eilltariettian, n-- -,.. 0 :AV". „ , „ .....,%%,,,,, , ,,..„,„„,, , ,...,.:.....:„.54;7;,:,„;,i.„-.-...:„,---,:_:-.) 1.4," ," k a .... ' ~. ' 44 7 . . k „,. „-., 14 „. ~ F L Taker, b'clitor. MARIETTA. PA 'aftirD4D Noning, /tmuog 27,1366. fir Previous to its adjournment for the holidays, the United States •Senate confirmed the appointin'ent of,. Chtirles Durkee, of Wisconsin, to be Governor of the Territory of.U.tahr , ..GavrDn - rkee. is already in the Mormon land, and. has discovered, no doubt, that his honor is an uneasy one. He may be the United States Governor, but Brigham Young is Governor in fact. Hitherto the Repre sentatives of the Uaited States in that Territory have been. unable to command respect.. The Unite!' _States District Judge, John Titus, lies an office which ho cannot exercise, because the United States, Attorney General is a Mbrmon, and manages affairs so that no. business can be brought before the Court. Until a new policy is ailopted, andrall: the of nee are given to 'Gentiles,' the,United States will receive neither respect nor obedience in Utah. lir The latest gossip of the' capital to the effect that Mr. Feseenden recent ly had an interview with the President in which. Mr; Johnson said :—" I must look to the Republicans for support and not to the opposition. • .I.itm familiar with the history of John Tyler Snd'Alil , lard Fillmore, and ncitintend to fol low. in their footsteps.. We 'vii 1 wait for the report of the joint committee, and if it comes within` the bounds of • 0 reasons will be satisfied. filir Ex-President -Pierce hae been' re ceived into the Episcopal Church, in. Concord, lion. John Bell connected himself with the First Vresbyterian church, in Nashville, a abort time since. Ex-President Buchanan was recei v ed into the First 'Presbyterian church, in Lancaster, a few . "w'eells ago: "While the lamP holds ()et to burn, the l'ilest, sinner maireturn'." 40" Plates for anew lane of fractional currency are,now being prepared by - the Printing Bureau of,the Treasury De partment. Tile new issue will be-of the denominations of fifty, twenty-five and ten cents. The notes will be of an en: tirely new and original design, and are to be nearly , an oval shape: A Stale con - vention will 1)e hold in, the Hall of the flouse of Representa tives, in Ilarriaburg,..g.a., on Wednesaay the seventh day , oftliarth, A;...1):, 1866, at 12 0!c10ck,,11., -, fdr .the purpose Of nominating ,. a candidate for'-(lovernor: to be supported by, the friends 'of the Union. 4.2 r Dr. Randolph, fernlerly a noted spiritualist, eaya,floy, that after Ftri ex perience of fiye scare Oa a medium, it his candid opinion that , spiritualism is one•third impostnre,.one-third insanity, and one-third diabolism ; , arid -that'llik- F, an i ty is the usual fate of trance 'medi- =NE ECM Gir,A Richmond paper wants , an, act of the, Legislature, passed forbidding widows from marrying a second time; until all the young maidens have, secur- ; od husbands, Sucb,a law was ,actually. passed by. the Virginia House' of Repre sentatives. eir The, e . staie ,of — the . late" „President Lineall is statadr to be .tv orth Abotit eighty-rive thousand dollars, sq verity-sra thousand dollars of. invested in 5-20 bonds. 13is,roal.estate in ..Spring field, is valuttd ve thousand dollara. , • getiefal railroad law 'hag heel/ introcluCed the State Senate Which grant the'riglt, to btiiid to any party who may` comply with the conditions of this r titatue—, Philadelp44 interests,.oppose ittß passive: ---- • er-Roger '2.. Pryor; of •B'irgiiiia;' is vie g in New York, where'iti distinguish ed Mail hoe' lotineS' him" 'thicnei en ougli to "pay his expe'n"Ses 'for 4 *Silt months, on . con'tlition th'af stick to busineid etid let polities Moho: 14iitithful -- Couple from` Greihe township, MitioVing county, 0:, were married a fe'w:danige...The bride was only We are S.fraiil her mother didn't kiwi she was out. cir Mrs. President Johnson has-also been sent awelegantlaristmas present, by Sir"M r S - ion Peto, a boi‘ot rare Par Eian bon-boiri Silr Dlr. Harlan, the,,newly s elected Senator from lowa, will nate resign his position as Secretary of the -Interior until the first orFebraary,l6di. tlfyr A Weybridge (Vi.,) farmer .who refused $lO,OOO for a - merino buck t bad the chauin'ofieeiinf the bunk die a ra days ago: ' ' A fellow in (Mj;t l3 : .. j~ lately eat Pik. and offeeed'tii bet ber foul did: ell mete. Itirtie geforolvdeetie %it A FITTING IIEaCTEE.—Last week, as a railroad train was stappiog at Gordon,- ville, Va., to pat arca mail, quite a crowd who had assemPeOlthere fade , an its sault upon ther j rnail -agent?, who Wag: a Northermman,sas ;the Pot Oboe De partment 'appolnts none who cannot take the oath. They informed him that they would not allow any Yankee to run on their roads. Words led to blows ; and, the train moving off, the mail agent escaped with his life. On reporting this to the Post-office Department, Govern or Randall immediately struck Gordorisl villa from the list of post-offices, and trains now run by that point. Q4' A singular in4ince 'occurred at Breslau on the occasion of 'the" funeral' of a student named Attorz who land„ been killed ate duel. The coffin had been let down in the grave when a voice was heard apparently :proceeding' froin the inside of it, exclaiming, "Lit me out, lam being suffocated:" The'cOffin Was immediately brought up and openeh , but the body being found to be quite dead. T he author of the hoax was then discov'ered to be a ventriloqUistiieseat, who was arrested for disturbing a re ligieui service. A. clerk in the QUarterrnaster - General's. office, Washington, named Jones, remarked he O,tlm3r, day, on beai ing of the threats of assassination to Senator Sumner, that he was not,eiact ly in favor of decapitation, .but that he would like to see him sent, to 13,0•10,98,' home. The 'Secretaryof . War, onlLear . log of it, immediately dismissed him 'from the service. te An exchange truly says that "yoil may iniert a thousand excellent:' things in &newspaper; andmever• hear a"word of 'approbation from its readers; but just-let a line or, two;riot:nuited-to their taste , slipim (though , by acUidant,) and you will be sure to hear 13flit." There is;rnore trouble •in keepink a newspaper free from an 'objectionable- thing' than filling it twice over. - car Maj-Gens. Hancock ,and,.. Rart ranft have been mustered out of , the vol tinteer seivicW; the former takes his rank as Brigadier in, the regular r.army, and, the Ritter returns. home, to assupe the offic's of Auditor General. said Gen. Hartranft .olTered the rink' of Colonel in tli:e,regular ! army, and) that he relinquishes.. military, life , w.ith: rpgret. ar The ice-hoese of Lyinan R'‘Lyod,' !Lyon a Falls -N. Ys bas not been_ empty for twenty years,:nor hits a phund of been pit•intb The building is con structed filter Abil'ordinaty indthod, and" , when:it iErdesietien6 fig I hOe'e jet' is placed upon the_wateepiiie, - and as eh' water- comes' thr9ngh it is''chilledami' drops tato the itelicinse,'Wh'ere rfdrmi in: one solid lines's... '" ' cir Washington city has been ._divided. into districts, in each one of which is a proper person wife sees that the colored people do not'sdffer from cold or:hanger. There are'lwo.soup'honses, from which' 325 rat•ions`a day are now , 'llistiibuied - ;,` and feel; clOthes;' , liboes; hlanlcets, and &andante nrellitiiisied to all' in vr6rit. 'I lIIMMIE IlifitThe citizens ,Af Washington :are much excited pfoapent, of negro snirra A ; ,delegation. waited on the Pi:pelf - 161kt with Oetition4ja l favor, of Ina king Mr. Show, of the ?Nationa,l.lntel ligenaer," .Postmaster in 4 :0 age pf : „Sayles J..l3ouren„the ; :preserit inajanibent, ;"$o ie,Presiden,t, of the, Universal Beffrage Association.. - It is stated thilit priv'ate' letter received in London says that the fop; miaree eecret - Of hisp—intention leaVe Rome if' the French troops are re ally withdrawn . altoiether, and aeih in alrprobahilitY;ac c ept the , offer of the government; lately 'received, to provide for iiirn an aßylumAti , Cr George -W.. Day,- of Chelses,4 Mass., the inventor of a machioe.for thing. shoes which. drives ihe.shoe thread like pegs, rtaking , a- good imitation of •pegged. work; has sold Ids : interest 'for $2.00,000i and is to yeceive a.percenta . ie orLevery pair of boots made by this pro cesa- - - qlt is now definitely settled, • Ford's theatre is "to be,nsed'asthe Deriartmeilt of the, army, With its immense and valuable records of the , dead and wOunded 'soldiers:of ,the 'reiii lar and volunteer army, anti . for those discharged for sinkdess. sir Al soldier recently bunting 14cfnir rels' id `Palmyra, Mlichig:ari,-shbti at of these animals with a rifle,tgnisbed his' mark;'im - d'shot, instead, bis bretlier; who was a mile distant,injaring him .isevere ly: , ' ' sir A . ,fact highly , honorable to, the craft, is disclosed by a late repbrt of the New York Inspector of State Frisons-, that While ,rlearly all,,egier..29cupants are represented in tb,eir.livgenuriihei ot . coilic,ts, ; there Is not a smile printers, Th‘e "Thiene° Vribhne .plag -fife - • polinlatiiirPoT! Ufa city' =stk 200 1 ,00 11 hr 4 w bleb 16,1100'itve - iikinienlje %o'ol)4ielesirdaVotneilit , L•.- Pqp. i3l6 .49Artait.9 4 .6§ttitAviltilOSlT 44 . 1.9 1 J 1 2 :rioa bzs ikot*Aitact tisoobwq to; OM ' t;a M ii '... ~., - THE MA RIETTIAN.~ s T,be-Marl4 in a Nut—Steil Under the tit* of TitQuiof - Women, aprtnightiy magazine is to: •be published ibt St. Paltersbuti, to adveeitte 4 .4 female edaplatiort oth rights ol the .A:g ee'school forgirls; a reining room and workshop are to be connected with the magazine. The late Mr. Cobden is to have monument, in:the shape of a marble bust, to his memory, in the gallery of Ver sailles, by order: of Napoleon. ~Mrs. Coladdri will. present a marble Wise 'of her deceased husband to the French Emperor, as a private memento. ' r '-4 l Uo to - the year 1860, ber lesathau fif,tl w • ells_had !been sunkwhyttie mat. Stain:Fa desert by the French. The total quan tity lit wattPgi VdblYrthrsilnYl to 7,920,000 gallons per day. The latest wonder in Enrope is a man who plays the most difficult music _upon a piano with a clothes brush. • Mr. and MrsiiJarselih= Wetherbees,' of Rindge; N. H.,116 fhiroer-82 'years old and=the,latter 'io the'refiree house where 'they eommeneed-their *ear sixfylears gb • Elijah F. Purdy, the " war ItOrpe of Nhw'York — EremocraCy and k the leader of the "Tammany" party, died in that city on the'Bth. The Columbus (0.) Journa; says that John S. Rarey is recovering frqmhis re cent stroke ` of paralysis.- . • -A pOor Irishman who. applied "fur' a license to sell ardent'spiiits, being - vied-2 tioned as to = his moral *fitness for We trust; replied, 'Ahl -sure not Much ,of ft character that, man- needs- to sell' 'rum ' - . Ai:ingenious little machine has bee'n Put'on 'some of the Parisian •hacks. It indicates to the iassenger, who etigages it, at once the time he is ri p ing,.tbe tance he has Macie, and the plied be has to pay according:to the official tions. The little machine - is called 'comp'oir meehaniciad,' and the pollee intend to put them en 'all the "hacks 'al' the` city. , The proprietor oUhe New Yuji tel has removed a large portrait of Gep oral yKashinOon irtorder to, matte room for. one of Robert Ti). Lee .• the irititOr general • • • • Edward. ft; K • ivad lately convieted‘of :forgery 'and sentenced `fo serve a term of four years.aro six months in. Sing Sing has'been iolirced in the shoe shop= of the.prisb.n: The COthEnisioner of Internal 'Rove lne liar decided that i nulkozity has been given iniinpßdt,initlals and date in ink 4on - reiotitie .stp.mpOnstead gf writing • . The ,Louisville : correspondent,' of•the Cincinnati Gaz,ette hasjust seep a Ken-. tacky farmer in , the cartii-who„had—no,t P9aF l 4 1%-,499 0 1 . 3 .8 Oath pr=.tit') emancipation of the slaves. . , The-regidetiee of _Barbs, the hart, of .uettfsbtrgf was -.considerably . 4maged'by fire;aleiv dais ago. - The Chicago peo . p . e are mysti e Two fingers ofa mans hand came ChrOugh a hydrant on Lalsa atircet on, Tnekday, and nobodf knoWs.thp'originil Owner, Mrs. Douglas was married to Major Be 3 bqt:Wi4i l Pa.§, U. -4- Toesd4Y night , last, at clutts.'.:Onttagoi Washing Brigham Young has it , ia-saitl,.pur= chased lwo,offthe Baridwith -IslaYids,' to ivhich he itrteridsla'reinolie witti laded followers: . ' Jos..Howard'was receatli sent to the Reform School Michigan a; a' bay, and discharged as a girl She_had worn boys clotha 'for "seven years without 'A Washington dispateit to the ton joUrnal, .saYs i privaiilettei frdni an"arey'officer in liOntucky ' nounces that the Legislature of"that State will, within three days,elect John C. Breckiiiridgeto United Siates Senate, in place Of Garrett Davis,whose term is about to eXpiie John Riegel, resining:in :th.e. eastern part of Dauphin county, has =had .six Leone in the armies ,of the Union,:,arid theugh they participated,in many-of the 'nest bloody conilicts,of the war / they have all escaped without the -slightest injury, and have all returned hetrie.safe ly. . 4.; . •. ;. The . trial- of. General L. C. . - Baker was commenced =at Washington yester Atty. in the ,corirse of the trial Mrs. Cobb admitted , that she had—proinred ;pardons, for :parties.' , • ' Mr, - William'Sp'ragne the 41i0de Is: 'land Senator,' gtidcchiir . hrotherTutiee: l Sprague;employ'six thoileaid Mu:ds 'itt l 'their manufacturing istabliehtnent:" The Vermont State Temperance So- I cietY have voted to raise $5 ,Roo- for, the purpoft of carrying 01:1 thetemperance • 4, 4,4 aart au :10A reform during tins, year, A.PiecA:Af infkivassaliibited.innErtly4= l Lide.nnp , renctni , jy,-.lrlikh f .,Was4lnceclis .astgret o fqtirtpp.p . Jfiegajanglpvnine ; vii,epdrpt„ent 7,1 r. trtb*llit Wet 3 H doge 4:4 - 06 - bgreis; itieVliftfi3hVglP, tsst . ..4 liiirs, ir pemEn w zla Clay on E a t vtga b t .44 * 9 --- ,Fa,rtroa 3icriargi Vk a tfe m plAu s eß4,.. „, ..scqua.s A HEAVY DIVIDEND.—The Gettysburg Niitiorral Bank, on Tuesday of last week, declared an extra dividend of Fifty per * , lt f all the capital stock, oat of a sur plus flnd. This dividend is free. of all taxation, stifle payable to stock holders in United States 7 3-10 Treasury Notes at par. It will I.llv.recollected that this same institution in May last declared a .ividend of 8 per cent. and in November following another of 10 per cent. ; and now comes an extra dividend of 50 per cent. paying an interost on the capital stock of sixty-eight per cent. since May last, a period of less than eight months. These figures speak for themselves. hilst Ahem preve the pank to, be'eu4 netitly,sdund, they also:show - what can be accomplished by judicious manage latent-anti—careful fi Gettys 7 burg Star.. SMALL QUANTITY.-- , One teaspoop,fel of that world renowned remedy, Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, taken after meals,.will enable, the most confirmed, dyspeptic to eat anythingle chooses, without fear..of any distressing effects. It is a blessing to all wh`o are troub'ed with diseases 'pertaining to the stomach and bowels. The proprietors of Uoe's Cough Balsm `say, take little, and otten. Doctor, the `throat and bronchial tubes, not the stomach. This is the secret of its suc cess.. It; will not harm ypu to take it ()Rem, and every time yoii Cake t, you will - see ifs beneficial effects,. cir A. death under very aingular 'cir tunistances occurred on -Thursday • in New York.- A .girl, named - Mur ray,-went to the house of a female .as trologer•tcrhavn her fortune told:- In the midst of the mummery attendant upon such scenes, tha poor, deluded gill was_seized with a fit:-and, .falling 'from her chair, died in :a few Moments. • • , cr Jaaksoo,,Michigan, yonag: man was frightfully scalded by a young woman, to whom ho had . been .attoative upon his stating,. at her mother's tes table; that he had no idea of, marrying anybody. She seized the tea-pot and farionily dashed the boiling contents all Over his head - and face,. . etw The President, 'as a means of eheapenineuel to the Tibor during cold weather, hae ordered a large 'quantity of firewood bel'on'gliirtO the - Z4Ovirilment • rd . "''tti" t° l Jul wso. rat quell toes'o ess an en cOrds.attseteedollars: and a 'per Gir The Bath (.Nle-) Bpotinelaells of. a , y oangstor mho fell through the. ice, add w,hile his companion.had-,gone half a pile to the, iikeareat hou.se, for aasist ance, he swam around 'to -keep himself warm,'fts.he said. That boy will do .to travel.: • - ' tut trnsuceessful attempts were made 'last oillay night by incendiaries to bnrn down sevdral" of Ile colored church es in Virnshingtbn. A nein? hotel on K street,' rind d wel liege oc-: cdpied by colored people were also fired. The homestead cif Henry - CI aye watrsold on:the 612th inst., •to the Re gent of the:Kentucky:Uri ivetsity fet the i' . sum .or $90.000.: consists of 325 acres' and Wilk be transformedeinto the , AgrP cultaka!l Collegesof- that State. , ' gar wagon containing $B6O ,worth of material.i for the .Salt Lake Vedette theapti-mortnon paper, was atopped,.4 ormons, mulea, 8414 harßeis stolen, the men murdered and. the ma terial deatroyed. Eir'''A'nfan limbed John Jones, living' at Atlanta, Georgia., sends . the Wyan-• dotte (Kim:IAA:9) liiiietre, the sun] of.s6o.ooo,'oOnfede'rate money; and asks aie'eilitoi.jto skiff- the paper a tioritlit4 Mosee , Qbase , dropped . dead after retiebinglif *reit at, Paecoag R. 1., on Sunday morning, ,the 7tlrlnst, before ha.had entered •tiporr. the duties of the day. . Gen . : Grant "'removed from Georgetown reifdence in WiistiinktOn., 'whalfe , r' f fiirrature of his Philiaelpitia houSEF transfenred ' • The, Lady s- Friend for ; , Februag is on our table • as usual, well Shell, with, engravings analtigh-toned readingt matter. For terms see advertisements , in this pa tr-47' Dr Bemis , Sviporiritenient oflke State Lunitid- Asylum 'W" - Oreegter; has‘tme:n fof goOlirwe'4l;dltiO ihmote of "i similar asyltini d ?if at-P ta ep iNr It is,represented ! Allot recruiting , for the, regnia4ariny, Is quite hrisk, A and, that last mcrnth, over, live thousand 4re, emits were =mitered iu,to the service :s;= Ifie Raploier emes,'tlioTamobs'eap ` ma xis rr," tain of itir'' c iretbama, is 'head in` clobe , - ' • • mii, l itwetitiniiheaetion of - the Gov • t. erneeli 1 4 4,1_, Goz,The Roice , of, NiNallingtos, af-,liafegoriablicapeechesosard i‘theat‘ "eduoatio,p , ,ivt(bout religion , madeatieu ennrvegitipplal!!,:. `,O sai3 a3] ;_ , • itiejittig iehtt e -- 61! thrm s oleality flat' Irehiltr i doh - I"tuelin, 'Oinking dird ,bacco chewing, the fool, wculd,,oveirrhiP th Aefi t it i revAil-; :44 . Ta. t— s 44 vitlievker tentstbeti , bor -, , Queen* altray,i, Wen dticla gifteotagstoluimmo'raiottiliminthertd l t niittio9olkatnuteiAttif tostripkti .t.e; I.'ll lied , ,:ra ait ZpuLal ticfo Correspondence From Dr. R. She2tort .11f11. - en:le ,to Liter,zry Editor and Critic " Some years ago Evans' Gift Book Store was accepted as one of the institutions of thi s City, and was conducted with a great deal of fairness. After a. prosperous reign of seven or eight years Mr. Evans "came to grief," as the saying is. He had been lobbed on all aides—plundered to a Nast extent. One of his employees, his confidential clerk, built half a street with money which, he eventually con fessed, he had abstracted from letters address to Mr. Evans and received by mail. Mr. E. could have stood this, but the war obliged him to close :even of his branch offices in the South by which he was a healy loser, ; " Mr. Evans has manfully struggled since his business eclipse ; latterly as agent for the Florence_ew ing,..4achils„baa,,just.,re- Wilairlencedqiis old gilt book business, adver tising liberally (which was - the secret of his former suecess),.and ie likely4o make a for tune again."—Philadethia :correspondence of New-York Round. Table. We are piesise.dto ieacn that the Evans' Gift Book StOre is -again ; opened - Our citizens can now again obtain tlipir . books from him at the usual price, and, in addition, obtain .a valua ble gift witliexery,book, worth from 25 cunls to one,hundred dollars. .Send.to hiinjor a copy of the new classified Catalogue, of 1866. with full instructions for forraing, clubs, andindueernents to agents, tc. One trial will assure you that the best-place to buy books is .at Evans , Original Gift Book Store, No. 628 Chestnut-st.„ Philadelphia, for it will be remembered- that during the years 181?0,a.od 1880, Mr. George G—Evans: purchas ed and dikributed among his patrons presants costing him: $.3.13_,705:15. .Persons-}desirousof acting as .agents in tor ming clubs for this old established house, shoild notify them at once, when they will receive catalogues and all necessary instruc tioos, Ord empromptly filled - for all parts of the United States., LYON'S PERIODICA L DROPS. The great fe male.liemedrfor,lrregularitiee=Tire,6e DrOp6 are a scientifically ,compountled fluid prepara tion, aid tither than any Pills, Powders or '.l\Tostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct and popitive, rendering theme reliable, spee dy and certain specific for the cure of all ob structions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity is indicated by fact that over 100,000 bottles arc annually sold end consum ed-by-the ladies of the United States,- every oue of whom speak in the -strongest terms of praise of their good _merits.... Tony are rapidly tab iiig the placc.ol every . other• Faceale Rem edy, and are considered by all who know aught of them, blithe surest,"safest and friost infallible, preparation in the 'World, fin. the cure of all female complaints, the , removal of otstructigns9 . l nature, and . ..thp promotion of health, regul a rity. and strengtl. , ,Exp 4 licit directions stating when they may be.used„and explaining when Vies sb.ould not, nor could riol, Wel,4nd wilildnfltraleirig effects boliffa ry;to naldre's! chosen ) laws; viii lie dif 4 .4 1 4:,f01i1ed around each bottle, with the writ- , ten, signature: of „ Jana; Litol4,. without which none are.genuine. Prapired by Dr. JoH;s.IL. 1.502;,„.1.D5,,C4ppe1, street, New-Haven; Cobit.,:iyho can be con sulted either personally or by mail, (epeln'iiiig stamp) concerninj all private dtSeaSes and' te-' male weliknessoff. Sold by Diitizgi2ts'eVellt • where; ,fir Co., 13dIa1 Toi U. S. paid. CitnadAts. ; , , Lly - • , Is Hr.AVi.rr WORTH IFivrigo? If it is r' protect it. It is. a jewel as easily - lost as vii - tue,and in some cases as difficult.to - - recover. Nature, in . outelimate t and„especially this, season,requiros to be occasionally reinforced. Bat everythingdepends Upon the,' tonic. used. for for thiS purpose. - The medicinal tinctures, all-:of which'ale based"oa 'recOhoi; dangerous. Quinine; as everybody finds out who takes _ much of it, is a slciw-poiion. -Ohe safe protective from all unhes./thy.atrpospher7., is . I;nifuenees ciosts, anq one only. This pow erful' preventive is Nostettii f 's telebratei , Stefan& RitlerS, a compound of "the' purest stimulant ever manufactured; the'inoit' ffe•ctive:tonics.. te ra tiv es, regulators, end - deporators that, cheigistry. has yet extracted from the. botanical king? o,m . Convalescents, languid and feeble;from recent 'sickness, will find the Bitters an incomparable Restorative, not disigreeabie'tethelfastic - and 'eminently invigorating. No 'other- stimulant produces the same effect ati this 4.`tornachie It doles not excite or flutter the nerves, or :occasion any, un.dup,arterial action ..at once soothes and strengtt k ees the nervous system and the animal spirits. [J. To Co ;I . susrprryns.-.,-The advertiser hay ink been restored,to health in a• few, weeks by a i - e'ry remedy, after hang suffered several years, *ith a severe lung aectiop, and . thatAtead- disease, ConsumntiOnlis an - - xiouslo make known to his folloW-aufferers the means of cure; To all whis desiie it, he Will send ,a copy,:uf the prescription, flee - of change, with the directions for preparing, and useing the same, which they will Benda sure cure for bcinEillikptictn; #sifipaa,,Coughs, chitie; Cold s, a lid all throat s- and luneaffections. - The Only object of the advertiser in !fending the prescription is..to benefit. thetakted and spread information which he conceives to be d invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try . his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,, and 'may prove Parties' wishing the prescription, FREE, b . 7. :return mail, 'Wilt pfefise addresi -Rev. Enwkia'A.VlLdoef'Willianisbu-rg: Kings County, _.Now-Y, 2 0r4 , ..- Lly. AejsziTs;lsizeitrarl ! - -.TOihll 4 prize - cares for GOLD and SiLvErCWatehee, Ladies Jew 3 elr3r, Cirtmorlid4tings, Pipe, &c., *OI‘MY $5 EAtA,for - 4 k ar~tielg r naAMlgv h tail, price from $lO. 0 $25,0; all gadds'i‘rulniert Price of derddhatis 25 cent's. eicie: Liberal preraiums and Corhudesion allowed to Agonts.z7Semple Certificates Behr fiee.g Poi' circulars and terms 'afidreSelikrweabiz Co: No. 229 ,Broadway,_ N. (3m*4 113,1„.FDriAss, Dnis - rsßea niTid 'ted with the utmost success, ,by,,Dr, it Oculist' ":. : L.Aur?4,(f?rAPeFbr , IPYd9II . I 171?), q,),Nc, , 519 Pirth, street, yPhiladelphia.T es kimonial . Iheino - St reliSble sources in the City and CountrylWbe seen at his:Ofti4,. e Medial liral:t; 'sire Eine:6s4oli VietrirppientS,iSsilitah - ris — :iioiegietih i rice, a WSTr..incrstLDlESSisertednirith-Olibikaf entrge„,rnti,dl fikrivikroglotio9. tiziLi2%l, eie4s aitt4",,biaPirdpi)AlFi'elctil ergartlexiwithielmaiictere ‘ 13 , / fr.earicw44 ee.,ltTbEtaujoxf 41a Alt itipiates the entire ferule sl! 4 . 1 /lA cgro,li s iel t e l j t ii iF orplarltt i. .. , 141 • Ertmorts ()urn f e red fox years from :. - ; - er mature Lk•eay, an Ihr, in d '.scrotiun, f. 7 ht:Tr.anitv, EC tul recipe and IC rnir ME wiship:z ence, can do so idre,i DEN, :Vo. 13 C:11111,1, ITCH ITCH 1 ! Irrrr !! ! , Scratch Ir r “Whealon's the Itch in 4S hours. A: so cur, - s thcers,Chilbiains, and all Price 50 cents. For sa`.e Dr ail By sending 60 cents to WEER; Sole Agents, 170 Washington suer, ii 3, , ;2 ' Mass, II Will be forwarded by m a il , fu : , postage, to::any part of the U. Stater .ptiT 17.1iI`E.—Evety and gentleman in the United States le something, very much to their a return mail (free of charge,) by the under&;nod. Those havirt4 huMbngged will oblige by not card. 'All 'others . will obedient servant, Tues. F. Broadway, N. Y. GRAND PRIZE: For Subeui ah~~h;a,~~ ~f.,;e'r;;a,~, A National Tl'eel•ly Fan AT 1:50 PEP. A The following apleadid pri For every club of forty • ler & Wilson best $35, 3e , rl-.7 two extra copies to the geLi.: - For evely club of twenty, ,- subscribers, we will a:low ; ,::" scriber on the price of 1 . For every club of a s, . ..! graving of Presiient A. LH, Andrew Johnson, Con. , horseback, worth each, w. • , to the getter up of the clqb. For every club of 4 ..:11 . C.P, did steel engravings of the t:dlo,, NATION.4L I T Comprising Presidents John., or. Lieut-Gen. Grant, Gros. Thoraai McClellan, Flo:no:II, ragut and Porter, and Gc,r,r nO , l Washington, each 13x2 2 1 in ncs. '" - These pcitiCds rr,„ ON ery parlor. .The Statesman is the larz. - rsr, best farnity paper published., I-. 1 fain'ty. - Try it ones t •,; without it. Send for copies au,i clubs. Aderess, • AMEI?TCA o r STA T .11 I , _ 67 Nassau-st., i ew- 1 , - ;:k Jainfary 13,6 m. j I ,_, :: ~., 9 ° r C. 1 . ° ,- P•I 0 a . --- 1 46 00 # ce 7 Z <( 0 w ;., SPIING4 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. '62 102 REMOVED TO 16 JOHN STREET RAVING supplied ourselves with a nor a s and superior - lot, of goods, of the lateststrlek an d'patterti,- and haviog secured fro:a the- importers many articles or great meetly and =value, we .are now prepared to make fcr the-Skitira'nd — Winter better arrangements, and •prosentgreater inducements to parchaser, than we - haveever before offered. We Noe 50,000 valuable and beautiful articles of God!, comprising -Pianos, Watches, Diamonds, plain and'ornarnnntill Jewelry, and Fancy Goods of evlsry description, that we will sell at $2 cart: regardless of-value or cost. ROW WE DISPOSE OF 017R.G00D3. We haye,o,ooo Oil Colored Photographs. compriiing every, subject—Religious, Senti mental, Comic and Fancy—that we will sdl at Thirty Cents each,-or four for One Wilar; and with each Photograph we give two num bered notic,es. • The, notices are numbered from 1 to 50,000; and put into envelopes, sm ed up,_ and, thoroughly mixed; and wren Photograph's are purchased, two for each PO .fograph are taken out and sent with it„ The articles of i3nods are numbered from I to A -000, and any article, no matter wharthevahie may be, corresponding with the number en the notice, will.b'ekent lor.Two Dot ns,lfec. of.cosc,:exeept when sent by express., then ,l the expense of the receiver. : do assure...you that should the notice correspond with,a Piano.or other valuable sr tide of goods, it will be sent to the purchaser fer Two Dollars. - -; LIST OP GOODS AT $2 00 EACII. - Seam , qqct'U Piano' s. Rosewood. Melodeons,' Gold linnqino-Case Lever WattieF, Silver 'Watcles, Diamorid Sets, Silver Tea Saver.chafing Disks, Sets Silver teaspoon` . 20,000 Coral, Opal and Emera/dßrooc ke, Mosaic, Tee-Lava :and Florentine Set, Gold Rings, • Gold,Pencils,- 7bothpicks, &c.. Comprising a list of endless variety and th e , choicest quality of Goods. We warrant 00 Goods 'superior- -any- 'establishment in t . h e n pduntry,an I , hoPe you.viill give us one tr , ': at leist, and if the'tirtiele is not as represek,' ed,-and does not-giVe satisfaction, return it, ,and.tve - will send volfr money back. now. TO-ORDER GOODS. Send its ThitiCenti for one Photograph. 'Wile Dollar lor fivethe extra one and to notices,'hir'the 'Agent. When an Agen t :pas sent`usllo.oo for GOMIS acid Photograph °, 'we will give one notice and the article it 4or free -of , eharge: for $15.00 three enti ce ! free ; for.s2o..oo.four notices free; for $30.0e a splendid 'Photograph Album, or six 1 .0 notices' 'cif for`tso.oo' a good' Silver Watch, warranted. a good ' time-keoper. WeAreep accounrof all money sent, 3 an Agent can order. , his -commission at ald .time: Be particular and write ,our address 01E17! I plain, as we idnietiniieh have ordeis OU Ace for months that-we e'annot answer for E' want 'of prepers directional : . . E .; 02 . -. • , li-BASTHEVir & C 0.,, Jan6-3ml . Box 5246 New le°' EZA ------------------------- { O. , TD RU:I. IS .., 04,40.4 I ‘..ADNIF,E: W: FN A.A 'l l , • . 4or culiiiiity,furpgso, wairanted gen no , r•z I ' '.H, -D Brnicimiti. ESE ISEMI BIM BEI