il t s'otal Variettian. relay horning, March 24, 1866. ("There will be an election on Fri oelt, the 30th instant, for a Conn. ' lO , to decide the tie between Messrs. irrspengler and Lewis Houseal. It o be boped Mr. Spangler will be re. ote d, sod thus continue the old ma il and plies them to " firanh.n- P the vo lt, sod perplexing bounty business job will, necessarily, be carried over lost year. 'soldiers' Orphans from the State heola at Meadville, Paradise and int Joy, numbering three hundred forty.five, visited Harrisburg on dal, under the superintendence "of t eas U. Burrower, Esq., and others. rernor Curtin made a feeling address i nt imated that if the Legislature ad teed without making provision for maintenance and support of the er gs, he would re-convene them. g Amongst the new graduates at old University, we find our young , n d and towneman, Henry S. Trout, read medicine with Dr. Henry Arils, in this borough. Doctor, con der our beaver tipped, and may success .professionatly and personally—attend wherever you may cast anchor, R • It Rush retriken, Esq., a noted litinian died at his residence in Lock on Monday afternoon, after a itt „ te d a nd severe illness. Rush was 3 known in this borough. as A Innivt , the prominent skaters the reservoir pond, near Baltimore, a or two ego, Wag M rs. Henry E. awn, Itita Miss Harriet Lane, niece Es President Buchanan. or Dr. James Cushman will sell the lira diats of hif, Liver ... ). Stable Web- Befi t on Thursday nest, the 29th. river fine running order, o,i yet noon) very few rafts IVE arrice.i. fir have just re dyed u fre.,ll lot of goods. ;See ad-- ZEE fiewl Spangler S; Rich's now arri sdveriisenient, in anothln coluuin. Blititni inniner echo,! Aiii 11 ,, nie ve au Mouduy morning next. a Dr. Jayne, whose death we have :,eticed, at the. time of his death lineafti completed an elegant - private —eoiting s3oo,ooo—in Hhich e I:Aped to pass the remainder of his :rt. lu 111,i will he ordered its corn. ;dies as a residence for his widow and all the expenses of the household isluding carriages, and every possible eel are to be paid out, of the estate ; e Ides this Mrs. Jayrse is to have an al ""nce u 4 $4OOO per annum as pin TIA Intelligencer has a uer of ['resident Johnson praising the riurn refusal of a clerk 'to pay his of the expenses oft he New }lamp emetiOn, in reply to what purports be a printed circular from Ilea iive Rollins. It turns out no 'eh circular was issued this year, and at the one which was sent was an old 3e,leed to help elect Andrew Johnson. would teem that some one has been ally sold. list The lion. Ulysses F. Doubleday, ober of Maj (}en. Abner Doubleday, led at Belvidere, Illinois, on the 10th ° 't• Mr. Doubleday was for many a resident of Auburn, New York, represented that district in. Congress toms. He was a printer by cJ for 20 years editor of The County Patriot. At the time •• ith he was a citizen of Bloom • AL infant was found in a :street °*til Utica on Tuesday, haviug:Ak ) note pinned to itedress : qty Emma Holmes; my mother is to provide for me, and I am :t (Are to the mercy of some charit ',t friend, hoping that I may be taken sumo family who will bring me up '4ectably," 141414 Genera,' Gene) , was nomi• 'tad for Governor by the Republican tate Convention at Harrisburg, on the vote was as follows : Geary, a Antineo 30; Morehead, 19; White The nomination was made unanii : 48. Gen. Geary needs" nointrodao- Inn to the people of the State or na- Who bill declaring all persons born 'this country to be citizens of the Uni lad States, except Indians not taxed, t° assure all persons in the enjoy -1 of of their civil rights, has finally lied both Houses of Congress, and it confidently believed will receive the usoot of the President. A nap earl slaver, with 375 .A.Yri -4V4 on ture board, has been brought to Efa ,4 by a Spanish war steamer. It has "o m since any Spanish gov- Icosst Vessel has disturbed a slaver in 44(14 1, a cargo on the shores of Cuba. 'l blushing bride of- 60, -married o t Si% dap to a gay young fellow of _64 41iitted suicide from .insionBY• ;"4' roNI, Er,6141d. MODERN DENOCRACT.—The Democrats of Gaysport Borough, Blair county, Pa. at their recent Borough election, elect ed Maj. John Thomas, a negro, to the office of Constable, by a majority of four —over James Gallagher, ( Irish) ; Gay sport is so intensely Mmocratic as to be called the " little Berke'' of Blair. There are only about a dozen Republi cans in the place. This vote, therefore shows that the Democrats of that sec tion think a negro better than an Irish• man. It is also rumored that certain citizens will bail Thomas and have him serve, so the Democrats can bring the accusations they make against the Re- publicans, home to themselves, and get enough of the nigger ( their idol) whom they prefer to_ the white man.—.Tobns town nibune, Ear The new issue of twenty-five cent fractional currency has been counter feited. NEW GOODS At Greatly Reduced Prices. We beg leave to invite all those who are in want of Bargains to our - NEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, (3/as-ware, No tions, 6-c., and all other classas of goods generally kept in a first class store- Having purchased our en tire stock For CASH and at the recent decline will sell them much belo v the former rates. COME iIND SEE OUR CHEAP MUSLINS, CHECKS, TIC.,S, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, &c., which will be sold right down with the mark et. Our Dress Goods department comprises ;the latest dosigns of goods adapted to the sea son whien will be found full and complete. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS I of which we have a beautifill line of plain and Fancy Cassimeres, English and French Sack ink's, Plain Ma& Cloths, both oreign and domestic, and all other Goods for a nice out fit. Qneensware, a full line of Toilet, Tea and Dinner Setts, covered dishes, &c., always on hand, Groceries ,a . good supply of choice Teas. Coffee, Sugar, Syrups and spices. 13- Dry Goods cheaper than Wet Goods. Come and see us and be convinced of what we say. BOWERS & STEACY MA !MET STREET, Marietta, Pa. NEW GOOD JUST RECEIVED FOR CASH, PHILADELPHIA CI el 13T,E, of S ' CItIC]~LEIt, Nuccessurs o Abraham Cassel, .11.4r1,-et St.,.llarzetta, Lancaster Ca ,Pa To the Public: We begleave to announce .to out pations and the public generally that our arrangements for the Spring Season are such as will enable us to offer for sale an unusually well selected, varied and attractive stock of DRP GOODS, GROCERIES, • GLASS and QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, INDOW SHADES, CARPETING, &c., &c. Having reduced our stock to the very lowest point, enabled us to lay in an entirely new u”sortment, which we feel confident will be at tractive to the old and-to new customers of this old stand. Evert Department will constantly be re plenished with the most desirable offerings and bargains from New York and Philadelphia markets. We particularly solicit your attention to our. goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. GABLE & STRICKLER, One door West of the Post Office, Market St. Lk' The highest Market price paid in goods in exchange for Country produce. -Marietta, March 2 , , 1866. A UCTION DRY GOODS. _ o _ WE HAVE JUST OPENED $lO.OOO WORTH OF VALUABLE DRY GOODS Slightly wet at the great fire in Philadelphia which we are sellinz at less thgn half their value, quite a variety of muslinsi Calicoes, Cassimeres, Flannels and Linens are embrac ed in the lot. Also a full assortment of Seasonable SPRING GOODS in perfect order and of the newest styles at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Call soon and you will get somegreat bargains. SPANGLER & RI CIL Marietta, March, 16,-1866; IT O a filllE partnership heretofore existing be tween the uudersigded, under the firm title of Landis & Trout, has, this day, ( March 16) been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm will please call, without delay, and settle the same with Dr. Henry Landis, who is authorized to settle Ahe late firm accounts; also, alt persons having claims against the firm to present them for settlement. HENRY LANDIS, H. S. TROUT. Marietta, March, 24, 1866. OUR SECOND ARRIVAL:—We will open this week our second invoice of CHEAP GOODS, which will be, fold to suit the downfall in merchandise. Come and see us, for we will aot be undersold by any other house outside of Philadelphia. BOWERS & STEACY, Market street., Marietta, Pa. DR. J. H. GROVE, After serving as STAFF gueakoN, in the United States Service for over four years, and during the whole of the Rebellion, has again located in this borough, and taken his former residence, on Market street. He has associated with DR. HENRY LANDIS in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Dr. Gaov n will pay especial attention to Surgery in all its various branches. fIOLGATE 2 S TOILET SOAPS. Honey, Clycerine, Palm, Almond, linthand Shaving SOAPS. Equal to any imported.— Just received and for sale, very cheap at . THE GOLDEN MORTAR. A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called A indistructable Pleasure Books; School and Paper Books, Stationary, Pero, Pen holders arc , at 'LA NDIS Sr TROUT. T. CROIX AND NEW ENGLAND RUM for culinary purposes, warranted gen ume H. D. Benjamin. CHOICE HAVANA SEGARS, and the beet Chewing and Smoking Tobacco at WOLFE'S. TIORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERS an es cellent article for ladies.. , Ju`st received and for sale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store. TT AIR ROOLS, the latest•fashion-call in at Mrs. ROTH'S Yarietz Store sad see • k tot —.ll the rocco& liti%V.iin the etites'A A s_4) S. S. RATIIVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F.. 1. Kramph's',9ld Stand. on the Cor ner _of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. Glt ATE 6 U L to the Citizens of Marlette and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect folly solicits a continuance of the same ; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSEMERES A N D. VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constanily kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. A READY-MADEI.9O,- CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothine establishment. T HE POPULAR HATS OF THE p i SEASON. —o— Dress Silk Hat, , Gentlemen's Cassimer Dress Hat, Patent Resort" Hat, The Rusher Hat, The Dasher Hat, The Eaton Hat, The Faust Hat, The Dundreary Hat. A large and splendid assortment of all the above new and popular styles, in Cloth, Cas simer and Felt, together with a full line of • PLAIN HATS. .Also, all the new styles of Fall and Winter Cape for gentlemen, youth's and children's 'veer. . SHULTZ i g• BRO7HEI?,- _ FASHIONABLE HATTERS, NO , 20 NoRTH. QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA H. L. 45- - E. T. / 9ew..eikis*, I C) Corner of North Queen-SLAV and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. wE are prepared to sell American and Swisa Watches at the lowest cash rates! We buy directly from the lmprters and Man ufacturers, and can, and do sell Watches as low as they can be bought in Philadelphia. or New- York. A fine stock of .1:locks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver and Silver-plated ware constantly on hand. Every article fairly represented. H. L. $• E. J. Z ARM, . Corner North Queen: Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. February 17, 1566.-tf. F URS WANTED! --0--.---- AU kinds of Shipping Furs, such as Musk Rat, Rabbit, Coon, . Skunk, Red Fox, Common Cat, Grey Fox, Milieu., Mink, - . Otter, Opossum, Cross Fox, &e., &c. I will pay the highest CASH price for any of the above skins, delivered in good order. HENRY WOLFE, Opposite the Post Office, Marietta. February 10, 1b66. 3m* ID WINES ST LIQUORS. - • LI. D. - BENJAMIN, DEAI ER IN WINE & T.l QUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. n 'DEUS Teave to inform the public that hi. wil; continue the WIN E & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. Ha will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins. Irish and Scotch iniskey, Cordials,Bitters,r4.c., BEN/AM [N'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON RAND. A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY. just received, which is warranted pure. Er All If. D. B. now asks of the pubic is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from him. 1866 ! 1866 ! 'Wall TTOWELL BOURKE, Xi Manufacturers of Paper Hanglngs and WINDOW SHADES, Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Streets PHILADELPHIA. - N. B. Always in store, a largt stock of linen and Oil Shades. March 3,1866.-3 m. STAMPING. AIRS: .1. 13. MORRIS Begs leave to announce to the Ladies of Ma ietta and vicieity, that she has just received a new and handsome lot of Braiding -and Embroidery Stamps, and also a handsome lot of "Stamped Yokes." Please give her a call. Residence on Lo cust street, second door from the corner of Frent-st., Marietta. 130-3m* LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND bushels of Lime for sale, for Whitewashing, Building and land. This lathe best lime, in -the countrf. Prices at the kiln for the best picked lime by the bushel 25 cents ? Apply to Henry Wolfe, agent for the Wrightsville Company burning lime on Mr. John Halde man's farm.—All ,orders left with Harry Wolfe will be promptly filled. TAA.NIEL G. BAKER, • • j• ATTORNEY NT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE 24 NORTH DUKE STREET opposite the Court Houle, where he will at tend to the practice of his professiqn in all ite various branches. DR.,: WM. B. FAIWESTOCK, .. . , ...... . OFFICE :—I-MAIN-5i..., REARLY OPPOSITE Spangler & Patteison's Store. .......—._. , • FROM 1 TO g A. M. • OFFICE HOURS. .. " 1 TO 2. • ' 7 '6TO 7 P. M. T HE MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs., Forty different styles, acapted to Sacred and secular music, for $BO to $6OO each.- FIFTY ONE Gold or Silver Midals, or other first"pre miums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue s Sent free. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Bos ton, or MASON BROTHERS, New-York. Septem'ier 9, 1863-Iy.] , • TTENTION ! SPORTSMEN ! ! A Eley's Guo Caps, Eley'm Gun Wadda, Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder, Baltimore Shot ; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, sold at JOHN SPANGLER'S. 25 BOXES MESSINA ORANGES AND Lemons, in store and for idle at WOLFE'S, Wholesale and Retail. Cheapest In town WOLFE'S, MA Bit Marietta. Februtry 17,-Im. KRAUT STANDS, Meat Stanos, Wine Kegs, Tuba, fiveketa and Cedar-ware generally, constantly on hand - at • - 4 J. SPANGLER'S; MO LANDLORDS! Just receirkd, Scala I and Irish . WHISKIES,. warran. ted to be pure, at. D. Benjansain's: nO Medium to r e 2t h - - -- ea Ljr 2." .-.DlFF,Emvecips.... eoittirobi4 inso . .ance , eoppa»B. Columbia, Lanca...ter County, Penn'a Capital and Assets, K29,920:80 wns. Company continues to insure Build ings, Merchandise, and other property, against lois and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium cr premium note. FIFTH ANNITAL REPORT Whole amount insured, $5,027,02 Amt of premium notes, $426,090:66 Bal. cash premium, Jan'y I, 1864, 3,754:47 Cash receipts in 1864, less fees and com missions, 22,8W:56 • Losses and expenses paid in 1864, $22,794:89 Balance of. Capital - and Assets, Jan nary let, 1565, 429,920:80 -- $452,715:69 A. S. GREEN, PBEMDEiiT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Necretary. MICHAEL S. StIUMAN, • Treasurer. DIRECTORS --- - . Samuel 'hock, William Patton, Robert T. Ryon, JOhn W. Steacy, John Fendrich, George Young, Jr., R. G. Minich, Nicholas M'Dcnaid, Samuel F. Eon leen, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering. fxi-33 SUPPLER & BRO., 4 , 3 IRON AND BRASS FOU N D. ER S _ and General Machinists, SeCond sires' Below. Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of iron Castings for Rolling. Mille and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Dooms, Weights, &c„, for. Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINE~, AND BOILERS, IN THE hICIST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tinning ; Brass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks. Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts - , 'Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLACKSMITH/NG in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery w flatter ourselves that we can give general satin faction to those who may favor. us with thei orders. EC3Repairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. B. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20. 1850. 14 tf • Union Flag Clothing St re In Crull's old stand, Dlarket-st, Blariom pETER RODENIIAUSER, [win] D. HANACEIid DEALER IN Men's and Boy's Clothing, HATS & CAPS, A BOOTS AND SHOES 11.114- and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, IN GREAT VARIETY' P. R. would take this opportunity to inform the citizens of Marietta and tile public gener ally that having opened this establishment for a permanent business, only asks a fair trial, being determined not to be undersold by . any. Call and see the goods and learn the prices. Marietta, June 10, 1865. the Sultzh4el) GEO. W. SULTZSACIJ, TANNER 4. LEATHER DEALER, AI ARI VITA, PA -0- Having purchased the remaining stock on hand, and leased the Tannery and fixtures of his late father, Henry Sultzbach, deceased, is now prepared to accommodate the customers of the old stand, ane the public generally, with everything in his line, at such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. His stock will consist of Oak Spani , •k and Slaughter Sole, Value and Hemlock Leather, CA LFSKINS, Rips, Mixed and Grained Upper, SPLITS, HARNESS, BRIDLE & SHOE SKIRTING. rr Cash paid for Bides and Skins Marietta January 6..1866.-tf WILLCOX E.: GIBBS y y NOISELESS o.euling The most simple, complete and easily man aged Sewing. Machine now in use. It does every description of work—never stops at or needs to be helped- Over seams, but does all its work rapidly and well. The needle re quires no adjustment—you cannot get it in wrong—it makes any width of hem you wish —does braiding beautifully. The Braider is in the foot of every machine and pin of it, and is always adjusted, never gets out of place. Call and examine them 'before purchasing any other, at . H. L. & E. J. ZAHM , S, Corner North Queen street and Centre Square, . Sole Agents for Lancaster County. Lancaster, February 17, 1566.-tf. NEW FIRM AND NEW STOCK. -x- GABLE STRICKLER Having leased. the well known store stand of Abraham Cassel, would announce to the publio that one of the firm has just • returned from the city where he selected a new stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Such as Fancy and Plain Colored Alpaccas ; French Merinoes • Coburgs ; Plain and Figured all Wool le Laines all colors Sacking Flannels; Ladies Cloaking and Water-Proof Cloths. Good assortment bleached and un bleached Muslin, ; • Checks ; Ginghams ; Ticking and • Canton Flannels; Crash, &c., &c., &c., &c. GENTS DEPARTMENT. Cloths and Cassimers, all grades, both Foreign and Domestic ; superior Esquimaux Bea ver, for Over-Coating; Neck-Ties; .Collars ; Su spenders ; Gloves ;. Hosiery, etc., &c. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, Molasses, Sugars, Rio and Java Coffee. Spices, Mackerel; Buckets, Brooms, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, -- Masi and Queenswsre, &c. Having purchased exclusively FOR CASH will enable them to sell cheap FOR C ASH ! rCountry Produce taken in exchange. AARON GABLE, , . JOHN STRICKLE.9.. Marietta,,February 24, 1866. Estate of Eliiabeth Weis late of the Borough of Marietta decaased. Letters of administration,, with the Will annexed, on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all personsindebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay . for. settlement to the undersign ed, residing in said Borough of Marietta. • E. P. ROATA , - Ad/mai:tidier. Marietta, February 3, 1865. . 26-6 t BEST Quality of Mines and Liquo rs for capclicinal Lxx,'N ,r,dnibiniitio GIN, N,E.N./.43r/.v. C ONMVIPTIVES, 11 - EAD WHAT DR. SCHENCK IS DOING -o- DR. 7. H. SCHENCK. DEAR Ste feel it a duty I owe to you, and to all who are suffering under the diseases known as Consumption and Liver Complaint, to let them know what great benefits I have received from your Pulmonic Syrup and Sea weed Tonic in so short a time. By the bless ing of God it has cured me thus far. Dr. Schenck, I will now make my state ment to you, as follows:—About eighteen months ego I was attacked with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs ; I could not retain anything I ate, and suffered with evening fevers and night sweats. 1 was very much reduced. The whites of my eyes were very yellow ; likewise my skin ; my appetite all gone, and unab:e to digest what I did eat; bowels swollen, irregular and costive- I was very low spirited, and bad such violent spells of coughing when I 3ay down at night and u hen I arose in the morning that they would last one or two hours. 0452,710 . :6 I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my left side.' I can not describe my wretched suffering as I would wish to do. Every organ in my body was dis eased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to my bed from the last of February, 1862, to June 1862 not able to sit up. I had the best of medical at tendance the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it racked me _very mum I at this time raised a large quantity of thick, yellow, offensive matter, sometimes with blood and it was generally accompanied by nausea, and a furred.aud thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly 1 would have sharp, ooting pains in my left side and heart, night sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; had much inward fever, pain in my back and under my shoulder blades and in the small of my back, and at times so severe that it would throw me into spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die. Others I had, and the best of them, but they could do noth ing for me, and at that time was nothing but skin and bone. I then was in the western parr of Missouri. In. Julie last we left there for the East, and in August last we came to New York, and I was so reduces that 1 could only walk a little with my husband's help. Alter 1 had been here a shorttime the salt wa ter breeze made me feel much better for a time and then I had again to call a physician for aid. We bad four of the best physiciana of New York on the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They said I.was past cure, and that my lungs were too far gone for any one to cure me. But at this time I was on my feet about the house, not able to do much of anything. In Novem ber last I grew worse, and the consumption diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeks We had tried all and everything that 1 could grasp at like - a dying person for my disease— consumption and liver complaint—but of nu avail. In January, 1863, I was brought down again on my bed, and was not. expected to live the night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all gave me up to die. At this time every one who saw me did not think I would ever leave my bed a living woman. The first night I was at tacked with spasms, and was deranged most of the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to see me the last of the week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it was an account of a great cure performed by Dr.' Schenck. She read it to me, and it was so much like ray disease that I asked my husband to go and see him for me. At this time I had given up all hopes of ever getting well again, at d made my peace with God, to be ready whenever he called for me. On the 27th of January, 1865, my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street, New York, and stated to him my case, with a re quest for him to call and see me, which he did, and examined me with the respirometer. When he was about to go I asked him if he could cure me ? His reply was I cannot tell, born lungs are diseased, and the bronchi al tubes are affected on both sides." And yet he seemed to think there were lungs enough left to effect a cure if the diarrhea could be stopped. lie said in order to do this, lie would have to give me Mandrake Pills in small doses at first, to carry oft the morbid matter, and then, with astringents, he hoped to check it, which he did, but the constant coughing, night sweats, and diarrhea had prostrated ine so that he was - afraid my vital powers were too much prostrated ever to rally, and yet he seemed to think if I could live to get enough Pulmonic Syrup through my system to cause expectoration there were lungs enough left for me to recover. He wished me to try the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at once : saying it would do me no harm, if itAid me nu good. The first week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat tip in bed and ate hearty for a sick woman ; but the next week I lost all hope and wished my husband net to give me any more medicine. but the dOctor had, warned him of this, and when the ineditine was clearing out the sys tem it made them feel somewhat restless, and to persevere ; and he insisted on my taking it•; and now I feel the benefit of it.. For after eight days I began to gain my strength, and, with the exception of a cold that put me baek some, I have been gaining strength of body, my cough is going away, and all my pains ar,. gone ; no soreness of the body, my bowels are regular, and my Meath is sweet, and I thank God that I am now going about, and sew and read as well as ever I could. I have taken sixteen bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a good appetite and rest well at night ; my cough does not trouble me in gett ing up or lying dowu. I would here say to the afflicted with consumption or liver corn-. plaint, that Dr. Schenck is'no humbug You can rely on what he says. Delay not ; it is dangerous to trifle with these diseases. If you would be cured, go at once ; and any one wishing to know the facts as herein. stated can call at my residence, 117 West Houston street, New York city. MRS. MARY F. FARLOW. We, the undersigned, residnits of New York are acquainted with Mrs- Farlow, and knew her statement to be true. We also know that she used Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, and have reason to believe that to this medicine slie owes her preservation from a premature grave. B. FARLOW, 117 West Houston st. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich street. Mrs. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Green wich street. AUGUSTA UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich street. A. F. Harris, 117 West Houston street. EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Houston st J. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl. M. A. LEIGHTON, 483 Broadway. Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP, 19 Amity pl. lam well acquainted with Mrs. Mary F. Farlow, and with het husband, Mr. B. Farlow they having for a few months past attended at my church, and 'I am convinced that any statement which they might make may be re lied on as true. JOHN DOWLING, D. D , Faitor of Bedford sr. - Baptist Church, N. Y. Dr. Schenck will be professionally at his principal office No. 15 North Sixth street, cor ner of Commerce, PSiladelphia, every Satur day; from 9 A. M., until 4 P. M. No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3; No. 38 Summer street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from-9 to 3, and every other Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Balti more, Md. All advice free, butfor a thorough examination of the lungs with his Respirome ter, the eharge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each $1.50 per bottle, or $7.50 per hall dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. ' For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. December 9, 1865.-Iv. [l] LIME! LIME! ! o Fresh Lime for Whitewashing and Building, „ For sale at HENRY WOLFE'S, opposite the Post Office, in large or small lots. This Lime is much better than that which Is brought from a distance. It is carefully se lected.' lam now selling the best lump at -35 cents per bushel ; 10 cents per peck ; Five cents per half-peck. A LARGE LOT OF fIUkF WINDOW A SHADES - at remarkably low prices o'close out Jonru-SparrotEs Kinds pCßisziksi,,Deed F . - &tit . 5 . flew aooas. ifetu Goas. flab , Goas. SPANGLER & RICH, WOULD announce to their friends und the public generally, that they have on hand a large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and are daily receiving accessions thereto. Our stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS com prise all the latest and most desirable fabrics, styles and colors. French Merinos, English 'Merinos, All-wool Poplins, Coburp, Alt-wool Detains, Mixed Poplins, Alpaccas, Lavellas, Debazes,, Mixed DeWoes, A large assortment of Plain and Fancy WOOL Sli A WLS, Knit Goods, Rreakfast Shawls, Scarfs, Cloaking Cloths, Sacktrn; Flannels, White Goods, Skel eton and Balmoral 6kirts, Hosiery and Gloves. DOMESTICS. Calicos, Detains, Gingham=, Flannels, Checl,, ,, , Muslins, Tickings, Sattinetts, Jeans, Linen and Cottme Diaper, American and Rus sian Towelling, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Wall and Window Papers. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, French and English Cloths, Knit Shirts and Drawers. Gloves and Mitts, Paper and Linen ... Collars, Shirt Fronts, Ma Ties, Suspenders, Knit Jackets, &c. A full assortment of the latest styles Men and Boys Hats and Caps, Groceries Sugars, Syrups, Coffee, Teas, Raisins, Prunes, Dried Apples, Cranberries. Corn Starch, ' . Pltrins, Salt, Fish, &c. A full assortment of Criss., t.. Queensware. Thankful for past carom, we would respect fully ask an Examination of our stock before purchasing elsewhere. SPANGLER & RICH. .Marietta, 'November 4, /866.-tf. TILE GREAT o F H - u_ 1 - Y - ) a ri. Miser -v_ Just Published, in a Sealed envelope. Price SIX CENTS. ----m-m--- A, Lecture on the nature, treatment, .•nd radi cal cure of Seminal Weakness, or sp ERNA.- TonfincEA, induced by SW-abuse, Invoi untary Emissions, Lropoteney, Nervous De bility arid impediments to marriage generally, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, Mental and Physical incapacity, 4.c. by Dr. Roberti .1. Culverwell, author of the "Green Book." &c. The world-renouned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own cx perience that the awful consequerces of self ebuseaiay be affectually removed without me-, dicine, and without dangerous surgical opera tions, boogies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition, may be, may cure himself i.besply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to-any address, postage paid, on receipt of Six Cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publish ers' UHAS. J. C. judAvE 4.• 127 Bowery, New-York, Post-oftice Box 4,55 G. June 17. 1865,1 y. "M cdAalnut ball" tlalrk.g Illarket Street, Marietta .1' 0 ILIV FO ULKS Having' again leased, from Captain Samuel D. Miller, his old.and popular Clothing stand, would take this method of informing the pub lic that he has just laid in an excellent stock of everything in the Ready-made Qlothing Line, SUCH AS Over, Dress and Business Cocas, Pantaloons and Vests, OF ALL GRADES AND PRICES, Cloths, Cassimeres awl Vestmsgs always on hand, which will be cut and made-up to suit the tastes of customers. Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, Shirts, Drawers, Hose. Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, HATS ..4N1144 , CAPS of all kinds, &c., &c. 13—Goods at all prices—from the finest to the cheapest. Call and see for yourstives be fore purchasing elsewhere. Marietta, February 17, 1866-Iy. N EW TRIMMING R, VARIETY STORE, Opposite DVenbach's and ttoo doors 1 Vest of the Golden Mortar Drug Store, Market•st., -Marietta, Mk& Iti_4,RGARET ROTA Begs leave to announce to the Ladies of the Borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she has just opened an entire new stock of TRIMMINGS AND VARIETIES, embracing all the Novelties of the Season, among which will be found Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet Maims, Gimps, Cords and Tassels, and Buttons in endless variety, Hosiery and Gloves, Linen & Emb'd Collars, Zephyr Shawls, Plain & Emb'd Irdkfs, Opera Caps, Silk & Zephyr Scarfs, Suspenders, Germantown Wool, Twilights, Breakfast Coseys, Braids and Shetland Wool, Bindings, Zephyr. Yarn, Laces, . Neek•Ties, BALMORALS, SKELETON SKIRTS, .. Corsets, Belting, Edging, Wiling, Embroidery. Fancy Soaps, &c. Particular attention has been paid to the se lecting of small wares, such as Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pins, Ike. The public are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. Mrs. R. is agent for the sale of the cel ebrated Singer "A" . Family Sewing Machines which took the first premium at the late New York State Fair. She will also instruct per sons purchasing from her, how to work the machine. (9-tf First national Ban% of Marietta THIS RANKING ASSOCIATION HAVING COMPLETED ITS ORGANIZATION is now prepared to implied all kinds of BANKING BUSINESS. The Board of Directors meet weekly, on Wednesday, for discount and other bueineva ra"Bank Mours : From 9A.xto3 r. M. JOHN HOLLINGER, PBESIDENT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. B AZIN'S PE'tFUMES. - 0 - The latest and most exquisite such as "Ki s me Quickly," " Upper Ten," " Hydeosmo.." " West End," "Jockey Club," and als, Po mades and Hair Oils. Examine our stoH: We can please you in price and cluatit . GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE. Wood for OR 60 CORDS OAK WOOD, for sale 50 Price, Five and Six Dollars a cord. Apply to GEO. W. STAHL. COAL GODS, Coal Seives, Coal Shovels P. kers, Stove Grates, Cylinder, and Li nings of different kinds, kept on hand at JOHN SPANG LER'S. .NOTICE:—AII poisons knowing then . . 111 selves indebted to the undersizned wil .please calland , settle before the first day of April. -1 t J. R. DIFFENBACH. Marietta, Maroh 3, 1866. `Celectrated Peal Cement and nil Paste Blacking at 1/okrir.