The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 24, 1866, Image 2

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    the Mariettian.
safttishy Yoi VAITI) 24, 1866.
bIEARY'II EARLY Ltrz.—lt has often
been remarked that the early struggles
of distinguished men exhibit their true
force of character as t i borrighly as any
of their subeequett - cutier: soiwjth
General Geary. To the public, be is
only Asownoby , hitvrecoril .-atr s *soldier
and a iitatelimap;:but he has an early
history not. less ; worthy. of attention, and
to this-we nowpropose-to ask the notice
of our readers. Like so many, other
men of fame, Geary:was condemned to
struggle in the beginning Hof, : his carder
against poverty. Not only wache pi:tor
tod.without lafineotial friends, but be
lost his father early in life, and had to.
euPPorOliaklielf .his WidoWed
mother by teaching a yillage schciol Sod?
by otherlabors. Cul, the men who are
thus thrown upon their own resources
when young learn to face hardships Bud
trials of all kinds, and to, Carve Alikir
way to eminence by sheer perseveraisci:
It is not the least among the many
things.ofwf ich our country is se justly
proud that.these men, early condemned
to privation and toil, are .yet. able, in
numerous instances,• as in-that of Geteyi
to accumulate means, by their Inclistri::
and economy ; .to acquire a-collegiate ed
ucation. , This, was . what Geary did?'
Be supported himself •!and,•his mother!
and saved up,mozey enough.' to enable
him to gain- a ecientifict: and elassicil
training at Jefferson 'College, Canons
burg. Those who -do :this , prize their
education more. highly. than others, and
devote themselves. more assiduously to
their studies,
oar There was a grand ball at the Na-:
tional Hotel in Wgghingtou, the. Iven Tl
log before Lent.. The• Republican inve
nt) dauciug was:,ltept, up until four
o'clock in the morning end,the star.- of
the galaxy Of beauty . was,n .y.oung- lady'
from Vermont, a mace of Mr. Senator.
root, Who was.dressed with a simplicity•
that charmed every one who, saw her.
ller dress was pure white, alpaca, oover
ed with transparent-lace, and she wore
not an orname nt either of jewelry, rib
bons, ov,anything olthe kind.- Her:lair.
was al!comal to fall naturally. without
comb or any visible copfipement,. and
her figure presented a picture•worthy of
the pencil of,the old. Italian masters.-
iii ; The people of SE Louis have fur.
nished oeneral Sherman with an ele
gant rtlidence inJbat city. Tbe -house
was se enter!' birhiruself, aid WAS nom:
pletely fprnished by the generous donors,
the whole costing $30.000.
lir John. Vaeßuren ie doWri in Cop:
necticut °envisaging for the Democratid
can didete for , Governor. - It is a good
omen for the Republican side—the .
Prince never yet supported a comae that
was not rapidly going down till.
oar St, Patrick's day was IV ..'cele
brated by Irisbnien tbroFigMt ' the
country on Saturday.. At lito , otreal and
Toronto,, C. W.,-there were largepro
cessions,and otber deponstratione. but
no disturbances occurred. .
ier The Prisidefit bee trilograph4d to
the Goilirnbr'Of tioni e sitina to, withhold
the certificate - ' . of election to Monroe,
lately ebbeeif Maior "of "New Orleans,
until can be 'inquired into.
or 41:mother,4iving four riffles- °milt
of Nolennviljni i Tenneseee, , just on the
edge of Entheyfor4 connt7; gave -birth
on the 4th of F,bpary, to foitrine; rol
bust bebien-rthrep girls and 'one*boy.
G r . The ext.leeted Venial.] dentionetra
tiou aloogt thi) `C'a'nadian frontier wee
not rualie, and pegged with an,
usual quiet. '
Q.. It is reforted•at Fortress Monroe
that Clement Ova!Upbeat beervallowed
the freedom of thegroundS, on - his parole
of bonOr, during the day. -
®';Elevenforte on the north L of the
Potomac baye been diimantled. t Soy:
aral vet remain and they afford ample
protection' for Washington. -
Or The citizene*of a village in . Ver:
moat pregeoted4 eifte.of epecone aed a
butter knife; school'mistress, for
trousciok Alfirge uod viOlolit
lir A sup,poseA l sorpse., while . = being
shaved In Norwegr Conn reviveft got
up and dressed itself and 'ordered the
postponement of "Amaral.
it e n Burtiaide' has been ncimins;
ted for Goverrior by the troion men, of
Rhode lalaisd,' , 'The botainatioa 'wee
made by acalamatibis: °
igirFifitytthons - eno young inert &oil
the Scfitib,4i'VE - eald, are trying to get a
pork 00.
rtt".ll "I •
GirPreftk es Air PPn eP t l e n?aP, of
liartfe4:WtiNtecindetedl hie wife,: bee
been iwbuit4ed-
the T Togirliturft
New York is, ialits ofitiooki'n arid
wants to take tcward.from the latter city
and annex it tothe;kcirmer.i. `A number
of gentlemen hfve offered tO raise,sl.B6,-
000 for ri—oburch paraonage' 'for
Henry Ward Beecher, if he will cross
the East river and live upon the New
York side. He declines, thinking that
he is on the Lord'a side where he is.
The Paris correspondence of the Sa
turday Press speaks of a soiree given
by the resident minister of the Reptiblic.
of Hayti, at which the leading men of
the French capital were 'present, there
being no prejudice against color in in
telligent French society. = Th e herdine
of the evening was one Miss Debrosses,
a lady_ PI9PIA;r1v 1 10, -.fiallg-a,.grand., air.
from the "Africaine."
. The Governor issued warrants for the
execatiork offiouser and fluser; the . mai=
deters Miss Polly ,;Paul; 'oft Calabria
coanty,andChristianklierger, the mar:
darer of Miele ary ; Watts,, of ••G e rm
town. warrentstfix the execution
of ttei,two,former on-Friday 20,-and the
latter on Friday, April 27. •
;A , Ne* York . letter Writer 'says thet
curious rumors prevail circles*
touching a- forthcomiagJwork by a young_
mulatto girl of that city. The mann•
scriptohas been read : by • Well•
ktown literary Men, 'and it 'is . said to
show great ' brilliancy of style a nd vigor
of tholgtit. The only queita,fi seetri
to be as to the practicabillity of publish'at this time, but a prominent
house , negotiating fOr the Work.,
. ,
A young lady at' ,Seymour, Indiana,
became warmly attitched to a young
min. Her love was
. not returned. 440
procured a . preparation called !" love
powders," and Mixed, tlkem.-with the
yOung man's food. They poisoned: and
nearly killed , him, and be is going •to
bring`suit'against the young
,lady for
dam'ages." , _
A drunken mail` WIIS taken 'from
house of ill fame - to - thelock up in WaSb
ingtorr, the other whin upon his
person wereloued a roll of three thous
`and.dollars and` , e Pa - per showing that
-he was a Judge-Of a `United States Court
in a _Western Stete.. ThO awed
!man:took horrid: • • '
Dr.,4ityne, known, throughout the
whole country for the , persistent and ex
tensive advertising.. of ''Jayne's Reme
dies," died in Philadelphia a few days
ago. de had becomp.immensely wealthy
through his medicine business. ..
Uo the'3lst ofDecember, 1665,, there
were 220 newspapers published in Ohio,
'if 'which' twenty are dailies. Twelve,
are published in the German language,
weekly, except two which are dailies.
Cincinnati has seven dailies, Cleveland.
three and Columbus two. • .
The Memel Dispatch gives. the par
ticulars of the murder.of. Ephraim Bo
ger, living near * Jamestown, Ms body
was found upon the jamestown and
,Frailklin'Railroad, about a quarter of a
mile-from the station". He tiad shown r
a roll of money in'town during the Tire
vioue day.
• Nearly thirty , whisky distilleries were
Seized in New York on .Saturday last;
for violation of the internal revenue.
faws, *Any ingeniously contrived plans
for evading,,the, law were brought to
A ,Catskill: paper in 'epeaking . or
case of the death of a strange lady under
suspicious! circutantancis, sitYa i " - She
lims , a fine looking woman, 'about 23 or
30 years of age, :rather-above medium
size ; . fair. _complexion, browns hair, and
had. naturai teak"- '
Two men were accommodated' . with
lodging at one oT the . Philadelphia via
ticin'ilouses'last' week, , who ten i:ears
age; were leading and influential merch
'Rua sent thoo • to the watch-
A shoOmakeriu .Leeds, England, an.
dertooli lately, for a wager, to eat an
uncooked rabbit—for,•akin : and all. He
succeeded, but immediately went into
honiiilsions, which continued for an
hour when .he died. , '
The government,' being:unable - to fira
, • ...
a loyal man in ' Mali ama - to carry the
mail over the Mobile . arid - Miesiesippi
route., haa engaged a- Phibdelphian for
the purpose.
In - Paris there are ' 2,B,7Go street lamps,
al of Which are regularly , lighted before
the clos - e of the day, aud- burn A . dpring
the whole night.
The r
liarisberg.Telegraph says: that
• . •
it is again proposed to -locate - the,,,n
prerrie.',COurt of.the . State, permanently
at llarrisburg.
Cora L. V. Hatch , hoer' married'once
more; , now the`wife of Col, N.
W. - Daniels, and is leeturini foi the
beneqt of the freedmen'S Titirean.
couple were married Dubuque,
lowa, on Taesdny, with the consent of
'their tiarehtk , U41;01:00 keing only' 14
Years of . ..; :
Ma1,19.7.,4,14e k ex-tebeiSeeretary °file
'Navy, C has koto released - from Port La..
fiiiette -in oposecieencte °fill-health ;
•- - •
Wl' Waltz vOr 000
for thwvopy-iight 'of ti* Effe'ot Lind
T h eata.te .5" 1 ,4e,Y 1 .,5-..agre.o4 , to...fkflA
gbf Mora in a Nut-.Zten
lir The Reno oil and Land Company
advertisement will be found in our eel
um*, this leek. This is the ne plusitt
tra of oil coitnpanietu A new and lead
ing feature is the stock is • guaranteed.
Every bidder can send it to the office'of
the Company, and have it redeemed at
any time. This pledge is secured to
the holder, not by the mere guarantee
of the Company, which would be suffi
cient, but by the deposit of the par
value of the stock sold ( one hundred
:dollars ,for each share) in the hands of
H'on. J'cihn J".' Cisco, late 'Assietaii(Tini
ted States Treasurer at NeW York, and
Denning Doer, Esq., both well known
bankers of New York city. Such, an
investment, so surely . iguittde'd,' and at
(be same time offering so many oppor-
Aunitiecutprofit hba-never-been , placedr
before the American people.
,The ea,
tats is , one of the,most ,extensive in the
oil regiou, the working fund , &re' bun
drwitthoussnd dollars, as--large-as - the
capital: stock ma:other companies, while
the town. of Reno,,one of the most thriv: the oil country is'absolutely,own
ed by the % stockholders: This effort to ,
inaltePetroleum,a business =and - not a
speculation will do , great good in Amer:
Ica, and ,tend•to reform the management
of stock companies. Read their adver
tisement: in another column: -
ifif A'trian named King was arrested,
a few days since, Louisville for a
- theft ,recently committed in •Ohio, and
who is in ,jail awaiting c! !equisition
from the doiernor of Ohio,-has.con
fessed to . Harris,, recently•confip,ed
Goyerumqnt detective, that, he (King)
and not Payne, was the man,who.
tempted to assassinate . Secretary Seward.
in Washington, in .A•pril last. This
confession being repeated to ,Major =
Gen. Jeff. ,t.).:.P'tvis, tempnrarily com , '
mending this ; department, he telegraphed
to Washington for parties were ac
quainted with the facts of the aesessine
tion conspiracy, to come here and in—
vestigate.the affair. King • is identified,
here eel' rebel spy r during_the rebellion,
gar On Thursday evening last as Ex:
Gov. Ritner,was entering the' hbuse of
Mrs. Ritner, his daughter-in-law: in this
place, he fell back on' 4 the pavement,
cerating the back part of - hie head and
was so severely stunned that be lay in-,
sensible for some time. The accident
was a very painful one to a plan' of the'
'Ex-Governor's years, for OUT venerable
friend must be well-nigh eighty-five years
of age, and though retaining facuj,
ties in a remarkable degree, can ill with
stand the shock of accident 'snperadded
-to the shock of years.-
ear A gentleman, whtivyited the'coal
mines in Pennsylvania for the purpose
of learning why coal -cost - So much': in
New York city; writes the Malt of his
observations ,to The• N. World. 'The
cost of mining one ton Of coal was 55
cents ; royalty to the-owner of the mine
44 4 cents ; transportation to canal, 21
cents ; freight to New York; $1.50 ;
Government tax and weighing, $2 ; mak
ing the total cost of 2,24o.poundslof coal
at New York $4:70. The 'retail" price
of a tun, (2000 pounds) was 412.50.
ar Of 162,918 emigrants who arrived
at New York from the Ist of January
to the 31st of Ociober 1865 20 , 923 an
•nounced their destination to be Penn
sylvania. This is a much larger numbtr
than selected any . other, State, except
New York, for tbeir -future home.—
Their choice indicates the vigorous
growth, of many sections of our coat
moti*etiltli, and the demand for label.
Which was created' by the numerous new
enterprises that have .been prosecuted
Within its limits.
sir The nomination of Gei s . Geary
for Govern& of Pennsylvania; to-suc
ceed our present distinguished Chief
*agistrate, , M' everywhere • belied with
enthusiasm.'Thiel may wsill-be'the - ease;
for snore Sterling man in every respect
is not to be - found:- His loyalty is with
out-conditions= His adtninistrittive
ities' are setodd to none.- Hiii election
is beyond a peradventure. •
his not doubted . that •the state
ment,in the Tribune, that,
the President had given the: PenneyL
'AID is Copperheads, ,who ,same.,to Ask
his support,of Clyrner,, the very -Coldest
shoulder, was ipesiqcally,correct.,_ It is
predicted .that they will : hreak out in ,a
Mort time'foto aosw,edition of. abuse
of their •lateldol ~
• •
sir la.
Mr' 31: L, Sullivan, of . ChaMpaign
county;hii's seventylhdusand acres
of lan'd, 23:000 of which have - good "fen
nes.. He driiia his posts' pow
er, and digs ditehee;' sows end reaps
corn, and performs almost all other farm
ing operations by machinery He
p10y5 . 206 nien 4 arid lis 4 Meny liorees,' be:
sides some acoreifilf bien.
er Secretary McPulling!" transferred
to Treasury. $200„ as ":conscience.
money," that. amount .Ikaving.been. hand
`ad him . by allisnharged soldier, as I"overi
drawn" . in hie , linal - settle.ment. ,
The I3oard of Aldermen of New
;York libmetippeititicd committee to in :
quire' int - 011ie' 41rpedinZi of ""sienning
, BrosdOsiitt 144,ertil ' points With iron
bridges. - • :-. , ,
i ''
Oirtlitrik soldterfarte Eitif
t*.iistrautoti..:Vawoontainidg44Boo. come;;
at e ,4o, tiler Rare : ,
IT IS A FACT :—That more suffering,
disease 'and distiess, is alleviated by
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure than by any oth
er one medicinal preparation extant.
It is infallible in Dyipepsia, .General
Debility, Lassitude, Weakness, no ap
petite, indigestion and is an immediate
cure for any diseaie of the stomach and
bowels. Would alFo say in this con
nection, that Coe's Cough Balsam, com
pounded by the same firm, is invaluable
in all cases of Group, Sure Throat,
Whooping , Cough and' all throat and
lung complaints.
ar A Mexican who plays the flute
and the same time is the pres
ent novelty in Paris.
~.%petial Maim.
ifig has been proticunced "undignified ”, by`
the inedicaffacultY. A physician Who adver
tises e'valiiable remedy to fifty people in 'his
prriate practice would receive the cold shoul
dersfrom his , professional brethren, should he
make,lts men _ is known ta millions through
the businees columns , of ,: i newspaper press.
'Tillie may be "dignified,4- 1 1tut is it benevo
lent, humane or just? 'Whoever is fortunate
erioup,li to discover or invent anything that
will prevent, or cure, or. alleviate human suf
fering, ie bound to make it known, through
every channel of communication within his
reach, to the general public. For many years,
the merits ` of Hestetter's Celebrated Stomach
Bitters hive thus been Wital aided in the world`
and 'nniltitudes , biive bee:rib - restored to health,
•or saved"from fatal maladies, ia conseqnence. ,
As new,facts have been developed in relation
to the Operation of this most pure. and_ potent
of all Stomachica and Alteratives,' they have.,
been stated` in' simple language M the peMile 'of
many'-lands ;- and if the proprietors of the
medicine have derived • Profit from their.' din-''
semination,-thousands upon thousands of -in
dividuals have been benefitted thereby to • an
extent beyond ail estimaate. In the West In
dies, daniida, Australia and South America,
Hostettei's Bitters ate recognised as the o
specific 'tor Dyspepsia; the best possible "'safe=
guard against epidemics, and the finest invig- ,
orant:in cases of General- Debility, and the
only diffusive. stimulant entirely., free from
noxious ingredients.
LYON'S PEaiODICs , L Daces. The great
male Itemedy for Irreguharitics.----Theae Dreps,
are ascientifiCally compounded fluid prepara
tion;and better than' any Powderti of
Nostriirna. ' Being liquid, their action is direct
and positive, rendering them h /enable, spee
dy and certain specific for the , cure of all ob-.
structions and siippressions ef,nature. Their
popularity is indicated by the fact that .over,
100,900 bottles are annually sold and coneyrn=
, .
ed by the ladies of the United States, every
one of whom'speak in'the - Strongest terra' of
-p wise of theirgood -merits. ~,T hey are:rapidly
taking the place of everrother .Eemale Rem
edy,.,and are considered by all who know :
aught of them, as the surest, safest and most
infallible Preparation in the world, for the
cure of all female complaints; the removalrif
all Obstructions of natureVand - the promotion
of health, regularity and .strength. Explicit
directions stating when they may be used, and
explaining when they should not„ nor, could
,not be used without 'producing effects contra
ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care
fully •folded , atolind each bottle, with the wrif l .
'ten signature of Jowl L. LYON without
whieli none are genuine. ,
Prepared by Dr. Jona L. LVON, 195 Chapel.
street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con . -
suited either personally or by mail, (enclosing'
stamp); coneernineall private diseases and fe-
male weaknesses. Sold by Druggists-every
where. C. G. & Co., Gen'l Agts for
U. S.,and Canada& ,
To. CONBIIMPTIVEs.—The . advertiser hav
ing been restored to health in a few weeks lty
a very simple remedy, after having suffered.
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption, is an
„vicious to make known to his fellovmsufferers
the means of cure. To all who desire it, he
will, send a .copy,pf the ..preseription,,free” of
charge, ; With the directions for. nreparlog and.
useing,the same, which they will find a sure
cure for COnannoptfon, Asthma, Coughs, Bron
chitis, Coldis;a nd all throat and lung affections.
The only object of the advertiser in sending
the . . prescription is to benefit - the, afflicted' and
sproad information which': he conceives to „be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer, will.
,his remedy, as it Will cost them nothing,.
and gay Prove'if blessing.
.. Paid - es' Wishing the - FREE,
returminaili wilt please addrees • ;
Rev: EDWARD A. Wrisoa,
Kingq county, New-york.
ERRORS or YOCTH.-A gentleman who suf
fered fox years from, Nervous . - Debility,
mature Decay, and all the effects ofik youthful .
indiscretion, will, for the n
sake of suffering
, .
huntaiiii,foien4 free to ild'
weed it, the
recipe std diEectiona for making* the simpfe
keinedy by which be .was Cured. ' Sufferers
wishing to - profit by the. advertiser's experi
ence, can, ,so by addressing J,oiArr : 11,,00r
DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York.
,ITcw..2 !Tot I ! 'Ten !I Scratch! ‘Scrack
Scratch ! "Wheaton' a Ointment" will, cure
the Itch in 48 hours. Also cures Salt Rheum,
Ulcers, Chilblains; arid all eruptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists,
By sodding 60 - cents to WEEKS &
Sole Agents, -170 Washington street, Boston -
Moss:,.ltwill be fdrwarded by =di v ine of
postage, to any part of the U. States [Gm
STRAIIGIEr - BUT Tin - fn.—Every young lady
and gentleman in the United: States Call hear
something very much to their advantage 'by,
return mail (free of charge,) by addressing
the undersigned. : Those having fears of being
humMiggedlwill oblige by not noticing Bari
card.-- Air otters will - please addiese
,obedient servant, Taos.' E. CnArwArt l ..B3l
Broadway N. y.•.; ,
f Deafne4, - -131indeess and-Catirrh; trea ,,
td w ith the utmost Auccesa,by : J.lSAACS;
Mr D., Oculist and Anrikt,,(fottnerl) of Ley- .
diit, No. 519 . P/N.E,..4 7 ,, 1 5 11441-
Phis. Teetimomale from the most reliabte
the - cifr indeotinit3r .; can be assn at
'hie °Mei.' The medicarfaeulty : re iri,i~edto'
"accompany their patientaoks.he has no secrete
in hi& P.l.ACiice! , J:4lToficial 49 8 .b1ie.:1051 with-,
I°-qpain, ocharge f or ea l n 4l*.U.9a• . '
ja - ..l4clietclan.legviye box; of
Pills b7..maikseal, eYB± l 49t, titg:pub.-
Lk, by, encloiting, one dollar and , tux' vo,ttliz
ot mpe to O. Sta'ples, General Agen t 'for air
stertowo ; N. T.
eije Vtrubian liogrnp.
la a protectid solution of the
a new discovery in medicine which
Strikes at the root of disease,
by supplying the blood with its vital principle,
or fife element—z nor
This is the secret of the wonderful success of
curing this remedy in
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic
/Mitt - lima, Boils, Nervous Affections,
Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of
Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of
- The Kidneys and Bladder,
Female Complaints,
and all diseases originating in 13 bad state of
Blood or accompanied by debility of a low
state of the system.
Being free from Alchohol in any form, ita
' energizing effects are not followed by cdrie
sponding reaction, but are permanent, intu
iting strength, vigor and s new life into all parts
'Of the ifystem, and building up an, Iron Con
stitution.' -
. .
From the venerable archdeacon Scott, D. D.
Dunham, - Canada Eset,Alurch 24, .1865.
• • • " I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of
mule than 25 years standing:7T
" rhiiiie been eo wonderfully bene
fitted in the- three' short' Weeks - during which I
have used the, Peruvian Syrup, that I can
scarcely - persuade myself of, the reality.—
People who have kno sin me .
Are astonished
at the change. known, and can
but recommend to others that Midi has done
so 'mach for me.?' •
A Can. of 27 Years' Standing Cured.
From Insley Jewett; No. 15 Avon place, Bin.
ton. -
I liave suffered And some4snes severely,
27 years, from Dyspepaia. I commenced
taking-the Peruvian Syrup. and found imme
diate Wenefit from it. In• the course of three
or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my
sufferings, and have enjoyed uninteinipted
health-ever sinee.”
An Eminent Divine of Bristol) sayir':.
."-Iliaveibeen using the. Peruvian Syrup for i gine past; it gives'me newrigor, buoy
ancy:of spirits, elasticity of muscle."
- Thintiands have been-cliiinged by the use of
this rienedy ; front weak, iiekly, suffering m ea
tures,, healthy, and:happy men and
women ; and invalids cannot reasonably
tate to give it a trial.
A patoPhlet.of 32 pages, containing certifi
cates of cures an.. recommendations fr6rn
so,ms9f the Rost,eroinent physicians, clergy
men, and others, will be sent ratr. to any ad
tit. See that each bottle hae,PEIIU VIAN
SYRUP blown in theglaaa.
Fort BALL DT -
J. P. Dinsmore, -Proprietor, 36 Dey Street,
New York.
-.s•: , Cito P La!rf
All Medical Men agree that lODINE is the
best remedy fot Scrofula and ail kindred dis
eases ever discoyered. - Thedtilieulty has been
to obtain a pure solution of
Is a Pure Solution,of lodine, without a sol
vent ! ! .
Containing A FULL GRAIN to each ouucc
, of water.
A . moit Pbwerful Vitalizing Agant and
It HA. s cured atid'veric Other. SCROFULA in
ail its manifold forty. •
ULCE RS, .CA pre F.R3, LIS,64,LT -RHEUM &C.
Circulars wil l . be sent ra l .nn idtliny One send
ing their , address.'
Price $l.OO a bottle, or 6 for ..$5 00
Prepared by Dr. 'D. ' Ahders. physician and
J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York•
11Ji3fo's 244) of IUiID ChamT
Coughs. Colde, lloaraeness, Sore Throat, In
fluenga, , Whoo'ping Cough,. Croup, Liver
Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty of
Breathing, Asthma, and every
affection of
The Throat, Lungs. and Chest.
which carries off more victims than any other
disease, and which hallles the skill of the
Physician's to alreater extent than ahy other
malady, often .
when-all others-prove lnelfectual.
IT l IS SE D '
while as a„preparation, free frorn.mmious in
gredients, poisons, or minerals ; uniting skill,
science ' and medical - knowledge; combining
all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom
for ibis class of disease, it is
and is eniitledi - merits;Zind receives the gen
confidence of the- public.
of. Herman, N. writes as tollowl
Wistar's Balsam, of Wild Cherry gives
universal' Satisfaction. It seems to _cure a
cough biloosenitig end .cleansing the lungs.
and ,allaying irritation, thus removing the
auk., instead of drying uf; the cough and
leaving 'the cause behind. I. consider the
Balsam as good as any, if not the best, Cough
medicine with which I am ticu;mitited:"
The - Re*. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover, Pa.
Well,,,knowii and muckrespected among.- the
' Ger Man pi:Tula - thin in'this country, makes
the following statement for the benefit of
the afflicted...,
DEAR Sins 'l,---Having realized in my family
important-benefits from the use of Your vain
able .preparation,--- WISTA A'll, BALSAM OF
WILD CHERRY-it affords me pleasure to re ; .
commend it to theiniblic• - Some. eight 'years'
ago one of my deughtem., seemed to. be in - a
decline; and 'Bile' hopes Of her recover - Y . ' were
entertained. I. then procured a bottle of your'
excellent. Balsam„.a . nd hefpre she had -taken
'thewhole Of the centents'of the `bottle there
'was a: great, - improveMent in oherhealth. I•
fieve;.irizny individual, case made tiequent
use Of - your 'valuable edicine,',and have al-
Ways heel] benefitted it: Jecon'Sndticza.'
• Tort .BALE • 41 Y
J. P.l4';' , loMattE,3q Re_y Street, settr„Tork.„ . .
SETH & Sort, TropriEtors, Boston..
Arid by till Trnsgosti.
, .
. .
Grace's Celebratea SaIve
tGraces ;Celebrated:Si/tie
. 40x4.ii, ULCERS. .CANCMILS.
Grace's Celebrated Salve
. . .
Grace's Celebrated Salve .
41, nzir6eilLii sorinsoi.karesvorizinii & _ C; {
. ..
:itier,prompt in action,. removes pain at Once,'
and 'reduces the most angry-looking, swellinge
.andinitainmatippuivaa k if by :majiiei—tbiralif-.
fording relier l and a complete .cnra., ~- ..;
Qpiji 25 eta a bog.! ( pentky,Wiribi3s'its:;
Eor Bal.P..i.lfrbtrlOAMPXf.,364:ymeterwej:
New York: - , .
3. VSI FOWLS & SON; Prowietciro.
Sold by ail Drycistsi 3 OroOkii, one CeltfttiT
tares. ' "''- - f'
OIL cfcL i .
CAPITAL. S/0 ,000,000. SIIA RES, 8100 ;
AWL e. olub
For every Share of Stock 19911 ed, the
p a
Value (One Hundred Dollare)
will be deposited In the
And may be withdrawn by the Stock -hale
at any time.
--------------- H A - A: 1 A t .3
Vice-President, CH ARLES v. cu l y'
Treasurer, ROBERT F. Bib)
lion. GALUSH A A. Gaow,
. •
'Late Speaker of the U. S• 'louse Df
sentitives. '
Hon. C. R. RANSOM, •
U. S. Bank Commissioner for Neu L . '42' •
Hon. SEC/HEYDEAN. Prowidenc,,
Late Mem. of Cong. - -Editor of tb, •
dence Press.
HENRY A. SMYTSIE, Esq, Near y, k
President of the Central Yational P
LuetErr H.Cur.vca, Esq. New
Of Culver, Penn & Co., Bankers,
Hon, AUGUSTUS FRANK, Warw.,. 1 ;
Mem. of the House of Rep., 360, 3-
35th, Cong.
'Maj. JOHN L. Wrcsos.
Late of the United States Ar:11•,,
Ind. President of Firet
South Bend.
Of Culver. Penn & Co., and
present Cong.
Neil. of Tradesmen's Nal
President of the National Sal,
Co., Pa.
Col. JAMES H. Bou- s:e.
Presidentof Third Natiorm;
GEORGE 11. RHEA, haq..
President of Second National It,
TRUTV.EfI 01 1.11 ,
Hon. Joan J. Cisco.
Of John J. Cisco & SMIN
Assistant 'Treasurer oi the L .
Of James G. king's Song, I;:inke:4,
consist of Twelve hundred aele4, fti
the Allegheny river, in 1,
Pennsylvanta—the heart of the 0.:
in that State,
ONE 7710 US. .VD
can be .conk upon th,
Test wells have been stint: no 1:,, •
and Oil found in paying ,„
instance. Fl FTY WELLS hre
put down to te followed by otii,:,
as possible to the extent neresunV
velnpe rite property. One
ing only ten barrels a day esti,
barrel, a price much bel,.w
at Reno, would give one
thousand dollars a year of inr,n.,
profit of probably fifteen per
pence and taxes of every kind. I E
ing wells are found, to sing - 4
tory muy yield tie entire
'The Company owns the
together with Several liundred I. ts
ness and Dwelling Houses. Tmo,
tensive demand for them. and V.: ; •
from their sale w;11 be very
The price of the Stock 1134 hen r
ONE IIIiNDS ED AN!) Fl‘ E 10 , 1
pet share. Five dollars go into the 1...
of the Company as a contributi,u i , ,
log fund. The par value of !LP 4t ..•
Hundred Dollars, is paid to I •
be deposited in the Treasury of th.. ;1
States, or invested in Government •
and ;nay be withdrawn by. thr.
any time.
By the payment often Dollant.
desire to await the result of the
developement, can secure the right or .'tst.-
wrocx for one hundred dollar= Fnnin,
any time before the first day of Ap.r.
kri' It is an ihvestment it:
of Lrirge — P refit and is always
Cash at par. It rni4ht he calls 1
So large a Working Fund (s.soll,i„tio
never been_ pnivided. or expended 1,, 911 Y
Company- in the Oil Region. SUBSCIIV ,
quoNs will be received by agents arid ay' Iltr
principal Ranks and Ban kers throughout ti
country. Prospectuses and littler intoraiseo
Will be furnished by Agents, and by
SAMUEL T. How Asp,
21 Naussau St. New V,Ft.
New York, have commenced the bushiest
of taking SUBSCRIPTIONS to all the
(quarterly or .half-yearly,) at the lowest
yearly rates, :offering a great advantage 0
. lovers of literature, who may wish to take
several pnblicatione paying but a little no
ney at a time. Full particulars in a dew;
tar sent on application ro any address. *.
A GOOD AGENT WANTED in each town.-
lar" P S T-MASTE RS-are requested
send for our circular containing induce
manta. •
- . BLACKWELL &Lid•,
No. 171 Broadway, New-yolk
Decemper 27,.1865.-3m.]
1-Tcp - u_ee-Pal i 1 t - 1.13 g
The. undersigned would respectfully rtn
nounce to his !Ad friends and the ebil l
generally, that he continues the above bunco
in all its various branches
Especial attention paid to plain and fstl
paperhanging, China glossing, Frosting sn
Enamelling Glass, Graining of all kinds,k ,.
Thankful for past favors, would ask s COP •
tinuance of the.same. Residence a few dual
west of the'Town Hall, on 'Walnut street.
blarietta, Nov. 25, 1865.-Iv.
. .
FETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the
Post Office at Marietta, Pa., TamanA r,
Ref' 22, -1866.
Brickley, Michael McCabe John 2
Sister, Benonia Martin, A.
'arpenter, Jobc Miller, Henry li•
Gable, Amos Jr. . Straede, Charles F.
Kunkle, J. A. i Thorton, John 2
'Li'ndsay, John. _ Wantzel, Chastise ,
• 13-:To obtain any of these letters, the . 5,P'
plicant must call for "advertised laters,"l'vi
'the date of this list, and pay one cent for s '
'vettieibE• ' ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. DI.
.r ~'a
A.V041. 520 Arch st., Phaadelphea
T' C - 1 - 3
,at Reduced prices. .
. The uncieriugned intends' to open s select
s c hool on therlast Monday in March, tc l . L e o T r i
tinue three, months. For further pare
'please enqUirelst Mr. 8., Gar man's._
E, UM ,
Marietta, Match 9th 1966;
LY°N'S Ptrintlimal Drops, end Cis&
..• Thr (laden Nort''
; . Itt