HELMBOUYS FLUID EXTRACT BUCRU 11 Zoh~gon refelytioo of Woo, or INCONTINENCE of URINE. Inflame'lion or Ulceration of the Bladder or Kidneys,- Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Gravel, Brickdust deposits, Dropsical Swell ings, Organic Weakness, Debility, Female Complaints, &c. liginoDYs gxfilat And Improved Rose Wash Will radically exterminate from the system Disease' arising from habits of 'dissipation, at little expense, little or no change of diet, no in convenience or exposure; completely supei seding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies Copebie and Mercury, in curing these diseases. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU In all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever muse originiting, and no matter of how long standing. It is pleasant in its taste and odor, immediate in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or iron. Those suffering from broken down or deli cate constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The Reeder must be aware that however Blight-may be the attack of the above diseas es, it is certain to affect his bodily health, mental powers and happiness. If no treat ment is submitted to, Consumption or Insani ty may ensue. AU the above diseases require tho aid of a diuretic. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU la TUN eIIEAT DIvRETIC. HELMBOLD'S RICIRLY OJNCENTIRATKI, onspoan.d Fluid Extract SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, removing all diverts es xriaing from excess and imprudence in life, chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only reli able and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and al, scaly erup tions of gip skin, and beautifying the complex ion. '!" Xo2' A. FEW Of the worst dieordera that afflict mankind shim from the corruption that accutnulates in the Blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none can equal in effect HELIWBOLDIS Compound Extract of Sarsaparrilla. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, instilal the vigor of HEALTH into the system, and purges out the humors which make dis eatie. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied:on, has long ben sought for, and new, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our apace heredoes not admit of certificates to shoW its effects, but the trial of a single bot tlaiwill ShoW to the sick that it bas 'virtues surpassing anything they have ever` taken. Two tablespoonsful of the Extract of Sam panlla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the , Liabon Diet Drifik, and one bottle is equal to a gallon of the Syrup 'of Sarsaparilla,' or the decoction as usually made. The above gxtracts are prepared on purely scientific principles—in Verso—and embody the full strength of the ingredients entering in to their composition. A ready'and conclusive test will he a comparison of their properties with those set forth in the S. Dispensato ry. ii OW TO USE THE REMEDIES. In diseases of the Blood, Humors on the Face, or any and every part of the body, use Extract Sarsaparilla, applying to Pimples and all external Humors' or Eruptiolis, the Im proved Rose Wash. Use the . Extract Buchu for all diseases re quiring the aid of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhrea and Gleet ; in these use the Extract Buchu and in ject with the Improved Rose Wash. its These extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and also are in very general use in all the stata hospitals and, public institutions throughout the land, as well as in private practice, and are consid ered as invaluable remedies. MEDICINE RENT TO ANY ADDRESS. DIRECT LETTERS TO HELMBOLD'S DRUG & CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 694 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel 08, TO FIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tertik Street, Assembly Building, PHILADELPHIA. • I= Describe symptoms in all communications SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, EVERYWHERE BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I! ASK FOR- IiELMBOLDq"Sq OTTIVRI 2. • N. T. ANTHONY It CO., Ilsanfietarers of Photographic Materials, V. SOI BROADWAY, N. Y. Is Wilton to our loofa hominess et PHOTOGRAPH:IG Air MOW% we arm hoadquarttmi for tho following, oh.: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopio Views. Of these we have an hlllllllllllll Mortment, including VIEWS OF THE WAR, Obtairad at great expeuse and forming a complete PSOTOGOATIIIO =TOM OF THE GREAT MOON SONTIEft Bull Run, Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Trains. Gettysburgh, Hanover Junction. Pair Oak', Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, Chickahominy, Predericksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Petersburgh, Deep Bottom, Belle Plain, Monitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, Atlanta, Charleston, Mobile, Florida. Strawberry Plains, &c. No. • Amoriare find Tortigt.Oltim and .Tt Lndocap f m, Orm " e, Statue al&er!alooiV la V m na: on adtAe cent ariaof Stamp. Photographic Albums. We 'IMF the fret to introduce those Into the United SUMO and ws manufacture Immune* quantities Oar tt l f rest . MS : , e ar n ie rang -1111.,..fr0m r.7o,ll,`LS s :ty . and d Wilt to nor the oth r r They will be mot by MIA FREE, on ovet t pt ef l price. The MMBA ALBUMS MARE TO OBDEILAIES e will find our Albums the most Saleable they din buy. GARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Oa Cotslops now embraces over Fm Tumults different subjects (to which additions ma continually being made) of Erni. Dent Americana, Ae., vis : about 100 lidsOilens. 100 Liam-Cols 850 Statesmen, 100 Brig " 250 ether Oftlems, . 130 Divines, 315 Colored., 05 Navy Officers, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stage, 50 Prominent Women. 3,000 Caplet of Werke of Art, handbag reproductions of the meet celebrated Engravings, Painting., Stature. Ate Catalogues seat on iimeipt of Stamp. An order for Ono Deretn Pictures from our Catalogs*, will be Oiled en receipt of $l.OO, and mat by midb mem,. Photogrsphen and others ordering goods- 0. D., will pious remit twenty-fire per cent: of the amount wi th their order. Urns pito oodmolity of oor goods =not fall to satisfy. A GRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY'S Cheap Fertilizers. THE FERTILIZERS prepared by the Ag ricultural Chemical Company, [ a com pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl vania with a capital of $250,000,] have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit Grower, of all concentrated ma nured now offered in any market. The Com pany's list embraces the following : TIABULETTE. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and -without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can disire. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed. of animal metier, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re tain the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have.made it very popular with all who have used it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This high ly phosphatic fertilizer, is particularly adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Fruits, Lawns and Flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and houselvild plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to se cure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils. - The formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients have re ceived the highest approval of eminent chem ists and scientific agriculturists. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultu ral Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Limc in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very supe rior article is produced, so far as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the beat Phosphate of Lime in the market. C"' Trams CASH.—AU orders of a Ton, or more; will be delivered at the railroad stations and the wharves of shipment, free of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all orders of six barrels or less. One Dollar per Ton allow ance for cartage will be made on all. sales de livered at the werks of the Company, on Ca nal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL C 0 . 2.5 WORKS, At Canal Wharf, on the Delaware. Office, 4132 Arch St., Phi/adephia, Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Agent. The Company's Phamphlet Circular, em bracing full directions for using the abovd Fertilizers,sent by mail free, when requeate. W ILLIAM HALL & SON, 5.13 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DRIGUS New Patent Piano Fortes Which are creating the greatest sensation in the musical world, and have received the high est testimonials from all the leading ar tists in the country, among whom are S. Thalberg, Wm. Mason, , L. M. Gottschalk, Francis H. Brown, Wm. Henry Fry, Theodore Eisfeld, M. Strackosch, Max Maretzek, Herman A. Wollenhaupt. Having purchased the Agency of George A. Prince & - Cos Melodeon s, Automatic and School Organs, from their late Agent, Charles E. Bacon, we willbe pleased to receive orders for those celebrated Instruments, and will al ways endeavor to keep a sufficient supply on hand to fill all orders at sight. The most lib eral discounts given to the Trade, Churches, Clergymen and &hoots. AU lust' uments war ranted for five years. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF . . . . . Phase Banjos, Violins, Guitars, Violin Strings, Accordeuns and all kinds of Brass and other Musical In struments for . Bands. PUBLISHERS OF SHEET MUSIC Just published, "The Venite," a new col lection of Chants I.)r the Episcopal Service, opening end closing Voluntaries, Musical So cieties, Classes, and for the Social Circle, by Virgil C. Tay:or. Price,--Boards, 85 cents; CIA, Ong Dollar. In press, and will soon be issued, Bassini , s twenty Melodic Exercises, for the study of the proper art of singing, by Carlo Bassini, auth or of Bassini , s Art of Singing. AND PIANO-TORTE CALISTHENICS, a collection of Five Finger Chord and Scale passages, for speedily developing the muscle of the fingers and acquiring that degree of Ilexo ibility, independence and volubility, which are so indispensable to a good performance an The Piano Forte, By Francis H. Brown. Music sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the marked price. WILLIAM HALL & SON, 6m] 543 Broadway, New-York. CHEAP READY - MADEPLOTIIING I! Having just returned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort thett of men and boys' clothing, which he is deterrr ined to sell Low, ron CASH. HIS stock consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS,TROCX AND SACK COATS, PANTS, .VESTS, PRAIACKETS, ROUNDHOUTS, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDEDA, &C. Everything in'the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be ore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to , suit the times. JOHN B.ELL.. corner of. Elbow -Lane and Market'St. next door to CassePs Store `arid • . YpoN'S PeFlodical Drops, ' Fe 1_411116 'Pith, The Gol&n Mortar. - THE MARIETTIAN.C~--' N EW HOOP SKIRT FOR 1865-61 Re Ghee lobontion of ify, age in HOOP SKIRTS. T. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic pure refined steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elas tic and durable spring ever used. They sel dom bend or break, like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing the du plex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses, and young ladies they ar superier to all others. The hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all Single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, &c., &c., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and eegant corded tapes, and are the best quality inl every part giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS' BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietors of the invention, and Sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers, and 79 & 81 Reads streets, New York. Fur sale in all first-class stores in this City, Bud throughout the United States, and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. 113- Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. [3m-A&C G ODEY'6 LADY'S BOOK FOR 186 6 _ The Fashion Magazine of the World I Literature, Fine Arts and Fashions. The most magnificent steel engravings. Double Fashion-Plates. Wood engravings 'on every object that can interest ladies. Creche sknitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles fo the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a complete Lady's Book. The Ladies Favourite for 36 Years. No Magazine has been able to compete with it None attempt it. - Godey's Receipts for every department of a household. These alone are worth the price of the book. Model Cottages ( no other Magazine gives them,) with Diagrams. Drawing Lessons for the young. Another speciality with Godey. Original Music, worth $3 a year. Other Magazines publish old worn-out Music ; but the subscribers to Godey get it before the mu sic stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co. of New York, the millionaire merchants, ap pear in Godey, the only magazine that has them. • Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in a year than any other Magazine. In fact, the Lady's Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. MARION HARLAND, Authoress of "Alone," " Hidden Path," " Moss Slide," " Nemesis," and " Miriam," writes for Godey each Mouth, and for no oth er Magazine. A new novel by her will be published in 1866. We have also retained ell our old and favourite contributors. TERM Or elooeVs Eqqs Book for 1860. (From which there can be no deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1866 : One copy, one year, $3,00 Two copies, one year, 5,50• Three copies, one year, 7,50 Four copies, one year, 10,00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six copies, 14,00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making nine copies, 21,00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making twelve copies, 27,50 pa All additions to clubs at club rates. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be Beni, each one year, on receipt of $4,50. We have no clnb with any other mag azine or newspaper. The money must all be sent at one time for any of the clubs. its Canada subscribers must send 24 cent additional for each subscriber. Address L. A. GODEY, N. E. corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets ; PRILADELP JACOB A WISNER'S TOBACCO, CIGAR & SNUFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. THE undersigned would rospectfully inform the public that he still continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly upppsite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to flBo per thousand. TonAcco.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. Slims rIALF SPA:usu. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fnie-cut, Pipes, Cigar Tubes, &T. JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Markel-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta CARATEFUL for past favors I would returr my thanks to my numerousfriende and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full acid splendid assortment oftL CLOTHS,'CASSIMERES VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shorte notice by the best of workmen, and on reasons ble terms, I wouldbe pleased, therefore, to wai upon my old customers and all who see proper of patronize me hereafter.. f 0ct.29-'456. T O HOUSE-CLEANERS. WALL BRUSHES, A new article in this market, and far superior to any other in use. A few reasons why First.—They are free from twine, which is affected by the lime, and liable to rut, caus ing the falling out of ,the.bri.stles. Second.—The bristles are inserted in the wood, or body of the brush, when green, which when dry, causes them to be held firmly in their place ; any subsequent soaking orshrink age fails to affect them. Third.—They are made of. Bristles exclusive ly; many kinds bOag composed, in part, of whalebiine, • Fourth.—They contain .rooreibrietlds for the size, end are es chmkeis ttle ordinary. kind. Sold udu,r/vely by-JOON Si aif NGLER, AT me NAUWARZ STOLE. brexieo Vjexieo 11 $30,000,000 LOAN OP THE gtpubitt ofMan Twenty-sear Coupon Bonds in Sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT. PAYABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Principal and Interest payable in Gold $10,000,000 to be sold at sixty cents on the dollar, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of Twelve per cent., in gold, or seventeen per cent in currency, at the present rate of pie rnium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. Immense tracts of mining and agricultural lands; Sixty per cent. of Port Dues, Imposts, and Taxes, in the States of Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi; and the plighted faith of the said States and the general Government are all Pledged for the redemption of these bonJs and payment of interest. THE SECURITY IS AMPLE $3O in U. S. Currency Will buy a 7 per .cen Gold Bond of $5O. $6O in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per . cent. Gold Boad of $lOO. $3OO in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of $5OO. $6OO in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of $l,OOO. Let every lover of Republican Institutions, BUY AT LEAST ONE BOND. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOBB W. CORLIES er CO., AND J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. E 1 Subscriptions also received by Banks & Bankers generally, throughout the U. S. G OLD! [1865, 1866, 1867.] SILVER! ITO 7 ,00 0! $2! $2! $2! Two Dollars I WAN UFA C RS' AGENTS. OUR NEW MODE One of our Gold or Silver Watches or Silver Lea Sets for $2, as below stated. One of our tea sets or one piece of our Gold or Silverware is worth a bushel of the cheap dol lar Jewelry. We have.adopted the following mode of DISTRIBUTION b, sale of 75,000 articles of value! OUR NEW MODE!! The articles of goods are numbered from 1 up to 75,000 ! 37,500 consisting of Pianos, Melodeons, Gold and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea and Table sets, Solid Silver Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, etc., etc. , and the other 37,500 articles of valuable Jew elry, Work and Toilet Cases, Photograph Al bums, Openface Silver Watches, and fancy ar ticles in great variety. 75,000 notices num bered from 1 to 75,000 are printed and put in to sepled envelopes and well mixed, and one of Moe is taken out and sent to the person sending to us 25 cts to cover expense of post age, correspondence, etc., and the article or goods, corresponding with the number on the notice will be sent to the holder of the same immediately (if he desiies to purchase the article) on the receipt of two dollars. For instance.—lf the number on the notice sent to you shonld be 500, and a Piano, or Diamond Set or Gold Watch should be numbered 500 it will be sent to you for $2, and so on for every article in our list of 75,000 articles. n- After receiving the Article, if it does not please you, you can return -it; and your money shall be refunded. Twenty-five cents must be sent to pay ex pense of postage, correspondence, etc., on one notice. Remember, that whalever article corres ponds with the number on your notice, you can have it by paying Two Dollars far it, whether it be worth $lOO or SSOO. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the public, and the-eby increases our sales! TRY OUR NEW MODE! Upon receipt of 2.5 cents, which pays for correspondence, postage, etc. we send one no tice.- Upon receipt of $1 which pays for corres pondence, postage, etc., we send six notices. Upon receipt of $5, which pays for corres pondence, postage, etc, we send 40 notices, and a . fine present, valued at no less than $l5, as a sample of our goods.. Upon receipt of $lB, which pays for corres pondence, postage, etc., we will send 150 no tices, and a solid Silver Watch, by return mail. Agents Wanted. Send for our circular I Agents allowed a large cash commission, by which they can make $25 weekly. Address plainly, REED & BROTHER, Box 5138, New 'York City, N. Y. Salesroom, 34 Liberty St. f 3m. T HE. NEW YORK OBSERVER, A WEEKLY Religious and Secular Newspaper, . FOR THE FAMILY AND THE FIRESIDE, will soon enter on its FORTY-FOURTH YEAR of publication. True to the Church, the Constitution, and the Union. It is calculated to edify and please both OLD AND YOUNG. All NEW subscribers paying us in advance for 1866 shall have their names immediately entered, and the Observer will be sent to them UNTIL JANUARY FIRST, GRATIS! Subscribe soon, as the free papers will coin meEce when the names are entered. Sample copies sent to any address FREE. TERMS, $3:50 A-YEAR IN ADVANCE. SIDNEY E. MORSE, Jn. & Co., No. 10-2 ml 37 Park Row, New York. C OLUMBIA. - OIL WORKS. • TRUSCOTT & GUERNSEY, PROPRIETORS, COLUMBIA ' PA. Refiners and Wholesale Dealers in Re fined Carbon Oil Benzine Lubric Oil, 4c. Having put up a refinery with all the neces sary improvements. We offer to the public a pure article of DOUBLE REFINED CARBON OIL, which gives a more brilliant light, at less ex pense, than the most Of Oils now in the mar ket, and is perfectly non-explosive. We manufacture exclusively for home trade and guarrantee our oil to be of the best quali ty. Orders solicind. Address as above. ARTHUR MERTON ; OR, SINNING AND SORROWING By Miss Caroline E. Kelly, Author of "Bernice, the Farmer's Daughter," "Andy Halt," &c., &c. Beautifully Illustrated. PRICE, $1:25.. This is a book that cannot fail to do great good. It is from the pen of one of the most successful writers of the present day, as the name of Miss Kelly is a household word in thousands of families where her excellent books _have been read with avidity, profit and delight. Single copies of the book will be sent by mail, to any address, on receipt of price. Sample copies - of our . paper, . '•- The. Sunday SchoorTimee," "furnished free on application. J..C.'GARKIGUESfk Pilblishers tr Booksellers,. 148 South Fourth-et PhiladelPhia. Do _you WB.t.t - T. a good Cooking Stove so }o John Srinkler,'B, wbeze wil find a - Jorge sosortinent. Se Eelli chetp erianto each to give entire gatikfactto eurtita. The Drug Store opposite the POST OFFICE, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR Drugs, Medicines, Stationary, &C., &C., &C., OF EVERY BESCRIPTiON. —A LSO— TOILET ARTICLES, Such as Perfumed Soaps, Hair Oils, Hair Dyes, Pomades, Tooth Soaps, Tooth Washes,Hair, Nail, Clothe and Tootßrushes, of all descrip tions, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia . for the Hair, and many other articles too tedious to mention Ladies and Gents Port Monnaes, of every description —A L S 0— All the most popular Patent Medicines ROW IN USE, SUCH AS Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, Ex pectorant, and Vermifuge, Jayne's Pills - and Carminitive Balsam, &c., Hostetter's Bitters, Hoffituld's German Bitters, Swaim's Panacea, Worm Confections, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and in fact all the most reliable Patent medicines now in use. Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chim neys, &c. Also, articles of nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Root, Tapioca, &c. Spices of all kinds, Cloves, Cinnemon, All spice, Mace, Black Pepper, African Cayenne Pepper, French Mustaih, &c. Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Feed ing Cups for the Sick, Breast Pumps, Nipple Shields, Nursing Bottles, Self-injecting Sy ringes, Flavoring Extracts for cooking, &c. Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts, also Aquariums. Arrangements have also been made with one of the best Aviarys in the State,to furnish Canary and ;Mocking Birds,&c. A lot of Family Dye colors, of every shade. Fresh and reliable Garden.Seeis. A large assortment of Books and Stationary, Everything in the Stationary wry, such as Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other Quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, and an endless variety of fancy and useful articles, usually found at such establishments, but any article not on hand will be ordered at once. A new kind of playing cards, called "Union Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, &c. The Face cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, Kings and Jacks. This is a beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign em blems and should be universally preferred. School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the School Stationary generally, and Bibles, &c., always on hand. E 1 Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies received. Sheet Music of all kinds will be ordered with promptness aim aispatch. Having secured the services of Mi. CHAS. H. BRITTON, an experienced and competent Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at all bouts. The Doctor himself can be consul ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being very thankful to the public tor the past patronage bestowed upon him, will try and endeavor to please all who may give him a call. F. HINKLE, M. D. Marietta, February 4, 1865-tf. G EO: W. WORRALL, . SURGEON DENTIST, Market Street, adjoining Spangler 4r Rich's Store, on the second floor. Where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel disposed to pa- go a = tronize him. Dentistry in all its branches carried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved prin ciples of Dental science. All operations on themouth performed in a skillful and work manlike manner—on fair principles and ON. VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having dttermined upon a permanent loca tion at this place, would ask a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, foi wnion he will render every possi ble satisfaction. lt3— Ether administered to properpersons. TO THE PUBLlC.—Having had occasion for the use of a Dentist, I called on Dr. Worrall, who has succeeded in preparing for me an ex celfent and serviceable set—upper and lower. They are upon what is called " rubber base,' 7 and fit my mouth firmly and comfortally, and are almost as much use to me as were my nat ural teeth. My mouth having become con siderably deformed in consequence of having gone a number of years without any teeth on one side of my jaw, but the Doctor remedied this defeet, making the fit complete, whilst the working of the teeth are entirely satisfactory. I would cneerfully recommend any person in want of dental operations, to call on Dr. Worrall, harieg great confidence in his pro fessions skill. GEO: REICH.. HEATiNg APPARZITUS. Boiling—Frying—Stewing—Steeping— 117/TH THE FLAME THAT LIGHTS THE ROOM * * • By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. • • —N. Y. Tribune. • * * * Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment * * * convenient to have on hand. * * Drug gilt's Circular. * * Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, * -* * the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heating and cooking small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on the ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers. * * Scientific American. • * • 14'or family use, hospital tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is au article of comfort beyond all propor tion to its cost. • * Hall's Journal of Health. • * * I have tried the apparatus, and my wife and .I proclaim the same a most valu able and indispensable article, and we now wonder how we'could have so long done with out it. * * ,Ed. Coal Oil Circular. • * * An economical contrivance for getting up heat at short notice for nursery and general household purposes, • * • one important point is the saving in costover coal fires. * • N. Y. Evening Port Prices from Two, to Six Dollars. rapacity from One to Four Quarts. Three Articles Cooked at one time with one Burner Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or . Gas. A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty priges fur nished gratis. THE UNION ATTACHMENT, • Price 50 . Cents, - To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, by which water may be boiled, and food cooked ; also arranged to support. a shade. Every Family needs one. WM. D. RUSSELL. Agent, No. 206, Pearl St., New York. p'. Agents Wanted. Pzr Two of these Heating Lamps can be seen at John Spangler's Hardware. PHILADELPHIA I 1865 1865. • } Paper Hangings. H OWELL & BOURKE, IVIAEUEACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, North East Corner Fourth and Market streets, - FITLADELPHIA. g.; alorik,,a,large.gto.o4 • LINEN -AND 01.14:811AD.V.5. Auguet 24,18'654-3m j A DJOURNED COURTS It is ordered by the Ceurt of Lancelets and decision n:m c, that Adourned of cCaosurtses in t foher 1866 co {Dube oil Orphans' Court, and Quarter Semi°rik plea be held as follows: FOR AROUNSIcTS. One week, commencing Monday, March CC It CC 14 Cf " CI , CC II Se Pt , V . To continue one week from the said day, spectively, anti as much longer as the busliii; may require. All the cases on theliettl; argument in the Orphans' Court shall beak, up on the first days of said terms, s o d p ep II ceded with until disposed of, unless coo by consent or cause shown. asei The cases on the argument fist in the t ,„„ ter Sessions shall be taken up on I,Vednesh, of said term if not prevented by the Orph,4, Court, and if so, the cases in the Qan eese,, sions will be commenced on the termination of the Orphans , Court business. The argument of the cases of the c orm ,. Pleas to be commenced on Thursday o f t i; week, if not prevented by the Orphans's4 or Quarter Sessions cases, in that case, th et . gument list of said court is to be taken apt the termination of the casts in the other rim. and proceeded in until disposed of,unlessess, tinned by consent or cause shown. It is further ordered !hat the absences counsel at the time appointed for heerino, cases mentioned in the preceeding orders suji be no cause for-suspendnr legaligproce g e r d o i u n n es d then.itlin, unless by consent, o continuance be shown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. It is ordered by the Court that adj)mott courts for Jury trials in the Common m ey. will be held as follows : One week, commencing no the sth of 114 day in January, 29th. One week, commencing on the 3d Monde, in February,l9th, One week, commencing on the 4th Mondar in February, 26th, One week, commencing ou the 4th Mandy in May, 28th. One week, commencing on the let Moan' in June. 4th. One week, commencing on the Ist Mosaic in September, 3d. One week, commencing on the 3d Monk in October.. 15th. One week, •orn in encing or. the 4th:quatli; in October,22d. One wek, commencing on th 4 Ist Monk in December, 3d. And such other periods as may be appoint. ed at the aforesaid courts, or at r gulat terms The foregoing to be published iu all 16 newspapers in the city and county of Laaa!• ter, by one insertion in earh, at the expel)* of the county. Bill to be presented at the Conamissione'rs' Office. JACOB LIBIiART, JUN., CABINET ,MAKER AND UNDERT A.ICER, MARIETTA, PA. 111 111MM 1111 WOULD must respectfully take ibierteli od of informing the entzens of Maim, and the public in general, that, having laido a lot of seasoned Lumber ' is now preptoedtt manufacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, in every style and variety, at short auto He has on hand a lot of Furniture of his aim manufactu,e, whica for fine finish and g oal workmanship, will rival any City make. ilk' Especial attention paid to repotting. He is also now prepared to attend, in shit! branches, the UNDERTAKING businesi,be• log supplied with en excellent Hero, late and small Biers, Cooling Pox. &r. COFFINS finished iu any style—plain or costly. Ware Room and Manufactory, near M;. Duffy's new building, near the " Upper•Su• ion," Marietta, Pa. [Oct. 2i. LAN DIS Rs MO UT. Landis ¢• Trout Landis 3• Trout At the "Golden Mortar,•" At th 6 'Golden Mortar," Market St r e et, Marietta, Market Stree I, Marietta, Keep constantly on Kara Keep constantly on hand Drugs, Perfumeries, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Howe & Steven's Family Dye Colors, Shoulder Braces and Trusses, Papers and Periodicals, Books& Stationary, Portnaonnaies, • Sellars, Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember the place, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's sid Stand Dr. Grove's old Stand Give us a call. Give us a call. Cottmbia lostihnee 0010011. Columbia, Lancaster_ County, r gone, Capital and Assets, $429,1110:80, IILIS Company continues to insure Dig ings, Merchandise, and other proPer4; against loss and damage by fire, on the row' plan, -either for a cash premium cr prenalio note FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. „ Whole amount insured, 5,021 P Amt cf premium notes, - $426,090:66 Bal. cash premium, Jan'y 1, 1864, 3,754147 Cash receipts in 1864, leis fees and com missions, 222570(.56 $e2,715;6 Losses and expenses paid in 1864, $9.2,794:89 Balance of Capital and Assets, Jan- uary Ist, 1b6.5, 429,920:80 $4:2 11 1 0 A. 8. GREEN, Paesor.sTl GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Vecretary. MICHAEL 8; SHUMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS : Samuel Shock, William Pottoli Robert T. Ryon, John W. Steaqt John Fendrich, George Young, Jr H. G. Minich, Nicholasl ll ' lloo ' Samuel F. Eoetlein" Michael S. Sho n6l4 Amos S. Green. S. C. Sloyaugke r ),, Edmund Spering. OWARD ASSOCIATION. Diseases of the ,drifiniaLryAaDnEdLSPexHurst SPlille'.lllo6/1 tidiv and reliable treatment— A ls° ;,,wi BRIDAL CHAMBER, 11111Eessy of tvarn /e l t d Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, flew, charge. Address, Da. SICILLIX Howard Association, No. 2 South Ft ly , .Philadelphia, Pa. Usu. 10' DR. WM. B. FAHNESTQC If r OFFIdE:—MAIN-ST., NEARLY OrYOSI4 • - - Spangler 'Er Patterson's Store• ---- . , F80x..7 To 8 A. 31.• pFEiCE HaURS. r sa TO 1 ) 9 : 6 T o .7 F. Di. —.....10 1 UV i G u e A t T r , e l c Pak,117174;'%..C.;T:et :8144' FOR ,a __ ,',4