BY FRED'K L. BAKER. Of Wing %kW? TR AINS if this read run by Reading Rail * Road time, which is ten minutes faster tWo that of Pennsylvania Railroad. ' rotes 01 MIS SOAP sr sist.Lows: LEAVING COLUMBIA AT A. 84.—Mail Passengert rain for 7.3 u Reading and interinediate stations leaving LANDISVILLE at 7:5U; Man hello at 8:09 ; Litiz at 8:23 • Ephrata at 01; Beinholdiville at 9:17; Winking Springs at9:43; and arriving at Ri ading at 10:00 a. m. Readingeonneetion is made with Fast Ex no train of East Pennsylvania Rail Road, reaching New-Yorlt at 3:30 P. NI. with train if Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, reach ing Philadelphia at 12:45 p. in., and also with Vans for Pottsville, the Lebanon Valley and H a rrisburg. 2:45P M.—PASSENGER 7'R Al VI for Reading and inttrmodiare ' buns, conneet:og at Landisville at 3:20 P. M. with Express train of Pennsylvania R. R. West, leaving MA KR EIM at 3:35 ;*LITIZ 3 : 50; Ephra , a at 4:18; Reinholdsville 4:44 Sinking Springs 5:09 and arriving at Reading at 5:25 P. hi. At Reading connection is made with trains for Pottsville arid Lebanon Valley. LEAVE READVirlii AT • 6:1Ofor a B n B R mediate ed i a T t e R t r a N • bons, leaving Sinking Springs at 6 26 ; Rein hoidsville at 6 04, Ephrata at 7 L a , Litiz at 7 64, Manbeim at 8 09, making connection a Landisville with train of Penn's Rallro Inching 'Allegan' at 8:3 3 A M. and:Ph' - delphin at 12:30; arriving at Columbia a 9 o'clock, A. M., there connecting the /my for Wrightsville and Northern Cei.tral Railroad, at 11:46 A..M.with train of Pedn'a. Railroad for the West. i s e i r ate .r a h tlo f n o : 6.15 Lumnd7r i P nterirl with passengers leaving New- York at 12 M., • and Philadelphia at 3:30 P. M., lestetng Sink ing Springs at 6:31; ftentholdavitle 6abo ; rma7:2o; Wiz 7:60 ; Manbeirn 8:06; connise. hug at Landisville with an Limas train of the P. It It. for Lancaster anti Philadelphia, reaching Philadelphia at 1:00 p. tn. and at , riving at Columbia at 8:6 P. 31, • IT Through tickets to New. York, delphin and Lancaster sold at principal sta tions, and Baggage checked through. Freight curled with the utmost promptness and dis pitch, at the lowest rates. Further• informa tion with regard to Freight or passage, may be obtaired from the Agents of the Compa ny. MENDES COILEIV, Superintendent. E. P. KEEVER, General Freight and Ttckea Agent. NT I tW T11174124/NG k VARIETY STORE, Opposite Diffenbuch's and two doors Wen of Me Golden Mortar Drug Skin, Market•st., Marietta. Mks. iti.4204/Ik;T ROTH Rep leave to announce to the Ladies of the Borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she toe just opened an entire new stock of TRIMMINGS AND V ARIETIES, embracing all the Novelties of the Season, among whist will be found • Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet JAW& (;imps, Cords a:,(1 7 ands, and Buttons in endless 'variety, Hostory and Gloved, Linen & Embliteollars. Zephyr Shawls, Plain & Klub% H'dlrfa, Opera Caps, Silk & Zephyr Scarf*, Suspenders, Germantown Wool. Twilights, Breakfast Coseys, Braids and Shetland Wool, Binding., Zephyr Yarn, laces, Noak-Tics, lIALSIORALS, SKELETON SKIRTS, Corte% Beitk.g, Eitging, Embroidery. Fancy Soaps. &c. Particular attention has teen paid to the se lecting of email wares, such xe Sewing Silk, noun and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooka lua Eyre, Needles, fins, am. fl The public are particularly rectuested to to and examine for thernaelvel. 11 :kMrl. t. ie g 7 ,111 for the sale of the cel ebrated Singer " s" Panaily Sewing Machines Which took the fiat premium at the late New York State Fair. She will also instruct per tool purcluoing !tom her, how to work the m "anic. (9-tf MARIETTA AO A De4tlV. Corner of Mark Et Souarr and 6arlt' ...... This Academy will open for the *newt o f pupil, of both sexes, on MONDAY, the 11th of SEPTERI DER. Instruction will De, given in su the branches usually taught in such in stitutions. The patronage of ths public 15 respectfully solicited. Trams,—For rive Monthe, $lOl OO Lam and Greek, each, (extra) , 5 ,,, ;00 , h , A Hoarding lieu* vv ill be opea_tu, 7,," - Spring, R. & hr,4,w,x, e.,a,., Prmelpai• Rev. J. amps to J. Lace, Wrightsville, Pt. J. Leyergood, Laticaster, t. 4. li. Carpenter, Lancaster Adam Doke, Esq., Chatham,Chester, co. , D, Wilmr., Esq. Baltimoe, M 4. a. W. Smith, Wrightsvilrle, Calvi Ntontel Luidae.Y, Murteltal Dr. Cullu . - n Schaffner, m*, H. D ' il ittlernin Jr ........ Mariet..., ta September T, 1860.-6-ial ........, t i f fi °ll ili/a eXt9.IIA F EI it , 811P3 rAllikeL311M. tit efull'a old stand, Markot•at., Inriolt 1)_ _ .......,____..,,,—.......-- 41 ER RODEN II A.UE ER. .. . [Wm D. DADADDII,j DZALER IN lon'a and Boy's . Clothing, • ill• HAT'S AN D CAPS %al , BOUT 3 A N D SHOES, . . old O sisllcreen's „Furnishing • Goods, IN nate? taftlsll4 P. g the e.. . Would take this opportunity to inform bhe. caner ittrena ot Marietta and the Pu---- •,,, !illy that having opened this establirlitment . for Wermanent bush**, only asks a tilt - trial, Call determined not to be undersold ItY any. end see the goods and leani the Oteri•i. Marietta, June 10,1865. . - ."-'..-- i --- " ------- ""7?"---,-+- , --1--ra, , - sliggs „k 3 TTENTION I. SROATIBIT 1 I ,_ Earls Gua Caps,44ley's Gun W die, ' i s ' i lrit's Sporting *Wa il ed „Dusk row em , imam Shot f Mot Pouches Powder Flaskilt i ' , o ai .70-Elht 6.12761•ER'2,. .4.t 1-,l[l.,.vtriit; PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ONN DOLLAR AND A HALF A IBA PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Office in " LINDBAYS BUILDING," second floor, on Elbow. Lane between the Past cvc, Corner and Front-St., Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ADVERTISING RATES: One Imo ire • (10 lines, or less) 75. cents for the firstinsettion and One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro• fusions! and Business muds, of six lints or less at *5 per aanum. Notices in the reading col umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, razz; but tor any additional lines, ten cent s a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly sod half yearly advertisers. Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUN TAIN JOBBER Paw," together with a large assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of "THE MARIETTIAN s " which will insure the fne and speedy execution of all kinds of Jos Si CARD &Ts er G, from the smallest Card to the LARGEST. POSTER, at reasonable prices. THE CHILDREN'S PRAYER. "Of such is,the Kingdom of Heavbs." Three white-clad forms beside the bed, With little hands upheld, When all their toys are'laid away, And the noise of day is quelled ;- Acid mothers hear them each repeat, Witt voices earnest low and sweet, The simple prayer She teaches there ; "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child." Fond kisses and "good-nights" from all As rosy cheeks are laid On snowy pillows„ then, calm sleep Till dreamy night shall fade. Good angels bead-above each face That silent lies in smiling glace Though toil and care Our lives must share "tienite Jesup, - meek And mild; Look upon a little child." Oh; loved and sinless little ones, When years have led you on, And she who lingers ,o'er you now To her reward has gone ; When the i toywof lire are laid away, And evening comes, still may you pray, With faithful 'hearts," As life departs "Untie Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child!" Theory of "Gossip." We are often asked, " What is goo.. sip ?" We answer, in a general way, that it is talking of persons rather than things. Nothing shows the paucity_ - of ideas more than this talking about . the affairs of your neighbors. It is not only malicious people who originate scandal, it is narrow-minded people, ignorant people, stupid people. Persons of cu . .. tore and intelligence are'not so hard run for topics of conversation. Th eycan . • usually God so mething to say about art, literature, fashion or society. The mo ment people begin to talk of their neigh bors—of persons rather than -tilings— they are apt to degenerate into scandal; for ,where one speaks of 'the virtues of an acquaintance, a dozen expatiate on his or her shortcomings. And this brings us to speak of real culture, or what we consider to be such, at least. A cultivated person, in the highest sense of the term, is not merely one who can talk of books, pictures, and other elevated subjects of human interest. To be thoroughly cultivated, the heart, as well as the intellect, should be refin ed and enlarged. Sometimes we see women who, without education, yet-hav ing been beim amiable, are never guilty of gossip. Again, we see women, not naturally amiable, whom education has taught to , talk of things, not of persons. The perfect woman, in this' respect., is one who is both amiable and educated. But educition does not Always elevate people above the regions of gossip. A really bad heart is always malicious. The best advice.we can give is the homely old adage : "Mind your own business." Very few of us ever know the whole truth about anything concern ing a neighbor; and to speak of his or her conduct is usually to run the risk of being unjust. Much less should we talk of the motives of others. 'Very few of us know• our own motives, tied to venture on discussing a neighbor's mo , tives is always impertinence, and often a real crime. sr A wag, having married a girl named Church, says he has enjoyed more happiness since: he joined-the Church than be ever'did before. Air The sppr - ivedding, thirty delta atter carrii:4o, follre ureiesf thing; alubt,p6eut Vonsgibanitt laurnal fax tke fame Qtirdt. MARIETTA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1866. A Birth in the Family It is straflge how, while one 419 , = is passing out of,this world, another en -is, all unconscious of the strange - seen f confusion which, it is to witness, of the , hand•to hand struggles in which it kt, to be engaged. For some. time varikils preparations and signs - have give token .of an expected event---a pair of dark bright eyes. have grown soft and thought ful, crochet and brilliant colored double zephyr liave been thrown aside for tiny strips of cambric, fine soft ftanneli and white silk floss, the last of which the delicate bands weave into charming imi tations, of leaves and flowers. Very re cently a small dainty bed' enveloped in the fleecy folds of a transparent canopy, which only half conceals marvelous, frills . and a perfectly miraculous qailt, , (the work of Aunt Deborah, whe once took a prize at the State fair fdr the handeem est, coverlid on exhibitiml,) has taken its place, timidly, at the foot of the im posing mahogany, evidently waiting for an occupant. - This very morning it, has and one—a tiny, rosy morsel, 89 done n , in soft warm wrappings that. one can but just get a glimpse of a little red nose, and the twinkle of something like eyes: Everybody says, lowever, that it is beautiful baby," and the delighted papa astonishes a small boy Who has rung the front tteor bell for cold victpals by giving him a quarter, instead of a cuff, as usual. The dark eyes which but late ly flashed so mischievously are now Clos ed wearily, curtained by long !fishes, which lay still on the white- cheeks. Friends have congratulated ; the proud father is full of tenderness and devotion; . cherished hopes are realized Yet at intervals a tear forces its way down through the tightened"eyelids, *mpg that one heart at least can baldly 'yet recognize its joy. Who shall fathom the dacktb:of.a.yoting mettetiertholtglk as she holds, for the first time, the-child she has borne, to her breast.? Who shall tell the profound emotion with which she dimly seas in her anticipated toy, and plaything, a human soul, a fu ture man, -whose 'strong will lid fiery nature it is hers to mould for good or ill. Now, for the first time she feels that she has become a woman ; that with the woman's crown she has received a woman's cross, which •she is henceforth to bear with enduring love and faith un-. to the end. Now- prays she with the, youthful fervor of , her heart, though its may be perchance for the - first time, for with the birth of her child a new element, has entered her heart, a new spirit bas been born unto God. FEMALE SOCIETY.—We indorse every word John Randolph says about ladies' society. Read what he says, young man, and act accordingly: "You know my opinion of 'female so ciety. Without it we should degener ate-into brutes. This observation ap plies with tenfold force to young men and.those who are in the prima of man hood. 'For, after a certain time in life, the literary man makes a shift ( a poor one, I grant,) to do without the society of ladies. To a young man nothing is so important as a spirit of devotion (next to his Creator) to some amiable woman, whose image may occupy his heart, and.guard itirom pollution, which besets it on all sides. A man 'ought to choose a wife as Mrs. Primrose did her wedding gown, for qualities that "wear well." One thing at leaskiktrue—that if matrimony has its cares, celibacy has no pleasures. A Newton, or 'a more eminent scholar, may find enjoiment in mere study ; a man of literary taste can receive in books a powerful auxiliary, but a man must have a boaom friend, and children . around him, to cherish and support the drearinesi of age." ir A little girl four years old, was_ on her way home;from church with her father, when they passed a boy splitting wood, and the father reniarked,, " Mary, do you see that- boy breaking the sab bath ?" The child made no reply, but walked home very :thoughtfully, .and meeting her mother esclaimed, mother, I gal a boy breaking the Sab bath with a big axe-!" - - sr Sheridan was walking in the sub urbs of London one day, -arm in arm with a boom' companion. A passer-by recognised him, and remarked to his , friend, " He's a great onus, le ,that Sheridan." "That fellow has murdered the word,' observed Sberidan's friend. 410,n-replied Sheridan, "he has only ktioolted aittiii oat of it I"- fir Tu bas beep asked whets 'Ogee it oitivr*it;up agAia Of it dew firdiret et a Kissing in the Dark, One of the prettiest and most pleas ant morni'ngs in iday, hear the close of that delightfultitotitt if balmy airs and fragrant flowers; lie for Louisville was freighted With an unusual number of elegaat,womea •and gay, nicely drags ed men., As usual, among. the latter was. a large portion of Uncle Hanes pets shoulder straps. There was no longer any apprehension of guerillas or marauders on the road, and, after gett ing fairly under way, the - passengers, catching the spirit of the lovely morn, addressed themselves to the task of making time pass - off pleasantly. It was not long ere all, who were disposed, -were enjoying themselves in some way. On one of the seats in the ladies' car was a married lady_ with a little daughter; opposite, facing them, was another child a eon, and a colored " lady'"-we believe they are all " ladies " now—with a baby. The mother of these children was a beautitul matron, with sparkling eyes, in exuberant health, and vivacious spirits. Behind her sat a young lieutenant, dress ed to kill, and seeking a victim. He scraped ap an acquaintance . with the mother by attentions to the children. It was not long . before he 'wee essaying to make hiinseif" very agreeable. to her, and by' the time the sun began to de cline, one Would have thought they'wera old familiar friends: The lieutenant felt .he had, made an impression—Lhis elation manifested it. The lady dreaming of no wrong, suspecting_ no evil, was ap parently pleased with her casual acquain tance. By and bythe train approached the tunnel at kluldrough's Hill. The gay. and festive lieutenant leaned over and qrhlspered something in the lady's ,ear. It was noticed that: she appeared as Ah Riders truck,- an d' her - ayes im medi .ately !lulled with indignation. A mo ‘4.—liiiited up her features. What changes! That smile —it was not of pleasure, but , wus sinis ter. It was Unperceived by,the Winton. ant. She made him a reply, which re joiced him apparently very much. For the understanding properly of - this oar raLive~ this o'er tale—we must tell the - reader what was whispered and what replied. Whispered the lieutenant :"I mean to kW: you when we get into the tunnel I" Replied the lady :" It will be dark—a ho will nee it 3" Into earth's :bowels—into the tunnel—ran the cars. Lady and colored nurse quickly changed seats. Gay lieutenant threw his arms around the lady sable, pressed her cheek to-his, and fast and furious rained kisses on her lips. In a few moments the train came -out into broad daylight— white lady looked amazed, colored lady bashful; blushing , : 'gay" lieutenant be fogged. "Jane," said' the white 'lady, "what have you been doing ?" Respon ded colored.: lady„" Nothing 1" "Yes, you have," said the white lady, not in an undertone, but in a voice that attrac ted the-attention of all in the car. "See how your collar is rumpled, and -your bonnet mashed." Jane, poor colored beauty, hung her head a moment, the observed of all observers, and then -turning around to the lieutenant, replied: "This man hugged and kissed me in the tunnel 1" Loud and long was the laugh, thatt — follocied among the passengers. The White lady enjoyed tlie joke amen! inglY. Lieutenant looked like a sheep. stealing-dog—left the car, and was seen no more during the trip. A MATRIMONIAL Titice.—A rich old widower in Canada is said to have prac ticed a very , artful Icheme to gain . the hand of the belle of the village. He got en old gypsy. to tell the young lady'a fortune in words which he dictated as follows ; " My dear young lady, your . star will soon be hid for a short time by a very dark cloud, but when it reappears it will continue to' shine with uninter rupted Splendcir ADM the end of your days, Before one week a wealthy old widower,' wearing a suit of black and a fine castor bat, will , pay you a visit and request your hand in marriage. , Yon Will accept his' offer, become his wife and bald% a widow in possession of -all his property, before the close of this' year. Your next husband be the young man of whom-yoti tbidk most of at present." Three days after, the old gentleman, dressed .in the manner ; de scribed by the gypsy, presented himself to the young lady, and the marriage fol. lowed. The year is more than Out,, but the tough old widower itillulingAls.' ikr The - best" toast of the season , wet We'tbink, given II a printer, its ; "Ikons; an-the fairest' - work in all preatipp; The edition ill large and no man aboult be eitbeet e II Hard' of Hearing A LOVE STORY. A, young Jonathap once courted the dmihter of an old man that lived down East who professed to be deficient in hearing—but, forsooth, was, more capa ciousthan limited in hearing, as the se quel tend to, show. It was a stormy night in the ides of March, if I mistake not, when lightning met lightning-and lona peals of thunder answered thunder, that Jonathan , eat by the old man's fireside discussing with the old lady (his intended mother-in Jaw) the expediency of asking the old man's pet mission to marry. Sally. Jonathan re solved to pop it to the old man on the peat day—"but," says be, ':as I think of the task my heart shrinks and my reso lbtion weakens—he's do dazig'd bard to hear. a body." In.the meantime the Old man, who was hypocritical, so. far as bearing was concerned, feigned total .ind!fferende to the - conversation between his wife and Jonathan, bat, contrary to the anticipa tion of both, he distinctly heard' every word-that. passed, and by' the 'dawn of another day the old Man wad to be found' in his barn lot-feeding his 'pigs. Jona than also arose early' from bed in the morning and spied the old man feeding his pigs,and resolved I to ask him for Bally _ : Scarcely 'a minute bad elapied after Jonathan had made his last resolution, ere be bid the' old[lnlin good _morning. Now Jonathan's heart heal—no - 1 .he 'scratched his hbad and birth to a pensive yawn. Jonathan declared. that he'd as soon take thirty-nine "stripes" as to ask the old man. "But,',' says . he aloud to himself, ".here goes—faint heaq never won a ` fair girl," sad:al/paged, the old man thus: "I say, old'nfin - • „, waut to mar daughter ' rtY youc a Old Man—" You want to b9rrow my halter: I .would lend it to you, Jona than, but my eon has taken it off to the Jonathan put 419_1403th close to the old mau'a ear, and apeaking in.i deifen lug vqice. said - • t • ' "I hat , " got forty-five pounds of lion- CM The old man stepped:back as if great-, ly alarmed, and exclaimed •in a voice surprise. • ' 'You have got five, hundred pounds honey:!',' What:in the misettier can I'd() with so much honey ? inure than all this neightiorhhod his - use fur." Jonathan, Who was not yet the -victim of despair, put hit mouth the otd man's-ear„and bitwled out, "I hsve To this the old pan replied, "Sotave I, Jonathan, and it's the:worst'oold I ev er had in my life." , So slying, the old man sneezed wash By this time the old woman7came out, and having observed his unfortunate lick, she put her mouth to the old mates ear and screamed like a,aroundeql Zeno, ..Daddy! I say daddir, you don't un derstand him. He want's to marry our daughter." " Old Man—"l told him•our calf halter was gone." Old Lady—" Why, daddy, you can't understand ; he's got gold—he's rich."• Old Man—" He's-got a cold and the itch, eh ! What's the rascal doing here With" the itch, eh 7" - • So saying, the cad man - aimed a blow at Jonathan's: head with his walking staff; happily for Jonathan, he dedged it. Nor did the rage of our hero step here. He had not gone out of the been yard, nor far from the old man, who run him a . close race, ere Jonathan stubbed his toe and fell to the ground, and, be fore the old man could take up he stern!) led over him. Jonathan sprang to his heels, and with the speed of a John Gil pin he cleared himself. And poor'Sal -13-1 She died a nun. Never had whim band. igig- A lady, !peaking of the gathering of lawyers to dedicate a newcourt house, skid she `stippoted iliey had 'gone "to to view the grounds where they must short ly Us . :" ear Love—an 'emution much written about by n 'yellow and much dreamed of by school girls, buti)early obsolete in practical:life. - inlret.erete,blickelprAtiviaaras s, 'reason for not. getting“married that he wiabeautpresarris'llisliodd otoinfthilif ==2l lor To mune otaios-fleoi 4,efors 1344 1.1,e1h. VOL. XILI O. 23. BONNICH'S STABLKS.: —A New York correspondent of the Boston Journal, thus speaks of. New York Ledger B.m. ner's stables . : " I had the pleasure the other day of visiting. Mr. Bonner's .sta bles at his country seat in Mosisiena, and seeing his wondesfal stud of horses. His stables are worthy a v,isit se they exhibit all the,modern improvements in the training, grooming and feeding of berries. They are not allowed to , eat except at regular hours of the day, and then'they• are fed with all the, enters which pertains to a well ordered family. The horses are kept muzzled daring the hours when not feeding, and thus can only be kept in 'condition.' The three horses that he beset his Morisiana es. tate, are Lantern, Lady , Palmer and .Peerless. Lantern is a large bay horse, and is one of the fastest , trotting horses to-the pole in the country. Lads Pal. Mar is very fleet, but Peerless, an iron clay Mare, is the wonder-of the age. She has made the fastest time in 'a wag on of any horse in the .world, having made a mile in 2:231. On the breaking out. of the war, she was owned by a bank er in Baltimore. ,Suppo%ing that the ordnance of secession would ,bq passed by the Legislature of Maryland, and that everything would go to smash, Peerless was sold. Mr. Bonner paid for her -$5,500 in gold. Be hoe refused $65,000 for this horse.. luel . been requested to naffie hie price above this 'figure. Mr. Bonner hawbut one atiswer, and r.bafisithat Peerless is not for sale. It is something to own the fastest horse in the world " Nom Bots.—The editor of thaOleve laud Elorald, who was probably himself a t'good boy," takes pp the-endgel:in fenikramoisy boys , as follows c - Noise is a safety valve, physically and Morally. .Noisy boys seldom' are the bad boys or*.yip m e ; - the quiet, de mure, reticent, still boys, - ate those arbo sneak around dark cornett , enclalip into • the back -rooms of the,Villags DEditanee—the grocery;;who. rob melon patches, - lift gates of their hinges, shave •horses' tails, and, on moonlight nights, trip op geed people by a rope stretched across the walk.. A noisy bey, usually, is a fristiii bay ; overflowing frith animal spirit; ready to hop, skipand-jomp,play "gonld," tag, enap-the whip, oilesp-frog. Bet such a boy is not 'dogging: in and out of back alleys, snob a boy does not creep out or 1:M01M:ober wiadow to thrt kitchen roof, thenCe to the ground, for a night expedition after the rest of the family are asleep. Noise is not good for headache; wise disturbs weak penes, bat noise steals nothing, noise eels no barns on fire, noise never gambles ; theretbre we kay, if hoys,do nothing woreEthen make a noise, for humanity's ealtelia cat con , fine titem for that. eir A Millar liairtiis neighbor arrest ed under the charge of stealing wheat from his mill, but being unable to sub stepthae the charge by proof, the court adjudged that. the miller should make an, apology to the accused. "Well," says, be, " I have had you arrested for stealing my , wheat can't prove M— end:um sorry for it." gar A little boy in Wisconiin was btist-put to bed the other night about dark when be objected to going so early. Elie mother told him the chickens went to bed early and he must do so too. The little fellow said he would - if his .mother would do as the old hens did— go to bed first then coax the chickens to come ! or They are trying to find i young tannin ghleag9 who is heir to 83.00,000. Several young ladies in other cities are• looking for one jest like him. fir An acquaintance of ours, being asked what kind of wood be supposed the Freedipen'a Bureau was made of, re plied, Ebony. ifir At a printers' festive', lately, the following town was offered : "Woman-- second only to the press in the dissemi nation of news l" iggr Ben Franklin observed, "The eyei of others are the eyes that• ruin ns. If all but myself were blind, I should neith er want One elOthea.nor Bee furniture.'• or There is a whole sermon in the saying of the old Persian : "In all thy quarrels - retire open the door of concilia- tion:' A eery 'theagreeable era. The IMO =1:111 isr Wl* persist horat.-4be aigbt. rants.