ht jiaritttitan. - KC 2111 t 8 TT A „ PA : ailiii4ll Yoning, FabiliAlT 24, tB6B. 13-14 - Xw - .V7sx — fiaw :—Ttotti-brariail4 7 of th.? . pgisletore have, 7 pAssed, with nn usual. piviniititude-and , i c intinimity; the bill enibocifirig the financial scheme re onminentle4,l4,4tatEgmagererXeinble. so that it now only : needs,, the signature o.l.4....G.AlTUtuOrSto..baeoake a _ law. As it. will. undonbtinily approved. by kin v ernor,,Curtin, We may treat it As in ; fact complete Its maim feature, and one which most comMendit!to - .the good !Mee of all the e . Reciple - of the State, is its nkojitionof the State - tax on real estate, -which . under -the existing financial embarrnasuinnts of the country is a measure. of re:lief for, which we , :all have sewn 4ocal tax ; ea are chiefly levied * on real estate,-while the national tafns t , are 1010 on exery thing else. -,Fionce,.whenthe State tax en "sit ()ante is inperaddell toall the other burdens we have to bear, it is ono Slight imposition.„ By good management the State finan ees havebasa . bibaght to a very prosper ; ens condition, oaingici which the State Tr e Veintli he's ire ft . h tin self war: ranted in presenting his scheme to abol ish -the . taxklit reeflastate. At this Xame time, however, he has iceomniendad other taxes ofievery Substantial chbrac tor upon banks and other corporations. The, Airmail be 41'0-One to tax upon:the capital etOett: , "'This is what Alb° State did .under , 44 - -Old State bank System, and it constituted so important a source of revenue.thattWilen the enable the banks to Arsorganize as national in stitutions was: :pending in., the. Legisla ture, it came near-being defeated through opposition arising...from Anlpdispositiou to part with sollaric an item or cayenne. Theprossat Rrnposal is based.on sundry deeisisna b e y court, of•law pronouncing it i p L erfeetly legercr_Ptatee :to tax. na tiOnal banksoin , thetak will, therefore, be 4tily - asseafiredmici,poiiected, notwith standing "ay — Pablo that, may hat;e been entertained op the,,subjeOt. We are aware that one or the inducements for. the transfer of the State banks . to the national system *as the provision in the national- banking law exhinpting nation al banks from Statiror 'local taiation. But ittie beeotneobiloni that in the preeeht'fininbial'ionditibn offilecountry it would be improper toleitimPt so large no alkoitntaiitailitfa*pitillafebiniill bur dens, of taxation. It -would: ,Make other taxpayers restive, and.:diesatistied,- and honee it kits generallymre.ed Oat . _ the national panke „wetkl4 , have,. to be taxed. The.other new tax, upon the, gross re celpterof the,rallroail and ether corpet atielti%fthatiion'd rnes, P.r91 34 F soerce of revepua, a 3 these corporations areti`eily Of .ii!iliar,atter,o'wing their enerinousreCalPts:th the ir act's ' of inenr porVtien knd legialative favors. By these two nalirtilkas the place of the real eftale more than' sUPPlied and ilia StatO•finaliCee'kept prosp'erouri. The President, Jul „,ye,t9ed ti the fres,dmin'ebttteau,64., 4,was,rar ß rned to th?oSenat6,adcompinje s !l by a message in Which the President slates his ohjec- Lions. The Foliate made by, the' Presi denetiie :That the bill gives the - Ete'cutiVe too much power. Second, That the measures proiided foi in tlz ' e 'billivoultl entail too much ex pense..upom the' Government. — Third, That the legislation , prhvlied for in the bill isiOt'ncehiesai'y: till he micOnstantlenal.' or' Major gener`ai, Gmyry, of ,West : moralas,..coui4y, will nuqueitionttbly be nominated t by :the Nationalllntoi party, as their candidate . fora Governor of this State ,at_ the Convention ,which held at Harrisburg on the ,7th ,prolikpa. no better man could be seledted. 'llls' tbdOid him to be unexceptionable in . ei , ery qualiffbatiort alootie'd ittAbil Position to which he will be assuredly elevated: point orMilabilin;',VoO, no 0110, excels him."' . erfr Marish 'num bar Of the' Ladf's Prien - d is at' hand; a steel -engraiing , il. lustrative of a story eriiitled the Im pending ituftru-rotottble-colored fash , ion plae; itlinibbeVof.flird 7 iirood engra vings,iogather4vritt :reading toltite. DeaCitilkk Riitieiedn, Philadet r • t , ST • -, Tlitgost Mee Cotnotities struck ont a propppition - !:requithig- pub' harers of neweriapersomagaeinee ; 4o., to pre, pay pha-poarages onltheiti Goleta' pitbll - .ThiEwae It.would have boen the-deatraetion,of4De_h e ir of th e eolith:6 palfeVei dud" in no - *Cy se rid dr a n'ys-lo'cid' ptirposi.— Midentto the Uaited States itielligiblVtfigt'so*Okiaii. "et Who 'ARIAN/014000 NM4 O ant* losappette vbfisgthtly the whole - Territory. - A QEMPINS OLD Focrir.—There lives a man in the town of Marion, Wis., who iweiaty years old, aod who never went to a bar of any kind and took a drink of ardent spirits ; never attended a theatre -or show of any description ; never took a chew of tobacco, or smoked a pipe or cigar; never went to a ball or danced a step ; never played a game of cards, bil liarder_dominoes, dice or checkers, or any game whatever that is played for money ; never courted but one woman, whom• he married and lives with yet ; never joined 8139..00.0 or_organization except the `CliriatiaiiChurch, of which he is yet a member, and never had his name in a newspaper but once`Which was when he was married, and so refuses to give his name-far publiclition 'now. - • ,rA.NEw METHOD OF =ROBBERY.—Culti vating the acquaintance of a moneyed stranger, and familiarly handing hire an applmfilled withstryehnina to eat, is thmlatestmode of-preparing him to be quietly 'robbed. :Soraff-robbnrs "handled a returaed Californian in this. way, a night or two' ago" - at Wellsvilie , Ohio,, on the Plevejaqd and Pittsburg railioad. in"a short time the strychnine, previous.. ly ;laced in the apple;-began to take ef, feat, causing the gentleman to fall in a helpless condition on the pavement, where . he was discovered at a late hoar in sreai agony, robbed of all his money and everything of value about his persoq. Apples familiarly dealt out by strangers should hereafter . be considered unheal ttlYt gitiot IlicAx.-LThe engineer of alrain near "Newbnryport d i scovered a man Standing between the rails one evening last' week. The locomotive bell and whistle:falling to remove him the engine was reversed, but it was too late. The train went over the`Ggnie and some disl Vince beyond before it could be arrest ed, The.trainmen then hastened back for the mangled remains and discovered themselves the' Victinis of heartless sell. It was a suit of old clothes stuffed and arranged to human resemblance. The affair is . being investigated, and if the perpetrators are discovered .it will prove a sorry joke for somebody. ear In all ages in all climes danc• ingtias been a favorite amusement with the yonng and oftentimes`with the aged. We 2 reMember, says the Norfold Day Book, hearing the Rev._ Dr, Hoge de liver a letture in Richmond during the war. He had just returned from Eu rope. Whilst abroad he 'spent some time in Scotland, and one 'evening 'in Rditibnifbeing invited t 6 take tea at `the - house or an whined diViire, where he met with a number of . prsachers and afterppper the room .was cleared„and these good people had a good old fashioned reel, all to them selves. • . Sir It is a duty which every one who has itiffered'from the terrible ravages of that,,most horrible of all diseases, Dys pepsia, and vibe has been cured, by Coe'e Dyspepsia Cure to tell tkeir friends and neighbors of it. "Do unto others as yon' wgld haYe others do map you," is the golden rule. Eyery one that has ever used it, knows of ite wonderful cu rative powers in Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Platuleßcy, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach Hearihurn."Cliolera Morbus and we might say, every disease that arises from a dispidered state of the stomach and bowels, lit A bill has been 'i'ntroduced into the New Verb Legislature, which pro hibits railroad companies chartered ; in the. State from issuing or grOting any free passes over_ their.roads to any per sons except directore.ankeruployes when engagett,on the actual busines .of the road; under , a pentklty,of fifty dollars. or A woman. went into a house at Beetoik the other day with . an- infant in lier ar►ns, aud-atikeid for something stiin: tiltttieg. The lady of- the honse went onVto get a•glass of 'ale lot the stranger, and ietorsing found that her - own (ant had-been taken away by her visitor and a negio haby-left in its , Stead. • Cir There is a hien - employed 'in - the office of the American Telegraph CCIIII- PanYviii Vrasiiitikah whh is hoth deaf and djimh, biit yet is s good sound - digit , rater: - 'Efe'prOsslas. -his 'kirees iigaioz . the'iSble; on which 'the iriefrument rests sill s' fe , e_ 18 tlie woi.dß' t 'jai: the - • EMMEN gir The Empress of Mexico has pur chased, at iTerusaletn; whet is said to be the site of the habitation of the - Virgin , Mary. The,t inpresti intends to erectlti mitg,nificent chateau on the spot: eirLincoln's birthday saa:noticed• at tho , l2th, by .an, ora tion 'before the Legislatairo, and a• bill was subsequently introduced to make the dayii Middy. rsir.k , diamondioini containing thiity ijiamonde andAt!ortilt many hundred dol lars:was sfoand" at. Fikabg,or, Maine, ^the Other dayilinallotobragaimported.from ,:13thyrna, . re: 43 att. b 'Wag..made in • 1".06.4.4 t• sr Q.r.daratuto,lo._ijsue. forbid'. thiritate :ststo Of:Ajolitakort-kom .disaisifotatatairatiffatingAblAg i d.Mo r trl co o co ati y are I . : g 4 ra , ,41 0 .0a, Went Johnson at virrd. 4 I:lln W9ii.°lnYW 1141 A :0t1.4 In a Nut—.%fitll Secretary Seward in his recent visit to Ouba, astonished the people by shak ing hands with a negro coachman and footman. A mock auctioneer in New York has been sentenced to the State Prison for two years and six months for swindling. A terrible tragedy occurred in Rock port, near,Oleveland, Ohio, last Week. Oden, a market gardener, attacked his wife with an axe after they had retired to their room for the night, and literally hacked her to pieces. He then fled from the house, carrying the axe with him, to a pond, cut a hole in the ice , and plang - id in, ending his wretched .The Philadelphia National Bank ,has connected with it a kitchen and dining room for,the convenience ofits employ ens: Th o new banking house of Jay Cooke &Co., has a similar appendage. During the bapti by immersion of two ladies at New — Mlle, recently, the ice of the creek, where the ceremony was being performed gave . way, and a number of spectators were also imtners . • The Albany Police on Wednesday of last - week made over fifty arrests, mostly farmers, for not carrying bells On sleighs. The principal avenues were { blockaded, arid' all driving without bells were haul- A sensation was created in an Episco• pal Church in Rophester, on Weclnes day.of last week,.by the sudden death, of a lady during the reading of the Psalter, and whild the words, , "'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of de - ath I fear no evil" were , being repeat ed. A New York dispatch says that Mr. Adams, the United States England, will probably return home' soon and mentions Goverubr Guilin, among others,•who may bs called upon .to fill the pluce. The days of combing, and . brushing our own hair are numbered. The Phil adelphia News reports a barber shop in that city where heads are manipulated by a revolving hair brush, which "makes the fur fly" in the most approved man ner. Now for steam, knives, .forks and tooth,picks., . The - Philadelphia Ledger asserts very positively that we are soon to have im portant changes in the Cabinet, with a view to promote harmony-in the Admin istration. Liquor is sold at 1,400 places in Washington, one for every.ninety of the population. C., G. Hickman, of Coatesville, Chek ter county, has patented e safety, pock: et, which can be neatly Gsed into a coat. It is made.of leather, ; with steel bare through,it, and.a patent screw to close the mouth. , A knife, would not have much effect on, it.- A club is being formed in Paris call ed " The Club Silence."' The rules are that not 'a word into be spoken in -the club by members or attendants. Eat ink, drinking, smoking, and reading will be 'allowed, tint nothing els'e. The at tendants are to receive written orders only. - ' - A fat man _ in Paris .recently sold hie boffy to the surgeons f0r,1,200, francs, went on a spree with the money, died from the. effects, and was immedi ately cut up according to contract. - The Boston Traveler says that Gen. Burnside: is talked of for : Goiernor of Rhode Island,*.and hopes he vented as a,,candidate.- The Baker University, of Kansas, ha - a its professoisliiii of Greek and Latin fill ed by a lady—Miss Maria Baldwin. She is twenty-one yeare of age, -has giv en eritire - i3atiSfaction yin her position, and delivered the faculty address at the last commencement exercise: • Major General James J. Fessenden, eon of Senator Fessenden, is Supe4- teudent of the National Express . Com- parry, of whjch General J - ge. B. John -Bto' _ President. / An act has'been passed by the lower House of the Kmatucky Legislature, au thorizing-the intermarriage .of negroes and 'mulattoes, and legalizing the -rola tion.of those ytho-haye heretofore, or do now live tegether.akhusband and wife. The earn& act makest it. lt criminal of fence, punishable by confinement in the penitentiary of not less_ than five- years, for any white parson to marry a negro or mulatto. . A. "food-preserving company;' has been organized'at Baltiniore ,under Patent process, by tvhich' it is claimed oysters, meats and fruits 'can be preserv ed fresh and good for an indefinite pad.: od in any clime:te. • ' Lieuteeat t Genstyal,Grant lms. gone York for tbe purpose , of receiv tmg a, portrait, of General Soott, to ,be presented blip 'lv the ppionileagne of CoOsiderible ezoitement , exiptivin To; Tonto, on accotit- of 'exiiectdd- , diettrb; anoot.Gbetween3hei Catholic sulTrotes tatitiiish: On St. Pittiolgeday: a l ih i e rapte r •Witegek 'AMA "catfirm3l7) . • going-or,: A PRIM—For every Club of Fifty subscribers a prize of one of Wheeler and 'Wilson's best 865 00 Sewing Ma - chines is offered by the American Statesmen, or one dollar for each sub scriber obtained will be allowed on the purchase of a machine of any grade or value. This presents the greatest induce ments for obtaining subscribers we have seen in a long time, being over one dol lar and thirty cents premium cash on every subscription of $l. 50 each. Young . ladies and gentlemen could find no better business than getting subscribers for the Statesman on a speculation. The paper itself being cheap at the subscription price, it is a mystery how the publishers aid afford Pit, but as wii'lenrn that ih enterprise is one in which both the pub lishers and the Sewing Machine estab lishments, are mutually, bound. to wry out, there can be no possibility of failure. Those who wish to enlist in the enter. prise will ad - dress the American States man, Office, 67 Nassau Street, New Ycik. l er A. pleasant family party took place in Salem, Mass , a few days ago, at the residence of one of the oldest; most public-spirited-and highly es.teen ed citizens. He invited his children, with their families, to dine with him on the anniversary of his birthday. Under the plate of each son and eon-in-law, and each daughter and daughter-in-law, there was a cheek for $5,000. The grandchil dren were generously remembered, and even the domestics were not forgotten. About $40,000 were required to carry out this arrangement, fir In his sketch of Jeff Davis, in his volume entitled the "War of the Rebel lion," Henry S. Foote says that Jeff Davis vetoed more bills during the short provisional rigime than all the Presi dents of the United States put toeether from Washington to Lincoln inclusive, and no attempt to pass a single bill over his head was ever made. SELECT SCHOOL. - The subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he intends opening a select school for Goth sexes, on Monday, March' sth, in the school house in the upper end of the. town. The rooms are large, well ventilated and well furnished. He will give paiticular attention to the morals Of the pupils intrusted In his care. The different branches taught in the school will be the same as taught in the pub lic schools. The number-of scholars are lim ited. Early application should he made. itt 'CLAW GES. Marietta, February 24, 1866. •. web ) 40005._ yell) GOoas.. Tfeb) fools. SPANGLER & 4,lcH, UTOCILD announce to their friends and the publiegenerally, that they have on hard a large and }veil selected stock of • . FALL AND WINTER GOODS,. and are daily receiving; accessions thereto. Our stock of LADIES DRESS GOOISS com prise all the latest and most desirable fabrics, ' styles and colors. French Merinos, English Merinos, All-wool Poplins, Coburgs, . All-wool Delains, Mixed Poplins, Al paccas, LaveDas, Debazes, Mixed Delaines, A large assortment of Plain and Fancy _ WOOL SHAWLS, Knit Goods, Brimkfrist Shawls; Hoods, ' Scarfs, Cloaking Cloths; Sacking Flannels, White Goods, Skel eton and'Balnioral Skirts, Hosiery and Gloves. DOKESTICS. Calicos, Delaina, Gi.nghams, Flannels, Checks, Mullins, Tickings, Sattinetts, Jeans, Linen and Cotton Diaper, Arnericalf and Ru. 4 Wan Towelling,. Floor and. Table Oil.. Cloth, Wall and Window Papers. , MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Plain and Fancy Cassirnere.s, French and English Cloths, Knit Shirts and Drawers,. Gloves and Mitts, Paper and Linen Collars, Shirt Fronts, Neck Ties, , Suspenders, Knit Jackets, &c. A full assortment of the latest styles Men aneßoys Hats and Caps, Groceries Sugars, Syrups, Coffee, Teas, Raisins. Primes, Dried Apples, Cranberries, Corn Starch, Farina; Salt, 'Fish, &c. A full assortment of Glass &' queensware. Thankful for past favors, we would respect fully ask an examination of our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' SPANGLER & RICH. Marietta, November 4,1866.4. f. - NEW TRIMMING & VARIETY n',o RE,. Opposite Differibach'S and'two &ore West of' the Goldin-Mortar • Drug Store, Market st.,' . . Marietta:, MRS. MARGARET , ROTH Begs leave to announcOo,the Ladies or the Borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she has just opened an entire new stock of TRIMMINGS. AND :VARIETIES, embracing all the Novelties. of the Season, ' among which will be - found 4 • Plain , and-Fancy Mantaa , anyi-Velvet ..I.ibbons, Gimps, Cords and tassels, and Buttons in endless variety, IlOsiery and Gloves, Linen & Ernb'd collars, Zephyr Shills, Plain &Ernh'd Opera •Caps, Silk &.Zephyr Scarfs, Suspenders,, Geimantow .Wogil, Twilights ' Breakfast Coleys,, Braids •and Shetland ,Wool„ Bindings, Zephyr Yak, Laces, - Neok-Ties, BALMORALS, SKELETON SKIRTS, Conieta, ,, Bolting, -Edging, Ruffling, Embroidery. Fancy Soaps, !k,c. Particular attention has been Paidto.the se lectingof small-mares, such as-Sewing -Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pine, &c. ' - II:3 The public : are particularly requested, to call and examine for themselves.. agent foittie sale of .the eel ebratedSinger "A" Family Sewing,Machines which z took the first premium at the late 'New York State Fair. She will' alio instruct per sons purchasing irom her, how 'to ~work the machine. . (9-tf LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed bithe Post Office at Marietta , Pa„ Tstyaspay, FEBRUARY, 22, 1866. Brooks, Gect.' E. Jones, Mr. Anson Bortiates, Anthony Merrell, Thomas liarlser„Mr.paud Nebt7i, Michael Nain`, - Thoitits Fralick, Lizzie . ,BOland, Lizzie Earry, John Esq. , Roast,..phartes IloOvki,`Miis Mai.. 4 ' Shulerk Miss Ehriffieth z , bta,e,a 4t babuTadvai4,l3 , pf t v i les!UfAtem, can T el erg r -r,` l4o er 7fee ZT,lit th ,, dw , re, ;sli d ic ver tistbg. ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M. S CHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL If your I , OWe/B'MT costive, TRY THEM If you have worms TRY THEM If your broath is bad, TRY THEM' If you feel drowsy, TRY TH Enl If you are low spirited, TRY THEM If you have a sick headache, TRY THEM. If you have taken a drop too much, TAKE A FULL DOSE They only cost 25 cents a box, TRY THEM Blue Mass, and other preparations of Alex i. - cum actually proonce more suffering, and s '; death than the diseases which they Pr6fetis to cure. And yet this corrosive mineral so "nou - ne‘ed by the allopathic doctors, is •presrri bed by them almost universally in Liver Com plaint, Consumption of Lungs, &c. THE ?MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entiiely of roots and herbs ob - tabled heir' the - great "storehOnse of Nahire, and their salutary effects will appear as soon as the medicineds brought to the test of a fair experiment. SC HENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS do not produce at y nausea or sickness of the stomaah ; but when given for Dyspep sia, it may be proper to use them in connec tion with SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive fac ulties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst cases of indigestion May be cured. '- When we reflect that the liver is tha largest internal organ of the body, that to it is-assign ed the important duty of filtering the, blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject' to many diiorders, and that when it is diseased or inactive the whole body suffers sympathet. ically, it is note surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, aril effect cures which may appear to be almost miraculous. Head ache of long continuance, severe pains in the side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs, a-feeling of general weakness and wretched ness, and other alarming and distressing symp to-os, indicative of imperfect or disordered ac tion of the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression' mental anxiety, languor, lethargy. and de pression of spirits, which unfit a man for thet management of business and the enjoyment of life, aro all relieved by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Dir. Sex Exert .--Thar Sir : take pleasure in sending you a certificale in addition to many you have already received from suffer:- ing humanity. I can scarcely find language sufficiently strong to expicss. my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and SEAWEED TON IC-have effected in the entire cure of one: of the most stubborn cases of the affection of the liver. For three yews I suffered beyond de.' seription ; all my friends, as well as myself;. carne to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. Such was the terrible condi-. tion to Which I was reduced that life to one had became a burthen ; my whole system was in a state of inflammation ; I could not eat, I ' could not sleep-; my whole body - *as filled% with pain; sweliing would arise in. tny„wrists and ankles, rendering them totally usrleas, On several occasions I was attacked With 'a' rush of blood to the bead, which • would fell me to the ground, and I would be, carried away for, dead. I applied to several .eminent physiciaMs of our city, who adminiStered all the medicines that they thought would reach my case, but of no, avail. - . • One of them said he could do no More for me, and advised me, as -a last resort, to drink codriA er oil. Not relishing the horrid trash I decliaed to take it. Accident put your adver tisement tu my hands. I called-on you ;, you examined me and told me the nature of my, disease. You,` then ordered Me. ,he Pills and Tenic-with an- observance:of diet, pledg,i tie your wont that-in one week I would find my self'another man. I followed your advice, and, is yen predicted, an astonishing cure was. effected. I continued. your Pills ! and „Tonic for some time, and now thank God for his goodness, and your infaluable criediCine; am once mole restored to perfect health.— k ; most earnestly reccoinmend those who are, suffering from affection of the' liver' td' give your Rats and-Tonic a iair trial, and Ja li ire! will be effected. I have sent many persons to you; and they have all -been cured. Alf information my fellow-citizens , may'requi„e_ will be freely given by,the subscriber, at h residence, No ;812 Federal street, betwcee 8 Street and Passyunk road, CHARLES ,I'OHNSON, SR:, Formerly Printers' Ink Alanufacture4 Da. SC HENCK 'will be professionally aelii, No. 15 North Sixth street, cop, nor of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Satur day, from 9a. m., until 4p: ; N 0.32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 7 to 3 ; NO. '35 Su inner street, Boston, and every 'WedneidaY, 'from . 9 to; and Tler,Y other Friday-at 408 Baltimore st=reet-,- Bala: mOce, Md. All advices'free, but for a .thor-• ough examination of the lungs with his Res-, pirometer the charge is three dollars. , Price of the liulmonic. S,yru ) and, Seaweed Tonic; each $.1.50 per bottle, or i 7.50 per half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents Per b'oX.• For sale by all Druggists & Dealers. ~.[2l ALEXANDER VYN DSAY, , wid ate Fashionable Boot - and Shoe Manufactigre'r- , ' MARKET STREET; MARIETTA, PENN Would moat respectfully inform, the ,cittz ens of this Borough a nd neighborhood that' he Ha's the largest assortment of City made work in his line of• business in. this Borough, anth_hez . tog a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himaelf,la ehibleo to select with more lideniorit thin those:who are mot.,.:continuasp rain ; ufacture in the very best manner ev,eotkiitg in the 'BOOT AND SHOE-LlNEViwhichTh,g will warrant for-neatness and good SA.- 10 — Call and examine hia sedek:l4Ore 'Pur chasing elsewhere. T IIE'BEST OF TH j. THE ,L'ADY'sS )1110D- r Oevoted to•KAS4 4 lON., and LITERATURE. Beautiful Steel Engravings. SPLENDID DOUBLE-SIZED COL ORED PLATES. The Latest patterns of AreiSes; Embroidery sire; Household receiPts, Music, &c. 'Wheeler- & Wil * sofi's SevOing Machines given as preiniums: Send 15 cents fora sample copy to Dgkomi & PETERSON; 319 Walnut-st., Philadelphia. • . • .. • SKATES! SKATES!! SKATES IV, 3 ' ,Jolllf SPANGI,ER 1' juEit opened for the Inspect:on of the Inv e:rs.of skating, the largest,Abeit and-, -tnostlyaa zrzed ,as,eort,mgnt ofSkates ever. befom OffeNd ' .YouthsLcarslblk suppliell-yatopy r quAliti,and• style, deetrao, at the lowest prieht; - '-' - Also, a ,rbreßVatitarctimVne Ivory litifdierib &apt ociet elknaripes, Oedg ell i anhle f ra M P o ol 3tieleld ieB 4 l4)B Mie Pocket Skate -Gim - ble s ta mit'Cefackezi. (clew) Pocket Match salon, 'lilies Work Boxsallied a variety of other fancy ankles.- RI ETT A ACADEMY Southwest Corner o f Market 6', , , , . 4te Marietta, Lancaster Co Pl:nr4il4lr,' • This Academy having received very ing encouragement during the first enter upon the second term on 'Yionia,";:r.", sixteenth. The location of this school is one of t. healthy and pleasant in the btate, senger trains of the Fennsylvanta rsli ox pass through the Borough daily, H;,,C" 4 . easy ef access from all parts of the The branches taught embrace all thorough English education, toget4, Latin, Greek, French and German Vocal and Instrumental Music. thorough manner branch 'fedi. he taught in the principal will constaotly ti if mike !thorattgh scholars, he still flees important to inculcate moral atd re principles. He pledges his best !' secure the preset and future welfkre 'c eth 'his charge. Lectures, on Philosophy, &.c., will wed before the students during the A regular examination will be hr;d close of each term.. TERM s :For boarding, light per session of hive months, Tuition in English branches, For Latin, Greek, French and - —each extra, Book Keeping, Instrumental Music, 62- Persons wishing to placc , daughterAn this Institution will early application by letter or oth?nr;•e. X. S. MAX ItLFT.R.2 Rev. J. J. Lane, Wrights , .•l::; , . R.W. Smith, Wrightsville, Dr. J. Levergooil, Aaron Baker, Chatham, Rev. Robert Alexander, L:;:.2 D. Wilson, Baltimore, Samuel Lindsay, Maricti., Calvin A. Schaffner, H. D. Benjamin Dr. J. Cushman, Dr. F. Hinkle, Thomas Zell, A. N. Cassel, .g Jacob Roth, George W. Stahl, t. Marietta, February 3, ISec3.-S:;:f. RE A: a A. T.T s Ur ma la Mise •.•••••.••• ~,,, • • • Just Published, in a sealed .s3re:oi•-:. SIX CENTS. A Lecture on the nature, treatment, ~ n S 74. cal cure of Seminal Weakness, or .5.P.L10.11. TOIIIIIICEA, induced by Salf-sbuse, IsQ.• untary Emissions, Impotency, Nei De. bility, and impediments to miring ge;,;;L:r, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, : , 1.a;3:•,:,1 Physical Incapacity, tke. by Dr. h.:;c:ltL Culverwell, author of the "Green Book,' , t, The ivorld-renowned author, in this .1 . 111:e. ble Lecture, clearly proves from hid vino, penance that the awful consequerces of elf. abusemay be effectually removed withautht• diciue, and without dangerous surgiesl MM. thins, bntigies, instruments, rings, or eor:tials, pointing out a mode of cure at once ctrun and effectual, by which every sufferer, mu. ter what his condition, may be , my Ca kiMself cheaply, privately, and rcEllesPy. This. Lecture will prove a boon to th 04.920.1 and thousands. Sent, under sea]. in a plain envelope, to si] address, postage paid, on receipt of Six Cet or two postage stamps. Address the pubizt• era, CHAS. ft .0. /LUNE fr Co, 127 Bowery, New,-York, Post-office Box 4.5 a June. 17, 180.-Iy. LOlllOOl4. iliogiAire eatrlplq. Columbia, Laric.asicit: Podo Capital and Agsete, U2910:69 eriIIIS Company coatinues to insure Buhl j ings, Merchandi,se, and other propel, against Ihse,end damage Ity fire, on the rativa: plan, eitherlar 'a cash premium Cr premiss note. . FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. Whole amount -insured, $5,0i7,0 Amt of preminni - ' notes, 6426,090:66 Bal. cash premium, - Jau l yl,lB64, '3,454:47 Cash receiptihin 1664,- less fees' bind tonV 'i, 22,870:56 $452,7!5: 6 Losses and expenses . paid in 1864,. $72,794:89. Balance of Capital . and Assets,' lan-. nary:lst, 1E65, 4.29,9.20:50 $452,71! , :f -A. S. GREEN, PREBIDE: 47 , GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. /1111EOTORS : Samuel -Shock; " William Patton, Robert T.vityort,, , John W. Stacy, John Fencirich - George Youutl,J , :. H. G. Minch, ' - Nicholas ArDr.r.z Samuel F. Ebel/tin,- Michael S. Amos S. (Rem S. C. Slaymaker. kdrn.and- Speriing. E. •st.II.;T.:AFTHONY s CO., Manliinotirreriof %Photographic Itatericli, lleW4 M. BROADWAY, N. Y. , ' Di addle:fon : 447r itiihi`baliasee of ITIOTOGRATiI I " .TILR' .LALlVworsia hea,deptereera for the following, ? Steremoppys•and Stereoscopic Views of, e.O we have aa SEORIeIDe sesortartitl toile,Ul VIEWS OF THE WAR, , . Obtained at griai aPeaae and forming PROTOGIATILIG . ,}3IIITORE OF MR GREAT ENJOY 00 , Bull Run, - • Dutch Gap, Torktown, -Pontoon Trains. 'eattYa.bur.B4? ''" : Plo ver ,Tnnotiosf Fair Oaks; -._•• Lobkout Mounts% Savage Station; ' Chiokahom in p . Friderieluditript;,• City Point. Fairfax, '- • - - Nashville, Richniond;, , —* Z; Petersburght Deep Bottent,''' ' ' 'Belle Plain, ,Monitore, •„, '.....Mttanoog s t Fort Mogan; . Atlanta. - OYarleitin4 Florida, _ - - • • :Strawberry PlB • art. esa. „ . !Uteri= Ind rereWatiee and Landes-ape', GF , 51:,01 AlsOfftdvallvfagSt foryobh „Ai Sar~ibßion ".;.oag CAtahegoaleffrho mat to eel aa" "' P. citisraptic We were the Ent to Introdue theoe bto the t r ol• r ,ty aad.ere murefecture Itatuatiee tuge atit e , b mat . 4 .1 Kr hog lard. lijoralo 000tiNKREGke 'OoRAI,BIieLS boo ~,,,, lation of boingauperlorhopoed durability to ml beim* by Gi . al4 . !BEE, on - • Pr rnarmanua hiLDi TO ego= • o il ;The - Trade- sallefindtattriAlbums 15a,IMMO they:min buy. " -PHISTOGRAPBB. Our estalsrarnoireinitences- ant -irsirernmi_P r 47lo "subjoin (to irincliOdithuieurconithiaraly bans ' unit AnieriestOn, eAs r• Akar _ soo nui-auho -incadat-coge'. 430 Manama 100 Brig , egß6Onthariolliesrs, 1010 Diviner. gaitbaib Streolonsi Ei rs q - SOS 40 latiita - , SO .. • i11,000"rny an of Waal of Jot. wail , Inlannindionaof Os most selobratai,, we? . Paintings, Stidiiiiieker caaig.iwlt 04221'f 0 P,;,, P An order for One Dann Pintaire our _.1"7„ . Oiled on receipt of and sent by mi 4 ple# .14 . 4 sad others orderlies' Bxab. 'l3 , s eer .resitt twentyrfirs peruser of the amount nu Woo .10 1 UOVPIP CPPO-"""'" CARANAcIItE E kiLT.o.B.AC BIBUTW o SEED Dart jet .edibrie..Cimpeoticut Tobacco Seed "-".. hol3r , been-received - at - the—Tobacco Witrl i wh i t s It.t.L.'BRAUNS,/cto4;iretthiliboradg h ie T v is now ready for rs'iedistributioa to baccdiGtoirereqtigis * Ssiilgribor hodd• tort duet s6 —p a re-olobj.ef_net-iapvagthuotrttistrr:, ill this_ Te betsd Tailliq°toffee besP grade of Tobago% dig here grow`ii' in` hi biE „ TY=DIVIWObt BlittS,44llgte V Meat's ertig, for Plc che" '101;5.