The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 16, 1865, Image 2

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F. L. Baker, Editor.
...... ....
Sattfraa9 Vorning, s)eeeNbet. 16, 1865,
gir Robert Dale Owep, esq , has writ
ten an able letter to the New York
Post, in favor of making certain amend
ments to the United States Constitution
so as to render intelligence the •basis of
our republican system. His suggestions
are that race and color shall be uo die
qualifications for voting, but that only
those who are able to read the Coosti
tution of the United States elan be
qualified to vote for Presideut'and Vice
President, and members ' , it' Congress ;
further, that the people shell vote direct.
ly for President and Vice President,
thee dispensing with the Electoral Col
lege system. Mr. Owen says he has
reason to believe that these important
propositions will be introduced in the
early days of the present session of
Congress by one of its ablest members,
and that they will lind favor in high
quarters. ,
or When Ministei Ward was in
China, a clergyman who was :with the
embassy had'occiaion to get his coat
and pAntaloone both mended before ap
pearing at Pekin ; they wage so much
patched and darned by a long residence
in a land of scarcity of tailors and high
prices, that they were not fit to be seen ;
and at Canton he left them to have a
new snit made. Be received at the ap
pointed time new garmeata, with every
darn and patch so accurately true to the
old clothes, that nothing but the great
er strength of the new cloth could de
termine one from the Other. The tailor
had unluckily conceived that the darns
and patches were so many emblems of
the clergyman's .profession.
sir A colored Loan named DUCIC1111801:1
gained some:notoriety as an artist at
Cincinnati, a few years ago, but be was
so coldly treated that he concluded. to
leave the country. He went first to
Canada, and then to Scotland, where he
has been received with favor, and his
paintings successfully exhibited.: He
has been invited to visit London by the
Duchess of Sutherland and the Duchess
of Ease:, who will'be his patrons. He
has also received a letter from tae poet
laureate Tennyson, inviting him to visit
him at his home in the lsle of. Wight.
sur Patrick Fietniug, one of the mut.-
defers now in jail under sentenae of
death in Chicago, his sold his body for
1150, to a well kunwn'suigeon, for dissec
tion, in one . of the Medical Colleges.
When approanhed 1;oy the surgeon with
'the offer, Fietaitig replied that the
money would - do him no good, as be
could not vend it. The Doctor made
the cool reply that he could buy a new
slut of clothes to be hung iu. This idea
struck Fleming-favorably, and be imme
diately deeded his.earthly• tenement to
the Burgeon. • - • • -
sr An elopement from 4dianopoliii,
which lately took .place, bas as usual ,
borne disagreeable fruit- young And
headstrong girl, daughter of one of the
"ilrst tamiiies," persisted, despite , the
protests snit entreaties of the parents,
in marrying • wild young blade. She
eloped, married, returned, was reconciled
discovered au incompatibility of temper,
was divorced, and,is !wain in the market
after a brief period of iwo mouths. Ra
ther a rapid experience, -even for, this
fast age, ; fora Aim in her ,"teens."
The New Bodford Mercury tells
story of the •height of economy-bor
dering on meanness." A. man of . im
mense wealthia : one of our large cities
was sick. Atilength; after some weeks
of illness, be,,,diti during the hours of
night. A child, only, heir to , his vast
estate, sat by the "-window, .the next
morning, 'watching the advent, of the
physician. As he approached the beluga,
the bereaved one lifted the sash and
cried out, "it's all• over, doctor; you
needn't come in."
sr There are on our army and navy
lists a general, colonel, lieutenant colon.
el, and several. surgeons, natives_of the
Sandwich Is:ands, who volunteered to
fight for the Union cause on the first
call for meo, and it'is claimed that the
two thousand Anieficane residitig on
these islands, gaVe`more to the Sanitary
Commission,. in Evoportion to chair own
bars and means, thaik.any gommunity
tbaAnited Sltes. ,
The,, country Louisville
and Nashville is ;,perfectly ,ali4e ,with
wild pigeons. , The yeomen of Kentucky
aod..Tenneesee nes-gaping rich.trvests,
from the innumerable roosts akin the
line of the railroad. One night'last
week the pig:lois - thronged upon the
Green rivetkitidgein such weighty ntitii
berel.hai the Agity...ol Ant flatinAtre
was AlikPerillek- , • -
About Iva hondred-aziladghty Masai
orritiO pow itooskalumi '14. 4
Int Mara fit a Nut-Sbtil
A few weeks ago a man named Ste
phens, who was the " Head Centre " or
principal chief of the Fenians in Ire
land, was arrested and east into prison,
but by the connivance, doubtless, of
some of the prison officials, he made his
escape, and np to the last dates bad not
been re-arrested. So important was
this capture considered that the British
Government have offered a reward of
$5OllO for his capture, and.slsoo and a
pardon to any one for information that
may result in his capture.
Charles Shaw, his wife and only child
were drowned while skating,on Pleasant
Pond, in Croville, near Bangor. Maine,
on Friday. Also
o three sons of Mr.
Banker, of Franklin Maine, were drown
ed on Thursday ina pond while skating.
Venturing upon ice before it was strong
enough, in their eagerness for the sport,
was the cause of these melancholy
In the cage of the United States vs.
the Greenwood plantation property of
Braxtql Bragg, the granted delay hav
ing expired and no defence having been
filed, the court ordered, on motion of
the district attortfey, that all persons
interested in said property be consider
ed in default, and the property be con
demned and sold for the benefit of the
United States.
Henry Wilson, just now under arrest
at Genesee, N. Y., proves to have been
the murderer of Mrs. Lewis, of Lancas
ter, New York, in 1864, and of Herr
Burton, Esq., at Rochester, the put
summer. Both thue murders have
hitherto been involved in mystery.
A. recent emigrant to Liberia gives a
glowing description of the country. He
says, "The climate is delightful, the
mercury ranging from 66 to 80, the sun
rises and eels about 6 o'clock, and varies
but little during the year. The most
beautiful flowers are in bloom during the
whole year.
- Hon. George W. Julian, M. C., of
Indiana, while waiting for the cam in
the depot at Richmond,' Indiana, was
knocked down and cowhided by Sol. Mar
editb,Evq., who was defeated for Coo
meg last - tlection by Mr. Julian.
In response to inquiries from Major
General Pope'the Secretary of War re
plies that the deserters whose regiments
are still in service on the plains will be
dishonorably discharged without pay or
The rebel officer who drove off Gen.
Franklin and his fifteen thousand men
at Sabine. Texas, hi now a s barkeeper at
Houston, where he will kill more men
than be ever did in the rebel service.
The Lower House of the Missouri
Legislature has adopted a resolution de
claring Jeffersen Davis an ,unfit subject
for executive - clemency, and that be
should, suffer the penalty of the law.
There ere seventy thousand kernels Of
corn in a bushel ; two hundred,and fifty
four thousand apple seed in a buihel :
and over fourteen thousand seeds in an
ounce oftobaUco:
Mr. Lewis Buehler, of the Union Ho
tel, Tamaqua, inherits 4750.900 by the
death of a relative in Germany. \
brother, Charles ithehler, porter bottler
of Harrisburg, inherits a simitar amount.
When a optional bank receives its
charter it must pay. into the United
States Treasury a sum equal ,to. its au
thorized circulation, so that •whetherAt
fails or not its notes will always be pay
The Freedmen's Bureau has just re
ceived intelligence that a ; certain -judge
in Anne Arundel co., Md.,recantly sen
tenced a black woman to be sold into
slavery for two years. What twit?,
United States Tretwarer,' General
Spinner, received OAP= of one cent
from a bigger, asiiis, the boggar's mite,
towardspaying the national debt.
The grand jury in. Chicago has indict
ed-all the proprietors of the slaughter
houses, and soap factories in that city
who create nuisances.
Mrs. D. P. Bowers, it is stated by the
Baltimore Transcript, has purchased
fifty acres of land near Baltimore, and
contemplates erecting , thereon a fine
Ueneral Withers, Mayor elect of Mo
bile. has been notified that lie , will ,
be allowed to assume his Office until
pardoned by ths President.
Comptroller Clark, of the Currency
Bureau, has decided that ladies cannot
lot as directors of national banks, as
the lime do not reCogaize them u Citi:
,It ie understood the nonetitntOnality
of tbe sat of Congme preeen . ting the
tAlt„Olith, .now before
.the Supreme
Court, on the-application of A. A. Gas
land, of Arkansas.
Major General Boiler and Major•Qen.
oral Dix have resigned, or rather . tbaitr
resignations, which , have 'bean
hands of the President inr soma months
have been accepted.
41..0010ted matt siii-suioalooodlto sit'
on a.jnr, iii Olovohlisd, OW/ last week
but his whitihoollesgoetralaiing to sit
with hiorrlitroros discharged'.
.!z i k
TlAhaftroi! etmts! ..141 1 4-4 1 #00. on- h.
* y ew ip 011 iblahOtaskitolug-i.
—"The Hermitage," or what was once
the home of President Jackson, is rapid
ly going to decay. It stands without a
tenant, and the only:article of fulrnitare
it, contains, is an old arm chair, which
report has it, did once belong to Gener
al Washington. Adjacent to the house
in a rudely built log hut, lives an old
negro and his wife, formerly belonging
to General Jackson. The sacred tomb
of-the soldier statesman and his wife, is
in a corner , ofthe garden. It is in the
form of a Temple of Liberty. One of
the large stones covering the remains
has-sunk down, and like the rent of the
premises is ioihg n to,ruin. The garden,
once so beautiful, is over grown with
weedy and grass. The fionces.are,nearly
all'down and totten ; in fact, all is des.
elation. The property was left to an
adopted son, a nephew of General Jack
son, who sold it to the Commonwealth
oVennessee, its owner still.
"Marshfield," thii honie of Webster,
is quite a watering place, and is becom
ing more so every summer. Hence the
mansion is much resorted to. The (am :
ily having charge of the farm admit vis
itors to the library containing some
4,000 volumes; to the parlors filled
with curiosities that were presented to
Mr. Webster; to "the chamber where
the good man net his fate ; " and to the
grounds, on the receipt of a small
The house is just as Mr. Wplaster left
it; a spaciOus one of wood, painted
white, and with green blinds. It is
quite far from the street, in the style , of
an Englishman's home, and his ,th'at
magniticeutoold elm tree beside it, as
formerly. None of the %abater name
now reside at " Marshfield," though the
widow of the late Colonel 'Fletcher
Webster usually spends a month or two
on the farm. The place wfll soon be
owned by Ashburton Webster, a grand
son of Daniel, or as soon as he is of age.
He is connected with the United Statea
Navy, and promises to be worthy of the
name.: Daniel Webster. who bears the
great name of his grandfather, and a
. .
son of Col. Fletcher Webster, is now ,
there, and apparently in the last stages
of a fatal disease.. As most know, none
of Mr. Webster's children are living ;
and but three grandchildren of his
name t .the two, already mentioned, and_
their,sister. There are also four grand
children by the , name, of, Appleton, Oil-,
dren of his much loved daughter Julia.
All his children are.uried Est pie in
the family tomb.
A STRANGICFACT.—An exchange. pa-
per says that Mr. Seward bad been kept
in ignorance of the attack on the Presi
,dent, ids physician fearing that- the
shock would be too great' for 'him to
bear, and all newspapers were rigidly
excluded from his room. On the Sunz'
day following the assassination, the Sec
retary had the bed wheeled around so
that be &gild see the tops of the trees
in the park opposite, just putting on the
spring-foliage; when his eye caught , the
stars and stripes_ at half mast 'on the
War Department, DO which be- gazed
awhile, then turning- to his 'attendant,'
said :-. l The Preeddent is dead I" The
confused. attendant 'stammered' • and
changed calor as- be "tried to say nay,
but the sagacious old man said ; " If he
had been alive he would linve been the
first to call on me ; but he has not been
here, nor has be sent to know'how.l am,
and there's the flag at half mast." The
old statematesinductive reason hadtold
'the truth, and 6e lay in silence, the
great tears coursing down his gashed
cheeks, as the: dreadful. truth %sank into
hie mind.
JEFF. Davis:—A despatch from Wash
ington saYs-that the grounds being tak
en by the Southern press and many of
their loaders that they have- '.comtnitted
no crime, but had the right to ' make
war upon the Union, has annoyed the
President no little, and there are indi
cations for the last day or two that his
purpose to let Jeff. Davis off will be
abandoned._ The pressure from every
Congressman who has seen him is 'very
strong for jtistice . ; they demanding that
it shall be placed beyond cavil that a
million of men have not shed their
blood vain ; that it'cin only'be' done
by the iicaffold.
it The'day- fixed' upon for the execu
tion.of liars—Martha Grinder, condem
ned to death at Pittsburg, Pa., for pois
oning iiwoman,is on the 19th of Jana•
i ary.. When the sheriff went to her cell
to announce tbe ; fact to her o . ibei ClDfor-,
tpnate woman, divining his object, sank
down upon her couch and -sobbed bit
terly. When be read the warrant ebe
gave wey to violent grief, and pr .tested.
her Innocence in vehement language.
After the reading her strength•gave way
and she fainted. . ,
sir The extraordinary story started'
shout a socket courtship and marriage
existing bet Ween the, celebrated . Arctio
elpiorer, Dr.'Knne; and one of the Miss
FOxis,' of Rochester-knockingn fatne,'
will soon receive fresh and - conclusive'
developentents 'in the' publibation, by'
Carleton. of a full history of this - singu
lar connection, to ge th er with correspon
dance. pOrtraits and fac•siiiidelettOrs,
-entitled "The Love Life of Dr. Kline."'
or A merolgikt, -who started- in -busk
mescia - NAP TATl'`w„ . ilpftv pars figootitb
siosPit 4 oittect: to*
lona/ Enterprise. —The Ame rice n S tate s -
man published in New York, has been
offering as a prize to every club of flee
subscribers for•that popular weekly pa
per, one of those splendid Steel Engra
vings of the Uniform Series of National
Portraits, comprising those of President
Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Lieut. Gen.
Grant, Gen'ls. Sherman. Sheridan,Tho
as, McClellan, Fremont, and Admirals
Farragut and Porter, and also including
those of George and Martha Washing
ton, engraved and published in the best
style 19x24 inches for framing valued
At $2.00 each. The Statesman now pro
pees to peke this a National Enter
prize, and if possible place one or - more
of these ,splendid National
.. .Portraits
and the Statesman into- the _bands of
every American citizen.
For that purpose its publishers will
send to even Subscriber far the Statiwi
man for one year who sendsln his name
and $1.50 subscription, before the 'first
of January, 1866, either of the above
splendid engravings free.
And ten subscribers sending $15.00
will receive the full series of twelve
above named. These engravings are
the finest published, and will' worth
$2.00 each.' They - will be Bemired on
rollers, arid sent by mail,' postage paid,
with perfect safety. to any address.
The above offer is Made at 'a great
sacrifice, as a . special inducement to in
troduce the Statesman to every Amer--
can before the first of Jannary, 1868,
and cannot &liana beyond tbat dute
Editors publishing this notice in their
paper and sending us a copy nfarked
will receive a copy of either of ttie above
engravings free. Address, - '
67 Naisau Street, New York. '"
' • sS.pltial Matta
male Remedy for Irrigularities.—These Drops
are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara
tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or
Nostnnns. ' Being liquid, their action is direct ,
and positive, rendering them a rellable,-spee
dy and certain specific for the cure- of all ob
structions and suppressions of nature. Their
popularity is indicated by the fact that over
100,000 bottles are annually sold and consum
ed by-the ladies of the United States, every
one of whom 'speak in the strongest terms of
praise of their good merits. They are rapidly
tahing the place of every other Female Rem
edy, and are considered by all who, know
aught of them, as the surest, safest and most
infallible preparation in the world, for the
cure of all feMale-complaints, the removal of
all obstructions of nature, and - the promotion
of health, regularity and strength.> Explicit
directions staling when they, may be used, and
explainingoeben they should " not,
not be used without producing effects contra
ry to nature's chosen laws, will , be found care
fully folded around each bottle, with the writ
ten- signature of JOHN L. LYOII, without
which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. Josirt'L. Lvon,-195 Chapel
street, New-Haven, Conn., who ,can be con
sulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing
stamp) concerning all private diseases and fe
male weaknesses 7 Sold by Druggists eiery
where. C. G. & Co.,
lyl Gen't" Agts for U. S. and Canada&
Ttr'litle EDITOR
Dear Sir :—With your permission 1 wish to
say to the readers of your paper that I will
send, by return mail, to all wlio wish it, (free)
a recipe,witli 'full dire - ctions.for making and
using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effec=
Wally remove; in ten' ignyer,- Piniples, Blotches,
Tan, Freckles, and albimpurities of the skin,
leaving the same soft,,elear, smooth and beau
tiful,. I will tilso mail free to those having
Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions,
and information that will enable them to anat .
a' full' groWth'of luxuriant Hair, Wbiskerimr
alVloustache, in less than . 30 days.
All applications answered by return 'mail
without charge. . Respectfullysours,
4 penzist P,..erfrpner,
831 Broadway, N. Y. iseP- 39.-3111,44 C
AGENTS WANTED WaVratide easy!
By selling Engravings, Card Photographs and
Stationary.• Our :Stationary-Packets excells
all others ; each package contains Paper, En
velopes, Pencil, Pens, &c , and Jewelry worth
a dolt r_at retail. 'Price only Thirty ,Cents.
We will send Agents 100 Ntationary
and a Silver Watch forsl7. We also publish
splendid Steer Engravings and portraits; Lith-'
ograph Prints; &c., very pdpulair andsaleable.
Will sends fine.assortment , of 100 for-.:$15:00,
that willlealiFe.sso ;: or a_ $lO lot that will
sell for $3O or over. Will send a sample lot
for five dollars that will sell for fifteen.
Send stamp for catalogne, tern% &c.
HASKINS & Co., 36 13eekulan-at., N.Y. •
THE liotrasTs.The gayest - season of the
entire, year is now approaching; butwhilstwe
ars l unjoying this, festive season, let usnot for
get that in time of health we must always;
PreParell for diseise. Cough,: colds , crOup,
sore ihioldistliMit and whooping cough 'are
speedily cured •by COE'S COugh ' Salsam.—.
whilst Dyspepsia, constipation', sickt.headache
sour stomach, indigestion—the most prolific_
source of ill health, is certainly cured by the.
timely use of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure.:
BLINDNESS, DE/i.FNEge and Catairt . tree
ted with - the utmost success, by Dr. J. - fickAea,-
Oculist and' 21nristi (formerly of Leydon,
land,) N 0.519 PINE street, Philadelphia.. Tea
timonials from the most reliable sources in the
City and 'Country, cap be seen_ at .
The medical fac.ulty are invited to accompany
their patients, as be has no secrets in. Ms prac
tice.' AnizifciA is Erse inserted without pain
No charge Made for examination. 1.26-Iy.
'PITH ! ITcs 1 ! !Ins• 11! Scratch! Renal* It
Scratch 4, 1 ,:"WheatoysPiatinent? will cure
the.4ch40,48 0 0111 '11- Abr. sBrek . Sß4
Vicere,Chilbleinn, and all 'eruptions of the shin
PricetiOcenie For ealeiy all d ; tiggune
By sending 60 cents to WEEng & Perrin
Sole 'Agents, 170 14eliing1dni• Btreet,t, Boston,
Bliali4. l t*W'be'' l6 A+#l.l4l6 * , l MOVfien
yieetnamilc! sot Piloo6 l 4, l A`Btlutno tear
what is the matter ?" said Abernethy, the
great English surgeon, to a cadaverous-look
ing patient, who had called to consult him.
"Oh, nothing serious," was the reply. " my
stomach and liver are out of order, that's all."
"Do you call that nothing serious said Ab
ernethy; 4, I tell you, Sir, that when these
two organs are out of order, as you
thete's not a square inch of the body that Is
not mere or less diseased, nor a drop of blood
in it that is in a healthful oondition." Noth
ing can be more true, therefore it is of the
very highest importance to keep the stomach
and liver in a vigorous condition. If the one
is weak and the other irregular in its action,
rose and control them with Hostetter's cele
brated Stomach Bitters—the most genial vege
table Restorative and Alterative tiles. ba ever
been adminietered as a cure for Dyspepsia and
Liver disease. It is recommended by
guished Burgeons and physicians afire Liu/I,A
/MY; fiYalitei:rs of iiiekiiny ead
vy, by ourllia authors, bj etinnillt clergy
trieuin fact, by thouSainis of the moat iiitel
ligent of every class, as an unequalled protec
tive against Opedemic and mutations : disease,
and as a perfectly innocuous, but at the same
time powerfpl, invigorant and alterative. [D-
To CorrstinivrivEs.—The undersigned hav
ing been restored to health in a few weeks by
a very siinple remedy, after having suffered
several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption, is an
xious to make known to his' fellow-sufferers
the means of - cure. To all who desire it, he
will sen'd a copy of the prescription, flee of
charge, wits the directions for preparing'and
useing the same, which they will find a sure
cure for Consumption,Astina,Brorichitis,Colds,
Cciugh - s, etc. The only object of the adverti
ser in sending the preat.riptiOn is to benefit
the afflicted and spread infOrmation which he
conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost
them nothing, and may prove a blessing. ,
Parties wishing the prescription, will please
address. Rev. EDWARD A. WiLsox, William
liuri,Kings County, New-York. [sep3o3to
?Cr Theret ferlsothing" m - oreeertani to , pre
vent female irregularities than Dr. Velpau's
Female Pills; they will, in all cases, cause a
return of monthly sickness, without which no
unmarried lady can enjoy perfect health. For
ale at Dr. Hinkle's drug store, Marietta.
Tot OULD niost respectfully take this meth
I'l od of informing the citrpris of Marietta
and the public in general, that, having laid in
a lot:ofsessoned- Lumber is now prepared to
manufactpre, ail kinds of
in every, style and variety, at short notice.
.. tiehatron - hand a lot of Furniture cif his own
manufactme, whica for fine . finish and good
workmanship, will rival any City matte.
113•• Especial attention paid to repairing.
' He is also now prepared to attend, in ell its
branches, the UNDERTAKING business, be
ing supplied with an excellent . Herne, large
and small Biers,• tooling Box, &c:
la . COFFINS finished in any style—plain
or costly.
Ware Ronm and Manufactory, near M.
Duffy's•new building', near the "-Upper-Sut
ton," Marietta, Pa. (Oct. 22.
1. 866; The best of the bioutlilies--devo
ten to LiI'hiRAIURE and FASHION. $2 -
50 a year. We give W ili ELER„3 WiL.
SAN'S Celebrated $55 Sewing Machina on
the following terms :=
TWahty copies . ‘nd the SiWing Machine, $7O.
Thirty ctifues and the Sewing Miehile;” $B5,
Forty copies and the sewing Aachine, SIOU.
Send 15 cents for.a sample copy to DEA
CON ds PETERSON, :319 Walnut strecty
Philadelphia. _ _
By 119iss. Caroline : E. Kelly,
Author of - 4 .l3ernico, thie Fame en Daughter
"Amt.)* mac.
Beautifully _lllustrated.
, PR ce.Ei
This is a book that 'caliber Jail to do great
good. rt. is . from the pen one of the . inu.t
eueeesecul writers of the Prekni day; as the
home of Miss Kelly is a household word to
thousands of lanunes. where net .excellent
books have Ikea read with ninthly, moth and
delight. Single Copies tit the book-will be sent
b) mail, to auy address, on receipt ut price.
Sample copies of our paper, "The .11.1,1 a)
Se.hoot Tinier," furinined free on application.
..'J. C. GAR.u; ' t./ Lo.,
Publishersk Booksellers,
148 South 'Fourth-cit.:, Phiumelphia.
First. NatioAal Bank o Marietta
is now,pOparad to transact all kinds of
The - .Board of Directors meet weekly, on
Wednesday, for discount and other` business
$3-Bank Moirsi From 9A.srto3 P. n.
AMOS 80W11f..4.61, Cashier.
Estate - of Maria Welland, late of
the Borough of Marietta decaased:
'Letters of administration on said estate hay
ing been granted to, the undersigned; alt per
sons indebted thereto are requested to make
immediate settlementi and those having claims
or-deman4 tsmnst the same wilt present them
without delay for settleMiht to . the`undersigu
ed, residirigin said Borough• of -Marietta:—
Marietta; Septeniber3o; 1265. .4 6t.
P - 1? LE SI 300 Earrel4 iiew-York and
.11^ Michigan NOnter Apples, . ,
Just received . 111 14 1 ; 0 1011,'); :. it RICE.
-Marietni, -, November 18,1865.
ALARGE- atotle of Paper and Envelopes
of the best quality just received and for The Gokleu Mortar.
. . .
Clycerine, Palm, Almond ,' Bathand
Shaviag,ASOAPS....Equal to-any imparted., - 7 ,..
Juetreceived andfor We, very cheap at,
Ut :ST a:l4, MeatD4 Sten
R A u
_a: Kegs, Tutei;Bigeketi and Cedar-wate
eater Lain consteuntron 'hand at
• ---
rHO ICE; HAVANA-4g G ALAS ',and the
r.. be g t Cheriag and Arnold:* Tobacco at .
- •WOINEts: '
SHADERAtitiiiankrkably low pike's--
009 ft NGL E!".
- •
z , _E O PRI YriP.I.RAIC 0 °1 4 7- ' de failktigqxl.
' ei4 l, —M4 J - ;_.4lMlAP.'AilStili ,lin it d igittch At AL ll
is 61 ThrliMithan7 - - ,- '
If yout bowels are costive,
If you have worms,
If your breath is bad. THEM
If you feel drowsy,TßY THEIL
If you are low spirited.THEß
If you have a sick headache.
If you have taken a drop too !T wo,
They only cost TO cents a box,
Blue Vass, and other preparations of Iln
eurp, actually prouuce more slifferlog
death than the diseases which they Nf etst4
cure. And vet this corrosive mineral
flounced toy the allopathic doctors, is p ry,
bed by them almost universs'ly in Lly tte _
plaint, Consumption,of Lungs, li t 411 '
are composed entisely of carts ail he r b s
tamed from the great storehDave of Nato,
and their.salutary encts will appear a l
as the medicine is brol4ht to the test or a f i ,
experiment SC ti ENEICS KANDR.IgI
PILLS do not produce at y nativ a or siene4
of the atomics?) ; but when given for Dy l p, t ,
sia, it may b e proper to ula them is comet.
tion with SCJIENCK'i SEAWEED T.)NI(,
By this judicious treatmen' the digestive f R .
ulties are speedi'y restored to their full vio ,
and the worst cases of indigestion may
When we reflect that the liver is OP l aw
internal organ of the body, that to it 131541.
ed the important duty of filtering the by sf
and prepanng the bite, that it is subject I s
many disorders, and that when it is dew
or inactive the whole body suffers synsit st
ically, It is not surprising that a rsed, t2 ,
which, can restore the healthy operations
the Liver should produce wonderful ellsoss
in the general health, a•ii effect cures et
may appear to be almost miraculous, fi n d,
ache of long continuance, severe pains in.!
side, breast and shoulders, aching of the sms,
a feeling of general weakness all wre!cie,.
ness, and other alarming and distressinm as .
to "Is, indicative of imperfect or dianderela.
Lion o f the liver, are speedily removed by ly e
Costiveness, piles. biller or nor etsetttn;
and that indescribable feeling of eppren4
mental anxiety, it.ngeor, lethargr enj
pression of spirits, which unfit a man Mr Ch
management of business and the enjlymnitd
life, are all relieved by the use of
DA- &HE rrcx.— Dear : ta'.ep!eiim
in sending you a rertificaie in aldnion ti
many you have already receiriol from •ife.
ing humanity. I can scarcely &id !sins,
sufficiently strong to expiese my ?twit
gratification of the yrnii,lerfol cares
IC have effected in the entire core or
the most stubborn Cases of the affiTtalo is r
liver. Fur three years 1 suffered teyoc, cc
acription ' • all my frcechls. as .
came to the conclusion that my time. :
life was short . Such wss terou'e c •
Lion to which I was ledu:A . .l mist lice
had bec ,me a burtheri; coy ail
in a state of inflarrun 'than ; I c 9 iJ a) ,
could nut sleep; my wU.).e 9r.1 • Wl4
with pain ; awl wen.d arias
and ankles, renderiog them „:co
On several occasions I w.c,s Wtsecei
rush of blood to the 110 ad,
me to the groutA, aid I :•.
away for dead. I apdike,l to e
physicians of our wy, „nzhte: :
the medicines that they t:. )441: ,c):,
my case, bat of no avail.
One of them said he co,i'.d do :13 m—
me, and advised me, as a lag los)rt,
cod iiker oil. Not relish' z,
declined to take it. Accent ,
tisement in my Ilaudl. I cit , lel , Iy3. •
examined me and told me the oitor ,
disease. You then ordered the
Tonic with an observance of diet, P- , Z
your word that in one were i WY P
self another man. I follawr.: you 1. , ze,
and, as you predicted, an ;it
etTectea. I continued put PL'A not i'
for sortie time, and my.v
goodness, and your in:alun . CP
am once mole restorP.l n, v-irct
most earnestly recromme: , l
suffering from affection I the liver
your Pills and Panic r ,sl7 '•
will be effected. I have sera many'
to you. and they have all been Cre!.
information my fellow-cuizeNi nay r .
wit I be freely given by the '
residence, No 812 Federal
street and Pei:* unk road
RLEs 4 .1:01'; 4 1S ,
Formerly Pn•,rer,`
Da. SC Wl.' prof , sl , l3
principal office, No. 15 N'.:r:115,z:".1 2, ; ".
net of Commvce, rt . er
day, from 9 a. to , until 4 p. rn.;
street, New York, every Toes:ay.
3; No. 38 Sumner istieet, Boglon, %1:1
every Wednesday; from 9 to 3: ai.l ?trl
other Friday at 108 Baltimore stree!,
more, Md. Ail advice. free, but for
ough examination of the luno with
pirometer the charge is three dollars.
Price of the PUIIII0:11C Syru ) E.r.l
Tonic, each $1.50 per bottle. or 97.50;;er.t,
dozen. Mandrake Pills. 2.5 cents per St.
For sale by all Druggistsand Dealer!.
1866 ! 1866! 1566
The best paper in the United S.:steel:.,
chanics, Inventors, and Manufacuar!, !
the Scientific American. It is the lsr;:", •'
size, and has by far the widest circuls., •
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It is publist ed weekly. Each number c.r.i•,•
sixteen pages, with numerous illudira!,!'!•;
The numbers for a year makes two v!•• I
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ted articles upon tools and Mschin 3 ry
workshops, Manufactories. 51 e" a'3
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Fe . L
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can understand and which everybody 115 e
read.. ;
Also, report of ScieptifiC Soc:et." th ou .
. and abroad ; Patent law Decisions a
*sion, practical recipes, etc. It 8 150 !. o ' ,l
an Official List of all the Patent 0,151:.1
special feature of great value to inventor, °
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The Pub ishers els , act as agents WO'
ring Patents for nest/ Invenliocth trrit
A new volume of the Scientific Au
commences January 1. r,hr•
it. R. S S 3 per year ; 50 for 41•
Ten copies for one year, $ 2 CID° otiO
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