The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 07, 1866, Image 2

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    Dr Maritftian.
$411.11-04 Nohqing, V,plil 7, 1800.
ser President Johnson has issued a
proclamation declaring that the rebel
lion which Ipretofoiei - existed' yin the
States of Georgia, &kith Carolina; 'Vir
ginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ala
bama, Lcinierini;'Aitiiiiiiii;YeAr gtir
sissippi and FlOride"iii at an mid, and is
henceforth to be so regarded. Idspeak
ing of this extraofdiimiy Preclamblion,
the Lancaster Examiner sari " . What,
effect this proclaniattiM Willlitive 'in
shaping the amuse of the 'President in
regard to the admission of thee°, States
into the Union remains to be seen, but
it appears to' be very evident that it is
a part of the progismine in his policy,
by which te'hoPes foree men into‘the
National councils who but a short` time
ago wefe open and avowed enemies of
the Government. There is little hope,
howevei, of his being able to accomplish
this ; for between, these reconstructed
rebels'and their`piospentive participa
tion in the. legislation
, of the 'countiy,
stands' the Union 'Majority in tengrese,
solid and petManent as a rock of granite.
In this majority is the hope of the' peo
ple, and we verily believe the' salvation
of the country: ! '
sir The :Betersburg (Va.) Express
has information direct: froth %Toronto,'
Canada, that John C. Breakinridge is ,
residing there. "Care.: is- making its
mark onthis face, • His hair,mhich four
years ago was as black ' jet, As now
hoary. - Se is weary of exile, • and anx
ious to return to home . and' friends:"
Ex-Governor Price, sof New Jersey; is
going to, intercede ,for:
Or Forney's Press says a club called
the " National Johnson Club" has re
cently beea-organized at Washingtont
Its political character . Will ,be readily
. we state that its
dent is Montgomery Blair, s and that
among its vice presidents are . Ask Pack
er, of Pennsylvania, JOhn P. Sttickton,"
of New 'Jersey, : Senator Sanlibury, of
Delaware and , Dean Richmond of New
York.... _ .
ilr , Andr • Johnson is - -President.
Bradley T. Johnson, a resident of Balti
more, watt in the rebel army.- In 1861,
irr conjenctitri with. Maishall•Kane, he
did all be could to serve the rebellion by
resisting the advance ofti the Northern
troops. After the war he came home,
was arrested Tor treason and held tet bail
to await trial. President johnson•
dered the bail to be discharged and the
case to . be abandoned.
Cowan, who misrepresents the
great State of Pennsylvania in the Sen
ate, has not ye& resigned, as ha. was re.
quested do,ly tho,seAe vr
whom he.oes
his seat. A man mnst have e , good
share.of, the, metal, pallekt~ retain
a plawwitich he has forfeited by every,
manly oonsitieriiiy)i. , - •
oar Oideriiiiive . :bien disbateled — by,
the Prostllea,- thrtingli the' Secretary of
War, for the release of ex-Senator -Yu
lee, oft'lorida,l now in 'confinement in
one of the forts near Savannah. pTeit
we shall Wear of ihe bate
CI- win, then of ()lenient-O. Clay,.and Jeff..
Davis may soonlollow.
Or By the death ,;of, Hon. Solomon ,
Foot, the next Vermont Legislature will
have thelmusual responsibility of ,mak
ing ofOnitedStatee San:
ators, one to fa the unexpired term of
Judge Oollamer, quafor.the long Germ,
and now °neje #ll.,the vacancy occasion
ed by the death ot Seßator:Foot.
t.lotinitietiCui, notwithstanding an
that Addy Siihnion and his - copperhead
postmastist cOld to; gave the
' gallant,
General Hawley a victory "The ills,
latnre is Slur repnbliden S
Senator. " 7 1- ;
fir The Presidenron-31-onday issued.
a proclamation declaring.,that the. war
in thekSonthern States isat.atkend, and
that those States ara entitledtci.. all the
rights and inimnnities of the . other
States. ' . .` •
Geoige Beiner,' of the Harrisburg
Telegiph, Wu; been removed' `from' the
post office Et,i•i;deneraf Xiipe tiplAint
ed in hit stead. Andy , bee commenced.
gir The 'Ohio Seistai On - ;Sitturday,
passed;Abya-vote of -20Lagslost:•9; the,
bill increasing the legal ,rate of interest
from six to seven per cent. •
(}en. Burnside was, sleeted -G overnor
di Rhode Island, on W ednesday last, - toy
a haudictite auOrity. .I;he legislature
is also largely republican.
ear Elott:`Binater Clymer, the Sena
tor from Berke-county; int& Democratic's
candidate for Gereitioratits reeigned-ltie
l6ivenoraimei-his.llso majoii
ty in ike-votti Governiorti*Oonlieotk
cut. tti: 7 4 vqt,,...a.
or A man in Sp ringfield , Mass.,
thought he would ply "a giood joke on
his wife" on thq occasion of a masquer
ade ball. He jet a peculiar malik and
told his wife ski would know him by it.
She believed him, but he placed - the
mask on another man's face, and spied
all around the evening unsuspected,
while she confided in the pauedo-husband,
stayed by him faithfully all the evening,
much to the delight of the " gay deceiv
er," and naturally expressed herself with
a freedom not unusual between ladies
and strange gentlemen. A little after
reflection made the husband conclude
that the joke was on himself.
sar Monday's Philadeepliia fress
says : " It was announced In one of the
Suuday.papers-thatPresident , Johnsmp. l
and Secretary . Seward would arrive 'in
Philadelphia: during the morning, and
that rooms had been provided yor them
at the iDontinentat. Another of the
Sunday,papers stated that the Presi
dent .would attend Mr. Chambers'
church. The result was that crowds ,of
people assembled in, the close vicinity
of both places mentioned, but the "dis
tinguished ,guests-", did not , come. The
people were fooled, but they took it
good, uaturedly, enough.
liarTtl r. Spingue, of Rhode Island, is
described in a Waihington letter as "de
cidedly the dandy Senator. He looks
niceedingly young—from the galleries a
mere boy, and a handsome boy, too..
His thick brOwnhair, where nearly all
the Other heads are bald or grey, his
light figure, his delicate features and
hand Some moustache, make him appear
ten years` younger than he really is.
He is very neat in his dress, wearing va-
Hone handsome - suits, and not appearing
to live in the same OlOthes,, as many of
the Senato rs do. MI. Spraghe makes
no attempt at eloquence."
lea- 'John P. • Stockton, "Copperhead,
of New Jersey, had' forty votes out of
eighty-one, in -the , joint. convention of
the Legislature of 'that State met to
efedt,:w U. S. Senator. He.has• at last
hadjustice done his case, and on Thee.
day it was•declared- in the Senate,- by- a
.vote of - 22 to2l, tbat he was not enti
tled to a seat in tbat-bi•dy, a conclusion.,
the justice of which.shouid be tolerably
plain- to every bgdy but partizans of his
own copper color.. We•shall now haye
a Unionist in his place,
italf A recent attempt was made at
Mita Green, Ind., by . : a man named Jer
emiah Albertson,,to poison his wife, so
that he could better, enjoy the company
of a 'Miss Mry , * Ann Lloyd, of that
place. This Miss Lloyd was his assist
ant in the poisoning , and a Dr. Kline
OMB taken into their confidence, for a
large sum of money giving them the
poison. The latter exposed the villain
ous scheme before the poison was ad
,and the guilty couple are
now in jail at Wabash. .
. Bome , of the Yankees are still at
their old Woks.
,In Nis?' Brunswick,
the authorities recently- sought to en
zourage,bear killing, by offering- three
dollars premium for each benr-that waS
killed, the proof to be the , production of
'the snout. ll'he large-tiumber of snouts
presented; chiefly-by Indians, led -to an
investigation, - -when= it - wee discoirered
that the Yankees over ,in :Maine-:manu
factured them of India rubber, and-sold
them , to the Indians at-fifty cents apiece.
Aka' The body of Lowmiller, the man
who_ m - prdtireda, maiden_ sister, some
two years ago, at Level Comfit., about
tinden, Lycoming county, and
. it was
thought,* the time, made his escape
out of the country, was found a few days
since in the wows. ':.the body - was
identified by some articles of clothing
'he had-on, as well .as ,by the gun used to
commit the deed.
sar The - Westboro correspondent of
the :Were:eater Spy= writes:'"An old.
lady Mrs. Ruggles, is now living in this
town, at the venerable age of ninety
three years, with faculties yet uidimned,
who, whiles teacher in Cambridge, num
bereddamong her pupils a fair-haired boy
named Robert .E. Lee, afterward, known :
to infamy, as the .'commander-in-chief
of the rebel army."
The.Aatlment Printed some days
ago, that. theca siras„a-plot to assassinate
Gov, Brownlow, of Tennessee, was not,
as many believed; a,canard. The prime
mover, of it has been arrest e 4 at Gran
ada, Miss., and has . reached Nashville,
where he, will be .tried by: a Military
gar Recent rains have' washed away
the thin cbvering of earth frotn . the
Nines of 12.000 Confederate dead on the
fields- 'Of Shiloh'. Corinth. The
Union dead - were properly - ititerred;;:lilid.
have nee been. exposed by the etenieiste.
ifir William S. , Pieria, for the Jest .
. twenty years Ppmmarcial.editor ;of, the
.North American, died,in • Philadelphia,.
on.S.atarday, kedltLyeam..,
sir there ill &Asa:lock in `The New
Jamey l i egitleture, priptt.present tide
little'signe' are iereeitibleot the O'er
once being settled'"''
sm; field Iter , Aolusid!pal, election. Tbe
tentire-traioit , tiOetlyso Onateadilk
- Maaanieindires, wife - of the4l
edd orfeii tie/K .4 ;40 in= Thillitlittcre-'l'
c-A - TIIE MA_Rr - lETTIAN-R/•-vL.)
tgr A touching incide‘t is related of
McKean Buchanan,•the actor.' He and
his deligliter were playing at Terre
Haute, Ind., last week, whi ‘• his wife
lay dangerously ill at the tel. The
play for Monday night wa s' , Hamlet."
After the first scene, it was announced
that Miss B. would not be able to ap
pear as "Ophelia," -on account of her
mother's illness, and if the play went on,
her part would have to • be - omitted.
The audience desired th e, drama to pro
ce'ed, bit when Mr. Betilianan appeared
and commenced the soliloquy, "To be
or not to be—" he - was noticed to .lack
his usual fire and energy. He - had not
PrOciedi3d'half a dozen lines, when Els
faltering voice broke and falling into a
chair, he exclaimed : " My wife is dying
--take your money—run dcrwn the car
tain—l cannot idayl" and thesudienee
slowly and sadly 'dispersed. Mrs. Bu
chanan was dead When her
. binband
reached the hotel. •
It .is:said that Queen:Victoria his
taken a great liking for a very good look
ing but ignoble Scote.hmanmameditrewn
who vas formerly a sort Of ont-of-door
body servant to Prince Albert, and, in
deed, bears a• very strong' resemblance
to the Prince. She so doats upon him
that she-keeps him near her 'person at
all her palaces, and in all her journeys
to and from . them. 'She consults her pet
on all subjects, and takes - his-'advice eo
absolutely that all the rest of the' royal
household have become Very jealous of
him. The last story is that she is going
to Knight him. Marry him she cannot
for the law'of the realm -forbide .her to
marry one of her own subjects. It is
very disagreeable, nay it is worse than
disagreeable, to mention these things of
one who as a wife, mother • and Queen,
has so high a place in the revenues of
the world. '
gir The American Statesman ; a New
York * weekly family journal, has a gift
and a blessing for every one. Besides
fUrnishing p=large paper 2£3142 inches,
at only $1.50 per annum, it sends out , a
number and variety of prizes, valued at
from $l.OO up to $lOO, consisting of
Sewing. Machines, Washing Machines,
Clothes Wringers, Hoop Skirts, Crutch
es, Engravings, Lithographs*, Photo
graphs, - Albums, Books, and a variety of
other beautiful and useful articles. We
desire, all to send for a copy and see
this fine family, paper and secure a prize.
Published at $1.50 per annum, at 67
Nassau, street, New York, ,
eir HOW - refreshing are the April
Showell* they'nourish into life,the open
lug buds, and renew all vegetation.
But yet Ms a time of the year when
there is
,great danger of taking Cold
from exposure to the weather. Coe's
Cough Bale= is excellent for Coughs
and Colds, Sore 'throat, and all Pal
monary.Complaint& While Coe's Dye
petisia Cure is invaluable in Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, and all diseases of the stom-
Bah and bowels.
er Harriet Pinckney, aged ninety
years, a daughter of pew Charles'OoteS
worth' Pinckney, of Revolutionary fame,
died last week. The deceased was
everywhere known and -beloved. Pos
sessed °Lab ample,raltb, she bestowed
it iwith an unsparing hand, and was thus
the means oP doing.,a` vast small-C.O
good to those who - were -in need 'of
ice' The ice bridge over the Niagara
river, at the foot of the American falls,
still remains intact, and is crossed daily
by hundreds of - people. at, the point
known as " The Ferry." The ice in
the river between the Falls and Suspen
sion bridge could be_ measured by the
million cords, and it is estimated'; that
the rives' will not be clear
_before, the
middle of May.,
eir Christian Berger. who murdered
Miss Mary Watts in Germantown, Ain
the 6th'-of January, and who'
demned to "be hung on the 27th of April
neit,:waslontuf dead in his cell in the
Philadelphia .county prison :a -few diys
since: The• case was investigated by
the Coroner, and a 'verdict of congestion
of the brain- rendered. • -
sir The decline of prices is atyresent
affecting the_ value of almost every ar
ticle, except paper—printing , . paper.
The price of this artiolehas experienced '
no decline. . It stilt continues firm, and
pnblishers,of neyspapere are put tQ great'
inconvenience and expense by reason of
this state of Ile market. -
ttir The-barts said to be affected by
the failure of Culver, Penn - Sr Co., of
Neiw'Yori, die Oif Oity,;Bari of Craw
find cotuity; Meadville; Tenangoßank,
hanklio, and the'Petroleuni Bank, Ti
tusville: The notoe,cif theee Vatikel are
refused ' by all the brokers' and bias:
, sir The mansion,of Pierre Beale, at,
New Orleans, has,been -restored him
by. Gen. Howard. It was used for over
two years W. colored; orphan -asylum.
:713y pot Tay him rent for e,nd "apolo
gise for having taken withottt hie con
to ur oau ltr., OfterikOnVovnl on her Way
rut Minis
pag ed by Cod . Biritn IT:ft swo
041 sirimin,
-- 11 Secretary
jar The Detzoit, Poet, a-new. Repub
lican daily, will appar on the 26th-ilia.
011 TI Shatz lite itiiire
Mbe Morn . in. a Nut-Zbal
A negro woman of Weston, Lewis
county, West Virginia, hatched a chick
en'ty keeping the egg warm in her bos
om. Who is the mother of the chicken ?
Tom Thumb, wife and
,baby have re
turned from a profitable tour in Europe.
It is stated as a curiosity the baby earn
ad enough money in a year to support it
comfortably during a long life.
The State officials of Indiana are col
lecting for preservation in a permanent
form, as a part of the history (Atha war,
card photographs of all the officers of
all the regiments that have been organ
ized in Indiana during the late rebel
Giiiiterat Lee's ArlingtOO
longs to the government, haviliebeen
purchased at a sale for the non payment
oftasee. All talk, therefore, ofJestor
ing the land to Mrs. Lee is sensational.
Uncle Sam has a title to the farm which
holds good against all litigation..
David L. Yulee, who left his seat in
Congress to go into, the rebelliaii, and
who.some time since was:Arrested and
consigned to Forth Pulaski, has been re
leased on parole, and is permitted to go
to his home in Florida.
Nearly half a million dollars of certi
fleatee of.indebtedness have been re
deemed daringthe past month.
The young men recently nominated
to the West Point Academy are noti
fied to assemble there in June to be int
amined prior to admission.
During March over it million dollars.
of fractioae.l currency was cancelled. A
like amount of new change was issued to
replace that destroyed.
Another emeide had taken place;be
tweeu the colored soldiers and the citi
zens at Savannah: Georgia: The riot
was caused by a number of young men
.in order to -revenge theniselves for the
arrest of one of their friends by the mil
For the week. ending March 31.8 t, the
redemption division of the Treasury de
partment detected and branded over
$3OO in counterfeit fractional currenoy.
There is a band of Gypsies, number
ing one hundred, settled near Boston.
It is governed by a queen, who was elicy
sen for seven years.
tileasures for the reorganization of the
Southern Associated Press were taken
at a meeting reCently , held at Mont
gomery, Alabama. '
Fort Leavenworth is to be abandoned
as a Government-post as soon- as the
cars on the . Pacific Railroad are running
to Fort Riley. And this is promised in
the Lawrence papers as early as the 4th
of July next.
A lady who had read of the extensive
manufacture of odometers, to tell bow
far a carriage has run, said she wished
some flopuenticut genius would invent
an instrument to tell how far husbands
bad been in the evening when- they "just
step dowin to the post . office.
-Earl Russell said recently in the Bri
tish Parliament, that the Fenian move.:
ment _arose out Of the Ameridan war, and
its chief object was robbery.
mysterious poster in New York,
consisting ota green ball on a white
ground, has .baused fearful agitation
among the English detectives, who im
agine that - it symbolizes an immediate
invasion of Canada. •
The failure of Culver, Penn & Co., of
New Tork„„ caused the suspension of
thirteen banks in the Pennsylvania and
Ohio oil regions.
g•negro who had outraged and mur
dared, a white,child, was. taken from jail
at Pails, Kentucky, -on the 27th ult.,
by, the citizens and hanged. ,
Over twenty first-class residences. in
Boston, have been purchased by §outh
ernerse who say they. come North to in
vest fortunes made during the war.
The National Republican of Washing
ton will be issued as a morning paper
after this week, and will, it is said, be
the. Administration organ.
It le belisvpd that the person impris.
oned at Washington as Quantrall, is
some other person, and that he will soon
be released , _
Two children have been poisoned in
chicago, by'chewing a card photograph.
The Post'Offic'e bepariment at Wash
ington is "'about to make its own gas.
The requisite Xiacliinery . will , cost $l5OO,
'but it is expected this , amount will, be
sived'in half a
Attorney. General Speed . has, decided
that Semmes was not - included in the
Gen. Hooker is conquering hie paraly-
The NeiadiViwnscript tells of a load
or The has-slept - in a hearse, where he
had lodged every: night hie six: weeke.
Flora Temple has been _permanently
with drawn from the 3 ace course, and
she will trot no more. ,
There are five thousand Itiomgeopethio
&Odors throughout the United 'atatEli,
_nnd five homoeopathic oolfittges:
The Rinderpeet ie prettt:find but efhp
flat 116 a to listen ,to, , onr - rant : owe
frill oonape4e3t Ack,the Grinderpest
ing "rules of the road" are based upon
legal decisions and ought to be univers
ally known. The courts have decided
that applicants for tickets on railroads
can be ejected from the cars if they do
not offer the exact amount of their fare.
All railroad tickets are good until need,
conditions "good for this day only" or
otherwise admitting time or genuineness
are of no account. Passengers who lose
their tickets can be ejected from the
cars unless they purchase a second one.
Passengers are bound to observe decor
um in the cars, and are obliged to com
ply with all reasonable demands to show ,
their tickets. Standing on the platform
or otherwise violating the rules of the
eompany, rezaders a person liable to
put off the train. .No person has a right
to monopolize 'more Beata than he has
paid for; and shy article left in a seat
while the owner is temporarily absent
entitles him to his seat on his return. _
ar We call attention to the adver
tisement of A. B. Bowen & Co., New .
York, which will be found in our adver
tising columns. They have a very large
stock of Jewelry and Silver Ware to be
sold at one dollar for each article. By
paying 25 cents you can learn what ar
ticle you can have. There is certainly
not much risk, and we , should think,
from reading their scheme, that every
one was pretty sure of getting more than
the worth of their mow. We learn
that they want agents, with whom they
deal liberally. The list is very attract
ive and will pay for perusal.
the SqltzbAeh Tannery.
Having purchased the remaining stock on
hand, and leased the Tannery and fixtures of
his late father, Henry Sultzbacb, deceased, is
now prepaied to accommodate the customers
of the old stand, and the public generally,
with everything in his line, at such prices as
cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. His
stock will consist of
Oak Spanish and Slaughter Sole,
Valve and Hemlock Leather,
Kips, Waxed and Grained Upper,
la— Cash paid for . Hides and Skins.
Marietta January 6. 1866.-tf
lUnion Flag Clothing Store !
Ia emirs old stand, Market-a., Illariettr
Non's and Boi's Clothing,
and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
P. R. would take this opportunity to inform
the citizens of Marietta and the , public gener
ally that having opened this establishment for
a permanent busiiiess, only asks a fair trial,
being determined not to be undersold by any.
Call and see the goods and learn the prices.
Marietta, June 10, 186 d. 44-tf
The Original -and Genuine - Ammosra is
prepared by J. ALLEN REEVES and is the
best hair dressing and preservative now in
use. It stops the hair falling out, causes it to
grow thick and long and prevents it from
turning prematurely giey. It eradicates
dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and renders the
hair soft, glossy and Curly. Buy it, try it and
be convinced: 'Don't be put'off with a spuri
ous artiele: Asir:for - Reeves' Ambrosia and
take co other. For, Safe_ by Druggists and
Dealers in Fancy, Goods everywhere.
PRICE, '75 Cents per bettle—s6 per doien.
Address, REEVES' Antartoere DEPOT,
- 62. Fulton-et., New-York City.
11" For sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Rinkle'a
Drug Store. _ [12:8-1y
rHE partnership heretofore existing be
tween the uudnrsigded, under the firm
title of Landis & Trout, has, this day, ( March
16) been diasolyed by mutual consent. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to the
late firm will please call, without delay, and
settle the lame with Dr, Henry Landis, who
is authorized taiiettle the late firm accounts;
also, all persons having claims against the
firm to present them for settlement.
Marietta, March, 24, 1866.
1866! fifikae,iptill 1866 !
"VV'-a:.1., 1 Pi a, ID r
ja Minufacturers of, Paper Hangings and
Corner of FOURTH. and MARKET Streets
N. B. Always in store, a, Iwo stock of linen
and Oil Shades.
March '3;1666.-3m. '
Bee leave to announce, to the Ladies of Ma
i Lefts and vicinity, that she has just received
a new . and handsoitte lot Of
Braiding" arid .EnibrOidery 'Ramps,-
and also a handsome lot of ggSlaraped-Yokes.”
Please gibe . her; a ' call.. Revidence on,Lo
- cost s treet, second. door fyom the corner of
-'Front-IttiMitrietta - . ' [3O-3nis..
of Lime for sale for Whitewashing,
Building Aid land. Thislarthe beet lime in'
the country. Prices at ; the kiln for the best ,
picked limeby the bushel 1 , 5 coats ! Apply,
to Henry:Wolfe, spent -for the Wrightsville-
Company b urning . lune, owMr. Jobs. Heide
farra.-;—'All orders left - with Harry
Wolfe.will be promptly filled. =.: > .
BE"Quality of Wines and Liranis"for
medicinal purposes, at D::Landis'.
NEW T0Y . .., Egg's of Plaitiolea tear.
pents(freah laid) at Dr.„Laitypey,
Air ISIEMER'S RITTER.% Poi - gale
II te
and lee than.
jrnale P.I. The Gold ri Mortar
Great Sale of Ttiatehes, Jetcely
One Million Dollars Worth to
11'ot to be paid for until you knot t i
you are to receive! ot
BY A. H. R 0 IVE.Y ( I. Co .
NO. 36 BEEKMAN STREET, rigpi y ok
Rf al the following List of Articles t
be sold for ONE LOLLAR EACRQ"'
20 Gold Hunting Cases
200 Gold Wa-ches, various $lOO to 1 15
200 Ladies' Gold Watches i sto 100
200 Silvet • Hunting Case 50
• Level %Vetches
300 Silver Hunting Case to 60
Lepine Watches
3 5 to
300,GoldComposite Hunt-
ing Watches
300 Music Hoeft, Shell and 2 5 to
Roatwood Cases
20 to 7 4
200 Elegant Silver Plated
Chifee anit.T.eiVtirns 30 t o 5 0
1,000 Elegant Silyer Plated
Castor Stands "
20 to 46
1,000 Elegant Saver Plated
• Fruit and Cake. Baskets 20 to so
1,000 Elegant &tier Plated
Butter Dielirrik 15 to 4
1,000 Elegant ityer Plated
Ice Pile.kers
20 to it
1,500 'Silver Plated Salt
Stiinde S to 15
• 2,500 Sliver Plated Goblets,
,Engraved and Plain 5 to 11
3,000 Silver Plated Cups,
Gold lined and engraved 10 to .4
1,000 Silver Plated Bells ti to 12
3,006 Sets, Silver Plated Ta
ble Forks, j doz. 10 to is
s,ooo . Pitir Stpted Ta
ble Spo'
5 to
10,000 Sets Sll r Plated Tea
Spoons, doz. 0 to It
2,000 Pair Silver Plated But
ter Knives 5 to
5,000 Silver Plated Napkin
Rings very handsome 5 to
2,000 California Diamond
Clutter Sets Ladies' jew
elry 10 t 9
1,000 Brazillian Pebbles,
Seta Ladies' Jewelry 10 to , r )
7,000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry,
assorted 5 to
5,000 Pair Crystal Pendant
Ear Drops S to
3,000 Miniature and Enam
eled Revolving Pins Ito 11
3,000 Enameled and Pearl
Broaches,very handsome to ot
2,000 Ladies' California Dia
mond ,Cluster Pius Ito 15
2,000 Gents' California Dia
mond Pins .5 to li
2,000 Gents" Pint, set with
one stone or brilliant 3 to LI
5,000 Gents' Scarf Pins, as- •
sorted styles 5 to b
3,000 Oval Band Bracelets,
finely chased 10 to 1;
6,000 Pair Gents Sleeve But
tons, new and rich styles 5 to 1.;
5,000 Pair Ladies' Sleeve
Buttons 5 to
1,000 Pair Coin Silver Sleeve
Buttons S to
. „
2,000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry
coin_silver neatly en.
graved 10 t, 15
2,000 Silver Chains ti tu I .
5,000 Cal. Diamond Cluster
rings IC t:
3.000 Seal Rings DI.) .1
3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pen
cils, &c. 5 ::
10,000 Gold Lockets, richly
engraved 5 :. :.
5,000 Plain and Chased gold
Rings 6 N ::,
10,000 shield and signet . ' s
u to i
4,400 Belt Buckles, G t
and Gold and Vul ite sto :
2,500 Geld Lockets, engrav
ed backs, watch face
3,000 Large, new style rings,
set with brilliants
2,000 Ladies' Chatelaine
Chains and Pins
.11000 Gents' Heavy Guard
7,800 Gents' Vest Chains,
large assortment 5 to 63
1,000 Splendid Steel Er' gra,
vings 5 to I'
1,000 Elegant Bronze Man
tel Clocks 25 to
10,000Gold:Pens Silver Ex
tension holder & pencil 4 to
40;000 Gold Pens, & Silver
mounted ebony holaers 6 to S.
8,000 Gold Pens and Gold
Extension Holders 15 to
2.000 Ebony Gold mounted
6 to 14
Spiral Pencils
Each and every-article in the above List is
*presented by a certificate. These are pita•
ed envelopes and sealed. Any per•
son obtaining a .certificate, to he had at our
office, or sent by me it to any address,
know what they may have for One Dollar.
We charge for sending
. Certificates, pq ,2
postage and doing the business, 25 cents rai.
Five will be sent for $4,00 ; Eleven for VA.
Thirty for $5.00'; Sixty-five for 4310.00 1 ; ac
One Hundred for $15.00.
Any person receiving a Certificate for 3 1
article they may not desire, can exchange i.:
any other article in nur List of the same
ue. By this method we are enabled to forti ,2
the public with selections from a rich an! ,
ried stock of goods at a nominal price,
all have a chance for securing articles or
very highest value. -We warrant ever
tide as represented or money refunded• tle
solicit parties who have been unfsirlY d!' - •
with by imitators to give us a fair trial itl , );°
passing judgement. -
AGENTS.—Liberal Commission and
liable Premiums; consisting of Watches, 0.0.
given to Agents. Address all orders to
. A. H. ROWEN 8.• Co.,
P.O. Boy. 4270, New loa.
8. 8. BATHVON,
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier ,
At,l 7 . T Kramph's„Old Stand, on the Cur
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a•
It A T ICF II Lto the Citizens of IS
lur Sind vicinity, for the liberal Pa c i.
heretofore extended,' the undersigned rel Po.
fully Aeneas a continuance of the same
curing them, that under all circumstan cei i , o l
efforts will be spared in rendeting • 056154 %4
equivalent for every act of eee fiZoince rep D i
such other4easonable material as fashion :1
the market fusttishes, constantly kept Gap:
and mantifactified to order, promptly , and r
sonably, asjaate oz style- may suggest.
• Geritknien'sParnishing Goods g e r.
and such articles as usually belong io t
chant Taikaing and Clothing establithmeP •
... w.
it 114 :& E . f". ZAHN;
c. - - - /-fgAtei"-" ,
_ arner of North Qaeen-St., 41 '
and Centt4, Square, Lancaster, Pa.
NivE- are PrePared to sell American IP
' Swiss' Watches atthe lowest cask Or.
We buy directly froiri the Importers sod Ido:
ufacturersourd men, und *do Sell WOW/ b.
low ne they can be bought in Philadelphia Cr
A fine stock of Cloche;Cloche;Jewelry, SPectacie °
Silver end Silver-plated ware constantlY
hand`:.: Every' articlelairly represented.
E. J. Z4lOl ,
arbertNortkr:QiceenAtreet and Centre SO P '
PebittarY 11;:4.86fietf.
... o il in
11111444 APpt‘ztlie4ateat fashion ,
.. e
4,lll4.lto:rjgat Variety store 00 0
them—nil the rage-now, in the citiea
• • , I
8 to .4
12 to J,