. , ,„. • ..._....:. By FRE.D:K .- L...AKE it.: :-- ... - • - : - :„ . ,. - •,.:... - : - ..... - .1.1. ARIETTAI .-. SATURDAI - MORNING:, - MARCH :10 - ',,18G6J - :::.:t.. - . ~.:','•- VOL XII --NO. 31 .. . . . .. . ~ • . • , ,stribilCtr anti. gnitbEmutr. ... Imo most respectfullyiaka this inerixis,9f idaviing los friends and the.publiegerrerally thst he has cnnunenced , the' draiiineof DEEDS, MOETGAGES, . JUDGMEAVgs, t . tid iv tscl everything in the CON V eVAlerneell l i ne 'laving gratuitous intercourse ,, witho e mewber of the Lancaster Bar,: , he will. bo:ellaz Ysil to execute legal instruments of ',writing 3CCurricy . tLz lie can be found at the office of "'Fut Itl KTT I A "-- b ` Lindsay's Building," :(see. 31.(1 floor) near the Post °thee corner: dr: at I:is re2idenceor. Nlaract streeit„ half a aqtatru west of the " Denei:al House,"' lilank Deeds, Mortga'ges;Judgniiints and Lows always on 1:4;.d and fdr. • . - - ALEX. NDER. LYNDSANi • , Fushionnbie • •. Heat and Shoe ..,ArtintiPatwjer, MAR b: ET STREET, NIA-MY/PTA, PENN Would most respeettully inform the citizens of this Borough and peighboilliond'tiiitibe t)c largest assortment 'of City inane wOrkin his :Is: of business in this tiorotigh, and 'lie= a maenad HOOT AND SHOE MAKER . chabiea to selcetarith more judgmeliit 11,,i111,5e who are not. HeeMatinuee cd:: ,, re in the very best 'Mintier everythrng 1 , , I,le BOOT AND SHOE LINE, whieti be 4. , in• int for nedtheas and eod :, -- j-t:sh and examine, iii 4 st.)ck. before elsewhere. :::s THE BEST OF i IDE LADY'S FRI D—gOVOt;(id to ~Tr 1 5.11.- : -;,. los and LEIR.R. AT I; RE,. ,Beautiful Steel', L,lirathlgs. SPLENDID DOURLE-SIIZED ,!COLL-. Kip r.tsatoN PLATES. The Latest Vattern .I UlPdie9, C 1031,5, BoLneN, Ephrohteiy, noo:Lhoid receipt;, .51.u.site I.'llyar.9 Sewing Machines - given pt etn tutny.t.. 1.5 a:Wei fur u 311Mple copy to O . IN, :.PETVA.,;ON, Bational Bank of - Ilariettav rivMs BANK! tit; ASSOM ATION 1: 'ICING COMPLETED IT ono AnizAtrixn v.-cpaired to tratist.ct sul kinds of ' BAN Cr LIIISINESS. — • • • rouid of Directors nievt weekly, •ont 21.1, , :av, fit discuunt and Mlle; businlus .i ;6r rk Mann. : From to 3 r.• m, • Jon BOLLING ER, Pp POD XtUr• Row Atilll',.Castiier. ; Ant) ASSOCIA'FION,- P1111...41)ELPH1A,R4,. 111.3C3 Of the Urinary and Sexual'Systonts,:. t:rw and reliable treatnient. -Also, , the. f. mo.t LCH all OCR. uu Edsa) of warning and. ~:tiun sent in sealed envelopes, fr , e of Du. J. Slitt.t.ria flouoit-roa,- elation, No. 2 South [ jan. 1., F:I;E,T ON D POS LI'S. -0- l'ir.,t Nuttonal Bank qf Marietta, Junuu:y 10, 1366. ei pin L. - - - SIOO',OCO . :17( FUSL, - - $Q.,228:70 pay 5k per e.ntunv interest ' ;osiismode tor one-year: :1,n•1 AMOS Ital V t11.4N, Cashier... • • DIL J. Z. HOFFE-R, , . D.E.NTIST, • • (h i/ALTanox,E ,COLLEGE ` stirihNTAL suitcw.N, LATE oFAurtislmr cE:---rrout street;. irela ;nor' to R . ki Drug Store; between.. Lu4st WahlUt streets, Columbia. 1: A I. PT. O B R A ,MI S t A T LAW LA,N qz , ;. s`x PA., :—No. 24 Nouru Duxr. ye the Court frouile, where he, will et.- die practice of his pr.?fiaision in all itt brznchee. R. 1i \l. B. ; F.ABNESTOCIt„ O FFICE:—MAIrt-sr., ME,A RE? OPPOSITE Spangler Ai Pitlereon'e Store. ' . FROM 7 TO B A. X. CifICE LIOURS: t." 1 TO R.. . - " 6T07 P. Mr." AtiObi & 11A - M•LI'N • Cabinet 'Organ's, ' , .'3:ereett styles, no - opted saered and . Inuatc, for SSO to $6OO each. FIT - rY_ O Yt God or Silmr Meitab, or other firstpre- -- "2rai awarded them. .I.lll2strated-Citaingues i '. Lt lrer• Address, lkissoo it Hastuzi, Bos t:1). Dr MASS BRortiERS; New-York . : •i.. , ..w)er 9, 1564.-ly.j TTENTioN spoitTsmErei!...tt i:10-3 Gun Caps, Eley'4 Gun. Waddsi ' Sponing and Glazed Duck Powder,. balti r wire Shot ; Shot Pouches } Powder' Flasks, In2lll JOHN SPXlstatEti , g. • fifiI.C.ATE'S TOILET SOAPS. 11,) tlcY, Clycerire, Palm •Alinorid 2 21latha .. al , '114`..111 Equal imParqth;—. Jun received and for sale, very chetip , kV' THE GOLDEN - MORTAR; ' CiPriog Ealmorals "nosierYi Hells and fluetles Embroidered Einudtror ; i A and Collars Mourning Collars - and "ill, Head Nets and Dressr Trirrinaingin . • - ull supply at SPANGLER SCRIMPS: C/113 /CR Lot of Books for children Coined. isdaltruat ctable Plessumßooks ; Schociland ' 44r Books Rt iontieY , . at Pena, .Pen holdera LA N DINA TROUL'.. CRO/X D YEW lINGLAN.LLIZUM 4.1. " 1441 7 purp - craes, warranted On n , D. .fiertjanaLtr;,.-- gi" b P RINTING of every despription:ex 6,,Ercc'bud Trheariich IKneatnessettian and dispatch at the °I . Ii AVANAS-EA A R the Chewing and Smoking. Tobacco tst WOLFE'4., LET ik OF o /RUT WINDOW'. i S HADES at remarkably lotlettPrie"t' Llose ht 1 JON* RPANGLE.a. 1,041 v B - 7 -- pasteCteir.satect cemenp,a!i..tn, " TH EGOLDEN A/ I p;94:/PTIONS received tor all the lat .r iodicat t . of the day c..qeon Mortar. cx) , . - 4-t 1 . 1 ) a Twit _ Art abilltptittut -I,ltrittslilbattia 3ournal for tije Name Otrirtic. I.tltill.B•E. I SHED WEEKLY AT-=ONE , MILLAR AND A. RALF t` YEAR Office, '' twos second floor, on,,Elbow Lane. between the Post „06qc., -C9rper and ; Front4sll, Marietta • 4Lan'eaWer. County, •Pe'nnsylvaitia. • gIarZESTI . SII4O , RATES - : One' iglu ire '-(10 lines, or less)7s cents: for•thelfirettineeiticirktnd One• Dollar andLa4half 'for 3 7 inIsertidni: ' Pro fessional and Bueiheso catdi, ufldx , litccs or less 'at .815 per RaTrUlll.i: trOtldelithr• the retidine 'col umns, teit.cents a line. aiM rriagee tind-Deaths, the simple announcemettir llama ; but iur •a - zry additional lines,itenTents a line. • zA liberaltdedtiction meidnto yearly P tid,half yearly advertisers:L.: • . ~Hawinfrjelitt 'added. s. , f , ^Nawittrav rattn-Jous Prtass,'?. 'lngather Aeith a' lari aSsortment,olnevr. , Job str&Tard; type; Cul% liordera,'&c.il&e. , , allan , Olfice of " Tn:r. Maatrinn3tatrip,*hich williiinsurirthe'f - ne and I t speed y.executionfof; a/I:kiitde4of -Joa =ilt• Cst , RD P POTS' the. sealkst I , odr 4 , to the LA Ra.kST POSTER, at reasonable 'prices A',POEM.TOFi,T . IfE' SEASON; ..!I(egitAt hrakpity,upon..ampoor i lerkdr eih a ti tlt§ LOrd."PrUverb.o :`) - It is repertsid elf a biirtiiiii . 'clergytnan, that, -hal'ag red hi - - telt; htt tooted. d 13 potii• hi* - deagiegation , ' and Jrex elacieed:-.”Nail no w,tnayUltrial if yottAika tgiol-keeerftyrlibwri , With the. Bast I , • Ged'oßtfre ihg-yearT thy. powei tirbiVei 4 efierArrn:•iitifooEi the fie:War tiiioden'graila • ' 4aCtitenrestores : flle ti it reign,., QtdrotrY:aktktfAr 6 itcjeK, 'Lai those ,whoui ,age and. penury r tlepower•of Croat has locked the ground. gibe streanis in: icy chairis , ere -boned : Spare"thou' the Lfartoflrkan ; And fotiet` of pity - floi. dire J, Lord rbY . till - eltsrard ate7ordi on, 'Lillmercy holy `wont The board . , withtoitli iloode spread, lala.ziug..kpart the downy bed—. God. thou, ar“ust—viie.t.vmortal4 Aare. Uu,ll these liissown rotwthitle they ire; • .*"...ttied;'Lor -thy balek;W'aihi stelvitido- OD; `holy-volt The hand that won the orphad'e'b'read Is laid to slumber with the dead !' The bare-foot'boy, i lnid winter skies,"' Prom dOoi; todooir hiejabor plies. Speed, .1..,0rd, thy hapkward,.etewarda on, Pilltoerpy',e hpiy )word , be dorm., Load 110%16 the storm---!tis cold-:and rho tbivering outean tries 'the ote back ward'stetVard of the poor Turns down bie light and bare the door. Speed, perk thy b i ackward stewards op, Titl roeroy's ko.ly work be done. Tie I.3E);sltY 5100N,.413y is the first month: after .marriage called the " honey, moon ?" Doubtless , ori , account: of .the sweet lunall*hich - controls the heads of the parties Hering that brief and' de lightful Period. What a pity that they should ever .get quite rational again I That sentimentality '43 !maid- give =plebe to sentiment, sentiment to sense, love yield tulogic,nrid Sabin to factiill ttip happy pair are reduced' from - the_ gden of romance to: the sahtiraof realityy from ileaven,.to earth--and perhaps _a peg lower I - . • Strange-as it may seem, there. have. been couples Who'brive 'quarreled in the first month of matrimony, and hack to their astonished parents before the good moiler had fairly got done weeping, ( and• relating too,) at her" daughter/0 departure? Their* honey. in rink "' litr"the full' of her thorn and bee;aine'a moon of viaegiti instAad. A bad offial,ilkiiii'Tke're ,wasmach sense, aild , prupriety,,in -the test which tharincient'clergymen ohose•for ding . :Sermon; -was - takerrtfrOm.• , the Psalms of David; and read 'tihniti'"And let there be peace While. the moon en . derail." hotne, where I Bud Mary klooking-wer- Fry red-eyed ; and I makes no more ado, bat 4 gaoling pipe,. and empties thb bit. o' dust there was in the bottom o' -the' ar intwit, lights'p, and sits down aside' of Mary. and, puts my arm round her jest t axi used 'to iw old . courting times; and-thew.begins smoking an' thinking. Werry . slowi as to the =fast, and worry` fast ; as to the Second ; as smoking 'CO . litli InOnby,'and:the dust • was dry ;' wheinas thirkkingscama cheap - jest then—and it's surprising how you can think dii itiemp . ! ty inside. I suppose it is -.beatnik there's plenty o' Foom,fior the theighr4, to wOrkil. . ~. . 1 ' Veil I hadn't . been . it" ''' ' above ' W A gentle:wtanpaid s3so,;forjcupe,...,' ~,,,,,_ ); ~,,.i ...' • .L. 6l '' I P . - '.- .!' her ciul Arai la,to. takeitliale,'froac.Bostow.;-.1.0Z"'"""'. like "ill ' W b Ula, WY humi. l 9 43 . au,d' on my-, uhonlder i and though she flortland, Saturday-a , woek-; to'citictitthe English st43ttniVt.= He - iiirivictliilinid;' ' ll9 ! it ik a • 11:t:.:152t;1`e, seeL ", 4' i A A ' k" !` e4 , - a" , forthe steamer did not lealie lf E dijr-i,lel''" a l ",,:hriff.7/:;119tili""FI. !LO! I/9 . Ile x ts - moin ib ealtd , ' he ,iniohVibioie-4iii4,07...P0r14 Perhaps' 1 ;11 ta) d e hut a i littkabjt i s e one y. 4 .* ..2 flailing ~.:,ftir. the id e f a i iiii i4: tighter, r . knd,..theil):t sat tbinlOgg, , ; §n t t, " ir ;i: .lu6 ~ d o bril.:.. ~' , 4 ', '41,64 1 : ll* 4: .Nitat#l , ll:W!).Ain PACqfpk r t4ll4 l CALlAlll#B, /• ", ,l 1,:.} t. it - WlO .* ''*" ':' `" " " °biliidigiii, and scaffolds, . and h • ei11 5 4:9 , bricks, and blocks o' stone; and- could almost hear the ring o' the trowels, and r Marlborough, ;wrote the 'Dube - So merge tlsben he offered lerparriage " If I, were young andi,handsolco , fee I Was, inateadiof °blend. fadediaii.ll :am; and. yob c0n1d , 4141 the world at my feet, - ;tonsl,Lonjd lie,ye,F4age, the beartAnd haratldiat, Otne#, belonged o John,.Dukes of:Marlborough." frir It is beauty's prisillege . time. and tiaie'o privileie to kill keenly. MO From AU the Year Remind I'm ,a,,bricklayer,. I arti ; : ,and, what's more, down ill the country, where people ain't so particular about Ireepingtrades distinct as they are, in -the great towns. this may be seen any day in -a general shop, where, as one may say, you can get anything, from half a quarter of but ter up to a horn- lantern ; and down again:to a hundred of short cut beetle— well, down in the country;' I've done a bit of a job now and then as a mason ; and notan badly neither, I should sup pose, for I got pretty =well paid consid ering;-and I - didn't.belir more than the ueuaj dmount of growl n' crier -it was done—which is skiing a deal. - 011ie ain't the most agreeable of lives, and if it warn't , for recollecting a little about the dignity 1:11 labor, and inch tike, one would often. grumble ` more than one does. ' _ Some time ago, it don't matter Layout, ndr me, nor yet , anybody else; just When it was. work was precious Slack down our way.J=-all things considered,. I ain't a going , to toll youmhere our way is. A day's work a week had been all I'd*beeti able to get for quite, two months ; : so Mary, that's my wife; need to pinch and and screw and keep. On squeezing shilling arter shilling out of the long stocking, till at last it got so ,light, that one morning...she lets it , npbo tkelable, where, insteai:t of con! ) iog dovin with a good heartYspang, it fell softly and jest like a piece of cotton, that Was empty. "And` then, poor she hangs on to my neck, and buistout e:eryini that Offal', thatM I' blest if I, didn't want my nose blowing every quay . ter"Of a minute. I hadn t minded the screwing "and pinching; iaot a bit of.it. First week ee went without our putt dings. Well that Wasn't muc,b. Sec ond Week we stopped:My half-pints o' beer. Third week I put my pipe out. litili-yltep' On' saying that tilings must look up soot', end _Oak I should have an ounce pf the best to make up for it. But things didn't look up ; and in.spite ;of all.the screwing .we got down to the bottbm oPtbe stocking, as I said -jest,- l i hadn'tmuch cared for the pinching, but it was my poor lass as got pinched the,,most, aud she was a-gotticg paler and : ,thinner every day, till I couldn't beakto.Aae,it. . I run out o' the house,- and down..to Jeukin's yard, where I'd been at work last. I soon found •Jenk- Ina, and I says to him•-•-• • "Governor," I saysf; "this won't do, you know ; a man can't live upon wind.' " I'rue for you, Bill Stock," be says. . 4 :l,nd a man can't keep his wife upon windy I says. :" Right - you are; Bill," he says; and he'tvent on and spoke as fair its 'a man could speak . ;• and said he hadn't 'a job he'ooald'put'iue on; or he' would have done it _in Minute.. " I'm worry sorry; lie say,"" but if tans don't mend I tell you what I am a-going - to db: " •W hat's that ?" I says. to London," he says, "and if I thts , a youog man like Yon, I Wouldn't step`starving down here, when 'they're giving first-class wages up there, and . ,when there's building going on all round as thidlt as thick, andorgood bigjobe too;; hotels ,and railways, and bridges, and all sorts." I faces •round .sharp and walks off home. for when a felier:s _hungry and close op, it lays hold , on his temper. as well as his stummick more especially when „there's ,somebody beionging-, to him' in the same fix. So ,I walks off A Thrilling Story. In Jeopardy, 111 - the " sorlar o' the big stone,sews ; and there wee_ he men a running upAnd down the ladderP, and the.gangers orderS, and all seemed,so that 1 kepn to get warm And I keeps on smoking till it seemed as though I was one o' a great crowd o' men stand ing round , a lit"t'le square ' wooden office place, and being callpd one at a time ; and 'there I could see them a-taking their six•and-thirty anti two pounds a-piece, as fast,as a clerk could boo& it. And then all at once it seem ed to fade away like a fog . in the gnu ; and I kep' on _drawing;.but nothing come, .and I foundas my pipe was out, and there . walnething left to light.agen. SO I knoeks the ashes out—what there was on 'em—and then I breaks the pipe, bit by bit, and puts all. the pieces in mly Tocket—riglit-hand trousers pocket. " What for ?" says you. Nothin' at all, as I knows on ;.bot that Whit I did.; aed.l am a telling,you what happened. Perhaps it was be cause I felt upcomfortable with nothing to rattle in my pocket. Elowsorriever, my mind was made,ng • and brightening up,'Ond looking as cheerful as if I'd six and-thirty shilliags to take on Saturday, I_ says to her as, was by my side— , " Polly, my lass, I'm a going up . to London." "tioitig . where ?" sho says, liftiog,up her. head. "London," I says ; and then I began to think what going ,to London meant, For, mind yer, it didn't mean a.chap in, a rough ja.cket maising.np a..boodle in a, clean blue handkercher, and, then sliov : in' his stick through the knot, and utak-, log it over,his shoulder, anti taking. ; the; h . road uppards, w !at, ICI li ke a blackbird. Ne;" it meant something else ; It meant; breaking up a tidy, little home as two young folks—comthou, people in course —had been a .saving . for years •to Make - snug, it meant half : breaking .a prior simple lass's heart to part with this little thing and that little...thing p tearing up the nest that took so long a building, and was alias so, snug, arter.a eold day's work. I looked at 'the clean little winders, aud then at the liright kettle on Ittie shiny black hob, and: then at the worry small fire as there was, aud: then rust at one thing, and then at another, all so clean and neat and barne:. ly, and. all showing how „proud •my lass was of 'ern all, and then I thought:4l . lß, tie more of what, going up to London really did mean, and I.suppose it must have been through feeling low and faint and poorly, , and ,I'm almost ashamed to tell it, for. I'm such a big strong chap : but truth's truth: -Well, sonsehoW ti blind seemed to looms over my eyes, and my head went down upon my knees, and I eried like,a schoolboy: - But it went offilatial we set to talking. over -the, arrangements ; and two. days arter, Molly And I was.in Et lodging-• in' London. . gex' Morning I was up at •five, and, made myself smart not,6ne, bot,,cleao, and looking us if I svarnl4fraid , of work. I I finds my ,way to one o'-.the big, work—, shops, where the belLwas a ringing:for sixu'elock„and,the men was,a .senffling in.. There -was4i couple more chaps like me . standing at the gate, come ,to see if they could get took on-; and one of 'em slips comes,out again directly .a . swearing and.growling:like anything, and , then Vother, goes in, and ha comes oat a swearing too, and then I feels my 'heart go oinking down ever so low. So I suys to the fast— "Any chance of a job ?'' "90 to—" sown where, he saymiontting np rough ;so I asks t'other. °Re—' • "Any.chsq.ce of .;a job •: ' • I " Not ik-ba'portb,"• he says, turning his back, and going, or with the fuss one.; and I must say they looked sprat tF pab. of blacks. • - • - • So I stood there• quite 'five ilnitiutes . Wondering _what to do Orhether go in wod ask for myself, or 'go and try- , somewheres else. -I didn't- like to .try: ayter, seeing two .men - refused: :; All at once a tall, sharp-eyed man comesi 4 out of aside placeand _lonks,at , Vite fierce. . " Now, my .man,," he epys , " what's your ? What, do you want "Job, sir , ' says I. tiien why didn t you come in and ask 1' aays. . • 1 1 S - aw two tuipc4bicii,'.. I ma. ,'Oh:1 we Oon't.. want such as...Aem vhure,:,. he . says,; . but .there's tiieutf• f; of , work foiiiien who [twat!. it ;' thep, :le 1 140 1 5 0 A 1 1113 . thr9P4, 11 ...11005t..! -'.•I ;sup.: pose dP ?,•; . Et , zo‘dii!3 us hp,W of l a says—l 'spit tio c cin pot.l3_,lntods ? _ • ; „ ' Bricklayer ?' says he, stalling. ' Right,' says I. ' From the country ?* siays he. Yes-,"-'etiya 'l. • •• •' 'Work - sfacli'there‘r says says I. 'You'll do,' 'iays' be. ' JObvs, paCthisfeliow...in number four lot.' Well, I, wasia work 1:11YR, and I meant to keep it., My : hodmaa .did .his day's work that day, if tre never' did, it rifiire. Then some of the men begpu to take it up', and got' Vo ehaVng . ; 'Dna fellow makes 'hisself precious unpliasant,bg keeping on''gsol'ag , ' puff! puit;'l,iliep. steambecause I i'''vO,;:kedi . :s'p test. Bat Het chaff as''ln g' . va's' lifted and . b . ime by 'I conies to be work ing arongside'of my steam' and jest'as`li'd'd been going it a_littleya tra, I says to him, 9biky.l:-" g?.er,tbkipo, t.ol.work, inateylf !; No¢ ; to:,aigusfy,'; he-seyas eqlese;if.eger you.ase, antVzorne dowln wertAnjosetto;thelgrounli, 'youll be , as glad to handle, the trow,el,e uin co, Lop ' He didn t puff any more Lbat day-, not as 1 heerd. The big hotel L wisa working, on, was g§tting : op at trerneudious, rate, ftr there was _o e , tro,ng by dx 9R , u,l,pt 50 0. One LP sylken was a ' bricklaying np at the' top"--I 'don't` feet from the ground,' arid' I _never We 11 to care to'inot to see, for fair of turniiig giddy—it ccame on 16, blow` a regAilar g ale anti lire* fa' last'sciis:rd 't1;11 . 3 scaffold filiodti''' - aud wharever Were . Was :a ltiope f:A tied and agatilst Yhe'pOtel•ea'A was impatient of-b6in'g' tiff] 'tiCre igaT wanted break loose and be.gLY, .iT It blew at la* bard; that I shbuld haste•been preciouggfadaillan.ex. • • _ ' p cuse, to get r .downi but .1, cpuldu't..well leave my work„ and the old! hands d seem to inind.lt,„ po u t kpif itiL. i 4 1t hey ever thpwin,d,llows rlpw t ,a d &that my eyes, I can call it all back again--thei creaking and quiyering gram poles, the hOtilingand'Wtiistlibg of tEC galo as it sWefit savagely by, in a rage . because it could not sweep us away. .IVw,at , gotting to bmsomewhere about bait past threi3;-aucl•l was' w'orkin'g hard, smis , :to.ke4.frormthitiltine . abont storm, when alb at arida I happened. to' turn my head, ettA i see that,thelmea,w,as .a sußftlingclown ate Jaddere as bard as . they could so. .A.nd,,then, before I had; „ time to think, tnere was. a. loud ,crash and a large piece of the scaffolding gave way, and swept with it Potes, l?oai•di arid brieks, right into the open 'space below.” I leaped up et O. pole - Which praFctet.l from the , roof above aro; ye sti above m} r head, cat girt it, ant 'hang suswiuded, just 'as the board's upon wtiirh I stood but art inetard.,b4l6i-e gayoWay, and fell on to 'tile nest:el:AO, so no twenty 'feet below. Tightly. grasping iba rough lir pole, .1 ; clung,Tor life. , .Chink] did think; 101: thoright kirri .dreds of tbinge-in, a (Yew fsoconds; a's. I shut my eyes and beganttoray,' for 1 - felt.usl could not hold tn .7andl knew asd ehbold Sall first" cin the stage. belotv e when the--boards: would either give-way, or,shoot me off again with a spring, and then 1 knew there, would be a crowd round sop i ething ,upon • the ground, and the police coMing with a stretcher. • 'breep out, mate, and come, down tbn - rope,' cried, a voice from below. I turn ed my head, so that I could just see that theip,ole L was banging 4.4: hint •s . e.- block . at the' end, through which ran ia rope for drawing-light things 'op and slown to thelecatrold. Por an instant' I deiqle not Inove ;.then,:raisitig myself; I Went .hand over hand- toWards tbe pulley, dud , in another instant I should have grasped , I • it, when "heard a rushing •souutl, ; and. the creaking of a wheel,, as- the rope went spinning through, apd , _was , gone; the .weight of the longer side having dragged the other through. As I 'mug '