The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 06, 1866, Image 2

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    ght 41tatitttiatt.
F L Baker, Editor,
SliON9 Yorping, binuarii 6, 5866.
Sit . The Legislature adjourned on
W cdriesday, m orktegoiit. to - meet egain
until next Wednesday., and witti the
cit understanding that after a two or
t h ree• rr ad
journ _fora .brief;period.. is Confident
ly expected that by that time Governok
Curtin will have returned, fully.restored
to health.- His message, transmitted to
the Senate and House of Represents
tives;although brief, gives in very' forci
ble language the reasons which compel
led abserChimselrfrum Ex
ecutive Department. •
tit The Reading Railroad Company
it is stated, contemplate
,placing, four
tracks on their road—two for.passeugers
and two for freight. They
„have now
three tracks over a good portion of the
road. The companyhave recently made
valUaide purchases of property at
Bridgeport, opposite Norristown,. at
Conshohocken, Pottstown, and, other
way stations, with the intention of ersd.
ting large passenger and freight depots,
at these points. '
eat- 'rhe peoPle.of several counties in
Illinois nre . ueing corn for fuel. Corn
costs 10 cents per bushel, and seventy
bushels make'a cord; the cost of a card
is therefore s7.'' A cord of wood, with
the sawing of it, costs $9.50, so that
$2.50, are saved besides which the corn
makes more heat than wood. The corn
crop is beyond the ;lemand. It would
be a'blessin4 if semen!' the eastern poor
could be flirnished with food from west
ern woodpiles.
Cr A merchant hi' Pittsburg, by the
name of Shaw stands charged with hav
ing causeittlie abduction of his wife and
her confinement in a lunatic asylum, on
the plea that she was insane and danger
ous. By some `means he obtained the
certificates of two physicians to that ef
fect, and a few days since had the police
seize her, and despite the heartrending
cries of the helpless woman she was
forced into the Street oars and hurried
to the asylum.
ear Garibaldi has offered tits services
to the authorities of Naples to.uurse the
cholera patients in the hospitals, but.
the Syndic of Ulf; city would not permit
him thus to expose himself to danger.
No act of Garibaldi's in the height of
Ilia military fame, is nobler than this.
Garibaldi offering ; to nurse the sick of
Naples ia grander than . Garibaldi enter
ing the city in triumph •by the side of
Victor Effanuel the king.
ar The Mexican Republic is not
without money, for one day last week
the sum of two millions of dollars is sil
ver, coined at El Paso, was deposited in
a Washington bank, to thi3 credit of the
Jaurez Government. This is'nota large
sum, it is true, but it is evidence of vi
tality, quite equal to anything Maximil
iln can show, and will d‘:(something to
keep alive the hope that better days are
is store for the Republic.
cir Mary Smith, a colored servant at
the Lindell Hotel, St.'Louis, has been
committed tojail to answer the charge
preferred by a :lady boarder, that she,
the said Smith, stole "on? long braid of
black hair of the value of $25, four pairs
of crimped rolls of the value of. $B, two
waterfall puffs of the value of about 83.
50, four pieces of crimped hair of the
value of about SIO,P! all belonging to
and worn by the complainant. • '
giar Mr. S. P. Darlinguto has been
appointed Superintendent of the Phila-
delphia Division of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, in place of George U. Fran
eiSens, promoted to General Agent of
the Transportation Departme:.t of the
road, station at Philadelphia.
titr Bitterness of feeling,between the
Attfoßolyaud the United States
c inerease; -- atilr t he4Are
prdetiectlat'n - eollisien before the whi
ter is oveil't'Sbould this thane to pass
Brighatii will have lost his souses.
sr A well•to-do farmer of Randolph,
hung himself in his lyiro, leaving
kt bhp of raper on- which was written,
"Rec. Miller is, the cense, of my death.
He has cheated me out of my farm.
fir Joseph Eloward was recently sent
to ire fteforio School lUTobigan as a
boy, and diecbarged as a girl. - She bad
worn boK clothes for'sev'en years with
, ,
out suspicion..
Bra kinvettithY.plaater near Memphis,
who had been with a mulatto
slave girl, has jubt married her, , rather
than lose :her; as-she wbs about to marry
a colored:man:: ts
Napoleon , has c s!n.t,ltr Aexinalt . ,
minister at Pitris flame : ep,4 o . city or
e ie o, to djasnade bias tram, tiNdica-,
ling, btrt it NatilbelL,ted t bs it 37 7 91d
I c.
this well-known colored orator, the New
Bedford Standard says : "Twenty-Bova'
years ago a fogitlve from Southern bond
age found his writ', toithis city. He ob
tained employment in a foundry, and
while blowing the bellows his eyes were
fixed on the newspaper slip stuck up be
fore him, from which he was striving to
obtain knowledge. After toiling here
for a few years, encouraged by a few who
recognized in him the capacity of being
more than a mere day laborer, he went
to other and higher fields of toil. TWO
evenings ago that fugitive; slave lectured
before our Lyceum to the largest audi
ence of the season, listened to attentive
ly by an audience cornposed'Of' i .the, best
class of our citizens. The next morning
he. break fasted withthe.-gentle man.. who
paid, the first mine-pence , he earned
twenty-seven years previously.
Gir Mi Sbuthern of Dubuque, Igwa,
lately brought an action against Mr.
Overpack ; fur seducing his wife, and
$7OOO damages. This is the
way, the thing is done in . England : in
stead of challenging the seducer and
thus 'give him an equal nhance to take
your life ae you have to take his, the
law is resorted to for damages, and . al
ways with success where the seducer has
money and the case is made out.
fir General Early,_ whom Sheridan
thrashed s 9 splendid in the Shenandoah
valley, is now in Havana, en route for
Mexico. He writes to the New-York
News has never asked for a par
don from President Johnson, nor would
he accept one, even without ,restrictions,
if it were tendered, him: He does not
regret his past course, nor would he sub
mit to "the foreign yoke now imposed
upon his country." A poor devil and a
bitter rebel.
i w A Pastor's secret.—lt is said of
an excellent man, whose ministry exten
ded over twenty-eight years to one
people, that the secret.of his marked ac
ceptableuess as a preacher lay. In the
following things : the transparent sim
plicity of his motive,. the earnestness
and vivacity of his manner, the evan
gelical iubstance, and the judiciousbrev
ity of his discourses. Almost invariably
he brought his discourse within the half
- eir, The Hon. Thaddeus Simons in
troduced in the ilouselately a bill ap
propriating 530,000 f 0 'r repairing and
refurnishing the. White House. This
appropriatidn has long been needed, the
furniture of.the East Room particularly' its soiled tapestry ; disfig
ured wails, and ragged upholstery. In-1
its present condition, the' apartment is
totally.unfit to be opened to•the pnblic.
, -
'A man in Fall River, Massachu
setts, last week devoured a nine pound
turkey, with the usual fixings, at a single
Meal. He found that hie companions
at table had each one seizesl a pigcon,
and being disappointed at not getting
one himself, he grabbed the turkey and
ate it all, saying " every man his own
gar TheAnestion of negro suffrage, was
putto rest on: Friday last, in the • Dis
triet of Columbia, as far as the vote of
the citizens of the District is concerned.
The vote was said to be very large, and
stood six . thousand, six hundred and
four votetvagainst negro suffrage, and'
thirty•five,ip-favor of it;
Cr The Oatawiss a Railway, it is sta
ted by a gentleman who passed over it
recently, is undergoing extensive repairs
and improvements. Rails and ties are
strewn along it in many places. This is
the work of the Atlantic and Great
Western Railroad Co., the new lessees
of the fond.
Air Deacon S. Maxwell, of. Greenfiel d ,,.
Mass., lately dug up a $5 gold piece in
his garden] .He at once bethought him
self that seventeen years ago he paid
Mr. Benjamin Spear two ssgold pieces
for labor, one of which he lost, and could
never end. The•half eagle was returned
to Mr. Spear by the deacon.
Sir In a receni, lecture on Egyptian
embalming by Dr. Steele, before the
New York Medical Society, he said that
there %ere so many mummies in Egypt
that now railroads were being opened in
that country they were used as fuel.
fir The New York ()antral Railroad
has thirty thousand dollars invested in
little brass baggage checks. Thirty
thousand pieces of baggage ; ,are some
times °heckled at - Albany in a - single
Gar People are advised to keep.out of
sleeping cars, it is estimated that 'on ac
count of their imperfect ventilation one
thousand persons die annually from ty
phoid fever contracted in them. '
sir The. Comptroller of the, Currency
states that DO new , national banks can
be created and charters will be given
only to those whose applications were
presented prior to June Ist, 1865.
la - The Empress of Mexico is the
Emperor's interpreter. She speaks flu
ently the French, Spanish, Vera - ten' and
English languages, allre Jec s
• dt '
a great. 'Worthen. • .
. .
,II 0p ry Win ter.,:Davis; a distio.
guishekjanver and extmenlber,qfw Con-
Zgreen died iicSaltintore, - ::onitaiitunday
41t,nged._.48 yew. IT-A;
A A 11 U DM
ABOUT REBELS &o.—John C. Breck
inridge, Gen. McCausland, Harry , Gill ?
mor, and several other rebels l are now
in Tbronto. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston
and Gen. Sherman recently-had a friend
ly'interview`at Mealphis. 'Gees. Scbtt
and Longstreet met last week at New
Orleans. Maj. Gen. Thomas, who is
chief in command of Alabama, Missis
sippi, &c., was at Montgomery two
weeks ago, but the Legislature then in
session took no notice of him. While
'Gen. Thomas was still there, the rebel
Gen. Hampion arrived, when a commit
tee, of the Legislature waited on him
and invited him to lake a seat in the
Legislature, • -which he did, the, whole
..body rising, and the Speakerwelcoming
him 1 This is reconstruction with a ven
geance-1 somelkeople'saritirjust
as well to, let them blow off, their steam
in this way—it hurts nobody. *,
,tifir There are some „husbands else
where than in Indiana, whose lack of ac
quaintance with their families would
make them 6t subjects. for such a joke as
the following, narrated by ; the New Al_
bany i Ledger : - One of the merry, wives
of Bloomington. Indiana, played a prac
tical joke ocher husband, by having the
babe, a sweet little infant of six months,
done up in a basket and left on the front
door steps, with a note informing him
that he was, the father of the child and
must support it. The indignant husband
swore roundly that it was not, his, bul,
finally saw the joke when ho found the
cradle: empty. ' He has concluded to
cultivate the acquaintance of his family
ea - Mary Sawyer, a young lady of
Oldtown; Me., was drowned a few 'days
ago i ,,ia.,a melancholy, way. She had
been visiting across the river, and star
ted to go home in company with°. young
man on skates who drew her on a sled,
but skated in a hole and drew her alter
him., lie got on the-ice and gave his
hand to the young lady, to help her o,nt,
when his glove , came off and, she was
carried noder the ice and drowned.
ifir A young lady of Westborough,
N. H., was married on Thanksgiving
Day, to a returned soldier,
, whoni she
had never seen till within a few days,
the courtship having been- conducted lay
letter. On the folloWing morning ,the
young bride donned her cloeli•and ,bon :
net, and, evading her husband's .ques
tions as to her intentions, left for parts
ta - The,qualification of voters which
it is proposed in Congress to introduce
into the Districl of Columbia,
that all male ciaz . ens of the age of twen
ty:one years, who can read the Constitu
tion in English language and write their
own names shall be voters. That, if en
acted,will shut out some whites in that
District and admit'not a few of the col
ored men.
ar The Louisville Journal, in speak
ing of Mi. Buchanan's book,.thinks the
fishy old woman has committed a foolish
waste of time to argue his case after the
verdict had been rendered and-the-_pun- -
ishment - (universal condeinnation_ and
contempt) inflicted. Benedict Arnold's
ghost might'as well, attempt to, reverse
the, world's decision as. James Buchanan.
StepheriS•, the Head Centre of all
the Fenians, who recently escaped from
an Irish prison, with the. cqnnivance of
some one or more persons connected
with it, has safely arrived , at Paris,
where the Isish-Americ n rebel John
Mitchel, is also.
ea" A most destructive flood occurred
in the West Branch of the Susquehanna
river, last week, Some 70,000;000 feet
of timber mere swept away, and other
damage sustained by the lumbermen in
that locality..
Both branches of the Pennsylva
ilia Legislature - met at Harrisburg on
Tuesday last. David Fleming was elec.
led Speaker of the Senate, and - Jamei
R. Kelley of the House of Representa
tives. - N9 business was transacted.
Gir Among the New Years' gifts pre
sented toGeneral Grant, was a library
selected with great dare, end puiehased
at a cost of five thousand dollars by a
few of the eminent citizens of Beaton.'
far Two hundred thousand yards of
French bro.dzloth t which was found in
the rebel ram b:tunewall, is to be de
stroyed in Waslaington. It is supyosed
that it is infected with yellow fever,
lar Rev: Alfred Owen, a Baptist min.
istr at Lynn, Mass.; broke through the
ice while skating, the other day, but was
so tall that he touched bottom and es
caperl injury.
tar Mrs. Schriffs, wife , of the post
maeter .of Chicago, died suddenly on :
-New, Years' day, whilst-receiving the.
calls of lfer friends.
air A. very destructive fire occurred
in Philadelphia on Monday night. The
jaid - at $100;000.
egif Why is rU o the- gayest letter in, the
• thelalphabet ? Becatise it is Itlwaye
Gener:o George:l3:
3r, vas born nt Dresden,..zdt
'NV The-Mayof LonisiOitelittivbeeti
.4 ay -4•4'
tr,be nzIA hi a Nut—Zttit-
Hon. James A. Bayard sailed for Eu
rope about a week since.
• The wife of -a . German surgeon died
recently in Paris: W-hen friends came
to condole with him be was found to' be
busily dissecting her body. • •
Mr. Fay, recently the agent for the
Davenport Brothers, is giving exhibi
tions, to show the manner in which their
tricks are performed.
The New York and Erie Railway has
just negotiated a loan of four million
five hundred thousand dollars . ,. in. Eng
land, for-the completion , of its &labia
Freiiry's breech-loading rifle, present
ed ;by M. Winchester, of the United
Statea'Arma Company, has carried off
the prize offered by the Swiss Federal
government for the best breech-loading
Any person wanting.a document, or
any number of documents, published by
order of Congress, need, no longer de
pend on members of Congress for them.
He can order them of the public printer.,
and_receive them-on paying the actual
cost. This is a new arrangement. .
A petition to Ocingress, now being
circulated for signatures, commences as
follows: "The undersigned, women o'f
the United States, respectfully ask au
amendment of the constitution that
shall prohibit the several States from
diWanchising any of their citizens on
the ground of sex."
The•committee to erect a monument
to. President. Lincoln, on Union Square,
New York;by dollar inbscrjptions, have
reduced th.e'amount required from fifty
to twenq-five:thousand dollare:' Only ,
about fourteen thousand dollars have
thus far been raised.
. .
iur•Mrs. Ann Gentry, for twenty-sev•
en and.a half years postmistress at Co
lumbia, Missouri, . recently resigned.
She is the widow of General Richard
Gentry - , who was made the postmaster
at that place during Jackson's first term.
Onk his death, in the Seminole war, his
wife \WWI appointed his successor by_
A coos.Kend,all. •
.The''atteriding phisidian upon - Gov.'"
Curtin in Cuba writes that the Gofern..
or is rapidly recovering his'health. His
malady was a distressing pain in the
spine. That pain has cepsed, and the
Governor has recovered the' use' of his
' it is sti . iipoSe'd'tiaat lie will
rn re-
turn'ioe time in Jetrioarv. •
,The ,National lntelligencer say,s.efforts
are .being; rnad e. by a cumber- of - . int] den
.tial gentlemen to-get Congress. to pur
chase a-large tract of land. on the.north
ern-side of the city, known as the Wash
ington J.. Berry .property, ,for • the. pur
pose of erecting.thereon a. presidential
mansion, with a magoi6cent :park at-.
A white boy, about 12 years of ago,
. •
escaped from the' Sioux Indians and
reached Mound Station, Colorado, on
Novembei 27th . . He had been a cap
tive so long that be could not speak
Englisli, - and says he does not know any
thibg about his father and mother. Ile
says the Sioux have two white iomen
and'several negroes caßtives now.
In Baltimore, on Tuesday night, two
young , men got into an altercation with
regard to a disreputable female; rwhen
one assaulted 114 other with a razor,
cutting his throat.and killing him.
A drunken than named Jacob Zimmer•
men laid down in the street at Indian
apolis Ind., on Wednesday night, and
when found was so terribly frozen that
both his hands:fell . oli tie will. die.
A female ‘.• medium " at Ypsilanta,
Mich., deserted her jausband and found
her affinity its.a.Dr. Baker, who was also
a dealer in spirits. But her five
ran were in the ,way; so they coolly
poisoned three of them, and privately
buried them in a lot. The enurder,would,
''out," and .the free. lovers have, been
Young Ketchum, the forger of 'New
York veho had confessed to his guilt,
has been'senteticed to four :years and
six months in the State prison." •
Matteis are transpiring seem to
indicate an early resolution of the Mes
jean problem, in a quiet
,and peaceful
way. There is little or no, doubt bUt
ibat'Maximillan will evacuate.
A.soldiersl cemetery •,has been , . laid
out on the Wilderriess battlefield - , 'Arid
nearly eight hundreds soldiers have been
buried there, with,their names on h - eadx
boards. - - f."
John Quincy Mains .has been elected
to the LegAlaini.erfroni i gn'inCy, - mass;
He is an Adams of the fOOrth genera=
tion. •
The funerdt of Gov. _ borNyin ..took,
place At : Lebanon, Ohioy on• Christmas
day, and w‘as7aitended ,by?delegates from
all parts of the State. , - .
Vii:poor. Ed ociternith: t in LO,llio -recently
. invested fey-dollars,in :two acreett of
oil land, out pf which,ciri..Aarew,;,,mnoths,
he made $1:40t000 - -Hef-lkas succeeded
"ihe.rev:a t4Pu s liPdit(ttil-• al Z.-41 ut miq. qjcil
There is nothing like Dr. Valpau's Frenolp
" TiDsloy l keepAngtlie complexion fresh and t en-. 1
fiieli rel . from pimples. TV: c 4 a' s . " if :tIli?
Le en.kte fernale lsyseetii.
Tte c iiiiiifeed4iiiiAgAiiViail' atzeiii , 4 fd tillt regulates 9.ll44:. v ' all''e::f
, i b e i g ivro s la ip,iiiir e tajoye t tvet b ,iiido I tiggiarti rittirilifikbg 4.44 i 5 ,19,4 , 06 , 0g 0 v a ril
1.. i , e ,r.• r 4 'I!: I,:akovAio, :=. ,f. ' " ..
protect it. lt is a jewel'as easily lost as vir
tue, and in some cases as difficult to recover.
Nature; in our climate, and especially at this
season, requires to occasionally reinforced.
But everything depends upon the tonic used
for this purpose. The medicinal tinctures,
all of which are based on common alcohol, are
dangerous. Quinine, as everybody finds out
who takes much of it, is a slow poison One
safe protective from alt unhealthy atmospher
ic influences exists, ant one only. This pow
erfuLpreventive is Hostetter's Celebrated
Stomach Bitters, a compound of the purest
stimulant ever manufactured, with the -most
effective tonics. alteratives, regulators, nd
,depurators that chemistry has yet extracted
from the botanical li n e 0.. co nva!eleeny, ,
languid and feeble from recent sickness, will
find the Bitters an itcomparabl ejlestOAtiye,
not disagreeable to the taste, and eminently
invigorating. No other stimulant" produces
,the same. effect" as this Stomachic. •'lt 'does
not excite or flutter the nerves, or occasion
any undue_ arterial action.; .but at once soothes
and strengthens the nervous-system and the
Animal spirits. ~ -
Lvoic's PitildnrcA L DROPS. The great fe
male Remedy for Irregidarities.—These Drops
are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara
tion, and better than any PiDs; Powders or
Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct
and posifive,.rendering them a reliable, spee
dy and certain specific for the cure of all ob
strimtions and suppressions of nature. Their
porailaritY is indicated by the fact, that over
100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum
ed by the ladies of the United States, every
one of Whorii speak in'the stronliest terms,of
praise of their good merits. They are rapidly
taking the placemfeveryother Fernale Rem
edy, and are' considered by all who kndw
aught of thein, as the surest, safest and most
infallible preparation in the. world, for the
cure of all female complaints, the removal of
ail obstruction's of nature, and thepromotion
of health, regularity and strength. Explicit
directions stating when they may be used, and .
ekplairiing *hen lii49.filitild" nor •could
not be used without producing etiects'eontra
ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care
fully folded around each bottle, with the writ
ten signature of Joint L. Lvorii without
which none-aregenuine. - -
Prepared by Dr. Joint L. LyoN,, 193 Chapel
street, NeW;flaven','Conn., who can be con
sulted either'personaliy or b}' Mail, (enclosing
stamp) conct ruing all pritme diseases and fe
male weaknesses .' Sold bruzgist s every
where. C. G. CLARK & Co., GPR'I Agts for
U. S. and UaundaS. . • ,
To CONSILAPtIV:ES.—The advertiser hav
ing besa'restore&to health in a lei' weeks by
a Very-simple remedy, after having suffered
several' yearSovith a severe-lung- affection,
and that dread ac,' - ease, Consumption, 'is ap to make known to. his fellow-sufferers
the means of Cure. To all Iv ho desire it, lie
will send a'copy of the prescription, flee. uf
charge; 'with' the directions for preparing and
useing the Sante,. which they will find a siire
cure for Consurription;Althma, Coughs, Broil
.chitis, Colds, and all throat-and-lung-affections:
The only object of Abe advertiser in sending
the "prescription is to benefit the afflicted and
spr.iad information which he conceives to be
invalabble, and he, hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will'cost them nothing,.
arid inay'ProVe a blessing.' -
Parties iviihini.the Prescription, FntE,
return mail,. will please address
Rev. Eplyalin A.'W.u.solg,:WilLiamsburg;
Kings County, New-York. Lly
6." l The January thaw is a "c;ipital institu
tion', for producing colds,- eoughs and-kindred
ailments—much worse than severe cold wea
ther, and we advise our readers, particularly
those predispOsed to any pulmonary weakness,
to see to it that they ale well shod, and allow
no.change of clothing. If any One is so u'n- to contract a cold, coagh, hoarse
ness orother pulmonary disorder, we knaveof
nothing so efficient as _Coe's Cough Balsare.
Our adviCe is, take little and often. To those._
Who have been
_living on. the fat of the land
through the holidays, and have got their stom
achs out of order, we would prescribe COE'S
Dyspepsia Cure ; it has eured some very bad
cases of Dyspepsia.
AGES TS WARTED !—To ae]l prize CErtifi
cates for GOLD and SILVER Watches, Ladies
Jewelry, Dianiond Rings, Pins,. &c., ONLY
$5 EACH, for ANY Wide hRAW i. Retail
price from $lO to $250; all goods Warranted
genuine. Price of Certificates 25 cents each.
LiLeial premiums and Commission allowed to
4gents. SaMple - certificates sent free.. For
circulars - and terms 'address HAY WARD &I
No: 229 Broadway, N. Y. (3or"
Enaons'OF Yotrxx.—A gentleman who suf
fered fox years from ' Nervous Debility, Pre
mature 14.caY, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sale of suffering
humanity„send free to all who need it, the
recipe and directions, for, making the simple
ierdedy by which he was cured. SuftererS
wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi
ence, can do so by addressing JOHN B. Oa-
DEN, No. la Cho:tither St., 'New-York. -
BLINDNESS, DEAFNESS and Catairh, tree
Aed . with the utmost success, by Pr. J. lsAAcs,
Oculi s t and Aurist, (formerly of Ley.don, tiol-
Jand,)' NO-519 Ptrzn street; Philadelphia: Tes
timonials from the most reliable sources in the
City and Country can be seen 'at his office.
The medical faculty . arp,invited toliteornpany
their patients, as he hits no secrets in his prac,
tee. - AarrptrAi. EYES inserted without pain
.No charge made for eaearemation. • 126; ly.
. .
Irc:rt 1. ITCH ITCH !! ! Scratch. 4-Scratch it
Scratch't '
olritMent" will cure
the itchin' , lS Also cures Salt
Ulceri,Chilblains, and all eruptions of the Skin'
Price 60 cents. For sale by all druggists:
By .sending 60 cents to WEEKS gr. POTTER,
Sole Agents,-,170 ,Washington street, .Boston,
Mass will be forwarded by mail, free of,
postage, to any.part of the U. States [6m
STitAaßE,„titr TRI`E.-Every - young—lady;
and .entleman in the. United States can hear,
sometbing veyy,much ; to their
_advantage by
return mail (free of charge,) by addressing
the undersiined.' Tho'se havinglears of being
. humbugked will' oblige .11,y` not noticing` thia
card. All - otherS:avill: :aildress. , their
'obedient ser,vhint,p...F.
105.., cis.eqiitArr, 831
41roadAy, N. 71',
41'. •
NO. 661 :113REET STREET,
Keep constantly on hand a full stock ei 8, 4
ding Material, Nails,
0 11 1 '20
? N s :
te l l ?ol n led
sancl4 Ha
oes zo
Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and fla'ld
.rp l
Horse - Shoe - Nails, Bolts, Files, R as ,,, alt.
Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands,
Wean Boards, Buckets,
and Forks,
Plated - and Metalic Spoons,
Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Butuv.i
Copper Kettles Clothes I .Vringu s , p u
Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil
- Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tee.
Scales,-Coffee illills , Paintcd
Chamber Setts, &a., & c ,
Forks, ShOvels, Hoes, Spades, horse
Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lone nil,'
Breast Chains, Pump&s,
c., &c,
and Short T r
TOOL S: Hand and Wuod Saws, Hatchet.
Chopping and Hand Axes, Planes, chi a „ e ,;:
Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prucci4
Hooks and Shears, &c., &c.
Thankful for-past patronage, we hope to rem
and receive a continuance of the sates.
Marietta, August 1, IS6o.
best paper in the United States forlk
chunks, Inventors, and Manufsetuteirir
the Scientific American. It is the larg.,,t is
size, and has by fur the widest rircu.suo s ,
any other paper of its class in this c 005,,,....;
His publisked wtekly. Eacir numbercontsirs
sixteen pages, with numerous illustratio n .,_
The numbers for a year makes two voiii,e,
of 416 pages.each.- It also contains a fw i
count of all .the principal inventions and thr
coveries of the day. Also, valuable
ted articles upon Juries and Machinery raid m
orkahops, Manufactories, Steam are Me.
chanical Engineering, A oolen, Cotton, Chen.
real, Petroleum, and all other !nasal:murk.:
and producing interests. „Abo, Fire Suck
War im plan:len:to, Ordnance, War curer,
Railway machinery, Llectric, Cheimesi, gad
ArathernatiNd apparatus, wood sal :oda
Macniiiery, liydraulies, and water pacil,
water- wheels, etc.; household, Horticc:ed
and Farm implements—l his latter rieporticez
being very_full and or great value to Vicar;
and Gardeners.= Artie:as km Mari nz
partment of poptlarScience, which crero,cy
can unt'erStand and wLich, every body au. ki
Also, report of Scientific Societies, at haze
and abroad.; Patent-law Decisions and dricut.
sion, practical recipes etc.. It itt.o
'an Official List of all • the Patent Cbirai,
special feature of great value to inveuto:,sel
owners of patents.
The „Publishers also Wet as agents forpram
rirg Patonls for new Inven Gotta.
A-new volume of the Scientific AturriLu
copirnences January I.
TERMS : $3 per year ; $1.50 forsixmonthi.
Ten copies for one year, $25, Canaj:.
scriptions 25'cents extra. Speciaier:
sent free. •
No. - 37 - Parlr Row, New York Cap
4 2 t` IFRIkiliS & LIQUORS.
I-1 . D. IiENJA
Picot Building, Marietta, Pa.
BEGS leave to informthe public Una.
will continue the kVII , I E & LIQUOR bus
nee's, in all its branches. He will constsidij
keep on hand all kinds ot
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
• Whiskey,. Cordials, Bitters, 4.e.,
• Justly Celebrated Rose inisAy,
A very surerior OLD RYE Willa:1:f
ust received, which is warranted pore.
All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and Uri'
ces, which will, he is confident, result is Ho
el keepers - and ithers finding it to their id
antage to nak . their purchases from lin
COOK STOVE.e, ....
_ o _
'FOR HE.4 TT.% G
J. Sp'anglir's Hardioare and Store S!ort
Market Street, Marietta, Pa.
Has just opened for the inspect.on of the lov:
ere of skating, the largest, best and trios!
ned assortment of Skates ever before 011:1,'
to the public. -
Ladies, iilents, Misses, cud youths
withisuy quality and style do:re,
at the lowest prima,
Also, Table and Pocket Cutlery, tine
handled - goods, Pocket Books, Ciger-ra.
-.Gentlemen?s Companions, Ladies Couipss.,..!
Pocket Skate-Gimblets, Nut Crackers,
Poctet,,Match safes, Ladies Work Boxo ,
a variety of other fancy articles scitahle
Presents; an early tall is solicited.
BON and Shoe Manufacturer ,
Would most respectfully inform the
of this Borough and neighborhood that
the largest. assortment of City ronde ivora
rd y,
his line of business in this liorouZlf.
mg a practical BOOT AND SHOE
himself,is enablea to Select with more
than those who are not. He continues to
ufacture in the very best manner every
r ye
in the :BOOT ANI) SHOE LI.S.St Whil
will wavront for neatness and good fit.
.` - fCr Coll and , e3caboine his stack before Pu`
chasing elsewhere
aoil.a bz,,,;.-..
11 7 p.riog Shawls Balmorals Gloves'
Belts and Ilue'Lles; Ensbroideled lisader:
a j
chiefs—and—Collars, ._Mourning Cellars
i 51.131151 Heatii4Diets ar.d Dress Trani:sing&
- 415 Atia.Bti.apply
'IS66 !
Holiday . Presents !