~~,~~e~ /he natiettian. F L. Baker, Editor. NI A II ir ETTA . PA : $414044 -Votoi4o, - heeetnber-2a,A865.. P Air MiNTCOMMUTAItiINi r DOES ROT EXEMPT FROM 13013NSlt - R A'n Import ant case, and one ja which the public in general are interested to a considerable extent, was disposed of in the District Court of Allegheny county: a . few weeks ago. It was presented in the fOrm of a stated case in iltich the school directois of Plem townshiP, were plaintiffs, and John Ewer was defendant. The facts of the'caiii are aa, fotloWs: John FlWer. a citizen of saidlownship was draftedin July 1863 under the act of Cookr - reits, paid the $3OO commutation and was dis charged from further liability. In 1864, a Bounty tax, under' the provision of the Bounty acts of Pennsylvania, was assessed and levied . on him, amounting to $55, by the *6Ol Directors of said township; which he ieftirieff to pay, Claim ing that he was exempted under the ex emptionein said Bounty acti l and henety this stated case. ,The point of law sub mitted to . the Court , for its decisiod,was, whether he, having paid the commuta tion in 1863..wae liable to pay a bounty tax under the, peovisions of said act. Mes;rs. MAE and Coehran appeared for the School Directors, end' B. a Childs, Beg , tor the.defendint. After hearing the argucients of the counsel, the Court decided that the payment of commutatioq did , not bring the, defend. ant within the exceptions contained in :be fourth - sect - ion of said act, therefore lie was liable to 'pay said tax, and order ed judgement to , be entered in favor of the plaintiffi rye , $55, the amount of tax failed so assessed and on him, as'a'citi ten of said - township. ' B. NI. Black, Se c retary of the Mime for Friendless - Children - of Lao caster °minty; appeals to the citizens of the Counli'le its behalf. Our niimber of destiinte•children is greater than at any former period," 'and' although` we receive Boldier'ii orphans,' room is re served, so that none deatitute of the pro • per age shill be 'turned 'away, , but all may find a Rome ; eonsequentiy , we are' obliged io call Upon you to help ua in providing for 'them the necessaries: of life. Sem' oryibii have already contri buted freely of your means,' for abich we feel rattdblly, end know you will not turn a deaf - kilt to 'our appeal in OR; our time of need. We 'eainestly invite the friends of this' insiitifticia visit it and see lbr tbeinsi3lvie %hi); 'is` n on : ducted. We wish them to feel that the Rome beionittitd the People of I:ances ter County. From our country friende we particularly solicit potatoes. We require a greatmani, and as yet have had no adequate supply lof he -winter." ***The, Northern' Copiierhend idiot bti vocation vigorously: 4 Ifieteitd . deleceptifig the lieuelor . the war, and' devising means to prodgae harmony'be tween the seatitfge South; ' 'he belches' forth Ii "fitqii l e* `sad fury" eat folio we throuiti 'the - Re. cord" of New' Ytirk." Let the gorith ern people hating paid 'the' price de manded`forre'ithirittionV claim" - all ; then' rights and privileges, b2l-fyll, and submit to no abatement willingly or even si `L'eit them not recbde one inch before the tide of iadicalisin, but hold their grininiese „ itearlfastlY ass they did upon' nisi . Old 'Let them thunder at theAwors: of;AlOngreso. sad cease not untiLesenrvacant - Jiff-Ws fill - Pd. 'rite Repattlic.. is in tarsi taitalld , own spare no ntan,llwakteotalt, those whose councils have linided her through many a dangiild the'daYs gone ' - 11 Paperlitte' risen - nearly one dred letiginet and is now quite an ittgb, ev . Bt,,Bo& . lime last year, and the tenilfpFy tei,l,lonwaril Bud upward. The : materials which go to make a so, high that no one ofirrwell-tdrord to publiah a pa. per AA litits than- double the Priett;lzre eeiredtUrorn` the war. sr M. (Audiitt eirdillitifie- aged= re pe etevely 66. abli 66/ .feitee„citiere : mu r. - derefthia itheir-hboree: - county, N. Yldatik , frbstrkeiivingf , dhy, ;hitt' the mu rderet;e fallitit at og t .whieb they Were'evittenfit after. i Getietir Whitere, Mayo :, . elect of Mite. fle, hes 'beeti 'notified that 'lie *ill not he flowed to 11'14416i:hie °ice mail pardonid : • • t WI fitentialer, stetonfit-mf .vapj murder of:tal .arrested in piVA a..nn peel ocenplicitr i in the bee bean Weaned.: so' s t a ith i V ee il meiom • n ounce , en • • Duck ores De- - Alardo.o. 4. Al -16, 4 1 - 4,i9° l 4*ia. Loßckson,bni, lowa ALBrigg: diet , General of volunteers, Aratr n *cif reeriteriouil wirtist4 ' • DIM= 1 70711 PO PRICRIDINT.- MI. Jenekes of Rbodeisland has Submitted Congress the fol:kmitie simple amend ts.-merit of the gonstitutivt for ffecting, it will be seen two protninei objects, viz: the election of President by direct rote, instead of the present cumbrous machinery, and the establishment of uniform suffrage : Sect. I. In all elections of President and Vice President the ballots shall be cast directly for persons to fill said offi ces and the person having the highest number of %owe for each,oillco_shallbe declared elected to sneh °Bee: Sect. 2. in the election of President aud.,-V 4 zw..gr , coj4et4.-"alld,0 (*Wow bers.l.of. the House of .Representatives, the fol lowing describlid persons, and those only she'll have theright to Vote, to wit : Male Citizens' of the 'United' States of the age"of tienti.Olie . .ieere, not under conviction 'for inhations crime ` , who ceo read, and who shall have' reardedlo'rine year in the State and for six month's in the district in which they shall offer 'to vote. Sect. 3. Congress shall have power to pass laws providing for the registra lion of voters, for _ascertaining tbeir qualifications, for the times and manner of conductink such elections and. for pruventing frauds therein, and for :du daring their result. SINGULAR' AND RRMARICABLi OPiRA TION.--- A. very difficult surgical opera tion was - perfo r med ' on Mr. Charles flatiark. 'residing near Cherryville, Ilunterdon county, N. J , by Dr Fields ot Bono.; •a few days Since. Mr. Huff man had been ill for several 'Months, an..d'h . , .. is physician pronounced him in the last stag!. of 'conmamptio,u; at this crisis, Mr Huffman expressed a desire to 'have hieboily, opened—believing that his lungs were not affected, but that there was an abcess forming within hiS body. Accordingly the above named physician was called in--his body was , andopnned, a large blatider-like sack of matter, weighing four pounds and eleven ounces, was detached from - one of his luags and brought out through the inet: Mon made into "his body. At last ac ne, te, the patient, though very weak, was oing well; with strong hopes'ofitis ulti ' ate recovery. • .... . cure yourself of Dyspepsia .. This, most a gravating of ,all complaints—a 3 iri. disease run which,more, peopte suffer and die than almost any other—has at . last found its ma'ster. Coe s Dyspepsia Careo o ntrols and completely cures it, in its rat stages ;no one who suffers from dyspepsia, sick-headache, souring and rising , of the food, should be without it: Whilst iu all cases of hard colds, stubborn coughs, sore throat, and all bronciol affections, Coe's Cough Bal sam is the cheapest and ,best. These trhartiClea are deservedly.very popular with .ilia. masses. Sar 21"mong,the failures -through un. fortunate speculation i 0 * Oil- A . B. tionsraker i r-P:resident of the:Adontgome- ry National Bank of Norristown. Be is shoot concluding,orrangements with his.credLtdrs; which,will be entirely set, isfactory to all parties. As there is-no thing.to.stecessitate any change, he will remain ~President of the Ildontgoiriory, National Book. : :fit'. Edwin Forrest‘hactaken steps to bee re-married to "his former. wife. ,She some times' sincel.procured a. decree of divorce', and a :large allowance of her husbands: estate,, but he . has' recently taken. an appeal , to the Supreme : Court of the, United..States,,to, have the,decrae ann u lied. Theleffect theorev.ersal ,of the iCoort.below w.ould,of.'course,. be to re-unite-the parties , in the " boly borids of _wedlock: . • , G. When the 'er ended .in April lastathpigovernment owned ap,d,used,foy milltallTurpops 330 looptnotivcs, 40 . 00 cars, and 70,000 tons of iron. All the locomotives have been.sold hut. -32 and there are about 1000 clop : yet : on : „ hand 3 some have been cold for cash.atatiction, and.some on Rix months and twQyepra time to southerkrailroads. All will be sold befove January,lst. A ir Ex.,Qovernor William A. Graham receoYB l 9o:o UPitgd .0 16 M1B, Senator for N 00)3 qirf4inp, is a:t unpardpßed rebel. enti , yet in the very face of this rant, his,pkectkon, was, almost unanimous. As lontas the . wkippe,d, traitors show no better evideneeof repentance,thanjs exhibited inAnekacts, just ,so long re-construction be delayed. , :4W . It is stated , that, 'at no i remo!a pe riod, a bill will be introAnced into...on greskitathori;ip,g. the issue ~ of blinnti land, warritatedl6o atlrea4 thepri !arida , ikkatiorablydispharged and • the heirs of:Attease,d soldiers who had, borne ams;io-idgfoopo,oftlmgayarfoneat., Grabs ,provost mara . beil o e f Washii.- u ~. _ fon w,Aosaulked Th op, oiklay, by, an e4-cePtaitoo the !elm! ftriit ... Tpt k a t. ...ipz: itilli3OrAta_tie,-.0..;-.:4;vh s - tly . ;:i • Vrs,. l o/ 3 49 3 TmOtY,4ll%,l 7 Pl P er9r Icimift i vanton.,ll he liglatval it Ha. VllANWoo.42.thricKs%.-411-'l,MttiVtizt' ONE AINTICLIE :•••• L'r't&THE MARIETTEA.N.I2fIL., .r , .;0 Ib ltvititNut—lfOlL Q. Vitwson Ooleearitesq„ ?Jae again. merle the hanc(setne contribution of 1114, hundred dollar's to tut l 'approfiriated to the purchase of coal for the needy of Lebanon. Pa„ through the coming winter. The Altoona Tribune says about three hundred houses are already ender con tract to be erected neat season in that town. I . . , A gentleman who recently inserted a "want" in a Chicago paper,received six hundred and thirty-two answers. . Who says the people doislt read t k elavettiee, me /4 ats to I ' ." t rt.: t st - ,, The , Rennaylvania-sßailroads-Company advertise for bidelor leasing , the weEAl . 9jvisiqp of the main line. of. the Pentisllvania Canal, " Bids will be re neivedpttl the firm, of 4antinry,, , . A German gir1,,.17 yeisis of age, with out friends or relations; committed sui cide-id MAOlien, a >dsy or two `Mice, because her emplo y er charged-her• with strialiness and discharged 'her: Mr. Mardoeb . iiiSi taken' suddenly ill on Friday evening, while performing in the ''litrariger;'? at. Grover's' Theatre, Washington, and liad'to be removed to his home. John Stoddard,-aged 87 years, one or I3onaparte's veterans, and the keeper of a lager beer_ saloon near ! Little Falls, Llerbimer.eounty, New York. was bru tally assaulted - on Friday ,evening_ last. The ruffianshoped to itecure some money which they supposed the old man had in his possession. The horse •• Deudy," formerly owned by the late General Corcoran, was die= poked of 1)j - riffling:a few . days -since, in New York, for the sum • of . $1;506. •• Dandy," as it will be judged fror&the amount of his purchase money, was .a very flue horse. I Singelarly enough, the proCeeds of this nut too regulair -kind of sale go to the Church - of the Transfigu retion, and the winner Of the prize is the brother of the priest.- The quacks are already , thlting,advan tege of the threatened.approaCh of the cholera, and expect'to reap a harvest if it really comes. Ali sorts . of nostrums aud specifps, liquid and , solid, in pills and.powders, are making. their appear ance,,each warranted to cure. The in telligent- public need not be warned against these dangerous medicaments. Some of them may be harmless, but . far the greater part are really injurious, Families sometimes have the inisfor tune to get , a barrel of poor flour. They cannot make kood bread out of it. This is especially the case at this season of the year. Seth flour' whetvoused for' breed-Making with yeiiet, will Sour before it is ready for baking.- A -.lady corres- pondent says this difficulty way be rem edied by mixing a little finely pulverized saleratus with the dry , " flour, and then . mii the yeast, and it will make sweet biead. Ibis'is a fact certainly w orth knowing. non. John Bell is residing quietly at His once : erectform : is con._ siderably bowed,and his physical ener gy inuch..impaired,.bnt his intellectual vigor is represented to be is great us it ever 7as. He has ETor,u 111 ,4giatikete. 1 9 the: Federal , governn4ent, and ; recisiv,e,d pardon. • - The.brilegroore'at a fashionable ertici ding-in a church at Troy, ti.few evenings isgo, Wes in - such haste" to'reach' the cal% that he started dole lite aisle viiih his bride when %lin - ceremony was only . half performed. The clergyman. rushed at. ter the retreating pair, and, amid a gen ilia' titter, Completed his remarks. The New Orleans. Bee is-authorized to announce that an agency will soon be opened in that city to accept proposi tious ,from plnnters for a certain numher of Asiatic immigrats, , llindoosn or Chi nese. . . Hon.,Thoinan Corwin, of Ohip, late minister to e zioo,. die* et Washington on Monday, from an attack of ,paralysis. klesoecopied in his day, many, prominent poiitions, among them-tttat of governor of Ohio. = _ _ . • IV is stated that Secretary Stanton will resign shortly after die first of 'the year, hie health having greatly failed in conescinence of °vanished energies. It is probable visit Enrop.e. John Naylor, of flilgay, 'England, died recently , at the age of one hundred and seventeen years, as shown by' his baptismal register: He retained all his faculties and - was en active Walker to the last: Alexander Crum Mgbam was killed a few eiglite , ego,-in New -York, a quarrel in a saloon., by an unknown man who thrust umbrelli nto ' his eye, penatiatiag the' brain. • - President Johnson his pniitivelyA. dined to accept a carriage niade for' him by tjie workmen of the army repair' workshop, after:their working' Venni., Captain West; the Old Capitol. -Prig on_keePer has belli cashiered. for too great itOintacvsi i th Wirz. c.J! A.lifteenalWar qjd Sags! 3.913 N s filner. itatis.aiglithemobwißtskliqufjOgyppliit • of twine.- : frettiatii•AriAstiiloittirprary.4 Tim oily 1. A. -7131211MAND th1;1111 PRIZTIS.—The Ametica Statesman has outdotte all of ite competitors, in the number and val ue of its I"riaes offered for Subscribed. ' It sends to every getter up of a Club of Forty Subscribers, at $1 50 each, one of Wheeler it Wileons Celebrated $5500 Family Sewing Machines. I For every Club of Thirty and less than Fifty it allows one dollar on each 1 subscriber towards tha purchase of said machine. For, every club of Five, it sends one of those Splendid Steel En gravings of the Uniform Series of Na tional Portraics, on the best board, 19- 44 inblies for framing, - including that of`President •Linc'oln, Andrew Johusote, Lieut. Gen'l. Grant, Gen'ls. Sherman, 'Sliellffilii:l'llniii as; 'MCC le II ariVF rem out; • Aditifitlir. , D. G. Firragut .and U. --D. Porter, nd.also tocluding George , and Martha Washington, each valued at $2.00 i includtng a selection. front about five, hundred of the , leading Portraits, Engravings, Lithographs and raintiDg B now , published. i Fur every additional Three , subseri ibens; one of the above or . " any of the , Engravings, Portraits or Lithographs ' sold in New York, at not above $2; at . .. . wholesale, as per catalogue of prices. ' The above offers one of the finest chart ! ces for the young in getting up Clubs NII . F. have s'een,,to a long time. For further particulars send for ' . ,•,. AMERICAN STATESMAN. Office; 67 . NussAn street, New York- BOOKS FOR TUE l'ontro.—Just the kind to elevie sod do 'them good. to he had of Messrs. J. CI Garrigues Sr Co., 148 South Fout:th street, Philadelphia. For 'real excellence and worth their stocirhas not its superior in the Country, and it has already acquired - -a wide spread reputation. In . additien'to their own : publications, their collection in cludes the very bevr 'and thest interesting julienne books that haireissued.frotn the promiiient pub:ishiog houses in this country daring he past three or (der years. -11.1acii book is carefully examined and none passes muster`andinds its way to their shelves that is not of the highest order of merit.' Parents andinstructora of the young maY'rely upOn it that no better books can be fo - und to put in-the hands of their children. iggr A-case is before one of the courts in Hartford, Conn:, :which reveals the brutal conduct of a man towards hiS wife. Timothy: E. -Goodrich, of Farrington, some time ago wanted to get - rid 'of his wife, and - -hirecra fellow to m:alle! insult ing. - propositions to'her. She: resented ,the insult and .threateneil to sill hint-if. he repeated his proposition, whereupon. 'he had her arrested on a charge of threat ening his life, and of course her husband refused to give bonds, and she was ,placed-in' jail and gotten out by - the state attorney after .her- health had been ruined. Goodrich refused to - take care of her. and Mr. Moses McKee took _her and-cared for her a tear and a half and buried her, her husband all the .while refusing-to do anything at all. for her. Now 7 McKee. sue§ Goodrich for her board and furieral.eipenses. . en Margaret Rooney, o young wom an 16 years of age, has been convicted in Now York of pickles.. pockets, at- ta. nerals. She. would attend , a fuoeFal, pretend to be v y ineurper,'apd rifle.pockt eta daring th prayer. A,t ono funeral she obtained $2OO in this way from pne of.the, nrkou)l3e,rs. skil- Dr, Ju , lson, the celebrated - Bap , tist missionary, in a lettt;r written thirty' Tears ago, describing the costume of Karen women, said they wore fancifully constructed bags ,enclosing the hair and suspended from the hack . part of the bead. 'a -A 'gentleman in - Iklew . `York has - . - made.a Christmas - cake 'for the Five Points missions•whieh weighs 400 pounds, and contains 120 pounds of 'Ectik'icr, - 100 °ands of ElOur; 'ay pounds of biitter,'6o pounds of fruit and 850'egire: It - is 9 Test long; 21 inches wide; and 10' ieches think. or A etriking..ouriosity,has die covered in the Nevada territory. It „is a_mountain::of rook suit, situated. abont -twenty *les Meaddivf Valley; , only eighteen.. mil rum the. , hpad.iof navigation' ,on the,- ColortuinJj.ye,r. , It risea . abruptly.from the plain.,ahout, 400 feet in height, a mountain of pure,epark lingterysta.lized salt. -•- - Gar lit - srildier belonging to the garri eon tn. oronto u ndertook tbe•other day tObeiti hie wife'with' his belt: but - ',Mei.: dently struck the baby her arms witt4, the buckle - Ad 0114 it. Ile and his wife burned the child and kept quiet, 'but their tlietidfitl secret-was discoirered aid the man was arrested. • sr. 'William L. itarshdl;.of Fitchburg ...Mass., who' legs ?seventeen years. old . when.hieLfalher , died,insoleent : thas just pabitihettalanceCf.his fatimusi indt.bt, ecluess,..prinuipal audinterest......A.noble ._ Gi r ._ 7 ",be ram stoners f, at "Vfashing- I ton, has heen-ientshita'(iiarltniiha,;iel . , Ii ,:uiir. 14.. + ,- ;;Ct .„4 6 , 4 *.e". , ,, ' SW,. 1-10 - tr kW Aver.havimj s mu d iscovered on g..... 1. .. 411 • t .. s•ftt•T .y ,, ,r.,!. • 04 L - 4 ;`. 0.; Sec . V 444..,.. 44 iarsiau- , 1 . .iir Charles Dickens - conSiktnplablksi4 1 ~ -,, L - :- + Ow 1 114/ 444, *eke ' ; ildetaibildhlitiabidilliesibiateZiPol.4* " ' ' 4 - N . , dhe *thigVitistinsOrte, le' Ftl t,OO ~: , -, e i,3 1 1 Neits,44l 5* , ni, . . - ...,. .4.. u. 3r tit-.:-.~- .Spettal Ratites Wits? ADERNETBIT RAlD:—“Virell, sir, what is the matter 7" said Abernethy, the great English - singeon, to a cadaverous-look ing patient, who had call. it to consult him. "Oh, nothing seriona," was the reply, my stomach and liver are out ot order, that's all." Do you call that nothing serious?" said Ab ernethy ; 1 tell you, sir, that when these two organs are out of order, as you -all it, there's not a square inch of the body that is not mare or less diseased, nor a drop of blood in it that is in a healthful condition." Noth ing can be more true, therefore it is of the very highest importance to keep the stomach and liver in a vigorous condition. If the one is weak and the other irregular in its action, tone - and control them with Hostetter's •cele brazed' Stonivich Bilters—the most genial iiege;.- table Restorative anti Alterative that has ever beemadministereitas , aNcuteduuDyspepsiskaml Liver disease. is recommended. by distin guished-surgeons and phystciais of the IJnited Stiftes'Arniy, officers of the'ArmY and Na vy, by qur'llikt authors, by' eminent 'clergy men—in fa;iyhy - tholraitrids'of the moat intel ligent of every classi - aaau'unequailed protec tive against epedeinic and malarious disease, . and as a - perfectly innocuous, but at the same • ‘, , , time 'pow erful,in viiorant a nd al teiliti ve. Lvon's..P.citionicA Doors._ The great i male Remedy for Irrepilarities.—Thene Drops are Cacientifically compounded fluid prepara tion, and better than any Pills, ,Powders or Nest:ulna.. 13eing.liquid, their action is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, spee dy. and certain specific for the cure of all ob structions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity ihdiC4ted by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum ed by the lades of the United States, every one of whom speak in the strongest terms of praise of their goodtuerits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Rem edy, and are considered by all who know aught of them, as the_ surest, safest and most infallible preparation in th . e world, for the cure of all female .pornplaints„ the removal of a il,Ohg.Sti e orpi o I:,..natnre and the tr t o motio n of health, regularity and strength. iirleit directions stating when they .Mily be used, and explaining, when they,s:iould not, nor could not be used without prodneing effects contra ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care fully Prided around each bottle, with the writ ,ten signature of Jonir L. Lyon, without which none are genuine. - - - I Prepared bv Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 19.3 Chapel street, New-Haven, Conn., who can be con suited either personally' or. by mail,. (enclosing stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe male weaknesses. Sod by Druggists every where. C. G. CLARK & CO., lyl Gen'l Agts for I.J. S. and Canadas To Co:cannel(' ES.—The advertiser hav ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very . . simple remedy, after having sutfered several 'years, with a severe lung affeetien, and that dread disease, t!onsumption, is an xioua to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To ail who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription, free of charge, With the directions for preparing and useing the acme, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Bron chitis, Coldi. nd all throat and lung &Erections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the presa.ription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information Which he conceives to be iiivaluable,'and be hopes every sufferer Will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Pirties wishing the prescription, razz, tr. return mail, will please address Key. EDWARD A. Witsort, Kings County . , New-York. LLY' Ennons'or - Yocru.—A gentleman who suf fered for years from Nervous -Debility, Pre mature Isecay„and all the effects of youthful indiscretion; will, for :the aloe of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and dilections• for making the BP iple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi; ence, can do so by addressing JOBN B. 0CD.E7.1, No. 13 chamber st., Nix; Torn STiPARGE, BUT Tatfe..--Every young lady andgentleman in the United Shites can bear sorriething very much to their advantsge' by return mail (free of `charge.) by Addressing the undersigned. Those having feels of being humbogged,svill .oblige by. not. noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAP/WAN. 831 Broadway, N. Y BLEU DUES.% DXsrirEss and Cata.rla. trea • ted with the utmost success, by Dr J. /54 SCS, Oculist and Anrist; (formerly of Le} - don; tiol laud,) No. 519 Plan street, Philadelphia. 'Tee tunonials from the most reliable bourres in the City and Country can . be seen at his once. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he hiss no secrets in his' prac tice:. A BTI ric llyr.s inserted withou. pain No charge made for examination. 126 ly. ITCH ! ITCH I Prim !! ! Scratch! 'Scratch!! Scratch ! "Wheaten's Ointment" will cure the Itch in 48 hours. Also cures Salt 14.1,einn Ulcers,Chilbleinii, and al] eruptidnanf the skin Price'so cents: For Bale By. sendink 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, ./70 .Wa.abington street, Boston. Mass , it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of _the U. States [6m .10.- :Chore is, both log more certson to :pre rent female iireiulathies than Dr tel i'eingle B ei(se'a ret u r n of Monthly sicknege, - withoutwliieli..rie uriMairied lailkcan.enjaiiperfeetlealth.lfor sale' at +Dr. 1-link le!s Al rag Alto it; •Narietta.: 'BAN*. NOTICE: -SFiret Plaiianal- Rank. at Marietta, ,j, ti Deember ,6, 180. SS Ari electionriine t o'setve -de 'enduidg year; will he held. at the ,lianti ing taAhe Jlnicoughpf Marietta, on Tue day;.litn'utkry9th, 1866, lietiVeen tr 4 titinre band .41135.1,1311 m. A.MOS BRAT M Caiihter. 'S OILPT SOAPS. Cg , Gl.9 . .„, • Honey.: Clyciarine; Palm, Mutant! Bachand Shaving SOAPS. tp, auy, inverted., Just received and for 'sale; verrchetitrat TiI.rWOEDEN—MORTAR. 4 j a 7 1 1 4411: 11 i _ 1 ":d:e4lar il tieriirenttt 4 lkiin'hint;&o .41,i. ;:;:, :1 A NOTHER GREAT CURE IN TUE CITY OF NEW Ynßit, Or a highly real:sect:Ole te. , 11 k no to the Mercantile e n mmunity, 'l3 D R • 3. Li. SCHENC g , TIIE. GREAT LUNG DOCTOR OF PalL, A DELP . Orstem N. Y. AND GALCHA Laub c Nu. 28 Nas.san St., New York, lune 1 lip' Da J. ii. settErrit—Dear Sir fifteen years I have uee:t troubled w; h, ° ' 4l Tare cough. and usually tw.. or th ree Year with int,re or Isms hemorrhug 14 gether, itfr the last few years.bra n,. Mit lit flesh and o businej.; kind wtiout suffering. In dAugust InstOl a very severe hemorrnage, and, acc, rd the j,tdgement of a good New I'm phv i i n ei zp 1 11,'13 ClSlSmeil as beyond t to reach '•lnie'd, and , was advised to be prepared . to f a r pxrtx . Um, deattersi were t concerned, to le y , short notice. The phy sie:a c u friends) said that the first old and iny " prove later: — Early in January 1 tack' I took g im7„ e ; vere c01d,...,and fortunately was occu; roods"' at No. 32 13u NU ST k EEC, J a py ote:riy,nui.ofrico4ej think about the l61": f Jannaty 1 pi t i - mtiled a bottle of your PuioDi ic :Trap and commenced taking it free) My feet and limbs were very much ssosi t Y ; and all the symptoms of a speedy °earn 0 , 4 ! e I to accompany my co.d. I sent In my tormer physician, gird stated to hint tail was taking ; your medicine, and after 'honer them to hint, Sind tiatiing taste° of them, 3 e : he replied: "'You can tale them if you Mu they wad. you no harm" He said: ..1%.4 know what I told you laot summer, ant i ay the same now, if, you has e any business!, close Up, no not put it titf." He said to ofhn friends, " that he could see no hope ,for nl e ,s and my friends and refations c.tueluded mr time,had come. At this time I was t kieg freely _oryouisneilmine, but hat not seen yO, l The doctor'tidied' a few times, and food me (much to tars surprise, he said.) improniib and he could nut understand wl.y. My ink Was increasing in your med , eines, and I 'Enda wish tabaveyou- examine Hay case, and see whit you had to say. When you nut tot to any room and made the examination, y ea cave me but littie encoura,rem:mt, but au IV: contrsry, expressed sad doubts of any ern being helped out of my then seeming dita.:,!. ties' Tare see.nol time that you called, ns!. ing me still gaining, you.gare me encounto. wear. saysit , ' "" symptoms were irupros ing ; the l'ulindnie Syrup. Sea-weed and Mandrake Pills Lad acted like a thaw. My circulation, qty coo4b, my appetite, aq began to iinpriirecs and I coed walk about:lly monk a,little. You visited me nearly trey faesday, and found me. improving, and tog rne'nut to go unf.of . iriy . room u.itil the rte day of May. took nci white underls4 treatment, my appetite became firer-rate, ant you told me to eat everything I Wi3ilE.i ult nutritious nature, acid ,co exercise about tee room as much as ressifiie. 1 followed year advice us,O to - the surprise of any o;d obrocie: and friends, I seem much. b.rtter than 1 been for several years and breathe balk:6l3 et expected - a persOu 'could with one the left being completely dried up. I fol Tory grateful to you, and c.sasiler yourslna and tuedicines Da. Scn Er:ex—Dear Sir : About two ear, ago 1 wee taken with a very treubleant cough arid a pain in itiy breast ; seven yr eight months passed away without me dun; any thing fur ikt self. Then I applied physic' .n. who attended me for about months without rendering me any service. I also obtained the advice and treatment oft physician in one of, our hospital, and air, had the advice and treatiiien t of two otherpir. sicians, but all to no 'purpose. During tint tun,; space of time 1. was neatly dead; .ever• al times my friett . ds_eame to see rue and no ness my exit auto tne spirit-world. I Vat.cil. lined to my bed two montlit at o:,e time. My breathing was exceedingly short. 1 me c? seeerai times all hope of- getting better; tut as leganded getting well, that was eutirviyoct ut the question. And to think this day lan well and hearty ! I was advised by BMe di my friends to try Da. 'Scuatiex's Medicine I accordingly bought bottle after bottle, u li I reached tue ; then I found a decided change in jay cough for the b?tter. severely froln Palpitation of the heart, and too weeks after 1 - colninonc:d taking your medici[e this difficulty ceased. When I first went to Dr. &bench's o,fflee it was with diffienity thahl could gw up iota bit reception room, I was or weak suit so swelled; my skin viralos sal lu w as though I had ihejon• dice; telt dull, heavy, and steeple,' Lh. hclictica, after eitoinitiing me. said both my roils were affected, arid gave rue but fittn hope ; but his medicines, in about two wsen, wok right hold of me ; it seemed to g, rigc thrungo triy„ wive, drptem.' The Pulmull: hj rup, Mandrake Pillk all took IP 'rtlik.right place. Ti Pitts brougat awoy garat quisoti.iesoihdesel slime ; the syrup louseded the matter in mr lungs, which came off very free; thy Sowed Tunic gave rue an appetite, and everythiii ueeineu to taste good. To show what great power the medicios have in purifying ray sy stem, and to dot how, bad I was uiseased, beside all the kit that passed my bowel's, and the great guano. ties-u! _ phlegm and matter I expectorated broke out alt over in laige boils, that lend cunrenu. to .other and run for about sot weeati and I had at one time over twerfy•iv bolls. I have nothing of the kind now. all reel like another person altogether. 10 5 safely say that:.,l have - not enjoyed such !melt fur five years as idd nobr; and cermet pair you ur.d yodr medicines 'enough. Mat 1 ;. 4 abundantly oless andpre-erve you! Ili the as core desire of one wockhas been so windmill'• ly relieved thrinigh your agedey ; and itll! one desires to litioW with re iv to the tote fulness of this report, if they will call up) )I 6 of my Imelda, or upon me, N 0.4 'Alden Pisre , near Thdropsim - :street: below Cadwodl Phinsdelphia„ they will be perfectly selid l with the validity of the ease.. Yours, Iti° much reaped, IMARY - SCI'S A I ut The above case, as described, is Pe ,164 comet - 4 know it to be true. vutui, DR. SC H CIC will be professionall) ' 1 principal 09ice s No. 15 Nom" SIXTH Stara cornet of CohIMERCe., PRILADEI NetUrday, firm 9 A. M. unit! 4 P. M. ; Bond stree',..t, New, York, every TUelid6y , fr 4 9 to 3 ; N 0.38 Summer street, Boston, liar every Wedneadav, from 9to 3, and ever) Friday at 108-Baltimore street, Baltimore , All advice free, but for thorough examins o of the lungs with his Respirometo, the cil° in "hi ee dollars. Price of the PitilliOnie Syrup and 5e ,46. , Tonic, each ;1.50 per bottle, or $7 50 per dozen Mandrake Pi 115,25 cents per b , .l' FOR SA LE BY ALL DRUGGISTS P' DEALERS. A NEW IDEA - A AND-4 GOOD ONE. , BLaCKWELL & CO. G/LSEY'S IRON BUILDING, 171 Bao4nn 4 . New Vol*, have commenced Me of taking SUBSCRIPTIONS to• . PRINCIPAL MAGAZINES and Wb" • LY P for SI-10It,T (to =nail). or half-yearly.) at the learly rates, offering a great a ivantoi e , , overs of iiterature, who may %%All fj „, several pnblicationa paying but a littie if ir o neY at s time. FuU particular! to C o l lar rent on applicalion to any a ddred. - A GOOD AGENT WA NTED in each. tr. v/. .. J - P 0 S T—NlAsTki.itS are requette, send for our circular containing 1B" manta. BLACKWF,LL tr. Co.. yak , MirewiwaY' New CAUTION Public N ODee that TY wife. kaigaret (soany; bee left and board without 'he t or Rd.v_oditje4: tierelly. caution P ; Ageieet titlating.her on my account, C loy no debio af 'her contracting. Is , ; • - Di'm 241 'PM SR;IN,GLER'S. Yourb, T. S. SHELDON T. T. 8. MILE,O, Pastor of Hancock M. E. Chas.