The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 14, 1866, Image 2

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4 ,7*-3V5'
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S.ltt4k'49 VOlTing, Bpi) 14, 1886.
Paoxon or THE CHOLIOIA.—The
news that the steamer i F t rigjand, bound
froag , tivertidot for Nay, Mork, his: stop
ped at Halifax for medical conie
on beard,..wilkopprise j the,whele country,
or the imatipont, denger., , thitt :threatens
us of the speedy visitation of i thls fearful
scourge t0.,,0ur ,shores: ,The,,Aecessity
or adqpting all the,„precatgAnary,
ores;that.ozperience has demonstrated
to be useful, is nosy rendered_ctearly ap
parent, enct.we, bop, no pains will be
spared to, keep the stroetkana
of nor borough clean, to, abate nuisance
and to enforce the moat rigid , regulations
that are law.
Dwain4l . Floos.=James Bogen, dr
iointy, killed .tWo
rat hogeond when he dressed ibeni, he
found io eacti, 7 two kWh about tato indh
ea idng, located fettle fat near the kid
nays tend - eaib ittek'was tilleirWith little
snakelike iiorma v with black'heads
some were black all over, and others
were white except tfia heads: Of dome
the meat iris not'Weed: ' '
ear A geptlematiinst arrived:a:Wash
ington, who spent a Sabbath in Savan.
nab, says that when thsvolergyinan, came
to the prayer. for the' gresident and all ,
in atithority,, he,thris-imprevised pe-'
tition " We, pray, as we are inatrooted;
for all in authority in ills and other .
I an de,"
lir An attempt to assassinate . Max
imilian was made while be was at Our.
mance. The man was arrested, but
shortly afterwards:released by order , of
the Emperot, who saikto the Minister
ofJustice, ", do_not think that my life
is in dani4; the peUple Of . Mexico love
me too well I" -
er One of the 'Government 'Revenue
deteetiies: On -the* Canadcan frontier
writes to theVoixfmissienei - of Customs;
tbai, 'the suniedlifile pipes Berea
theldt, LaWientri , iiVer,iispdare engag
ed i = n pumping Whihkel from 'Canada iu
to the United States. -
far hag loetnne, of her
most `nOtettie Au' bait Garr
whO diedin . that city, on the, 25th ult.,
at hie' age of eight y tight Be
was a printer by trade, having learned
hie' craft in the . oitiee ofliir. 'Bache, .Lbn
Of.Dr; Franklin. \
ifirlttirein ptrwieriiee tit] y ulnae' to
burn the office of- the IFtecionstrnetibnist
in Washington';.theliiipeecidife'd Ify hi re.
Swhish'elce.)%ibo „Wirriefely , diemiased
from the TreleniiNp n ertMent for abase,
th i
of the reek en a -6 ee . -
Er The N.Y. TABlinn intienati3e'thaf'
if goldiallieto = l2l, '_ ttie Secretary of the
Treaeury , WilVerder.thegatereet on the
third issue of 7 80s to . be paid in gold at
6 per cent. which he ealidovat'Aiis
d o e : 71 , 1 ff 9 " ,".
sr The latest style of hoops are.oall
ed " tilting " boom noatruoted solhat
when modest I . loielk ehoose e a little dirt
of theirleekwitl toes op. their alcirts, so
48 to 441:1,94 . 4,44494t4 441114111, and,.Blloh.
or A cow, belonging to R. V.''Shoe
maker, of: Upper: Dublin ; - 51oatiodiery
co., Pa., gavelairth to ivoalloa the 25th'
ult., that weighedfocehdadred and twen
ty.oae pounds..
Saven.thousand, dollars in United
States bonds has been atolen from the
National ptpli
by the ne
gro porter. has been arrested.
About three thousand dollars have been
Or The I:l,p4ed,States goers bat de- .
cided that the shescik,of stockholders in
the National Spats can be _aisessed - by
State anthoriries. Mr. Chase, the .Chief .
Justice, dissented .from the, opinion.
Ear A lady, named-Letitia Lister. W
who was tinder'the infhience. of : chin o
form, while itboatto have her teeth lx=
tracted, was taken' siidditulywitti spakie
and died
A most bloody and cruel mnriyr
of whole family of Oight perions' : on - our..z.
red in Philadelphia on Friday . :or Satur
day of last week. The murderer is still
at large.
or The Pirittebeinhiiiibisjest been
released from prison: 1d hiiilbsin parole,
by 'order of Piesiderit:irbliillort: * Next
we may Inaskciflbe rill - ease' of' 'Jefferson
fir A loontnotivelnn _ ,
mad hasfhOsnedorted withlhe titli "I
still live." Theilichoie than inany,, of
the paespageie gan.say, et the end .of
theli journey.
dir The Memphie Poet aseerie ofihet
City that4! "3 A 3 re Stf;il 6 42le
in the I:4,llsotre,berl :
"Pckinueslnotlte... ! e
• How TO Dispoe Or S iititsbA—A great
many persons ara at a logs how to die-
pose of the raggad and mutilated-car
reney that acennittlatO on thitir hands.
An exchangb•rafs it i.i.the easiest thing
in the world, and without any expense.
When Sou get three dollars worth on
hands, put it in small packages, pin a
paper band around, with your name.
poet ()See address, and the amount, thea
put it an envelope and address it to the
" Treasury of the United States, Wash
ington, 1).C." It goes and returns free
of postage. You will get new currency
in about one week from the time you
start it
ar Jost the weather for young dark
Itat.„Aer , y - .. , .bad...forohaumptivue,,,,and
,people predisposed to pulmonary weak
.llmm. .To all such the.
,spring, season
is very trymg, and care should be
taken to keep the bo.dy 4ry and warm,
arid all irritation Of,the,throat and - berm ;
,chial tubes allaye4 at once. The sooth
ing'properties of
,Doe's' boUgh Baliarn
render it the consuethptive's best . criend
while all recent cases very readily yield
to Its curative power: It is - pleasant,
safe, st:ire and cheap.
Ur Dan Duncan; a landlord in Indian
apolis, called writ' poor tenant to cot:
lect his rent. Hetound the'peor •wcim
an toiling- at- the - wash tub' With the
evidences of_destitutfori , alV tirobnd
Duncan took a look aroind, 'and oonilu
ded he didn't , waitt •to 'collect rent as
bikd as he thought he"did. Hegiiiie the
woman a receipt for thetwo months
due, and - tio • idtintlis in: advance, and
then calling , on . -13011113:trien0 sent her a
bad of provisions =to We her through
the winter. •
br. J. A. Reed, of Baltimore de.
ores the whole theory trichina: He
says: " I boldly assert that the trichina
never did and never will destroy, human
life ; that they have, in all probability,
existed in the human flesh . always, cer
tainly for the, last halt century ; Mad
think it a fair deduction, - taking it for
the sake of argumeet, se granted, that we
may receive. thew throngh,-the,instru
nsentality of the hog, that they are•. not
dangerous to life on•that account.
Workmen's dieing - 6H bail been
established in Dahlia, on the'` principle
of supplying wholesdme , food et cost
Prices. It Wccoinatedateli'nearly" two
thousand persons daily, and the' Oice of
a good dinner-of soup, beef 'potatoes and
pudding is only font. and
The waiters an d.'d ish:Wasliera ere ladles
of rank and: wealth, whshave voltinteer.
ad totivwtheir services to the instils.
tion untiLit'beeticnee self-supporting.
The . passion of Do laic, the nal,-
nral philosopher, for music was so: Pre_
dorninant in his latter days ? . that a,piapo
was.Placed.hy his bedside, on which his
daughter played n,great part of the day.
Oq the evening of his death, seeing her
father road) , to sink into a,slumber, she
askedhilo; " Shall I play,, any more ?"
"keep playing?" said he ; " keep pla7;
Wel" Be Slept, but awoke no more.,;
sr The 'Vicksburg , Herald says that
the PrObate =Cotert or Utirroll County,
litiasissippi,-apprenticed a negro With-'
ontaiim,rnooing.his ruttier to answer •as'
to his right•to , the - c , u . stody or his • Beal:
WheroUpon`thelatqei Oied -out a veriV
ottabeoscorpuit'before Judga Cothran;
wholdeclared •"the proceedings. ef tho_
Probate Court cuff and void, and order
ed the boy to , be returned to his father.
Cr A new member of the English,
Hoinie of corm:nous, who had aglow and
hesitating - voice, recently tinddrtook to
debate the cattle plague bill, and aston
ished the House : - by saying, ° I've bad
the rinderpest--." After the burst of
laughter 'which followed, the meinher,
was Permitted , to continue, ''on my
term," which 'considerably changed ,the
aspect of affairs.
-• eV The jailer at Stc Johnsbury, Ver
mont, last week suspecting that two of
his prisoners were concotting some plan
for escape, made an examination of thbir
eel!, and found that they had:taken the
zinc from under the stove and meltedlii
in the hollow of stove leg, aid' run: a.
slung-shot in . the ashes. ' They *ere'
ready to knock down their 'keeper -and
make their escape. The timely liecov
er frustrated their Vans:
or The furier.Lti car which b6re the
remains of Mr. Lincoln to Springfield,.
Ill.; and which. 'opt the GpvernMenif
tearly twenty :thousand dollars; was
Bold on the 10th, at General:obinson'e
final sale of:railroad ' material, It ts,the
most gorgeous-railway . car ever built.
lir The constant stream , of emigre
tion from lieland Id America •is telling
on the population of thi , Ebaeiald Isle.
Daring the year 1865 - there :was - :de=
crease 0;46,227 in the iiiiinVerlof inhaff
itedhonses in Ireland and the poptila
diminished:-94,836-. - ' .
Asir A.'macklue ' for 1 ,1 3 1 too, has,
bean instentedlimlipadcirliMigatiNglrproi ,
dace eleven.potgith+LO.figojoFolletiour i: at
a coat of ketimore thaa:hallfa - 'cent, per
pound... Tka,t,..brolieliper:tban 11a-iaata,
______.. .„.. . t thi,.. , .., c fiats-i-v mom sole,LT tti 11L3
W; wen H. barratt.,,..oWasailigton
the c!aftpiLakor,laalig , tp,tri jii e
i i i n n l i a l!Riki r lita. t i lA i n.44 3l ol t,
1 .17,V 1 /.P.,4 1416 .??P•r e i t i , ..6,: tte+SlA Litt4:4-Q
1 - .:3,j ~.
,'. _;,..,N-,- ~. , t —: -- -
cwv—‘l-r . 3THE
dwin Forrest has Ailed for Califor;•
.; ;4
_ .
'--- - - -
Thin' is a fellow on:exhibition in New
Orleans whose beard measures six feet
in length.
A man in Cairo, 111., bet live silver
dollars, the other day, that Jeff. Davis
was either in Canada or Earopo.
Miss Mary, arria„ the murderess of
Borbughs, at Washington, last year, has
started a milinery store at Richmond.
Dr. Winship, of Boston, now weighs
one hundred and sixty ? konads; is thirty.
. • •
two years otage, and can iffy 'fed - and
a quarter.
, of. Governor Morton,. or
Indiana, is,,but little, if any better, than
when he Bailed fro . in 14eWVork, in De.
eentber lasi. He was expested home
by the first of A ppl.
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher- was_onoe
paetor of a congregation inicdianapolia
which - was too 'poor to paint-thvehorcb
edifice, and the young 'minister did the
job with-hie Din hands. - '
Qol Delleitel, an old English officer,
was addressing some volpateers, at St,
Andrews, Canada, on Thtrsday, and had
just, said, havo.been My r two
, yeys
in the service, apd'myheaFt is in ityet,"
when he dropped dead.
Philo. Chase,. of,Litchfield, Cana.
few‘daye ago, ,agedv eoveaty=niue
years..-- For thoulast: , :t.wenty five, years
hie daily diet has 4:ogeo three •pintsof
milk akcl , oup of, 11:613,0; A adopted
that ,, diekkomtconviotion,:thaWsolid food
injured him. .
The Albany Evening ijonfiratoentia
dicia the report that Uofernor Fontoli
inteade to pardon youag Ketchitio, the
aristocratic Ycrk bank forger arcd
sviindler. A 'strong pressure Was'
brought to ()ear his pardon, but the
Governor ifOes not think of yterding , to
it: '
It is reported that Messrs, Harper &
Bros..havA : ordered a whole ship load ; f
white paper from 13elgiuni. Ticknor &
Fields, Bost on, have ordered 5,000 reams
in Louden. Ithas been estimated that
at present. prices good book And zetis
paper canba ,delipsi:ed in New York, all
duties and, eApenses included, at three
que.rterstite.prEce of AmericAn paper pf
the,e , le. • ,
A &e 1 took t)lace in Faketto county,
Setittieky;iin' the' 26th tilt:, iikwhich the
pistols - were the dueling vis l tc;l'
used in the nielatioeyeire ogee between '
Henry °fay We'd
A newly, inyented.hafpoon, cotaina a
pound of 'powder, with a tan second fuse
and, is instant "death to a whale..
A horse wag'sold at Sprinkfield, Mass.,
a few days . ..,ago for a cent-a:pound..
At it •reehilit 'revival meeting in - 'New
York they' hid a ifeatebiriersionL-Bar.
nurVi3 giant .got
According Lo the ,Home Jopsn. l 4. l . ,the
reason why so many Amerieuns are going
abroad is inthefat.that 2 _family
live in England or Firsoco on the - rent
of their house in New Yorit.
Chicago has-at last resieived its great
telescop'e, the largeot ever made in the
world: :
The Sandusky Aegister iiiya that * the
grape crop has been but little'injured by
the frost, and the vines all thrifty,
with one or twoeiceptione.
:A.Dr, Itobineon, of Pittsburgh;-le;
being sired by a patient arbo!m_ leg be,
amputated, for not making a neat-job of
- -
The sacred bull owned by Dan`ltick
the only specimen of the kind outside of
i3ormah, was killed near Philadelphia
last, week by an accideni. •
. .
A bill has paksod the enste, gmthor
iz,u,s the bloveruor te purchase
,a sitAk
for a new powder initg.szioejor the use
of the State, to tle lOpetod outsi4e gfthe.
Ilarriaburg city lim4s.
In-Georgia, -where Sherman'az army
Made a sweep of MI the carriages; the
ladies now , gc? carts.. They
stilt caries de '-viiite; !and' donsole
thetneel;iesivith the theMght that they
tir6 in the height of 'fashion.
Nearly four hundred men are, still At;
work et ,the Watertown Arsenal, , in the
manufacture of iron griucarriages, of the
liodulan pattern, de§igned for the tho
rough arming of the ,fortsof.our . coast,
fro 'Lila Nord re of;tios loethe shores
.California and Oregon..
'4: A lady frodthir.W . .est Carolled .Spen
cerporv, N; Y.;•orier. &ay lest yre'ek,:7once,
visit to he rrparentstre She' ta. Nit infailt
with' her, ail d:. otrr m dizit:ing: - her anklthei4
she 'joy fally dilirotied)lleti itifaht" , ofmtlid
shawl in which ft arierrivitipirbdprinllffhtlid
itleaille Ira liebn rsliffo'C'etird.4 ; - 74 . 4 - :1
*.;,-,i 00"ttrpith.: -t?, t.,:n 14 -. ti.:' ,. ....;',rgi
6 AinriatiArfeti9l4 noPil t i-i l 2O. el. t 1 ..fe
-t5,.44i9g i tit i pp l ipol4o. l o4 4 ,l-Ph* ,It:
PlomPit tr2.o. , ,n.P.kci , 4.P.P: I PN-P4 33 l B ißmßs<
tPi" P l P ,ii g 7 PAT l na t iork - ilg,TP l '€htickPlA.!th,
p . mtjqe; theme-andte t gi.vep
cißliorms . 4 419qt r oss i ot; As po y 9 r,. tf,t c, 01,
1 8 ,talle7 till ,ikl 4010. fot2.44 ) 9lF.BervilMr
while personvisplAyig,g 7 tin:4%2;4,144w
no t ooo lrAllf9fasaißra-qM. ~:,,. 4,-;.,:',W
tAixtiono -------- 4064 1 Med
,111 . tr. t
tztfit mail) tn• it - I
the course of an article upon the passage
of the civil rights bill by the Senate, the
'Washington Chrome's) says s
Should this tiill'paas the House by the
requisite two-thirds vote—and, as we
have previously said, we have no doubt
upon the subject—it will only be the
second instance in the history of our
Government wherein a bill after being
vetoed by the Executive has become a
law. That was in the case .of an unim
portant measure during the administra•
tion of President Tyler, which, after
being vetoed by that worthy, was passed
bya,twe : thirds vote in both Houses of
The veto:power his not been
exercised much of late years; but, in
'briiiifltrabtsv that it is by no means
without precedent, we append the fol•
lowing list of - vetoes issued since the for.
'nation of the Government ;
By George Washington,
By James Madison,
By rams Monroe,
By Andrew Jackson,
By John Tyler,
By. James K. Polk,
By James Buchanan,
By AndiewlJohrison
fur The ividowed wife of Louis Phil
ippedjed an exile, on the 24th of March,
at Claiecuont, England, at the ege of
84.,, She was a daughter of Ferdinand
of I.c,aples, by an Archduchess of Aus
tria. She met Louis Philippe in 1808,
of Palermo, and was married to him at
the close of the following year. She
proved herself a more thou ordinarily
faithful wife. She, was, indeed, less a
qaeeri than a w,ife and mother, and made
friends of all who were introduced to her.
She sled with her family to England in
1848, when the dynasty was overthrown
by the rebellion, and has since occupied
the palace at Claremont which belonged
t ),one branch oilier family. She leaves
five sons and daughter, of whom four are
'tom The New If urk Citizetrstates that
the * cattle plague has already made its
appearance - in a mild form in this country.
The cattle here, it is reported, have not
yet begun t I die from it in its acute
form, and with its usual digesting synap
toms when under full headway ; but the
butter they - yield is peculiarly offensive
and sickening to a horosolver may par
idice of it in any qnantity, emitting a
slight hitt positively loathsome odor
when held to the nose, and likely to'cause•
giddiness, intense depression of spitits
aetrgenetal lassitude.
Illife2Generat,Uass was bora in 170,, ; therefortt, eighty-four years• old.
Ile was ttorn the seine year with Martin
Van Buren, Daniel Webster, John C.
Calhoun, mid Thomas , ff.. Benton, all of
whom have preceded him to the grave.
General Cassis almost, if not quite, the
opireAryivor of,that,cless of public men
who-were personally acquainted with
the leading characters of the American
revolcition,of 1756.
0- The Commercial Bulletin, in
speaking of the Americah Shoe-tip com
pany of Boston, says that an acquaint
aiiee, van!) has threes children, iiiforMe'd
itfill'at since he commen — ced btiying their
tipped shoes (one year ago) he has soy
a `the price of a pair of, new boots for
Agar. 4 boy hornin Brownfield, Maine
. has-ncither hansis.nor- feet, can feedlim
self without assistance, thread a needle,
tie a not in the thread, and sew on a
blitton-with considerable dexterity. He
gets on or off his phair, hobbles around
the room and up a flight of stairs, nearly
as-quck as though he , were full-limbed.
He can also write a good and legible
hancl. His name is Walter U. Stewart.
ow The Radical papers ay_Joe Holt
. .
is of opinion that there is sufficient evi
deuce is possession of the Government
to justify the conviction of Davis, Clay
and others for being concerned in the
.assassination of Lincoln. . '
ihrjamea Gordon was lately convey-
ethto the Toronto Hospital for have a
surgical-operation performed, Int dread
ed it so much that-lie . cat his throat and
i3c)l_, - Le--Pai citixig
The undersigned would, respectfully an
nounce to his 'old frienils and the public
generally, that he continues the above business
in all its various branches
Especial attention pea to plain and fancy
paperbangiii,,, ,,, China glossing, Frosting and
Enamelling, Glass, Graining of all kinds, &e t
Thankful for past favors, would ask 'a con-'
&Mance of the same.- Residence a few' doors
west of.the Town Hall, on. Walnut street.
1111iriOttai Nov. 26,
First National Bank
,of, Natietta
iSPEOWlpripareTtostransact all ,kiada.of
.13ANKI N.: 4 37.3-13.13 SI NE -
,The,,Boaktof I)iyietork. meet weekly,
tiVeiltieilay; kir di4eidat anit'othif*Businesi
r)**ltitale.Modri : .- 7Erqm 9 A. M to 3' P. M.
;Of& BOWMAN Cashier: ' • *
• .
• Eley's.Gun. Caps, Eley?.i Gun WadAs,
Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder,
Baltithore Shia ; Shot 'Pouches, POwder' 'Flasks,
sold at,,.•;,:. : ...1011N•SPANGAEWS.
1711.1111T"' STANDS, 'Metit Staniiig, Wine
INCiftrki Tube, Buckets .and Cedarrwaxe
ne cliAajtntly,on p A rvi at
0. 1 .6. I `T E DL 101 . eceqed j ,Scatch
0 1 E no . w ----..riiii ,-, . •
0 1 ..fer le IP . I - E - B%' *iiiiiiii
-2 - folbeipting ****4l:l;,• Rata, , . •
Die sllllzbaci) sWerg•
Having purchased the remaining stock on
hand, and leased the Tannery and fixtures of
his late father, Henry Sultzbach, deceased, is
now prepared to accommodate the customers
of the old stand, ant' the public generally,
with everything in his line, at such prices as
cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. His
stock will consist of
Oak Spanish and Slaughter Sole,
Valve and Hemlock Leather,
Kips, Waxed and Grained Upper,
H'3' Lash paid for Hides and Skine.
Marietta January 6. 1866.41
M Union Flag Clothing . Store
Iu Crall's old stand, Market-at., Mulatto'
Ken's and Boy's Clothing,
and Gentlemen's Furnishing- Goods,
P. R. would take this opportunity to inform
the citizens of Marietta and the public gener
ally that having opebed this establishment for
a permanent business, only asks a fair trial,
being determined not to be undersold by any,
call and see the goods and learn the prices.
Marietta, June_lo, 1865. 49-tf
ZtrEllitur ant Coubtganur
Wonin most respectfully tali e th is means of
informing his friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the drawing of
and in fact everything in the CosvevAirezzra
line... . !laying, gratuitous intercourse witlt,a.
member orthe Lancaster Bar, he will be ena
bled to executte . legal instrumenta of writing
with accuracy.
ll He can be found at the office of " THE
MA RIETTIAN,"—" Lindday's Building," (sec
ond floor) near the Post Office corner, or at
his residence on Market street, half a square
west of the " Donegal House," Marietta.
,'Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and
Leases always on land and for sale.
The Original and Genuine AMBROSIA is
prepared by J. ALLEN REEVES and is the
best hair dressing and preservative now in
use. it stops the hair falling out, causes it to
grow thick and long and prevents it from
Miming prematurely giey t It eradicates
dandruf f , cleanses, bcau:iiles and renders the
hair soft, glossy and curly. Buy it, try it and
be convinced.. Don't be put off with a spuri
ous article: Ask for, Reeves' Ambrosia and
take no other. For Sale by Druggists and
Deal. rs in Fancy Goads everywhere.
PRICE, 75 Cents per bottle—s 6 per dozen.
62 Fulton et.., New-York City.
tr... For sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Hinkle's
Drug Store. L12:8- ly
Of theapplication of Jacob. Roth to the Court
of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county, at
Aptil sessions, 1855, for a license to keep an
eating house in the Borough of Marietta, in
said county.
That depositions of witnesses to be read ou
the hearing of said apdication, on the part of
the applicant, will be taken before- HJ. D.
Roath, Esq-, at his office, in the said borough
of Marietta, on Saturday, the 14th day of
April, 184 between the hours of 7 and 9
o'clock iu the evcuin
Marietta. March 31-3 t.
! ' SS OLU
pp HE partnership heretofore existing be
tween the utulersigded, u::der the firm
title of Landis & Trout, has, this day, ( March
16) been dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons knowing thentsel yea indebted to the
late firm will please call, without delay, and
settle the same with Dr. henry Landis, who
is authorized to settle the late firm accounts;
also, all persons having claims against the
firm to.present them -for settlement,-
. H. S. TROUT.
Marietta, March, 24, 1866.
1 8 66 !~hil~aalphia.1866.!
7.7 CT a, .1). ID Ea, ID fe-r_
Manufocturer a of Paper frangings and
Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Streets
N. B. Always in store, a largt stock of linen
end 'Oil Shades. •
March 3,1866.-3 m.
Begs leave to announce tizrrnieLLatoes of Ma
.] ietta and vici.iity, that afirdlits just received
a new and handsome lot of
Braiding and Embroidery Stamps,
and also a handsome lot of "Stamped Yokes."
Please give her a call. Residence on Lo
cust street, second door from the corner of
Front-st., Marietta. .- [3O-3m*
: •
All kinds of Shippin. , b Furs, such as •
Musk Rat," Rabbit,
Coon, Skunk,
Red Fox, Common Cat,
Grey Rot, Martm,
Mink, -, Otter,
Opossum,' Cross Fox, &c.,
- 1-will-pay. the .highest cAca . price for any
of the above skins, delivered in good order.
Opposite - the Post Office, Marietta.
February 10, 1866., In*
DR. J. Z.,I3.OF_FER,
_ .
••• • r -
- F F ICE nest-door to R
Williams':O Drug_ Story,. between Locust
and Walnut atreeis,-Columbia.
Spring Shawls Balmorals Gloves Hosiery,
Belts and Bue'iles, Embroidered ' Handlrer
chiefs. and Coliais; Mourning Collars and
Veils, Head •Nets;and Dress Trimmings. ~• • .
A.full supply at •
SUBSC RIPTIQN S received far, all e. lat
Periodicals of the day
At The Golden Mortar.
cellent article for ladies. Just received
atid-forairie;at.MßS. ROT..HPS Variety Store:
.. SHADES at.7remaTkably.low prices.
oclose -Join( Spexoz.zz
I SSLEIttS43I-ZZER.4,-For—asto
1111 TIir.OnLIZEN-111013T.4.72.
Great Sale of Watch a, j ,
One Million Dollars worth t 4
Not to be paid fif until ouALL'E' 4..noic
you are to receive! '""
BY A. H. ROWEX d r
U R4
13•Ri following L
the ist of ri-,ei t
be sold for ONE DOLLAR E;A:ca,'lti
20Gold Hunting Cases
200 Gold Watches, various 1100
t 0 is
200 Ladies' Gold Watches ttc,
200 Save/ Hunting. Case 14
Lever Watches
300 Silver Hunting Case 3,510 It
Lepine Watche s
300 Gold Composite Hunt-
35. 0 55
ing Watches
300 Music zee, Shell and 3.5* 0 5 (7
Rosewood Cases
200 Elegant Silver Plated 20 to 7 5
Coffee and Tea Urns
t o
LOCO Elegant Silver Plated 2 ° 5 , ]
Castor Stands
1,000 Elegant Silver Plated 20 to try
Fruit and Cake Baskets 00
1,000 Elegant Silver Plated
Butter Dishes
1,000 Elegant Silver Plated 15 to 15
Ice Pitchers
SO to 00
1,500 Silver Plated Salt
2,600 Silver Plated Giblets, Bto is
Engraved and Plain
3,000 Si ver Plated Cups, 5G I.
Gold lined and engraved 10 to 20
1,000 Silver Plated Bells
to i ;
3,0011 Sets Silver Platvd Ta
ble Forks, = doz. 10 to
5,000 Pair Silver Plated Ta-
ble Spoons
10,000 Sets Silver Plated Tea to D
Spoons, i doz.
2,000 Pair Silver Plated But
ter Knives
5 to u
5,000 Silver Plated Napkin
Rings, very handsome sta D
2,000 California Diamond
• Cluster Sets Ladies' jew
10 U
1,000 Brazillian Pebbles,
Sets Ladies' Jewelry 10 to 03
7,000 Sets Ladica' Jewelry,
I to 10
6,000 Pair Crystal Pendant
Ear Drops t 4
3,000 Miniature and Enam
eled Revolving Pins S to li
3,000 Enamt led and Pearl
Broaches,veryhandsome Bto
2.000 Ladies' California Dia
mond Cluster Pins S to 15
2,000 Gentle California Dia
mond P.os
.5 I,l ii
2,000 Gents' Pins, set with
one stone or brilliant 5 to 10
5,000 Gents' Scarf Pine, as
sorted styles 5 to It
3,C00 0 al B ind Bracelets,
finely chased h.) to 15
6,000 Pair Gents Sleeve But
tons pAir Eldred' nena d n i d es r ' S ichs ie t exe
styles t 3 pl
ttons 5 to 10
],OOO Pair Coin Silver Sleeve
13uttans 9 to 1:
2,( 01 Sets Ladies' Jeweliy
coiu silver neat!) ea•
graved 10 to 5
2,010 Si r. r (.7haini 6 to 0
o,ooa Cal. Diamond Cluster
rin.tslo 1. , 25
3.0)0 Seal Rills 5 to 10
3,000 Go'q Thimbles, Pen
cils, &C. ..- S to la
10,000'G a Locketi, richly
engraved .510 0
5,000 Plain and Chased gold
Riga 6to 12
10.000 shield and signet rings Ito il
4,400 Belt Buckles, Gold jat
and Gold and Vulcanite 5 to I;
2,500 Gold Locket; en rrsi V- .
ed backs, watch face 0
3,000 Large, new style rings,
set with brilliants S I, 30
2,000 Ladies? Chatelaine
chains and Pins Stu .13
2,500 Gents' Heavy Guard
Chains /21033
7,800 Gentat- Vest' Chains,
large assortment 5 to : , .5
1,000 Splendid Steel Engra
vings 5 t.i 10
1,000 Elegant Bronze Man
tel Clocks 45 to 5)
10000 Gold Pens Silver Es • .
tension holder & perr.:ll 4 tc, 8
10,000 Gold Pens , -& Silver
mounted - ab , ony holners 6 to i
.5,000 Gold Pens and Gold
Extension Holders 15 to ri
2.000 Ebony Gold mounted
Spiral Penctli 6 1010
Eacli and every article in the abave
represented by a certificate.- These are Pe
ed in similar envelopes and scaled. Any ,"•
son obtaining a certificate, to he had at c.;
office, or sent by nu il to any address, An l
know what they may have for One Dollat
We charge for sending
. Certificates,
postaae and doing the business, 25 cents era
Five will beisent for $l,OO ; Eleven for VA;
Thirty for $5.00 ; Sixty-five for $10.00 0 ; Bay
One Hundred-foi $15.00..
Any person receiving a Certificate lot 0
tide they may.not desire, can exchange fr
any other, article in our List of the same ral*
ue. By this method, we are enabled to nunin
the public with selections from a rich and re'
vied stock of goods at'a nominal price, Tri*
all have a chance for securing articles al th'
very highest value. We warrant every er'
tide as represented or money refunded. WI
solicit parties who have been.. unfairlY 4 , 61 t
with by imitators to give us a tfair trial hew'
passing judgement.
AGENTS.—Liberal Commission all " 1.
uable Premiums, consisting of Watches, EVI
given to Agents. Address all orders ra
A. H. ROW EN & Co.,
P. O. Box 4270, New York.
Merchant. Tailor, and Clothier ,
At F. j.Kramph.'s:Old Stand. on the Cor
ner of north Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a
et a ATEFU L to the Chiron of Blarieto
kir and vicinity, for the liberal WI,
heretofore extended, the undersigned relP
fully solieiti a continuance of the same;
curing thein, that ,under all circumetan ces, o o !
efforts will be epate4,iii rendering
equivalent for every-act of confidence rePg:d
Such other eea onabl t•l as faabion
s edna ens
the market furnishes, constantly kept °", re p
and minufactured`to order, promptly, so'
eonably, as taste-or style may suggest.
GeritkMeit's .Ftsrniehing aoo °d/ 3IgP
and such articles se nenally belong ton
chant Tailoring and Clothing estsablishm e°
a satisfact
•gz• L.. t E. J. ZAH.3I,
Ai/fp/pigs trio
North Qt:
canier o Queen-St..'
and Centre Square, Lancaster,
WE are prepared to sell Arnerfc"
Swiss Watches at.the lowest cashraia:
We buy directly from the Importers and Po
ufacturere, and can, and do sell
low as they can be bought in
A fine stock ofalocks, Jewelry,SPe et°et
Silver and Silver-plated ware constantly ,
hand. Every article fairly represente d.
- H. L. tf E. J. 2,4104
Cotner Nora -Offen Street and Centre SO *
Yebruarit 17 1866 tf
A 118,ROOLS, the latest fashion--elu,
IF)[ at Jltdraabldnlitr. Variety Store an a
' LI thern—the rage ren is the