or
The restaurant 'and'. oyster. lito(in
keepers in Boston bare been notified to
stop selling ale at their counter&
Robert R. Lee's vamp does afot , appose
on the kilt of rebel applicants for pardon.
The Pennsylvania Legislators on the
12th adjourned sine die. The eight
hour bill was , breught up in the &nate,
but Ailed to pus.
Thwgraves ofsthw National Cegietery
at Aodetionville are to be planted With
flowers. • .
A wealthy St. Louis paving lady has
eloped with-a- negro
"'Chalking the lamp-poet" is the•lerm
for bribery in Philadelphia.
Somebody-eiye that 'mince tbe pre - va
lence of tile rinderpest, .England seems
to be quite amid down.
Q Mrs. Jeff. Davie is 4n Washington
and on Friday had a protracted inter
view with Stephens, nest to the Woad
Centre of the rebellion, the 'netters of
whickis unknown, though common re
porayei it had referenhe to the prob
able fate of Jeff himself, who, there are
renewed rumois, is to be released in a
short time on parole —a proceeding,
should it .take place, that ought, to call
down the condemnation of every lops!
man in the nation.
sr The, President has declared that
his late proclamation does not 'do away
with martial law in the lately revolted
States: In the case of the ' Treasury
agent, ander arrest at Mobile, a writ of
habeas - corpns, issued wider 'the belief
that hie ,proclamation rendered it legal,
was disregarded by his order;and the
.prisoner's counsel...having visited , him on
the'sfibject, tie expressed Maud Mr •tb'
the•bearing and meaning, of the procla
mation as above statad. • • •
In the 4 0 PubiOau Nft4.9 1 !. 1 Con
vention of 1864, Andrew Johneq9, and.
Daniel S,;PiolLineon were. the onnteat-,
ante for the'zwmiDs4ion.for Vic, 'Piaui
dent. The• New York delegatiOn; in
spired Thurlow Weed, turned the
scale in favor of Mr. Johnicai. Had.
Dickinson been taken he l ,Aild have'
died fulfilling the Adige of Preoldent;
and leaving Mr. Foster, of Qonneoticut,
, .
his successor.
ST A writer in the' New :rode-N.l4i
enggesta.,that the President; , might , dis
pose of Congress bparreetingAthe' mem:
Demand hanginiutheiti. Eels itnplored
to use the Orord; Another Atrium <in
the PhiladelPhia•Age thicks , Mr. John
gen shoild two the bayonet with Congress
afters. the manner 'Cromwell, Ho*
lOLA are thebe.gentleraen in -tires of
w The hlusaielappt rwer,ll!iving the
high water,aow,privalling, boL Wren'
through Terrapin Bend, near Vinlyiburg„
which Gen., Williams and Gen. Grant
vainly tried to cat through, shortening
the river,fifteen miles 4 and the James
river, by its own action, has so enlarged
Gas. Butler's famous Dutch Gap canal,
that small craft can pass through it , at
high water,
Forty Irishmen employed-by the
Caretitidge, Mits., helve - railroad hike
ed to work last week,hoeause twco'ltte
gross hid trees- eitililpied isorkti the
stablee. the consequence was. that in
a verysholVtitirr (arty eolored aien tdok
the place of the' gitrikeroud eiiiiter
had the.desets - Sksatiirsiotion -or losing
their allay:ion. -
Tbe,firian 4noNtaftht l ,4ll.o4Ancn
in Nay 41.1pana
s,k ; itgbild.?betv4s9P.:t , Wil-.b!lkl#hiA#r:,4tt -
Oansl'stroet, on which a tigikt7amperi
former wyt ; annotutnetd to _Nnik t :',.;difter
Waiting several loam via winc lA* logs
Aki, hoopla*, crow‘titgeXA9 'AMMO
"Aprir holt and ediapaiseill;
leTb4 Landoll Vinia skYg:'""'"l!tallir°
ill to MO* rM oolofe lotthattho Ps"
of,Altor- is *haat to bi b r 91 ! 4 :,4
of tb• 111, 1 1 ja st ”ftT . 7 m .
onnodepktimskso Jiwikl•.
tb4tElifslut Not Old Igoe iiiioi 7
31LAJEtIETTIIIN'.@-.x - %
Thr " The Mareettian,"
Mr:km, a :—The ladies of the Pres
-I)3rtet4ait cloolfregtition el Marietta de
Jeirk t tlilpith yam, epee , to express
to the ciuzene dig and
' vicinity,
and especially to itiQtrangers sojourn
ing moonset no, the sincere and un
feigned thanks for their liberal aid and
encouragement to the tar just held, for
the benefit of thectitiek. Through the
enlarged liberality of lupe, who_ came
to their help, teem Omit,- ihe fib Was
rendered • financial success, beyond
their most extravagant ez'pectatione.
The full amount realized cannot yet be
toted accurately. _The thiniii:Of thei
an the c urc en tte , a
Also ,doe to the Chief, Burgess for the
gratuitous use or the town &di, during
the four.days devoted to the, "Fair' ida
Yestilat" *
famitaaL,Lms son Pnissmoir.--The
Mobile Register the head , of its.
columns the tWale:or the rebel,commatt
dei-ie-chiefi Robert E 'Lee,-as ‘ti candi
date for President t athe United,, States
lathe canvas of 1868, and. remarks that
there,itor Concerted orgattitAion - now in,
progreat tiflint=forward" "thikanodel he.
"of the confederacy." as. " The State
RightirDeintecratic' caididate - " in the
next campaign. We do - not - doubtit in
the 'Wait, and 'when the Democratic Ns,
tional;Convention shall meet in,1868
there.ein hardly Wit question , that the.
eleven subjugated. States. President :
Johnson is now endeavoring to force in
to Congress mako tbeir•ippearance
withilialegates solidly supporting the
notnihation - of Lee. It-is worthy:of oh
serration. that at the present time many
of-these same parties at the south who
are totkoctingtheir plans - to. nomiaatoi
Lee andilauding President Johnson to'
the skies, are striving to convey the im
pression that be is their• candidate, for
The Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson
'died on Friday in tbe city of Nevi York,
. •
in the sixty:eixth year of his age. Mr.
Dickinson was one of the most widely
known public men in the United States.
In the state of New York, where he re
sided the, greater Part of his life, lie was
made a State Senator, Lientenant,GoV
enrol!, Judge of the,iJourt of highest ju
risdiction, and Attorney-General of the
State. During the Administrationa 'of
President Polk, and of Taylor and Fill
ip*, he mepresented - New York in the
United States Senate. At every Demo
cratic National Convention from 1852 to
1860, Mr. Dickinson received a
arable atilki of votes as the candidate
of his party for President of - the United
States ; and on one occasion, when he re
ceived tbe entire vote of the 'Virginia
delegation, he was crowned in the Con
. .
vention with a wreath of flowers, thrown
by a lady from the gallery. in the
memorable campaign of 1860, he sided
with the Oreckinridge deinocrats, but
immediately after the rebellion broke
out he became en active , supporter of
Mr. Lincoln, and continued , to - act with
this Union party detvi to the of his
death. '`At the tithe alio death he was
United States District Attorney for the
Southern District of New 'York. Mr.
Dickinson was born iri Goshen, Connec
ticut, on the 11th of September, 1800,
but for a great many years was a resi
dent of Binghamton, New - York.
GrWith the close of the present see•-
Ilion of the Legislature, tile terms...of all
the members of the lower House arid of
one-third of the Senators expired. The
Union Senators whOse temp expire are
'Jeremiah Nichols, ;of 'Philadelphia
county, Wilmer Worthiagten, of-Eljtes.;
ter,. Delaware and Montgomery ; David
Winning, or Dauphin and Lebanon; :
BenjamiwOhampneys, of. Lancaster ;"J.
Dunlap, of Lancaster ; _George W.
Householder, of Somerset, Bedfoyd and
Fulton .anirl • Thomas Hoge, of Mercer,
Venango.and Warren. The Democrats
whose terms expire are FL B. Beardslee,
of Carbon, Monroe', Pike snit Wayae ;
David•B. Montgomery, of Noithlimber
land, Montour. Oolumbia and. Sullivan;
John - Latin; of-Westmorelandr , Fayette
and=-:Greene, and !William Hopkins,- 9f
Washington and Beaver: Fourteen
Itepublican Senators. and eight Demo
crateleld over. .
igarThe " Lady's Friend " for Mar is
on our table; Xinong its
meats are " The Retarn of the Swal
lows ;" a ihineyiicturesqcie and tasteful
Fashion Plate; the wood-cat "Clor.ser
bribs" illtetiatiiit the story 4 Row Dr.
Rounder beat his boys ." and " The
bird lover," accompanied by a pleaeing
sketch. The pattarnipfor diesi-are 'un
usually captitatim.- For termssibtad
lertieement indinotherf.parto , of-this `paw
per. --
h Ttegis a are or New J s
40Ufned on Friday, without electing a
BinatOr, owing to "the' scandalous con
dant of Senator Spuvq. mast fienn
4 14 14 04 PSotwitagitAntijnif ProPia.e•
to vote for - certain ;Ninon's' named by
himsilf, - be had not the least idea of
doing so. ,He with
,his newly formed
Mande of the donate toted aktinet
resolutionlo investigate his condthit On.
the &arid of being -bribed.
gir It ie eatimeted that Ale Attole, oil
plenum' of reline/v*lm mill* hate
bead InirWett fir! y e tP!‘gol?i;
000, sod noV it to hold to. be worth
' -
Nona tollegt,
100,000 YOU& ifigli WANTED TO
Before you can expect to occupy a position
you must be competent, and you can be made
se by attending this College, which is the only
Boatinss Cou.non in Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Delaware or Maryland, and larger
than any other so-called Commercial or buai
nees institution in either of those States. The
proprietors and teachers are practical business
men ith - Which is added large experience in
Banta Colleges, thus enabling them. o
turnillh a more thorougn and practical course
than can be obtained elsewhere.
For Life Sekiolarship. 035
For " - to disableiPSoldiers. 20
For Blank Boteier-(30 in number); •
Nurn,-*-This SCholarahip'is certifi,
;ate of mentbiettlaip4o entities the purchaser
to uniimited instruction to tingle and doubts
`entry book keeping wt penmanship, with the
'PrilliAPPof.tiiiiiteitigaVanyfuture time
You.oreinfact a We mee.ber .
Telegriplii4lsleti dollars and Phonogra
phy DMA , han d)' twenty dollars extra, but
the student is not compelled to study those
When two or more enter at the same time,
a deduction of r.,typ Dorxeris to each will be
made. Thus the entire cost including Blank
Books is only FORTY DOLLARS. We beige no
'‘Eitras." Boarding is fiord four to four and
a halt dollaraper week.
Embraces &Preparitog, Theory andDusiness
Department.' In the Preparatory Department
he is 'untainted in :Mathematics and the stet-
Plest principles of Book Keeping, after which
he is' admitted into the' Theory Department
where he copiro from sets certain business
transaction., each set representing a business,
(able* and partnership) and each set invelv.
ingtielkilication of one orlnore principles.
Nekt,tedsltimitted into' the Department .of
Heie the stident - applies practically. what he
him been taught theoretically. For whin ex
plauation of thii Department send for a .Col
lege Piper which we will mail t6your address
free. Suffice it to sty that the student begins
busmen wathwocal , -. >. 4,1 f
With which he buYs and sells merchandise,
pays taxes, deposits it in the hank, &c.,- arc.
They discountantes, draw and accept Azar*
make general and Special indorserdente, Mike
out income reportsa-and• in facegolthiough4v
ery kind of business transaction, even, to at
tacbing internal revenue stamp. _
The beet course of instruction, and cheaper
rates than any other eolleg e. Located in the
beet railroad centre in the State, with experi
enced teachers widely known in: the , business
community, thus affording our graduates .bet
ter facilities for necking and obtaining employ
LP For specimens of Penmanship enclose
two three cent postage stamps. College Rooms
corner Of North Fifth and Washington, .and
corner Fourth and Penn streets, Reading, Pa.
Mice in Washingtan street building. Ad
f6m.l READING.,PA.
Keep constantly on hand a full stock of Bail
ding Material, Nails,
0N: Rolled and Hammered
Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar,
Norwal Nail Rode" Hoop and Band Iron,
Horse-Shoe Na il l,Boltsi Files, Raips, etc.
Tuba,Ckurns, Cedar Stands,
Wash Boards Buckets
Knives and Forks,
Plated and 'ilia - take Spoons,
Sid /retie ' Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and
Copper Kettles' Clothes Wringers, Pans,
Iron Ladles, . Meat Stands„ Coal
• LamOs, - Shides Ind Lanterns, Tea
&ales', Coffee Mills, Painted
Chamber Setts, &c,, &c.
Rake,' Shovels, HOesVSpeideiVilerhe Brushes,
Wheel - Grease, Fish, Sperm rend Lubric Oils,
Cistern Pumps, Long and Short Thee',
Ilreairt Chains &c Itic.
TOOLS: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets,
ChopPiug . and' Hand . Axes, Planes- ' Chiesels,
Augers istleAuger Bits; Bradesi Prtznwug
Hooks and:. Shears, &c.,• &c. . _
Thankful , for past gatronage, we hope to merit
arid receives continuance of the' danie.
Marietta, August I, 1865. •
) Corner of North atteen-St,
and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa...
- VlTY.44tre prebared- to sell American and
Swiss =Watches. at:the , lowest cash tales!
We buy . directly from the Importers. and, Man
ufitaturera; and can, and do sell Watched an
low as they can be bought in Philadelphia or
A fine stock of Clocks, Jeweiri, Spectaclea,
Silver and Silver-plated -ware , conotantly,On
hand. Sverypttfge f*lxrepreapnAcd . ,.
. • • x - 2 - Atai. --
Corner Forth Queen threat and Celstre *wig,
z,.l4lifeAsitx PA.
February -17, 186 .-
I-he inderidgned 'weak! 'respectfully an
flounce to his old friends and. the : . public
geneotlly, that he matinees the above - teasineut
• 1 . • ' •
t'Espeeial attentiotspaidAo, plain and _fancy
papprltanging t ,china Rfossinz,, Frosting and
Thankful for•pastifavors; would ask a eon
fineanee the,,saiesk x , Reeidence a few doors
welt of tire TONVir'-ffall, Oti - "Walnufertieet;-"
,DAT2I) ff. MELLINGE/1,.,,
Marietta, Nov. 26. 1i166.-IY.'
First National- Bank of 'lttriatta
ill new prepared tO
The; Board. of Directors meet „w ot itoplb B oa
I WodoeadaY, for ditieonrit eta other boeiriees.
I:rßahki*Ouri : Prorita 0 . 3 r. x.
Amos BO WilletN,, Cashier.
In_ __MEN . : 1
, —l4oerGunicaps,-1110501Gun:WAddis
positl _boptugAgid Wsizetl- Diet 'Rinter,
iltifforletioti SUlWPOne.tiiii,VMiimaill,
•NM sat , - --7:T,MANEEPAINWair&-
LI ,
J 3
Hilt' ROOL4 the Isieilashion—call in
- — ll - Sris; Kerr4P v** *l nfo o rdib•
. sulbeiimiloow hi* ,
.. , .. ,
~' 1
L• - E. .ZAHM
---43---. 4Q,
Dswa SIR feel it a duty I owe to
and to all who meandering under the
known as Consumption sad Liver c 0,471
to let them know what l
great oe 1 1 , :', / n ;
received fro rn your Pulmonie Syr up
weed Tonic in so short a time. By sod
14 14 7
ing of God it has cured me limit hr. 11
Dr. Schenck. I will now make My me in
m e a t to you, as follows i—About
months ago I was attacked with " o c e 7 .
cough, ant it settled on my lungs; I o i l;
not retain anythine I ate, and sulfeted
evening fevers and night sweats. I was tt
much reduced. The whites of my eye,
very yellow ; likewise my skin; my ry
gone, and une w e to digest what I did % hp
I ;
bowels swollen, irregular and costive. ; NI
very low spirited, and had met violent ip t i h
o coughlng when I lay down at
last one or pt
When 4ro
two hse in the morning that t hey 1 , 0 - 41
I then would be nearly exhausted,
entirely unable to lie on my left side 1„
not describe my wretched suffering as I in,,„411
7 n i
wish tb do. Every organ in my body wasn't',
eased or deranged. Such was my ninnies
this time, and was confined to my bed
the last of February, INS, to June 186;
able ro sit up. I had the beet of medien
tendanchlhe whole of the tithe. My ro
was efi very bad that it racked me rery e n ;
I at this time raised a large quantity of hid .
yellow, offensiVelnatter, sometimes whinged
and it was generally accompanied by nital,
and a furred and thick coated tongue. Mtn
time-of coughing io badly'l would havens :p i
shooting: pains in my left side and hem
night sweats,, and soreness all through
whole chest; had much inward (ever,
my back and wider my shoulder blades wee
the small of my back, and at times 10 µlo t
that it would throw me into spurt N ov
my physician gave me up to die. Others' hit,
and the best of them, but they could do 44,
tag for mei and at that time I WU 120th'
.but,skin and bone. I then was is the see n
part of Missouri. In June last we left ne e
for the Fast, and in August last we um: to
New York, and. I was so reduced that I null
only walk a little with my husband's help.
Aker I had been here a short time the soak.
ter, breeze, made me feel much better for,
tune and then I had again to call a phyticie
for aid.. We had four of the best wants
of New York on the diseases of the loogs, lad
&actors of all kinds, but of no avail, Thy
'said' I wils'Past cure, and that my lungs wen
too.far gone for any one to cure me. Bat it
this time I was ou my feet about the book
not able to do much of anything, In Nevem..
ber last I grew worse, and the comumptum
diarrhea set an and /sated about eight week
We had tried all and everything that I could
grasp atlike a dying person for my dime—
consumption and liver complaint—but of
In January, 1663, I wen brought dna
again on my 'bed, and was not expected en
live the night out My husband stayed arms
aide. and other friends, and they all gave me
up to die. At this time every one who en
me did not think I would ever leave my bei
a living woman. The first night I we, at.
welded 'with spasms, and was deranged coon
of the time. A friend, Mrs. Hartle, came to
see the the last of the week, and brought the
Sunday Mercury.' - In at was an account of e
great clue performed by Dr. Schenck. Ste
read it to me, and it was so much like my
disease 'that I asked my husband to go and
see him for me. At thin time I had given up
all hopes of ever getting well again, la nude
my peace with God, to be ready whenever de
called for me.
On the 27th of January, 1863, my busked
called on Di. Schenck, 32 Hood Street, ler
York, and stated to him my case, with a la
quest for him to call and see me, which he
did, and examined me with the reupiromem
When he, was about to go I asked him Ufa
could cure me? His reply was: "1 mod
tell, both hinge are diseased, and the bronchi.
al tubes are affected on both sides: , "tad )a
he seemed to think there. were lungs mouth
left to effect a.cure if the diarrhea could k
stopped. He said in order to do this, he would
have to 'pee me Mandrake Pills in end
doses at first, to carry oil the morbid mom,
and then, with astringents, he hoped to Mud
it, which be did, but the Constant cot:0114h
night'sweats, and diarrhea had prostrated II
so that, he was afraid my vital powers wen
too much prostrated ever to rally, and yet he
seemed to think if I could live to get much
Pulmonic Syrup through my system to test
expectoration there were •lungs enough led
for me to recover. Ile wished me to try be
Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic it nos,
saying it would do me no harm, if it did m
no good. The first week it seemed to gin
me strength, so that on Sunday after I rat o
in bed and ate hearty for a sick woman; but
the next week 1 lost all hope and wtehedmf
husband nc.t to give use Day more niedeout.
but the doctor had warned him of this, tol
when the medicine was clearing out the lie
taut it made them feel somewhat testiest, end
to persevere - and he insisted on my 01101
it; and now I feet the benefit of it. Fordo
eight days I began to• gain ray strength, aid,
with the exception cur a cold that put me but
some, I have been gaining strength of bulb
"my cough is going away, and all my pinion
gone; no aorencis of•the bod„ my bones ,;o
regular, and my breath is sweet, and I Mot
God that I am now going about, and sew and
read-as well as ever I could. I tams taken
sixteen bottles of the medicine, eight dello
Know h.sve a giod appetite and rest west
night ; my cough does not trouble me iDgelv
ing up or lying down. I would bere style
the afflicted-With consumption or liver ow
plaint, that Dr. Schenck is no humbug 11, n .
can rely on what -: he
,says. Delay ;tot; it?,
dangeroin to trifle with these diseases. ;
you would be cured, , go at. once ; and
auy as
wishing to know the facts as herein sus
can call at my residence, 117 West gouts
Street, New York city.,
.We r the undersigned, residents of liev_ lo 7;
are acquainted witts,Mns. Farlow, sod I. ',' o ° t
her statement to be true. We also ka
she used Dr. Schenek's Pulmonic 85 1 0:„
4paweed Tonic, and have. reason be "r
that to this inedieine she owes her preeriou°s
tram a-premature grave.
R. FARIsO W,.117.- West Houston O.
'Teich' street.
1 U.O PSTA kr§ PO
Y. Hints, 117 West Houston sot.
EMILY GLOVER , 117 Welt Ho od'
.1. L. COLE,
.33 Cottage pl.
LEIORTON, 483 Broidwg , ,
lam well acquainted with him /
Farlow, and with het husband, Mr. B. Fut
Orley Aqving for few months past etten
at my church, and lem convinced tbl e r r
Statement which they might make ocif
'Tied on,as tnie. JOHN DOWLING ,
Pastor of BedfO id illbe profee Baptist Church' et is
Dr. &hen& weionally
principal office No. N or th Sixth street 4;
.ster of Commerce, Philadelphia, e!,e r Y to .
-day, from 9- A, M., until 4 P. zeo gsc
Bond street, New' York, every Tueedsll,oo
9 to 3 ; No. 38 Summer street, Boston,;
every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, stw geld'
other Friditi - ite - 1013 Baltimore street ,
more, Md. All advice free, but for s tk°.;,
f th
examination' oe lungs with his Rego"
ter, the ibirge is three dollen. Se ote
Price ot the Pulmonic Syrup end 4 . 1 0 4
Tonic, each *LBO per bottle, or sl s t x .
dozen. Mkidrake Pills, 2 5 o °4 Ps e ra
For , mile by all Druggists and [l]
l 9
4si t
remoni, in store and for isle a
WOLFA'S, to.
Wholesale and Retail. Cheapest 1... 4 ,
WOLFE'S, hissit'''
etinzary 17,-/m•
hkelPijm use,
for isle cheap it,"
) / 11 _ .. ,/ //- 4
tOolg s- § &lei:4o4d Pearl Cemen i •-
011wriisete Blacking at pIpR T~R'
f peeesob' a
Pel! 'laid D.r.. Lova